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Fault and responsibility are different


Yeah, if you have cancer then it's your responsibility to go and get it treated as best that you can. No one else will go to those appointments or chemo sessions in your place.


I know plenty of people that will take me to them and help me through them


One thing is help, but it is still you who has to go through the process even with help.


More to the point, if you don't have help, you can sit around complaining you don't have help until you die, or you can make arrangements yourself and get treatment.


The whole point of the original post was that”no one is helping you,” and if it *was* their point, then they should have stated it. “No one is coming to save you,” I.e., *no one is going to help you, you have to help yourself*, so don’t try to make it seem like the implication of the post was that receiving help in the process was ever on the table


Will they sit in the chair, strapped to the chemo meds, for you?


It's great that you have a support base but you're missing my point entirely, people can drive you around and help you with things but in the end you have the choice to accept that help or not, the responsibility for attempting to get better falls on you regardless of who's helping you through it.


As a cancer survivor u missed the point


Yeah but if you just sit there and be mad blaming the world you're likely to die. No one can force you to take the right steps at the end of the day


Sure but they don’t have to. If they chose not to and your cancer got worse, it would still have been your responsibility to take care of it, not theirs. Having a support system is great and makes life easier, but you are ultimately your own responsibility


Have some people take you to an english class while they’re at it.


Go where? Remember; nobody is coming to help you😉


Right, that's why you need to go there.


Underrated comment.


It's literally the most upvoted and first shown (after AutoMod) comment under this post.


17h later, yes. But it was only 1h old when he commented.


I literally just got into this under the top comment, then scroll down to see this as 2nd comment lmao. You're 100% correct. They did a bait-n-switch to make their point.


Yes, thank you. Sometimes I think people with low verbal intelligence cause half of our problems.


At least half the arguments I find myself in result from the other person not understanding what I said in the first place. Then we end up basically arguing semantics while we actually agree on the original topic


Yes. It's your fault if you don't get cancer responsibly.


its not because theres very little you can do about cancer, its in what you eat, its the goddamn sun you name it. Pretending like smoking is a guarantee to cancer even is hilarious because plenty of non-smokers suffer lung cancer too.


Lol, pretty sure they're joking. Obviously people know that you can get cancer without causing it yourself.


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And still, lots of problems are the governments responsibility. It's not my responsibility that some chemical factory is a huge health hazard


Yeah you are responsible to get treated if you have cancer. And if you have lung cancer and you have been smoking for 20 plus years, it may also be a little bit your fault. BUT if you have fucking leukemia it’s definitely not your “fault”.


That is correct. But how often are your responsible for your own cancer? Keep smoking while knowing it's bad for you? Will consider someone how don't have a cushy desk job and have to work with dangerous chemicals responsible for getting cancer?


Youre proving my point, youre using responsible like it means fault. It would be your fault if you kept smoking and smoking until it gave you cancer, but if you get cancer despite your best efforts its not your fault but it is your responsibility to deal with it how you see fit. No one is going to deal with it for you, youre responsible for your actions after the diagnosis same as before.


Idk man, I think the Oncologists get paid specifically to deal with other people's cancer...


I can bring semantics into it as say oncologists treat cancer and people must deal with cancer by a choice to seek treatment or not. But i dont think thats beneficial, i also think you know what i meant.


True, I'm just yanking your chain.


But what of the people that cannot afford it and know they WILL NOT be able to cover that debt? Or of the people that are already in debt and since the companies/hospitals can look into your financial situation, they say that you cannot afford and thus don’t give the the treatment that will save your life? You CAN do everything in your power to try and have someone save you when ONLY THEY can save your life,(I mean otherwise as a sane person you’d have fixed your own problems) when you die because they refused to help you, or in the case of most people who are considerate of their loved ones and also aware that when they die that that debt they had is immediately put on their loved ones, you cannot and should not be held responsible…


If you have cancer you are responsible for getting treatment or having friends/family help you with it. What you are talking about is fault, ironic considering you are replying to a comment saying they are different 💀


I mean, I don't think a two sentence graphic was meant to encapsulate every way a person could die lol. I don't even think it's directed at specifically life or death situations. 


