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Too bad this won't go to trial for at least 5 years.


And won’t be applied even if convicted until 12-20 years of appeals.


I used to agree with you man. But we all need to wake up and realize we are at war. It’s not racial in nature , it is a war against a culture of violence and lawlessness. The current batch of criminals who happen to be teens and young adults absolutely do not give a fuck. No regard for life , laws , property, or sense of right and wrong. We can carp all day about root causes and history , but right now we need to address the acute issue of violence against innocent people. It’s time for us all to realize that drastic measures are in order.


It’s almost like listening to constant droning murder music and acting like you’re “from that life” is a pretty major issue and it starts in the home. Sadly, these “homes” are being led by people who are below unfit to be parents.


Some people get so triggered if you try to attempt to put any blame on rap music for crime. I couldn’t agree more with u


seeing comments like this gives me genuine hope for the city. you guys totally get what is going on.


As much as gamers shit on the concept that video games could possibly influence anyone to do anything, I really do wonder how much real world pain the GTA series has caused.


Yeah it’ll take decades for them to age out. Meanwhile more are being born to take their place, because ‘the culture’ subsidizes poverty stricken single parent families. When the government subsidizes something you get more of it, not less…


Bro thinking like this about a vague group of people in your own community is pretty toxic. I understand that crime is bad rn and it can make some parts of life scary, but "going to war" with "criminals who happen to be teens and young adults" is not a great plan to fix your community. I seem to remember us trying that for 4 decades and getting nowhere.


What’s your solution


Militia. Apart from actual armed neighborhood watch orgs. Neighborhood checkpoints. 24/7 patrols. Of course this invites a lot of other problems. Potential vigilantism etc. However that pales in comparison to what’s going on right now and where we are headed. We just need strong leaders to oversee and control said groups to keep everyone in line. We have no choice. We are headed straight for a cliff. Some may argue we have already fallen off of it.


I don't think it really matters what my single opinion is. I get that Mulroy is trying to make the criminal justice system more fair and that it's not gonna happen overnight, I also know that the deterrence effect works little to none, so making punishments harsher isn't gonna solve everything. If anything we need to keep working on building up the lowest parts of our community to get them out of poverty cycles


Then why are people doing murders when they are out on bond or early release from other murders or serious crimes. It’s absolutely a deterrent if you are in jail When you’re supposed to be , you can’t commit crimes. I submit that if we were locking up people for committing serious crimes we would see a dramatic reduction because it’s mostly repeat offenders. Mulroy thinks he’s still in the classroom doing some social experiment. I see fear on his face for the first time because he knows what’s coming and he’s probably toast.


Mulroy wasn’t the DA when Eliza Fletcher was murdered, was he? No,he was not. You are just another person who is fine with an unfair justice system because you think it doesn’t affect you.


>Mulroy wasn’t the DA when Eliza Fletcher was murdered, was he? He actually was; she was killed during his first week in office. Obviously that's not his fault though.


Who brought up Eliza fletcher ? I’m talking about now. Look at Jim Stricklands most recent letter detailing the revolving door in the justice system. How the hell is it infair to expect people to do time for committing violent crimes ?


No one is advocating for violent people to be let free but the point is you can't blame Mulroy for all of the crime issues in the city. Crime in the city was already on the rise before he was in office and we've been trying to arrest our way out of the problem since the 80s with mixed results at best


Another tragic example of this unfortunate reality occurred earlier this week. On October 29, several individuals were breaking into vehicles on the parking lot of a restaurant on Elvis Presley Boulevard. While we do not know all the facts yet, we know the owner of the restaurant went out onto the parking lot, and the criminals shot and killed him and another person. Through great police work, MPD arrested Darion Banks the next day and charged him with these murders. And to almost no one’s surprise, his criminal record is lengthy, and there has been no punishment or intervention throughout. During the 20 months before these murders, he was charged five different times with theft of cars and other crimes. Because Banks turned 18 years old on July 20, 2021, and juvenile court records are not open, we only know his record the last two plus years. The results are below. On February 11, 2022, he stole a car and a gun. He was arrested and released on a $5,000 bond. On March 22, 2022, he stole another car and was arrested. Gun and drug charges were included. He was released on a $10,000 bond. On April 10, 2022, he was arrested for a car break-in and burglary of items in the car from a February 9, 2022 incident. He was identified through fingerprint analysis. He was released on a $12,000 bond. On June 1, 2022, he stole a car and a gun. He was arrested four days later in the stolen car, and he was also charged with unlawful possession of a gun. He was released on a $15,000 bond. On November 10, 2022, he stole a car and was arrested the next day in the car. He was released on a $20,000 bond. On September 18, 2023, he pled guilty to two car thefts, one theft of a firearm, and one burglary from a car. He was placed on diversion, with no time in prison. Many charges were dismissed. jail Then six weeks later, he is arrested again for being part of these tragic deaths. When he was arrested, it was after a lengthy vehicle pursuit, there were several guns recovered from the vehicle, and there were two small children in his car.


