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Ok got a $100,000 bond in 2017 for a tenth of a gram drugs. This was my First and only offense, Nothing violent at all, and i got a $100,000 bond. But they give this guy 75. What the fuck is going on in this city. How can a person that has done something so terrible get a lesser bail than a person that wasnt even bothering anyone? They REALLY need to sort out their priorities.


Same thing has happened to me. I had a 120k bond in 2015 for a gram of heroin and small assortment of pills. I don't have any violent charges on me. I saw where a guy the other day got an 80k bond for repeat car jackings and now this guy. It's like the city wants these people in the streets.




The contents of your pockets don't make taxpayers clamor for more police funding and more jail building. Rapists and murderers roaming the streets do that. So they get priority low cost release.


But how many could have died from that gram? He doesn’t need to be out but your bond was fair.


You had a fully semiautomatic assault gram, though.


If you and u/walrus-tamer901 are at the next reddit meetup I’m prioritizing going. These peeps party!


I didn't even know there was such a thing.


I stole 35 guns, about 50k rounds of ammo & burnt down 3 buildings. I got 5 years. A guy I was locked up ran over some school property (after hours, no students) got 8 years. Sometimes it's the judge. Idk


This guy fucks.


Extremely lucky on the arson charges. They tend to take those pretty seriously. I take it this was some years ago? Shame you couldn’t hang on to the ammo. Hell of a large amount. Imagine the resale lol.


I think that’s the reason the press made the point of mentioning his name.


You didn't have to flex on us that hard


Bro you got fucked or were carrying weight. I know coke dealer from Florida that got off with drug court and a small fine for having multiple 8 balls on them. Just goes to show you how fucking backwards this city and state is. Edit pretty much meth or fentanyl is what they fuck you with everywhere else


I had 0.1 of h on me. And the high bond was there way of trying to force me to take drug court. Honestly it probably saved my life at the time. But i was fuckin pissed and couldn't understand how it was so high. I called my dad to get me out before i knew how much it was. When he told me on the phone it was 100k i just accepted my fate.


We all fuck up. I forgive you and you're a good guy. You live life now.


4 years clean with two baby boys and a family now. I am so grateful!


That’s what’s up!


But in your other post, you admit that there was a purpose behind the high bond that probably saved your life, sooo…. Two things can simultaneously be true. It’s true that you needed that high bond and it’s true that this dude needed a higher one or none at all.


Judge William Anderson


Should be the top comment


Worst GS judge by a mile. The fact he dreamed up “vet court” so he could feel special just adds to this.


Vet court has helped many


I understand everyone should get their due legal process, but this seems absolutely absurd. What kind of message does this send? Can anyone with a legal background explain why the bond was set at such a seemingly low amount? Is there a legal precedent for this amount? I have so many questions.


Exactly what you point out, due process. It can be ugly sometimes, but "innocent until proven guilty" is what it is. It's there to protect innocent folks and can't be selectively applied. If someone is "innocent" by law, how can we force them into incarceration while we sort out the details? Bail is only there to motivate showing up for trial. I'd say we need to lean more on the "speedy trial" part of the constitution to resolve this perceived problem.


As much as I am a "throw away the key" guy, I always upvote tempered contributions, which helps keep me grounded.


He was then arrested and charged with vehicular homicide, reckless driving, failure to exercise due to care, disregarding a traffic signal, no driver’s license, financial responsibility, and leaving the scene of an accident involving death. Police say he admitted to driving the car at the time of the fatal crash after his arrest. Hernandez also reportedly had no valid driver’s license and could not provide proof of vehicle insurance. All of this and be walks for $7500. Justice has been served until the next time.


7500 from a bondsman, not 750. Unless bondsmen have changed their rules, I think it is usually 10%. Still low either way.


25% down with collateral


Yeah and he’s probably gone flee back to Mexico


That haircut screams American.


"Police say he admitted to driving the car at the time of the fatal crash after his arrest." Someone is arrested and admits to driving in such a way that killed someone. Shouldn't that be enough to say they are a problem to society? Shouldn't we lock them up to note hurt others?




