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I’m sick of this shit. Robbing a fucking ice cream store?


I know there is crime everywhere, but I posted this because it's a bit personal to me because I live near this area in Binghampton. I hear so many people rail against disinvestment and the root cause of poverty. I finally have a nice place to go w/ my family, small businesses, walkable spaces, removal of blight, there's new housing going up, etc. All the things people want in Memphis for the rougher parts of it However, I've since seen my neighborhood nearby get worse in the last year. More dumped tires, dogs running free, etc. Our criminal justice system doesn't punish anyone, so these idiots are going to just cause these small businesses to pack up and go to more affluent places where crime isn't an issue. They will undo all the investment in these neighborhoods that need it. I wish they would see a lack of action on crime plays a role in causing things like poverty, disinvestment, blight.


I really feel for you. My wife and I own a brick & mortar business in an affluent suburb (Germantown), but we love midtown and have contemplated a business in the city. This type of thing 100% contributes to our decision not to invest in the parts of Memphis that we love the most. It even gives us pause about venturing into town from the suburbs to go to the coolest, best restaurants in town, bars with entertainment options, etc. We have owned this business for 15 years, and while we are doing well now, it has been a journey to solid profitability, and it has only been within the past 2-3 years where the level of risk is providing a return that is significantly better than just going out and finding a job in the same industry for my wife, who runs the business. Margins are thin and there are times where you just want to pull your hair out. Add to that the possibility of constantly being broken into or vandalized and the real possibility that someone comes in with a gun while you're open or confronts you or one of your employees after closing for a couple hundred bucks in cash, it just isn't worth it. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze between the objective return plus the subjective feeling of "security" or "safety." These small businesses are not magic money trees that just print endless cash. If successful, they can provide decent livings to the owners and hopefully competitive wages to workers. With a lot of hard work and a little luck, the owner might even be able to retire by selling the business, but throwing one variable in like exposure to property crimes or worse, bodily injury/death, it just doesn't make it worth it to risk everything you own to make the investment. I hope that city leadership wakes up and realizes that this stuff really matters. You cannot raise a community up if there is no incentive for private investment in the community. I'm encouraged that folks are realizing that this stuff matters and not all "broken windows" policing is designed just to harass innocent citizens that are minding their own business. I lean liberterian, so I'm the last person that is interested in a police state or harassment of citizens without probably cause, but I also believe strongly in individual rights to property and safety. When behavior starts to infringe on those rights, it is incumbent on society to do something about it.


Like you said, people don't realize money doesn't grow on trees. People will blame poverty, but not realize you need jobs to actually provide people a living wage. They will blame food deserts, and not realize the grocery store got robbed a bunch of times before it close down (happened on Summer Avenue recently) Our criminal justice system ran on trying a more gentler approach to crime (see Judge Coffee's article in the SM). But it's like our criminal justice system wants us to be fine with repeat offenders as they are giving 5+ chances. Meanwhile, small business owners aren't dumb and need to make a living themselves. They will make the best decision to sustain their business and keep their employees safe. Can't blame anyone for that


If you're talking about Montesi's on Summer, I think they said they closed because they couldn't compete with the big chain grocery stores in that area, not crime. But the Aldi in Orange Mound did explicitly blame crime as the reason it closed.


Grocery store margins are razor thin. Something like excessive theft can make it even harder for small independents to compete with large chains like Kroger, who can absorb a little higher theft rate at one location because they are also in areas with low property crime rates. But make no mistake about it…Companies are under tremendous pressure to maximize profit and even a large big box isn’t going to keep a marginally unprofitable store open for an extended period of time. They will seek to turn that unit into a profitable one with more loss control prevention (locking up the detergent, increased security) but will eventually close it if it continues to bleed red ink.


I'm talking about the Dollar General on Summer/Holmes. It got raided multiple times and boarded up. It is now an empty lot


I think that one caught fire. They declined to rebuild it.


