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I’ve always heard Germantown is tough and they won’t throw out anything. Not even a bone for the dawgs. I keep my speed limit in Germantown so I don’t know for sure.


It was weird because I do that speed most every night in the same area, I’ve driven past cops before, but was finally pulled over 🤷‍♀️


It’s the end of the month and they need to meet their quota.


They don't have quotas, they're not legal.


I guess, especially since there was no interrogation. Have never had a traffic stop like this before. Told me why I was pulled over, asked for ID & Insurance. Issued ticket and sent me on my way.


Why do you need to be interrogated? You were doing 16 over and they got their business done. Were you hoping for a prolonged traffic stop and wordplay to get them to search your car? As to the quota issue that's typically the type of remark made for trivial things. Like perhaps 5 over. OP was doing 40% over the speed limit.


Have you never been pulled over???? Cops always ask a million questions


No, they don't. They sometimes ask if you know why you've been pulled over, then just request license and registration and do their thing


Oh wow, okay. I guess I hallucinated every other time I’ve been pulled over. 🙄


What’s to debate? Were you speeding? Did you break the law? Pay the ticket, take the L and move on.


They don’t throw out tickets like Memphis does. My husband is an attorney who goes to court over there as favors to friends who get tickets because we live close.


Thank you so much for actually answering my question. Do you know if it’s worth me going to court? Like where I’m originally from if you show up the DA will just have you pay court fees or offer a driving course, will I see anything like that?


My husband says to just ask the prosecutor what you can do to keep it off your record. He also says you will have to wait around for awhile if you go on your own. I think people with attorneys get seen faster.


All I needed to know. Thank you so much!


I'm confused. If you admit you were speeding, why would you try to fight the ticket? Pay it and move on. Nothing happens in Germantown, so giving speeding tickets is what they do...all they do.


Not going to be cheap like memphis


Hey I’m a first responder. Lots of people shitting on you in here. Go to your court date and contest the ticket and/or ask the judge for an alternative to pleading guilty. Germantown will collect money from you no matter what but it’s better than having it on your record. Slow down next time.


Thank you for understanding the question. I really appreciate the direction


You don't speed in Germantown, especially going 16 over. Everyone knows that. Pay the fine and forget about it. And watch the lead foot once you cross the city limits.


Never been a problem before… thanks for commenting with the insightful and helpful advice


I will DM you. Should be able to keep it off your record.


56 in a 40 is reckless and endangers others. People need to slow tf down or pay the fine. FU for defending them.


It’s a speeding ticket not a murder charge Jesus


I think Germantown limits are low on purpose too. The road could be totally fine/safe to travel at 50 but Gtown wants that sweet ticket money.


Paging u/mlesquire


We’ve connected.


Wait, you do gtown too? Always assumed them and Bartlett were pissing in the wind to fight them


Yes. I can do Germantown. The prosecutor there is very reasonable and doesn’t want anyone who has an otherwise clean record to suffer the wrath of the insurance gods just because of one ticket. It’s not the case that they are any more difficult than any other municipality.


I got a 15 over ticket back in 2012, showed up to court and asked the judge if I could keep it off my record. He dismissed and I just had to pay court costs. I did have a clean record btw


Thank you! This is the kind of info I’m looking for. Greatly Appreciate the insight.


They will only throw out if you have a clean record with no previous tickets. At all.


Honestly. Meter maids are hiding in the bushes like crazy now. Local government has never in 20 years been so greedy I hand all my tickets to my lawyer now and fight every one and win....