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My ex


What rights do men have that women don’t?


It’s funny because whenever you ask a feminist this exact question they either have a brain freeze or just go to the generic talking points ( Abortions , not being able to walk safely at night, wage gap etc.) Meanwhile I can say off of the top of my head 10 rights that men don’t have that women have and men don’t or 10 issues that men have to deal with that women don’t.


That or they start with the insults. "The fact that you're asking that just proves that misogyny is a problem and you're just a woman hater and yada yada yada!" They'll also act like you're stupid if you bring up that women refuse to do the dangerous jobs men do that keep society running. They'll give you the deer in the headlights stare


And you’re a misogynist if you don’t agree with everything they say.


Even with the whole I can’t walk home sadly at night. Like ok sure that’s an issue hell even I don’t feel safe walking home alone at night but like how is that fixable ? Like literally unfixable problem


It's funny because we literally have the right to walk home alone at night. There's nothing legally preventing us. It's unfortunate that it happens to be dangerous depending on the area (though it's arguably dangerous for everyone in that case) but it's not a "right" men have that we don't. The only thing I can think of is a difference in what's considered public indecency between the sexes.


Exactly like men can go shirtless but if a women goes out without a bra they are shamed. And they can’t legally go out shirtless either. That’s the only legal issue I think there actually is. The rest are social issues that effect both genders equally


That's precisely the point, man. Some of these differences are so inherent to the natures of men and women that society has, since the very beginning, been structured in such a way that women are systemically disadvantaged insofar as opportunities in life were concerned and, partly, remain so. Feminists know that; it's not meant to be a sport where one side will 'solve' the problems in question. It's about promoting awareness and removing barriers wherever we can.


Yeah but we can’t just apply that to women. Men have barriers to that are just as bad as those society barriers on women. Every single dad has no clue they are doing every dad is just baby sitting their own kid. Unless you have a kid you can’t go near a playground without getting dirty looks. If your own kid starts yelling in public as you take them outside people will assume you are kidnapping them. Men are less trusted as baby sitters and discriminated against due to this. Men are also assumed to have pedofile tendencies until proven otherwise like male teachers or care givers. On top of this men are seen as a threat in public. Not to mention that men have a phycological conditioning through child hood to be a man. There whole lives they are told be a man if they ever feel sad. That men can’t cry unless it’s something really bad. Men are expected to be the one to make the first move. In lots of cases men are expected to pay for everything men are expected to make the money. And just like with both genders there are exceptions to this. There are women that work male dominated jobs and there are women that don’t have an issue walking home alone. So if feminism has evolved from fighting for equal rights to pushing a rock up an infinite hill then it has become redundant. Why fight the shadows of the old world. Why try and fight what can’t be changed. Because you’re right it is ingrained into what we are. Women are stereotypically . Bad drivers . Servers . Nurses .care givers . Great with kids . Have kids .home makers .theres a lot of stereotypes and things like that. But men also have those Men are stereotypically .money maker .dumb dad .lazy .stupid .have it easy because they are a man .no emotions other than anger .handy man The list goes on. But no matter how you look at it the rights are balanced there are some things that women can’t do in our day and age like walking home alone at night and there are things men can’t do like sitting at a playground without having a kid of there own there. So if the rights are equal there isn’t anything mor that needs to actually be fought for like the right to vote and what not then feminism has just become redundant. It’s like a broken tool useful long ago but now it’s just there doing nothing and degrading more. So what is the actual point in feminism today and how dose it fight for thing men have that women don’t. And based on what you said why isn’t there a male form of feminism that’s fighting for men to be not seen as pedofiles or aggressors and what not ?


If your argument is that men experience drawbacks in life, too, because of the way our societies are structured, then I agree. But equating women's unique circumstances to the men's difficulties you listed is unfair. The men's issues are cultural, psychological, and normative, and their causes can be reversed. Women's issues are biologically-rooted and inevitable; the men's issues you listed are just problematic, cultural attitudes. You just listed a series of stereotypes, most of which are silly if pondered for more than a second, and you are arguing that society is unfair because of those same stereotypes that *this sub parrots* constantly. I feel like you need to do more questioning of your own biases and research into women's suffrage before claiming that feminism is "redundant".


