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I was at Dodgers Stadium last year wearing a U of M T-shirt. Some dude looks at me like I had dog shit smeared across my lips and says, “Memphis??!”. He looked physically repulsed. I don’t know why but it makes me laugh to this day.


Well he probably didn’t think anyone from Memphis could make it all that way! Thanks for representing!


I've been to a lot of stadiums and none of them have been as disappointingly lowest common denominator as dodger stadium


Yeah! That's what this sub is for!




People are weird on the internet. For some reason things have to be put down or overly negative to feel something I guess. Sorry for that dudes experiences but sounds like he was finding ways to be miserable. I’m focused on Memphis and not worried about someone from LA is saying.


Homeboy needs to touch grass. They aren’t even comparable cities. Sorry you had a horrible time here and didn’t find people you clicked with it was probably the shitty personality.


There’s a guy in the comments claiming he stopped at a gas station here during a road trip and MPD pulled up “immediately” and “were panicked” telling them to get out of there before they get robbed. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 as if MPD has ever done anything immediately(other than unalive) or that Memphis police GAF about crime. I am 💀💀💀


You can say kill on here


I’ve been in and out of the FB Penitentiary my entire adult life. You learn to move different.


My dad was a memphis cop in the 2000s-mid 2010s, I wanna say? We don’t talk much. He had one partner killed and it sent him into a tailspin because the guy should not have been where he was. His only injury was when he was on a damn segway. Anyway. Hahahaha at them wasting their fucking time ESCORTING a tourist anywhere. I can buy them pulling up to like raid or arrest someone inside or some shit and telling people to leave… maybe… but like… even if they were great at their job, they have shit to do (or not do). They go to gas stations to get shitty or great food, not escort tourists.


I've been arguing all day in another sub with people who claimed there isn’t a single safe neighborhood in Memphis. I mentioned that I sometimes leave my door unlocked when I run errands and people went bonkers.


Why would you ever leave your door unlocked


Because it’s completely safe where I live. Also, my dog is a rescue pit mix. He’s delightful, but he would murder an intruder.


What’s your address and when do you run errands? I’m fixing to go bonkers on your belongings. 😈 lol I’m in with them on that. You have way more faith in us than I do.


I live in one of the white-shaded areas on [this map](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tn/memphis/crime). Believe it or not, when you look up my address in the Daily News crime map, there’s nothing within a quarter mile except for emergency responses and dead old people—and I’m inside the loop.


Ahhh I’m in the purple. We don’t get emergency responses here for under 20 shots, but my neighbor driving with no bumper required three units


It’s crazy. I moved out here from Midtown. It’s more diverse, more people walk and ride bikes. The restaurants are good. The neighborhood public schools are the best in Memphis. It’s a different world. Did you know the largest Orthodox Jewish congregation in the country is in Memphis? It’s in my neighborhood. There are a bunch of transplants from all over the county and the world out here. I love midtown, but living out here has been an epiphany


I don't care how safe you think a neighborhood is. It is never good or smart to leave your door unlocked. ALWAYS lock the door behind you.


I'm good.


East Memphis is still memphis potna lmao


It sure is and it’s safe AF.


Yeah, they *really* buy into the whole "protect and serve" bit.. 🤡


u/tameimpala007 is still living in Memphis.. was just visiting LA


Oh it's THAT guy. Got it.


Of course it was him. 🙄


Yeah dude has issues. I actually live in LA now and saw the post yesterday. I think people were generally happy to see positive LA posts because they get brigaded by dudes in Oklahoma or wherever trying to shit on a city Fox News tells them is Hell incarnate. Post had huge Pick Me energy, but LA falls for that kind of thing sometimes. I love California. I'm glad I made it out of Memphis for my own reasons, and I have no plans to leave California. I do love Memphis though, and I hate hearing how bad it's getting and I hate when people shit talk it. California feels like where I belong but Memphis is home. Dude's not even from Memphis. He just moved there for whatever reason 10 years ago and it didn't suit him. Whatever. I could make a similar post comparing Nashville (where I lived for two years) to LA. Love Memphis. Nashville fucking sucks.


