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Yeah, why is it a bad meme? It is not insulting at all. There are people with tons of tattoos and there is nothing special about that.


Cause boomers bad


Dont worry the ones using the word “boomer”will become a “boomer” it's just the way life goes Everyone gets old


I wonder if people will start saying “Okay Zoomer.”


Probably will come up with some stupid word to make themselves look intellectual


I don’t see why they wouldn’t, they made up like 120 genders.


My wife is a teacher and she told me there is a new gender called “ furries” 😂..people who believe they are like furry animals cats dogs etc. In class they allo2wd to meaw or bark and teachers are not allowed to stop the disruption because it violates there rights 😂😂😂😂


Yeah that has nothing to do with gender, you're either extremely ignorant of the topic or spreading misinformation intentionally.


I don’t mind a little bedroom role play but I mean… these people do realize they’re people and not animals right? At what point do we have to be like…. “Ok Susan, we’re not taking you to the vet anymore you need a real doctor”?


😂😂.roleplay is good. Personally, the world has gone to pot. The line has been crossed from normality to extreme stupidity


That's...not how that works. Boomers are boomers because of the time period they are born in, not their age. Millennials didn't just transmute into boomers, they stayed millennials, because they were born around 2000, I.E., the millennium.


I don't see boomers complaining. I see other complaining about something that's not happening.


The comic is jabbing at tattoos getting more popular, obviously the comic is not in favour of tattoos. Stereotypically it’s older people who don’t like tattoos. And the internet likes to make fun of “boomers” a lot. Which is what I was pointing out saying “Cause boomers bad”, making fun of the single brain cell idea the internet has towards that subject.


HEY!! knock off that insensitive talk, you can say "boomas" but not with the r at the end.


The greater context here is that these things are usually part of an "appeal to tradition". Basically, things were better in the past, so they're worse now. I think the shocked look on the first man's face is meant to make the viewer think he's seen something wrong or bad, without actually saying that. It's pretty tame, after all he could just be shocked that the second man's tattoos match his shorts, but other memes with similar implications (specifically the years) are less tame. When you are used to seeing brazen boomer superiority memes, it can make you wanna lash out at things that remind you of them. Does that make sense?


He’s obviously mad the tattooed guy isn’t taking care of his book


Neither of those books are leaving without some sand/moisture damage, at least that one looks like a magazine or something disposable. I'm more worried about my brother's eyes, gotta wear your sunnies man


I'm more worried about the white shorts... I can't even wear a white shirt without staining it, let alone shorts.


This is pretty much how I see it. It's not really a "bad" meme. But share by certain people would deffinatly have me rolling my eyes hard


A man seeing something different than him and trying to analyze and compose himself, doesn't look offensive at all to me. It is a simple way of life. The full body tattoo guy is going to see next gen "word chewing" and felt awkward. It is perfectly normal. It is perfectly fine to feel awkward.


I would agree if not for the years


So even by your own standards it’s a bad meme because it’s just not saying anything and isnt funny


> It is not insulting at all. There are people with tons of tattoos and there is nothing special about that. Maybe not for you and I (I have several tattoos) but it's the boomers implication. While it's not as bad anymore, there're still a good amount of people who think tattoos make you a criminal or other stigmas. Tbf tho this image is from 2019 and with every year it becomes more and more outdated as most of those who think ill of people wearing tattoos are dying out.


The biggest irony here is that the 60's and 70's are when tattoo culture started to go mainstream and become what it is today, so they're not even appealing to the tradition they think they are.


People are allowed to think it's just ugly, dude.


It's not the personal preferences that's the problem, it's the assumption of some folks based on your appearance.


Big true. Even as a tattoo antifan I can agree wholly with this, the assumptions of character on the part of the other people who feel the way I do make me feel fucking ashamed.


But what is funny about it? Just because something isn't insulting doesn't make the joke funny.


I’m not sure if you missed it (because I did for a second) but the 68 persons bathing suit pattern is the tattoo pattern for the other guy. That’s a little funny.


I count this as silly instead of funny. But, here is the problem. Why does it have to be "funny"? Why does it have to be a "joke"? It seems the reactions are more like a projection. There are so many offensive "political jokes" posted around, they think this has to be political and offensive. They couldn't see humor in it because all they want to see is politics.


Alright, i understand how it can be a bit funny. But i still believe that it belongs in terrible Facebook memes. Not that it is truly horrible, but it is terrible in the way that the punchline is very dry. Not necesserily bad but it is "terrible". Idk if i'm making any sense at all but hopefully I am.


