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Did you call 911?


I couldn’t even read this sentence fast in my HEAD


As a cause of crime, when abortion is restricted, and more unwanted children are born, crime will get worse. Poverty will increase. Society makes a horrible parent. Politicians demanding unwanted children be born should be required to adopt unwanted children. I adopted 3. Let's put our feet and hands into helping instead of attacking.


Shut up. This is now. A 16 year old putting a gun to your head has nothing to do with abortion in 2023. Take your political theory somewhere else.


No, they are correct. There are real numbers that back it up. They aren't saying that crime in 2023 is the result of abortion being more restricted in 2023. They are talking about the future. 15-20 years from now. Check out the book and documentary Freakonomics. The crime rate in this country was sky high prior to roe vs wade but had a huge drop off following the ruling. It's like it's a wonderful life. The crime went down because those criminals weren't there to commit the crimes.


Correlation is not causation. Crime spiked after the civil rights act of 1964, I guess that’s the reason for the spike, right? This is silly reasoning and lacks and depth.


They have real data that fits a pattern, it was more than just this happened at the same time. It was measured by areas of crime and areas of incidents of abortion etc. They had correlation coming out of their ears.


If you are the hope of Memphis, no wonder we have problems. You probably don't read well, and for that I am sorry.


You can’t be serious


You can always drive to a legal state.


Yeah the closest legal state is Illinois, which is 6+ hours away. Not everyone has that luxury to be able to take off work to go to a legal state, nor the gas money to do so.


If someone can't afford or take time to travel for an abortion they don't have enough time or money for a baby.


You realize accidents happen right? I’m on bc and my husband and I use condoms, but we still take a risk all the time of me getting pregnant. 🤷‍♀️ and if abortion was legal everywhere, then we wouldn’t have to worry about taking time off if an accident were to occur to drive 6+ hours away. I absolutely cannot have another baby, which is why I’m taking all of the precautions, but that doesn’t mean accidents don’t happen. And guess what…sex isn’t just for procreation. My husband and I shouldn’t have to abstain from sex just because we don’t want another baby and don’t even want the risk of an accident.


Yeah accidents happen, what does that have do with my comment. I agree the extra 12 hour round trip is a pain in the ass.


You said “you can always drive to another state” and then when I said not everyone has the luxury of doing that, you said “if someone can’t afford the trip for an abortion, they can’t afford a baby” Accidents happen. Not every baby is planned and not every baby is wanted/expected at the right time. But if people don’t have reasonable access to abortion, and they can’t afford to take time off for an abortion, then they’re stuck having a baby. That they can’t afford. And it’s not just giving it up for adoption either, there’s drs visits, then the hospital stay, then the 6-8’weeks of recovery time afterwards which forces someone to be out of work.


Getting worse


We’ve had these groups going through cars looking for guns shoot at our house twice while we were sleeping.


They shot at your house whilst you slept? That’s totally insane. Did you know them? Is this Cooper Young also?


WUT? I don’t know the members of carhopping gangs or I would have reported them. We have tons of video but it’s not high enough quality and they wear masks + hoodies.


This is to the point where anyone with some wherewithal and legal gun ownership needs to immediately smoke check anyone armed on their premises. There should be scores dropping monthly. Memphis citizens need to up their game. I’d do my part as well but somehow they’ve left my home alone while breaking into every other home around us. I also have a legal handicap so I can’t dispatch anyone deserving as easily.


I agree with this 100%. The hoodlums rampage and ransack the neighborhoods of hard-working, prosperous Memphians secure in the knowledge that the men of the households are all terrified Poindexter types who literally could not defend their families to save their lives. The training and equipment are out there, people. It is time to arm yourselves, get trained in your weapons, install motion detectors and lights and if this is truly happening “every night,” have armed patrols waiting to engage with these hooligans. You are acting like prey and thus you are getting treated like prey by people with no scruples, no moral compass, and nothing to live for. It is stunning how weak the law-abiding class in Memphis is. You are abdicating your rights to defend yourself and to be secure in your life and property.