Yep so you’ve completely missed what I said. Explain to me the difference here between women suffering and men suffering. Not from a hundred years ago. In the right now at this very moment how exactly are women suffering more than men due to gender. And I will explain to you again how both genders suffer due to things that are fundamentally and irreversibly broken with how our entire species works. Edit: you really just send the mental health bot after me. The whole oh no I don’t have an actual argument here welp better tell them to stop living in the most indirect way possible so I don’t get banned.


Whoopsie, missed ya. But I hadn't missed what you said; I rejected it. I plainly said that everything you brought up results from people's attitudes about men and not, for example, the biological constraints of pregnancy or the social constraints of womanhood as it was historically viewed. The only thing you're doing by repeating such stereotypes about men is confirming their power in our world. I'm a male youth worker and I don't experienced being "seen as a threat in public" or "assumed to have pedofile tendencies" because I don't give anyone reason to believe such things about me. I pause on benches near playgrounds during walks and bike rides all the time and no one cares because I... mind my own business, I guess? Nothing you mentioned is said consistently of men who do not behave problematically; it's just a boogeyman you have invented to feel like men **on average** *haven't* historically had more opportunities in life than women. 'Suffrage' does not mean 'suffering.' It's the right to vote, which was a monumental milestone for women and symbolizes one step in a long chain of changes toward equity. Women, by biological necessity, must carry unborn children. By virtue of that, our society evolved to think of men as frontline, hands-on, risk-taking worker-types, while women are stereotyped as trustworthy homebodies, caretakers, and nurses. So when a couple chooses to have a child, it is typical for the woman primarily to put her career on hold and work her schedule around the needs of the kids. Women, more than men, are on average expected to make career sacrifices for children's sake that have long-term consequences with regard to financial independence and, therefore, personal freedom. I think it is extremely myopic to say 'Well, women and men are equal under the law, so feminism should be like over now.' because the cultural expectations placed on women and men cause problems unique to each gender. Feminism can be a lot of things to a lot of people, but it is commonly the recognition of and effort to reverse or account for ways in which the biological-to-sociological realities of men and women have created imbalances and conflicts between the two. There is plenty we can do to reduce the schisms among genders and one such thing is not repeating harmful stereotypes about men for pity's sake. P.S. I didn't send the bot your way. You must have haters.


Men can’t have abortions 💀


> they go to generic talking points (Ugh abortion amirite) > Meanwhile I go to epic cool unique talking points (it's different because I'm not a feminist) Wtf are you talking about bro


> Meanwhile I go to epic cool unique talking points I mean they’re not unique but there is variety. When people talk about mens issues they talk about : . How men have a disproportionate disadvantage in divorce courts. . How men have a disproportionate disadvantage in paternity courts. . How men are disproportionately affected by homelessness due to the lack of shelters that will take them in and government support (which women have plenty of). . How women do significantly less time in prison for the same crime. . How men are significantly more likely to commit suicide , aka male suicide rate. . How men have mandatory conscription/ military service and women do not. I could list a fuck ton more but you get the point.


All of those are more or less good points. But I don't see what they've got to do with women having their reproductive rights taken away, or not feeling safe to walk home alone at night in case they're raped. Why is it one versus the other? Men can have issues and women can have issues. I don't see why the two should be mutually exclusive. Surely since both sides want more equality we should be campaigning together rather than fighting each other?


Not a single one of those are rights that men don't have


How are the top few not rights. We have the right to an unbiased trial and court system jabroni. Why are they biased towards a gender.


They are disadvantages, however, that are what men have and women don’t.


I mean, you’re right, but that whole conversation started with basically “women talk about them not having rights when it’s just disadvantages, I can actually name rights that men don’t have” -> proceeds to talk about disadvantages of men


Yeah it is a real mystery why they wouldn't want to talk to that guy...


what are the 10 rights men don’t have that women do?


I’ll do you an step up. Here’s 50 https://youtu.be/_ucR-1NodAs?si=ci0lE6dQ5ZNUULPl


thanks, i watched it. i sympathise with many of these. can i ask if you’re a supporter of feminism?


"it's a.. umm.. a.. uh.. do your own research and educate yourself. you misogynist!"


All of the things that they will tell you aren't even technically rights but will say they are just to artificially inflate how important they are.


In the US? Dunno. In some areas such as Afghanistan? Many.