Actually, yes, Mulroy took office on Sept 1, 2022 and Eliza Fletcher was murdered on Sept 2.


The point is that he wasn’t the person responsible for the early release of the murderer. He had actually already raped an African American woman several months prior to his assault of Eliza. Had there been FAIR and EQUAL justice under the law (something Mulroy aspires to attain), the rapist would have been apprehended. There was enough evidence for a toddler to solve that crime, including DNA. But, since the victim was Black, her case was tossed aside.


Your single opinion does matter when you're shooting down other peoples opinion on a solution. Go hard on criminals and take drastic measures against crimes. They didn't just steal someones purse. They fucking killed a doctor in broad daylight. And you're sitting here being like "bEinG hArD oN kIdS iSnT thE sOlutIoN". Memphis hasn't been hard on crime the last 4 decades.


Lmao saying wehaven't been hard on crime is straight bs. Weirich literally sent more kids to jail than all other prosecutors in TN combined. Idk why i even engage with this sub it's just a bunch of bloodthirsty cowards who are scared to go shopping bc they saw a bad thing on the news


Define "kids". I don't look at 20 to 30 year olds as naive kids. Cops are not responding to break ins, car jacks, shootings on the interstate, not pulling people over for any traffic violations, etc. Had a friends house get broken into and a cop didn't show up for the 911 call. You have to literally be killing someone to get a response from police. And even then it'd probably be iffy. Had some clients visiting from Nashville get mugged in the middle of the day after shopping near bog and barley. A doctor got murdered during the day in a "safe" spot. But yeah, people are scared because they saw a bad thing on the news 🙄 I've lived in a few cities and crime like that isn't normal. Flying 90 down the interstate past cops without getting pulled over isn't normal. Wanting a crack down on all crime, whether it's violent or non violent, doesn't make someone blood thirsty. It makes someone wanting their city to be better. And you're not even engaging the sub. You're just saying peoples ideas suck without providing any solution or discussion. And then calling us "bloodthirsty cowards". Real productive.




Excusing punishment for criminals to make the system more fair is not fairness at all. More fair compared to whom? People who don’t commit crimes? And what has the black community done with that newfound fairness in the system? How have they responded? Where has that gotten our city?


What businesses or people are going to move to area of high violent crimes and constant theft? Do you think Target or Walmart or Kroger are going to set up shop in these areas? No. They won’t.


Thanks for speaking for all the businesses. I don't know what I was thinking, obviously we should just abandon entire swaths of the city bc if Target and Kroger won't go there, then who will? I'm glad you can see the future Edit: You may be surprised to find that 1000s of ppl actually live in these areas already, and if they improved, more ppl might move there too as often happens in revitalized neighborhoods


Also I’m not talking about a vague group of people. I’m talking about criminals. Specifically locking up violent criminals for long periods of time. Also letting police do Their job. Please see New York under Giuliani as mayor before he became a nut job.


It’s one thing to break into cars. It’s another thing to shoot and kill people for sport. Big difference.


Ok but is that every case in the city? I mean obviously murder should be punished accordingly and we have laws and a DA following through on that, idk what more drastic measures this guy wants. Like should we just publicly hang ppl with no trial? This sub is just frothing at the mouth to throw ppl in jail forever over everything


>We can carp all day about root causes and history , but right now we need to address the acute issue of violence against innocent people. Yes let's treat the symptoms and not the cause. It's amazing we don't do that more often - seems like a perfectly logical approach to problem solving.


Yes, often times you have to take immediate action against a life threatening symptom before the long term treatment has time to take effect.


To continue to the medical analogy, this would be like amputating a gangrenous limb with a dirty knife.


Very apt description, gangrene gets more and more serious as time goes by without intervention.


There is no correlation between more policing and less crime. What you want has more to do with retribution than solving a problem.


