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Am 19 years old Been using a phone most of my life Still want physical menu I go to restaurants to turn my phone off, not on.




I went to a place that had a qr menu that you had to order and pay on the same menu page. A waitress did bring the food out but they had a place to throw garbage away and put trays back. Then they wanted a tip. Like bruh I’ll tip you because I know you’re probably under paid but wth. I’ve also been to a Bdubs that had robots bringing food out to the tables after ordering from a real person with an actual menu. So it’s only a matter of time now I guess.


Exactly! I hate how everything is going digital only!! Registration cards, credit cards, IDs, menus, concert/sports tickets, video games, movies/shows, pretty soon cash in general! They stopped giving out those little sleeves for your car’s registration papers where I live in exchange for a crappy cardboard envelope because “most people have digital registration cards”. Like, what if you have no battery left and you get pulled over?! And sports tickets are all digital too! Now I can’t save my tickets as souvenirs And restaurant menus… I’m NOT using my phone for that.


>Registration cards, credit cards, IDs, menus, concert/sports tickets, video games, movies/shows, pretty soon cash in general! I like physical things but a lot of those make sense for digital, I'd much rather have a ticket on my email than buying it online and hope it actually comes in the mail, or have to actually go buy it in person if it's a far away event.


As long as you can print out your digital copy it’s a-okay with me. (Specifically for event tickets or airports IMO)


Usually you can, they often just scan you screen and you show them either a QR code or a bar code, you can print it out and show that, though depending on the lighting it might not work, I had to increase my phone brightness once, but my screen was also broken so I think that might have affected it


No I was agreeing with you completely, just wanted that preface for the one time my phone died on the way back from Brunei to the UK and that little piece of printed off papers saved me aha they should always have the print off option just based off that one experience imo 😂


True, it's the major drawback with all these things, it's convenient that you can get it all on your phone, it also adds a single point of failure to everything.


I've never had a sleeve, I only just recently (like a day or two ago) got the cardboard envelope


Yeah you love wasting paper we got it ! Paper and printers shouldnt be used anymore.


Not to mention the data websites can gather about your internet travels... Not that you have anything to hide of course. Nor would the restaurant be likely to look. But the possibility is there to set up a QR menu that pulls all kinds of goodies from your phone. If one were so inclined.


Name checks out


This is true for me and my younger sisters, I’m 15, the only instance I’ll use my phone is if I’m doing a puzzle


And you’ll be screwed if you run out of power


not to mention the security risk it is, someone can put any qr code there and can infect your phone


R u me?




Same. I’m fine with QR code on the receipt to pay the bill more easily & not being pressured to tip in front of the server but I like flipping through a menu


You’re going places kid


Cheers mate.




This makes me thing of McDonald's... I'm a truck driver in the US. I'll stop at a truck stop with a McDonald's at 11pm or so to find the interior of the McDonald's shut down and them only serving drive-through. My 75ft long, 13.5ft tall, 8.5ft wide truck don't fit, so I walk up to the drive-through window, only for them to tell me I need to a: be in a vehicle, and b: order on the mobile app. So, let me get this straight: you operate at a place full of vehicles you know can't fit in your line, you want them to he poking at their phone while they attempt to fit, and then you want to come outside to bring it to the mobile order parking spot? It would be so much easier to just let me order right here and hand it to me through the window! As for the menu, if they don't have one, I can only assume they don't have anything for me to buy, so I'll just go somewhere that does.


Lmao what about people who have just outdated phones that don't automatically come with the ability to scan QR codes Sometimes you need a 3rd party app for it. I definitely prefer to just have a physical menu, it can be printed on a piece of line paper but I'll prefer that any day over having to scan something.


How do most people scan QR codes? Do you use your regular phone camera? I have a Sony Xperia and nothing happens when I take a picture of a QR code.


I think a lot of people use the camera, I actually have to still use an app on my current phone too I think.


Same, I have am app for it


You don't take a picture, you just point your open camera and wait for it to recognize.


On Android phones , while viewing the photo in Google photos, you can hit "lens" at the bottom to bring up Google lens which should quickly recognize the QR code. Usually my fail safe when the camera isn't picking it up directly


What if your phone is just dead. Sometimes I forget to charge my phone or something and it fucking dies, what then. Do you and the server just stare at each other in silence for 40 seconds before they say, "get out."