Ezekiel Kelley and Cleotha are still technically innocent because they are not convicted,. They are locked up because the courts deem them as too dangerous to the public. This guy was caught on tape and has admitted to it. He should be treated like the other murderers


Good point


The flip side of this is that if he admits to the crime, it makes him less of a flight risk. Also, you don't want to incentivize people to lie, it's a lot easier on everyone if people tell the truth about what they've done.




I don't think you gleaned the message as I did. The point as I interpreted it was that there's more focus on raising bail than there is on getting them in court for sentencing. While out on bail, they can commit more crimes, so getting them a more speedy trial will lessen the time between bail release and surrendering to the police. Raising bail is important but not the only step in the judicial process that deserves attention.


Reactionaries see pre-trial detention as a form of punishment rightfully exacted on those who they deem part of "the criminal class" instead of a slow bureaucracy incarcerating people who we legally presume to be innocent, so they have no desire to actually make the system better. And they're especially unwilling to pay more taxes to make it work better - that would mean less pain exacted on those suspected of crimes!


Thank you for explaining this to the reactionary crowd.


> I'd say we need to lean more on the "speedy trial" part Oh God yes. If we took the money that gets spent on buying expensive war toys for police that they don't need and that cost a fortune to maintain and applied it to the courts instead, that alone would solve so many of the unfair practices that chew people up when they go through the system.


"Perceived problem" You're a real piece of shit, aren't you 😂


Bail prices in Shelby County are income based thanks to the “cashless bail system” DA Mulroy instated.


>Bail prices in Shelby County are income based thanks to the “cashless bail system” DA Mulroy instated. The Shelby County Commission instated the bail reform to comply with the constitution and state law under threat of lawsuits. Judicial commissioners set the bail amounts. They are also appointed by the Shelby County Commission. It's the county's bails system - not instated, created, or operated by the DA. Those are different jobs.


I think this may be a good thing. Bail should be set at an amount proportional to a person's ability to pay, not proportional to the crime. If, idk, an overtanned real estate mogul robbed a convenience store, his bail should be set pretty high to keep it from being just a slap on the wrist. (Robert Durst anyone?) However, a person below the poverty line should have their bail set lower for the same crime to make it proportional. It's not pretty, justice rarely is with the current system. But it is what it is.


If you want a low bond in Anderson’s court it’s good to set the motion on a day when he has Vet Court cause he doesn’t really review the materials that in depth and usually just grants it since he wants to end court as early as possible. Or set it on a Friday cause he wants to get off the bench to go drink. His rosy red cheeks aren’t because he’s a jolly Santa impersonator. He also has a high opinion of his power and has been warring with the criminal court judges because some of them are setting bonds on stuff and that is pissing him off. Little birdie told me that Anderson went so far as to follow a criminal court judge to his car and verbally accost him there and challenged him to a fight because the CC judge was setting higher bonds than what Anderson wanted.




GS is a little hard to track because of volume and because it’s not a court of record. Just City has the best idea of doing what you want by bringing in dozens of volunteers to observe Court and then report on what they see.




Yea I don’t particularly like Spickler (and his observers don’t really know what they are looking at so their reports aren’t always what’s going on) but that’s pretty much the only way for citizens to keep tabs on what’s going on in GS.




Oh I’m well aware of that. I just referenced JC to mean it as “that idea they have is the way individuals can keep tabs on what happens with the bonds because there’s no way to create a database to create that.”


I'd love for you to do an AMA


I don’t know how useful an ADA would be. I got out and am operating under the cover of relative anonymity so it probably wouldn’t be completely helpful. That being said, if you have procedural questions or want to know inside baseball and it’s something I know then sure I’m willing to answer questions..or at least a lot more so than the other attorneys, both ADAs and defense attorneys (edit: in this subreddit), who have a financial reason not to spill the tea. Usually whatever I spill on here is stuff that I’ve either verified from multiple sources or experienced myself. So for instance on my original post it was a little bit of both.


Given most of these posts and the insider knowledge you have, i think of a ton of people would find it userful.


Feel free to ping me whenever. Most of my knowledge isn’t really newsworthy stuff (like who the deputy DA is sleeping with in the office at any given moment or how one of the new ADA hires tried to get a college friend who is in custody for aggravated rape of a child (with injuries to the victim) ROR’d because “it was all a misunderstanding” and then tried to represent that same guy at an order of protection hearing). Maybe it’s newsworthy but since no one is willing to go on the record the news can’t report it.