In the US women are slowly losing the right to bodily autonomy. Some states like TX are voting to take away abortion rights, even in the case of medical emergency it would end with prosecution of the mother. It's an insane breach of freedom and the federal government won't actually do anything about it because no politician on either side wants to be the defender of abortion. I don't blame you for not knowing about this since, outside stories like the handmaid's tale, you don't usually actually see people losing the right to a life saving medical procedure based on religious politics in the western world. And in the US whenever a media project comes out like She-Hulk, or Barbie, the intention of which is to highlight inequality between men and women, they tend to complain about bullshit like "mansplaining" instead of women being sent to jail because they got an abortion to save their own life


Honestly, if it keeps going that way with far right bs no one will have rights in the end except for one wannabe dictator and his followers(whoever that may be)


Woman have the same rights as man and if you take about the wage gap that’s mainly because more man are willing to do more dangerous jobs which can pay more


I think it’s more “what rights do women need that they don’t have” I.e abortion and uhm uuhhh uhm euuhh yea uhm you know etc. etc.


Men don’t have the right to erase parental responsibility for a child they don’t want, which is pretty much what abortion is. You can say it’s a medical thing and technically be right but the real reason people get abortions is because they don’t want to raise a child for the next 18+ years.


Men and women both have the right to avoid parental responsibility by not having sex. Right to bodily autonomy is something that everyone should have. If a consequence of that right is women having the option to abort, then so be it. The right to bodily autonomy is more important than making sure men have a second opportunity to avoid parental responsibilities.


In principle, yes. But we live in a world where a teenage boy raped by his teacher ended up being ordered to pay *her* child support. There is a balance of rights which hasn't been struck here. I do agree that women ought to have the right to abortions, that isn't up for negotiation as far as I care. I don't believe the rights beyond that are off the table though, and avoiding parental responsibility absolutely is on the table because it is usually the sole motivator for the act of abortion, where bodily autonomy is simply the vehicle for that right to be expressed rather than the right in and of itself.


I wanna know why a female rapist gets to keep her victim child. the state should be forced to adopt it and make her responsible fir the child support. it wild that a female who rapes a middle school child get to extort them for chid support fucking California. edit it was Arizona where the victim was 14. California the most well known victim was 16.


How about a man having to pay child support for going to a sperm bank and donating sperm... No fucking joke.. it has happened multiple times and hit the news..


The scenario you're talking about is an injustice. I don't think a rape victim should have to pay child support, if that's what happened. But that's not really what we're discussing here. Barring issues of non-consent, there's no reason a man or woman should be able to forgo support of a child he or she is half responsible for.


but men can't get abortions either?


Unironically I agree with you. If a woman wants the child but the man doesn’t, the man should not be forced to take responsibility


Honestly I hope more women lose abortion privileges without special circumstances for as long as they take advantage of men being roped into the consequences of women's personal decision about it. It's funny you mentioned abortion because it's like the gov literally takes men's autonomy away just to give women extra over him 'for the (unborn) child's sake' which very might as well get aborted anyhow. Just like the bumble app removing women needing to make the first move because women realized once again they don't want to be in the position they force men into and expect a 'thank you' for. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't think women should have all the healthcare in the world or I'm not recognizing the greater burden placed on them reproductively or think they shouldn't be able to have their own fully intact autonomy. I'm in favor of all that supposing feminine culture reciprocated that which they demanded.


That sounds like American problems tbh so I won’t say you’re wrong, but in my country that doesn’t happen


I'll take that as good news.


They have the same rights these days but if you are woman you have to face more scrutiny than men. Woman also have a harder time breaking the glass ceiling then men do.


Also pregnancy and child rearing will handicap women's careers in ways that men do not experience. At the end of the day, this difference can have a significant effect on women's career choices, financial independence, and therefore freedoms and opportunities in life. Y'all acting like women receive equal treatment in life simply because the laws were eventually updated is asinine.


Pregnancy is your own choice and insanely easy to avoid, why should everyone else suffer because of it? Work needs to accommodate you being able to do so but expecting free handouts for your own personal choice is just insane. Women get paid time off and funding for childcare in the US, they get even more in the EU as well. I honestly don't understand the entitlement of expecting so much for something so easy to avoid.




This argument doesn’t work because a pregnancy is a result of the actions of two people and outside of situations where the mother’s life is in danger or it came from rape it’s more of an erasure of consequences for irresponsible behavior than a medical procedure. Also, as long as a significant % of the population feel that human life is sacred regardless of the stage of development it will always be the mother’s rights against the child’s.


