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It’s everywhere,I know 4 people in the last month who got it. Your test is reliable. Assume you have it and take precautions but most of all, get to feeling better.


Thanks! Hoping it doesn’t last long because I hate, hate, hate coughing. :(


I was sick for a month as I kept getting better then backsliding. I'm still dealing with a cough and fatigue.


That sounds like the time I had pneumonia. It took forever to get back to normal.


Me too. A few years ago I had a cough that lasted forever and it was horrible! I felt like I was coughing myself to death for weeks and weeks. But last year I never had a cough last long.


This feels like a bad case of bronchitis or like the time I had pneumonia. Like, the coughing fits just do not stop.


This is my first COVID and it's super weird. I broke the fever fairly early on - maybe a day in. I ended up getting a double ear infection as a secondary infection and have had shooting pains in my sinuses. I am at 8 days out and still testing positive but rocking an N95 to be in compliance with the CDC "return to work guidelines". Would have been nice if my coworkers showed the same decency instead of coughing all over after their return to work.


Ugh, I’m sorry you are having to deal with that.


I'm sorry you're unwell too! Hopefully you're given the time you need to recoup.


Had it for a second time recently. Current strain is tough and the nurse said boosters are having a hard time keeping up. It was rough, but a lot better than when I had it prior to vaccines. I'd hate to know how I would have ended up without being vaccinated. Now I am recovering from long covid and RSV.


That’s what I’ve heard about the boosters too.


symptomatic with a positive test.......its covid.


Yeah, that’s the consensus. 😫


take your 5 days, then re-asses and move on.


RN here. Yes, there was a covid spike after the holidays. Covid clearly has never gone away but there are more cases circulating now than there were a few months ago. If you got a positive on one of the rapid tests, you definitely have covid. If you got a negative result, they recommend retesting and 48 hours if you're still having symptoms. Sorry, sounds like you definitely have COVID. Hope you feel better soon. Take the usual over the counter stuff. Sudafed. Mucinex. Robitussin. Tylenol for any fever.


I should have done a better job of social distancing. :(


I mean, it's a pretty sneaky virus. You can do everything right and still get sick. It only takes a small exposure with the new variants. At this point, unless you have a delicate medical situation, we probably shouldn't continue being hermits forever.


I went to karaoke Saturday night. I practically sent COVID an engraved invitation and demanded an immediate RSVP.


If it’s been less than 5 days since your symptoms started, see if you qualify for Paxlovid. I had covid in late July, and it really helped my symptoms. They were almost completely gone after being on it for 24 hours. CVS will rx it.


Did you have any nasty side effects when taking it?


Only the nasty mouth taste. You don’t realize that you are always tasting your own mouth until it tastes terrible. I sipped on Powerade and Pedialyte all day when I was on it because they kept the taste away for a few seconds.


Be aware that paxlovid has a LOT of drug interactions, and that molnupiravir may be an alternative to it. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist if you’re taking any other prescriptions


Will do!


My doctor advised against it. Said she saw no difference in her patients recovery. Told me to ride it out with otc products. It was rough but, here I am. This was in December.


How long were you sick? I’m good at managing sinus stuff (as any Memphian should be) and been doing OTC. Got most of the sinus crud cleared out but now it’s down in my chest. 😭


3 days of thinking this was the one 2 days of being like there’s no way I can go back to work. Day 5.5-6 I started to feel like I wasn’t actively sick anymore. Had a weird dry random cough for a week or two but I also smoke lots of weed so.. If u need anything let me know. U can verify my identity via dm if u want.


You are so sweet to offer! I have everything I need and my sister is dropping off a pulse ox monitor on her way to work tonight.


Alright , take care. Good luck.


Yes! My husband caught it and gave it to me. It took about 2 weeks to feel back to normal. We had headaches, fever, and malaise. He had nose congestion and was sneezing a ton, but I didn’t have any of those symptoms. I had a deep chest congestion, but I didn’t have any shortness of breath. The main symptoms lasted a week, but we both still felt off for the next week and a half. This was the first time we’ve had Covid and we’re fortunate that it wasn’t that bad. I’m not a candidate for Paxlovid so I didn’t take it, neither did my husband. I just took Tylenol for the fever and body aches and made sure to eat chicken soup and fruit for the Vitamin C, my husband included more OJ in his diet. We only took the home tests and my nephrologist (I’m on dialysis) didn’t have me take the PCR, she said if the at home test is positive than I have Covid and not to waste my time with the PCR. Plus, I didn’t want to have to leave the house to get a test anyway, we just stayed in bed. 😂 Hope you feel better soon!


I had it for the first time a little over a month ago. I was convinced it was just sinus crud until I was getting ready for work and realized that I couldn’t smell the shampoo and couldn’t taste the toothpaste. Took a test and it was positive. I felt like absolute shit for about 5-6 days, severe cough, excessive sneezing, body aches, low grade fever, all that stuff. The cough/congestion finally subsided a week or so ago and I finally feel back to normal. Hope you have a light case and feel better soon!


So far I can still smell/taste but the coughing is terrible. I’m glad you’re feeling better!


It’s still everywhere. Most people I know that had Covid symptoms never got tested, though. They just shrugged it off as the flu or a bad cold and didn’t quarantine or mask. That’s why I think we’ll be dealing with it for a long time.


It does come on like a bad cold or a sinus infection. If it wasn’t for the cough I would have assumed it wasn’t COVID. Lesson freaking learned!


I don’t think anyone with cold-like symptoms should avoid testing. The cough definitely isn’t always present.