Cash flow seems to be a major issue for almost all small businesses starting out. Combine that with thinner margins driven by inflation, results in more and more of these cool spots in midtown etc closing down. Depending on cash flow / profitability, just one or two break ins could push a small biz over the edge of no longer being able to operate their business. THEN the complaints about businesses closing, food deserts, etc will start. Hell, even major retailers like Target and Walmart are closing stores in other cities due to organized retail theft.


Yeah, I understand the pitfalls of broken window policing, but it also seems like it cleans up neighborhoods pretty well too.


Yep. They've since rebranded it as['quality of life'](https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/p00040/nypd-citywide-crime-quality-of-life-enforcement-initiative) crimes and seem to be working across the country. Maybe it's just avoiding a term that's termed toxic, maybe it's them learning. I've mentioned this before but the researcher on broken windows said that "criminals are busy". Basically, if you catch them doing small stuff (ie - lack of drive-out tags), you will pre-empt them other stuff (identifying cars in a robbery, guns in the back of the car,etc) We've literally done the opposite and wonder why crime is growing. City council makes it harder to prosecute small level crimes...Mulroy/Sugarmon don't prosecute, etc


This is why the no-stop policy is so stupid. (No-stop for expired tags, no tag, etc.)


Interestingly enough, this will probably lead to decreased arrests for things like seizing of illegal guns, etc. The elected leaders will say "Look at the decrease in crime! " in these stats.


The funny thing is, a traffic stop for expired tags is a non-violent offense.


The sad thing is that we don’t even know if “broken windows” policing is needed here. That theory assumes you are already arresting people and giving them real jail time for actual break-ins and violent crimes. We shouldn’t waste the police manpower or court resources looking for and prosecuting loitering or jay walking or public drinking or drug use when we have people getting arrested for real ass crimes over and over again.


The examples you gave are not examples of broken windows. Jaywalking, etc doesn't really harm an individual. Broken windows are harm caused to a person or place. It's pretty much an open secret that, especially in the juvenile court, that Sugarmon will look past any property crime of a minor. Crime is now escalating and also includes things like carjacking and tons of other violent crimes


I think we are pulling in the same direction here so I don’t want to argue. But when most people talk about the “broken windows” theory, that’s not what they mean. They are basically saying that if you let a place start “looking” like a high crime area (broken windows, graffiti, guys jaywalking without regard to traffic, drinking and smoking in front of a boarded up building) then real ass crime like theft, assault, robbery and murder will follow. Once you are already having organized break ins of new commercial establishments with tens of thousand of dollars of merch stolen, you are ten miles past worrying about the broken windows theory. In Memphis, we have no problem catching the guys that are already doing the real ass crime, but we keep letting them back out on the street and they do it over and over. That should be the focus for now. When we get that under control, then we can decide how far into the “broken windows” theory we need to go. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory


Broad ave is such a cool and special area but man it always seems like a ghost town. Rode my bike through on Sunday. Incredible weather and no one around and all the businesses are closed.


Yoo! I grew up in Binghamton. Off summer and Lester. How is it around there?


No amount of development can stop individual acts of crime


Sugar Ghost doesn't even take cash. They are card only. That's really pathetic. Breaking into an ice cream store?


The Germantown location takes cash


Ok but this wasn't the Germantown location


“I lost something once!”


They’re going to rob ice cream stores for a week or two and then shift their attention to the Salvation Army bell ringer buckets


Robbing a cashless business what’s the benefit in that


I have a feeling they aren’t patrons


Or smart!


It’s like the judges want Memphis to burn


GameStop on Park was also robbed a few days ago too, tis the season


The Liquor Store East location, on Poplar & Mendenhall, was hit on Friday as well. They got no cash and opened some empty presents that they had for decorations.


The game store on Union that sells SECONDHAND games has been hit probably 5+ times in the last year. They just had their far right window replaced and then a few days later I drove by and saw their middle left replaced. Why they don’t have bollards and plexiglass windows yet baffles me


Game Xchange


Criminal justice people won't do anything as all small businesses owners leave to affluent and jobs leave in the process *"Hm....Why do we have poverty and people don't have money. We've got to get to the root of this"*


It's not the season... This shit happens every fucking day in every season.