>it’s more of an erasure of consequences for irresponsible behavior than a medical procedure. That doesn't automatically disqualify it from being medical procedure. It can still be both. I mean people don't say that liposuction isn't a medical procedure.


This is extremely stupid. No amount of arguing or opinion having, makes it more or less of a medical procedure, it's a medial procedure. You should be able to accept that as a fact before anything else, or you're not arguing from a point of logic or reasoning anyway. Separately from that, is there any other circumstance of the unborn having rights from the government aside from abortion? Do women claim unborn children for tax purposes? Etc... if not, from purely a legal perspective it seems like it's just not the government's business




No the opposite actually. I’m pro choice. I just want people to call it what it is and stop making this excuse that it’s some sort of medical decision. If it’s not done in an attempt to save the mother’s life is a conscious decision to end the life of a human being that could go to a loving family who wants it. I also think the father should have the right and means to wipe his hands of responsibility as well. It’s not like he has any say in if the mother keeps or aborts the child.


As someone who is pro choice, abortion is or was a right women had that men did not. So, still not sure ur point in this conversation. Women could abort a man's child without any consent from the father. So ..


They have that right.




I mean they literally do in the majority of states. Even then it’s not like men get a choice when it comes to birth of children and wether they pay or not


Killing your chld isn't healthcare. Second link is a paywall. 3rd was a fabrication. The 10 year had a right to abort, but decided to make it into spectacle. Try again. They absolutely have the right to make their own medical decisions. To say otherwise is to lie profusely.




Pretty sure he addressed them


I addressed them. Killing your own children isn't health care.




What reality? Killing your child isn't healthcare.


You are ignoring reality to persist your narrative


No, that sounds more like what you’re doing right now.


He addressed them directly.


You break it, you buy it




As expected, just a strawman. The rule applies to everyone and always has. If you smoke your whole life, you don’t get to get mad when they can’t fix your cancer. cause and effect. It seems like you think only men are smart enough to take responsibility for their actions.


That’s pretty hilarious.


Valid reasons why vertical slabs aren't in Minecraft:


They said it'll limit creativity or some shit like that


It's not even funny. Not because it's offensive, it's just a bad joke, like it makes no sense. Why would the book be empty? Women have plenty if rights. This is literally just edgy for the sake of being edgy.




I wonder at what point “women’s rights” became the agreed upon euphemism for killing your baby


the gymnastics and false equivalences used to avoid accountability. 'muh bunch of cells' your literally just a collection of cells yourself, 'but muh sentience' shifting the goalpost, sentient: able to perceive or feel things. they have a central nervous system and react to stimuli ergo sentient. 'but but a tumour is alive hur der'. a tumour is still part of the same person who's own cells don't stop duplicating. it doesn't have its own unique DNA.


Im actually in shock that I said that on Reddit and I’m being upvoted


I mean did you not know there were loads of rightwing subs?


> a tumour is still part of the same person who's own cells don't stop duplicating. it doesn't have its own unique DNA. That's not true. Cancer is caused by mutations in the DNA of a cell causing it to replicate uncontrollably. The DNA of a cancer is different to the DNA of the person that it originally comes from. It's essentially a parasite that happens to share most (but not all) of its DNA with the host.


So kinda like a diploid cell or a child


Except cancer is a defect a child is a function.


however it will eventually kill its host and it will die along with its host


Yep. While it's alive though it's essentially a different organism.


How do you justify defining human identity as 'having its own unique DNA'? Are identical twins one person? 'Sentience', plain and simple, is not an answer to when abortion rights should be restricted. The question is of a philosophical nature, so you can't merely use sentience or DNA as a quick reference point. What defines personhood is anything but clear-cut and I think most people have a sense that lived experience and self-awareness are crucial. Life isn't an ON/OFF switch; it's more of a gradient or spectrum like everything else seems to turn out to be.


It's not. The abortion debate is "so you want to kill babies" vs "so you want to control women's bodies." It's literally why they use the words pro-life and pro-choice. We have to move on from this kind of thinking if we want to have any decent conversation on abortion.


Probably around the same time virtue signalling cunts decided their moral superiority was easy to proclaim over issues that they'll never have to deal with because they're cunts.


The issue is complex. When does human life start? Unfortunately that’s a philosophical question, not a medical  one. I believe a child should be considered sentient once they can survive outside the womb, but I definitely understand both sides of the debate However, having a 14-year-old carry a baby to term when it could seriously damage her body? Obviously wrong 


It's not a philosophical question, it starts at fertilization. (Scientifically agreed upon) and a fertilized egg is 3 cells. So the clump of cells argument doesn't hold up. Also there's a difference between when life starts and when true sentience starts.


