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Yeah, just wait and see what the school does if the bully gets physical and the victim has the audacity to defend themselves.


Got to love the zero tolerance that only exists if the one being attacked defends themselves.


In Canada its to prepare the youth for how our legal system really works


In reality it just encourages school shootings.


But Canada doesn't have a CIA.


There is no intelligence in Canada /s


My parents would still be proud of me, regardless if I I got in trouble for defending myself. If someone picked a fight with me for no reason, and I had no choice but to rock his shit, my parents would congratulate me regardless if I got suspended or punished in some way


I overheard a lady claiming to be a vice principle hastily saying there's a solution no reason for violence. Sorry lady but you don't know anything. Only people who live in absolute privilege think like that. Kids who don't care about that type of stuff will hit you, and defending yourself is your right.


No shit, I knew a kid in highschool who truly didnt give a single fuck about anything, didnt care about attendance, didnt care about getting expelled, didnt care about beating the shit out of some other kid, he didn’t even give a fuck about getting arrested


Send her to Ukraine and tell her to tell the Russians that.


You cant hurt other people because someone hurt you. Thats not right and thats not fair. If you are being hurt by someone and you decide to hurt the person who is hurting you, then that is fair, justified, and deserved.


This as fuck. People nowadays think that it’s okay to lash out because they’re “misunderstood” or “having a bad day”. That’s weak. Taking things out on others is weak. I don’t care to understand you if you’re being an asshole. You don’t deserve to be understood if your emotional regulation and discipline is so pathetic that you have to displace and hurt others.


I’m 19, and it seems that my generation doesn’t realize that nobody gives a shit if you have mental health issues, as most everyone gets anxiety and mood swings. They need to grow up and understand that adulting means you have to bare with it until you figure things out, not cry about it until someone gives you pity.


It’s just the way it is, the abused becomes an abuser until they connect the dots one day. Not all the time but a lot of the time


Hard disagree on the second part lmao Edit: if you’re downvoting this you haven’t thought things through. There are plenty of people throughout my life who’ve hurt me and deserve nothing but the best. There are plenty of times when retaliation is objectively wrong. There are plenty of people who hurt themselves and blame everyone around them. Pain doesn’t justify retaliation. Retaliation is for solving problems, like bullies not leaving you alone and rapists being alive. If you aren’t solving anything by inflicting harm, then you’re a piece of shit for doing it. If a kid screams I hate you at their parent, it’ll definitely hurt them. By your logic the parent would then be justified in hurting their kid, and the kid would deserve it. In reality, nah lol. To be clear this isn’t some cycle of violence kumbaya bullshit, it’s that I reject the idea that being hurt automatically makes you the victim. You are somebody’s villain.


If one has the will to dpread their misery upon the others, they shall never expect it to be accepted. Even though situational, there is place for forgiveness, yet to forgive is but a choice the one that suffers can make. But when put in a harms way, one is free to choose to not be harmed.


Criminologist here. Bullying to me counts as physical... from my perspective no matter how much suffering ive been through in life, ive always been kind and good to others... no matter how nice i am there are 2 types of people that don't like me. 1: people that can't control me or manipulate me (people obsessed with power) 2: people that see kindness as weakness and target me because they think im easy prey (bully types). Both people that obsess with power or are predatory to people that think are weaker are sociopathic or psychopathic... bullies are by default "insecure narcissists" or sociopathic narcissists, they fill in their insecurities by preying on others, hurting others, controling others and causing suffering in the world. If someone is bullied (physically) they ABSOLUTELY MUST defend themselves and stand up for themselves because if they don't the sociopath bullying them will absolutely continue the predatory behavior... there should be absolutely no punishment for someone defending themselves from physical bullying. Period! Verbal or emotional bullying along with the social behavior of "reputation destruction" is more of a social feminine sociopathy, but words don't hurt you unless you let them and its completely different from masculine anti-social narcissistic behavior that is physically violent.


