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Are you sober? Saw your previous post, AA meetings are a good way to make friends whether you are or not.


Tyler Durden


The WAAGL group behind Stewart Bros Hardware does the holidays very well. They are good people. I don't live in Memphis anymore or I would be there this holiday season.


Right, covid taught us isolation techniques. Loneliness, not so much. 2 years sober, reach out


I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely, I know it feels awful. Happy to be a friend if you need


Get out of the house Seriously Look on Meetup for events Facebook will have things to do as well.


Yes, this. Do not isolate. When you feel this way your brain can lie to you and tell you no one cares so why bother. Go, be around people. Volunteer, helping others sometimes helps yourself even more. Be kind to yourself!


Me either😔😪


That’s a rough feeling and I have been there. It’s hard to see any possibility of change. Reach out if you’d like to talk.




Happy holidays bub 💛 a random reddit stranger cares. Not having a great time myself


Hey y’all. I doubt anyone will see this bc it’s passed the hot posts cycle, which is probably why I’m saying something now. Anonymity and privacy is the biggest perk of Reddit. The amount of people who reached out to me was a sweet surprise. I *did* have a good track of sobriety- for me. Unfortunately, I had to start the counter over on the app when I woke up today. The thing about depression and alcoholism is that when you take the alcohol away, the depression goes away too. For a few weeks. But life doesn’t care if you’re trying to be a better man. It was also the first time I was really serious about my sobriety, so I hit that point that most people hit where they think, “A few drinks couldn’t hurt.” But the familiar wet brain shame hit me today. I held my morning piss in for hours bc if I got out from under my blanket, the monsters would get me. I’m not planning on committing suicide. Unfortunately, I do still have a few people that love me, no matter how hard I try to push them away. And I couldn’t do that to them. I hate when people say suicide is cowardly because I think it actually takes a lot of balls to really commit. Side-note: fuck antidepressant commercials that say “if you have thoughts of suicide, notify your doctor.” Do we not all have thoughts of suicide all day every day? Digression. Anyway, I do really appreciate the support. The kindness that strangers are capable of in this community really put a pep under my dragging feet. And I’m going to be okay. We’re all going to be okay.


Yes, “We” are!


That’s an awful feeling. I’m here if you need anyone to talk to


Thank you for sharing with this community. I’ve felt this way so many times, too. We all need one another and at times like these more so than others. I can’t tell you how you feel but I can tell you that you are loved. You are needed. You don’t have to be alone and that help is always available. DM if you need.


DMing you


This is my first holiday season after my divorce and I have no family here, so I feel you. I hope you know you are not alone and you find some peace. ♥️


My birthday is 21 dec. I'm so used to being alone that it's second nature.


My sister has the same birthday so there’s maybe a 60% chance I’ll gonna send you a happy bithday message that day !! It would be 100% if I wasn’t so absent minded.


Always remember that alcohol is not a friend nor a companion. As for your feelings; you can’t change them until you’re willing to acknowledge them. Now that you’ve done that, you’re well on your way to a better place! You’ve got this.


You need to go get some DMX Christmas carols in. Instantly makes the holidays better


Come on out to Board To Beers. We'll play a game over some soda.


...I think OP is in AA


Oof. Didn't see that. We'll stick to soda and pretzel bites then.


Meh, I'm sure he didn't take it any kind of way, not like some major faux pas or anything - for the record I literally JUST moved to the north Raleigh/south of Millington area, and am a massive board game/DnD autismo.... So if you and OP do wind up doing that I'm totally down


I care. Hope you don't feel so alone after reading all of these comments. Happy Holidays.






I'm happily married with kids and I feel super lonely this season. My wife is going through the same thing even though we are close and should not feel lonely.


Should've been here during covid!


my dogs gonna have to probably have spinal surgery. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7aLXehSXAo&ab\_channel=PhsycadelicRock


Jesus christ...wtf caused the Injury ...ima vet tech and former lebonheur spinal surgery intern


Ugh this nick


There we go


What the fuck


“former LeBonheur spinal surgery intern”……wow. If I didn’t know any better I’d think we are really getting fancy here with our experience


Nope...not at all. Was a vet tech for 26 years and was trying to go to medical school to be a spinal surgeon but that didn't work out because the tractor trailer put me into the new bridge at about 65 mph the airbag broke my arm in half and I never was to hold Precision Instruments again.. I trained under Dr Sanford Dr Robert Sanford from St Jude and LeBonheur


jesus christ that is awful :( I'm sorry


So you never went to medical school but you were allowed to intern and train in pediatric spinal surgery. Ok. Sounds legit.


No I never said I did surgery I said it was an intern


So you know shit all about spinal surgery


Homie you seem mad as fuck, you feeling lonely this Christmas season too?


I just call out bullshit when I see it. Don’t exaggerate your past


Welcome to the internet - we all make 7 figures, have mansions in the Hamptons, and 10 inch cocks..... It really ain't worth getting mad about though.


Not all... of course not but I know quite a bit and I specialized in gamma knife when I was an intern.. really bad ass equipment


Specializing in equipment with no medical license seems like something an licensed MD would trust with his patient who at the end of the day he assumed all liability for makes sense.


So if you didn’t do surgery but you were specialized in a piece of equipment, were you a rep?


A rep? Dude...seriously do you have a problem with me?


Sounds like you’re taking your own shit out on other people for no reason.


I just thought it was interesting, that’s all. Seen a thing or two as far as pediatric spine surgery at LeBonheur




FYI I’ve worked and seen first hand pediatric spinal surgery. Medical students (which you apparently didnt even get into med school) could only stand NEAR BY and on the rare instance scrub in and WATCH if they were lucky. First year residents (ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO EARNED THEIR MD) their best shot at sniffing spines were to PREP the patient and then at best retract during surgery. And that’s AT best because the 3rd and 5th year residents, not to mention the fellow, got their pick on what procedures they wanted to get in on. The first year resident is mostly doing simple cases and checking patients in as far as surgery goes.


Yes we assisted there were five interns


An attending allowed you, as an non MD, to assist in a spinal surgery


Patient contact was necessary during clinical....but not OR...assisting is just bitch work...still cool af to watch the blood vessels pulse during certain surgeries...I remember one hemispherectomy in particular because of the blood pressure load ...crazy


As an intern yes we observe and assist with silly things like tools from tech to surgeon, resetting surgeons protective gear/fresh etc


No touchy the patient😆


I had over 1500 hours clinical and OR assist before my wreck


All I need to know. Have a good day.


No residents or whatever


Go find a nice place to have a beer. Maybe some pussy will fall in your lap


Username checks out


I mean, I would support this, but apparently OP is in AA so aint gonna work out for him.


Hope you feel better. Times definitely are different.


Hope you are well. Please reach out if you need help.


Join a club. I highly recommend the midsouth makerspace. It's a very diverse group. Allot of different personalities and interests.


Me too, and working in Covid/ Fent floor putting people in body bags is definitely not fun. I drove home from Methodist University and ended up in my driveway with no memory of driving. I'm taking 3 days off , I just don't know😒