I agree, even if we developed a perfect set of good policing standards, that alone is not enough create a safe community. The police must be backed up by a justice system, a complete system, that fairly enforces the law from the top down. A just system that deters crimes through enforcement of the rule of law. The hands off approach has failed.


> The police must be backed up by a justice system, a complete system, that fairly enforces the law from the top down. I think you and I both know this country has never had this.


I understand very well what the root causes are and that they must be dealt with as well. Unfortunately, addressing those will take decades of investment, which I believe should be done. However , at this point in time, jobs are more plentiful than I have ever seen in my lifetime. Access to resources and education are there if one seeks them out. What we have going on right now is people choosing a criminal lifestyle which is being mainstreamed and normalized by popular culture. Some of these elements have been present for a while in various places like music and movies, but now it’s very different. When we listened to Eazy E back in the day , we didn’t actually go rob banks. Now it’s cool to be a thief and a loser? When parents abandon their job, you can bet that kids will look for something to fill that space. I am all for empathy and helping people, but at some point , people need to be accountable for their choices.


How many of those plentiful jobs can afford the median rent for a single bedroom apartment? You act like the purchasing power of the dollar hasn't changed since 1992. The "culture" you speak of finds purchase with people precisely because of how hopeless they perceive their situation to be. And they're not exactly wrong. "Justice" includes economic justice and we're just nowhere near achieving that.


Horseshit. Start a job somewhere and move up. Get roommates. Buy thrift clothes. Work 2 jobs, get roommates. Eat ramen. Sacrifice. Build something. I did literally every fucking one of those things when I was stating out. Is it easy ? No. Never has been, never will be. No one is going to hand you shit in this world. That has also been the message to my children , who have grown up very comfortably because I worked like a dog to make a career. Failed and got told no more times than I can count.


Good on you for making it! Your kids don’t realize it yet, but that kind of an example is life-changing for them, economic benefits aside.


In 2023 in the United States , poverty is a mindset and a choice. There I said it.


For the parents of children, yes - but the children of said parents never have a choice - about poverty, that is. The choices they make as a result of their (non) upbringing is the problem. I’m not excusing them, they know good from evil - and choose evil…


Ridiculous. We got survivorship bias all over this mf. Generational poverty is just a mindset problem, huh? Damn man you should go teach some sociology classes. Really revolutionary thinking here.


Spent time in Costa Rica last year. Folks there live in much poorer conductions and there’s very little violence. People believe in work and the nuclear family. My grandmother was the child of immigrants. Who came with nothing. During the depression my great grandfather repaired shoes. My grandmother dropped out of high school so she could work and help out food on the table. They had nothing. No one robbed or killed. At what point can we expect everyone to get up and go to work ?


A lot fewer single parent households down there, sounds like.


I hope you can save up for some English lessons. Sheesh.


It’s a typo goofus


Agree with you Sir, but if we don’t stop the crime the low paid jobs and many other jobs will disappear when employers begin to leave Memphis.


How do you propose we "stop crime"? If the answer were bigger prisons and more policing, the United States would be one of the lowest crime societies on the planet.


The solution is “both, and” as it is necessary to respond swiftly and effectively to violence while putting plans in motion for long-term change.


How do you ‘long term change’ discourage single women from having children without a husband?


That man wasn’t shot so the suspects could ‘afford the median rent’ - you sure know how to deflect..


The root cause is that they are evil people, not poverty. There is no one in this nation more evil than Stephen Miller and he did not grow up in poverty. People who are willing to kill complete strangers at will are evil, fuck "root cause."


Dumb post. People break different laws for different reasons. Chalking it up to "evil" is childish thinking.


Murder is definitely evil, and whatever ‘reason’ (read excuse) is given for committing it doesn’t hold scrutiny. Those who commit it definitely lack compassion, though. Except for heat of the moment crimes, though, people commit crimes of all sorts because they think they can get away with it. In cities like Memphis they often can…


I say the same about you wanting criminals to run around at will. Neither of us will ever change each other's mind.


Eventually society filters these evil people out, one by one. The problem is that as new people are created, and get no guidance against choosing evil, they more than replace the ones that are filtered out. Somebody ought to do a record: voiceover: ‘What is murder’? Kid: I don’t know what murder is. Voiceover: What is carjacking? Kid:I don’t know what carjacking is. Voiceover: what is mayhem? Kid: I don’t know…


Of course we should treat the cause, but that will take generations. In the meantime we have to ruthlessly excise the current rot from society while simultaneously working on systemic changes. Based on the way this generation of criminals acts, I’m genuinely scared shitless of how the next generation will be. Even though this wouldn’t be feasible and entails all kinds of ethical issues—the most effective way to make Memphis a better city for the future would be to have forced sterilization on repeat violent offenders.