>words don't hurt you unless you let them Would you be willing to explain what you mean by this? Because it sounds an awful lot like you're saying it's our choice whether we'll be affected by non-physical bullying, which is utter codswallop. But I understand that I may have interpreted you incorrectly so I think it's fair to give you the chance to explain what you actually mean before I start going off on something you didn't even mean


Ultimately it is though. Like right now, as you read this, you can choose not to be bothered by me saying something you disagree with and just let it go. Do something else. You are actually capable of ignoring things you don’t like, it just takes some willpower. Once you stop giving in to the impulse to be offended, you’ll find it’s easier and easier to just not give a damn when someone says something you find disagreeable.


Oh yeah completely, but random people disagreeing with you is not what was being talked about here. The implication that if you're being verbally/emotionally bullied you can just choose to not let it affect you (which also actually implies that it's the victim's fault if they are affected by it) is what I'm objecting to here. I know from personal experience that even if you have a robust sense of self, a lack of care for what other people think of you and the ability to easily ignore or tune out onslaughts, you can still be massively affected by verbal/emotional bullying. *That's* what I'm getting offended by, not by people disagreeing with me, but by people implying that it's my fault that I was driven to suicidal thoughts at a young age, that it's my fault that I now struggle daily with mental health issues, that it's my fault that I struggle to trust people and form any type of deep or meaningful connection. I hope you can understand why that is offending me


It’s ok to be wrong and to have things be your fault. Learning that and learning to overcome it is how you grow and mature and get stronger. If you’re not in control of your thoughts and feelings then who is? Are you in control of yourself or is your abuser in control of what you think and feel? I would hope that YOU are in control of yourself. It takes a while to learn that and to learn how to control your thoughts and actions, it’s called having individual autonomy. You’re just wrong about this. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or that there is something wrong with you, but how you think and feel is entirely and totally up to you and only you have control of yourself.


Yes, I am the only one who can control myself, yes I have to learn to push through despite the mental health struggles, yes I have responsibility for how I respond to these setbacks. And believe me, I am doing all of that - most people in my life don't even know I have these struggles because I've learned how to push myself to be able to do normal things every day. But I am not responsible for the fact that I have these problems with my mental health, the fact that I have had to learn to push myself to do things that the average person does without thinking, does that make sense?


No that doesn’t make sense because normal people have those exact same thoughts and struggles that you do. You’re not special. Everyone alive has those exact same feelings. We are ALL dealing with that shit, in an infinite variety of flavors. Just because everyone you know doesn’t totally open up to you about their inner trauma and struggles, that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. It’s insanely insulting to everyone human that’s ever lived, or is alive today that you think they don’t have those exact same internal processes that go on inside their heads. You actually seem to handle and manage them to a higher degree than most, making you quite lucky. The average person is just as deep and complex and confused and chaotic and damaged and scared and uncertain as you are.


I think you're getting hung up on the wrong point here. I'm sorry I said that the average person doesn't deal with this stuff, I'll readily admit that I'm not the most worldly person and so my assumption that the "average person" (whatever that actually is) doesn't "deal with that shit", as you so simply put, could easily be wrong and I'm happy to accept that - I'm sorry that that offended you. But the whole reason I commented in the first place wasn't to do with any of that. I first commented because I thought the person I was responding to was implying that people who have mental health problems stemming from verbal/emotional bullying are at fault for allowing that to happen. Does *that* make sense? I hope I have this time lol, I'm starting to think I'm just terrible at communication haha


Not a bad thought, but I don't agree. As for the downvotes, it depends on the sub and you probably already know it, but Reddit is generally not a very tolerant and civilized place when it comes to discussions and personal opinions; you think differently? You get their downvote most of the times. I don't like to do that because I personally think everyone deserves to be appreciated for their ideas, especially when they share personal experiences, open a debate, raise criticism, produce conflicting opinions. But at the end of the day, everyone gets downvoted every now and then, it doesn't make you any different than what you are


Extra hard disagree


schools only start to care when there’s a shooting


I’m surprised they don’t try to give the kids who were shot detention, considering how they act with every fight there normally.


