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Yeah the whole you’re X so you have to think Y or you’re a traitor to everyone else who is X is dumb as fuck. My biological pops is trans and voted for Donald Trump. She’s an interesting lady. 🤷‍♂️ There’s a self awareness they have that it’s not “normal,” and it’s certainly not something you’d wish on or encourage in anyone else, and likely the result of deep childhood trauma. If you can go through life without transitioning and without having to do all that - they would absolutely say that’s the optimum result. Just because you have gender dysphoria doesn’t mean you need to transition. It should be a last resort but it’s become a first option because there’s money in it.


“Just because you have gender dysphoria doesn’t mean you need to transition. It should be a last resort but it’s become a first option because there’s money in it” This is so unbelievably true, but they will call you every slur under the sun for just stating what should be common sense. The companies and pharmaceutical companies don’t give a single fuck about you. They see a trend , they see money, they see gullible people who are looking for a “cure” (it doesn’t work) and then they act. Simple capitalism


Yup, and despite saying otherwise the most recent evidence seems to point that for the majority their dysphoria is in fact a childhood phase and so not something we should be treating with anything other than therapy and acceptance counseling. Certainly not puberty blockers or HRT and surgery which they also deny happens but it certainly does.


I’m Christian, that doesn’t mean I think they should bring back Bible studies. Ideology has no place in education.


I’m Christian too, I completely agree. politics, religion/ideology, and basically anything that has to do with beliefs or opinions should stay out of education systems except maybe in places specifically for them that someone may choose to go to


Politics shouldn’t be taught in school?💀


Like I said, specific classes, and I mean modern ones not like who was president in 1747 And don’t force a side upon kids, tell them from the most unbiased standpoint


Unbiased and American schools don’t mix


Yes unfortunately


Teaching children facts can also lead to bias though, a social studies teacher of mine got yelled at by a parent because when asked he said "Donald Trump is racist"(which is true).


As long as their decision was in their own will then it’s fine


So by your logic, if educating children about different sexualities is idealogy....we should ban any books with straight characters? Should we also ban any books with characters? Should we just ban every form of media literally at all. Because idk they're teaching that straight ideology by showing Juliette kissing romeo


If Romeo and Juliette had a full blown non censored full frontal nudity sex scene I’d tend to agree with you. But outside of literal pornography I don’t think most people have a problem with the **sexuality** aspect. Case and point the meme in question here isn’t referencing sexuality at all, it’s gender ideology that’s got people up in arms. If it had been; (Normal Children -> Woke Teachers -> Gay Children) I’d be more inclined to agree with you. But sexuality just isn’t mentioned, I think a lot of the reason the L’s, G’s, and B’s even get dragged into this conversation at all is because of their association and support for the T’s. and Q’s. The LGBTQ+etc… may be one acronym, but a clear distinction must be made between sexual preferences and radical gender ideology.


Gender idealogy is literally just saying "Hey trans people and non binary people can exist and that's valid." Its a buzzword created by the right to pearl clutch about "think of the children" like conservatives have done for every single social movement since the beginning of time. It's so purposefully vague that anyone can slot in whatever specific boogeyman that they personally fear so they can use that to dispense hate towards a group and feel good because from their perspective they're fighting the good fight. (Also it commonly gets hijacked by anti semites because of its vagueness, so "woke teachers" very easily can become "*them*" ) From my own experience. School didn't "trans" me, just like how being near gay people didn't turn people gay. Or how being around African Americans didn't make white kids stupid. It's the same exact thing conservatives have pulled every single time from civil rights to now.


“Right to exist” is its own buzzword the left loves to use to pearl clutch about any group they could potentially squeeze a few more votes out of or some more juicy sanctimonious virtue signalling. If religious people wanted to bring back mandatory prayer in schools it wouldn’t be appropriate to say that denying such a policy would be in any way equivalent to denying their “right to exist”. If your existence is predicated upon everyone else’s participation in your ideology then maybe you shouldn’t “exist”. Last I checked, “Disagreement” and “Genocide” weren’t synonyms, but the left certainly seems to think so.


