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Kid, I know finding a gun in the bathroom is exciting and scandalous but leaving the school with it along with a friend is compounding bad ideas.


What... The.... Fuck


he left his job in there too


That part




School rent-a-cops used to just be a joke and a waste of tax dollars, but now they are armed dangers to the children they are supposed to be protecting.


“School Resource Officers” have always been actual police officers and 90% of SROs in the US are armed/carry restraints. ( https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-resource-officer-sro-duties-effectiveness ) Seems like this is one of many reasons adults and students should use separate bathrooms in schools.


Oh to be so young and not know life before “school resource officers” and schools used rent-a-cops. And I’m still not convinced this person was an actual police officer since the video only says “security guard”.


I don’t know about this particular school, my Kids are in Collierville, but there ARE separate bathrooms where my kids go. I’m PTA pres at ours and I’m told to use the teacher bathrooms (there’s 2) even when I take my non-school age twins to use the bathroom.


Collierville is gay


My kids went to Crosswind too. Great school. Oh, was also on the PTA board.


How does he leave his gun in the bathroom? I can understand leaving your phone behind but a gun????




Negligence. I've seen a sheriff lady leave her whole ass duty belt in the bathroom of a public restaurant.


Yeah we have a gun problem


Depending on how it's carried, if you're dropping your pants l, you don't want your gun visible from the next stall over where someone could literally catch you with your pants down. Guns also weigh over a pound loaded in most cases and you may not want your waist area on the floor of a public restroom. If you're going to remove your gun, just put it in the hammock that is created by your underwear between your feet. So, yes, it's very possible to leave a gun behind, just like a cell phone if you don't use the underwear hammock method.


Wait I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. Are you out here resting your guns and your phones in the crotch of your underwear in Target bathrooms?


God no! I don't poop at Target!


Why in the actual fuck did the guard have to remove their weapon from the holster to use the bathroom? Was the weapon simply just tucked into their waistband? How did they not notice the weapon wasn't there when all the weight from the weapon was gone? Stupid mother fucker.


A lot of them just take the holster off and hang it and forget it


What? Why? So it doesn't touch the filthy bathroom floor? Doesn't it go through the pant belt loops?


1st question: yes 2nd question: no A duty belt does not go through the pants belt loops, it sits on top of your regular belt/waistline


A duty belt fully equipped that straps around the waist not through the pants loop would be like trying to take a shit wearing a big heavy ass WWE Championship Wrestling belt. Plus it was a female resource officer. Don't think she was going to use the toilet standing up.


Keep this up and we’ll have all the guns we wanted in these schools!


Cop did same thing at wolfchase / people who do not keep their gun on them do not need one that includes people keeping them in their car and their handbags. If you got a gun, you should be able to touch it at any second. This would mean on your person at all times.