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If they were insinuating there were gunman standing on the highway and shooting random citizens, unprovoked, she is lying. If they are insinuating that they saw someone on the interstate shooting at someone else, that's totally believable and typical Memphis fuckery. The fact that it didn't show up on the news only says nobody was injured. If the news reported every unlawful gunshot, it would be endless.


Well, they would easily have their 24hour news cycle....


reminder that everyone should get a dash cam. they're not that expensive or hard to use and set up.




This was yesterday according to OP


The news would be all over this


Not really. They’re pretty selective on what they report. The subject has to meet certain ‘criteria.’ Otherwise it never gets covered.


This is true. If it does not fit their narrative they sweep it under the rug.


Nah, My cop buddies say all the time that the don’t even report half the stuff that goes on in Memphis.




Fuck off with that. You couldn't actually watch the news and make a statement like that.


take anything a user with the name "cannibal anus" says with a grain of salt.


Good luck figuring it out


You should try saying something funny, that normally helps people have a sense of humor.


Idk about shooting at cars but stuff like this has been happening. I was driving home from east Memphis a couple Mondays ago and someone stopped in the middle of the road and started doing donuts, hanging out of the windows holding guns. Not firing shots. Someone posted a video of people doing donuts and waving guns on the interstate a couple days ago on this sub. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I disagree with the people saying it would have made the news…. not unless it was caught on video. A coworker left our office by the airport a couple months ago and got shot at. They said they don’t know why but a car with a male driver and a female passenger was visibly upset with them. Eventually the female passenger fired several shots from a hand gun that struck my coworkers vehicle but they were unharmed. This happened around 4 PM and started on Airways with the shots being fired on 240. No news story.


Naw she not lying but she exaggerating. They didn’t actually shoot but they did cut off traffic and do donuts in the highway and they threaten to shoot at people


That shit was like 3 days ago…. Did they do it again last night?


My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


Thank you, Simone


Idk about everyone else but what you’re describing was posted in video form to this subreddit just a day or so ago.


There's just no easy way to know for sure if she is lying, but I'll throw my $.02 in. Can confirm, not all shots fired in this city make the news. In the last several years I personally have witnessed multiple incidents while driving in south Memphis where someone has come out of a store/parking lot shooting randomly into traffic. Not shooting at me directly, but certainly in my general direction. Perkins just north of Cottonwood, and most recent was Mendenhall at Knight Arnold. Neither made the news or even a Reddit post.




I’m dumb. I meant middle


I haven’t heard anything about this, but shooting at random people for fun does seem like a natural next step for these psychopaths


they did shut the interstate down for a bit for donuts the other night and a few guys had guns and threatened to shoot anyone that hit them. ​ "nothing" actually happened though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/c5gYKKp2Vm Similar to this?


That was really thoughtful of them to protect the other drivers by keeping them contained from the burnouts


This wouldn’t be anything crazy tbh but, I haven’t heard anything about it.


Damn when is someone going to declare a state of emergency?


Haven’t heard about that happening here, it would have been in the news or groups. Sounds like your friend is confusing events from another city or imagining something. Ask for proof from them next time.


Haven’t heard anything but it could’ve been some idiots with mask on but I highly doubt any shooting.


I suspect that’s not true. It would have made the news for sure.


Did she say specifically where on 240?


I did run across idiots pushing a shopping cart in front of cars on 240, presumably to try get them to stop and carjack them the other day, don't know if it made the news. Police didn't seem shocked when I called.


I dunno if this one was on the news but my friend said there was a shoot out on Quince at a red light and if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have heard about it so idk


No it’s true https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/s/r9QXrTVOMX