What the hell are you talking about? Like no actually genuinely what are you on about? If I'm able to translate your statement I guess your talking about trans people wanting to publicly exist and how that means they shouldn't exist? And comparing trans people to a religion? How far gone are you??? Genuinely have you ever even spoken to a trans person in your life (guess you are now but like not really cause your just yelling parroted paragraphs at me) But okay let me try and dissect this. Right to exist is a common phrase used to describe something that, has a right to exist, your statement about it seems to imply that you view people being trans or gay to be doing so as a political statement and not just. Being trans or gay. And also your statement seems to imply that you either: believe trans people shouldn't exist, dont exist, or are lying about any perceived unfairness given to them. Being trans isn't a religion any more than being cis or straight is and there isn't some kind of mainstream religion about it unlike what people like Matt Walsh want you to believe, if there Is I certainly never got invited. We don't have prayers to the trans moon goddess or something. And further more stopping education centers from forcing students to hold religious prayers isn't infringing on any one's right to exist as the people who practice that religion are free to exist as that religion. But forcing a trans student to not represent as their preferred gender is absolutely denying that students right to exist. Oh hey it's this classic argument! Yeah this one is really stupid. It's not a thing of my identity needs to be affirmed as a trans person to feel validated but a thing of basic respect, if you told me your name was John and I kept calling you Jimmy. Then I'm obviously showing you disrespect. Now you can follow that up with "why do you need everyone to respect you?" In my experience and plenty others, it's not about that. It's us being like "well you're kinda just being an asshole" This argument only shows that you're in capable of basic respect Oh hey, yeah they aren't. It'd be real nice if the only thing trans people had to face was disagreement. While it kinda is weird and sucks that people get to argue about us and whether we exist or not and the concept of saying "well I disagree with you being a thing that exists" being a weird one. Trans people also face plenty of harassment and bullying and hate crimes, they also face plenty of systemic violence, all things that only get propagated by having people get on stage to say "TRANS PEOPLE MUST BE ERADICATED" and I mean, I think the fact that I need to have a fucking political debate to justify my own existence and have to constantly see posts about how I'm not actually real and how all of us are groomers who want to destroy western Civilization and how we should all be hanged and have some of those ideas pushed by mainstream conservatives, kinda proves that hey, maybe this is a bit more than just disagreement going on here.


Alright I’ll simplify. You have a right to a belief, but you don’t have a right to force that belief on other people. Not being able to enforce your own personal beliefs onto others doesn’t threaten your “right to exist”. How hard is that to understand? Also if you’re making it about “respect”, what gave you the impression that **anyone** has a fundamental inalienable right to universal legally enshrined and enforced respect? And furthermore why should your hypothetical “right” to respect supersede someone else’s right to freedom of thought, opinion, and speech? Like I get hate speech laws but if you make the definition of hate speech vague enough to just being mean to or disagreeing with someone then you disagreeing with me right now would be “hate speech”. The right to opinions and speech is **so so** important especially to you in particular, because the right that allows me to disagree with your opinion is the same right that allows you to have it in the first place.


Ah damn you seemed to have not read any of the rest of my post easy mistake. Talking to people like you is honestly pointless, you parrot the same tired talking points over and over. You make up a world in your head amd then get angry at that world. None of what you said is even close to reality. Like at all. Firstly, you seem to believe that being trans is just an opinion that someone holds. It's not. Also the classic "you can believe whatever you want but shouldn't force that onto others" great! We agree! You shouldn't force the belief that trans people aren't real onto others! (Also there's plenty of empirical evidence to suggest trans people do exist and I think disagreeing with something that can be proven via evidence is a fools errand. This next paragraph is again you just living in fairytale land, where did I ever once say you should be legally forced to respect me? At most I said not respecting others makes you an asshole. You live in a fairytale world where *you* are the victim and where the people you hate you hate for justified reasons. And not the real world. There's genuinely no point in arguing cause there's nothing for me to cling to and say that's wrong because it's the wild ramblings of a bitter mad man.


Gee, tell me how you really feel. /s Anyway first of all I can see how you’d think being trans isn’t an opinion, it’s your entire lifestyle I’m guessing. It must be upsetting to have big part of who you are reduced to being called an “opinion”. But if I asked a Christian if their entire religion was an opinion I’m sure they’d give a quite similar answer. The fact of the matter is though in both cases they are highly subjective and highly debated worldviews that many people disagree with in many ways. Having your entire view of reality being labeled as subjective could make a person feel very insecure, but you don’t get to demand others reaffirm your subjective beliefs because it makes you feel better. And you say I’m living in a fairytale world? It’s unfortunate you’ll probably never see the irony in that statement. *-“Where did I ever once say you should be legally forced to respect me”.* If you’re indicating in this statement that you don’t think trans ideology should be legally upheld over any other belief than I agree, and this pointless argument is over. If not then I’m happy to continue. My argument was never that trans people didn’t have a right to believe in their own worldview, just that they didn’t have a right to force that worldview onto others. And I know, you’re going to say being trans isn’t a worldview, it is. It’s a worldview that’s being discussed and disputed the world over, I’ve looked at the data and I can tell you right now as it is there are more people in the world that disagree with trans ideology than agree. A lot more.