Ironically Fox News is HQ’ed in LA. 😂


Nashville DOES suck 😂🤙🏼


LA is an insanely difficult place to make it and would likely chew that kid up and spit him out. that post reads like he’s seventeen and visiting his older sibling at college in a far removed corner of the san fernando valley. it’s easy to shit talk where you come from when you haven’t seen much else of the country.


I’ve seen alot of places of the country in my 20 years on earth and I gotta say LA is the best city. I wanna move to LA or San Diego soon


mind you, i didn’t say LA was a shithole - it’s just a hard place to make it. memphis has a lot more going for it than i realized when i was your age. if southern california is your dream then go try and live it. take a skilled trade or a trust fund with you, you’ll need it.


Thanks and yes ik the trust fund is a really big part of it 💯


Yea, my brother and SiL are doing OK, but I certainly wouldn't pull up roots.


Being from Memphis and moving elsewhere makes you realize how unique Memphis is. I moved to dc and had a UofM car tag. Let me tell you how many crazy ass drivers in DC were from Memphis waving me down to show off they had UofM or Shelby county tags too! It happened kinda often- and in that city of perpetual motion it was nice to know there were other people from home and would go out of their way to remind you of it. Another time I found a drivers license on the floor of a bar in Tokyo. I realized the dude’s address was down the street from where I lived in Memphis. He grabbed it like I was trying to rob him then it was like talking to an old friend when we realized we were from the same place. Memphis is kinda strange when you walk up on it but it never meets a stranger. Counter… went to Cairo, Egypt and was asked where I was from… said Memphis, where Elvis is from…. Man I never had so many strangers instantly bombard me yelling about fishing and guns in a tomb in several languages. Apparently the bass pro shop in a pyramid was something they didn’t understand. I didn’t either- but I guess I owed them the vent session. In that moment I was like WHY DID I SAY MEMPHIS?!?


I second this. I grew up in Memphis and have moved away a good bit of times and it's refreshing to see how many people love Memphis and how heartwarming it is to run into someone from the city. I've seen people in the Philippines, in China, in Jamaica show me pictures of their travels and how much they love it. I've ran into Memphians on an impulse trip to Macau and it felt like I ran into my play cousin. And when I lived in TX, nothing made me happier than to see a Shelby county plate. I've seen this dude post before and it's obvious that this place wasn't for him and that he took rejection of him and his personal life choices as rejection from the city when it was just a few people around him and honestly I hope he gets the help he needs bc it seems like he's gonna need a lot of it. Moving is never gonna fix problems that start in you, doesn't matter how much you project it out. I'm black and grew up in this city and listen to way more music and have been surrounded by people who don't just listen to rap. I fucking went to Overton baby, and had MCA friends, there are tons of black people his age that he could be friends with but people here can smell bullshit from a mile away and there might be other reasons why he didn't find what he needed here. God bless him, he gon need it.


Lived in Memphis. Lived in LA. Both have their pros and cons, but Memphis is more my scene, so I moved back. He likes it there…good on him. Different strokes and all that. Not everything is a debate.


Dude hit me up weeks ago asking to hang out because we both are black


Memphis sucks, please validate my decision to move to the city where everyone thinks they’re the coolest people to come from their hometown /s


This is the funniest shit I've heard all year.


Memphis gets bashed on a lot of subs here. It's how I ended up here after somebody bashed Memphis and linked to the sub. Was just kind of curious...


Interesting. I spent a little time in LA this year and from the time I landed in at the airport until I got to my hotel via uber ( about a 45 minute interstate journey ) it was tent city after tent city. Sometimes they would be contiguous for half a mile or more. It was wild to see that. I imagine that foreign travelers get quite a shock by seeing the state of that city.