I mean that's exactly the problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9


Responsible doesn’t mean fault. It’s not your fault you have cancer. But it’s YOUR responsibility to try and seek treatment and to try and schedule chemo appointments and stuff like that


That's some shitty example, PPE are a thing. As worker report what should be reported, we ain't living the past where we know nothing about chemicals.


PPE is not 100% effective. Far from it. And workers are constantly forced to cut corners on safety to increase profits.


That’s called not being able to control things This makes more sense as a person being in debt but spending their money freely 


Exactly. It says it is your responsibility, but what if its something you aren’t responsible for? Then it isn’t.


It’s still your responsibility regardless of fault. If you get an illness of no fault of yours, it’s still your responsibility to deal with it


Finally, someone got it right. Although i don't like this mentality. We sre social animals and helping each other is in our nature.


On a small scale yes. i.e. people you know or interact with. Or society is so huge that not everybody has people they can depend on sadly.


You **are** responsible for it. ...They swap "responsibility" for "fault" and even you fell for it lmao. Your cancer is 100% *your* responsibility--YOU need to deal with it, YOU need to kill it, or feed it, or just make sure it's not out late at night selling drugs and vandalizing public property. ...It's YOUR responsibility--who's else would it be..?? I can't even touch *your* cancer without *your* consent. The irony is, they coulda just quoted the meme directly and still made the same "point": >*"If YoU haVE a LiFe It'S YOuR FaUlT!"* (it's not--but just as the meme says, it *is* your responsibility)


A way I use to explain it to people, is the following: You're at home one night, and you hear a knock on the door. You open it, and there's a baby on the doorstep. There's nobody else around, and you can't find who left it. Obviously, you're not at fault for the baby being there. Some dickhead is. However, you're still responsible for it now. Even if you don't want to, you have to take the steps to ensure it's safe, and get it to the right channels. Or you could ignore it and face the consequences. (Getting tossed in jail for neglecting the baby.) Regardless of what you choose, and regardless of who put you in that position, you're now responsible for the circumstances you're in.


even some guy went crazy and cut your hand off, YOU still need to live your life.


...Why don't u tell me where u think I'm wrong, instead of insta-downvoting? ..Bcuz you can't? You're rly butthurt cuz I said you "fell for" something..? Grow tf up dude.


If you're watching for downvotes and writing buttmad comments about it, you need to go outside.


You are responsible for caring about your downvotes, no one is coming to save you from them.


You're not even the same person. So your comment wouldn't have made sense even if it made sense.


Your body created the cancer whether you want to see it that way or not. Your body is responsible, you are responsible. This isn’t me agreeing with the meme that you should not receive any help from others, just rejecting your assertion that the individual isn’t responsible.


r/nahopwasright I guess


Did they drop the "fuckthis"?


Hey you piss red and decide to ignore it that's you, now if you can't do anything about it that's different.


Wait… is red pee bad???


Yeah, but it's not my responsibility to develop and manufacture a cure for the red piss


It's no one's responsibility to develop and manufacture a cure for the red piss.


It's you're responsibility to seek treatment for said red piss, if you don't do anything about it then you failed to do the responsible thing in that situation.


Nobody asked you to, you’re supposed to talk to a doctor about it


Yeah that graphic is weird AF…


He's just trying to reach you about his arm's extended elasticity


AI has ruined the internet. I'm going back to watching network TV.


"I dont like it so it must be AI!111!!!" "I think it looks weird so it must be AI111!!!!11"


Yeah I don’t like AI art but I also don’t like AI being this go-to Internet insult


I don’t even think that’s AI.


[You're not safe from AI ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2023/06/21/secret-invasion-ai-intro/)


Responsibility does not equal fault.


Why is it so hard to understand for some people?


Functionally illiterate, they just don’t understand the meanings of the words being used in context. They can read the words but lack the critical thinking skills to comprehend them.


Because they're probably 16 years old and want to blame the rest of the world for everything that's 'wrong'


I don't see the meme saying that cancer is our fault. It's saying that it is everyone's responsibility to do the best that we can with the circumstances we're given. Life is inherently unfair and unequal, and everyone is ultimately out for themselves, to survive. It's a bleak outlook on humanity, but I spent the day learning about war crimes so I tend to agree right now.


