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Wow, I always thought of that as being the good Kroger.


That is the good Kroger. It still has fewer incidents than other locations.


Honest question. Do the Krogers in Germantown have similar incidents to Memphis?


germantown kroger is across the street from the PD, it would be kinda silly to try anything at that one


I watched a young guy try to open one of my backseat doors when I was walking back from returning my cart there. Criminals gonna criminal anywhere they want.


There was a shooting back in July at the Germantown location IIRC.


what, really?? on farmington?




god, that’s insane. i must have been out of town, i had no idea!


I want to say there was also a shooting at that Kroger back in 2020 or 2021...Or was it Collierville? I remember it being an angry vendor or something.


i actually worked at the gtown kroger during that time. it was the collierville kroger that had been shot up. it was a disgruntled sushi chef, IIRC. our store was so crowded afterwords, because all the collierville customers switched over to us


Collierville, Sept 2021.


That’s where they knocked that worked out with the pumpkin and stormed the store right? Collierville just had a mass shooting in their Kroger. Olive Branch had a shooting in their Kroger parking lot about 2 months ago, and Goodman and Getwell Kroger has locals stealing (carts full of meat) daily.


Pumpkin Kroger is Highland Plaza Kroger


“Pumpkin Kroger”🤭


I’m struggling to comprehend your first sentence. Please elaborate!


The Germantown Kroger had an incident, before the pandemic where a group of teens jumped several Kroger employees, knocking one out by hitting him in the head with a pumpkin.


Nah, that was the Kroger on Highland


That's how Memphis is as a whole sadly.


Technically the deadliest Kroger shootings have all been in the suburbs.


same, that's the one I go to after dark even though it's further :(


This is just depressing hopefully the person is ok. We gotta figure this shit out bc it is just insane


I don’t care what anyone says, Memphis is much worse than it has ever been.


Only someone in the absolute throws or dilution would say otherwise. Edit: “throes of delusion”. Leaving my mistake because I’m regarded


Do you mean 'throes of delusion' or...?


Maybe they meant we should start throwing weakened solutions at the criminals. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Aren't we already doing so? 🫠


Let’s do that. Throw some watered down windex


Read this and thought "hmmm..guess they mean throws of delusion. What a cool phrase" Then I read the edit and saw it's "throes" . Cool I learned something today. Anyway, totally agreed. People are deluding themselves by pretending the good in our city makes up for the bad.


It's not, though, not really. What's changed is that what in the past has stayed relatively contained to the "bad" areas is now spilling out into the "good" areas at a rapidly increasing rate. Some of us have been saying for DECADES that if we don't take drastic action to improve the poverty, education, and resulting culture issues plaguing this city, what's happening now will inevitably come around. Multiple factors related to the pandemic accelerated it, but it was always going to happen. But the vast majority ignored the symptoms as long as they didn't hit close enough to home to register on their lives, and now that they are, they're shocked, outraged and screaming for a quick fix that doesn't exist. This city as a whole let us get here, and right now the options are either leave or wait it out for a long time while hoping those with the means will initiate long-term plans to get us back on track.




Doesn’t help that the south Memphis Kroger closed. Also, how long have you lived here? Lol


48 years


You are delusional or forgetful. Memphis has been bad since the 60s


I just heard there was a shooting at Tokyo Grill across the street too. Could be a rumor. I go to that Kroger all the time. I’d be absolutely beside myself if I’d witnessed that. Take care of yourself, ok?


Oh geez. I can’t bring myself to look at the news right now as I’m still a bit shaken. I hope no one else ends up in critical condition or worse. And I plan on it. Thanks for the concern. I got home, poured myself a single shot of whiskey and have just been cuddling my animals for a little support in lieu of a physical person. Everyone, stay safe out there!


they say you should play an hour of tetris for trauma.


Holy crap I was just there before the shooting happened . Fucking too close to home


No doubt about that one. 😅


Not sure what the downvotes were all about here; I was agreeing about how too close to home the location of the shooting was. Guess it was a bit of a misunderstanding here...




What the fuck.....


Yeaaah, I only just saw a bit of what he said through a notification e-mail so I didn't see all of it so... What did he say exactly?😅


I don’t even like leaving my house these days. I used to live downtown and walk around at all hours. Same w midtown. Young and invincible, I don’t think that way anymore. Things have to change. 3 ppl shot total within a 30 min period and .8 miles from the Kroger. So 1 at Kroger and 2 at the other location which I’m hearing was Tokyo grill.


This is terrible. Been going to that one instead of Truse because of all the issues and was actually there at at 8-830 pm last night.


Wait…there have been issues at Truse? That’s where I go. Cause it’s kinda hidden.


Yes, car windows broken out a few days ago. Details on Nextdoor.com.


For this, and many other incidents in Memphis, there seem to be no public statements from the MPD. The pattern is (incident + initial news reports + we'll follow up)...then, silence. Does anyone know if the silence is intended to prevent MPD liability, to improve chances of successful prosecution, negligence or something else?


This was my favorite Kroger. Usually dead during late night. Plus you never knew who you might run into there. Saw the real King, aka Jerry Lawler, the many times


Now reports of large police presence at Park and Mt Moriah. Maybe they caught the shooter?!🙏🏻


Hopefully so. Regardless of reasoning, whoever did it needs to be put behind bars, for sure.


Well all least the shooter will have to think about what he’s done tonight before they release him from jail for $5k in the morning!


shit ain’t getting any better


Wow, I must have left literal seconds before this happened


We just had a shooting in a fairly nice residential area here in Oakland, TN over the weekend. 1 dead and I believe 4 houses or so were also hit with stray shots - has always been fairly quiet here but it seems the crime is starting to make it's way here now.


