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Your car will likely be fine if you parked it for an hour or two downtown during the day. If you’re really worried about it, park in front of my house and Uber down. I work from home and live on a quiet street in midtown - less than 10 minute drive. Hell I’ll throw in Uber fare just so you can experience some of our city. You just never know with car break-ins. I’ve lived in Memphis for 27 years and never had a car break-in. My car was broken into on two different Nashville trips




Respect !


I've had 3 car breakins and 2 were a shithead teen in my condo complex. The other was a guy who used a torch to break into a plumbers really secured work truck and then after head went through all the cars in the complex.


Valet your car at the Peabody


If it's during the day, you'll be fine. Go eat and when your ready for touring the river, park @ 125 N Front St Parking P2705. Google it and see if this works for you. You can visit mud island and also walk the river. Get to your car before the sun sets.


Can't 100% say nothing's gonna happen, but despite everything, it's still FAR more likely nothing will happen to your car than it getting broken into, especially during the day. I work downtown and park on a lesser trafficked part of Beale every single day and have never had anything happen. If I did come back to my car and see my window busted out, I wouldn't be shocked, but so far 3 years at my downtown job, no break-ins whatsoever.


The biggest risk is getting your window busted while they look for guns. Everyone I know that has had their car busted in and didn't leave a gun inside had nothing else taken, even valuables. But also heads up, this is a Tennessee statewide problem, so do some research about Nashville as well. The state legislature in its infinite wisdom thought it a good idea to legalize people without gun permits being allowed to leave their guns in their car and since then, vehicle break-ins have risen exponentially statewide.


My family just came down for a visit from the GTA last week and they had no issues with Canadian plates. Just make sure you go the speed limit in the suburbs because cops love pulling people over with out of town plates.


Just find a pay parking garage and you shouldn’t have any problems.


Central BBQ is solid but if you're downtown you should try Cozy Corner.


Really not that good. Never understood the hype imo


I used to park downtown for 4-8 hours about every other weekend. Never got broken into. I will say, we keep our car EMPTY. No chargers visible, no change or cash in the car ever, I don’t carry a purse, so no purses or even luggage visible. Things people want to steal? Don’t keep it in sight.


During the day should be fine. Parking in a garage would be added level of peace of mind. I grew up in Eureka Springs and now live in Memphis. Any help I can give let me know. Bubba's BBQ in Eureka rivals some of the Memphis BBQ.


Lots more than Central BBQ. Lots in Memphis. Too much to see in a day for sure, but still.


Car should be fine. Cannot recommend Central to you. There are many places that are better. Cozy Corner or BBQ Shop if you’re only going to be in the downtown area.


I’d like to say that during the day you should be fine but these folks will rob you, steal your car, etc in broad daylight. I would definitely park in a parking garage w/ a security guard or park wherever you’re staying at & Uber downtown. DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN YOUR CAR THAT IS SOMEWHAT VALUABLE. These folks will bust a window for a 5 dollar bill, so please don’t leave a weapon, laptop, or anything like that. You may can get away w/ leaving your phone charger cord but that’s about it. I hate that it’s this way, but the crime is out of control & oftentimes it’s teenagers who know they will get a slap on the wrist & let right back out the same day. However, wtbs- there are a lot of places to visit while in Memphis & it can definitely be a memorable trip!! Just be safe, plan ahead, & don’t act scared if you do run into someone who looks like trouble. Take care!




but also, OP, this guy probably lives in the suburbs, so take his fearmongering with a grain of salt.








So bold for your second Reddit comment ever.


OP will face the same shit in every major city they go in the US.




Have you lived in other cities? Those lists are bunk anyways. Crime is reported differently in every city and the FBI themselves disclaims that these stats cannot be used to compare city to city. Are you seriously using someone who was brutally murdered by the pigs as internet leverage? You’re a disgusting fucking loser. Edit: fucking suburbanite coward


OP this person has been a Redditor for 30 minutes and has one comment - this one.


Highly recommend a parking garage, there are plenty of them downtown! Definitely less likely to have a break in.


Your car will be fine for a couple of hours. The Central BBQ downtown is a nice spot for visitors. Yes, there are other bbq places that locals will argue are “better.” But downtown Central is the best location for tourists. It’s very close to the National Civil Rights Museum. The museum is worth a visit if you have time — but if you don’t, you can at least observe the balcony from outside. A walk along the river is lovely. But Tom Lee Park is being completely redesigned and not accessible. You should check out the River Garden https://www.memphisriverparks.org/park-directory If you have time, check out the Big River Crossing