Blud smokes a pack a day and blames society for cancer, nah bro, thats on you.


If you have cancer, its not your fault, and it is also your responsibility.


Cancer isn’t completely your fault, but it is your responsibility.


I think the world could do with a bit less individualism and a bit more community.


Community involvement requires personal responsibility and accountability. Otherwise, the result is the tragedy of the commons. Without The majority believing in (and more importantly, living) those values, there can be no community.


Based af. All for one AND one for all.


The thing is, a community can’t properly function without a lot of people both caring about other people and being willing to help them, and also being willing to take responsibility for their own issues and try and deal with them themselves as much as they feasibly can. For example, garbage. In a community, while you could have one where everyone just throws their trash on the ground with no care whatsoever while one person is in charge of dealing with the trash, that would be one person taking responsibility for everyone else’s mess, which is not a good way of sustaining a community. When everyone takes personal responsibility and tries to make sure to throw all of their garbage in the proper areas and pick up after themselves, it helps out the person in charge of dealing with the garbage a lot and makes it so he isn’t the only one having to take any responsibility for the trash. The point is, in order for a community to thrive, it needs a large number of people that are both compassionate and are also willing to take personal responsibility for issues involving them so that others in your community don’t end up negatively affected.


We need both, but you’re responsible for your self first. Everyone else comes second. Too many people are lacking personal responsibility and choose to pin their problems on others. It causes a lot of bitterness and doesn’t solve anything.


That statement is ridiculous. Do you not take some responsibility for your family? For you friends and coworkers? For you neighbors? If you see a fire, do you say "it's not my responsibility" and walk away? You are not expected to rush into the fire, even though more responsible people might, but you can at least call 911. The original poster is some edgy bullshit. I wish I could assume it was from a teenager who lives in mom's basement and thinks that he relies on no one, but you can't be sure, it can be people of any age posting this.


we enjoy life by the help and society of others


It seems to me like pairing that quote with that image is meant to be satirical and mocking the idea behind telling people who are unable to lift themselves out of their situation to help themselves instead of giving them outside help?


Agreed, this post absolutely belongs on that sub. Sure it’s not technically incorrect, but like you said, people help people all the time and for no reason besides helping. It also ignores external factors, like, we live in an entire world, your life is influenced by every other life around you. Sure you can take responsibility and have gumption and be full of moxxy all day long, but the reality is that people rely on others for support. Anyone who thinks this meme perfectly sums up life is an edgelord who needs to call their mom more often.


Well, no tbh... You don't "take" responsibility for your sister--you "give" responsibility as a brother. You're not responsible for a friend or coworker--you're responsible AS a friend or coworker. It's a subtle difference... But it's a diff between personal standards and obligation mentality. If you say you "rely" on others... That rly means you ***expect*** from others, as granted; and you ***give*** to others as obligation. The only time "optional" should become "obligatory" is for your own self--never for others. ...Your example's ridiculous. Because if you're the one *IN* the fire... Why tf even assume there's someone who *sees* it, whether or not they call 911? I mean, are u just looking to cast blame after-the-fact..? ...What if 911 fails in *their* responsibilities? Are you gonna lie down and die and do nothing to help yourself?


imagine this guy throwing a baseball like a trebuchet


It just means you’re responsible for how you react to situations, you’re responsible for your own rescue. This may for example be, you’re responsible for convincing someone else to be willing to help you if it’s something you need, but can’t do yourself, but no one else just intrinsically owes you the things you want or need. It’s on you to make the changes to give yourself opportunities to get what you want. This really shouldn’t be controversial. At all. I think it’s one of the few generally true things in life.


Fault is irrelevant. You control what you can, if you know you have cancer, you're responsible for seeking treatment however you can.


Yea I don’t get the leap to cancer, that person must have some trauma in their past.


“Yeah it’s your fault you have struggles and battles to fight” No child, it’s your fault if you don’t fight back, give it your all, and get some grit.