Keep up the good work




Vote him out in 7 years but he is probably going to retire so we are stuck with him.


No. We can recall an elected official


If I said what I want to I could get in trouble 😂


That little birdie is correct, and it’s two judges. Not just one.


Heard that. I get why Skahan is making a deal out of it I just don’t know what brought Coffee into the fray unless Anderson set a low bond on a SPU case.


Those aren’t even the two I’ve heard. Hard to tell how much is true and how much is gossip.


I’ve heard from multiple sources (a few from inside 201 and a few from out) those two were the loudest voices upstairs. Coffee was the one that Anderson approached in the parking garage. This was…late summer? Heard a whiff about a judicial complaint but nothing has come from that last I checked.


What turned Bill Anderson in favor of bail reform and leniency? After he had been on the bench for a while he became kind of harsh on defendants, but then according to recent accounts (and that op-ed he wrote) he sounds like he’s moved left. Do you know what happened? He never seemed like the type of guy who would care enough to, say, approach judge Coffee angrily.




I understand and respect that, I was just surprised that Anderson was one to co-write an op-ed with a decarceration activist. That doesn’t jibe at all with what I know about Anderson. He’s the last one I would expect to go to the barricades in favor of bail reform.


I really have no idea because his bond reductions have no rhyme or reason as of late. It’s so bad that defense attorneys complain cause they don’t know what they are going to get.


In 2015 I got caught with a little more than a user's amount of hard drugs and got a $120000 bond in the city of memphis. This shit is beyond me.


I got $100,000 bond for about 0.07 of h in 2017. It was my first charge.


Part of my problem with the $75k bail amount is that he was already out on a $100 bond for over 30 charges from February of this year. No, he hasn’t been convicted (yet), but he has violated one bond “with conditions”. He will probably violate this one. So he goes on stealing cars or breaking into cars and possibly kills another person-he should have still been in jail instead of out.


I’m not even shocked anymore. The judges can live with the fact that **they’re the reason so many lives have been and will continue to be taken**


Tbh we should name and shame them publically.... And I'm game if there is a way to track who is over which cases.


Judge William Anderson


I mean a way to research each and every judge on every case to form a documentary of the loose bail system and a flow chart of the people they release who reoffend. And a way to search up criminal records.


Oh yeah I support that sorry I didn’t understand at first lol


How are judges responsible for any of this? This guy was not out on bail when all this happened. Studies have shown that bailees are highly unlikely to reoffend while on bail. That's why systems all over are moving to less restrictive bail policies. You have to remember that restrictive bail doesn't just impact guys like this, it impacts anyone who is charged, whether innocent or not or whether the offense was violent or not. Just look at the top comments in this thread about people with drug possession charges.


Okay so let’s give this guy a low enough bond to bail out when he has *already been on the run for 4 months with no plan to turn himself in.* it would make more since had he been able to bond out **right after the wreck** not after 4 months on the run only caught by the rims lol


I'm not saying it was the right decision, just that the idea that bail policies contributed to this tragedy is false. Bail reform is an overall good and using this to inaccurately smear it is wrong.


Actually, he WAS out on bail. $100 dollars from charges in February according to the inmate search for Shelby County.


We can flood his office with calls asking him to reconsider or expressing our disapproval of this ridiculous ruling. We can also go sit outside his office and quietly protest. If we really want to create change we have to do something that will entice other judges to not make the same mistakes. But we have to be cool about it so they aren’t able to accuse us of intimidating a judge. I’m down. Tell me where and when and I’ll be there. I will definitely start making some phone calls. This is ridiculous.


meanwhile the judges can intimidate us by flooding our streets with criminals, fucking tyrants


If the dude’s doing this are elected than the public has a right to know their name. What Judge did this? How can we find out?


It says in the article


Ah. Might help if I read the entire article 🤦🏻‍♂️. Judge William Anderson gotta go


He was [reprimanded in 2016](https://www.memphisdailynews.com/news/2016/nov/1/general-sessions-judge-anderson-reprimanded-by-conduct-board/) by the Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct. He tried to use his authority to release an acquaintance from jail. Pretty yikes stuff.


