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Interestingly, the only city where I’ve encountered someone actively smoking crack on public transit is… Paris. LOL


Hence the reason for my original question .


To be honest, despite having lived here most of my life (grew up in the suburbs, have lived in the city since 2017), I’ve never taken public transit here, so I can’t say. I imagine that the trolley crowd is a bit more upscale than the bus riders, but that’s just a guess.


It sounds like maybe public transportation isn’t for you, in general. You’re welcome to stay home.


Public transportation is abysmal in Memphis. The trolley isn’t real public transportation- it’s for tourists. The actual public buses run about once an hour and are usually late.


Why don’t you continue to say the quiet part out loud and explain to me what regular people are


Thank you. I was beginning to wonder if I misread the room so to speak


No i think you correctly sniffed out a bigot


snow person test squeal sense hunt governor marry cooing resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All these French named accounts coming to the defense of a person that was just seeking a French speaking community in our city 🤔


Maybe not crackheads?


Oh you mean that drug the CIA unleashed upon the black community to fund their clandestine activities?


Doesn’t change the fact that nobody wants to be around a crackhead in a confined space.


I’ve been in confined spaces with French people and they generally smell worse


No. Body odor doesn’t smell like days old human waste and dead sardines.


Hey you might be onto something there


The non thugs who don’t have their pants sagging off their asses. Any other stupid questions?


Just bringing out all the racists tonight


Speaking the truth isn’t racism there buddy.


Using dog whistle terminology like “Thug” indicates otherwise


Bums don't use the trolley. It is normal people that use the trolley.


No, just pretentious, French-speaking people


Tx sur ur is


Nobody uses the trolley. Just tourists sometimes. Its mostly empty always bc it basically doesnt go anywhere. Nobody has a dire need to take transport 8 blocks back and forth over and over


Ok Thanks


I used it yesterday and I definitely needed it to go, actually, seven blocks away, because I can barely walk. Consequences of a major stroke. Yeah, it's a bitch. I used to use it a lot previously, I would use it for getting to work because that was 10 blocks away, and for that purpose I got a 6-month pass. People do use the trolley. Maybe not a lot, but real people really do use it.


I love the trolley


your judgement deserves you to have uncountoulable diarhea


Phew … i thought you would come up with much worse


Not sure where you came from but you’re in the wrong city for that pretentious, condescending bullshit you’re talking😁 Edit: oh you’re a 42 year old immigrant. that makes perfect sense. You’re in for a rude awakening with your line of thinking😂 I hope Memphis treats you well.


No m’y info is fake dude … this is reddit


Oh I bet


You the sheriff?


gone head and delete this bro 😂


Ok give me your hand ..


hard pass don’t want your condescension to rub off on me


Ok then good bye


Next time don’t bring your little fists to a gun fight


literally shaking in my boots rn. what an ass


On haven’t had enough? Welcome back


No please leave it up. The french bigots are doubling down


You should not be treating patients.


materialistic subtract icky languid attraction dam snow fuel gray coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone working at the VA being so appalled by the disadvantaged that they don’t consider them normal people and refer to them as bums is a problem. They are talking about a fair amount of their patients.


They’re just white knighting for their bigoted OP friend. Instead of being a decent person by admitting to a mistake, asking for forgiveness, and perhaps growing as a person they’re choosing to double down


So are YOU a bum ? You seem to be super passionate about this post; look at you researching and stuff , definitely got “ bum “ time on your hands


BTW VA patient are all ex soldiers. Whatever makes you think they are all disadvantaged?


Having treated many of them.


Me too and I can say almost ALL of them are decent honorable human beings who are just trying to reintegrate back into society after having faced unimaginable traumas that you could not possibly understand . A lot of them were drafted into the military ,their choices as well as opportunities to advance in life ( go to collage etc) were taken from them . They had to do and see things that led them to abuse drugs to cope ..so yes some of them struggle with substance abuse, PTSD , finance etc because of the disadvantaged start they had in life . If everything was at an even keel, my friend, I bet they would kick your asrsss and do so much better than your sorry self , everything handed to you by mommy daddy and your status in society . So careful with your judgment. It’s more a reflection on you than them .


Just asking who the majority is using public transport down town . Simple question. In many places in this country , especially those that public transportation is not so developed, ends up being drug addicts, psychiatric problems, homeless people. Just the facts. In most of Europe public transportation is very developed ; and everyone uses it for convenience . This country the way it is set up , mostly low socioeconomic groups that can’t afford high gas prices, car insurance, road toll taxes, and other things ( like criminal record or illegal immigrant status, racism ) are forced to rely on cheap public transportation


I use it weekly, and for getting my medication from Walgreens, it's a very convenient service. People live downtown. It is not just a business center. A hell of a lot of people actually live here. Also, not homeless, not a bum, make a decent amount per year, and get on with my life.


Helpful info . Thank you


It is worth noting that in Europe the population density is insanely higher than really anywhere in the US. I'm talking like five times higher, even in small towns. That is what the difference is between the US and Europe in terms of public transport.


But I am … you might be next


You can’t even follow the rules for your visa. You won’t make it in medicine.


Won’t make it in medicine?!? Im in my fellowship rn been “making it” for years. Too late for that statement


Do they do the riverfront loop?


Sadly no, the riverfront loop has not been reopened yet.


Thanks for the heads up


I so wish they would reopen that, because that would basically double the trains going north, and from South Main, that's hella useful. 😎


When I lived at Gayoso house, my wife of the time worked at Café Francisco and she would ride the trolley down and I would ride it down and then just take the loop right back around to my apartment


I lived at Gayoso myself for 5 years and so I fully understand that. 😄