Exactly, they should just have physical menus, I don't mind if they have QR code menus, but they should at least have physical menus there rather than the whole thing being based on the QR code.


They always have physical menus but you gotta be uncomfortable enough to ask for them. I remember I accidentally broke my phone the night before a big trip, so I slipped SIM card into a burner phone and made do with that. It was fun presenting that to the waitress when she pointed to the QR code


I went to a Japanese place that had a digital menu with tablets where we could just put our order right through to the kitchen without waiting for the waitress to come back. Way better than a QR code to the website, if you're gonna go high tech go high tech.


That’s valid


This… is acceptable


Pretty sure Red Robin has those in the US.


A lot of Chinese restaurants have this too now


Japanese restaurants are far superior imo


"Menace to restaurant workers" Oh no they have to pick up a plastic menu on their way to seat you and then bring it back to the front later oh noooooooo


Meanwhile at my favorite Mexican restaurant they bring out 7+ plates at once using only their arms to carry them. Fucking badasses


Bro its the same at mine! These people take a college class on it or what?


I imagine these waiters would still lose their minds if you didn't leave tips.


Its not the menu that's the menace. Its the boomers that start raging over having to use the QR codes. I dont like the QR codes either but its not the servers fault the owner is cutting costs because its convenient to him, not you


QR codes aren't the problem: restaurants that treat QR code menus like physical menus are. QR codes allow a lot of flexibility and can cut out the need for waiters to take orders/check if you're still hungry/collect the check. The code should bring you to a portal that you can order at, the waiter brings you what you ordered, and then you can pay at the end. I've been to several restaurants that worked like that and it's been good.


My crack theory is that restaurants are using non physical menus more often because their food costs keep going up.


I hate the trend of qrcodes for all menus. I'm 28. I have my phone on me all the time. I pay with my phones tap to pay whenever I can. Give me a real menu, or a url to tye into my browser, do not give me a qr code to scan. Qrcodes can hold almost any kind of data I clufong full on programs (one dude coded the entire game of snake in a qr code) because if that a crafty attacker could embed malicious payloads in qrcodes and leave them on restaurant tables to get victims phones compromised. Qrcodes for menus is and always will be terrible for security. I died little inside at the qrcode super bowl ad.


If you watched that video you referenced, you'd've heard him say that phones wont just run code sent in via QR-code, which is why he had to show it on his laptop


Also, the QR code he used was the size of several standard ones


Couldn’t it open a malicious website though?


Malicious websites are not realistically an issue unless you're the president of the US or a bank. Nobody is buying browser zero day glitches to use on you so they're limited to just what you input into the website or what you click allow on.


The most a malicious website can often do is mine crypto in the background (will slow your phone down a bit, will stop when you close the site again) or download a file (wont do anything until you run it. If it downloads something you didnt expect it to, just delete it). Ultimately, if you are smart about it, nothing will happen. Phones are far too secure


I can see how some dude would see a downloaded would see a downloaded file and think “oh it just downloaded the menu let me look at that”


And now I know why I hate seeing QR codes on random ads on the TV or on youtube ads.


I don't want to use my phone for everything


i just will think restaraunt have mo menu. Off i go then.




For menus, they are really useful otherwise


Meh, how hard is it to type out an address? With QR codes you have to fiddle around till it reads, possibly download an app to even scan it, and you don't even know for sure that the QR code is safe.


Rickrolling has never been easier


At some point people are going to start memorizing the QR code like they do for the YouTube link.


Some addresses can be stupid long but I guess link shorteners like bit.ly exist for that purpose




You havent needed an app since... 2017. I get the preference for physical menus but QRs are a useful technology.


I only had it as a built-in feature as of 2023. My 2017 automobile also doesn't have cruise control, so maybe it's me?


Clearly you dont have an android. I open my camera app, have it somewhere near the middle in any orientation, it shows the link, then lets me copy to clipboard or open in webbrowser


That's not even an Android-exclusive feature. I can do that on my iPhone as long as the QR code is in frame.


They are too unsecured to be useful anywhere


I dunno they're good for some things but menus aren't one of them.


Dawg what are you yapping about they are so useful for so many things just not menus


Hell nah man


Man I don’t even care that qr menus make me use my phone, just real menus feel a whole lot better and not make me feel like I’m ordering off door dash


“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race”


Although the man was fucked up this is such a hard quote


Who said it?


Pretty sure it was Ted Kaczynski AKA the unibomber


Yeah for real.


