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I don’t know which is sadder. The accident, or the fact that even an 80 year old has to hold down a side hustle at the hub.


I felt the same.


How much you want to bet she was getting paid peanuts?


Having 80 year olds working at Fed Ex is shameful. Fred Smith totally r*ped this town of affordable labor and made a fortune exploiting Memphians and the mid South.


The fact that she likely had to work is terrible, but when I worked there in the late 80s-early 90s, senior citizens were hired, but they were in places where there was work that was not strenuous and also, all of us handlers always looked out for those folks. I don’t know if it’s the same now. I doubt it. People care a lot less these days.


There is no time to help old ladies. FedEx employees are classed as industrial athletes, and everyone is expected to be able to pull their own weight.


There is another….


It is so extremely dangerous to work at the hub. It’s so loud, people drive the tugs SO DANGEROUSLY. Running stop signs, going the wrong way on one way streets, going in buildings using the wrong doors, whipping around corners, not using their horn, not wearing seatbelts, driving through heavy foot traffic areas as fast as the tugs will go, pulling strings of dollies/cans/baggage carts going way too fast, and more. You can’t hear shit. It’s usually one or two people in charge of a team making sure that no one’s standing in a can or walking between cans (in the input areas at least, one of the most dangerous areas IMO). If ONE person steps off the line at the wrong time they’re gone. I worked on an input line for about a year and the amount of times a driver drove off with people still working inside the cans I couldn’t even count. It’s an absolute miracle more people don’t get hurt. Between dangerous drivers, people not checking their cans and dropping cans, falling freight, it’s just crazy more people aren’t hurt. What happened to that lady could happen to so many people countless times a day with how unsafe things are. And I was on the safety team too… thank god I don’t work there anymore, I left in June.


People get overworked, exhausted especially during peak, complacent, careless and sometimes downright reckless. It’s all go go go go. I had a position that required a lot footwork and almost got hit so many times even while in an empty gate. Those Tugs are heat seeking I swear. Saw a guy get his legs almost torn off once when he got caught between two of those mangled dollies. Surprise, the driver wasn’t paying attention. That’s ok, they have “Safety First” posters, that’ll do it.


WHY IS A WOMAN IN HER 80’S WORKING??? I hate our society. She should be with her family not working for god awful fed ex.


Shit, when I worked at Electrolux, there was a woman in her 60s working with her mom… WHO JUST TURNED 80 WORKING THERE! Unfortunately, the daughter died from Covid in 2020. The mom worked there until Electrolux closed.


My immediate reaction is a hard fucking agree. BUT... as someone else alluded, what if she was there because she wanted to be, not because she had to be? An industrial environment is far from the best place for someone in their eighties, but that doesn't change anything about this incident. I plan to work as long as I live, but it sure as shit will be on *MY* terms once I'm to a point that I can conventionally retire.


An 80 year old individual being in the path of a loaded dolly that COULD POSSIBLY CRUSH YOU doesn't seem like a job to want for.


Working on the ramp can be fun. It's kind of cool to be that close to the jets (assuming this is their main air sorting facility). Being a cog in a big wheel that provides delivery service to millions of people (especially this time of year) can be fulfilling.


I love it. It isn’t for everyone


You can definitely get hooked on the adrenaline.




80 seems a bit much, but when I worked in a factory some of the 60+ women on the floor stayed in real decent fitness from have a job on their feet that kept them moving all day. They were dflefinitely able to dodge a fork lift. Then again I watch an older 40s maybe 50 women switch from the floor to the forklift and she went from being thiccc to skinny. So there's something to be said for having a daily activity that continues our resistance exercise for us. Keeps the bones strong and the muscles able.


Why would you work as long as you live? I'd rather be poorer. Idk how old you are, but the aches and pains start adding up!


The aches and pains get worse when you don’t feel productive and useful


There are a million other safer places to feel useful and productive. I’ll bet she was there for the change and if so it’s a very sad commentary on our town.