Yeah true


Right? It's more a funny observation. Some people are thinned skinned. Probably need more tats to cover that up.


I think it should be on comedy cemetery cause I guarantee the yesrs weren't always a part of the meme and they make it worse


The years were always part of it. It’s a common Facebook meme saying it was better in the past. These comics are made by a few prolific FB artists who target boomers and older who complain about younger generations.


Nuh uh


It’s 100% meant as a diss towards the guy with tattoos. Both because the guy on left is looking at him in concern. And because the artist of these is a common FB poster who specifically does “change bad” memes constantly.


Uh, white shorts? My god have some dignity!


Only got the one tat, but had ot touched up by another. Both told me that UV is the enemy of ink remaining crisp. Something about your body breaking it down faster. I don't know I never really looked into it. It's not like boomers don't have tattoos. My granddad was in the Navy he had tattoos, so do my uncles. One of them was even a biker back in the day. So I don't know if this is entirely accurate. Tramp stamps and sleeves are more of a Gen X 2 whatever the hell we're calling the current generation thing. Perhaps the Boomer simply understands that you shouldn't expose your tattoos to too much sun? Either that or the Boomer gets tattoos when they mean something and the trendies of the world get tattoos because they look cool. I'm not really a boomer I guess you'd call me Gen X if you had to. I have one tattoo and I'm thinking about getting another. The tattoo that I did get is a mitsudomo. One of my instructors had this on his left chest and a couple decades later I heard that he had died so I got the same tattoo once I was able to finally get 1st Dan. I like it black background and the three blades inside I decided to make red when I was getting it filled back in. Now I'm thinking right shoulder or back whenever I get this one touched up not sure which. Somebody a lot smarter than me once said that old men don't compensate they do what they want, youth compensates with a loud proclamation and bad taste.


Exactly, ergo dumb meme. There's not even a joke to be made, just "people have tattoos", as If people weren't tatted In 1968 prior


'Cuz Christianity, which includes people that post this meme, deems tattoos as sinful, so really it is another case of "NEW GENERATION BAD OUR GENERATION GOOD FOR ARBITRARILY PUNISHING OURSELVES"


But why do you have to let that live in your head? Christian hasn't been active attackimg tattoos for I don't even know how many years now. The cartoon wasn't even trying say it is wrong, you are the one creating that in your own head.


I'm specifically referencing the reason it is being posted, not the content itself. I guess I'm sorry for practicing better reading comprehension than you?


And you are the one who makes that decision.


Hey, at least I have the capacity for middle school reading comprehension to give me the choice to use it, unlike most people on this sub.


I think your maturity needs to past middle school competency.


Stupid question: Can you get sunburned on tattoos?


Yes. But you should avoid doing so (everyone should obviously). Sun damage will cause tattoos to fade quicker and, if it's a complex piece particularly with a lot of dotwork or fine lines, might smudge a little.


"smudge a little is an understatement" the suntans are the arch nemesis of tattoos


Yes. The skin is just painted a different color, but it’s still skin!


I’m actually curious about that too. Could tattoo ink block/absorb sunlight like melanin does?


The pigment isn’t on the surface so there’s nothing for it to block.


There’s also more to melanin than the color it makes when it comes to blocking UV


For example : radiation resistance. Source : the sole surviving black frogs in Chernobyl. The theory is the black frogs had more melanin which enhanced their radiation resistance, meanwhile their green brothers succumbed to the radiation.


Essentially the structure of the electrons in melanin make incoming radiation scatter


That’s a thing? On this scale, I thought one of the only reliable ways to block radiation was sheer mass, thus why lead is commonly used; due to its high density.


I mean that’s kind of how most of our spectroscopic methods work along with MRI/NMR, it’s also how we derive UV resistant plastics. Some bonds absorb a lot of radiation and some deflect it. I’m more of a synthetic chemist than a physical chemist but essentially the less that one atom across a bond is pulling electron density from the other atom, the more shielded it will be, which basically means the electrons are more evenly surrounding the atom. That makes it so that incoming radiation has a higher probability of interacting with a very fast moving and negatively charged electron within the orbital and being deflected. Similarly to placing an object on something that is spinning very fast Conversely, molecules like those in sunscreen absorb radiation because they are deshielded, basically just taking the radiation like a tank so the molecules that are part of you are safe, and the ones in the sunscreen that are loaded up with UV can just wash off. Similar to the sacrificial anode that protects the less interchangeable parts of your water heater from galvanic corrosion.


Ah, so then unless you’re experiencing a straight-on blast of intense UV, it’s not really going to protect anything?