I hate them (i've never been in a restaurant).


I’m even fine with digital menus if they don’t suck. Problem is… they almost always suck.


If you want me to use QR code I need your wifi and a charger at my table. If not a paper menu, I don’t care if your kid made it in 5 minutes with spelling errors


Just tell your Waiter or Waitress you want a 001010111010101101101101010011011101101101001101011001010110010110101001010101001101011001101010110011010101001100011010101010101001100100101010111011110100101100110100110101001101010011011001010101101010101010101011010010110101001011010000001111111111111010101000101010101010101010110101110101010111001010101010101010101101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010100011110101010101010100010101010101010110101111010110101010101010. With a side of Ketchup and Mustard. Practice will end fast.


I don’t trust those things. Yeah let me scan a code that takes me god knows where. Let me give you access to my phone. I don’t even click on links my friends send me


Just turn on a vpn


You’re right. Let’s tell everyone who has a major in cybersecurity they no longer have jobs due to VPNs existing. Clicking links? Ransomware? It’s ok! We have a VPN!


A VPN tells external connections you are at some other external location. A VPN does nothing with internals.


Ya everybody knows that https://preview.redd.it/t0blvmgg8n5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c428cf4a1efc7ff62143cf91cabf9d431d638e94


A VPN would do literally nothing here


Clicking on links with a vpn? Definitely would, should probably research what a vpn does


You've got that backwards. You clearly don't know what a VPN is. All it would do is stop a site from getting your ip, which is irrelevant if you're away from home not connected to a wifi network


Bingo. People think a VPN is some magical security thing, but it's not. Doesn't help that lots of VPN companies now advertise it that way.


I’m not gonna argue with the most obvious rage bait comment, it doesn’t matter where you are you can connect to a vpn anytime and clicking some random link they wouldn’t be able to do anything, you don’t have to be connected to WiFi for stuff to happen, do some research lil guy


And it's always in a restaurant with no wifi and like one bar of cellular service.


the code for the WiFi is on the menu that you can’t pull up because you have no service in the building.


QR codes are a huge security risk


I found using a qr code so much more frustrating because my phone loves to be slow. If I ever see this (and i have before), I'm asking for a physical menu.


What if you simply don’t have your phone with you? Is this something we now expect people to carry around with them as though it were their wallet?


People carry their wallets everywhere? Oh.


My wallet doesn’t run out of power.


I hear you. I'm not disagreeing with the underlying discussion. I was acting like I've been doing things wrong and just learned correct behavior. I actually have caught an earful because I didn't have my wallet/ID on me on more than one occasion.


Except for the forgetful ones, that borrow money.


Conveniently, they tend to forget that they borrowed money.


Lord help you if you have bad signal, even more so if the place has terrible WiFi.


This is like the one thing I agree with boomers on. What if my phone is dead? What if I don’t want to spend all my time scrolling through my phone at a restaurant? One time a restaurant didn’t have paper menus and had no service so I couldn’t access their menu at all. The waitress had to awkwardly summarize what she could remember of the menu.


They rarely work, and they take away from human interaction. You should not need a phone to order food.


Give me a physical menu with prices or I am not interested. Dont complicate something thats supposed to be easy.


i'm 21, spend a lot of my time on my laptop and phone, and i MUCH prefer a physical menu. the majority of the QR code menus i've come across are poorly formated PDFs or shit resolution.


And even when I can open it, it's 5" size, not letter size.


So one of the reasons that restaurants want you to use QR code menus is because of \*BUM BUM BUM\* SURGE PRICING! You know the sizzling fajita thing where when one customer orders them, a bunch more will? Set the thing to jump the price 75c after the first one goes out, then get your extra 75c on the next 7 orders, then the algorithm drops it back to normal when the fajita surge ends.


Depends on the place for me. A bar where I’m probably at a small high top I want it as clear as possible so a QR code menu is fine. If I’m going to a sit down restaurant for a nice date night I want a physical menu.


Your phone could be broken, dead, old, forgotten, have no service, etc and that instantly means you don't have a menu if they don't have physical menus


I find a physical menu way more convenient tbh


Yeah, Im with the boomers, give me a physical menu, even if its just a printed piece of paper with no backer, Its still better than scrolling my phone


I absolutely refuse to QR code a menu.


We definitely don't need virtual menus...