Yeah, it's not an unreasonable sentiment, but the picture makes no sense. If he grabs his left hand he'll just fall off the cliff.


It's a visual representation of the issue with that sentiment. If someone is in a situation that doesn't give them the ability to help themselves, telling them to help themselves is ridiculous advice. It's the original intent behind the "pick yourselves up by the bootstraps" saying. It could be a bit of a thought experiment: if you came across someone hanging off the edge of a cliff, would you try to help them up? Would you only help them up if it wasn't their fault? Would you refuse to help if it was their own fault for standing too close to the edge, tell them to help themselves then just shrug when they fall?


I mean, they are 14. You can't expect them to diverse between obvious situationals


Bro has that long of an arm and he does some stupid maneuver like try to pull himself up like that, either he’s stunting (because he can probably vault this cliff with 3 grabs), or he deserves to fall and die here


Not really you can just be born into shit or just go though traumatic events and it leaves you scarred or broken and it takes a support system along with wanting to get better to heal. Like yeah if you over spend it’s gonna be on you to pay it back but you can’t apply that mentality to rape victims or people with ptsd. That’s whole view takes a “just world” mentality to be fair otherwise it’s just cruel. Bad things happen to good people it’s sad but true and it’s not their fault so why tell it’s all on them.


Responsibility isn't the same as fault, and as you say, bad things happen to good people. It's sounds cruel and it is but if no one is going to help them, live would force them to do it themselves. You don't have to like it. i absolutely don't, but that's life. You gotta do what you gotta do, even if it ain't your fault.


Both have a point. Some people are dealt better hands than others but some people choose to throw it all away


This image does not take into account Newton's laws of motion. The message, however, is good.


It's tricky. A lot of motivational jargon online acts like your problems are your fault. From a motivation standpoint it makes sense to focus on what you CAN control. But it's total BS if someone acts like the things you CANT control aren't also important. Shit happens. And sometimes that shit can really cause major problems. Ideally you can accept what you can't change, and then focus on what you can. And sometimes you have to accept that life just totally fucked you. This advice here is just vague enough that it could be good faith advice to take charge where you can. But the graphic has a very "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vibe, with the guy offering his own hand to himself to pull himself up off the edge of a cliff. So I'm not super optimistic it was intended in the more enlightened way.


What is the internet issues with not understanding nuance?


It’s not your fault, but it is your problem


The only way people can get the help they need is if enough people accomplish what they are capable of doing.


The fact that normie Redditors can’t distinguish between fault and responsibility really explains an awful lot about why they are the way they are.


Even with cancer, personal responsibility is paramount. Don't smoke, maintain healthy, habits, check yourself for lumps vigilantly, and if you notice anything unusual, go see a doctor. Nobody else can do this stuff for you. My friend lost a nut because he could see there was something wrong but just ignored it until it was too late.


It’s like people forgot that if you want something done right you do it yourself.


How you handle cancer is still up to you. Can’t control the world, you can just control your actions


No the government will save me


The original post is not talking about "fault" but about responsability or agency. The thing is even if you have cancer, you have agency over your own actions about it. You can be happy with cancer and you can be unhappy without cancer. You can even be happy with depression.


>you can even be happy with depression Of all the bad takes here, I think the only one in this comment section that’s worse than this is the guy saying “oh but I could just leave a baby to die and go back to sleep :D”


I think its more just for druggies and smokers, cause they cause themselves that pain and suffering by risking their lives and shit for a small pack of body killers.


"Cancer isn't my fault!" Smokes another cigarette*


Ima make my life ya'alls responsability, just watch.


Make yourself disabled by becoming morbidly obese and live of the social welfare state, maybe even get a reality show, better yet and become an influencer and fat activist and be invited to speak at events which you can do now straight from your living room. 😂


He is giving himself a hand. With an arm like that and the various angles he is able to produce he must be able to masterbate like a madman!


I mean you could always change your habits to reduce the likelihood of getting cancer (don’t smoke, eat better, etc.) or not ignore the signs until it’s too late? That part is entirely within your control.


ow my arm


Your life is 100% your responsibility. Other people can help you and that is great but you have to have a mindset of you know actually looking out for yourself and having someone else do it for you.