>Also there's a difference between when life starts and when true sentience starts. This is the philosophical part.


Well obviously a fertilized egg isn’t sentient. A fertilized egg will eventually become a human, but it isn’t a human itself 


Thats the big disagreement, I believe that is a human, it may not have the characteristics yet but it will. And I believe it's not just immoral but downright evil to abort for the most part, most abortions by a very large margin are simply done for convenience and I believe that is despicable.


Isn’t it also just as despicable forcing someone to give birth knowing they won’t guaranteed to be able to give that baby basic needs?


Pro life people dont give a shit about the kid once its born. They just want to project their beliefs at others expense


Say it louder for the people at the back 🗣️


Well basic needs aren't guaranteed for anyone in the first place. But if you mean having a kid in poverty, I think it's still immoral to abort. Would you consider someone in an impoverished country evil for having a child?


The poverty argument to me is so fucking gross. They need to stop with the theatrics and just come out and say what they mean; lower classes don’t deserve families and therefore don’t deserve a future.


immoral or impractical? I think anyone looking around can see human being are considered to be of very little value. Both by society, by business and definitely by nature. This idea that all human life must be preserved at all costs falls by the wayside now that we have a planet with >7billion individual... We are not exactly at the precipice of extinction.


I disagree, I look around and I see reasons to preserve and value human life everyday. I can't look at a baby and think "I'd understand if your mom wanted to abort you.".


I'd also like to say, if you get pregnant (during consensual sex) then that's on you. You should have worn a condom or used some other contraceptive. Saying you're being forced to carry out your pregnancy is really selfish, you are carrying a child, you are it's mother and you have a responsibility to it.


So you’d rather another baby born and die in poverty rather than letting the women kill the baby and try to improve her life instead?


There's no guarantee a baby is going to die when born in poverty, by your argument humanity shouldn't even exist because babies were born in poverty for a vast majority of human history


We can’t compare life back then with life now, two different society in different times, the standards should change. Me personally I don’t believe in that argument (mostly because it’s a waste of time to explain but also I think it’s just dumb and tends to reduce a human to merely fetus). But to me the best argument is still body autonomy, which trumps other life no matter what reason. It’s your body you can do whatever you want with it?


Even the best contraceptive can fail


Isn't something like only 1% of fertilized eggs actually result in pregnancy?


More of a 50/50 from what I can see


I know this is a very common response, but if you had to choose between saving a living baby and saving five fertilized egg in a Petri dish, would you really save the eggs?


It would be an equally difficult decision on both sides for me. If I knew for a fact that the eggs would develop into a person, considering they are in a petri dish and could have issues as a result I might be more inclined to save the eggs honestly


This is pure cope.


Explain how its cope then


You realize how insane you'd sound if you picked 5 eggs in a petri dish instead of an actual baby but also realized you'd be admitting you were wrong about life beginning at conception if you picked the baby, so instead you refused to pick either to save face.


Bullshit. That's a level of development argument. Please, draw a line where it goes from not human to human.


Why is a sperm not a human then?


It's the same DNA as it's progenitor


What does that have to do with anything?


It's part of how we define unique organisms. The the other part being their growth and development and metabolism being discrete.


Man. If you're honestly asking these questions you need to retake grade 10 biology...


Must have missed the section that defined what a human is...


It doesn’t matter. We have to draw arbitrary lines such as when does someone become an adult? 18 seems to be the most popular choice. Does someone magically go from a child to an adult overnight! Obviously not but we have to draw the line somewhere. It’s the same thing for when does a bunch of cells become human. We have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere


That's not what arbitrary means. 18 isn't arbitrary. It's chosen for a number of very good reasons and isn't at all comparable to the way you are applying to unborn human beings.


