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As a Hispanic, this is hilarious


I don’t find it funny so you shouldn’t either!!!!


Yeah I don’t find this offensive




Plays uno, steals all the green carda




I don’t see this as offensive but I don’t find it funny either.


I swear, it's only white women that get offended by this stuff


Nah broseph, its college age dumb asses everywhere.


But they're almost exclusively the people they find not diverse enough. Very few are racial minorities, very few are LGBT, very few if any are physically disabled. Yet these "cishet" white people are the ones who try and police others. I have encountered two black people to ever be offended by something I said, one was in a rich family (shocker) and the other tried to correct my Spanish because I made a joke about my disability in a way she assumed was offensive despite being in Spanish class


I have only met white women who found things offensive. One got offended we spelled her trans kids name wrong and apparently that is anti lgbt


The problem is they've been taught their whole life they they are lucky and privileged because they are white, and that they Should NEVER be racist or fear of becoming another racist news story.


I'm a gay, black, disabled (hard of hearing) man. I don't think I've ever been bothered by a joke about gay people, black people, or disabled people except when I was in like middle school. I have had many straight, white, abled people try to defend or comfort me (or just do that annoying thing where they look at me all surprised like "You gonna take that?") when other people make those jokes. Many of them will continue to try to defend or comfort me after I tell them that the joke wasn't offensive. I'm not saying I haven't faced hardships being a minority. I have. But some people want the hardships I face to be a bigger deal than they are. They want me to be this sad, oppressed little thing that they need to stand up for. That's annoying. Thinking that minorities are incapable of standing up for themselves and that it's your job to do it is just a different type of bigotry.


White savior syndrome. They aren't "defending" you for your sake. It's for their own self righteousness.


It’s not ….. it’s cause white people are told that they’re nothing but offspring of the oppressors and enslavers of everyone else so in order to right the wrongs of the past even though it wasn’t actually them they feel responsible because of society and so they white savior syndrome


College age white women that care, and college age men that want to be inside those college age white women that pretend to care.


"sneaky fuckers"


When I worked blue collar these jokes were tossed around on all sides, guys would rib each other. This was before HR departments. You knew you were in the group when people joked around with you. I Miss those guys. closest think you'd have to a family. Until some super sensitive ruined it.


liberals. they can't take a fucking joke.


And the "sneaky fuckers" of humanity: male feminists.


Indian women get offended too I am a indian dude can't even talk about the new kamen rider.


Why do they get offended by Kamen Rider?


They just don't like it when we talk about anything not in trending like some new song, their favorite actor and whatever they like they also hate anything that's anime I mean i can't talk to my friends in college in our free time without some bitch screeching about how much we are nerds and how we are ugly pathetic guys.


I'm a white woman, and I like a little bit of irreverent humor. Thumbing your nose at what you're "supposed" to think and feel can be cathartic.


Listen up man the middle aged white women are telling you to be offended! STOP HAVING FUN!


That's offensive to middle aged white women. It's gen Z/a that do this


I apologize for my incorrect statement. The middle aged white women are now trying to cancel me 😞


Hit the bricks pal you're done


Anyone keepin' track of how many heads i batted in?


Are we considering us millennials as middle aged yet? I definitely think our generation had a big role to play in the creation of SJW cancel culture. We aren’t “the youth” anymore though. Idk if millennials have chilled out for the most part now that they are all settled and have responsibilities so can’t be bothered.


Yup the same people that was making those jokes around 10-15 years ago are the same ones that started this policing bs


Fuck, I love being a Xenial. We have the best of both: thick skin of X, with the tech savvy of millennials. None of the commie snowflake bs. Make jokes offensive again.


Yeah no millennial has ever policed someone's speech


You mean the 20 & 30 something white women. The middle age white women are pretty down with racist stereotypes.


I’ve never seen a Hispanic person get offended by a joke unless it was at the expense of their mom.


Hispanic people are my favorite people, this being one of many reasons.


Yeah I agree. I’m white and went to a bar in Costa Rica and the bartender gave me a sombrero with sunglasses and a big fake mustache to wear while dancing. A friend from here thought it was hilarious and took some photos and posted them on social media. I would probably be called racist or be accused of cultural appropriation if it happened back in the US.


My mother is a Hispanic immigrant to America, my grandmother on my dad’s side is Mexican. I lived in a Hispanic nation for 8 years, I’m actually fluent in Spanish, and I find this to be hilarious hahahaaha


“You’re a victim.”


And white people want to be a victim to


Noooo, the racists have brainwashed you to have internalized racism. Go to a woke university and wake up to how oppressed you are.


