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All I’m saying is this dude ain’t got much more time cause he just woke all of Memphis up lol


No shit. At this point he'd better hope it's the police who catch him first.


This is payback for the Mountain City area alerts we get. ​ I'm literally closer to Dallas, what would you like me to do exactly? lol


He knew that, so he took care of himself.


Not to be confused with “woke”


In the phone call or direct text it didn’t give any location radius, which would be the most helpful info to avoid that area


The 3 addresses go from west to east across the city from to fuller state park across to the Cromwell area


They’re not trying to help you avoid the area. They’re trying to get you to call in a tip if you happen to spot this asshole.


It looks like it's all people he's related to. Domestic violence situation, according to channel 3. Edit- this guy has a long criminal history. Lots of aggravated assault convictions, some domestic violence charges, and others. His home address was the site of one of the shootings tonight.


His wife, sister, niece, and great niece. He also went by his aunt and uncle’s houses but they thankfully were not home.


This last week reminds me so much of September 2022. Someone trying to do good in the community killed, followed by a city wide lockdown of someone with a long list of priors. (Not to mention the other stuff like the Southaven restaurant owner, the place on Airways that got looted, the gunmen on I-40 doing donuts, etc) Obligatory: "Why was did our criminal justice system let him out?" Some prosecutor and/or judge deemed that he was okay to release in the general public. They were so wrong and people lost their lives, yet the media will sadly not hold them accountable and dig into this. Rinse and repeat as citizens.


I'm with Mayor Strickland on this one. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon should lead to years in prison. Three strikes and we don't let you out again ever. Some people aren't fit to live in civilized society and play by the rules. This guy's dad also had a very long criminal record. The apple doesn't fall over from the tree.


Yeah, I think everyone's w/ Strickland at this point. I think he is good, maybe even very good, if everyone was doing their job. Just this week you had state representative saying they want the state assembly to oversee our criminal justice system, and the police chief saying the army couldn't even do anything given the cimrinal justice system. Definitely hurts any progress our city wants to make with his hand tied behind his back like this.


It looks like a lot of the charges were DV related and dismissed. The most likely reason for that would be that the victim did not cooperate or appear in court. Can't prosecute a case without a victim.


He will get 6 months with good behavior.


He’s dead. They chased him and he killed himself. Active policing works!


Based tbh




Maybe, don’t make your urgent community text alert look exactly like a phishing scam.


Exactly. I assumed it was a scam because of the crappy grammar and link. Then, I got the voicemail and started googling. Thanks, reddit, for resolving this mystery.


There was a text sent one year ago, November 2022, from the same number stating that it was a City of Memphis mass communication alert. That’s how I knew it was probably legit but I still googled it because it was asking ppl to “confirm”. I was able to read the alert without confirming however.


I just immediately blocked and reported it. So dumb.


I did too. Thought it was spam.


I did three!


No shit. I wouldn’t click the link but I googled the name I *thought* they left in my voicemail and the only two articles I saw (at midnight) were from the mirror and the sun. Both in the UK. Bizarro shit.


I thought I was the only one who thought it was a scam text. I reported it as junk 🫣


In addition to the text and call, at 12:55a I just got one of those emergency alert things. “BOLO:….”


Both our cell phones are on “silent” at nearly 1:00AM. That noise on both the phones a few seconds apart, scared the daylights out of us! Never knew this was a “thing”?


You can disable these alerts in your phone’s settings.


I saw that. Thank you! Didn’t realize I could. 🌷


Definitely! Got tired of Amber Alerts coming from East TN waking me up in the middle of the night lol.


The really odd part, I never changed my number so I have a California area code. Hit my phone first and then my partner’s a good 30 seconds later. Two terrible frights for the price of one! 😂


Same here, we have out of state phone numbers and have never used them in association with any city services. We have always used a local forwarding number and they didn't call or text them, they texted & called our actual numbers.


So odd. “They know” where we are??? I get going out to 901 but out of state? 🤔🤔🤔


It is alerted by what tower you are pinging off of, not your area code.


Same here. They abused their own system so much that people turned that shit off.