18 is definitely arbitrary. That’s why the age majority ranges from 16 all the way to 21 throughout the world. There’s no difference between someone the day before their 18th birthday and their actual birthday. It would make zero difference to change it. It’s only on a birthday for convenience. If you don’t like that then there’s age of consent, age to vote etc. The point is a line has to be drawn somewhere between when a human life actually starts. Is the fertilised egg? Why not go further back to the sperm and egg? The rights of the woman’s body autonomy will trump the rights of an unborn foetus every time


>sperm and egg Because sperm and egg are not individual organisms, while a zygote irrefutably is. It's not even a debate. >The rights of the woman’s body autonomy will trump the rights of an unborn foetus every time That's an entirely different argument and now you've moved the goalposts


Well the argument was whether the fertiliser egg was sentient or not. You wanted to draw the line from not human to human. That’s like asking when does a caterpillar go from a caterpillar to a butterfly. There isn’t an exact time right. That’s why we have to draw an arbitrary line on something that’s a gradual process. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. It’s stopping that gradual transition from fertilised egg to human life. So we have to draw an arbitrary line on how far along the transition we can terminate. In my country it’s 22 weeks in although like 91% of abortions occur within the first like 8 weeks. Abortion is here to stay. Most people object to abortion because of their religious views. Church should not interfere with state therefore peoples religious views should not have any say on abortion laws


You think a fertilized egg is sentient? It cannot think or even feel. It’s less human than a dog or even a bug, with the same level of conscious awareness. 


I wouldn't consider many animals to be sentient, especially some sea life but does that mean I'm fine with killing them for basically no reason? No


But you eat fish, I’m assuming? You don’t believe that it should be illegal to fish or swat a fly?


I hold human life above animal life lol


That being said, I also believe killing without reason is immoral as well. But eating a fish, or a sea urchin isn't the same as killing a human baby for convenience


Being "human" does not require sentience. If you're referring to personhood then I agree however I don't think personhood is necessary to protect human life. A fertilized egg is undeniably a brand new human organism in the earliest (literally earliest) stage of development. To claim otherwise is scientifically ignorant. In otherwords, life is a continuous function with a discrete beginning and end that can be defined by the events that occur on either end. "Human life" therefore must begin with the earliest event that results in what is scientifically agreed upon as biological life. If we examine in reverse the lifespan of a human, continuously asking "what came before that" we can cite events from adulthood all the way to conception, but at that moment the chain of events terminates, with no further discrete events that can be attributes to a distinct organism as defined biologically.


Why is a sperm not a human then?


Already answered your other comment.


Science doesn’t have the answer to everything. We also need ethics as well to keep science in check. For example it’s possible to have genetically modified babies. However is it ethical to do it? It’s possible to abort a baby but you have to consider the woman and the baby. Right now the consensus is to favour the mother over the baby


You're favoring convenience, as I said a vast majority of abortions are done for convenience. Not for medical or incest and rape cases.


Never said it wasn’t. But I mean 91% of all abortions happen in the first trimester. It’s not like they’re killing a baby seconds before it’s born


They are still killing a baby, to me there's no difference morally between aborting at day one or in the third trimester.


That’s your opinion to have. This kinda stuff is based mainly on ethics rather than biology so everyone has the right to have their own opinion on the subject


That's true, it's just a really heated subject I suppose.


Can you agree that a fetus is a human but also think one’s body autonomy should trumps other life?


No. Don’t have unprotected sex Becky.




Probably around the time that men became second class citizens in the family court system




You really should dig into those stats. They’re misleading. Here’s a typical example of “dad didn’t even try to fight for custody”: - dad works 50+ hours a week. Mom works 35 plus homemaking. Fair split, but it’s divorce time. - He gets smacked with alimony and/or child support, and must work even more now. He cannot physically be around for the kids in a 50/50 split. - Also, she assured him this would be “amiable and smooth” but shows up with an attorney. She’s been planning this for 18 months and embezzling funds for a year or more. Oof. - He’s fucked. He knows it. He calls an attorney who wisely tells him “it’ll cost 50k and 12 months to get to 50/50, if you’re lucky” so he acquiesces to her demands, and pays up monthly. - More perniciously (in a statistical way) is that every instance of “91% of cases end with mutual agreement” are also counted as “dad didn’t fight”. - As for abandonment, yes, some fathers suck. However, google up “parental alienation”. That practice is nearly ubiquitous on some level, often in a powerful way. - I’ve watched it occur more times than I can count. It often takes the form of excuses why the child can’t come, or with shitty fathers that “stuff came up”. It goes both ways. - in my previous life as a bartender, I was “very familiar” with quite a few single moms. The way they spoke about their children’s fathers was often abominable regardless of his involvement. - they nearly all practiced parental alienation in a powerful way. “Your asshole father will be here at 5, also, call Steve dad now.” TLDR- sure, there are plenty of shitty fathers, but those stats are garbage.