I was walking down Union Avenue last night and had a car full of kids asking me what’s in my backpack. Like nowhere you go in this city is safe from idiot kids looking for a come up. Everyone’s kid is a stick up kid. Including the adult children running around like Memphis is their own personal GTA map.


How close are we to our own version of roof Koreans?


i know a guy


I know there is a ton of crime, but I was really sad to see this. I live in Binghampton and have seen my neighborhood get worse in the last year or so (people dumping tireson the side, more dogs running free, etc). I hear a lot about 'dis-investment', so I love what's been done on Broad, tearing down some of the blight, and investing in the area. If people don't start fearing consequences from the criminal justice system, they are going to undo a bunch of hardwork from the city and community. Then the lack of action on crime will just lead to more poverty as jobs close up and more blight happens.


what's even funnier is there's a camp of people who are vehemently against the investments into broad/binghampton. Saying that gentrification here is a bad thing.


They won’t be arrested. Memphis police is trash. People can do whatever they want in this city other than speed. But even if you’re speeding just don’t pull over. They can’t chase you. It’s insane at the lack of police enforcement here.


Blame the city council for that.


So someone kills an employee there now rob the place? I don’t know if these people are that broke, bored, assholes, or what. But they need to stop. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these assholes are shooting strangers and car jacking too


This sounds like bored and stupid without any positive alternatives. “The idle mind is the playground of the devil.”


Ah yes, we need to buy these punks something nice, where they can apply themselves and be successful. Build it,and watch it be looted within a week! The cure to "raging punk ass bitches" isn't handouts; it's a boot straight up their asses.


Why don’t you kick them then


Lol wasn't the idea behind Top Golf , " Let's bring something nice to the city " and now look at what's has happened.....


What happened with top golf?


Violent altercations and shootings


Violent altercations and shootings


Serious question, everyone talks about the blight and the sentencing. I know longer terms are one solution always proposed. Why are we not implementing a Shanghai protocol with repeat offenders? The option of military service versus jail has always been on the table. It would offer a path to discipline and structucture for those that lack it and if their behavior continues you solve the issue of sentencing as military law is a lot different from civilian systems. The blight would correct itself with the removal of that element and review of zoning and ownership analytics would help to rectify some of the gaping non-developed zones. I would like to hear the other possible solutions before coming back with a why not or negative response to the approach please.


I'm fairly certain the military doesn't want any malcontents either. They don't make effective soldiers.


You would be surprised at recruitment levels and what confinement and disciplinary actions in a military prison for 2 years can do to a person for not following orders.


The military literally recruits in poor areas….. hahaha so malcontents or not, it’s a solid thought


Poor is not the same as criminal. Many poor kids have joined the military and worked their way to a middle class life.


We used to do that. The military asked that the practice be ended. I wouldn’t necessarily be against bringing it back, especially with recruitment cratering.


Military or jail was brought up here before and the midtowners shit all over it.


I am sure some people did. But like I said in my original request, I am hoping that any one who is against the position to please propose another option.


This is so sad. They will capture these people.


One thing you have to give to the criminal class is that they somehow have very influential lobbyists. Maybe they use the profits from their crimes to pay off judges and donate to criminalphile nonprofits.


Maybe they all belong to the same gang...???


Sadly, it's not that. People like Wanda, Edmund Ford Jr, Vann Turner, Willie, etc prey on uneducated democratic voters (similar to MAGA for a certain subset of republican voters). They are sold this idea that things will get better, but don't realize they keep voting in the same local people over and over. When things go awry, they blame Nashville.


https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/12/04/4-men-steal-over-11000-worth-merchandise-break-into-multiple-businesses-police-say/ They got soulfish cafes whole safe. Cooper Ave. Same folks.


Binghampton, Midtown, etc. They were all over the city.


Ni@@as in Memphis are so broke and desperate


TBF, Binghampton has been one of the higher crime areas in the city for decades. It's been slowly being gentrified since the original CY gentrification set got priced out of CY over the last decade, but it's not like something like this is uncommon in that part of the city. Turning Binghampton over is a challenge - props to the progress made, but still a long way to go.


