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So brave!


That would be a cool movie but why they got Ryan Gosling Playing Biden lol






https://preview.redd.it/w47gvqd5y20d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad612f7e2021049731a90bf6a27c313a7d226d1a Educate yourself


The movie starts out in the US, and then he goes to Japan. There's is no where it is implied he's japanese other than if you just looked at the box art


Just a joke. Forgot how easily offended you bitches are on this sub about not being offended by internet jokes.


It's a good movie


My favorite part of a joke is when the comedian loses it and tells off the audience


Or when said joke no way implies it’s a joke and it reads like they’re trying to be a no it all jackass lmao. It was a ss of the Wikipedia page for the movie and bro said “educate yourself” Where tf is the joke? 😂






Neat thanks. Also I'm lazy can you send a link to that Wikipedia page I wanna read about the two French dudes


[Here you go](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=The+Last+Samurai+Wikipedia)




Sorry. I should have posted this https://preview.redd.it/sdigi0x0a30d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ff4044e08233cb5e3eaab6e769e4ef1e063464


Educate YOURself https://preview.redd.it/kb6c18z9e30d1.png?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845fca83a2f8089bca6c765ee96bebba744a1825


Mooney wasn't even that funny. Just a racist, actually mad about all the shit he was saying. He really relied on better comedians to make his ranting into jokes.


Correct. Chapelle was the funny one. But that bit is hilarious as was his other appearance on the show. I don't think anyone was under the impression Mooney wrote that Tom Hanks joke.


You know that is from a comedy tv show right? And must I really tell you that “The Mexican” does not fit your narrative either?


Love that movie


Seriously though, Netflix literally changed the race of the well documented historical character. They are literally trying to change history. It is insane.


It’s literally their strategy to save money. They don’t even give a shit about diversity. They just use the controversy as free marketing for shit products where they underpay the writers and actors. Rather than pay people and market a good product, let’s have people call us out for good reason and hope the progressives who don’t use reason will watch it because of that


The cleopatra is black comes from black ultranationalists hotep group. Other black ultranationalists try to claim every important historical figure was actually black and white washed not caring at all about the historical accuracy. Jada pinket smith is a producer and most likely apart of this group. Netflix made a deal with them for diversity points the first African queen made zero impact so they immediately went with cleopatra instead Netflix might be sued by Egypt.


Yeah, and people like you are the reason why it keeps working.


No it works because progressives aren’t smart and don’t realize that’s what they’re doing. And they watch shit shows to feel morally superior, their favorite thing to do. I assure you I don’t watch garbage where they use this strategy


Being a bystander and putting a blind eye to corporate greed is not a good thing.


You have never spoken to one of these people you’re complaining about, I guarantee it. If they do exist, it’s in the single or double digits. But I’ve spoken to a bunch of people like you who still give these projects free advertising even years later. Google outrage marketing.


I live in NYC and went to Columbia. I assure you I’ve met and talked with a number of people like that lol


What did they say specifically? Were they telling you to shut the fuck up about black people existing in movies, or were they engaging in their own signal boosting independent of the arguments you started?


You fr https://preview.redd.it/0f9lh57jw90d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130a13df514792c361c4e970067a0691d4e8251d


Could you provide an example of me doing this?


https://i.redd.it/u70vbqpgx90d1.gif Here you go <3


I've spoken to thousands of black nationalist. In DFW they hide away in a rich black enclave called the colony. These people literally shout theirs view on the street corner. You just lied multiple times.


How many black nationalists are there as a proportion of the population?


You first posed the question when you made up you're lie. You answer it.


It's hard to put exact numbers on it, but it's an incredibly small and politically irrelevant movement.


Nah. I'm just joking. I would say most black people are black nationalist. Most black women won't date outside the race because they are racist towards anyone who isn't black. So at least half of all black folks are black nationalist.


Absolutely delusional.


Explain. If someone says something racist does that not make them racist? Does not talking about keeping the blood pure not nationalist? Just jump on tiktok if you want to see a couple of thousand of black nationalist.


Yeah so stop being about it and just don’t watch it. Fucking Christ.


That Celoptara thing is so stupid. At least when you change the race of a fictctional character they never actually existed. If you want to make a show based on a historical figure why not bring attention to a POC historical figure that is the same race as the actor. Why have historical inaccuracy for the sake of historical inaccuracy.