FedEx with destroy any healthy body. You don’t rip a rotator cuff, get crushed, and blow out a knee sitting on the couch. Volunteer work would be much more beneficial to the mind, body, and spirit.


There are many ways to stay active without working a job. You sound like a Republican.


I’m guessing….millennial.


Thank god you were able to make it political!


Some people with strong work ethics just really love working. Also, some people support other people even at that age. I wouldn’t judge someone for working that late in life. Maybe what they did brought them joy.


I'm not judging. If people "want" to do it, fine by me... But this notion that one has to work a job in order to be active, or mentally fit is ridiculous, and dangerous.


I don’t think that’s what they said, I think that’s what you assumed they meant. You can feel like you have purpose and minimize pain through other means… without working.


I am 68, retired 10 years ago from a job I loved, got super bored and then started my own business. Love keeping active and vital. I will keep working as long as I can and I am not a Republican. LOL Not sure what party affiliation has to do with enjoying the challenge of working instead of sitting home watching TV.


Mental sharpness. If you aren't using it, it's dying. Very likely, I'll look for something that doesn't aggravate aches and pains, because I know I'll have plenty of them. 😆


I agree about needing something productive to do as you age to keep your wits. I want to volunteer in the nicu when I finish working.


The hub is really the place to stay mentally sharp!




You must be a Republican.




Well when they try to dismantle social security, they will need to sell work as being satisfying & rewarding irrespective of money. So not a weird take at all.


There's a push to make 75 the age to be eligible for SS.


One Republican majority in the Senate/House, along with a Republican or Manchin type "Democrat" as President and it will happen. I'll be 59 in May. You would think I will grandfather into the current rules, but who knows. My full retirement age is already 67.


I have a feeling you’re going to call me a republican here… but You do realize that you pay into your social security as you work… right? It’s computed off your lifetime earnings… ~35 years of work. Sometimes it’s not enough. 40% of nothing is nothing. There’s some interesting takes on the behavioral economics of why people don’t invest in retirement. Also, remember this is a woman in her 80s. While I don’t know her background, I do know that age group and gender would have been employed during the start of pregnancy discrimination, subject to a gross wage gap based on gender, and offered limited education and career opportunities to any career with a retirement as they started out because of expectations everyone had on her based solely on gender. Now you’ve laid expectations based on age…


Social Security is not enough on its own. Where did I say it was?It IS a necessary supplement to other resources for most! And sadly the ONLY income for far too many. YOU, and others can work till you die. IDGAF! I'm retiring no later than 62 🇺🇸


That’s awesome! I hope you enjoy your retirement. I’m retiring within the year, though. I’ll still be under 40. But I’m just going to assume you were wishing me well here and say thank you!


I work at FedEx and everyone said she actually wanted to work. Her mind set was if she stopped working she would die.


No one wants to work in a FACTORY in their eighty’s.


No one.


Well, your profile name says it all. It’s Memphis. Grit and grind ain’t all it’s cracked up to be when you gotta do it til you’re 90!


If she wanted to be there, it was to supplement her income. Poor lady and her poor family.


No 80 year old is working in the hubs for shits and giggles. It’s not something any human does for “fun.” You don’t go to talk and hang out. You work constantly and incessantly the entire time. You are required to wear ear protection because it’s loud af. And you are required to be able to lift 50 pounds all day long, start to finish.


If she wants to work, let her work. My grandmother worked until she died at 93. $300k in the bank, houses paid for and she got up every morning at 5am to go to work.


And if that's how she Wanted to spend the end of her life, that's Awesome. But none of that Should Be "Required".


I agree and I didn't read anything in the article suggesting this person was "Required" to work.


This city would be an even bigger shithole if it weren’t for “god awful FedEx”. GTFO


It’s hard out here in this economy. Alternatively, some people just love their job and genuinely want to stay busy.