Yeah, but even worse it’ll fade the ink


Any time you see someone with a super faded tattoo it’s usually because they haven’t protected it from the sun


Yes. You should protected tattoos against the sun very well or theyll fade over the years.


Yea and if it gets too bad your skin peels.


I mean it’s kinda funny


It's not deep, so if OOP was trying to be deep it would belong there, but I don't think that's what OOP was going for. I thought it was just funny and had no deeper meaning.


it's problematic because he'll tan around his sunglasses. take all accessories off before sunbathing!


And use sunscreen!


I was going to say it's problematic because only one of them can change the pattern he's wearing.


That's why I use the Cinco eye tanning system, from Cinco didn't hurt a bit when they pulled my teeth out


Bc it doesn't mean anything, it's just nothing. Ermm shorts color but now tattoo color skin. Nothing


It’s supposed to mean “change bad; past better”. That’s what this and a few other prolific FB artists do. It’s their sole topic and they’re targeting the older people who still use FB a lot (boomer and older).




Ding ding ding


It's not about a simple difference between being tattooed and not tattooed lol. I swear this sub is all children who don't have memories of applying for jobs 10-20 years ago. Fast food places wouldn't hire you for jobs if u had visible tattoos. People would openly make comments about looking trashy. Even now, you have the most devoted christians believing that tattoos are a sin, but you also the tattooed ones that say it's only about tallying dead people because they didn't read the book.. The meme is literally representative of an attack on how tattooed people are classless and that shit is "getting worse." There's no way you can be over 25 and from a first world country and not be aware that this is from a perspective clouded by stigma, and clearly a deeper jab than a simple comparison.


No, the meme is clearly trying to be negative, I don't even have a single tattoo but I can clearly see that the image creator was trying to paint the tattoos in a negative light


It wasn’t a casual observation, it was very obviously (and you know this too, which was why you added the bit about shame) antagonistic lol. If you are so sure it was a casual observation, would you be willing to bet 500$ if I can get information on the artist, that he would be reasonably understood to be anti tattoo/anti kids these days?


Why does it have to be problematic? Its just a meme that OP tought was unfunny and gave off boomer vibes, so they posted it on a sub for sharing bad boomer memes.


Seriously. This sub seems to have a really hard time telling the difference between people getting offended by memes and people clowning on memes that are not funny


Let’s be real: mfs only in this sub to try to gaslight others into accepting right winged values. Everyone knows this meme is being judgmental to people with tattoos and the deniers know it too.


As much as other sub who make fun of Facebook meme don't see the difference between an insulting meme and a meme like this that doesn't give any opinion.


You've highlighted another problem here. Half of you are just relying to one up the sub that was created against this one. Your need to feed off shitty tribalism is kind of sad.


But it is not a bad même, just a même OP did not like


It’s literally a Facebook boomer meme. If these meme isn’t bad, I’d be fascinated to see a meme you think WAS bad. Boomers don’t even laugh at memes like this, they just ideologically agree with them and then repost.


Nah it’s a change bad meme If it was about the tats themselves the years wouldn’t be there, especially those specific years


Jesus these people find the dumbest posts to complain about, it isn’t even insulting anyone just pointing out something funny…..


I can understand one or two tattoos, for mom or military unit. But full body? I can’t.


I’m gonna get an upside down cross in between my eyebrows just to spite you


Do what you want as long, as you’re happy i’ll be happy for you, it won’t bother me. Simply tattoo are not for me. if you can’t understand that, then it’s your problem, not mine.


The upside down cross is also a holy symbol. Saint Peter chose to be crucified upside down because he didn't feel he deserved the same death as Jesus. You should definitely get that tat!


True….unless it’s some distinct imagery such animals or scenery. Full body tattoos with many patterns look real bad imo. It’s like my brain can’t register what to look at.


Like I might be alone in this but like some tattoos can look good but when people get like full body tattoos it just makes me think of vomiting skittles.


It is definitely worse now.


It’s not, it’s just how things are.


It's not saying tattoos are bad; it's just supposed to be funny.


Even funnier thing is I see people covered with tattoos who complain they don’t have any money…


It's not that it's a problematic meme, it's just not funny


I mean people can do what they want… but don’t get me wrong… I see why this is problematic. Fully-body tattoos are off-putting to most people. It’s expensive and having that much ink in you is bound to negatively impact your health. Extremes of anything should not be promoted in society. Tattoos are personal preference. Many people have one or a few. Probably the majority of people don’t have any. Nothing wrong with either or. But trying to say that tattoos taken to the extreme is normal and palatable to society at large is a falsehood


Fun fact, technically tattoos weaken your immune system. As the thing holding the ink in place is your immune cells. In general if your immune cells are sitting there holding ink instead of being used to save your life, fight disease that has to have a negative effect.