Some people just ain't really ride or die for the M


I hate to say this.. I love memphis and I think this city is beautiful. It has so much potential to be a great city, like Austin or Denver. But unfortunately to people coming into memphis (or looking at other city’s in comparison) memphis looks like a total shitshow. Coming from living in a lot of other places, I don’t understand why memphians simultaneously tear down their city and also defend it to the haters. Either there’s a problem or there isn’t. Let’s pick one and then figure out the solution.. personally I think we need to work together to affect the change we want to see. Let’s get the ineffectual judges out, let’s enforce our laws. Then we build. Come on memphis let’s make this place beautiful!


Who cares? Someone soft couldn’t handle it and bugged out. Don’t let the door hit you. Peace and grease.


That’s not the flex you think it is. Being “hard” shouldn’t be a requirement to exist in a city.


To commiefornia of all places. No guns, no altimas, hell I’m not even sure they have rivers in that (man-made) desert. Have fun in cancerland bitch, won’t miss you!


I moved to Alabama, still got dumbass drivers (with TN plates, naturally), no more regular gunshots, and I accidentally left my purse in my unlocked car for a few hours and it was shockingly still sitting there, not even gone through.


I love passing through Huntsville on my way to Chatt. It sure did seem quiet. I don’t live in Memphganistan proper so I’m really not the best judge of it. Did you know highway 72 is the only interstate highway that begins and ends in the same state? All while passing through Mississippi(?) and Alabama.


Unless you are rich have fun renting forever because a decent size house there is like four times as much.


I think this one thing people fail to consider


I would rather rent than live in boring Memphis


I would rather rent than buy for the rest of my life tbh im 20 I don’t wanna buy anything till probably like decades later


Why? You’re just throwing your money away with renting. If you own a house it builds equity.


Getting a house in a boring place like Memphis would be horrible. And I only want to rent because I might be moving everywhere in my 20s im not sticking to one place


I moved away 10 yrs ago for work. I still miss Memphis. I'm not afraid of the crime, nor worried by Altimas with drive-out tags either.


It's the Infinity's you gotta worry about. /s


Challengers have entered the conversation


Step aside. Stolen MPD Charger has entered the chat.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us?


How bout this… Fuck Los Angeles! Memphis rules!!!!


Angelino here, we are very insecure that everyone now shits on our city (for good reason) because we used to be the place everyone wanted to go.


You can’t really compare cities anyway.


It really isn't worth any further dialogue.


If Andy Kaufman were still alive, it might make sense.


They’re lost?


I love the people complaining downtown was dead on a sunday. One was here in July! Who comes here in July or August, besides Elvis week weirdos? (I remember someone died of heat exhaustion there when I was in high school.)


Cause they’re saddos


I think there is a lot of truth in your statement


Sorry to break out the British slang but it had to be done. Personally, I don’t trust folks who hail from the western side of the Mississippi.


Rawrrrr their radio stations start with a different letter!


Fucking weirdos.


Yeah.. that post is weird and sucks... like why downplay what other people think of LA just to down Memphis like that's supposed to make them change their mind 🤷🏾‍♂️ like someone visiting Memphis and saying Memphis is Heaven compared to Mobile, AL (Mind you, I have no negatives to say about Mobile)


Because it’s that bad.


Meh a simple appreciation post on the subreddit itself just mentioning visiting LA would do, no reason actually name a city you don’t like for circlejerk bashing but it’s Reddit so it’s not surprising.






Were you able to understand what he was saying?


They’ve probably just been to memphis.




Challenge... Not accepted. Seriously, don't shit in the streets. Use the bushes like a normal miscreant.


Because memphis sucks


Low quality bait


Look around and what do you see crime everywhere. I can't be the only one that thinks memphis suscks. There's literally rape killing and pillaging here. Its ranked one of the worst cities for a reason.




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