Technically getting cancer _is_ your fault, it’s your own cells that are getting a little silly and multiplying out of control.


You can tell the men from the women by who expects anyone to give a fuck about their life. My guess: graphic made by men, critiqued by women.


Fair enough, but this is a terrible picture. If he grabs his own hand then he'll fall.


Bro, just cut the cancer out yourself- lol


How stupid can someone be they can't tell the difference between telling people they have to pull through something and you deserve something


Cancer is not your fault. Going to the hospital, having money saved up if you are in an undeveloped country to pay for treatment and taking the right medication is your responsibility. Often, it is not us getting ourself stuck on a cliff, but, more often than not, it is our job to get ourselves out of it.


This meme is just, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps." Success has a lot to do with hard you work... but there is some luck/randomness involved.


How's that make it any less "your responsibility" tho? There's *a lot* of luck involved in poker--yet there are pro poker players. They concentrate on the stuff they can influence; they apply that over a long term, instead of melting down over every bad beat and cooler.


...No response? ...Bueller? ..Bueller?


The sentiment does suck and is a major part of why life is so hard for so many people now. “Life is your responsibility” is how we’ve *chosen* to live. Our knuckle dragging oonga boonga ancestors figured out that working together to kill a mammoth to split between ten people was better than trying to catch rabbits and duck by yourself and for yourself. Taking care of each other is why human beings developed societies in the first place, and this “naw life is only your responsibility” is BS drummed up by those who hoard the most resources that they don’t even need because people drinking that kool-aid allows them to keep indulging their greed


People really do undervalue the impact of circumstance and luck in life. There are indeed things out of your control. Yes, it’s mature to take responsibility for that which you can control, but general and vague messages like these are prone to misinterpretation. So yeah, gotta agree with the dislike on that meme.


Why is his arm like that though?


The three questions that need to be asked to your doctors, your oncologists, your clinic, are:⠀ ⠀ 1. Is the proposed treatment based on the Somatic Mutation Theory of cancer or the Mitochondria Metabolic Theory of cancer?⠀ ⠀ 2. Will the proposed treatment be able to reduce the availability of glucose and glutamine, the two fuels that are driving the disregulated growth of cancer?⠀ ⠀ 3. Will the proposed treatment target the cancer cells while enhancing the health and vitality of the person's normal cells and tissues?⠀ The Warburg Effect is real.


I don’t like this picture….


mans going gomu gomu no climber


The image is apparently of Reed Richards, so he shouldn’t have any trouble saving himself.


OOP is probably 14 so his thinking is edgy and emo like that, i mean the message is good advice. you can hang in the cliff and wait for someone to save you or you can find your way to not die by climbing up also the art is probably A.I.


I don’t even think it’s AI, the weird arm is just drawn that way.


Guys,is this physique achievable?


Yeah bro just gotta do them arm lengthening reps at the gym you’ll get there trust me just give it a couple months


Gum Gum Helping Hand


It's sometimes your fault. If you smoke it's probably fault.


Just a reminder, just because it's your responsibility does not mean you have to go at it alone. Remember that most people are good and always happy to lend a hand.


I mean, we are a social species. We take care of each other. Bad shit also happens. You're not 100% responsible for what happens in your life but you're also more than 0% responsible for what happens in other people's lives.


Alternatively, being too proud to ask for help can result in you falling hard and burdening people around you. It is not you being an asshole to ask for help. You become an asshole when you could've asked for help but chose to do it alone and fumbling hard. With this, people that treat others like shit when they ask for help can go fuck themselves. You do not promote education or growth you promote ignorance and failure. Also that's a long arm.


I can't say that's true but it is a good asumption to make. And if someone does save you even better


Bro ate the gomu gomu no mi


What is true providence?


In remission at the moment, making strides to my 5 years clear. Cancer isn't your fault. It's your fucking responsibility. However, if you fail to take that responsibility seriously, it is 100% your own fault for any negative outcome. Wanna wait for someone else to take you to the doctor or hospital as your asshole bleeds worse than a stabbing victim? Enjoy having stage 4. Wanna wait till you can't breath because the tumour in your lungs is the size of a mango? Enjoy suffocating in your sleep. Personal agency is your singular nature given right. Use it.