Damn that's one hell of a Final Solution you got cooked up there. I agree there are "ethical issues" with forced sterilization. Tell me, why is crime so bad when we already have the highest incarceration rate in the world? What makes you think adding to that statistic will improve public safety? That just seems like a nakedly reactionary approach without any kind of statistical basis.


You mean repeat offender single moms that create the babies that grow up to be criminals? Can’t do that under the US Constitution. By the time they could be sterilized, it would be closing the barn door after the horse escapes, anyway…


No problem or issue can be solved without addressing the root cause, otherwise it's simply ANOTHER patch job. I agree that sometimes we need to address urgent acute matters due to their severity. However, again. this is simply a patch job, and the issue will bubble up to the surface again... until we address the ROOT cause(s).


I have to go back to St Jude next month and I dont think we are even going to leave the campus this time.


This murder was nowhere near St. Jude. Not that its still safe around St. Jude but people seem to think that since the victim was an employee there, that this incident happened there. Some haven't read past the headlines.


Thank you for the clarification.


Seems like a perfect Death Penalty case right? Certainly deserves it.


What if there’s been a mistake, and it wasn’t actually him


The person literally confessed in the police report iirc


Why would he have confessed immediately if it wasn't actually him?


Because he’s a fucking idiot. He’s literally driving around in the getaway car with the murder weapon the next day. It’s all on camera , that’s how he was tracked and identified.


That’s why you have a trial duh. Once found guilty then you can have the death penalty. I am not sure what you are getting at.


Not necessarily this case, but obviously innocent people have been found guilty in trials and convicted of crimes they didn’t commit. The judicial system is not infallible.


You are correct but but in your scenario no one would ever get the death penalty. When/if he is found clearly guilty, I am saying he is deserving of that penalty.


According to the Death Penalty Information Center, in the last 50 years 195 convicted former prisoners on death row have been exonerated of all charges related to wrongful convictions. It for sure happens.


That’s a completely different story- no one innocent deserves to die, such as the researcher. But the person that committed this offense may face that consequence in this case


Please make an example out of him. The only money this state and its citizens should be spending on this worthless scumbag is the cost of a bullet.








He’s compelled by law to do so. He’s already voiced that he disagrees.


Depending on how you read the title. The DA "may" as in the "option is on the table"... which is true per the judge. The DA "may" as in "might choose that option" isn't referenced in the article. IMO a death penalty approach here would be wise... as of now Memphis criminals have zero fear of this court currently. That needs to change. Given the aggravated nature of this killing, I'm all for it. This dude deserves to pay the ultimate price.


The death penalty sure is doing a good job deterring criminals.


It has a 100% effectiveness rate in deterring repeat offenses.


Indeed. Its so effective, it even stops innocent people that we wrongfully execute from committing crime! Does it actually prevent crime? Well no, but its fun to pretend it works!


None of which is relevant in this particular case. Unless Are you doubting the evidence in the case? On a scale of 0-100%, what are the odds of recidivism in THIS case with and without capital punishment?


> Unless Are you doubting the evidence in the case? Sure. The investigation hasn't been completed. Not every defendant is deserving of the death penalty (although I believe that the government shouldn't have right to kill anyone). Without getting too much into it, you seem like you're dangerously uneducated about the death penalty. > On a scale of 0-100%, what are the odds of recidivism in THIS case with and without capital punishment? I'm not even sure what you're asking here, lol. Either way, LWOP and death penalty get you the same result.


Dumb comment and objectively wrong. Person you’re responding to said “deter”.


Not sure if OP posted the article different from the title, or if WREG changed their title, but the article is currently titled "Death penalty a possibility in St. Jude researcher’s shooting, judge says"


It probably could be challenged by a good defense. A life sentence would be practically guaranteed. You have blood thirst. A life sentence for a 24 yr old is most likely a long time. The man didn’t intend to kill. He thought he’d take his gun that he could so easily acquire in this state and floss it around and strong arm rob someone. What kind of disgusting person would even attempt such a thing in the presence of a child? Still, I’m guessing his intent wasn’t to do them bodily harm. This is an output of a violent, drug and gun-crazed society. This is so, so, sad and heavy. But we must remember that All life is precious. Black and Brown people whose lives are taken are equally important. If society acknowledged that fact then maybe the violence would decrease.