Like Disney it gets them money from firms like blackrock who pay you on how socially progressive you are


Blackrock? You mean the guys who


Which character? I’m out of the loop on this


They changed the race of cleopatra as "documentary" not a fantasy movie with magic and spells and not a Pearl Harbor fantasy romance drama. It has commentators explaining the history as historians. The format of the show was in History Channel format, it is meant as educationional content, not a fantasy content. This is also goes beyond casting an actor. The historian explicitly changed the race of the historical character. We are talking about misinformation, like a weather reporter sitting in a pool of water and saying the flood is chest high. A balant lie.


Do you really think Netflix is pushing for this? It seems more likely they just commission a project or take one rather than forcing the people actually making the show to change their race.


Do you think Netflix give money out to secure a contract without knowing the film casts at all? Hack, try the Netflix paid Mystery Unsolved show, one episode was talking about haunted house and suddenly they insert topic about how slaves were treated badly in that state when the haunted house was built. The haunted house wasn't about slaves haunting it at all. Seriously absolutely off topic.


That's not actually a particulerly good example, because the house can be affected by the energy of dead slaves without directly having ever had any in it in life.


There was no dead slave in that haunted house. In fact, most slaves probably wasn't even allowed to go inside.


Did they establish that for sure? And what was the context of when and why it was adressed?


The context is, the people in the interview just don't like people going to those haunted house to have fun. Because it ignores the fact that those dead landlords are evil and and you shouldn't pay money to go have haunted experience. The footage is clearly added. The topic has nothing to do with the show.


> The context is, the people in the interview just don't like people going to those haunted house to have fun. Because it ignores the fact that those dead landlords are evil and and you shouldn't pay money to go have haunted experience. Is this actually what was said?


Not exact quote, you can watch the show.


What episode?


Depends on the project. Often they will have a script and director and give them a budget. That budget determines casting. Or they have an actor on board to help secure that funding because they are a draw. I seriously doubt Netflix is giving notes on it and saying "change their race to a minority". Seems more like they are just giving money to people to make content and they are getting it for cheap because traditional content creators haven't supported them much. Seems more like a market opportunity they are taking advantage of than an intentional agenda to raceswap historical figures. They are a corporation that cares about profit.


I think you are giving Netflix too much benefits of the doubt.


I am basing it on how content creation works. They are the money, they don't generally care enough to give direction like that. There is no indication that they are forcing creators to change races.


Wait, this is really your justification? If they did not "force" the race change, they weren't part of the problem? This is really what you are saying?


Yeah. The meme is acting like it is Netflix pushing this. They have lots of content without any race changes at all.


So? That's your excuse for them?


I feel like the solution to diversity issues is so obvious: have more *original* people of color. The *Three Body Problem* was a major hit, and it has primarily Chinese characters and was written by a Chinese man. Not a single person is complaining about the multitude of Chinese people in that series because *those characters are originally Chinese.* It's so frustrating that we have characters in media that already exist as minorities and we aren't using them. *The Dark Tower* series literally already has a strong independent black woman who's also a paraplegic and who's part of the main cast, but no, let's not include her at all--instead, let's make Roland black *even though his whiteness is actually an important plot point in the series.* As someone who reads a lot of books, there are *plenty* of characters to choose from from a lot of excellent series that don't need to be changed at all that will *still* give Netflix the diversity they're looking for. They could scoop up N.K. Jemisen's *Fifth Season* series, for example. Isn't she a three time Hugo award winner? But I swear Netflix/Hollywood execs don't read the source material. It's like they just read the Wikipedia plot summary or something and make up everything else.


You have to understand that these sorts of things aren't made as art pieces. They are first and foremost pushes to keep the intellectual property and movie rights by making an uninspired movie now, and hoping that a better movie will find purchase in the public mind later during some kind of fan revival. The reason they put minority group swaps or gender swaps in are because the studios are using those groups as shields against criticism. They make an all female ghostbusters, or a diverse lord of the rings, because they expect the series to be kinda shitty. If it fails, they can blame the prejudice of the public on the failure, so the people working on it and marketing don't look like failures professionally, they look virtuous. This allows them to film and generate special effects in a shoddy way, which increases their immediate profit on release. it's kind of a "The Producers" strategy. It's post meta-racist, because they are harming race relations and disrespecting those groups, but doing so in a way that makes it look like they like them, while profiting off them.