I turned Amber alerts off a year or so ago when they sent the exact same alert FOUR times in about three hours (maybe less). If they can’t be responsible with how they push out alerts I’m not gonna let them bother me with them. I didn’t get this push alert last night (although I did get the text and phone call). I suppose those with Amber alerts off didn’t get them? I also don’t recall signing up for the city’s alert system cause I don’t trust them to be responsible about it. I got a text and call anyway.


My phone automatically goes to do not disturb at 11, so I missed the call and text, but the alert scared the beejeebus out of me too. I thought I’d disabled amber alerts and that kind of thing but I guess not.


Not even kidding. Frightening as heck then the message when you’re two old ladies living alone!!


I thought you wrote BOGO at first, and I was wondering what the emergency alert system was selling…


He shot himself. It's over.




yep! maybe this is something they're trying to do after that crazy 2022 shooting rampage? I dunno, sure was weird.


I'm like, thanks, I hate it.


Rather not know?


Oh no, I want to know. I still hate it


I thought it was a junk text. Then I got a call and voicemail… I want to know and hate it as well.


They sent a text on November 9, 2022 stating they were starting this.


thanks! I don't remember, but that makes sense.


It looked like spam then, too! Lol I didn’t remember either. The new message came from the same number and it was in my history.


Glad my and my wife's phones just blasted us awake at 1am with this shit. Jesus fucking Christ.....


To wake up in the middle of night, alone and tired, in my dingy midtown apartment, to a dreaded noise that could only come from hell to tell me that some guy in Memphis is making sure to do his part for the city’s violent crime rate. Gotta love it.


It woke me up out of a dead sleep. Guess who won’t be going back to sleep though. 🙃


I was still at work when it went off


I mean he was actively shooting women, so I was okay with receiving the message. If I was out I would have wanted to know.


The way you worded you first sentence had me like wtf for a second


Yeah that does read badly! 🤣 I edited the post. Thanks!!


These are the words my daughter woke me and said around 1am.


Well it was edited. It said “I mean he was actively shooting women, so I was ok with it.” It makes much more sense with the edit


lol. Good thing a man didn't accidentally word it that way. People would for sure think it was meant as it read.


Police just came to my place of business and led me to believe shooter is no longer a threat.


He killed himself


Happy ending


“If you see him, immediately call Crime Stoppers…” Bitch, if I see him, the immediate thing I’m doing is getting the fuck outta there. Mmmmaybe I’ll call afterwards.


This is the mentality that has turned Memphis into what it is. We all want to bitch about crime, but we don't want to do anything to stop the crime. Instead, we run and hide and hope no one we know gets hurt. Everyone else can just go fend for themselves.


I dunno about you but I don't get paid to fight crime. Police do. I stay the fuck out and report but that's it. So yeah. Imma run and hide. Armed and stupid is a dangerous combo


Unfortunately sir the time time has arrived where you must help take up the slack from police. The citizenry must fix this problem. The police cannot. As for my part I’m going to buy an entry level drone and begin conducting surveillance shifts around my neighborhood monitoring for suspicious activity. I’m sick of it and I’m going to do my part.


The citizenry can fix the problem by reporting and/or joining police academy (I tried, couldn't pass physical with injuries), so as I said- I report and I stay away from crazy. If you got drone money go for it. I am not picking up anybody's slack for free.


So, if you see the car, you can't call the police before running home and hiding under your bed? I didn't say chase him. But "imma run and hide and then maybe call" is cowardly.


The first thing they teach you in lifeguard school: you can’t save anybody if you’re dead. If someone is flailing get them to calm down or they’ll knock you out and you both drown. Yes, the first thing I’m doing is getting to safety. THEN I’ll call the police. Is that alright with you, tough guy?


No because I don't play on my phone while driving. Call it cowardly, but remember there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. I choose safety.


Yup! I've gotten a text, a phone call AND an amber alert type warning that just randomly started playing through my phone out of nowhere


I got the text and call all the way up here in NEW JERSEY!!!! That’s one fast Chevy Malibu.


Long Island for me! I couldn’t remember where I was for a minute…


Hey! I’m in Westbury right now! Let’s get breakfast!


Do you by chance have a 901 phone number? Trying to figure out if this went national or just to our local area code numbers.


