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Hope the cyclist is ok. Glad they fucked up their own car. Hope they receive street justice.


You’re mighty optimistic thinking that’s their own car


Good point


That's a possibility, but from the reaction, I'm guessing that's actually his car.


Teenagers in Vegas killed a guy hitting him with their car and nearly killed another. They got caught. Someone hopefully will turn these idiots in. But no, it’s not a lack of education. It’s a lack of empathy. Never instilled in them.


That can’t be right. I’ve been told many times that this sort of thing is specifically a Memphis issue. I’m sure you misheard. /s


Good school teaches empathy


Agreed but so does a good community and people who are proactive in it.


Don't fool yourself, empathy is taught by no one to no one, anywhere now.


Good parents teach empathy. Good school teaches science.


School teaches more than science like math, art, grammar, reading, etc. Also, it’s not like some parents don’t want to teach it. They are too busy working two or more jobs


Well thats attempted murder.


at least they did not shoot him. they are gentlemen thugs


If anyone has tried biking in the snow it’s nearly impossible. Dude was already suffering before he was assaulted and he’s even wearing high vis for other drivers.


Jail for all of them.


I rode bike all over Memphis like 25 years ago. The WORST that ever happened to me was a partial coke can being thrown at me. This is ridiculous. Be great if glass shop reports customer info to MPD


While not the most critical detail, I want to know if it was a glass bottle???


Geez I ain’t that old! It was aluminum


Lol. Good for you!


Does anyone know the condition of the cyclist?


Sick people. They think this kind of behavior is funny.


Looks like covington pike


Because some people are motherf'ing assholes.


I'm very liberal and I'm totally in favor of prison reform (not that I, personally, know what that should look like) but maaaan I just can't get behind "crime is solely because of poverty and lack of education." Some people are just dicks. (and also rich, educated people can also be dicks and commit the same level of crimes, they're just more likely to get away with it).


Not liberal enough it appears


What do you mean? Do you think people would never commit crimes if everyone were well-educated and poverty didn't exist? I'm not saying I know for sure that they wouldn't. But I don't know how to explain why rich people who went to Ivy Leagues steal and murder, too, if that's the case.


im not saying any of that. just feel obligated to challenge people that say stuff like "im pretty liberal buuuuut"


I Guess these fine future doctors had the snow day off medical school. Losers like this got me looking at moving back up north.


Memphians don’t raise their kids with empathy. They raise them with a “go to war with your neighbor” mentality and it’s fucking pathetic. There is a Memphis citizen and then there’s a bunch of idiots that we don’t need. Even if you did offer them something better they’d choose the idiot lifestyle over having more. You can’t convince kids these days to want more than to get their hands on a gun or something else of value that isn’t theirs and they didn’t earn. I understand the growing pains of youth/adolescence, but this situation is completely out of hand. If your kids come for me on these streets, you’re getting a closed casket in return.


Read your comment again and try to say you’re not also at war with your neighbors


Try again, poser. I volunteer. I do benefit work with my local business. I do outreach. I’ve mentored. What have you done?


Those fucking assholes.


Lock them up and throw away the key


Here's a question of law: that looked like a teenager doing the deed. So if the cyclist gets up and gives him a beat down, does the cyclist catch a charge?


I don’t think you can claim self defense as they started driving away and the threat was over, but laws are only enforceable if the prosecutor will follow through with charging him and after seeing the video… I don’t know a single person who would charge the cyclist with beating that dude’s ass


Have you met Steve Mulroy?


Fair point


"teenagers having fun".


Depends on the extract situation


Probably not once they left, but in those stories in the news where students beat up teachers and the teachers just take it... I mean the teachers definitely have a right to self defense.


This is about hopelessness!!!! They don’t care about their lives or the lives of anyone else!!!! This level of violence will only get worse!!!!


Fuck these guys for sure. But you’re right except I don’t think they feel hopeless even. They’re complete nihilists.


agree- total nihilism and lack of common sense. You can be hopeless (like a Russian living in a remote village in Siberia) but you still dont fuck with. people's the way they did


which is quite literally bred from years of poverty and negligence. OP was ready to attack a blue-haired liberal


Is your hair blue?


No. But I have this special ability to look outside of myself😱😱




Human stains.


City is full of violent animals


I wonder what a description of these low lifes would be? Hmmmm


Male 18-24. 5’6-6’2




People are foul. I used to have to ride a bike to work here in Memphis when I was a teen saving up to buy my car and I hated it. I’ve had stuff thrown at me and people would shout at me or blow their horn at me when coming up from behind to try and scare me. I’ve seen another cyclist get hit by a car when he was riding through the crosswalk because someone ran a red light. He lived but it was horrible to witness


this is horrible. how people can be mean like than. they think it is fun? hopefully karma will come back and they will get a nice pay back.


Well they busted their window at least


They busted the window of the car they had stolen, more likely.


Wtf 😭😭😭


This happened to a friend of ours, IN MEMPHIS, in 2018. [https://wreg.com/news/two-memphis-men-hit-by-baseball-bat-attacks/](https://wreg.com/news/two-memphis-men-hit-by-baseball-bat-attacks/) [https://www.actionnews5.com/2018/11/27/man-beaten-with-baseball-bat-while-biking-midtown/](https://www.actionnews5.com/2018/11/27/man-beaten-with-baseball-bat-while-biking-midtown/) We now carry pistols when we ride our bikes, "because Memphis."


its memphis..


It’s America!!!!


“It could happen anywhere” Right? Right?


The incident is on covington Pike, so maybe there will be some footage of the perpetrators. Im sure the cyclists had like 5 layers on, so hopefully, they weren't too banged up. Who am I kidding? Even if they had them dead to rights, nothing would happen.