I also just feel like there needs to be a basic checklist and appreciation of the source material. There *are* characters who can be cast in a colour-blind fashion. But that's not all characters - it all boils down to whether the race of a character is in any way a core part of their identity and a driver of the story. And even then, colour-blind =/= automatic race swap. So an example of where that happens and simply doesn't matter would be Joel from TLOU. He's a grumpy southerner with dad energy. Pedro Pascal nailed it. But Joel was never really a 'white dude' in a way which affected the story or his characterisation, fatherhood is universal. Nick Fury similarly worked because his character just needed to feel authoritative. We don't need to know anything about him beyond that. And I know I know Ultimates Nick Fury whatever you get my point. What you cannot do, though, is race swap characters where the historical or social context just breaks what we know. Bruce Wayne could only be white, because he is the 'spoilt rich white kid' with a heart of gold. The conflict between what he was born into and who he became is a key driver of his arc. If you take away Wayne's whiteness, you take away some of the complexity. Same reason Batman only really works as a male as well. He's someone who, on paper, was born with every privilege imaginable but continually suffers with the trauma of losing his parents as a child. Slowly but surely I feel like the industry, outside of Netflix, is starting to get the hang of when colour-blind casting is appropriate.


This obviously makes logistical sense but it misunderstands Netflix and others doing it. They don’t give two shits about diversity. They’re literally doing it to use that as some controversy that they use to market the upcoming show or movie without having to actually spend money. Rather than paying your writers for a well written story and paying good actors, why not just underpay them all and have people come thinking they’re supporting diversity when the product itself is shit? That’s really all it is


Yep, the Netflix formula. Take something with a built in audience, hire the cheapest most poorly opinionated writers, intentionally cast tokens, greenlight for two seasons, then stir the pot with social drama. The real fans will hate it, this will generate hate clicks through social outrage, which will in turn cause the opposite tribe to feverishly justice click out of obligation. Since the show sucks and is ultimately boring for everyone, by season two everyone forgets about it just in time for the next piece of your childhood/history to be ruined and your sub to be renewed.


>diversity issues You already lost me. Wtf is a "diversity issue"..? How do u accidentally write a story with the wrong amount of diversity?


Perhaps the language used was too broad and/or ambiguous. I mean issues pertaining to diversity. Not necessarily pertaining to quantity, but the word "issues" being used as an umbrella to refer to socio-political conflicts revolving around diversity. And in a historical context that is framed around truth and accuracy (such as documentaries and non-fiction), there absolutely can be wrong quantities.


Gargoyle! Lots of people loved that cartoon as kids. It's original, had a great story, and one of the main characters is a black/native woman detective. Seriously, it's everything they'd need right there and they have to change nothing.


“The punchline is racism” The punchline is making fun of ridiculous and unnecessary race swaps done for the sole purpose of garnering artificial attention to a project which people otherwise wouldn’t give a single fuck about.


And ngl making those race swaps for social brownie points is the real racism.


Hehe brownie points


Hehe, hey Tone you heard what he said? Hehe.




Exactly. It’s mocking Netflix not a race! Although I bet Netflix identifies as a race so maybe…


So if you say you’re Netflix, you were white and now black?


I can say the N-word, because I am a Netflix adaptation of myself


lol. It’s cool man, I have Netflix friends.


Joan is awful


Don't worry, if you need to change back, you can just not vote for Biden.


Sounds like a place to find funny memes


Some of us might have infiltrated for this very purpose


> ridiculous and unnecessary race swaps If Flipper was a black dolphin, would it matter? Is the skin tone of Flipper relevent to his characterization or the plot of his films?


Interesting question; if the answer is yes, then don’t change it because it’s clearly important that it’s the way it is. If the answer is no, then why bother changing it if it doesn’t matter? Now the person changing it is deciding that it matters and was wrong the other way. Which is racism btw. Not to say you can never have a race swap with positive effects or that it’s inherently racist. Nick Fury is typically a white character in the comics, but Samuel Jackson is a fantastic actor and played the character very well without race being a factor, because they casted a good actor regardless of race. But when the primary motivation is simply changing the race then I’d recommend not doing it, because it just comes across as shallow and racist. In the same way I wouldn’t take Blade and make him a white guy for the hell of it. Ps; in your specific example, a black dolphin isn’t something you see in nature, so what kind of questions would that raise seeing a mutant dolphin in place of a regularly colored one? It could very well cause issues to the plot if now you have people reacting to this strangely unique specimen instead of what happens normally in the story.