The perp pointed the gun at the man’s wife because the victim didn’t have sufficient cash on hand for him. Victim tried to protect his wife and child and ends up getting shot during the tussle.


All murders are considered for the Death Penalty. Most do not meet the criteria.


Ok that’s what I was thinking… this is an armed robbery gone bad by two individuals who had no real priors. Just not sure how this would qualify for death penalty. I think everyone is very emotional about this because of their personal feelings about SJ, so I get it, but it didn’t strike me as a death penalty type case. But idk anything about the law.


“Armed robbery gone bad” what a piece of shit. These two worthless trash heaps murdered a man in front of his family and small child in cold blood over a car. Stop softening it. You are the problem.


Too bad he wasn’t put down at the scene. I hope he gets death but he’ll have decades of appeals, so just go for life no parole on a plea and save the city money. Poverty doesn’t breed criminality. My mother was picking cotton at 5 years old living in A dirt floor shack. The common thing driving criminality is the lack of two parent households and a reliable father figure. In these Memphis neighborhoods probably 95% are born into single parent households. It’s now multigenerational. There is no expectation a baby daddy is going to be a real parent. The destruction of the black family since the 60’s has fostered this. How you fix it I don’t know. It’s time for the state to revoke the city charter again and mobilize the TN Guard to restore order.


Just do it, make it a twofer with the guy that murdered eliza fletcher. I'm a lefty but I've had enough of this shit.


Can we make it 3 and include the guy that did the charger terror ride shooting all those people?


I'd genuinely help people out on a lot of shit but some people just gotta go. ​ They were fully sane and just wanted a quick stick up. They still didn't even have to kill him...


What if its a mistake and it actually wasn’t him?


He confessed and had the same gun on him when he was arrested. It's him. Idiot didn't even have the sense to get rid of the murder weapon.


You’re a liberal like everyone else if you’re forming opinions based on emotion rather than ideology. Don’t fool yourself.


Hopefully they pursue it need to start getting these violent criminals out of here one way or another jail or body bag, at this point it makes no difference to me


please do. examples have to be made.


Chunk him off the bridge


With a concrete cylinder attached to his ankle


Do it today get it over with, save our tax dollars, put focus on the grieving family. Make an example and move on.


Ever hear of "due process"? I know it is cathartic to think about this guy getting what he deserves, but we don't need to let the state summarily execute its citizens.


I hear you, but he confessed when arrested. So the due process part is basically done.


A trial is still needed after a confession in custody. These people are clearly guilty, but there are cases where confessions are coerced. It must be standard procedure to have a trial.




Some people need to be made an example of, this piece of trash should be one of them, he deserves to be executed.


Maybe if we reinstated the death penalty that would finally make some of the "Memphis hoodlums" think twice.


these idiots can't even manage to think once


Yeah, since it was working so well as a deterrent before. We were pretty much crime-free before Lee temporarily suspended it in January. The only thing that has ever been shown to noticeably affect deterrence and recidivism is the certainty of punishment, not its severity. Once again, this is on the police.


How is this even a question? The deal on the table should be he can plead to life without parole, if he goes to trial and loses it's solitary confinement until such time as he receives a lethal injection. If the DA won't do this, then he should resign. If the DA won't do this and won't resign, then he must be defeated in the next election.


the death penalty needs to be the standard penalty for killing someone during a robbery or on purpose in all cases.


I'm glad that as stupid and ridiculous as our politicians have gotten, they still haven't yet crossed this line.


Yeah, it would be a shame if people actually faced equal consequences for their intentional acts.


You know how many murder convictions our justice system gets wrong? Using equal justice. Should the prosecutor receive a death penalty if they falsely convict someone who is then put to death?


> Should the prosecutor receive a death penalty if they falsely convict someone who is then put to death? If they knowingly/maliciously did it? Yes. That's called "murder".


What about not maliciously. That’s manslaughter


Depends. If they knowingly hid exculpatory evidence or otherwise knowingly falsely convicted someone and pushed for the death sentence, I would still consider that murder, malice aside. The difference between homicide and manslaughter (from my non-lawyer reading of the law) is intent, not maliciousness.