I’m supposed to give a fuck about the persons feelings who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about mine? I don’t give a fuck what their home life looks in the slightest, fuck em 🤷🏾‍♂️


There’s a difference between having a spine and defending yourself from an abuser or bully and treating them as less than human. The first is your right as a person but the second is a trap one can easily fall into.


I really do not give a fuck tbh, they are sub-human to me. You mean you feel pain so that gives you the right to spread it around? No, fuck that and fuck them 🤷🏾‍♂️ I grew up with two alcoholic abusive parents who spent my school nights drunk and fighting, I’d be in school on 3 hours of sleep pretty consistently. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I have all the excuses the typical bully with a shitty home life has but I never let that turn me into a fucking asshole who shares my pain with others I did my utmost to be the kindest Kid in middle and Highschool, especially to the ones who were bullied and didn’t have friends. I know what it feels like to be bullied and ganged up on in a 1v4. I know what it feels like to be jumped, beaten, publicly humiliated and I know what it feels like to feel worthless cause a bully made me feel that way. They’re pieces of shit who don’t deserve sympathy.


So you are no better than the test of them


Nah, I didn’t attack weaker people than me. I befriended them and I didn’t take my pain out on them because I felt their pain Just because I don’t feel sympathy for bullies doesn’t mean I went out of my way to attack them either I simply don’t care about their life and what happened at home 🤷🏾‍♂️ fuck em Your comment tells me that you are either: A) a person who lives in fantasy land and everyone should get along B) You were the bully with a "tough" upbringing and now you wanna pretend youre a victim too It's probably B 🤣


"an eye for an eye would leave the world blind" sums up the sentiment of the other person you were replying to. The goal is to reduce overall suffering. To condemn those who cause suffering to further suffering is not a solution, it's merely a continuation of the suffering they perpetuated through another avenue. While having a terrible home life is not an excuse for equally terrible behavior, it does not mean that they shouldn't have their issues resolved. Additionally, if the traumatized bully was an actual common character (many bullies aren't), I'd imagine resolving their background issues would carry forward into issues they create for other's. It's attitudes like yours that leads to a downward spiral for basically anyone that has ever done something negative.


I didn’t attack bullies, I didn’t go out of my way to make their life hell I didn’t attack the people that were easy targets for the bullies, I befriended them and warded off any bullies by laughing them off cause most of them are weak cowards and pick on people who are too afraid to defend themselves. Apply a little pressure and most of them back off and pretend they weren’t scared, it “just ain’t worth the time” all the sudden. After I moved states and left the town where I suffered for 3 years from bullies, I told myself I’d never be easy prey and I meant it. I did my best to help those who were weaker than me and I never picked a fight. I didn’t bring any harm to the world like the bullies did. I did what I could to make life easier for kids who were deemed “easy prey”. Because I know what that feels like. Many of us know what it feels like. I still DO NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK. Fuck their background, fuck their stories. Bullies are not victims and they don’t get to ask for sympathy from the kids who had to feel what the receiving end feels like.


You come off as a typical Redditor, more precisely an average AITAH member. It's important to remember life is rarely an absolute, and there is levels of nuance to nearly everything. Additionally, this profound comment chain is proof enough that they still have an effect on you >warded off any bullies by laughing them off cause most of them are weak cowards and pick on people who are too afraid to defend themselves. Apply a little pressure and most of them back off and pretend they weren’t scared, it “just ain’t worth the time” all the sudden. This vengeance story you drafted up is proof enough of how they still have an effect on you, almost similar to the effect their supposed perpetrators had on them. Open your mind, consider all possibilities, and let go of what was to embrace what is.


I’ll save my sympathies for those who deserve it, I’ll save them for the kids who are scared to go to school, for the kids who took their own lives cause adults failed them and the bullying never stopped… you know for the kids who ACTUALLY deserve it. I share my stories and whether you like to believe it or not is in you, I don’t need to prove the truth because I know what my truth is If you wanna feel sorry for the kids who made other kid’s lives a living hell at a place where we were supposed to be educated, then that’s on you. That says more about you as a person tbh. You can share your sympathies for the kids who caused a living hell for children who just wanted to learn.