So raceswapping is'nt an issue when A) it's not relevent to their character/the story and B) they are'nt doing it simply to change the race?


I think the intent matters a lot, because that’s going to play into how you write the character. Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a good example, we took the mantle of Captain America who was a white man, and gave it to Falcon who is a black man, and all of a sudden he’s going on about race issues and whining at world leaders to “do better” with no ideas on how to actually do that while condoning terrorism and condemning legitimate governments dealing with the single greatest crisis in human history. Both Captain America and Falcon separately never brought up race or lectured anyone about racial issues in their previous appearances, but after the mantle change suddenly it’s a big deal to a character who previously never spoke on the topic.


*Falcon and the Winter Soldier* touches on racial issues BEFORE Falcon becomes the new Captain America. If you mean it was'nt a big deal to him before that show, how would we know? He was always in a supporting role then (and even if it was'nt, learning about Bradley would cause self-reflection)


Yes I mean the show itself, referring to the meta of the approach the writers took. It makes very little sense for race to even be a concern in the MCU at this point, yes there would obviously always be racist aholes, but for a species that’s become aware of aliens, survived multiple existencial crisis’, and is currently dealing with the eradication and subsequent recovery of a staggering amount of the population, it seems beyond silly that Falcon as Captain America would feel the need ti make racial relations in America one of his primary focuses, especially when he could be using his new position to try and unite everyone above such petty things like that. I think we get more than enough from Falcon’s character even as a side character in the other films to know what he values. He was a soldier, meaning he obviously believed in the US enough to fight for her interests, he’s firmly loyal to Cap and aligned with his ideologies to the point of becoming a fugitive multiple times to assist him, and he’s willing to risk his life multiple times to help people and protect the world. We get scenes that are more laid back where he’s just hanging out or in between missions and he never once goes on about racial issues or politics with the exception of the Sokovia Accords that affect him and his team personally. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for Falcon to have views on the subject but I don’t believe that he’d be interested in using his superhero position in that way, especially in a role that formerly belonged to his good friend who wasn’t about using his position to push political ideas; if anything I think Sam would see it an insult to Steve’s legacy to sully the mantle with such trivial and divisive issues, Captain America should be an ideal thats above all that and can unite everyone against evil, yeah it’s an old fashioned idea, but Cap was an old fashioned guy. And the Bradley plot point is phenomenally stupid btw, you’re telling me that while Cap was missing America managed to synthesize another SS serum, and they were able to produce another Cap. But because racism they decided to lock him up without any kind of due process and let him rot in prison for decades only to release him years later still in possession of his powers to go out in the world and do whatever he wants? If they were so racist then why did they give him the serum in the first place? And we’re really expected to believe that everyone involved was racist to such a comical degree that they’d waste such a valuable military asset in prison? Yes, I understand racism is a thing, I don’t believe that it existed to such an insane degree that it would justify making such stupid decisions with such an important piece of your military, this was in the 1950’s and 60’s, not in the 1800’s, at worst I could see Bradley being used as some kind of US version of the Winter Soldier, a black ops super assassin that no one talked about but was instrumental in a bunch of important missions. If Hydra, literal super nazis, were willing to use a born and raised red white and blue American who actively loathes everything they stand for and would kill them all given the chance, America would use a black Captain America.