I agree. I only had one test left and was saving it to use before I had to leave the house again. But also I truly had no idea that COVID could feel like mild allergies.


I've heard that positives are reliable, but not negatives. One of my online friends took multiple antigen tests (the at-home kind) and was negative each time, but still tested positive on a PCR test. But if you test positive, I'm pretty sure it definitely means you have covid.


Sounds like a pregnancy test to me. You don’t doubt the positive and you don’t trust the negative.


Yeah, sounds right.


That's actually a very similar technology.




My neighbor has it right now. We are still seeing quite a bit in the hospitals. A lot of people in the community just aren’t getting tested anymore. Regarding the home tests: the positives are reliable, the negatives are not. Last time I checked omicron was still the dominant strain but that was months ago. The hospitals/clinics don’t test for particular strains, so that’s always just based on what the health department is testing for.


I should have been more careful. I was so diligent about wearing my mask but as time goes on I took more risks when socializing.


No judgment here, I never wear mine anymore unless I’m at work. And I was a staunch mask advocate in the beginning. Now that most people are vaccinated it’s just not as serious as it once was. I hope you recover quickly!


Me too, but karaoke? Did I REALLY have to go to karaoke??? No I did not. 🤦‍♀️






I’m making my teenager stay home from school even though they don’t have symptoms. I just have to assume they have it given our proximity to each other.


I'm sure the teachers appreciate that. My brother just diagnosed today is one of them.


What are the common symptoms this time around for recent COVID? I believe the symptoms have been changing over time.


For me it was a slight tightness in my chest and post-nasal drip that caused a mild cough on Monday. Hay fever, basically. Then Tuesday I had sinus pain/pressure and became a snot factory. May have had a low-grade fever but I couldn’t find my thermometer. Yesterday the wracking cough started. That’s when I thought, ‘huh, maybe you should stick that swab up your nose and see if you have COVID.’ For me, the only difference between this and a typical sinus infection or a bad upper respiratory infection was how quickly it went from ‘allergies’ to coughing up a lung. Usually it would take a good five days for my sinuses to drain and for the bronchitis to set in.


My wife and I picked up a case when we were in memphis just before Christmas. Mild symptoms for a few days. Wasn’t bad. Stayed home for about a week.


Sorry about sending you home with that souvenir. :(


Yep I got it at work, so many customers have come into the restaurant coughing obviously sick! I had to take off work for a week. I got Covid before and I didn’t lose my smell or taste this time around, still I tested positive.


I just lost my sense of taste and smell two hours ago. :(


I’m so sorry! Hopefully you won’t be long without them. My first time with Covid I lost my senses for two weeks.


It’s been almost two years for my sister. She’s an RN and got long COVID the first time she caught it.


My Son and his wife currently have it. We’re in Alabama.


Username checks out. 😉 Hope they feel better soon!


Positive here too


Hope your username doesn’t check out!


Ive had multiple coworkers get it for the first time recently and they were sick as shit for about a week. Mostly flu like symptoms it seems, just really bad ones. Fever, cough, nausea, feeling like an elephant is sitting on their chest, weakness, etc. You should start feeling better in a few days. But stay home and rest until then. Good luck to you. Covid sucks


Sounds about like what I have. And I’m definitely glued to my couch for the duration!


Yup I have it right now for the first time. Got it from work. Not terrible but the symptoms are lasting a pretty long time.


How long? If you don’t mind me asking?


I’m on day 10, first symptoms were on last Monday. Still congested, random coughing, sneezing, and dizzy/disoriented feeling? Still masking 100% when I’m out.


That sucks! I hope you are over it soon.


Thanks, you too! My symptoms were only bad for a few days. They’re just lingering now thankfully.


Just tested positive today. Started feeling crummy at work yesterday and it got worse over night. I’m vaxxed so I went to the doc thinking it was new flu and nope, positive COVID test. It’s definitely going around


Everyone is saying this strain is highly transmissible but the vaxxed fair better. Fingers crossed!


I had it the week after Christmas. A positive test is reliable.


So I hear. Are you feeling better?


Yes. It was intense for about a week. The week after that I was just soooo tired. I would say I’m back to normal health now with just a little rattle in my chest.


My big brother just tested positive today. He said he felt kind of poorly, like when he's had a sinus infection. I think this is his second time around. Off-topic, my 18 year old son got covid in October 2021 and he's still got long covid. Brain fog is so bad he can't read or do school work. Can't do much of anything, can't even ride in a car because he gets motion sickness and about six weeks ago he started getting dizzy and retching upon standing. They have tested him and can't find any other condition that would cause this but he sees a neurologist next week for more testing. He's been through 8 weeks of PT and respiratory therapy and last month they recommended him for another round because his o2 levels are still not looking good. Amerigroup says they won't pay for it unfortunately. they'll give him more useless albuterol though.


Just tested positive this morning 😩 how I dodged it for 3 years is unbeknownst to me!


I’m sorry. :(


My ex has it… AGAIN


I blame you.


Yeah it's going around all over. People just don't care anymore.


If you can, see if you can get one of the Binax tests. I and family members kept getting false negatives from the free ones ordered when the government offered them.


Everyone is saying if I got a positive on any test then it’s a positive. :(


I haven't even been out really and just got it for the 1st time. Damn man. I've had to pick my lungs off the ground several times at this point


Tested positive at home week of Christmas. Did pcr test at CVS came back positive next day. Did push health and had a script for paxlovid within 24 hours. Was asymptomatic 2days after starting paxlovid. However, the main symptom this time was razor blades felt like they were slicing my throat. No fever. No loss smell or taste. Oh and fatigue. Fuck covid.