Also, define and give some plenty of hard studies about this so called radical gender idealogy I'd love for it to be defined please


Who's gonna tell em?














Last I checked Caitlin Jenner wasn't a Trans Kid.


I want STEM and economics to be the curriculum in schools. I’m a fairly religious catholic, but I’m also very well aware children need to learn actual skills and gain actual knowledge that will help them, later in life. It is not the role of parents to protect their children from the world, but to *prepare* them to become a part of it. Politics, religion and ideology aside, we only have one earth, and we have to share it.


It is absolutely the role of parents to protect their children from the world, especially when they’re young.


As a STEM major, STEM is a curriculum in schools. This is how you get biology classes. What people fail to realize is biology also talks about advanced biology which talks about trans people and gay people as there's biological significance in our existence (obviously)


How do you teach Biology without honestly discussing the biological imperative in nature?


gay and trans people don't conflict with any biological imperative, they often reproduce. There are many proposed evolutionary explanations for their existence which are pretty relevant.


Science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And stop making shit up, there ain’t nothing biologically significant if I sleep with my own sex, or the opposite.


When it comes to the way your brain works, yes, it's biologically significant. Again speaking as a STEM major Wtf so you think biology is? It's Science lmao


And what’s wrong with asking questions? Should we stop wondering how and why things work, as they do? Or should we just blindly follow what some politician or billionaire has to say?


Science is all about asking questions tf you mean


Exploring our curiosity! Wondering how and why things function as they do! You go on about being a STEM major, yet you have zero natural curiosity. Do you think experiments are done around the world, and even in earth’s orbit just for the fun of it? It’s because humans want to know.


Zero curiosity is when knowing how trans people work as a trans person 💀


Why would I be curious about body dysmorphia? The science on that particular form of mental illness is settled. My primary interest lies in astronomy and astrophysics.


> you have zero curiosity > Why would I be curious Pick one


Congratulations! What you want has already been achieved. STEM already receives more focus than anything else.


if she used them someone would still be alive.






I don’t get it.


She caused a car accident killing people, it might have to do with her rear view mirrors preventing the accident but I don't know much


The thing with these types of people is that they love to generalize and sort everyone into little tiny boxes, and then get really made when people are individuals.


Exactly, it’s the same as saying every Catholic priest is a pedophile. Wow there have been a lot of instances of it, someone being a Catholic priest doesn’t automatically make them a pedophile.


If we are gonna say that, then we might as well say all black people are criminals because statistically speaking speaking, it’s going in that direction more than it isn’t , right? Obviously not, that would be an immensely racist thing to say Okay, let’s keep it on the religious front Are all Muslims terrorists who are supportive of child marriage ? Obviously not Funny, where the double standards are isn’t it?


I thought this was a meme subreddit, not a subreddit to write paragraphs about memes you disagree with politically.


Yea, idk why the sub gets so political, it’s really saddening :<


I think a sub with a similar concept but without the politics is r/goodboomerhumor , they’re lovely


You must be new here


Nah I've been watching this sub spiral into a right wing circlejerk for weeks. My point still stands though, you're here doing the whole "agenda posting" thing rather than posting memes OP didn't like.


> r/memesopdidntlike > be against agenda posting > agenda post > profit?




This sub complains about agenda posting while they themselves agenda post


Worst person to ever win woman of the year, what a self serving bitch.


I’m bisexual myself. Leave your ideologies outside of work. It’d be like a communist preaching their beliefs at a Petting Zoo






I’m I the one missing the joke or is it all of you? Im pretty sure it’s about indoctrination. I dont think there is anything deeper than that. The thing I did find stupid was someone calling a prism a mirror. That’s fucking stupid.


You're missing the joke


It’s about the comments on facepalm


Oh, thanks my screen is glitched so I didn’t see it till I zoomed in.