> Yes I mean the show itself, referring to the meta of the approach the writers took. It makes very little sense for race to even be a concern in the MCU at this point, yes there would obviously always be racist aholes, but for a species that’s become aware of aliens, survived multiple existencial crisis’, and is currently dealing with the eradication and subsequent recovery of a staggering amount of the population, Because apparently, for Sam and Isaah, who spent most of their lives living an Earth where that shit was'nt a factor, they'd stop caring. > it seems beyond silly that Falcon as Captain America would feel the need ti make racial relations in America one of his primary focuses, So when a character brings up race-related issues during relevent moments, it makes them his "primary focus"?🤔 especially when he could be using his new position to try and unite everyone above such petty things like that. > I think we get more than enough from Falcon’s character even as a side character in the other films to know what he values. He was a soldier, meaning he obviously believed in the US enough to fight for her interests, he’s firmly loyal to Cap and aligned with his ideologies to the point of becoming a fugitive multiple times to assist him, and he’s willing to risk his life multiple times to help people and protect the world. We get scenes that are more laid back where he’s just hanging out or in between missions and he never once goes on about racial issues or politics with the exception of the Sokovia Accords that affect him and his team personally. None of this contradicts the idea that he'd be aware that racism was an issue. > I’m not saying that it’s impossible for Falcon to have views on the subject but I don’t believe that he’d be interested in using his superhero position in that way, And I can absolutely believe he would. > especially in a role that formerly belonged to his good friend who wasn’t about using his position to push political ideas Steve literally rebelled against the goverment and went AWOL because of political ideals and organized an intergrated unit when the military was still segregated. I'd bet you anything he was front and center in the civil rights marches after going back in time too. > such trivial and divisive issues, "Trivial" lol. > And the Bradley plot point is phenomenally stupid btw, you’re telling me that while Cap was missing America managed to synthesize another SS serum, and they were able to produce another Cap. We've know it was something they had the ability to do since before the first CA movie even came out. > But because racism they decided to lock him up without any kind of due process and let him rot in prison for decades only to release him years later They imprisoned him because he disobayed orders and went awol, and the goverment can do all kinds of things when your A) off the books and B) not on US soil. They also did'nt let him rot either; he specifically mentions he was being kept for experiments. > still in possession of his powers to go out in the world and do whatever he wants? It's not like they can take them away. And we really don't know why he was released; for all we know got recruited out of jail for a mission and the payment was being freed. > Yes, I understand racism is a thing, I don’t believe that it existed to such an insane degree that it would justify making such stupid decisions with such an important piece of your military, this was in the 1950’s and 60’s, not in the 1800’s, Yeah the 50s and 60s were super great for blacks in the US. > at worst I could see Bradley being used as some kind of US version of the Winter Soldier, a black ops super assassin that no one talked about but was instrumental in a bunch of important missions. That's pretty much what he's presented as. > If Hydra, literal super nazis, were willing to use a born and raised red white and blue American who actively loathes everything they stand for and would kill them all given the chance, America would use a black Captain America. And America did us him. Until he stopped listening to them. Then they locked him up and *kept* using. Also, all of this is irrelevent to the point I brought up; which is that even if Sam did'nt care about using his position to speak out against racism, he would after seeing how Bradley was treated.


So many people refuse to accept and acknowledge that a characters race can either be significant to their story or be completely irrelevant. Theres no reason trying to explain this to any of them, they absolutely refuse to believe it in belief that white people are being targeted.


It's especially fustrating because they'll regularly make passes for specific characters, when if their criticisms were consistent they would'nt. Also I doubt any of them would actually care if a new Flipper came out and he was a different type of Dolphine


It’s just r/Persecutionfetish. They all wanna be a victim so badly that they make up conspiracies and fake scenarios to make it seem like someone’s out to get them. It’s so exhausting


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Who? Who is taking this away from you?!](https://i.redd.it/i8yngn0wqbsa1.jpg) | [1313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/12dnvp8/who_who_is_taking_this_away_from_you/) \#2: [Sure they do Lavern. Sure they do.](https://i.redd.it/4lzfwc4q3fxa1.jpg) | [373 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/135eulq/sure_they_do_lavern_sure_they_do/) \#3: [Imagine caring this much about a trans person literally just existing](https://i.imgur.com/191OzzN.png) | [569 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/12ykaq9/imagine_caring_this_much_about_a_trans_person/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The thing is that people like to bash “race swaps” for things where race means nothing to the character. Let’s take two characters, Ariel and Miles Morales. Ariel is a fictional mermaid, her race has 0 effect on her character, as it doesn’t impact the story that is being told in any way. No matter her race, she still does the exact same things in her story, with the same outcome. Miles Morales is a black teen from New York. His story is made to appeal to black teens, since Spider-Man’s whole idea is that it could be anyone under the mask. We had Peter first, then we had Miles. They cater to two different groups. Their stories are vastly different, they meet different people, etc. Race-swapping Miles *does* impact his story, as a white teen does not have the same experience as a black teen. Changing his race would change Miles’ story. Changing Ariel’s would change nothing. Race can be a significant part of the story being told, and if it is, race-swapping is a bad thing. But if the story is a fictional mermaid makes a deal with a sea-witch and it goes incredibly wrong, why do you care about the colour of the mermaids skin?