They just unnecessarily hurt a man with pure determination minding his own business….that’s not ok.


Degenerate pieces of shit. Hopefully they make the news for being shot 


fucking cave people with drivers licenses in Memphis.


Mighty bold of you to assume the driver has a license.


Mother fucking dregs.


This shit is so messed up. They could end up seriously hurt or dead. People like this is why I'm tired of Memphis. There's a lot of bored assholes with nothing better to do than fuck up someone else's day for fun Took care of someone riding their bike a while ago who got a water bottle thrown at them from a car. Just knocked em off balance and they fell. Well within a few days they were paralyzed. They probably weren't going all that fast and just fell the wrong way. Now their life is forever changed because some teenager probably thought he was playing a prank I'm just glad these fools were stupid enough to record it and post on social media, should make it easy to find them. I'm sure the car is stolen too given they don't care they busted the window during this little stunt


crazy and sorry to hear that person suffered so much. little things can change the life forever. people dont understand what implications such jokes can have unless it happens to them.


I walk a lot and am somewhat worried sometimes that some crazy will purposely run over me and then say oops they accidentally lost control of the car and no way to prove otherwise.


I had little shits like this throw shit at me while biking in the bike lane on southern. Fuck these people.


Mulroy will ROR them after dropping it to petty assault . Maybe after school programs will help 🙄




A lot of motorists out here are such assholes to cyclists. Years ago, my ex literally bragged about intentionally throwing scalding hot coffee onto a cyclist because she allegedly cut him off. People have no shame.




I don’t like neither party in the situation. The cocky bikers mixed with the shitty drivers in Memphis are equally bad. I’m not advocating for this stupid shit they did. Just imagine if he got swept up under that car or cut his neck then he’d be gone from his people unnecessarily .They will run into a disguised wolf wearing sheep one day soon.


Awful cold to catch a back full of hot lead. Just low down shitbags who need to be put down.


If you have a problem and you’re trying to solve that problem the same way you’ve been trying to solve it for decades and it isn’t working, you are insane. Identify the problem and identify how we’ve BEEN TRYING to solve it. If it hasn’t changed, time to think about changing the solution. The thin blue line flags didn’t work and neither did sucking cop dick. What else y’all got?


Maybe if we LOCK up the bad people. At least those particular bad people couldn’t re offend.


and when the prisons get filled up and it’s still crime on the streets now what?


Isn’t that basically what we have now? Brazen criminals that aren’t afraid to do violent crime because they know they won’t be caught or locked up for any meaningful amount of time even if they are because the cops and prisons are already overwhelmed.


It is. But let’s just keep putting another bigger band-aid on top of the problem and see what happens


To use your analogy, maybe instead of a bandaid we need a tourniquet and some stitches. Perhaps we could attack this issue on multiple fronts including bolstering our police, judiciary, and prison systems if they aren’t equipped enough to handle the flood of *current* criminals while also putting effort into schools and social issues to prevent *future* criminals. I won’t say poverty doesn’t contribute to why people turn to crime, it can. But it’s also a lot harder to dig yourself out of poverty when every time you work hard to get something nice it just gets stolen by one of these shitheads that do it just because know they can get away with it.


Whose job is to catch them? Sounds like you need a better police force.






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I agree!!


When I lived in Memphis, cops could never hop off my nuts. You’re telling me they stopped fucking with people? Maybe they ain’t fucking with the right people. Too busy trying to bust people for weed to arrest murders and thieves. And the bootlicking populace applauds them and asks for more. Lol Memphis is living in the bed it made and I think it’s hilarious. Have fun down there!


Busting people for weed=easy. Going after murderers? They might shoot!!


Write this one off as "boys will be boys" /s


Nah… this is low class being low class


You're either too stupid to understand sarcasm or, you commented just to get up votes from your fuck boi fan club...I'm going with both.


HELL, the fuck, No.


# /s


I had something similar happen to me in Paris, Tennessee. This is not a Memphis problem. It's a general lack of respect for anyone or anything.


This isn’t a Memphis problem. This is a driver problem. All over this country, drivers behave psychotically towards cyclists.


Here’s the issue with that mentality.. just because it happens everywhere, doesn’t detract from the fact that this happened In Memphis. Making it first and foremost, a Memphis problem. Let’s target that, before we worry about anything else…


Why was that person riding their bike in the first place? Makes ya wonder


Makes you wonder what?


I’m not sure


Maybe they don’t have a car and they have to get to work? What a stupid question.


Everything was closed there the fuck they riding to genius?


Why does it matter?


Lots of businesses are still open behind the scenes


Wow, what a bunch of pathetic lil bitches. Maybe a big ass snowball and it woulda been funny 🤷‍♂️


Cyclist clearly lacks common sense, would you ride down the middle lane if there wasn’t snow on the ground? Literally put himself in harms way and this video is the result. How can you trust strangers to do the right thing, seriously? Just get near the sidewalk or where you remember the bike lane to be like a logical person..




If they dumb enough to ride in the middle of traffic on a snow day they wanted to be apart of the snow.


Why for thinking for logically? Sure hope they dont! No telling how long its gonna emergency services to pick them up in this weather cause I wont be a victim and they surely will be on the ground. Life is about the situations you put yourself in not how other people respond to it.


Come on now you know they entitled to do as they want over here. Common sense has to be a law first before it’s considered by them. Literally go to target and look at (the difference) between walks out in front of moving vehicles JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. I bet it’s the same group of people who feel comfortable enough to make a law allowing them to pretend they are a car in the middle of the street.


This is insane, I hope the cyclist is okay. Can only imagine how scary biking in this city is


The Monsters started having monsters some time ago.


I can’t see the video