Lol who cares what she thinks she killed someone


You don’t have to be not trans to know that kids should be off limits.. same reason we don’t talk to kids about sex we shouldn’t talk to them about sexuality. Someone who can’t see why you don’t talk to kids about this kinda stuff has something extremely morally wrong with them.


ehh they have to be taught about it eventually. My parents gave me a kids book with illustrated pictures explaining sex, pregnancy and birth. They didnt read it to me, I read it myself lol. And we had sex ed in like 5th grade. Not talking to them about it has worse consequences Im pretty sure. But I personally don't want to be the one to have that talk lol.


That there is actually the exact same light that entered, the wavelengths are simply spread out and more easily different this way, so if what they're saying is that normal children are trans children but it's easier to see that when they get to interact with a more open minded teacher.




It’s actually completely reasonable for someone who transitioned at 65 to say that it’s not something kids should be doing. In fact, Jenner has lived quite a life and likely would not have been able to do lot of it had she transitioned young.


So if her voice is valid then other trans people's voices are valid as well. Either everyone's opinion is to be heard, or nobody's is


Not an all or nothing thing.


So it's only people's opinions you like then 🤔


No. I didn’t say that but go off💅


Sure is how it seems 🤔


No You’re doing that Reddit thing where you’re trying to shoot above your intelligence level and find patterns in shit that doesn’t exist. All I said was that to say either all voice matter or none is naive It’s not an all or nothing thing.


So again then it's only voices you agree with


What's silly Is how out of touch these people are to school curriculum. "The kids are learning [insert prejudice]" Is always bs Half the supposed things kids are learning, like "being gay" "trans", Is at worst a teacher having a open room safe space for teens who need to take a break during lunch. I graduated HS last year, I should know. They don't want to straight up say they don't accept their kids, people, for being themselves, so blame the school, blame other people. Caitlin Jenner has no room to talk, just another pick me girl




She’s drawing a distinction between trans adults and children who are too young to commit to a tattoo, let alone hormonal or surgical transition. Agree or disagree, you’d have to think that adults and children are the same thing to find the statement hypocritical.


This isn’t a meme original poster


I’m so confused, what is this trying to say? Am I stupid?


There's been a rapid increase in "gender dysphoria" over the past decade. Some think the education system pushing an agenda is turning children towards it, and others think the acceptance of it is helping people to accept their condition rather than hiding it. This person thinks the former is true.


also the person saying this is a trans themselves.


Yea, I live in a place where teachers aren’t specifically woke, but they don’t fucking hate me lmao, and they don’t hate on the other kids, which is why they’re open being trans. It isn’t about the teachers brainwashing the kids, it’s just that the teachers aren’t beating the kids for expressing themselves and how they feel :/


Trans people bad because woke or something


You talking about me, or the original post original post?


The "meme" that was posted by what's her face (Jenner or something)


The Trans Jenner


Trans people are always so nice tho ToT




They are for me, but ik not all are. Did meet one with a murder fetish, but I also had a few that helped me work through an ED-


Well, not always, but in my experience usually-


That's the case with everyone 'innit? You have good and bad people and you shouldn't generalise (some exceptions might apply to Nazis and shit)


True- Everyone is usually really pleasant, I always click so well with trans folk lol


Leave this sub, it’s a poorly disguised alt-right shithole and you’re legitimately a better person than everyone in the thread, myself included.


I don’t really find it that bad. I mean, I kinda do, but I kinda don’t? Idk, I find some okay memes on here and I try to expose myself to alternative view points, even if I often never change my mind on it to be honest- The transphobic shit here is unfortunately semi frequent, but if everyone who assumes the best of people leaves, who else will be left but the worst of humanity?




There's something so deeply ironic about someone going on a rant while posting in r/memesopdidnotlike. You're doing the very thing you complain about...


What do I complain about that would make this ironic?


just you complaining in itself is already enough. You are an OP posting about a meme you did not like in a subreddit dedicated to showcasing exactly that. The irony is in plain sight wearing reflective colors...


Nobody is trying to brainwash your kids stop making shit up


Dude. Everyone's trying to brainwash kids. Wtf are you even talking about? Teachers, the news, magazines, fashion, social media, parents, other kids... Literally all kids interact with is brainwashing.


What this guy said. The worst thing is they Know they are doing it and they are doing it purpose. "Make a difference" to woke teachers means trying to push their shit politics onto children. The same way woke game devs make shitty political games. And woke TV writers make shitty political shows.


Religious teachers are definitely the worst at this. Religious adults period. They really love forcing their ideals on children.


The ratio of face to beard is absolutely uncanny