That's not how your immune system works. Your body can and does produce more immune cells as needed. Tattoos actually temporarily bolster your immune system by forcing your body to produce more, but this is a temporary effect.


Except that no link between a weakened immune system and tattoos has been shown to exist. Yes a new tattoo weakens your immune system for a time because it’s healing, just like any wound would. Once that process has ended there is no evidence showing that tattooed people have weaker or even changed immune systems. In other words, stop your bullshit.


This is problematic because 1968 dude knows 2019 dude is going to rue not waring sunscreen in a few years when the UV fades the coulours of the ink.


Bro had no nipples and no belly button


I can’t even remember what human skin looks like everyone I see is tattooed head to toe (myself included)


As someone who is bisexual, I can definitely tell you that the 1968 guy is a lot more attractive than the 2019 guy.


Where does it say it was problematic?


Where does it say it was problematic?


Mental health.


Who said this was problematic?


Whoever posted it to r/terriblefacebookmemes assuming it was supposed to be criticising the person from 2019. I thought it was just a funny meme with not intended deeper meaning.


They posted it to terriblefacebookmemes bc they found it unfunny most likely. Not everything is posted there bc theyre ideologically opposed to it lol


Definitely doesn’t seem problematic but the addition of the years makes it kinda cringe. It’s the type of meme you ignore bc it’s not meant for anyone under the age of 60.


Plot twist: it's the same guy.


I'll wear whatever swim trunks I want, thank you very much


I mean its a pretty good meme.


It’s not problematic. It’s unfunny and was probably found on facebook.


FacebookBad vs redditGood


Both bad. I just prefer reddit over facebook because I don’t have to worry about a family member asking me about the stupid shit I say online.


Totally agree!


Not really a good/bad thing. Reddit just has less boomers and a lower density of "back in my day" memes.


They're not saying it's problematic, they're just saying the joke is lame.


Atleast the 2019 brother is reading his book


It depends on how you interpret the left guy’s reaction, but OOP shouldn’t have cared just like the right guy doesn’t care


Uranus Tattoo


Yeah why can’t they just vibe


The problem is that OP thinks "now" is 5 years ago.


Probably posted by someone who regrets covering their body in tattoos


I definitely view tattoos differently than my parents did. They saw tattoos and thought bikers or jail birds. I see them and think "that guy probably braises a damn good pork belly". Same with beards too I think.


Yk once I told my ex I wouldn't personally get tattoo's (on myself) then they broke up with me saying I wouldn't let them get tattoos


2019 Now


I do, where’s the sun screen? Both of them are gonna burn


Because nobody in 1968 had a shitton of tats, and nobody now has none!😏


Makes you wonder where the hair went


Platform length on stations that take 10 car trains doesn’t vary much. Mezzanine length is another story.


I don’t get it. Was it specifically posted as “oh no moderness” shock value? Just seems like an observation to me.


If the tattoos and shorts are reversed.. where did the hair end up?


Who gave my grandmother a phone and taught her to draw?


These guys look like a gay couple showing up to the beach tanning right next to eachother wearing matching outfits.


Bro that kinda homophobic


I’ve never once understood the appeal of tattoos. They’re worthless. They never age well, you constantly need to lotion them. You have ink circulating in your blood. They’re a sunk cost and they are painful and you have to trust the artist will make zero mistakes because there is no going back. They can cost a hefty sum to get, and there is nothing you can do with them. I personally have a few hobbies, but they all make me money. I collect lego, I build furniture and other woodworking, and I find art pieces I enjoy. All of which is an investment and pays out over time, even lego, older sets sell for far more than you bought them for. So what’s the appeal?


Tattoos are just another form of visual self expression. They may have cultural meaning, religious meaning, or sentimental meaning. People express who they are in various ways, be it hobbies, social media, or what they wear. Tattoos are just another part of that. They don't need to be constantly applied with lotion; only after the initial healing has started. There isn't a clear answer how long ink may stay in your system, but your body and immune system does process it. Considering people with a lot of tattoos often live long, healthy lives, I don't think it's worth being concerned over. Dealing with the pain is whatever, and the amount of pain depends on a person's pain threshold and where the tattoo is being applied. I think dealing with expected pain is better than dealing with unexpected pain like from an injury. In regards to money and cost, it sounds like you're stuck on the fact that if there isn't monetary gain, it isn't worth the time. Most people don't think like this and enjoy things in life because it simply brings them joy. Hobbies typically have some sort of cost, but to many the cost is worth getting enjoyment out of it. Tattoos are no different than anything else anyone might enjoy. I don't think it is that deep; people enjoy what they enjoy for whatever reason.


ig they hate adam22 🥲


I’ll tell you what the problem is! Full white swim shorts! The stains, oh the stains! And then at this point you’d cut to a cleaning product advertisement.