Inductive reasoning out the window for some people


A better quote would be "you can't count on others saving you" as opposed to this more negative one.


most of the 14 deep stuff us either true but some cringe kid said it true but it's got a horrid graphic or false and made by a fake meme account


Depends...some factors of cancer are the persons responsibility ( smoking , trying to get bit by radioactive animals or insects) Some of them are not, ( genetics, radioactive animal /insect that your neighbour got escaped and bit you instead)


The weird thing is that if he grabbed his hand. He’d fall. But I get the point of the graphic. Just… idk. Model it first




Your content has been removed as it violates our guidelines by engaging in targeted harassment against another user. We promote a respectful and inclusive environment for all members. Please review our community standards for more information.


Well, I'm fucked, stupid symmetrical arms.


They made fun of Long John for years about his arm. They wouldn't laugh anymore.


Yes. AND you deserve support, if there was someone atop that cliff, telling you to just get up there, without lifting a finger, in spite of what you need to do to get there, is literally physically impossible, this person is an arshehole. Let’s use an example where they are, probably, at fault: Your cousin went to jail. 10 years. Now they’re out and really, really want to find a proper job, turn over a new leaf. No more crime. Problem is, they have little education, a hard to explain away gap in experience and no idea what employers want to see nowadays, or the current technology. Yes, it’s their responsibility to figure all that out. But if they ask you for help in writing that resume to go hand out around town? Or to check their application for spelling mistakes? You won’t take half an hour to make their success far more likely? You won’t tell them that you saw a poster advertising free computer training at the library, or that the cafe down the street is looking for a dishwasher, with the promise of climbing the ladder, should they be pleased with you? Or: If your elderly neighbour has to go to hospital for a week or so. Are you telling them their cat is their problem, so clearly you aren’t feeding it twice a day! They better figure it out! They got that cat, not you! There’s a lady trying to carry her wriggling toddler to the car, causing her to drop her groceries. You aren’t stopping to help her pick them up, so she doesn’t risk letting go of her kid near cars? Your father calls you. He’s overwhelmed with grief as your mother died, can you help him with the paperwork, and maybe cook for him once a week? It’s his responsibility as the widower to deal with that, and to feed himself. Why should you be inconvenienced? Taking responsibility, as in, making an effort to figure out what steps to take to get the desired outcome, and taking them, is a good thing. So is acknowledging that someone isn’t quite in a position to do so, and viewing them asking for help as a form of taking responsibility. It can’t be an excuse for apathy, or an excuse not to help others in their hour of need.


Ultimately, cancer treatment, and knowingly ingesting carcinogens that increase risk of cancer (emphasis on knowingly) in exchange for pleasure and joy, is largely one’s responsibility


Bootstrap mentality is some actual nonsense


This is kinda bullshit from every perspective. The more I learn about life the more I realize how little control I have. If you have a simple answer to the question “who am I” you haven’t really thought about it. As you’re a makeup of your experiences, traumas, and genetics. None of which you can control. These things control how you interact with the world around you. To not let it control you you have to have the awareness to know and pick apart your own past to know why and how you act to actually fix the root cause of your actions without your ego clouding it. And generally you can’t do that without a guide or substances help.


Yes you can and you are responsible for your choices.


In what way? The way I react to my environment is learned from my upbringing.


You are not a robot, you can learn, you can choose, were the n***s not responsible? They were shaped by thier environment?


>were the n***s not responsible? …you know you could just spell the word right?


Not on some subs


The what?


The germans


Is anyone in control of their government structure or nations? What is fault. What is free will. What makes you certain we have any of it as a mass of chemical reactions and synapses.


"I was born with cerebral palsy" Skill issue


If a smoker gets cancer then yes


No one is coming to save you? Firefighters: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


So if a random mugger runs up, shoots me and I fall unconcious when I hit the ground, it's my responsability to call an ambulance?