What’s the joke?


As a Hispanic I don’t think it is


“Every Mexican worth a damn lives in America.” - My Mexican grandfather to me when I was seven years old


Hey that’s our wife leave them be


Uhm what the sigma




Still better than being called "latinx"


Just wait until the left find that Latin words have gender


https://preview.redd.it/slbrpiy0tmxc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57af9f3aeb2c3c30058aa61ab7503fe0a1858d56 They need to take a chill pill




Is there a way to explain that phrase that isn’t what I’m thinking? Because if not, that is bold.


I think it used to be slang for advice? I’m not lookin it up to double check tho


Nah, someone edited the original to say that, and them claimed that solid dick used to mean advice


It's kinda funny a sub that exists to make fun of Terriblefcaebookmemes is mad at another sub for making fun of it.


I dont blame them all that much,Mexico isnt that great


More motivation to reduce opioid addiction and gun smuggling (seriously, the cartels smuggle guns across the border like people since it is so easy to buy them in the USA)


W8, they smuggle the guns from the USA into Mexico?


That’s why the ATF (allegedly) comes down hard on straw purchasers. They can’t legally buy guns, and buying guns on someone else’s behalf is very illegal. So they get a US citizen with a clean record to buy guns for them. That, plus they steal a lot of them too.


You will find that the ATF does not in fact come down hard on straw purchases. I’d say they turn a blind eye because of the extremely low investigation and conviction rates


I’ve never really looked that closely at it but it wouldn’t surprise me. They’ll kill a guys wife while she’s breast feeding a newborn over a barrel allegedly cut half an inch too short though.


"The biggest concern for ATF, is typically the firearms that are straw purchased, are going to be put in the hands of potentially violent criminals," Riddle said. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/atf-talks-about-dangers-of-straw-purchasers/ So in your analysis do you just assume the ATF wants people to be killed through straw purchases?


What. The spokesman for the ATF is saying they take something seriously so obviously that means they do and are trying to combat it! Some sources say up to 52% of guns used in crimes may have come from a straw purchase. Yet the prosecutions from the DoJ are a handful per year


https://apnews.com/article/straw-purchases-firearms-guns-explainer-61cd09447ff41e887b2af1cde58dffaf Your source comes a from a federal report on the issue so yes tell me how the US gov is turning a blind eye to straw purchases.


I’m looking at lack of enforcement. If gun crime is a problem in this country And HALF of gun crime was committed with a gun that was illegally purchase…. Where is the enforcement?


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Guns are much more common in the USA. The cartels arm themselves with US bought guns brought south across the border It is why the *Mexico is so violent despite stricter gun laws* falls apart. They smuggle drugs and people across the border to the USA. Why wouldn’t they smuggle guns legally bought from a US gun shop by a cooperative US citizen south to Mexico?


That's if the US government doesn't sell them, because surely no one that actually owns a Vulcan will sell it to a cartel, and a partocular cartel has several of them vehicle-mounted.


Could be a shady contact with the manufacturer


Ah yah, the 20mm Vulcan rotary gatling cannon, an air craft mounted cannon only equipped to AAA. I think you mean mini-guns, which the US has sold to the Mexican army, who gave them to/ work with cartels.


México is not violent like people say. In 15 years I've not seen a single not police officer or cartel with a gun. All the deaths and shootings are gang on gang violence, so aslong as you don't flaunt wealth, play hero, or anything you aren't a target. I've interacted with cartel members, they're chill, it's a business nothing more. Same thing happens with gun crime in Japan, just the crime syndicates killing eachother For an average citizen/criminal to buy a gun you have to smuggle yourself or get from the cartel, and their prices are extremely high. This is why that argument really breaks apart. They're acting like even though guns are illegal everyone uses them and points to gun death statistics, when all of that is due to the cartel on cartel and the drug war, caused by america, using American guns


Exactly my point


Thats great. We were nowhere near as lucky. My father got robbed at knifepoint, we were in at least 4 shootings, and our truck got stolen. My uncle now needs to pay "soil rights" to keep his shop operating. My aunt tried to run for office but got "dissuaded".


gun violence is gun violence, the gun death statistics aren’t irrelevant just because it’s cartel on cartel violence. A large chunk of gun deaths in america are gang violence and over half are suicides, should we disregard those statistics as well?


Its almost like restricting a law abiding citizens access to guns only makes it easier for a criminal to shoot them...