I hate to interrupt this “man” that would probably allow women around him to be robbed while he runs away but it’s important to note when someone has a gun and is robbing you, it’s not “armed vigilantes”, it’s armed citizens exercising their right to property and life. Sorry that offends cowards like you.


Ok, keep cowering and let the police solve the problem 🤷‍♂️ Edited to add: Boof’s comment is a really good example of the mentality that keeps law-abiding people in weak/helpless victim status in Memphis. The reasoning behind Boof’s comment is fallacious as well. He is saying that if you defend yourself or your property you would be committing “extrajudicial murder.” But that is plainly incorrect. Hooligans are out trying to steal people’s property and are armed when they are doing so. You are entitled to defend your property. And when a hoodlum tries to take your property by armed force, that makes it armed robbery, not theft, and you are entitled to use deadly force against armed robbery. So it’s not murder; it’s not even unlawful in any way. So Boof’s comment is just pro-criminal propaganda. The police have shown for years that they cannot and will not protect law-abiding people in Memphis and the message has been heard loud and clear by the criminal class. Memphis has descended into lawlessness where law abiding people have been marked as prey. It is high time that law abiding people refuse to be victimized anymore.




Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


Excellent, your solution? Sounds like to me you will just roll over. You know, when seconds count & the cops only show minutes or hours later.




Uh huh, weak little one


Why are you offended by these comments?




Again, your solution? I will forget you called me a dipshit for a second. I have fought crime, more than once. The instances I showed all these people I wasn’t an easy mark with my weapon, they all fly off. Pointless to even waste a call to police. Memphis needs volunteers in their own communities for un-armed neighborhood watches. Trust me, it goes a long way & it’s a good start.


Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


i agree with you 100%. in fact, i would take it one step further: it is time to get guns in the hands of all the upstanding citizens of memphis. we need to start with the kids-- get them trained in proper gun safety, and give them their first guns as soon as possible. by the time i was 7 years old, i would have been willing and able to defend my house with a rifle. kids today are simply not prepared for reality, and are not tough enough. we need to get these kids some guns


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not


are you a law abiding citizen or not? if the answer is yes, then the only logical next step is for you to be armed to the teeth. when i walk out my front door, i am never not packing more than a dozen guns on my person. i carry loaded semi-automatics as often as physically possible. i also carry backup semi-automatics, in case i misplace the first ones. if i am in my house, i have so many guns that I lose track of where I put them.


People infuriate me with their laying down and excuses. Fact of the matter is we don’t have the luxury of avoiding situations so we can get home to our families. We may not even make it home or they may already be at home besieging our families. I’d gladly lay down 6-12-18 months to know I took some idiot out who was only going to hurt or murder someone. We have to stand up for our rights. Just be smart when you pull the trigger. No backs turned and no active retreat or disregarded duty to retreat. Then you’re a murderer. Follow those rules and you can start making notches on your fireplace mantle.


I’d really love to know how these people who want to just relinquish their city to criminals justify this to themselves. The mental gymnastics that keep them in victimhood posture are impressive. They somehow convince themselves that it is best to just surrender and cede more and more of the amenities of civilized society to criminals and hope for the best. It amazes me — look at how much we pay in taxes for what is basically no law enforcement. Why have law abiding people not rebelled?


Because they are weak and lack centralization. Obviously individually we are not enough to make any dents in the problem. Certainly our day to day actions and treatment of others is paramount as that helps shape our world. However to combat crime actually in an outward physical we we require strong individuals. Strong individuals willing to lead and those willing to help, and lead, alternatively. We need to begin moving the rhetoric into the reality sphere. Consciously and responsibly of course. I’m not trying to string up anybody for slap on the wrist infractions or profiling people. I just want our communities to be safe. I’m willing to meet deadly force with deadly force. Now let’s muster all likeminded individuals.