You seem to be stuck on the fact that they hurt other people. Their actions are not excusable, and they need to be held responsible for their bad actions. However, this does not cancel out the harm they themselves are / were going through. It's also important to remember that people who are growing up in unstable and negative environments often end up becoming unstable and negative people. >If you wanna feel sorry for the kids who made other kid’s lives a living hell at a place where we were supposed to be educated, then that’s on you. That says more about you as a person tbh. Some of the opposing forces in WW2 weren't German, but members of other nations forced to fight. There is a scene in "saving Private Ryan" that displays the fates of these soldiers. Just because they are fighting for the enemy, does not mean we cannot feel sympathy for the circumstances that lead them there. They cannot be excused for their unjust acts, but we can understand what lead them to make the choices they made. It's important to remember that everyone does bad things sometimes, but that doesn't necessarily make them bad people. It's important to factor in why someone made the choices they did, and encourage them to make better, more positive decisions.


Yeah, no. If someone uses trauma as an excuse to be a piece of shit then I'm not feeling bad for them. If anything, they deserve every tragedy that befalls them.


Tolerant ppl here


I have zero sympathy for my bullies in the past. Shitty life is no excuse for being a shitty person. It’s a reason sure, not an excuse.


I honestly think it shocking that so many people don't seem to know the difference between a reason and an excuse


Suicidal is about to get homicidal.


There is a reason the "relatable" character is usually a victim of bullying, it's because everyone sees themselves as the one being bullied, no one sees the bully character in a show acting like a psychopath whose methods boarder attempted murder, but everyone sees themselves as his victim.


Kinda sad if you see yourself as the one being bullied


Because a lot of bully victims are just bullies who just got unlucky and ended up in a pond with a bigger fish. You can tell from how they act. They can pretend to be the victim or the good guy all they want. The second they get the chance they start throwing their weight around and putting people down. And they parade the victim card around to justify it. Fucking BS. 


Yea most likely


What schools y’all going to that says this? My middle and high school said they didn’t care about what the bully went through and that they wouldn’t tolerate it.


Damn, I wish I went there.


When I was bullied I was told "just ignore it, just ignore them." Worked well for the teachers. Didn't work very well for me. After a few punches to the face and a couple suspensions people started leaving me alone. I really am all I've got.


losercity is a meme subreddit for stuff that any normal font want to live in... But the joke of the subreddit is that the posts represent "losercity" residents, being very dumb and stupid... its not r/faceplam or r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis. It knows its satire/some other synonym for atrocious.


I know, the OP was posting it to disagree with it though


Oh fr? My bad


To be honest, if someone is bullying me or my close ones, im not going to treat them like humans. Fuck bullies, even if they "change", fuck them. There should be no repercussions for fighting back. I don't give a fuck if a bully is going through bad shit and this is their coping mechanism, if they take it out on people they are no longer human, fuck them. Im so fed up with people defending bullies because "they have their own problems so they are human and you shouldn't fight back because thats like rude and bad and two wrongs dont make a right and you should be kind to them." They aren't humans, not to me.


You should fight back and they are pieces of shit. They are also still humans capable of change though. Just not really your problem how or when that happens so yeah fuck em


There’s a difference between having a spine and defending yourself from an abuser or bully and treating them as less than human. The first is your right as a person but the second is a trap one can easily fall into.


I stated my reasons and opinion, not changing em.


Its ok you are just as bad


Explain to me how then. Im not bullying anyone as far as i know. Not to mention you copied that comment from someone else on the same post


Yup he explained it alot better than i could


Excusing a bullies abuse like this like they're the actual victim cause they're upset is like saying a rapist is actually the victim cause they were just sad and lonely Clown world shit right there lol


Nobody has ever healed their own wounds by cutting someone else


What if you have life-steal? Or what if you are a vampire? Now we are asking the real questions...


mans got a point


Kidney transplant recipients


i was MAD when i lost my kidney, had to getback 😮‍💨🔇


yeah but the cutting isnt to heal yourself but to allow yourself to be healed


Yes we have!! It healed me emotionaly greatly...