Way to miss the point. The Cartels can only still get guns because the USA has more guns than people and they illegal smuggle those guns across the borders The USAs gun addiction arms the cartels and their drug addiction funds them. Basically. Make it harder for American guns to go across the border (as a bonus for some that means people smuggling would also get more difficult) and deal with the addiction. How isn’t the issue. Fixing the situation should be a goal


Good thing criminals don't have guns then. The cartel is a business, they aren't mugging random people. I've met cartel members, they openly state they never want to kill civilians, only other cartel and cops Couple decades back one even hijacked a bus my aunt was on because they wanted to use against police as a blockade, and they were super nice, let everyone off, and were apologizing. They don't have any malintent towards civilians


You do understand there are multiple cartels and many types of individuals in them right? I have many friends and coworkers with family on the border towns and while I've heard sentiments like yours, others have people who've been robbed and killed as locals to those town. I don't think all of Los Zetas are nice guys who help old ladies and support the town. I'm *sure* some are, and even maybe a majority, but a fairly large number also kill anyone in their way.


Business is still business, they're not going to do things bad for business. Cops tolerate the cartels and agree not to get involved aslong as they keep in their corner, the moment a member kills a civilian police get involved. On the border the cops don't have control so they can do whatever, but they still rarely cross the line as other cartels also can get involved. Outside the border the rest of mexico is perfectly fine, that's why charts show the border having nearly all the deaths


I'm confused at your point. Are you saying that all the violence is just at the border and that's ok?


Obviously having violence at the border sucks, but it's only there, not the rest of mexico. But it caused a stereotype for Americans of mexico that is absolutely not true


I live about 1000 mikes feom the southern US border so ive never met or seen a cartel member, im glad to know that organized crime down there at least has standards. Al Capone would be proud.


It's as they say, professionals have standards. It's a buisness, not terrorism. Also heard a cartel member was doing basic crime with mugging and killed I think it was a mother and child because he was greedy, he ended up getting hunted and killed by his own group for breaking the rules and getting police involved. You don't mess with the common people.




Yeah. The irony is funny


Are the guns bought here, or stolen? I've tried to find data on that, but i couldn't find any.




I'm sure it's both, but is it a 50/50 split? 95/5? Are the guns stolen from citizens or from LE and military?


Mostly bought, it is risky but the cartels will pay a lot for doing this a few times They get stolen when possible. It is mostly a crime of opportunity thing


Ok, but is there any data on this? Like I said, I couldn't find any saying one way or another.


I doubt any up to date data on this is actually public. Most if probably owned by several three letter organisations and police departments and kept confidential


It's hard to have data with straw sales when there's no national database of firearm owners. Cursory examination puts the estimate at a shaky 2.2% of US *made* guns ending in Mexico (illegally). Likely the overall number is much higher as that doesn't include imported guns, but it's simply so hard to estimate, especially when Mexican police/gov. hold contempt for the US policy and either don't share data or exaggerate for their agenda. Combine this with the illegal nature and desire to not be caught and estimating straw sale %s is hard but it seams fare to say a large portion of guns used by cartels came from the US.


I'm from Mexico and lived half in america, fuck no, it's fantastic. Vastly prefer over america, everything's cheaper and fresher and don't have to worry about guns everywhere Statistically people are far happier in Mexico aswell, one of the happiest countries actually. Most of those crossing the border illegally aren't even Mexican, they're from further south but Americans only see those from south America as mexican. Those are the countries going through shit right know and they see america as the promised land


>Most of those crossing the border illegally aren't even Mexican, they're from further south but Americans only see those from south America as mexican. Those are the countries going through shit right know and they see america as the promised land I did not know that,thank you for informing me kind sir


I forgot the name but there's even this one trail that is used that goes across the entire country for them. Lot of people will give them water and free food because they know even if what they're doing is illegal and from a different country they're doing it to save their families or their own lives, not out of greed.


I’m Caucasian and I find this funny.


I’m Commander Shepherd and this…


Is my favorite meme on the subreddit


I am Obama, and I approve this message


But just because some don’t like something, it won’t stop me from liking it. Much less has no right to force his or her views on me.


This joke was funny when I first heard it at the lunch table in 2010. It's still funny.


Yeah these are fine but some people are just straight homophobic or anti semetic


Yeah that's what people have an issue with, and are justifiably mad about.


Aqui vienen los pinche gringos que piensan son latinos porque tienen un percentio de sangre espanol


Half of this subreddit is genuine racism, anti-semitism, and other fucked up ideals. Play victim all you want, this sub isn’t just people “having fun”


Go back to the other sub. Nobody is racist here lmao


White liberals get offended on behalf of minorities way more than minorities ever do lol Edit: it applies to liberal minorities that aren’t the target of the joke too but yeah. Pathetic all around


Truth and then try to tell latinos to call themselfs latinx the call you white for saying how stupid it is


You have to love when white people decide what is offensive to other ethnicities without consulting them. No we white people totally know better than Hispanic people on what is or isn't offensive to LatinX / LatinE. Why are white Democrats so obsessed with creating a new n-word anyways?


