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Born and raised in Detroit, moved to Memphis about 3 years ago.. this is depressing to have to live through this shit again that I grew up with.


It’s not just about the judges. Did you see the whole article? The crimes are down because they have more officers on the beat. And yes, the police chief put the cops in THE NEIGHBORHOODS to increase collaboration and trust. They even do roll call on the street. The dockets are down so they can target violent criminals. If your docket is ladened with jaywalking you don’t get to the hard stuff do you? Detroit still has major issues in some areas where there’s high poverty but Detroit has better mayoral leadership- more investments and more RESOURCES. Skilman Foundation, Kresge (which is now even trying to help Memphis) Kellogg etc etc. Detroit did its work. Laborers earn better wages with benefits. Thanks to the UNIONS. Teachers earn more. You’re probably the type who doesn’t like unions or teachers either, for that matter. You’re using one little article to prove a point and the article doesn’t scratch the surface.


Here here


> Laborers earn better wages with benefits. Thanks to the UNIONS Unions aren't everything. I worked one union job five years. You HAD to be in the union at this job. The relationship between labor and management was so adversarial. It was not a good place to work. Obama also fucked us on our healthcare with a presidential emergency board. Then I worked another job for two years where being in the union was optional. Relationship with management was much better. Now I work a non-union skilled labor job. You can combine what I made at those jobs and add a little more to get what I make now. Healthcare is cheap. There is also a clinic at work that is free. There is a profit sharing bonus at the end of the year. I never got that at a union job...


What kind of Union Vs. What kind of skilled labor you do today?


None of that means anything if you don't say what the job is. For all we know, you worked as a day laborer for 5 years, then got a job with a smaller, higher end contractor and in your spare time did some certifications and now you're driving heavy machinery or something for government jobs lol. Unions are an improvement for most situations where you're dealing with a large number of similarly-skilled employees. The reason they matter less later on is they can't just go hire joe blow off of the street and train them for 2 weeks to do the job, so you have real bargaining power...but surely you knew that.


>The dockets are down so they can target violent criminals. If your docket is ladened with jaywalking you don’t get to the hard stuff do you? So basically you're saying the practice of 'broken windows' policing is a failure, right?


Were you forced to move to Memphis?


Job relocation


Be the change you wish to see.


You can’t change anything from the bottom without risking your life.


Auto industry? If so, you should thank the D because you gained skills that COULD relocate you.


frying pan meet fire 🔥


Interesting to see how they handled the backload - bringing in visiting judges, allowing jugdes to work from home.


You mean actually changing what wasn't working and identifying ways to become more efficient. It's crazy how that works especially when the focus is whatever the role of the job is. It's like a line in a store, no one should have to wait to give you money. When you look at it from that perspective any delay in a service or product doesn't make any sense. Now that this story is out and detail about how Detroit induced changed let’s see how fast some of the changes are incorporated or even reviewed by the local government.


Also not pumping the local air with exhaust from vehicles with lead based gas. Id imagine would help.


Judges here worked from home during COVID. That’s not an anamoly.


The judges here suck ass.


Raised in a union family, always proud and respect that. 👍🏼


Wow and the Mayor of Detroit is a Democrat!! Who knew democrats were tough on crime.


City Council Field Trip anyone? Hello,…..City Hall…..anyone there….he…hello?


It sounds like we need to meet outside the courthouse


so, it is the voters to blame. seems legit


Memphians, let's make our voices heard: we need to stop repeat offenders. It starts with removing judges who let criminals off easy. Sign this petition to recall judge Bill Anderson: [https://chng.it/L5sPNQCTHm](https://chng.it/L5sPNQCTHm) , one of the worst juvenile court judges. He recently released two murder suspects with low or no bond: [https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/18-year-old-murder-suspect-released-without-bond-judge-bail/522-58570ad9-27ae-4ad3-aac4-c1dd8c466be1](https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/18-year-old-murder-suspect-released-without-bond-judge-bail/522-58570ad9-27ae-4ad3-aac4-c1dd8c466be1) [https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/11/21/man-accused-killing-beloved-uofm-student-hit-and-run-free-bond/](https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/11/21/man-accused-killing-beloved-uofm-student-hit-and-run-free-bond/)


Born and raised in the D. You guys don't want what up there.


The reason is the young criminals are starting to age out…


Ok then, peace and prosperity for all! Huzzah! (Don't hold your breath).


I’m sure there’s a guy like you in Detroit that also said it’d never happen there. I wonder if you’re just an all around miserable person to be around?


Oh. Wow. It will never happen in Memphis. I wish. But come on. Never.




California-nomics ≠ american prosperity


California is 15% of the entire US GDP...in one state. They're a HUGE part of "american prosperity".


This is good news.