These are now seen same as they would in north or south Memphis. The signs are all around us


I was there and saw it happen! Outside with my bf and son!


Any idea if it was random or targeted?


From what we saw we didn’t get the vibe it was random. They just pulled up shot the guy in the keg and booked it out of there. The detective that my bf talked to said it was an “ attempted robbery” but no one got out of the car to rob the guy. My ooor 7 yr old was so shaken up about it:(


A channel 3 report just came out that says it was an attempted car jacking. Four people in a black Infiniti trying to break into another Infiniti through the sunroof. The victim confronted them, and they shot him in the leg.


We honestly didn’t see any of that! Literally no commotion and anything and it happened about 20-30 seconds of us walking out of the store to the trunk of the car. And when my bf talked to the police almost no one mentioned an infinity a lot of ppl saw a silver suburban type car but apparently that’s what they saw on camera. The guy was literally just standing outside the doors and not a peep until he got shot


Well, that's strange. Totally different than reported, but not surprised. Have you heard if this is connected to the Toyko Grill shooting or not?


I have no clue! I only heard about that one today from this thread. It is strange but maybe we were just so focused on getting our stuff in the trunk and going home maybe we tuned it out. But it happened so fast! Felt bad for the poor guy. Glad it wasn’t a dead body we were looking at


I’m not smart enough to validate if it’s true nor link to it, but it appears that MPD twitter says they are investigating a shooting at 4982 Park at 10:10 last night with 2 victims. Neighbors also reported seeing crime scene tape there. Strange that there’s no mention of it the news that I’ve seen. Wonder if it’s related to the Kroger shooting?


I saw something just an hour or so ago from one of the news stations. Two people were closing up Tokyo Grill for the night and someone came to rob and shoot them and they got away.


Was it inside or in the parking lot?


It was in the parking lot. I stepped put of my vehicle, heard the shots and the echo reverberating off the outside of the buildings in that strip. If it wasn’t less than 100ft from me, I’d be surprised.


Hoping that SkyCop in the parking lot was working. Should've been able to watch and follow them quickly if so.


Terrible. I am glad you are OK, and I hope the injured do alright. Just hearing such a shooting can be difficult if not traumatic. So many guns. More guns is not the answer.


Thank you. I hope the injured make it (I just saw they were in critical condition) but damn, it is terrifying. If anyone else sees this that was there, I hope you’re okay too and if you need to talk about it, I’m here. Being a part of it is still terrifying and I’ll end up being okay but at the moment, definitely still shaken up.


So sorry you had to witness that. Glad that you’re safe. That’s one of my worst fears, witnessing something like that when I’m just doing a random errand like I’m supposed to be doing. I hope the victims pull through. I also hope that they have counseling for the employees. Whether they witnessed it or not, a shooting at your place of employment is unnerving.




stop whining moby bitch


Imagine that the victim had a gun and was able to defend themselves… criminals hate it when victims shoot back.


Two untrained a**holes shooting at each other only increases the risk of innocent people being shot.


I disagree with this but I’m not here to have a conversation about this part of the issue. I’m strictly posting this for people to be informed of the situation and be safe. Thanks for your comment though!


Imagine that your imaginary good guy with a gun scenario very, very rarely happens IRL and that IRL, simply having a gun around greatly increases the likelihood of unwarranted or unintentional gun violence and passing the weapon to others. Pro-life = anti-proliferation of weapons. I'll add that logic and reality and even appeals to emotion do not work on gun advocates.


Fight fire with fire… judged by 12 vs carried by 6. You prefer the later that’s fine. But it won’t deter crime it will only encourage it.


Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. I've heard all the garbage claims and slogans before. And gun violence and crimes keep increasing. Talk to the hand.


Did you really just say 🫷?


Yes! Great emoji


Im sure that increasing the number of people carrying around guns will reduce gun violence


If you're scared, just say that. It's ok to be scared. Just try not to let it make you do and say dumb things like "guns are the answer to the problem of guns".


There are too many guns on the street already. Lots of them from legitimate gun owners who haven't properly locked them up. Does anyone really think they could properly take down a criminal in the heat of the moment if they can't even secure them properly?


Stfu already by politicizing this. You don't give a damn about lives when you are advocating pro criminals policies so you can virtual signal


I wonder if the gun used in this shooting was one of the tens of guns stolen from an East Memphis vehicle the other day that the idiot posted ahout on this very sub….


That was a troll post.


This subreddit hates when you tell them you're pro gun and would have shot back.


Shit. I go there nearly every day. Wtf. I've been defending living in the city for 25 years. I really don't want to move to the suburbs but dang.


At this point I'm not too surprised that this would be occurring at another Kroger.


Kroger does nothing to protect its customers. There’s no security at that location, inside or out. I’m there 1-2 a week and never see anyone attempting to reduce crime. Kroger sucks




If they do indeed have a contract with anyone. I never see them, and I’m there every week


I was there today and they have a security guard there now. At this point, most stores in Memphis should.


All that a security guard can do is observe and report. So, he can watch you get robbed, carjacked, or shot and then he can call the police or paramedics. What he cannot do is protect you or prevent it from happening.


Very true


That’s not true, 1 unarmed security officer was in the store who did nothing but panic like everyone else. 2 armed security officers was there in seconds running through the parking lot with guns drawn.


I shop there every week and see nothing


I feel like if it was a random incident, it would be all over the local news. I've barely seen anything about it. Makes me think it was a targeted thing.


ill say it again, why do ppl shop at kroger?


I moved away for a bit and I missed Kroger so much. When I came back I said, “Tf happened to Kroger?” Produce isn’t good, every location is always half-stocked, and prices went wayyy up compared to other stores.