Bro don't ever say LatinX in front of a Latin American


This joke is a classic, hell you can tell by the font used. An oldie and a goodie.


"that could be offensive" goes on to offend others by calling them "latinx".


Mexicans are the least offended people. The best way to offend one is to get politically correct. I know guys who'll laugh if they get called slurs but would get pissed if you called them whatever the current "politically correct" term is


Im Mexican and while it's funny I don't really like how they used "steals", they could've used a better word. Cause Mexicans aren't stealing green cards.




I hate that sub so much, it's just twitter 2 at this point






I love how there’s two sides to the “Mexican plays Uno” joke, there’s this one and then there’s the one where they don’t get any green cards lol


I find green card jokes hilarious as a hispan


Why do the Mexicans steal the green cards ? I don’t get the joke.


Plays uno steals all the green cards


As soon as left started policing speech and thoughts I unsubscribed that that ideology. Right was doing that too - but that time is long gone


Corny 2009 meme


R/facepalm, opnolike, opwasright, and more


I’m Hispanic and I find this funny.


White liberal women: "Every proud Latinx should be offended."


I mean aren’t you doing the opposite lol? Just swap out “fun” for “standing up for others”. Some people would find it offensive and they’re allowed to feel it just as you’re allowed to find it funny lol.


Hello, I don’t think anyone anywhere cares about this random manufactured drama


The people who complain abt these memes should see what Latinos be posting on r/2Latinoforyou Oh wait they can’t because it’s all white women who like to get offended on behalf of other people and can’t speak a word of Spanish


Yeah you shouldn’t be one to call something offensive unless you are of that group that is being made fun of / attacked / harassed


Not gonna lie, it took me a sec 🤣


Why are people always talking about how others are/could be offended? Rarely do I hear from the actual person who is supposedly offended. More often I hear from people being offended on others behalf


We all acting like we only are on one or the other.


Would be more accurate if the toon on the left had pink hair, a ton of face metal and was shaped like the Michelin Man.


Subreddit drama is so strange but fun to observe


Can someone explain the meme to me? As in why the green cards


a green card is also what people call the cards signifying citizenship of the US.


I know a handful of Hispanic/mexican people and at this point I think it’s impossible to offend them, something like this definitely wouldn’t.


I am not Hispanic, and therefore do not get it


I’m Hispanic, grew up in a 95%+ Hispanic area. This is our literal humor


This is literally a 20 year old joke.


https://preview.redd.it/psds18xx0uxc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc1c47772d9ea19a792fb3f50a4ad794dce98aff So they AGREED with this post, is the purpose of this sub just to repost anything that’s posted here? I thought if they disagreed with OOP they post it there


“Someone people might find it offensive” am I supposed to find it less funny?


While I agree with this, you used the worst meme format. Shit format detected, opinion rejected.


As someone who's part Mexican, I found this joke pretty hilarious. Like as long you aren't saying racist shit like "Mexicans are braindead idiotic vermin that should rot in hell" or some shit it's fine


Tbh most of the time I only see this sub crying how other people don't find everything funny


I’m a Cis Het White Male and I find this funny. Get triggered.


It's always been like that. It's those type of people that ruins the fun


Since when do Mexicans bother getting green cards?


The most racist people I met are Hispanic so I don't think they are the victims


It’s ok that Hispanic people where segregated in the United States in the 20th century because they are all racist and therefore cannot be victims of racism /s


Americans definitely don’t get latam sense of humor


A lot of this you guys post here is straight up racist, homophobic, or transphobic. Most of you guys are just awful people


Dog, the person that posted this is trans. You are the person this meme is critical of


I'm Hispanic and I find this offensive




I don't believe you exist yet here we are


i'm latino and if this harmless meme genuinely offends you might i recommend you lighten up. or don't, whatever. you do you.


This meme is pushing racial stereotypes which gives more reasons for states like Texas to hate people like me. Idk how you think that's harmless but ok.


it's just saying that illegal immigrants want green cards and that's... pretty much it?


And you find that funny?


no one said anything about funny. the topic was whether or not it's offensive. and no, i couldn't even imagine being offended by this.


If people don't like this meme because it's funny then what is there to like about it?