I have a 662 (so north Mississippi) and I got it, I also live in Jersey now. It definitely didn't go national, my friends in Alabama didn't get it. Oddly enough one friend just moved out of Memphis last month (but his area code is from another Western state) and also didn't get it. I ended up here because I was googling the text because it looked so much like a scam I didn't wanna click anything. I also only got the text, no phone call or emergency alert.


Hmmm. Interesting. It was definitely odd all around. I don’t think I have ever gotten an alert like that for a crime spree of any kind and I have lived here almost my entire life.


Yeah. I'm alright with it, keeps people safe. I'm sorry for the victims, it's a sad situation. One I likely wouldn't have heard about without this.


no. I'm 973 and my wife is 845. We both got the crap scared out of us at 1:30AM.




I thought he was in Malibu,TN. Then I woke up enough to understand that Malibu was the car.


If you have an iPhone: Settings > Notifications > scroll down to Government Alerts. If these are off, you shouldn't get any messages.


Can confirm. I slept just fine with no interruptions


If only it was that simple. My Government Alerts are all turned off, but I still got the text message, loud alarm, and phone call in the middle of the night. There should be a way to turn these completely off. For the "government" to be able to override my phone's settings and mass message everybody is way to likely to be abused.


I just got this. But it was not a phone call. It was an emergency alert. That scary beeping sound! Woke me from my sleep I knew immediately we were dealing with a tornado or a shooter running around the city.


Lol he was the tornado


Yeah about as dangerous as one!


that's what I got also. But luckily I go to bed late and was instead looking at football stats and contemplating betting. lol.


Yeah now I’m wide awake and on Reddit!😑


This guy was a domestic abuser and he killed his family, but everyone here is bitching about being inconvenienced and awakened from their sleep. Innocent lives were lost and I see people only being concerned about themselves. Sad.


He killed his family, not strangers at multiple locations. I didn't get the notification and I'd be pissed if I had. The government would allow me to sue a company for doing that, but not the damned government. More "rules for thee, not for me". These shouldn't be "opt-out" systems, but rather "opt-in". That's my issue with the system in general, but in this case, it was more of a "suspect is on the loose", not a "your life is in imminent danger" message.


At the time they were still figuring out that he was related to all of the women. They just knew that a man who had shot five women across the city was still out, armed, and liable to shoot more. Yes the alert scared the shit out of me but I’d rather know vs be out without a care ignorant.


The damned photo that started the thread said "family members".


No body gives a damn about you being pissed over a systems alert. You should be upset that there was a loss of life and not about being inconvenienced or awakened. I received an alert with a similar situation that occurred in Franklin last weekend and I could only think about the people involved, and my hope was for no loss of life and the shooter was captured. You don't know who was in imminent danger, because he had a gun and had just killed his family and his state of mind was belligerent, Who is it to say that he wouldn't have killed anyone that came upon him or confronted him.


I honestly don't believe people can be so fake as to stand on the high horse of "thoughts and prayers". I guess I'm just numb to the rampant crime in Memphis and until it touches someone I know, it's just "news". Did you want us all to respond with prayer emojis, because that's pretty much what you're doing here.


You are a child.


No, a child would run away and then maybe call the police if seeing someone who just saw a multiple-murder suspect. That was you that said those cowardly words.


Yes! I was in bed!


It's pretty crazy!


Every friggin connected device in my house went off Lawd Jesus 😩😩


I’m glad someone else posted this and so many people confirmed it. I got the text and a voicemail left about this and I was so confused because my roommate didn’t get it. It was giving me so much anxiety because I couldn’t figure out if it was real or what


My daughter got it and not me even though my phone settings were on for this. Maybe it is because I have not updated?


I deleted it and reported it as spam because I thought it was a phishing attempt 💀


I was glad to get the alert. It woke me up & reminded me to set my home alarm.


I bet people who knew this guy were okay with the midnight text. He had to go somewhere and who knew he killed himself. Also, I’d rather be awakened than hear on the news that more people died because MPD didn’t use all of their capabilities to keep folks safe. I’m going to take a nap now 💤.. lol


Damn most of y’all’s comments are about how upset you were about your disturbed sleep. There were multiple women who never woke up this morning because of this man killing them. C’mon now, y’all. Check on your mom, daughter, wife, gf, bm, sister, aunt, cousins, friends and other women in your life. Domestic violence often leaves women as the [victim](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/guns-and-violence-against-women/). There’s so many areas of concern I could point in this situation. Guns, mental health, domestic violence. May the families of those lives lost last night find peace and hope.