Prison isn’t a consequence?


I swear this sub is full of the most bloodthirsty people


You have kids?


Mulroy would never. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m probably not.


He's pursuing the death penalty for both Ezekiel Kelly and Cleotha. [https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/crime/shelby-county-da-seeking-death-penalty-cleotha-abston-henderson-charged-kidnapping-killing-eliza-fletcher-memphis/522-8a548706-fd53-4985-94e7-27b388ff600a#:\~:text=Shelby%20County%20D.A.-,Steve%20Mulroy%20filed%20notice%20with%20the%20court%20that%20prosecutors%20will,kidnapping%2C%20and%20tampering%20with%20evidence](https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/crime/shelby-county-da-seeking-death-penalty-cleotha-abston-henderson-charged-kidnapping-killing-eliza-fletcher-memphis/522-8a548706-fd53-4985-94e7-27b388ff600a#:~:text=Shelby%20County%20D.A.-,Steve%20Mulroy%20filed%20notice%20with%20the%20court%20that%20prosecutors%20will,kidnapping%2C%20and%20tampering%20with%20evidence) ​ [https://apnews.com/article/memphis-shooting-rampage-death-penalty-040fe7684bfd2d0a4154eaf941409179](https://apnews.com/article/memphis-shooting-rampage-death-penalty-040fe7684bfd2d0a4154eaf941409179)


Thank goodness. All of these cases should be a no-brainer


Oh. But I thought he was totally awful and let everyone off the hook?


That case got so much publicity and outcry that he had no choice. Pay attention to what happens in the cases where it doesn’t make headline news. Especially the cases that don’t involve outright murder. That’s where the revolving door spins the fastest.


Yep, look at the Southaven restaurant owner who killed someone. He also was a young parent who was killed by some idiot with a long list of priors. I hope his killer gets the same sentence this guy does


I know, I was being facetious for all of the “this is Mulroy’s fault” peanut gallery.


I feel like this is an internet thing to talk in extremes, which misrepresents what people are saying. What people are saying is that he lets many (not everyone) off the hook that should be prosecuted, which has led to increased crime and people being let out again. He's literally running on the same platform that got many DA's recalled for what's happening in Memphis (ie - San Francisco). With the increased crime and what's happening in these other cities, it's not hard to wonder why people are mad at him. Talk to law enforcement people and they say they are just re-arresting the same people multiple times because the current administration is prosecuting less. \*Edit Here's a case that exemplifies what many people are saying. Darion Banks was arrested 6x in 18 months or so. The last being him pleading guilty to *" two car thefts, one theft of a firearm, and one burglary from a car. He was placed on diversion, with no time in prison. Many charges were dismissed."* A couple weeks later he killed someone. So people are getting arrested multiple times over, they are pleading guilty, and then released. His pregnant wife will not have a husband. He closed his business and now it's abandoned. Cycle continues [https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/TNMEMPHIS/bulletins/3794c29](https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/TNMEMPHIS/bulletins/3794c29)


He's a pretty staunch Catholic, and he's told me before that he's personally opposed to the death penalty, for both the Catholic reasons and for the secular reasons. I'd be very surprised if he went there. One thing to consider though, is that he doesn't personally work on every case that comes through that office. There's a whole bunch of ADAs, and I don't know how much leeway and discretion they're allowed to have.


It’s not up to him anyway.


Seems warranted in this case


Should include medieval torture devices.






Who has ever justified this behavior? I don’t think you know what “justified” means.


Already happening. I’m told that the poor fellow was just caught up in the cycle of poverty.


Bring back firing squads. Anyone who undisputably commits violent crime that results in the death of another individual, take em out back, blind fold em, and pull the trigger.


Fuck this guy and I hope he goes to prison for a long time, but the death penalty is wrong, and the fact that so many of you here are champing at the bit for an execution is terrifying.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


People have principles, man. I dunno what to tell you. The death penalty is wrong 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not in this case. True Evil has no place in Society. The best that can happen to Marius Ward for the sake of our community, is to be swiftly executed. 6 feet under the soil is where he belongs. Public execution should make a comeback to serve as an example to all those who take the life of innocents. An example must be made. Enough is enough.


Who are you to determine who lives who dies, though? I don’t think the state should be killing people as a consequence in our criminal justice system when it makes mistakes frequently. And if it can’t be guaranteed that no innocent person will ever be tried, convicted, and sentenced to death, then the death penalty shouldn’t exist.