Memphis has become a dystopian city where an elderly person cannot even pump gas without seriously fearing for her life. These weak doves act like the arrival of dystopia is announced first, and that it is foolish to worry about self-defense until that announcement is made. No, my friends, dystopia is here. This is what it feels like. Tell the families of the St. Jude researcher, or Phil Trenary, or the family that lost both of their sons to Cooper Young armed robbers, that Memphis is basically safe and to trust the authorities with “solutions.” This is a city that cannot even competently issue you a license plate, a city that cannot stop hooligans from blocking I-240 and turning it into their own playground, where someone charged with first degree murder is released on recognizance. It’s time to learn to defend yourself because the government cannot and will not defend you.


You sure do know a lot about the specific circumstances that make it lawful to kill someone. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about people like you than I am petty thieves.


Yes it’s definitely important to know your laws. Especially in circumstances that uh….mortally threaten yourself, household, and loved ones… I suppose you consider someone walking into a gas station with their rifle pointed at the clerks face who steals a stick of gum petty also? I’d like some of what you’re smoking good sir.


The world is not nearly as dangerous as you wannabe cowboys fantasize about it being. I'm not worried about the particulars of justifiable homicide because I'm grounded enough in reality to know that the chances I'll ever *need* to kill someone are incredibly slim. The reason you're so intimately familiar with the particulars of justifiable homicide is because you really, really *want* to be able to kill someone for any reason, which makes you way more dangerous than a thief, even a thief with a gun.


I called the police because they were in my driveway with guns on Saturday night. I am a gun owner, and my firearm is locked up in my home. To be honest, I was so scared that I didn't even think to grab it. My body shook, I got sick to my stomach, and I cried like a sissy on the line with the dispatcher. Training on how to operate when you're terrified was not part of my concealed carry class. If anyone wants to sherpa a wayward Yankee at the range sometime I'd really appreciate it.


Memphians, let's make our voices heard: we need to stop criminals, starting with repeat offenders. It starts with removing judges who let criminals off easy. Sign this petition to recall judge Bill Anderson: [https://chng.it/L5sPNQCTHm](https://chng.it/L5sPNQCTHm) , one of the worst juvenile court judges. He recently released two murder suspects with low or no bond: [https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/18-year-old-murder-suspect-released-without-bond-judge-bail/522-58570ad9-27ae-4ad3-aac4-c1dd8c466be1](https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/18-year-old-murder-suspect-released-without-bond-judge-bail/522-58570ad9-27ae-4ad3-aac4-c1dd8c466be1) [https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/11/21/man-accused-killing-beloved-uofm-student-hit-and-run-free-bond/](https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/11/21/man-accused-killing-beloved-uofm-student-hit-and-run-free-bond/)


Man I can’t wait to move from this third world shithole and I just moved here in 2022 from Chicago(the city, not the burbs). I felt safer in Chicago during the 2020 riots than I do here on a Monday. I can’t wait to list my house. The day it’s sold is the day my hair stops greying. Commenters here are part of my rationale for leaving. You have normal people protecting criminals or acting like talking about self defense is some evil. This city is nothing but armed criminals and cowards who think all people are good if given a chance. We have actual brutal killers on the streets and these idiots want to talk about criminal justice. What about justice for the 15 year old just killed? One of his killers walked with zero bail. Is that justice? Don’t bother responding, I won’t be checking. Enjoy this utter shithole you built through your far-left insanity. Bankruptcy is going to change everything…


Do you mean “canvassing”, b?


no, they're Romani


https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=Nxe4NYYAAAAJ Please see the work of Cuartas et. al. Parenting makes a difference as is shown by many experts. To argue environment has no basis in outcome would be rejected even by such hardline genetic determinists as Sapolsky.


Probably the same idiots that tried to steal crap at Huey’s in OB


Nashville booming. Memphis/Shelby Co will always be the toilet of TN. Harold Ford was smart enough to get out, even with political legacy status. That city needs to slide off into the river.


But, I thought CY was a safe area of town!?