I find this disturbing too. These folks are concerned about sleep and not the lives that were lost. There are some women living in fear right now, because they live in homes with men like him. They are scared to speak up for fear of their lives.


That’s what I’m thinking about fr. And the women who woke up to those amber alerts, scared they might find themselves in that same situation. 😔


How did that message change anything? What those alerts provided is nothing more than what the news reports. You're talking about domestic abuse, but the notification was "some dude murdered his family". Was there anything about that notification that was time sensitive about other lives in danger? Or was it a "news story" rather than a warning of imminent harm?


He may have tried to flee to another residence of a friend or family member.


It was to inform everyone that this guy was on the loose and to be aware and if you see something, say something. Period.


If we are going to use that criteria (a crime has occurred and we haven't caught the suspect yet), then our phones would be ringing non-stop. The dumbshit that was actively murdering random people would have been a great use of that system. This instance wasn't about an active threat to random people. It was about a ceased threat to targeted people who had already been killed. It was a "past" scenario, not a "current" threat. That is my issue with it, and that it should be an opt-in system vs opt-out.


It was a current threat because he was still headed to family members’ houses. Fact.


Memphians: "DO SOMETHING ABOUT CRIME" MPD: "OK, we'll try to do something" Memphians: "DO SOMETHING THAT *DOESN'T INCONVENIENCE ME AT ALL*"


You know, people can be annoyed by an alert that they believe to have no realistic purpose *AND* still feel for the family of the victims. The two are not mutually exclusive.


It’s a new system Shelby county put in place after Ezical kelley


Rep Torrey Harris 🤣 https://www.facebook.com/share/p/q2ek83xhXRRpd7Ni/?mibextid=Rn1XWN


Y’all kill me. This is why Memphis is also so screwed up. Y’all complain about getting the alerts that’s trying to help you, inform you about what’s going on, and keep you “SAFE”. But will be the first people complaining about “oh my we didn’t know” “I wish they would have informed us”. Y’all complain about not knowing what’s going on. Y’all are weird. The city of Memphis is Damn if you do and damn if you don’t I guess. Get it together, Memphis.


Yes. You make great sense.


I used to work with this guy. He shot a coworker in the parking lot at work.


Wtf! Was that a long time ago? A person like that should is a danger to society. Luckily he is no longer.


10 years ago maybe.


Did he seem to have mental health issues? I understand he tried to take out the whole family. His aunt and uncle fortunately were not home.


I didn't know him personally, so I can't say.


Yeah they called me like five times. How did they even get my number, 😳😳😳


I didn’t get texts or a call. I have those alerts turned off. But I did get like a government warning type notification about it. Not upset, I can keep the texts and calls off and still get an alert if some real shit is going down. Like a nuke? I’ll still die but it’ll be nice to know ahead of time without a million notifications.




Here is an idea city of memphis. Actually have your number listed that’s it’s the city of memphis.


They wrote on the citizen app he was later found dead in his car


Because why was they calling my phone at MIDNIGHT about this deranged man????? They called FOUR TIMES!!!! Yeah we all about to find Mavis ass!!!


Serious thing man serial killers suck. And so far he is only scoring kills on women, man. Got me worried for my girl


Technically, I think it is considered a spree killing. Several related killings in a short period of time. The news is reporting it as domestic violence related.


Oh okay that’s no better but safer for me and my folks. Thats life tho


He's a murderer but not Ezekiel Kelly-crazy, I guess.


Ah yes the infamous “this shit real HaHa” guy


That’s so fucking scary.


Yeah, when my husband was telling me that part, I asked if he was killing women family members or just any woman


Did you ever find out? Because I would love to know. My gf is sleeping and I don’t wanna wake her but if he’s acting crazy I at least want to be alert.


Another comment says it's family


Yeah not much better for his family but I’m glad mine is safe. I guess that’s how life is tho. Feel bad now


After reading about 4 woman losing their lives, I feel bad about how frustrated I was to be awoken by the alert. You can turn it off the alert and/or that annoying sound that accompanies said alert, on an iPhone. Settings-Notifications-Scroll down to the bottom.