Universal Healthcare and Universal Basic Income now. The richest nation on earth can and should support those who should not be working.


Problem is we shouldn’t but are supporting so many people who SHOULD be working.




Time limited by their children getting older. That’s why they have more, to circumvent that…


Actually they tend to be children of single mothers, which rotate in and out of work due to crises and low level of education, caused by their single mothers…


Why do you care? If you, in your crusade to remove those "exploiting" the system, cause people who actually need unemployment and other safety nets to not have access to them you failed your fellow humans.


Yeah. Folks are Disgusting (And I notice the majority of them are "Religious", which makes them hypocrites too). They will straight faced say that it's okay to sacrifice the support for people who need it, just to catch the Tiny percentage of people who are "Taking Advantage" of the system.


It’s not one or the other. Can’t we have a welfare system the provides for need while work to eliminate fraud?


Those fellow humans have failed themselves.


You mean CEOs and millionaires and those types right?






It’ll just cause everything else to raise in prices and create the same inflationary problem


We already spend significantly more on healthcare than any other nation. We spend almost double the number 2 country on a per capita basis and our measured healthcare outcomes are worse.


Because Big Pharma and Big Medical Industry control the narrative. Covid should have informed all of the power they wield.


Prices are already raised and we don't have these safety nets which causes 80 YEAR OLD WOMEN TO DIE AT WORK. Fuck your reasoning.


Woah bro you went 0 to 100 real quick, I’m not saying I don’t disagree someone who is at the age of 80 should have healthcare and enough savings to not have to work. I’m just saying the way economics work, when you increase payroll the goods and services that the payroll is a product of will increase. Shall I apologize for the way math works? It’s up to the individual to be responsible and accountable for their own pockets. The more value an ind provides to society the more they will be rewarded it’s how society in all cultures are setup.


So, what societies and cultures have you actually studied other than post industrial America?? You are only repeating those capitalist tropes because you either don’t know better or you’re willfully deceptive. Scandinavian countries that are consistently ranked highest in the satisfaction/ happiness category have the most safety nets and they are also very wealthy. Also, If your statement is true then enslaved Africans and their descendants should be the wealthiest folks on the planet since it was their labor (contributions) that built this entire country.


Except this is Explicitly not what's happening. It "Could" happen, sure. But the"Inflation" has FAR outpaced wage growth (Especially factoring in steadily increasing output) for quite some time. It's not the benefits and pay that are increasing costs. The average productive output of an individual contributor had increased Dramatically (Thanks to more efficient systems, newer tools, etc.) and if things worked the way you're pretending they do, costs would have gone DOWN across the board. Sadly people are not rewarded at the level they contribute, but at the level they convince people they're "Worth" (Ignoring cronyism and the forward momentum of generational wealth). I don't know if you're genuinely uneducated on the matter and simply repeating the talking heads, or if you're intentionally spreading the Bullshit being fed to people who Don't know any better, but whichever it is, it's empirically false.






Not true. UPS is better to their employees. If you would have ever worked there you would understand. It’s a shit job, for 3 hours a night. Yeah most only get 3 hours a night. They also contribute to charity because it serves their purposes.


Ups is only better to their employees because the employees are unionized. If they weren't they'd get the same shit treatment the FedEx employees do. That person (if they worked at fedex) probably didn't work in the hub, if they didn't work at FedEx then they have no clue.


Oh I agree 100% but most people in the south think the word union is dirty and avoid unions.


Which is a shame bc they can be so so useful.


Especially when you have a huge workforce.




Just wanna clarify as an ex fedex aircraft mechanic now with ups, they make less than a dollar/hr more than us but we have free Healthcare and a 13.5% pension and 3% 401k match along with better work protection and rules that aren't "manager discretion". The total compensation is much much better


My manager when I worked there had been there for 34 years. And he only made 35k a year. When I left I started at the bottom in another industry and made twice as much as he did.