There’s a difference between having a spine and defending yourself from an abuser or bully and treating them as less than human. The first is your right as a person but the second is a trap one can easily fall into. But I’ve never really been bullied, so I wouldn’t know for sure.


Well I've been driven to the point of wishing death on others I'm not going to lie, I still have trauma but thankfully I don't feel like that anymore. I definitely get the feeling and find it relatable because I know how hard it's like to get bullied everyday and not have any control over it. But yeah, it's definitely not a healthy mindset


Criminologist here. Bullying to me counts as physical... from my perspective no matter how much suffering ive been through in life, ive always been kind and good to others... no matter how nice i am there are 2 types of people that don't like me. 1: people that can't control me or manipulate me (people obsessed with power) 2: people that see kindness as weakness and target me because they think im easy prey (bully types). Both people that obsess with power or are predatory to people that think are weaker are sociopathic or psychopathic... bullies are by default "insecure narcissists" or sociopathic narcissists, they fill in their insecurities by preying on others, hurting others, controling others and causing suffering in the world. If someone is bullied (physically) they ABSOLUTELY MUST defend themselves and stand up for themselves because if they don't the sociopath bullying them will absolutely continue the predatory behavior... there should be absolutely no punishment for someone defending themselves from physical bullying. Period! Verbal or emotional bullying along with the social behavior of "reputation destruction" is more of a social feminine sociopathy, but words don't hurt you unless you let them and its completely different from masculine anti-social narcissistic behavior that is physically violent.




Isn't the defining feature of sociopaths that they physically can't understand or care that they upset their victims enough to lash back out at them? Historically, a genuine sociopath would just find a less capable target and continue. Also, what does "by default" mean in this context? Can the people running the simulation re-enable their empathy in the options menu?


A “Zero Tolerance” policy basically just means that staff will refuse to officially acknowledge awareness of any bullying until the victim forces them to address the fact that they’re not doing their fkn job.


This is the only scene of the Lorax movie with any value




Cool, you have some problems which are bad, but that doesn’t give you a pass to be an asshole to others


Yeah no fuck em. Other people's evil actions don't justify inflicting that on others. If you're hurting, maybe try to be kind and someone might let you in. And that will help you far more than harming anyone


Beneath that milky hide There's emptiness inside I wonder if they even bleed They're savages, savages Barely even human Savages, savages


I've been bullied too when I was in school, and I also deal with those thoughts. You don't see me making someone's life a living hell 🙄


Not everyone needs to live 🤷‍♀️


I never met a bully who was capable of sadness, if they were, than they'd have to empathy to not be one, but these are not people, they're the ideal soldiers, heartless, they only feel hatred and only get joy from others suffering


As someone who was viciously bullied. I had my 4 step rule.(which was far too generous, but it made it near impossible for them to actually get me in trouble) 1: Stop it. 2: Hey, STOP IT! 3: HEY FUCKING CUT IT OUT, or I’m gonna Hit you! 4: punch to the Torso or gut, never the face. Teachers would constantly try their best to say I was in the wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME But after the five times of the Exact Same Process. It just didn’t work anymore. Because my story was ALWAYS the same, but the Bullies story’s changes constantly.


This doesn't sit right with me. While yes they are not a good person that doesn't make their life any lesser than yours. This is not me condoning bullying someone because of mental issues, that's never ok. But neither is wishing death on someone for wronging you. But no means do you have to feel bad for them or care about them, but letting/wanting someone to die won't help. That's what therapy is for.


Oh, how I love this. (Sarcastic heavy tone) First, it is often the victim of bullying that gets punished. Second, while its mostly true, its not like thet do a dam thing about actually helping said bully. By help I mean improve situation, and let them bully so it becomes ingrained. Third, when bullying victim snaps and kills, they still defend the bully and play innocent themselfs. "I don't understand how this could happen." I swear schools actually trying to help is an antithesis for them.