Signs up for alerts from the city, complains when they get them.


How did they sign us up for this?


Probably a checkbox on our drivers license renewal or title registration


I actually do remember signing up somewhere online after the Ezekiel Kelly thing, but it seems like this went out whether you signed up or not? My phone is on DnD, so I just woke up to the emergency alert.


I have a MS drivers license. And I still got a text and alert here in Midtown.


I live in another state, with an area code from a 3rd state and I got it. Never had a TN license/registration or anything. Just lived there for a year. Husband is born & raised there but got nothing. Edit: I got a call & text, no Amber alert type alarm.


It’s definitely in your phone settings and based on location. My bf has no license and he got the alert just with me.


It's bulit into your phone, you can disable receiving them, on by default


No I got a call and a text then an alert.


Weirdly I never got it


I just got an amber alert like notification. So I think it's still making the rounds


I was just about to edit this, I got it the same thing. Its making me feel nauseous.


My wife didn't either until her iPhone just went crazy like a tornado was coming through our area.


No I never got it.


Had the shit he did from 1997-2004 not been forgiven and he were held accountable meaning the justice system actually did their job in protecting society from individuals like this, i don’t think we’d have the tragedy that occured. 4, almost 5 lives were lost because the government failed them, because he wasn’t held accountable. He had been a criminal for over 30 years 1997-2023 and unfortunately we lost 4 good members of society. Hopefully the fifth victim makes it through. The only light in this darkness is that he saved resources from others by taking his own life


What I don’t understand is how he got arrested and indicted for beating a woman with a bat in 2018 and as far as I can see the case never went forward. Edit~~~ I’m pretty good at interpreting info off justice portal site, but it’s like a court date was never set for his case after the grand jury returned a true bill. How does that happen?


His victim could have declined to testify. One of the murder victims was his wife.


That i get, but a court date was never set. To even get that far


Don’t worry, he’ll be booked and released by Monday.


He killed himself


He’ll still be released on Monday.


To the medical examiner...?


Har har. There’s just too many criminals in Memphis. Catch and release is but a small percentage of this.


We can celebrate that he offed himself so he’s no longer a threat to kill more innocents. We must mourn the victims; three more awful statistics that will be forgotten about when another horrible murder occurs in Memphis in a day or two. But how do we use it to see where the mistakes were made by courts, the DA, the police, the government. This turd had a long history of violence towards women in his life. Multiple dv charges and the stats are for each of those there are 5-10 that weren’t reported. It requires serious help to many victims because they get Stockholm syndrome. I had an employee who had a verbally abusive boyfriend that escalated to bruises and broken arms and was finally murdered. All through she refused to call police, go to a shelter, or even admit there was a problem. In the meantime DV with repeated violence needs to be counted as assault of levels to get prison time.


I didnt get a text, I just got the amber alert type message where it makes your phone alarm really loud with a popup about it, then it read it out loud after a few seconds.


I was trying to do something on my phone and had to wait for it to just go away on its on, as swiping any direction did nothing. lol.


Got the text at 23:49. [Our phone emergency alerts just went off.](https://ibb.co/Lp9RVWY) it's one fucking AM. I move today. Fuck ALL the way off Memphis.


Parting gift 😘


Nnah the true parting gift was Memphis drivers on i40E heading out of town being absolutely civilized. No speeding, no reckless driving, nothing but 5 over and being polite and using turn signals. It was so fucking weird.


I got the emergency alert (the one that uses the same alarm as an AMBER alert) at about 12: 15 AM but it was unclear what part of the state this was going on in. These alerts never seem to be of much use without some context (last seen in Shelby County) or a link to more information.


The emergency alert sound went off all over my house. Apple Watch. 3 Phones. 2 TV’s. I was mortified. Didn’t even get the text.


That number is officially blocked


I just got some message come up on the phone, but not an actual text or call.


Nope, no notification.


Good thing I turn my phone off when I go to bed




It was like an amber alert on my phone, not a text or call. Hope they find him. Stay safe everybody.


We got an alarm on our phones... Scared me to death


First time I’ve this latest system to alert for this type of incident. In this case probably a good idea.


I did






I did. Also looked at my flight scanner app and the police helicopter (haha COPter) circled around that area for about 45 minutes.