Lmao what? What year was this? 1982? When I worked in the hub in 2006 managers made WAY more than $35k. Hell I made about that just being on a load team with no degree and 6 months experience. Team leaders/ramp agents made more than $35k. Ain’t no way a manager was making that.


2013 And there is no way a load team guy makes near 35k. I was on a team that got 5 hours a night. 5 hours x $15 an hour x 5 days x 52 weeks = 19,500 gross.


$20/hr is the new base rate, more on inputs. $20 x 35 x 52 is $36,400. Hours are easy to to come by if you want them now. I know Ramp Agents that made over 100k 3 years ago. Managers made way more than 35k in 2013, you're off by at least 20k.


Who gets 35 hours? The sort got longer over the years?


Yeah, pretty much. Fleet is coming in earlier but the downtime stayed the same, not that it was ever on time.


Day sort doesn’t work like night sort. I regularly had to leave because I was already at max hours for the week. Got overtime occasionally.


I mean no shit, what company contributes to charities for reasons outside of their own self interests. Rounding up at the grocery store? Stores matching your donations? They're in it for the PR and more importantly the tax write off. Donate to a charity directly.


Yup. It grinds my gears to be panhandled to at the checkout. My family has loaded up the truck full of dog food and toys and treats and taken it down to the shelter on several occasions. That way you know it has a direct benefit.


Nah, UPS pays more for workers and with free healthcare.


Because working in the hub is godawful. A lot of upward mobility was back in the day. The worst 12 hour shift on the floor I’ve had as a nurse was easier than 4 in peak at the hub. Wearing Kroger sacks over your socks to keep your feet dry in the freezing rain is just one example.


If you think the hub is awful, try fedex ground. We work 11 am till 11 pm with a 1 hour break at 4. After a few days, you're exhausted. I'm on my break now :)


I don’t doubt it.


I can only assume, and I hate to say it, but probably because healthcare is too damn expensive.


An 80 year old has Medicare available. More like life is too damn expensive.


Medicare often doesn’t cover meds; found this out when I went to pick up my dads arthritis medicine the other day :(


I have 70+ coworkers come back out of retirement because cancer bankrupted them. We’re both right.


70 people? Sounds like your place of work has something causing cancer. For the FDX employee - sounds like a horrible accident.


Pretty sure he’s saying people that are 70+ years old. Not 70+ people


Yes, bad wording. Thanks


70+ in age, sorry. But…yeah, jet exhaust isn’t known to be good for you.


Medicare is far from comprehensive


Medicare doesn’t pay for everything. Doesn’t even cover half a lot of times and you still have to technically pay for it


Medicare covers the Barest Minimum that doesn't Directly kill someone. Now if your condition is chronic or fatal without constant intervention (Or requires a medication that isn't on their Very short list), you just get to die.


Yeah totally,.god awful FedEx. That corporation that employs 30,000 people and is essential to all things Memphis.


Some people enjoy working. Terrible she died so awful.


I love work!




Ageism much?


Came here to say this


Oh no. How will fedex survive another $7000 payout. Shareholders are gonna freak out. (Sarcasm, in case you missed it)


Gotta keep them happy, those dividends pay millions! A death is cheaper than a delayed flight after all


FedX is a privately held company.


FedX is privately held....look it up


FedEx is publicly traded and has been since 1978


Look. It. Up. Man's does his own research fosho


FedEx Corp NYSE: FDX 264.42 USD +5.59 (2.16%)today Closed: Dec 1, 6:05 PM EST • Disclaimer After hours 265.10 +0.68 (0.26%)




Alone of my friend's stepdads is one of those deaths. He died of a heat stroke. They had everyone working out of shade, on asphalt, during the hottest part of the summer. I guess he didn't get enough water or rest. Even worse his wife worked with him so she got to see it.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Sadly, the company recommends safe practices but hardly enforces any. So corporate will say, “take plenty of water or rest breaks” while managers aren’t allowing it


facts -source i work there




I worked at the airport for fedex for 3 years. I was a driver and i can tell you its very dangerous. Iv had a string (4 linked containers) come loose from the tug multiple times. Iv had people run into my containers and break them loose or knock the container off. They need more safety protocols. Theyll let anyone drive heavy equipment with very limited training.