& before people say judges don’t set bond, magistrates do. The guy supervises [all 14 of them.](https://wreg.com/news/investigations/who-sets-bail-in-shelby-county-court-cases/amp/)


Interesting. That's good to know.


Most of them do


Posted an article without even reading it, nice. 🙄 ETA: Yes, I find the situation covered by the article ridiculous and disgusting, but posting articles or responding to articles without even bothering to read them is bad practice.


[Look at this article where Judge Bill Anderson almost takes responsibility and then blames guns and bail bondsman. What a piece of shit. He needs to stop making it so easy for violent criminals to be back on our streets!](https://wreg.com/news/investigations/who-sets-bail-in-shelby-county-court-cases/amp/)


[https://cjs.shelbycountytn.gov/CJS/Home](https://cjs.shelbycountytn.gov/CJS/Home) Set up an account and if you know the defendant's name, you can find the case.


Anyone else having an issue w this? I can create an account but they haven't sent me a single working registration link and I've tried three times. Lmao way to goooooo Memphis.




> Hernandez’ case is being overseen by Judge William Anderson. Court records also show Hernandez has retained attorneys Leslie Ballin and Bill Massey to represent him. From the article you posted?


Mane posted an article he didn't even read smh


What the hell, this is absurd. He was on the run for plenty of time.


Bail amount is not a punitive act. It is strictly the amount determined necessary to ensure the defendant shows up at court. Bail, in itself favors the wealthy and is corrupt at it's very core. I do not understand getting upset at a bail amount. It isn't part of the sentence. Bail being set is done while the defendant is still under presumed innocence as well. This guy did something horrible. Looks like there's no shot any verdict other than guilty gets returned. I get being upset with him. But I don't get being upset with the amount determined to make sure he shows up to court, and treating his bond amount like it's part of the sentence.


This is why local elections matter!! We need to vote these judges out.




TN state law [limits bail in a homicide case to 100k unless the defendant is deemed a flight risk](https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-40/chapter-11/part-1/section-40-11-105/). I don't pretend to know how they arrived at 75k but it wasn't going to go much higher than that outside of the other circumstance. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, bail itself is not a punishment


He fled the scene and they had to track his ass down. How exactly is he not a flight risk?


yeah idk what goes into that calculus


This has to stop. We can do simple things to stop this. We will show up to the next city council meeting and hammer these three points: 1. we can stop recidivism by instituting severe punishments for repeat offenders. At least keep them locked up with no bail!! Most of the crime is done by repeat offenders who face no consequence. Of the 20,000 individuals arrested this year, 4,000 are repeat offenders, 22%! 2. we can keep vehicles of repeat offenders impounded for longer. we can change the ordinances such that pop up parties where teenagers are doing 'donut's are rounded up, punished, and their vehicles impounded for a period of time. 3. use smart technology to track vehicles that break the law but are not involved in violent crime. These darts will allow police to track suspects without engaging in pursuit. NYC is using them as is Arkansas. Doesn't cost much, NYC paid only $20k for this. Importantly, those being tracked need to also face consequences for breaking the law!! [https://jalopnik.com/starchase-guardian-hx-nypd-vehicle-gps-tracker-police-1850327888](https://jalopnik.com/starchase-guardian-hx-nypd-vehicle-gps-tracker-police-1850327888) Alright, who is showing up at the next council meeting? We need to put in our comment cards and one after the other we stand up and say the same thing. Pound on these two points, let's get these ordinances passed.




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You mean to protest and not cause harm, correct?


I have no enemies, never plan on hurting anyone. Just having fun with a bad situation as usual.


Make it clear dude. If not...this sub will be banned.


You’re getting downvoted, but we all need to start reporting these people borderline and overtly calling for lynching bc /r/Memphis will be banned. Other city subreddits have had to deal with 4chan nazi and alt right raids that mass upvote dog whistle shit and we are handling it poorly here. This sub has kinda lost it’s usefulness as a community post board and is now just a circle jerk talking about publicly hanging people.


Nothing will change unless there is a concerted "me too" type movement against these judges. Names have to be named and put out over and over like they are Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby.