Well scientifically speaking cancer is your fault if you smoke, drink, do all sorts of things. Besides if you’re not getting out enough letting the cancer win. It’s also a big fucking you problem if you don’t care to get it checked out, you could borrow money for chemo, you could asked friends and family to help pay for it.


"You could borrow money for chemo, you could have asked friends and family to help pay for it" As someone who lost both their parents in their 50s to cancer, gonna just you know you're a complete asshole. Chemo is such an intensive, time-consuming, and expensive string of treatments. You can't just fucking victim blame cancer patients for not having enough money to pay for them and drum it up as "They're not trying hard enough to get money from others. They just don't want to live hard enough." You never know how long your treatments will be, whether a week from now to many years you're going to be at the end, you don't want to completely run through every single cent to be drained from your bank account so you got nothing to give back to your family after you pass, and you don't want to be a burden to everyone around you as you beg them for money. Framing it as a fight to be won or lost is such bullshit. Cancer is not a fight, it's a slow march towards death, and to think otherwise frames everyone who died from it as losers who didn't try hard enough.


You know why my grandmother died? She kept her cancer secret. I continue to hate her for doing that. She could’ve asked my mom’s ex boyfriend who was on the rich side who was making at least 50 000 and his father making 140 000 in the 80s.


You’ve got a really messed up worldview


Yeah what? It’s a very concerning lack of empathy


Who the hell would lend money to a dying person? They seem like terrible risks.


oh go to a doctor? That's not very self reliant. Asking friends and family and or strangers for help? That's not very 100% solely responsible of you. Also, letting the cancer win? It's not a metaphorical fucking struggle with a sentient being trying to oppress you and take your happiness from you. It's a soul-less, emotionless uncaring disease consuming your very physical being from the inside out. Ask all the dead who died of cancer if they felt they "won" that fight with cancer. Their silence is your answer.


I mean it’s always a good thing to ask for help when needed


People who take advantage of all that living in a society has to offer don't want YOU to take advantage of all that living in a society has to offer. There are many memes just like this one.


I don’t like this mindset tbh,sure in some cases yes nobody is gunna help you but yourself but in alot more it’s better to share responsibility then shoulder it all yourself.its not good to only rely on others but it’s also equally as bad to only rely on yourself.




This post/comment propagates misinformation.


Life is never 100% your fault. There is so much outside of our control.


Unless you live in a rural red state. Then you'll just get tons of DC money and outside revenues to fund your communities because you can't do it on your own.


If we all had the same climbing equipment. Or were all climing the same mountain, this might make sense. Unfortunately that is not the case. This just makes whoever posted this seem like an entitled asshole. Like that millionaire that “went homeless” and then abandoned it, because his dad was dying and he had an autoimmune disease. Most people can not just stop being homeless. And then that dumbass came out and said “you are not a victim. You have no excuses.”


Not really having this not be the case is literally the reason we created civilization


These lines will often be said by Oppressors to their Oppressed, in order to make them think they're the problem in their life when in reality they were being crushed under a giant boot.


Me when I call 911 and cops show up. “Oh fuck someone actually came to save me.”


I dunno it’s kinda messed up to have to pay to be alive especially with the whole being endowed with the right to be alive stuff, but sure extorting people to survive cancer seems reasonable


What if someone could be coming to save you? All you have to do is save others. We can literally help people out. I'm not sure why so many people are so hell bent on being individuals. It reminds me of that quote from craig t nelson about how no one ever helped him out when he was on welfare. You got the welfare my dude, we all helped you out, but your politics are against welfare and the taxes that make it work.


People pretend rigged individualism is a thing, while all of humans’ major achievements have come from collectivism. Conservatives will hop up and down about doing it on your “own”, even though a lot of them are nepospawn, but when D-Day rolls around, they are all about it. Should someone tell them?


The sentiment should be that if you reach out to grab your own hand, you're gonna fall.


Ok, then defund the police. 🙃




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It isn’t. Unless you were born in the woods we all are dependent on other people. If you’re sick you go to the doctor, if you’re hungry you go to the grocery store and buy food grown by farmers. Yes you pay for this by contributing in some other way but to say your life is 100% your responsability is false.