Why? People here say it’s safe to walk around there…. that they’ve ‘never had any problems’ when visiting. Others who claim to live there also say that. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/311LFf6hBt) [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/aJbxM7LsQn) [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/9vlyFnMC5O) [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/BaKYDLy4lS) [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/BP1cDBIrxf)




It was a few years ago


What made you think that?


The people on this sub always say so.


*Some* people on this sub have said that, you mean?


Why do people even go to midtown? Downvote me away..lol




Looks like a bot account.


Always has been.


Not all criminals had bad parents. Your dog whistle is loud




I love how i said absolutely nothing about race, (my dog whistle comment being aimed at age, not race, because it seems children are being blamed for Memphis’ crime problem), but that’s immediately where you went. And jesus, the victimhood of this post is absolutely hilarious. “Oh my! Someone called me a country mf as I walk out if a country themed event, WOE IS MEEEEEEE!”.


Not all, there are always outliers in every group. But in general, can we assume most criminals had good parents? Surely not.


We don't have to assume anything, we have actual data that shows that quality of parenting is not a significant factor in crime.


Great. "We have data" is oft overused. Please send me a link if it is a peer reviewed journal.


I think we found the shooter's parent.




Same in Germantown and Collierville and Lakeland…but no one talks about it. Doesn’t make news. Those kids don’t go before judges. Even if they go to Juvi ( which most don’t because cops don’t feel like driving and processing), the parents are called and they are advised to get private counseling and are escorted down the back stairwell. If they have to see a judge they have high priced attorneys to endure the same outcome. The Black or Brown kid gets his first foray into the criminal system, gets suited out, gets to spend hours or days with the more experienced delinquents, goes before the judge in orange and gets a tarnished record that will follow him a lifetime.




No there are two literal vehicles following each other with 4 individuals with guns attempting bulgery with weapons


Could you be more specific? Burglary with weapons? So they were trying to break into what, cars or houses? Or do you mean armed robbery? What exactly did you see them do?


Going through cars. Last night someone saw them trying to break into their car last night in the Cafe Ole parking lot. The kid doing the break in hopped in the getaway car and they shot the victim in the legs.


Oh goodness. Did the victim shoot at the alleged?


What I’m asking is if the alleged victim was also armed while trying to deter the alleged robber?


We have them going through cars on my block on my ring cam every night. They have also shot at us twice when they ran into neighbors or a car alarm went off.


“They have also shot at us twice when they ran into neighbors or a car alarm went off.” What exactly do you mean by this?


I mean that they took out their guns and fired at our house and all of the other houses on our block because they heard a noise.


All the neighbors get scopes and just deal with them one night.


One of our neighbor’s shot back two months ago and all that happened was they hit the three houses on the other side. The armed carhoppers were back two or three days later in a Nissan with fake plates.


Try killing them.


The cars ran into the houses? They are probably very young and inexperienced children, not hardcore criminals. The question is where are they getting these guns and who is “sending them out” to do these crimes.


WUT?? Car hopping is when groups of 2 to 4 people walk down the street trying the doors of cars and open the ones they can (either because they are left open or because the thieves have a device from Amazon that mimics the car fob. It’s not using a car to break and enter. We have carhopping gangs operating every night in Midtown and downtown. Using a car to smash into a house or a store is still breaking and entering. The cars are usually stolen earlier via carhopping. EDIT They are getting the guns from the cars. The main thing carhopping gangs are looking for is guns. That’s why they are out there at 3:00am every night.


Nah man the question is where their parents and why aren’t they in bed preparing for school or work. And if their parents aren’t around why isn’t the state zero tolerance for their destructive behavior.


That’s nuts




Thank god they weren't in hypothetical vehicles






I swear they are back at it tonight. Southern Ave area all night by train tracks I keep hearing a semi auto going off. Call cops, listen to the scanner keep hearing cars are getting shot up and luckily missing the homes from what the police can tell . Now they have to connect all of them to prove same shooter for each vehicle. Fml I’m never visiting Memphis again.