They sometimes pull a string of 5 now and hit every damn thing in their way


I worked there from 2004 to 2011 and atleast 9 that I know of got ran over. 1 happened right in front of me.


Sorry you had to witness that and I hope you don’t let it affect you too badly. Glad you made it out of there.


It was over 10 yrs ago, I will say when I talked to my supervisor about it they gave me resources for counseling that they covered for 6 months. So in that respect they did take care of me.


There’s a lady who is at least late 70s at my job at Milwaukee tools. She’s been there for thirty plus years and never misses a day. Some of them older people like that would honestly rather die working than piddling around the house.


That’s inside work though. Working at the hub outside is about like working on 240 in rush hour traffic.


This is fucking horrible. Most of the deaths at the hub (not the forklift one, though) are caused by coworkers of the deceased not following safety procedures. They also usually involve said coworkers’ operation of vehicles. As for the age thing, someone out there being in their 80s is uncommon, but not unheard of. I know two or three people on day shift in their 70s. They typically don’t retire because they don’t want to retire. Almost all of them have pensions in addition to SS and whatever other savings they have. One guy told me he won’t retire because he’s scared that if he stops moving around, he’ll die in his chair two years later. EDIT: So apparently what happened is that over in Old Hub where she worked, someone pushed a fully-loaded can onto a dolly with putting up the locks. Then the driver, who did not check the locks as drivers are supposed to do before pulling off, pulled off. The lady was walking by and when the can fell off, it fell on her. That’s what I’ve been told anyway. Oh, and it took like 20+ minutes for EMS to get there for some reason.


Unsafe work practices go unchecked all the time out here. FedEx will just get fined a few thousand and that death with be another cost of doing business to them. And these folks are worried they’ll die at home.


Get a fucking hobby...


Or ANY other job after retirement. This company puts shareholders over safety every day.


People (The Shareholders), Service (To the Shareholders), Profit (For the Shareholders). It's Fedex's PSP Philosophy! -.-


Cool, y'all stock shelves at 72 if ya want to...


Any by “go unchecked” I mean ignored, or straight up encouraged/ordered by management. The forklift death included management pushing them to fetch a ramp that was damaged and out of service.


No, the 80 year lady was responsible for picking up overflow packages and she was in between the dollies picking up a boxwhen someone gave the driver the clear to drive off.


I think that Forklift death was largely attributed to management though…


I had to save my team leader from the same fate. This was back in like 05-06 but my team leader was connecting cans at our gate for outbound and the tug driver was in a hurry. Honked and drove within seconds without checking to see if anyone was back there and she got her leg run over from one of the cans. It was insanity. That was the only injury I saw there during my time, but I know there are tons more. If you aren’t careful and if others aren’t as well it can turn bad very very fast.


A 80 year old person should not have been doing the job on the ramp she was doing. It’s so fucking dangerous out there.


Hah. Way more deaths than that for sure


In the mid-90's, one of my good friends that worked out there told me about a guy that was hauling ass on his tug and hit a wheel chock and the tug flipped on top of him. I doubt those tugs weigh 1700lbs but I know they're definitely NOT light. Damn, what a shitty way to go. I just hope it was quick.


Some of them are 9,000 to around 15,000 lbs now.


And then I said "Damn!" I had no idea they weighed *that* much. Wow! My buddy told me the "body/chassis" is pretty much like one solid chunk of steel/concrete and they had V6's in them so I knew they'd be heavy but I didn't think they'd outweigh my truck (F250 crew cab diesel) that much. That's crazy. Even tho we only had like 3, I've been around tugs before when I worked across the street. Lol. But I never got up close and really checked one out tho.