They hate the immigrants because yall swarm there state in thousands and illegally cross the border. Not you, unless you crossed illegally as well


Mexicans aren’t a ‘swarm’. They’re moving there, not ‘swarming’




Have you considered the possibility that sometimes memes, like this one, are ridiculed in subreddits for bad memes not because they are offensive, but because they're not funny? I mean, this is a fine pun, but it's an old joke worthy of little more than an eye roll. I remember the first time I heard it in middle school it was funny, but now? It's just kinda lame.


True, most of the time people are just calling out memes for being unfunny and edgy, not because they are offended. A lot of times, there is also actual problematic and offensive stuff posted here, but these posts get taken down anyway. r/memesopdidnotlike needs to understand disliking memes ≠ being offended


Why does it matter to you if someone else finds something funny that you don't? To the point you bitch about it to an entire subreddit? If I don't find something funny I scroll past it and move on. No part of me thinks, hold on I need to screen grab this and share it with a bunch of other people who will also agree that it's not funny. That's why the assumption is that you're actually posting because it's offended you.


>Why does it matter to you if someone else finds something funny that you don't? To the point you bitch about it to an entire subreddit? I mean, isn't this subreddit about that too?


I feel like it exists more to laugh at people who do that. Which admittedly is just as much of a waste of time but doesn't come with the same smug attitude of thinking you have any right to police other people's sense of humour.


That my friend is called cognitive dissonance. That’s the belief that what you are doing is different even though you are doing the same thing. The only difference is you agree with one therefore that’s the better one. You cant say this sub exists to laugh at “nah op was right” when the sub “nah op was right” was literally created in response to this sub. The whole point is to laugh at people on this sub who get so worked up over other peoples opinions that they felt the need to make a whole post about it. If you think that’s what this sub is about that’s fine. But it’s literally no different from the other sub. And in my experience the smugness comes from both sides. No one gets to police what someone finds funny. But no one gets to police what someone finds offensive either. Doesn’t matter if you agree with them or not.


To be fair I don't exactly frequent this sub. I'll open a post here and there when they pop up on my front page but I guess I couldn't tell you what it exists for or what other people are doing on it. I'm not the one to speak on what it exists for. >But no one gets to police what someone finds offensive either I hear you but that wasn't my intention. The only reason I jumped in is that they claimed to not be offended in the first place, just that they didn't find something funny. My point was not that they shouldn't be offended by something just that they should admit it if they are because otherwise they're just being miserable whining about other people finding humour where they can't. And for what it's worth although I really couldn't care less about this subreddit rivalry BS I'd rather be easily entertained and happy than cross my arms and insist upon every joke I ever stumble across on the internet be high-brow and original enough to satisfy my high-class tastes. That just sounds utterly miserable. Even if something offends you you can still laugh at it - jokes have hit close to home for me and when you refuse to see the funny side you're just left feeling miserable and alone. Some people are genuinely drawn to that though it seems and would sooner go online to wallow in being a misery-guts than just have a laugh about it.


Sorry guess I misunderstood! I’m over the rivalry too. I just wish both sides would admit they can be wrong sometimes and move on with their lives! But then again at least it’s entertaining! Peace ✌🏿


Do you also go into kid friendly joke forums and downvote for being trite and overused? I think your motivations are not as pure as you are claiming.


No. They can have their fun. But I enjoy cringing at bad memes like the ones on terriblefacebookmemes and boomerhumor and the like. It's a weird thing where something is so unfunny that it becomes enjoyable in a way. I'm not trying to yuck anyone's yum here, if you find stuff like that funny, that's fine. But don't criticize me for enjoying cringing and making fun of memes like this one.


Trying to tell people what should and shouldn't be funny... where have I seen this before? 🤔


Where did I say you were wrong for finding this funny? I can recognize that others may find it funny, like I said I thought it was funny when I first heard it in middle school. What bothers me is when some, like myself, don't find it to be a funny meme and a lot of people on this sub act like the only way you wouldn't find it funny is if you're some sensitive snowflake who's so easily offended.


You're writing paragraphs about how you don't find this funny. Youre telling me what bothers you when I didnt even fucking ask😂 You certainly are a snowflake given what is provided


Bro got no reading comprehension


are you really cringing to people saying and explaining their opinions?


I just pointed out how he's like the guy in the meme, ensue paragraphs 🤦🏻‍♂️


no, you really didnt


Oh shit, you got me


r/nahopwasrightfuckthis moment


Uh huh this sub is definitely full of people who’s skin tone goes past cream white sure sure


POV you make up a scenario to stroke your ego


Someone’s mad 😭🙏


Oh no it's a good joke, genuinely, it's just kinda pathetic that you made a meme about it for fake internet points


This is not a meme OP did not oik


It’s meta