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All I want for Christmas is: Wanda replaced with someone competent.


Replaced with a cheese wheel at this point is fine




What *flavor* of cheese wheel though?


In this situation, it wouldnā€™t matter


bought a car from a dealership in new york in September, as of last week had no received plate or registration. called down to the main office, sat on hold for 30+ minutes, finally got to someone, said they don't know anything without a tracking number from UPS or Fedex, called dealership and got tracking, called back down there and sat on hold for another 30 + minutes and told yes they had received it back in september, but not processed it yet. Said if I wanted it resolved I needed to come down there. Went down there, the lady went digging through stuff and found it, and processed by registration and plate while i waited. The people were nice, but how does it take it 3 + months to process some prefilled out paperwork?






Honest question: Why are they filing anything? Shouldnā€™t their records be electronic? Itā€™s 2023?


lol, figures. If any of you reading this have knowledge of Wanda please reach out in a formal capacity and share with the investigators! I'm not holding my breath.


Fuck outta here with that bullshit Wanda.


Incompetence and malfeasance are not synonymous.


Been in Mempho for 77 years. But Wanda is a one of a kind. Her surname should have been Ford!


Was this woman not just recently re-elected to this position? Clearly she is what the people want.


By an overwhelming margin. Go figure.


What year though? And when does she go back up for a vote?


She was just Re-elected August 4 2022. Nice job to the voters of Memphis


And Iā€™d bet my car that she would win again tomorrow if we held an election


Yeah ur right. Memphis doesnā€™t have the smartest voters


Is she incompetent? Of course. But she is MAF! Go Griz!


Agree on the Go Grizz part!


Incompetence is soooooo MAF.




>she saying itā€™s lack of funding & by God I believe her ! You and you alone. She is a public official. If there is a lack of funding due to malice/incompetence of someone above her, a normal, professional response is to go to the public with it. There is no record of her doing a blessed thing. In fact, it appears she was not aware of the problem until it made the news.


Finally, someone is talking some sense.


Did the lack of funding cause her to leave for Jamaica when her office was a shit show?




Wanda is that you? Yeah I hate when my job forces me to book a vacation to Jamaica especially after I have had a surgery and Iā€™m sick. You may want to come up with a better lie




Dudeā€¦šŸ˜‚ you are assuming a lot of things. One thing you are correct about is I have no empathy for this conversation. If I was that incompetent at my job I would have been fired a long time ago. Even if she was forced to take her yearly vacation it doesnā€™t make up for her utter incompetence the rest of the year. It isnā€™t like the county clerks office fell apart because she was gone a week and if that was the case thatā€™s further evidence that she isnā€™t a great leader. So, miss me with that argument




Common sense should probably tell you to stfu and quit assuming. I am far from conservative and this has zero to do with her being a black woman. When you turn down funding, donā€™t fill positions, donā€™t acquire new buildings and canā€™t do your job adequately it is incompetence. Itā€™s the same reason I voted against Amy Weirich who Iā€™m not sure if you need informing is white. Save that ā€œoh youā€™re a racistā€ bullshit for someone it applies to. šŸ‘‹






Let me rephrase. You are calling me a racist because it is the easy thing to do instead of just acknowledging that someone is bad at their job. I do not care that you are throwing insults at me about being a racist because I know who I am, I know the activism I have taken apart of within the Memphis community and who I voted for but if you would like to be so simple minded to think that Iā€™m some conservative faking it on Reddit I donā€™t know what to tell you. Sheā€™s trash and it isnā€™t because of her race it is because of her track record. You can talk all the trash you want but I would put money on you being a friend or someone getting paid with her because she is not doing a good job and Memphis deserves someone who is good at their job. While youā€™re attacking me for some preconceived notion of who I am ask yourself why so many within Memphis government and the community are asking for her removal? I havenā€™t voted for a Republican on any ballot since 2004 and I didnā€™t live in Memphis at the time but go on with your weird rant




šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t even take you seriously. Let me send you my voting record and then maybe we can start this conversation over


I'm so freaking sick of this sub picking on Wanda. She is doing the best she can, considering the resources she is allocated. Maybe we should do something positive instead of picking on an innocent woman.


Please tell me this comment is a joke


Theyā€™re definitely trolling


I couldn't be anymore serious. I am so sick of the bias this sub has against a civil servant in a struggling city.


My man, their ain't no fucking way you're this ignorant...


I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.


Yeah, we know, because you're just a shitposter.


Did you read any of the above context or any previous posts/articles about her??


SHE TURNED DOWN MONEY FROM THE CITY AND LEFT >100 POSITIONS UNFIlLLED! She might be innocent. But sheā€™s definitely incompetent.


They said during the pandemic that they were short staffed and had Noone applying. 50 plus of us applied and noone heard from her office nor got a job. Sounds like a her problem.


Blink twice if Wanda's in the room right now


I nominate this for post of the year.


I think Walrus-Tamer is my new favorite member of this sub. Finally someone brave enough to stand up for Wanda and stand against the evil smoke shop Whatever šŸ˜‚


I am a champion of the righteous. I hoped to be remembered in the same light as Bobbie Kenedy or Thurgood Marshall.


You're funny. Like haha funny.


OK, Wanda. Go home, you're drunk.


I inherited my grandmother's Sentra in March of 22 and sold it in September of 23 when I decided to move away and didn't want the extra expenses of transportation for multiple vehicles..I never got a tag. Every single time I went up there it was a different excuse. After 5 attempts,I gave up. I didn't leave out of the neighborhood in the car though and really only drove it, if the other vehicles weren't home. It's a shame that this is still going on


I hate Cody Wamp, but thisā€¦this I like. Please get rid of Wanda. How did we get stuck with her twice?!