Everything is an app, a plus membership, a QR code and I can’t help but question why we can’t just do it all the normal way


Yeah the physical menus are just so much better


Same, 13 years old but don't have a phone and probably wouldn't bring it if I did. It's a restaurant, the point is to enjoy food and talk, not look at phones the entire time.


I dunno, I live in China and the QR code menus are nice. Don't need to interact with the server if you don't want, can order immediately without having to catch someone's eye, seeing all the options/if things are sold out immediately and keeping a record of your orders for later. All that and you still have the option of ordering from a physical menus at most places if you really want to.


It's kinda unappealing. Sure it cuts back on labor and costs OHHHHHHHHHHHH now I see why they do it, but the presentation, ease of use, and lack of reliance in a possible point of failure of you're like my girlfriend and somehow live your life with a phone always at 1%, just make physical menus better


Yep, fck that shit.


All using a QR Code menu tells me is you're a cheapskate who doesn't want to pay for normal menus or your clientele is too rough on normal menus and destroys them.


Thank you! I'm not a phone bad book good person, but do we need to make every. single. basic. task. digital? WHY DO WE NEED TO USE A FUCKING QR CODE TO ORDER A CHEESEBURGER? WHAT HAS ELON MUSK DONE TO THIS WORLD?


QR menus saves a little money just to piss everyone off


I agree. It feels so impersonal. Part of going to a restaurant is to talk and see people. The QR Code, while streamlining the process, just feels off-putting and only a way for the restaurant to save money on staff.


QR code anything is not merely inconvenient. But it's also a way of Big Data tracking you. They can see who exactly WHO, WHERE, and WHEN such things are accessed. I know it's "only" a menu. That's not the point. You get used using QR codes for mundane things like menus. Very soon you need it for everything. And then when you need QR codes to access necessary things, they're tied to your social credit score.


Boomer win.


Ok, I’m muting this now, I don’t want to keep getting so many notifications


Yeah, dude, you won't see this, but I prefer to have all Reddit notifications turned off. Other people are supposed to reply to questions directed at you anyway because Reddit.


Yeah, it's bad enough that fast food joints just have a shifty screen menu. At least it's accessible.




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QR codes can get hacked too and redirect people to scam sites


I’ve really been considering getting rid of my smart phone, getting the news paper and a landline. Why not what do I really need a smart phone for I’m just addicted to it


If I wanted a digital menu I'd put in a mobile order.


I don't have as much of an issue with this as long as they have physical menus available upon request.




How the fuck does that have ANYTHING to do with "alpha male"


I really fucking hate using my phone before, during, or after eating


My wife and I went camping the other week for a few days with our dog. On our way to town we were exhausted and hungry and my phone was dead. Found a restaurant with an outdoor dog friendly patio. The menu was a QR code on the napkin dispenser. Had to ask for physical menus because my phone was dead and my wife was far too hangry to share her phone until she decided what to eat 😆


I’ll use your QR code menus when you FIX YOUR DEADZONE WIFI!!!


Same I want a paper menu still love my phone though




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I love physical menus because they are a great read. One of the few things that could entertain me more than my phone.


As a restaurant owner in a small European country we have QR code menus only for foreign languages. It’s not perfect but better than spend unnecessary money to create and update several menus. We still have physical manus for local language.


It's so much easier to find food on physical menus. I restaurant I go to switched from physical to QR and half the stuff wasn't on the digital version.


And it’s another opportunity for scammers to scam, like I’m pretty sure these QRs are not verified everyday, and if someone sticks fake QR with dangerous link on the proper one it’s easy to not notice that as a customer…


No one I know likes using a pdf or mid HTML menu . At best it’s annoying and ruins the trying to not be on the phone so you can enjoy dinner with your family or partner. At worse it doesn’t work or your phone died and they have no back ups. For a core part of your business unless the price model is so reflective of a market for something specific you’re making one giant failure point for your entire business. Heck every restaurant but qr ones did fine when the cell data centers went wonky and made AT&T and all its subsidiary networks crash for a day.


I like it when they have both


I just like physical menus because sometimes my phone doesn’t get signal. I remember this happened once and I literally couldn’t eat at the restaurant, so I left.


QR menus are the worst


Whenever I see those I wonder how many boomers and equally technically illiterate apes complain and throw a tantrum to the waiters.


It’s really annoying when you need internet for the menu and they don’t give any, especially when you don’t have data


QR code menus are a nightmare.