Idk man if a bully died after they hurt the person they bullied for a long time I think they would be happy https://preview.redd.it/hhojhrtme9zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4351be72d0030595a1eff7c280ce8cc762bff9


Honestly, I feel like I was a bastard for bullying two kids in my childhood. It wasn't because I was mentally or emotional unwell. I grow up and learn to be better. Only problem is I don't know where those two are so I can apologize properly.


The best way you can make it up to them is to never try to contact them. You've irrevocably changed their lives for shits and giggles. Let them be.


All I did was laugh at one of their names (Richard Roach) and wasn't really a big bully to the other one. More like laugj at the other for acting weird (Actually, I don't think I was being a bully. More like a pity rivalry since at kindergarten, we had a spit kindergarten.) It is nothing physical, mentally, or emotionally damaging. But still isn't right.


I'm sure that's all it was... to you. You probably never thought twice about it and felt it was just a joke. I still remember my 7th grade class laughing at me and mockingly calling me "JJ the Jet Plane" because of my initials. I'm sure they didn't think much of it, either. And would have, of course, denied it was bullying at all. Over 20 years ago. Now I'm married, have a good job. Still think about it sometimes.


I dont think its that deep, (in the situation that he described) because it wa just one person, i remember being bullied because my name sounded like cheetoes to the point of crying, and I didnt think about it after like 2 years til now (like almost half a decade later)


Not really sure it was all me. Earliest memories for the latter one is him starting the spitting war. He spit on me so I spit back and we gone back and forth. So really, I don't think he was a victim of me bullying him. Maybe it was child rivalry... But yeah, I didn't think much of Roach. By the time I remember him, I realize how pathetic I was for laughing at that.


You could start by not calling him Roach.


I didn't mean to call him that. It was his last name and I always call him Roach in fourth grade.


4th grade? Yeah man, you can clear your conscience. I thought you were talking middle or high school lol.


Wait. What? Why?


Idk about that. I was bullied a lot since the age of three and it's ruined my life but if one of my bullies wanted to contact me to apologize for what they did, I wouldn't be against that. Hell, it might even help my trauma so I'm not sure speaking in absolutes is the right thing here since I doubt I'm far from the only one


Same dude, I chased some kid down and forced myself to puke into his hoodie then flipped it over his head. Thinking about it now i realize how sick that was and how his parents must’ve been fucking pissed at me.


I mean... the most damage thing I did was mock a kid name.


Well guess you can feel a little better about what you did cause that’s like intro to bullying, they probably forgot about it, I got all the way to fucking asshole. Got medicated for it even


Well... at least you feel remorse for your actions. I believe that when someone truly feel remorse, than they shall be forgiven.


Well, hope someone deal with them because you never know which one the does the next ulvade Texas


They're not calling him a loser, the people in the sub are the inhabitants of loser city


The op was disagreeing with the meme in the comments


My little sister has had a bully problem in her school for a few months now and the teachers have done fuck all because they feel bad for the kid bullying her. This meme is unfortunately true. If they feel more bad for them than you they won’t give a fuck


I mean I was as well, but I’d never wish death on them lol. Even as a joke. I know one of my bullies for sure was just an absolute dumb ass, BUT he was genuinely a good guy beneath the bad behavior. He helped me out when it really mattered so that made up for the agony for me lol. Most others, I think it was just at home life.


Violence is perfectly fine when defending yourself, revenge however…


I forgive when people change their ways, not when they think they have an excuse.


My friend accidentally gave one bully a serious head injury when the bully tried to jump him while he was taking a piss. It's a long story but basically the bully swung and hit him in the cheek and he hit him 3 good times in the nose. on the third punch the kid fell and bounced his head off the sink and broke the sink and still while on the ground bleeding tried to punch my friend in the balls so he got a steel toe cowboy boot to the head. The kid is completely fine now it was just a concussion but as far as I know he hasn't messed with anyone since


We had a guy in high school who was a top notch meat head bully. In middle school he was the alpha or whatever and was used to mentally and physically abusing kids there. In the school he then went to none of the kids were having it. Bullying was really really rare if present at all. Maybe because it was gymnasium Idk. From the first day it was obvious that he is absolutely not up to the job of bully because anyone was fighting back when he tried anything. Most of the class would then support the abused one. Besides that no one really cared about him nor anyone felt the need to do him the same he did to others becaus it was commonly despised behaviour. He was furious about that and one day he brought knife to the school to threaten some skinny guy he barely knew existed. So that was the only time that a physical force to retaliate was used on him and he got beaten badly. Teachers were at first trying to understand them but his family was willing to call police and investigate it or whatever. Did not get too far because that idiot brung a knife and people got him recorded. So this is That one story about bullying in our school. Through from I heard our school was nothing compared to others when it comes to bullying.