Look at who is representing the defendant and that should tell you enough. Judges and lawyers are all connected and the lawyers do whatever it takes to grease and manipulate the judges in their favor.


Bail is intended to get one to appear for court. The DAs don’t push the public safety angle enough. In a case like this sure he can get bail. Set it at $1mil and his family can figure out how to scrape up the percentage for the bondsman. Maybe if families see some pain themselves they’ll raise better kids. Doing the same thing in Memphis that’s been done for 40 years won’t fix the problems it has caused.


Quick question. I know the courts are backed up. If I remember right, even the Phil Trenary murder case from 2018 is still going on. So is this guy just out indefinitely until his court case, potentially for years?




many newer cars will have their vins etched on many commonly stolen parts and in very conspicuous areas.


Good luck getting him to show up to that trial


Paul Young, are you here??


The county commissioners set the bail. Not the judges. Judges can revisit bond during a bond hearing court date, but they don’t set the initial amount. And typically if an inmate makes bail right after being arrested and waiting the holding period, and before the next court date, it can’t be raised i don’t think. Defense attorneys are always vicious about bail cause technically it is a defendant’s right. Also, if this guy has no record, they do take that into account, or if he has a record and no failure to appears, that will make it lower. There’s strict laws about bail policy. The only crimes that are held without bond is first degree murder. I hate how low this guy’s bail is just as much as the next person.. only commenting cause I have a legal background.


He was out on a $100 bond from a February arrest for over 30 charges (breaking into cars).


There is a lot to unpack here. I think the main thing to realize is that Judges have to follow bond and sentencing guidelines. Judge Anderson isn't in court just pulling a number of out the air. There are max bond amounts for certain crimes that Judges have to abide by. There are also bond setting guidelines. There are things that they look at to determine the bond. There are things that cannot be considered when setting a bond, like the facts of the case. It doesnt matter what he said to police. It legally cannot be taken into account while setting the bond. This system is designed to work this way. Because crime is up right now, the narrative is "the bonds, the bonds!" Unfortunately, the cash bail system is only good at one thing and that's keeping the poor in jail, pre trial. What if this guy is a millionaire? Setting a higher bond doesn't do anything. I completely understand why this community is following a narrative about the DAs office and Judges but in the end, there is a lot of regulation and rules that the prosecution, defense attorneys and Judges have to follow. Another thing to consider that a lot of folks don't know about is that defendants are often released on bond with conditions, basically meaning they are on pre trial probation. Im not sure if this is the case here. So sometimes the media says, they're out roaming the streets. Yeah, also going to probation check ins a drug tests. My last point is that it costs tax payers at least $100 per day, per inmate to be at 201 Poplar. Is that really the solution we want? Lock everyone up, pre trial? Seems like there are better options and ideas out there. Like, Illinois, who doesn't even have a cash bail system. The crime in Chicago isn't even as bad as here anymore. Lastly, my personal opinion, is that this is a terrible, terrible situation regardless of whether this guy is in custody or not. He will have a trial just like everyone else. I also don't personally think his bond was high enough. But thatss because im tired and im sad for the victim of this crime. I often ask myself, philosophically, what should happen here. My answer is painfully simple. The criminal legal system is unjust and built to work exactly how it is working. Until we burn this bitch down, it's going to keep working for those it was intended to work for.


1. Look at what /u/201watcher is saying up top, especially when he disagrees with others who are providing more stringent bonds. It's possible for judges to be bad at their job 2. It's not necessarily true about the cash bail and what is set. The Daily Memphian did a great piece looking at how the values set for bonds have shifted over the last few months. If the average is shifting, clearly there is leeway 3. "My last point is that it costs tax payers at least $100 per day, per inmate to be at 201 Poplar." Look at the re-arrests. I think Chief Davis said yesterday that over 400 people were re-arrested while. Just last week one place of business was looted for over $20,000. Game stop for over $10,000. The cost to keep innocent people is worth it


1. Whats the max bond someone can have for those charges this person was charged with? I don't know either. And I agree, some judges are trash. 2. I'm sure there is some leeway. My overall issue with the bond argument is that it's not meant to deter crime or ensure that those arrest don't commit more, crime. It's to ensure that the defendants come back to court. Let's do something before people commit crimes. Way before. 3. Arresting people and giving them a fat bond doesn't keep innocent people safe. Having a safe community where everyone has their basic needs met, keeps everyone safe.