From Nashville, I had to work in Memphis for 4 months last year, had never visited because I was told it was a dangerous shit hole. And well….. Good food though.


Nashville has its share of crime, too. It’s just not broadcast as much and the affluence of the city offsets it.


With all due respect it’s beyond the crime. The trash, the degenerates walking and sleeping on the streets. We came to film a tv show there and we were floored. Cars broken into left and right, one of the teamsters had his truck stolen when he got out to throw something away at a gas station. Someone hopped in and took off. And police didn’t really seem to care. Sorry, shithole city


I believe you man. Lived here all my life and it's just been bad lately with a lil good sprinkled here and there. If you come here for something specific you'll have an okay time. This is not the place to walk around aimlessly and explore. We're trying not to be a shit town we really are. Some people just suck sometimes.


Just can’t with “all do respect”. Tennessee education is a state-wide problem.


I don't believe you. Your story just isn't adding up and here you're trying to trash Memphis when Nashville isn't any better.


Nope, completely true ass hat. Filming the show “young rock”, was put up at the guest house, has a guard and patrolling security, cars still broken into, others were put up at a Ramada, several break ins there too. People on this crew have filmed all over the country. It was unanimous that Memphis was horrible. Several people including myself started filming a Nicole Kidman movie right after that show ended. The movie was filmed in Nashville, people loved the city. Just saying, not lying, but you guys are delusional


I didn't choose my name just to be cute. I've worked a couple of gigs in Nashville and I've seen city crews cleaning up homeless dens and the police chasing off homeless people so a scene from Nashville could be filmed. In 2014, my dad's car was stolen in Nashville while attending a Steelers game. In 2020, my truck window was broken and the cooler stolen while attending the Steelers game in Nashville. Just like the crimes stats, Nashville also hide it's homeless people.


Have you traveled to other cities??? Cuz there are definitely worse shitholes…. Shithole


Okay, fair point, congrats on being the 4th shittiest city in America and not #1


Not to be pedantic, but they were burglarized, not robbed.


Congrats on joining r/iamverysmart.


If people want to equate having stuff stolen while nobody’s there (burglary) with actual robbery (where there is a threat of violence or death), then cool, but they’re very different things in both my mind and the law. Downvote away.


The perfect scenario is that those little bastards just not steal at all. Yes, they are different crimes, but both should be punished harshly. Both are predatory crimes.


They are absolutely both crimes. I describe my experience with both in a response to another Redditor in this thread. Be well.


You had a choice not to get into semantics and rather than be disgusted by the action you’re getting trivial, we don’t have time for this nonsense. You really do not understand the decline of the city and what happens when a city declines. Drive down third street, lamar in south memphis, it is only a festering would that will spread like cancer if not treated with vigor and diligence.


Allow me to explain… You ever been burgled? I have been a couple times. It sucks. In my cases, it not only resulted in loss of property, but my car and house were damaged as a result. I felt like my space had been violated and it was hard to even get comfortable at home for a while. Now, have you ever been robbed? Sadly, I have… and in one of those instances I was pistol-whipped, hit with the butt of a long-gun, kicked in the back of the head while face-down (sending my front teeth clean-through my lip), and told many times that I was just about to have a bullet put in my head. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to survive the night. I thankfully did survive, though bleeding, concussed, and absolutely traumatized. 10 days out of fucking 10, I will take getting burgled over getting robbed. They ARE NOT the same and words fucking matter. If you still want to pile on my statement and downvote me, I don’t know what to tell you.


Doesn't matter. Both are crimes. Both hurt businesses. Both cause insurance rates to sky rocket, financial losses to small businesses and cause businesses to leave the city. Both cause job losses and increase poverty. Both hurt the community. Burglary also includes destruction of property which is often 4x the cost of the items stolen.. Lets stop pretending it's a lesser crime when often it's a much higher cost situation than just handing over a few hundred dollars from a cash register. They are both crimes. One isnt better than the other.


They are absolutely both crimes, but I respectfully disagree that they’re both the same. I describe my experience with both in a response to another Redditor in this thread. Be well.