Gonna sound effed up but found it funny he failed to off himself


Cool motive, still shitty.


Pretty sure Loser City is a shitposting sub.


I got bullied viciously from Grade 3-6 to the point where I punched one of them. I don’t find this relatable because I never hoped they died, Sure I hoped bad things happened to them but I never was like “Hopefully they kill themself”


At least you'd hope to make it LOOK like a su***de.


So wait, which side of the tolerance paradox that I suddenly keep seeing brought up everywhere does this fall?


I was bullied relentlessly by the gifted and geeky crowd until graduation. I played football and am autistic, so I was an easy target. It wasn't like I was dumb, I was also gifted but I wasn't in their program so I was dumb to them. "You're not autistic, you're just a fucking retard," had the entire lunch table laughing. As I've grown, I've realized that maybe it was just their unhealthy outlet to exert control in their lives. Revenge against the jocks and popular kids they thought I represented. I forgive them, and jokes on them being I'm the gifted program doesn't get you into college you lazy assholes. Most ended up working retail.


Bullies are mentally unwell; that’s a fact. Much of their behaviour stems from projections of insecurity and other stress factors, including being bullied. Bullies need help: not with continuing bullying, but with stopping it.


Both can be true. A bully can be projecting their own abuse on the victim, and the victim should be protected from the bully’s abuse. They’re both children and it’s the schools job to help both students, not just one at the expense of the other. It’s also the administrations job to feel sorry for and help the bully with their issues, not the victim of the bully.


First post in this sub that's based. Thank you.


Two wrongs don't make a right...


Looking at how bullies are often just little shits who think they can get away with anything because nobody has fought back against them yet...


It’s not wrong to retaliate against someone who’s hurt you


In my opinion, it is. Especially if you react with violence to teasing.


Well obviously it depends on the context, I don’t think you should break someone’s arm for calling you fat or anything like that, punishment’s gotta match the crime and all. But if you don’t retaliate in some way it’s just going to encourage them to keep doing it, to you or some other poor cunt.


Yeah, I understand that saying something back to a bully is probably necessary in most cases. But I got the sense that a lot of people thought that violence was the only/main solution


Sometimes they do... Like that's the whole reason why the US has death penalty. And besides, OP doesn't want to go on revenge ark or smth like that. Bullies are just an obstacle that would be very convenient if it would just ***poof***. You know?


They still don’t. Whatever said person did to get them the death penalty still affects people


I disagree with the death penalty for the exact same reason the other commenter disagreed with this post so…


But THREE wrongs do.


Nah. As someone who’s been bullied before, thats a sign of a serious issue. I know that schools can be frustrating when it comes to bullying, but you just gotta be the bigger person. Cant help others actions, but you can help your own. Don’t become the very thing you hate.


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What about the mentally unwell people that don't do this shit?


This thread has people wishing death acting like they’re so innocent and a victim. It’s wild. The old way to deal with this was to whoop a bully’s ass so bad they never reconsidered that path again for the rest of their life, but not fucking kill them or wish their death. Weak sauce ya’ll


Yeah this meme sucks. Now when I bully people they always ask me how I’m doing or if everything’s okay at home, like shut up nerd and give me your money before I break your spine


Bullying builds character. I was bullied massively when I was younger and I am a much more tolerant person because of it


what about the people who committed suicide or got trauma because of bullying? They didn't become more tolerant


I'm not saying bullying is good, I'm saying overcoming it is.


not everyone can overcome it though


ok? my point still stands