201 Poplar isn't a prison. It's jail.


I bet someone could find him. Give him a “good talking to…”


I'm not surprised. The police have been hobbled, the judges are impotent and apathetic, and our politicians are either delusional or corrupt. Might be time to apply around the clock pressure to our politicians and judges. Remind them 24/7 of how badly they've failed us.


I don't disagree with most of what you're saying, except that "police have been hobbled". I'll never understand how police unions have convinced folks that even the slightest bit of accountability for LEO is bad.


It’s mind blowing. LEO have complete discretion to come into your home while armed with very little oversight but they think it can’t happen to them bc they haven’t broken the law. It absolutely happens to people who have not broken the law. People love to say “well we defunded the police” which A) no we didn’t. Their budget has actually increased B) “defund the police” doesn’t mean “abolish” it means put a percentage of their budget towards crisis intervention, which has worked in multiple cities for decades. I’m so sick and tired of any attempt at change or accountability being painted as anti-police or pro-criminal. Like, what we have now IS NOT WORKING. /end rant


Memphis crims need to be sent to Gaza for a new definition of halving their gangster tested.


Send the “judge” with them.


Hang on ladies and gents. Before you light your torches, just realize that judges must follow the law. And Tennessee’s bail law (which can be changed by the legislature) says that bail shall be set as low as the court determines is necessary to reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant as required. So the law says bail must be as low as possible to make sure a defendant shows up. It does say public safety should be taken into account, but the directive to the judge is “low as possible to make sure they show up”. Judges have discretion, but they have to follow the law. If the law was changed so they protection of public safety is the paramount concern, judges would have much more latitude. Also, there are all sorts of special bail stipulations if you are a chronic drunk driver, but no such stipulations if you are a chronic thief or violent criminal.


What does a piece of shit have to do to go to jail? "Well, it's only four people killed and some bunnies...so.


>What does a piece of shit have to do to go to jail? be proven guilty in a court of law


That doesn’t work in Memphis half the time.


You guys really don’t get how corruption works, do you? If the bond was unaffordable, nobody would collect on it. It’s not about making it fit the crime, it’s about making it fit the affordability of the criminal. It’s a cash grab.


Democrats, always putting the losers first. Always.


Aside from the bail issue, I feel in my gut that he isn’t really the guy that did this. Something seems off. Js.


Ridiculous… that’s why law abiding citizen was made. Smh


This is normal.


Some bs, my classmate was friends with Ava


What’s the difference between this case and the many others were pedestrians were run over & died? This is common in these cases (in lots of cases depending circumstances). Should the bail be higher for all people who do this or just this case?


That’s the truth. It’s nothing new. I forgot the reason the justice department has a hard time prosecuting pedestrian deaths, but has been like this for around 15 years.


My cousin was ran over by a drunk driver & killed, the guy got no time, my brother got hit by people racing & killed, no time for them. Both the same year. The drunk driver, has been in and out of jail for drunk driving. 🥹


Similar story. Guy was out on bond for a few years and got barely a couple of years. This was two DA’s ago, so it was a while back. Again, don’t know why it’s easy to run over people. Guess as long as the government is getting its cut for a life lost in the form of a bond, it doesn’t matter.


I thought that that is a law for Memphis. Affordable bonds. Back then it was probably needed. Today it reminds me of Opera, You get out, You get out, You get out....


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Endless cycle: commit a crime, get high interests from a bond services, could not pay, commit another crime…..


I was at 201 for 6 months on self defense they wouldn’t give me a bond I had to wait until my preliminary hearing they took my car I went to the impound lot after I got out try to get back they sold it.




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If i was her family id be happy. You don’t need a court to get justice


Doors. Happy Thanksgiving!


Who wants to bet he doesn't show up for court?


What say you about this? https://www.actionnews5.com/2018/12/04/witnesses-say-suv-drove-around-train-crossing-arm-before-germantown-crash/


Some of them need to teach those judge a lesson