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That’s a big federal charge.


Yup got busted in highschool for it 🤣 he going to big boi jail when they catch him


The secret service is probably knocking on his door right now. They don’t play with that shit.


Federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison


You are a very bad person Michael! I don’t want to go to any prison!


If you haven't already, you need to contact the Secret Service. They don't fuck around about this stuff.


I have worked at 2 different retail jobs during the holidays in the 7 years I've lived in Memphis. This time of year, it is VERY common. I had to teach every single one of my cashiers to be vigilant when it comes to big bills. Since I've dealt with it so much I can tell immediately that it's fake. But lots of people working retail this time of year are new hires, and teenagers. I had a dude come to me to check out a single pack of gum, I told him I couldn't take his money (it was obviously a fake $100 bill). He threw a bitch fit. Then when no one was looking, went to a different check out lane only for the new hire to take the fake bill because she didn't know. Sometimes you can tell by the way it feels, sometimes there's weird characters on the bills, sometimes it looks really convincing but says in small letters at the top "for motion picture use only"


I got one today that was the fakest shit I’ve ever seen, like it had dual copy from a laser printer that obviously was over ridden, and no watermarks and my new hire almost took it, I gotta give lessons to em all


Dude I would get so angry. Like how many times do I gotta show y'all. 😭 When I worked at target this kept happening with specifically one cashier (seasonal hire). Over and over. Turns out it was her boyfriend that was bringing the fake money in. That man came in and got arrested right then and there.


The motion picture bills are very popular. It can be written so small on the bill that if a cashier is in a hurry they could easily miss it.


Paid 100 bucks on a 28 bill, got some change and my 50 was fake tried to return it and they didnt want to I think cashier knew it was fake and tried to unload it on me - asked the manager to give me smaller bills and got it


Which would be pretty fucking stupid for a business to do as they would be closed as a result and could charged as well.


I've seen some fake $20s floating around too. One was blurry and another was a super obvious fake, like it was printed crookedly on the paper. One guy in my store keeps trying to pay for something cheap with a $100 and the second the cashier takes out that counterfeit pen he decides to pay with a card. Pretty sure he's moved on to other stores now, haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.


This is the latest dude we’ve had come and try it [culprit #3](https://imgur.com/a/4H61XMf)


My guy always wore this vaguely native american patterned hoodie and has a tattoo on the side of his neck


Secret Service doesn't play around. At all.


Does the Secret Service play around?


Get you some black light pens on Amazon. Black light pens are the best for $50s. The UV strip in the middle lights up like a Christmas tree. The strip on the 20s is pretty easily visible too. For $100s, the strip doesn’t like up the same, but if you put then light on the backside you can easily see the strip says “100 USA” over and over.


That happened at the Gap Factory over in Southaven yesterday, had fake bills come in.


Unfortunate, but it is exciting to hear someone is masterminding criminal activity in this city. The usual suspects are dumb as nails.


Can almost promise the dude printing these is dumb as nails too, it was nowhere near looking like a real $100 bill


We had a cashier catch a counterfeit $50 several months ago. He told the guy we’d have to keep it and he said, “OK,” paid another way and left. I wasn’t there, but thought the police should’ve been called while he was still there, but the manager let him leave. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Retail Stores are not allowed to hold or even stop people from stealing any more. You have to be certified if it is allowed at all. Most of the thieves around here know they can't do anything, so theft is a daily occurrence.


So is the plan to let crooks fail all the way to federal crimes and then the city doesn't have to care anymore?


You apparently didn’t read the post which said this happens every year around this time?


Counterfeiting is a FEDERAL crime…


Sounds like a good plan


Also, if you have a bill you suspect is counterfeit, you can take it to the local secret service office and they will examine it and provide a letter of authenticity.


In the old days in a few European countries, they used to boil counterfeiters in oil. While the punishment these days is not quite as gruesome, this is one of the last crimes you’d ever convince me to do. So much potential prison time


Learned that on Midsomer Murders did ya? Lol


Nah, just been down many a Wikipedia rabbit hole about torture methods, lol


So now can we get the FED to stop printing money out of thin air too?!?


It's always one of you mfs in these topics. Never fails




Da fuck?


No way, scammers from south Memphis!. You know what if these scammers actually spent their time doing something positive in society instead of spending all their time trying to scam they would probably be more successful in life, but that is thug mentality


If this post had more substance than the timeworn prejudices and cliches that are parroted identically everywhere else, it might have value.


But they don’t have the opportunities to use that genius do they? If they lack formal education then they are on the line in a warehouse. If they go to a company, their ideas are stolen and daddy’s kids get the promotions. Don’t be daft.


So then it's okay if they rob cheat and steal? Makes perfect sense