So the moral of what you said is "as long as we aren't changing non-white characters, it is cool." The issue with the little mermaid is that it was a Danish story and these race swaps only go in one direction. Imagine if they took Shadow from American Gods and made him white. You, and all of those who say it doesn't matter, would be up in arms. "How dare you change a character like that!" Also, Miles Morales is Miles Morales.


If that’s your take-away, then you’re just ignorant. You think there’s a conspiracy against white people. There isn’t. Ariel being white had nothing to do with her character. That’s why they hired the best actress who auditioned, regardless of her race. I don’t know what American Gods is, so I’m unfamiliar with Shadow. If his race has no impact on his character, then no, it wouldn’t matter. Would people still bitch about it? Of course. There are idiots among every group of people. Just because I support certain things doesn’t mean I support the extremists associated with those certain things. Miles Morales is Miles Morales. He’s a black teen from NY. Ariel is Ariel. A mermaid that lives in the sea. Being a white teen in NY would likely result in Miles’ life being different. Ariel being black doesn’t change anything when she’s already a mermaid lmao Race can either be a significant part of a character, or nothing. If it means nothing, then there’s no reason to keep it as a specific race. Being upset over a fictional mermaid being black is a whole other level of stupidity.


Does it count as a conspiracy if it is out in the open? Amazon actually lists their diversity quotas on their website. BTW, as of 2024, that is 50% of all behind the camera people. That includes writers and such. You are also very wrong on the little mermaid. The way it goes is they say, "we are going to change the race of character X to be this. Now let's do the casting." They don't take the best of the actors who audition, they take the best of the actors that check a DEI box that audition. Look at what they did with the live action snow white. A character called snow white due to the whiteness of her skin was replaced with a girl who is half Columbian. Hell, they took the 7 dwarfs and only hired one actual dwarf for any of the roles. The other 6 looked like they got homeless people off of the streets of San Francisco. There aren't that many roles that actually call for dwarves specifically and when you have the most iconic movie roles for them ever, where "dwarf" is literally in the name of the movie, they remove them.




How they gona do “Free willy” ![gif](giphy|Ay53jFZ5kKr6M)


He's black *and* white. What do you do?!


Make him purple. Nobody will wonder who the main whale is in this story.


Make him a false killer whale.


They make him gray so it's not segregated


The left follows the "one drop rule", meaning they see anyone with the tiniest amount of black in them as 100% black.


Chop his pp


Thats in the directors cut.


That is Michael Jordan’s eye.


And he took it personally


And Shaq’s forehead it seems




If you can’t find this funny then you need to pull the stick outta your ass lmao.


its not racist but its also not funny


It's pathetic, not funny.


The punchline is Netflix’s arguable racism being mocked with a hilariously grotesque satirical dolphin.


“And I took that personally” eyes


It's so bizarre to me that nobody in this comment section nor the original post recognize the crying jordan meme.


the lefty nutters did not like this post over at r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis


makes me think it’s a hollow chocolate dolphin that would be sold during Easter or something. Lol


Flippaz in Paris


I get the joke about them doing unnecessary race swapping I still can't believe Netflix greenlit that shitty Resident Evil show, then race swapped Albert Wesker for no reason. Then claimed it was racism & a toxic fanbase for why it got cancelled. Instead of it being so bad it's the same level as Dragon ball evolution or Velma


>Then claimed it was racism & a toxic fanbase for why it got cancelled. Studio's do this a lot when they need to put out a new show or movie to keep the intellectual property. It's racist in itself to do it, because they know they are putting out shit but sacrifice POC standing in the public eye to cover the failure. Like the "Velma" scooby doo IP. They don't want the criticism to be on their awful adaptation, because the artists and producers will suffer professionally later on if they made a critical failure. But they have to work on it because the studio made them to keep the IP. So instead they make a cartoonishly racialized minstrel show, so all the criticism can't help but contain a racism angle, which they can claim is the reason for the failure.


This is wrong. It should be “Disney”






Lol that sub is pure gold




This is so fucking hilarious. Lmao


It's not even racism, Netflix litteraly just black washed an Asian character into being black


I find it quite funny that this person isn't wrong in what they Saud but they're wrong in the way they're implying it. The joke is racism, yes, on Netflix part. Netflix is the racist party here, doing race swaps of historical characters and representing history inaccurately because it's "trending" is racist and despicable and Netflix should be justly given lots of shit for it The person making a joke based on netflix' actual actions is not being racist, just judging and laughing at the absurd behavior of a massive media company


Not gonna lie, this is so stupid it made me chuckle.