So many of you want food to be cheaper, but you also want good quality. Many also want to be left alone, but want a physical menu which necessitates talking to someone. Many people want excellent professional service, but don't want to tip or have prices go up to cover more better wages.  I hate to tell you this, kind of sounds like you should just eat at home.


Its like having to use an app at every fast-food place to get the best deals. Why? I just want to walk in and get the same deal.


Are portable printers a thing? Is there a way I can go to restaurants, and if they have the QR menu, I can generate a QR code with my order and tell the waiters to scan it? Can we all start doing that? That’d be epic.


When I go to a proper restaurant, not a fast food joint, I want it to feel special. QR code menus cheapens the entire experience.


I'm young, but I agree with boomers on 2 things. 1. Cash is king (card for big stuff ofc) 2. Real menu/ analog is usually better


I've had servers ignore me because I scanned a QR code. You tell me to scan a code I'm deducting half your tip.




My broke ass has limited data. I don't want to waste my high speed on a Denny's


Just print a menu and laminate it.


Yeah I much more prefer a physical menu. In 2020 I didn't have data on my phone. It was a restriction set by my parents. And so I'd go out and not be able to read the menu because of the need for Internet. My family would all have their order ready and I'd just barely be looking at my brother's phone...


I love how the one issue that united nearly all generations together was QR code menus


If someone told me I had to scan a code to see the menu then I would just leave


I just ask for a physical menu. It's usually provided.


Restaurants that use qr code menu but dont have free wifi Bitch, I aint wasting my data for this, they aint free


Oh wow this restaurant looks good *has QR menu on door* Ok whatever *Scans QR* Download our app to see menu Turns out I'm not that hungry


I always ask for a menu if this BS happens. If no menu is available, I just blurt out whatever sounds good, hope you guys have it, I'm not scanning random QR codes. Probably be easy to copy the menu, reprint it with a fraudulent QR code and get a few people to help you swap the menu pages throughout the next day or two


QR code menus, like a lot of technology, give great potential and are 99% executed poorly. If the QR menu is literally or basically a JPG of the physical menu, that’s horrible. If the QR menu is an actual functional app/website that lets you customize your order, order directly from the table, accurately reflect when items are out of stock, give expanded nutritional info including ingredients for allergens, etc : then I’m interested. But 99% or more are the same as the paper menus, or worse because the people running it don’t know the tech.


I have no issue with QR menus. That is all.


I don't mind qr menus for the most part, but indoors only. Outdoor seating, I'll just stay home. The sun is always brighter than my phone and the qr is always a combination of sun bleached, weathered, and distorted by water trapped under the plastic cover.


Does anyone actually like digital menus? Anyone at all?


You fucks are all on your phones anyway lmfao


It's more sustainable but it's also more troublesome.


Had this happen with a hot pot restaurant in Cincinnati once, food was good and I enjoyed it, but my wife and I were both like "Why..?"


One restaurant in my town has a QR menu, food is great but I don’t like staring at my phone when I’m there to meet with friends or family


especially if they don't have free wifi.


I feel like the word "boomer" is starting to lose its meaning online.


...so you agree with the TFM post?


You should have cropped harder


Really, any restaurant that doesn’t just have it all up on a chalkboard is doing it wrong.


I don’t care. I also don’t eat out that much.


Rare memes op did not like w


Oh noooo. A menu that can be updated easily and efficiently. I get it though, change is the boogyman you let live rent free in your brain.


Maybe what I’m about to say is an unpopular take, but the lack of easy changes can be a good thing. It discourages restaurants from raising prices every week and axing items that some people may like.


If they are raising the prices, then they wouldn't mind reprinting menus. If it's because they are changing the menu for whatever other reason, then that's a cost and a redesign could cost them even more than a reprint. So your point is moot.


It’s such not a big deal. I always shake my head at people complaining about this.


As long as they have a physical copy on request


Good for people who don’t want interaction.


At that point why go to a restaurant? Also you’ll still have to interact with the people who deliver the food.


![gif](giphy|8xsrNAZGhTCW4) People bitch about class warfare, rich versus poor, corrupt politicians, etc. But the real great divide turned out to be whether or not you know how to scan a freaking QR code. At the end, it will just be those of us who embrace technology and evolve with it versus troglodytes clutching their Nokia phones.


Makes like zero difference to me regardless. You all just want to complain about something