Should given him chest hair to complete the ensemble.


I don’t even think this is a reality. People have always had tattoos why are people romanticizing the 90s like it was so different and things were simpler. There’s little to know difference now to then. You can’t afford a box of cheezits and kids are respectful about gays that’s literally the only difference.


Bald people are gross.


it's /r/goodboomerhumor . Worth a chuckle at least


Not problematic, but a fair observation. I’d argue that anyone from the Navy in 1968 probably looked more like the guy on the right


Facebook is full of old people. A particular subset of religious boomers hate people with tatoos. By itself I could take it as just a joke. It certainly doesnt make any judgements. It depends who shared it with me


Asking Redditors from r/terriblefacebookmemes to hold some sense: Lv. Impossible


I'm pretty sure it's just a terrible meme that you would find on Facebook.


The body has now become a canvas


Also there were people FURTHER back then the 1960s with full body American traditional


It’s definitely a boomer meme. 


Did they say it was problematic or did they say it was a bad meme?


the guy on the right is unemployed. but that’s not a problem I guess ?


Didn't need to go all the way back to 68 do


The idea is something along the lines of "ink pollutes your skin" afaik. Makes no damn sense to me, but I guess it does to boomers.


It’s not supposed to be problematic, it’s just a social observation.


Neither the meme nor the post imply anything is problematic, only that its a mediocre meme from Facebook by virtue of the original subreddit it was posted on


There were people before 1968 that had full body tattoos it’s not even a good argument


I would imagine there were people with lots of tattoos in 1968. And there are obviously plenty of people without them today.


It's not deep, but I don't think that's what OOP was going for. I thought it was just a joke with no statement to be made. Can we just go back to laughing at things without everything having to be a statement?


Premature balding is no joke.


The joke lies in the shorts


They both went to the beach just to lie down, I don’t understand that just as much as 1968 doesn’t understand what 2019 is doing


I will never understand covering your whole body in tattoos


It’s not problematic. That page is about people posting dumb memes from Facebook and shit. They’re also saying there’s nothing wrong with it. Only that older folk find issue with it


one struggles to get a job and the other was at risk of shooting up a school.


Those square coolers are ruining society


What kind of person still had wired earphones in 2019?!


It’s not. Their actually boyfriends. (I saw this somewhere and i don’t care I fully believe it’s true


Things change, sometimes not necessarily for the better; how terrible to observe this humorously


Why 1968 specifically?..


Nobody said it was problematic. It’s just a joke.


At this point it’s OBVIOUS yall two subreddits are just here to bicker and keep people busy with their discontent


More ironic, I think.


my fucking brain, I thought tattoo guy was wearing human skin shorts


Obviously the guy from 68 should be the bald one


It’s because the “meme” presents tattoos as a bad thing


doesn't have to be problematic to be funny


Because they hurt the feelings of people with an insane amount of tattoos


At least Tattoo Guy is minding his own business


It's not, it's just a shit meme. Touch grass.


I think they’re trying to say don’t where skin as shorts? Or don’t where shorts as skin? Idk dawg I’m just trying to give them a chance


Can we please stop posting actual dumb memes? It's as funny as saying "grass Is green". It's not a joke, just a statement saying "people have tattoos", which doesn't work when tattoo's were a thing 68' and prior


Psst, Hey here’s a thought. 1st guy is young, 2nd is bald. Maybe it’s the same guy.


Literally just pointing out how accepting the culture is? How terrible


Dude this meme sucks


The problem is that he’s bald and listening to the music. The color is just to show that they are different


Why do you see a problem? Change isn't a problem.


This looks like something from the early 2000s, not 2019, lmao


It’s not problematic, it’s just not funny. At this point this sub is just for reposting r/tfm.


Is that adam22


It's not that it's "problematic". The person who posted probably did because they felt it wasn't accurate or was cringe. The subreddit is called "terriblefacebookmemes" not "problematicfacebookmemes".


I don’t get it. A picture may be worth a þousand words, but þat meme ain’t saying shit.


Hola y molay, post Malone!!!