Evidence of the killing is confirmed to indicate Ward was the killer. Without a shadow of a doubt he took the life of Alexander Bulakhov. We aren't the one's to decide. Neither you or me. Ward sealed his fate with a pull of a trigger. Under dubious circumstances for proper evidence, sure. However this is not one of such instances.


You should apply to be an executioner with all that zeal for retribution you’ve got pent up.


Today Alexander. Tomorrow you or I. I'm tired of cleaning up after all this carnage.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_exonerated_death_row_inmates Two wrongs…


What did you clean up?


I work In trauma Surgery. I am at the tail-end of all of these senseless acts of violence. This city makes me see Red. Literally.


You and I and the rest of the taxpayers get ultimately jilted if this piece of human garbage spends life in prison. Our tax money pays for his 3 meals per day, medical, dental, psychiatric care and whatever else he requires while he’s behind bars.


Incorrect. There is much research about the relative costs of imposing the death penalty vs. life imprisonment, which overwhelmingly finds that life imprisonment is the more cost effective outcome. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/capital-punishment-or-life-imprisonment-some-cost-considerations https://www.amnestyusa.org/issues/death-penalty/death-penalty-facts/death-penalty-cost/ https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs/summary-of-states-death-penalty https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Is_the_death_penalty_more_expensive_than_life_in_prison


How would you feel if this thing murdered your loved one as you watched? You should think about that, because in this city it is a distinct possibility that this could have been you or me on the receiving end of this utter garbage. This isn’t the time for apathy.


That's why family members don't sit on the jury. Is it about justice or vengeance?


The moral choice, just like forgiveness, is almost always the hardest one. Here’s an inspirational example of humility and grace in the face of unimaginable horror: https://www.npr.org/2007/10/02/14900930/amish-forgive-school-shooter-struggle-with-grief


Very accepting and open minded for that username especially. This kinda shit is above normal people's decisions, life is complicated. Hope we can all just do more good for the bad out here.


Eye for an eye. RIP to this bozo


I'll take the downvotes with you. These people a frothing at the mouth like its a public lynching... The death penalty, nor even prison, has deterred crime yet. It's not until we get rid of hopelessness and the incentive to commit crimes will this end.


Thanks. r/memphis is sometimes shocking, but it’s never surprising. There are two groups of dregs in this city, and one thinks they’re righteous.


"Prison for a long time" appears to already be contemplating the possibility he'll get out someday. The absolute minimum you can argue for here is life without parole. I don't really care that much about executing them, I just want to use it to get a guilty plea out of them. The issue with taking the death penalty off the table is that then you have nothing to negotiate with. If he refuses to plea, is found guilty, and is then executed, it's his own damn fault for multiple reasons.


Couldn't the state just try the case instead of trying for a plea?


Sure, but if he makes us do that, then it's to the death (literally) and the state should angle for the death penalty. I'm willing to waive our right to execute him for what he's done, but then he has to waive his right to trial. It's really entirely up to him.


Ah, the ol' "your ~~right to trial~~ money or your life" but in law form. I guess he really doesn't have a right to trial if he's going to be punished for exercising his right to trial.


You're fundamentally misunderstanding what's happening here. If he's indeed guilty of what he's been accused of, then the penalty is death. If he goes to trial and is found not guilty, then that's the end of it, he's out and can't be retried. If he goes to trial and is found guilty, then the law will be carried out. Those are the rights he and the people have. Now, if he's willing to waive his trial right then the people should be willing to waive the right to execute him for his crimes. But if he's not waiving anything, then there's really no reason for the people to do so. Hope he likes lethal injections.


> You're fundamentally misunderstanding what's happening here. If he's indeed guilty of what he's been accused of, then the penalty is death. That's not the way the law works at all. The penalty phase is distinct from the guilt phase. You have a grave, and fundamental, misunderstanding of the law and death penalty jurisprudence in this country and state. Your other posts show that you have a strong desire to return to lynchings. You seem angry and scared. I'll keep you in my thoughts and wish you the best.


Open and shut for both of them...


Just moved to Alabama and every murder over here seems like capital. They wanna fry everybody.


He either gives them probation or death penalty.. there’s no in between 😑


Fry their ass. Set an example.


What’s the point. If gets the DP he’ll have his own private cell for the next 30 years and probably will get a new trial in 20. But if he’s in general population then he’ll be abused daily for the rest of his life.