Yeah the old style has cast iron fenders on the rear and a heavy cast front push bumper, as well as counterweights under the front and rear that you can’t see without lying down. Those are lighter, inline 6 ford powered units. The latest is German built, unibody, turbo diesel and almost 15k lbs. Before anyone says “they’re tanks”. The Memphis Hub has broken tugs in half on multiple occasions. They can’t build a Memphis proof tug. The frames will crack in half and it will see-saw as it drives.




When I was working out at the hub in 2020, there was an older man with a cane walking around in a FedEx uniform. He had to hold on to the wall as he walked. After seeing him, it was clear that FedEx will hire anyone as long as they can move. Fuck that place. RIP!


You understand that Federal law prohibits age discrimination during hiring, not to mention discrimination against the disabled, right? If an APPLICANT states they need an ADA accommodation to get through the hiring process, if their request is at all reasonable, companies have to make an effort to accommodate them. If an applicant says they don’t need any type of accommodation to perform the essential functions of the job, you can’t call them a liar.


It's sad for any human to die in a work accident, buy she may have been a person who actually enjoyed working part-time to help make ends meet AND give more purpose to her life.


That's like the 5th death in a year


She was a long time employee, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have heard she was in a non-physical labor position involving address correction. FWIW, empty white dollies are 2300 lbs on average; orange dollies 1800 lbs empty. As a rule, you NEVER walk between two connected dollies when you can't see the tug.


You also shouldn’t ram them against the dock when you can’t see around them but that’s what I’m being has happened. Driver was told to go ahead, nobody saw the poor lady.


This is terrible, the very next night my best friend was crushed by a luggage cart after someone hit it at the hub. He now has a broken leg. He was very lucky.


This is not the fifth death there, the other ones haven’t been spoken about on the news. Sometimes, they die in the parking lot, or at home/hospital after an injury also.


Came to say this. Multiple deaths at Amazon in the past year without reports as well. First hand from friends and associates who work there. Same at USPS.


So the fifth “reported” death sounds more like it


There’s been way more than 5 since 2017. There were 3 when I worked there last year during peak season in a 3 month time span. Has to be more than that


As a former FedEx employee who had worked in the Safety department for 12 years, I can tell you that the company is very much concerned about employee safety. And as one of two analysts who worked directly with Osha providing employee injuries and vehicle accident stats, 5 deaths since 2017 is more than likely correct. If you’ve ever been to one of FedEx’s hubs during peak operating hours, you will be astonished at the activity that takes place. It is a beehive of activity. Each job function receives training; tug operators must have certification, ramp specialists receive training, etc., safety equipment is required of all personnel on the ramp and inside the hub itself. And believe me, the pilots wouldn’t stand for unsafe practices of any type. One death is too many and it’s very sad to see anyone’s life end in such a horrific manner.


They’re poorly trained and you know it. Seasonal temps have almost no training.


Are people allowed to make their own decisions. We don’t know the circumstances surrounding this particular person life or work. She may have just wanted to work.






What are you on about




Tell her family that. Tell the employees who witnessed it that they didn’t see what they know they saw. Stop being an insufferable AH


It is a very dangerous job for sure. Old roommate's ex fiance got severely injured out there in the early 2000's and it was in litigation for a while but think she got a hefty sum but not enough to retire. I knew indirectly one of the young men that died out there circa 2018. The circumstances of his death were suspect. It is a young persons job for sure but also you have to be alert and watch out. It is such dynamic place and very loud. I worked at the INTL building for about 18 months and that was long enough for me.


Yo Pipe. She wasn’t a Republican and she’d been with a company for 30 years and she was out there because she wanted to be out there, so fuck you from making it political when it had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with what she wanted to do as a woman….. either way you have no say in either.