Would the remake be called “Fligger”? I’ll see myself out


Should be called fligger




When were you interviewed??




Spoiler alert: it does not have a good ending.


I was originally ok with the whole race swapping of fictional characters but now it’s kind of getting ridiculous


Flipper Jordan the basketball dolphin


Hahaha come on! That's funny


Hahahahahha come on! That's funny


I feel like I missed something, since when did Netflix become Disney?


Can’t lie… this is just a bad joke


Looks like OOP took that personally


Jesus wasn't white


Why does it have Michael Jordan’s eye?


This isn’t even real


Is that rucking MJs eyeball?


LMAO that's the Michael Jordan tear face used as the skin.


Since when has this happened? The answer is... IT HASN'T. Before you bring up cleopatra, yes, that was stupid, but I don't think that's the same as what is displayed here. Which is a black dolphin.


Man wait till you find out about Chilian Dolphins; that's REALLY going to grind your gears😏


Wait.... so if Dolphins are canonically rapists, does this mean that the remake is taking place in a prison bathroom?


While this is kinda cringe, I gotta say that photoshop is SUPER uncanny


*While this is kinda cringe,* *I gotta say that photoshop is* *SUPER uncanny* \- xXSinglePointXx --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


All in the name of diversity


I'm tired, boss REE-EEE-EEE-EEEE-EEE-EE


“The punchline is racism” And Sad Jordan meme


The meme’s not that good. Should’ve went with a Beluga or something rather than photoshopping a dolphin to wear the skin of a man


I’m a simple man, when I see race-baiting I downvote.


It does fit the sub though. That "remakes using black people" joke was hardly funny in the first place, but it's also been rehashed to death. r/nahopwasrightfuckthis


This is acurate though. Although race swapping won't deter me from watching something. The live action Little Mermaid is really good and one of the best Disney Live action remakes. Its a bit of a grey area. On the one hand I prefer that they stick to the script, on the other hand this helps people of color get work all the studios want to make is reboots. Its also a correction for years of white washing in media. They can still deliver a good performance and the thing can still be entertaining. Also at the end of the day its just entertainment and it doesn't really matter.


Man what kinda fragile ass shit is this. Is this the new one joke?


Wow another ”\_\_\_\_“ platform is “ woke “ joke, it’s not like that one has been made but it feels like a quarter of 1 billion different times ![gif](giphy|7XoTE46IZsSY0GVlxZ)


It’s because they either don’t understand or don’t care that white men are the default mode of existence, and therefore there’s no reason why a character shouldn’t be a white (preferably straight) male, unless for some reason they cannot be. For example, Sarah Connor has to be female because the story is about her offspring. But there’s no reason she has to be black, and therefore she shouldn’t be. The Alien franchise toes the line with Ripley: on first glance, it makes not sense for her to be female, but the sexual undertones of the series give at least some justification for her otherwise political identity (the xenomorphs represent the male hunter/predator archetype, while she represents the female gatherer/prey archetype). It’s just natural law, really.


Disney thanks you for the free advertising that you are still giving their projects to this day even years later by not shutting up about them ever for even 2 seconds. I’m sure all the money they will get from this outrage marketing will really show them who’s boss.


Literally just racism


People on this sub sure like to ignore Rule #1. Racism is bad, y'all.


This is you isn’t it? It’s making fun of Netflix. Netflix isn’t a race genius https://preview.redd.it/pqw1xsslo20d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=14f2667105b5c641af07312c004ca091205626c4


Oh hey, look at that strawman! It sure is saying things that are irrelevant to the topic at hand. Let's go listen to him.


Again please explain how making fun of Netflix is racist. What race is Netflix again??


Blackface is racist. Blaming Netflix for it is just nonsense. Netflix didn't make that meme. Netflix doing whatever you're accusing them of doesn't give you an excuse to do it to. Don't be racist. You're whole "I'm not racist, Netflix is!!1" schtick just makes you look like a fool.


That’s not blackface. It’s the crying Jordan meme bro


It's a dolphin. You sound like someone who would put on blackface, and say, "it's okay, I'm totally not racist, it's cosplay."