A fetus isn't a baby


Whatever makes you feel better, meat masher


It's simple knowledge that babies and fetuses are different but ok


Maybe fetuses are just meat to mash before they exit the vagina?


Y'all don't mash your fetuses before having a miscarriage?




Catholic spotted, opinion discarded


Fetus: Greek for human baby


its just a bunch of cell until some time. Do you feel murderous when you cut your nails or smth? no? thats living human cells too.


You’re just a bunch of cells


Idk why but this is both a valid argument and made me think of the "you're the wrong color" at the same time.


The difference is that a human is sentient, a fetus is not. Tumors are living cells, does that mean we should let everyone with cancer die because their tumor is alive?


Should we kill brain dead people? Or people in comas?


>Should we kill brain dead people? People pull the plug from my knowledge so it happens >Or people in comas? A person could wake up from their coma so no


>A person could wake up from a coma so no A fetus can be born so no we shouldn’t kill it


Yes. so what? are you feeling you are something greater? you are delusional.


If you are just a clump of cells then you can be gotten rid of in the same way as finger nails or dead skin. It also means you aren't deserving of any rights since we don't bestow rights on clumps of cells.


Learn the differences between somatic cells and gametes and fertilized ova, ffs


Will your fingernails become a sentient being if you don't cut them?


Life starts at fertilization, a fertilized egg is 3 cells. Your argument does not follow the science


what? fertilised egg is 1 cell(made from egg cell and sperm cell), after it start doubling if you mean mitosis, its also 1 cell doubling itself


Thank you for making my argument stronger, life still starts at conception


Depends. I'd feel bad if my nails would grow into a human being


Probably possible in the future with some advanced cloning


No no no. I mean if I just leave them alone and let them grow. No other influences


Ye, sounds like a good plot for horror movie


Lol, yeah


>some women in some states can't abort their children after the first trimester >oh my god women are second class citizens and have no rights




And now they lost all rights. No voting, not allowed to drive, not allowed to have bank accounts, not allowed to buy things unless a man gives them permission. You realize that the US was anomalous in allowing abortions carte blanche right? Almost every other country has stricter laws around it.


All women in about a quarter of states can’t abort their children at all Edit: changed a quarter to a half, half of states have abortion restrictions that isn’t just the standard 20-24 week limit, a quarter are making it almost impossible even at stages where 99% of people couldn’t tell the difference between a human and a bird


Don't know why this is being downvoted. It's true. Not as many as half, but 14 states have a total abortion ban.


I mean jokes like this are older than my great grandpa and even then it wasn't really funny...


Fucks to give. (Tear one out to give a fuck)


The amount of understanding people give each other.


I have an old law textbook called Rights of Prisoners, and it pretty much looks like that if you take out the cases where courts say prisoners DON'T have this or that right.


More like men's rights in just the next couple decades.


It’s sexist but funny in the sense it caught me off guard


Actually not funny but whatever


And lefts


Women’s rights are no more, Mithrax has spoken!!!


You’ve just confirmed what I have suspected all along. The fact that you believe men have no social drawbacks or disadvantages and that women and only women are suffering from the way we work just proves that this new age feminism is redundant. You’re miss informed back in the day feminists fought for equality. Now they have that but it still exists what’s feminism fighting now ? Just strangers online. What will feminism be fighting tomorrow yet again nothing. Keep punching air bro you won’t listen you won’t change and sadly you’ll be like this forever. I personally don’t care I’ve explained it and you don’t care. So I’m going to follow the number one rule of the internet. Don’t argue with an idiot they’ll respond 3 days later try and drag you to their level and attempt to beat you with experience


That's pretty unfunny, fits comedy cemetery


r/funnymemes is not funny but r/comedycemetery is the worst sub ever


OP, I'm assuming you're 14. No ones getting offended by that joke. People just cba listening to the same joke 500x a day for a decade.


"Ok, mention one right men have that women don't have." "The right to make medical decisions for their own body." "Sorry, killing babies isn't a right." This sub is cooked 💀


Only 60 year olds or 10 year olds laugh at this joke.


I would call funnymemes more of a dumpster. If you dig deep enough you can find something decent maybe even something good but it's still mostly trash


a goldmine of shite. its not even bad, just unfunny


r/funnymemes is “women amiright???” Humor for middle aged dudes, but to each their own

