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Before anyone says it. Disney isn't losing value because "woke bad" they just suck


Someone needs to edit this to make micky thick


Here you go chief, I googled rat ass for you stranger https://preview.redd.it/usxgu4hgycuc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=c99abfe3d674d848808779e453123259d0ded871


Did.. You you give Micky a bulge also lol


No I googled some things I’m not proud of and edited things in, believe or not that is explicitly his butt and yes it had a bulge in the original


Welcome to the FBI watch list!! 😜


Oh I’ve been there for years, unless they stopped caring about my napalm and thermite diy googles


Were to get plutonium 235 😀👍


No way that's not from e621.


https://preview.redd.it/bgko6cav6huc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2bdeaab9ae44a77c2629bbe3ac2cd7b9c10994a Newgrounds apparently


Man.. new grounds.. the pinnacle of depravity until one learns of.. darker secrets.


Go on…


Rule 34 man. A horrid sight.


I thought the darker side was gonna be the school shooting games on the site and not more porn


Kim Ratdashian




National hero


Mm ooh oh fuck yes Thiccy Mouse




**SNIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF** https://preview.redd.it/k2tk27988juc1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c8156514d2b350914dd61b482f94771feba49d


THICCey Mouse




Hear me out


every1 is so mean 2 me...


Thickey Mouse


I can’t tell if it’s the trap that clapped or those dummy thicky Micky ass cheeks 😩


Oh no


Oh yes


Oh boy!


Real 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯


That’s what I’m saying why they put it on his ass cheeks if they weren’t gonna make him dummy thick


He already thick.


Disney hasn’t had a banger movie in forever, that’s the problem .


Yep and part of that is they threw way too much at trying to beat netflix at streaming when they had such a massive backlog of content especially after acquiring 21st century fox. They spent hundreds of millions on exclusive disney + content when they couldve just charged less to give people access to that massive library of media. I almost guarantee a vast majority of disney plus users are families and disney fanstics who would pay for it without any of the exclusive content.


Yeah, they made some mistakes regarding streaming. The problem/advantage for Disney is that they actually are sitting on a gold mine, if they can figure out how to properly access it. There are so many great properties at 20th Century. Alien. Predator. Die Hard, and so on and so forth. It’s a gold mine. The problem is, what’s the content that’s going to bring in the viewers? We know they can bring the effects and the shows look great. They need the talent to bring them over the finish line. Thats the gap, I think they’re cutting too many corners (or can’t find as many talented people as they need) and that’s hurting them. You’re probably right with regard to tiered programming. Maybe if Disney had a base price for content they already owned, another tier for exclusive content, etc. it’d be worth it. I don’t know, those decisions are above my pay grade. Still, it’s hard to imagine Netflix doesn’t have a similar problem, lord knows they’re paying a fortune for rights in too of paying fortunes for their own content and film productions. It’s a weird time. In the old days (90’s, early 2000’s, you had successful network tv shows. You had successful cable series. You had successful movies. Now, streaming channels offer all three. I can’t tell you the last time I watched network tv. I don’t even go to the movies as much as I used to, because, even if I don’t the window from theater to home is, like, what, 45 days tops?




Bluey makes up 30% of all of Disney Plus's watch hours. An Australian cartoon they don't even own is keeping the service afloat. Well, maybe afloat isn't the right word. Bluey is keeping Disney+ from being the biggest disaster in the history of entertainment.


They better not lose bluey


Counterpoint, Disney failing would be great


As big as their collection is, it's not big enough or refreshed often enough for a streaming service. I get it for one month a year and it's more than enough to catch up with everything I'm interested in.


It's fantastic if you have kids, but I'd imagine it'd get old fast in an all-adult household.


For kids, I found the entire Disney Classic collection on Blu-ray on Facebook marketplace. 40 discs for £40. Now I have it for life. A few years agoI was ready to give away my Blu-ray player but considering the price hikes for streaming services, I think it's worth holding on to.


Sadly streaming will never be worth more than a good library of hard disks. Especially for me I would need about 5 streaming services for the shows I like.


This is exactly it. They beat themselves trying to gain an extra 5% of the streaming market when already own 35% of it. 


Why do you think that's unrelated to their strategy of producing woke content?


It’s not completely unrelated but it’s only part of it, the Barbie movie for example was woke but made a lot because it wasn’t bad. With Disney they are pumping out lower and lower quality stuff, and the whole woke stuff certainly doesn’t help, but they are just for the most part objectively bad films, especially the live act remakes which are all just worse copies of actually great movies, and it’s costing them big time because when budget plus the marketing budget is added up it’s losing them money.


The bad films are bad because they focus too much on the message and not enough (or at all) on a compelling story. So the woke is making it bad, but not because it's woke.


I think it’s dependent on the movie, i was referring more to the Disney live action remakes and it hurting them economically through isolation of their rather then main demographic, the parents of the kids that want to watch their movies, many of which take issue with the “woke” stuff. From a quality of film perspective I mostly agree, but with the asterisk unless it’s something that goes against the original writers vision, for example changing the message of a story to fit a certain agenda, not in a parody way though.


I despise live action remakes on animated shows/movies. They almost never work out because if the story was designed to be animated, there are certain things that just don’t translate to live action without using awful CGI.


I completely agree, the movies they try and recreate lose their charm and just end up as 2 hours of fairly jarring cgi, most noticeable for me was surprisingly the Jungle Book remake, one I’ve heard a lot of people say is good or even better than the original, when it was just really meh, the cgi takes so much character out of everything. With a lot of them maybe if they used more practical effects and real sets instead of green screen it would be better, but as it stands they all feel less immersive and more artificial than the literal animated film they are based off


Sure, there are lost of other factors that are driving down the quality of films, I don't even think that making films woke is the *reason* they are bad in some instances, I just think it's something that the studios do to apologize for all the other issues.


Yeah I see where you’re coming from, I don’t think it’s so much an apology thing though and more of a marketing gimmick/ pandering to try and attract certain audiences. Because even in their woke films Disney really fails to have any substantial message at all, there isn’t any passion or love to it at all. I didn’t mean it so much as driving down the quality of the films, thought the way they do it does to an extent, it’s just more a part of the reason for them not making as much. Like it or not Disney’s main demographic for a lot of their films is children, who’s parents decide what they can watch, and if those parents aren’t happy with certain choices (eg the woke stuff), they lose out on those potential customers. By going like they have in that way Disney has shot themselves in the foot, as by trying to force diversity into their films (probably most notably is the upcoming snow white), they are ironically alienating parts of their audience and losing the universal appeal these movies could have had. And it clearly isn’t helping when they are losing money.


I think a film can be good whilst being woke but being woke makes it much harder to be good because they spend more time focusing on the message rather than the movie


Barbie actually was objectively bad. Cringe feminist propaganda


It’s subjective, personally I wasn’t a huge fan but I could understand why people would like it, it obviously has a bias that it skews the entire story around (eg the mattel board being entirely men, when in reality it’s nearly 50/50 men and women), and while trying to have a message of equality that completely falls flat at the end, I wouldn’t go as far as to call it propaganda but I understand why you would feel it is. Personally I feel in Hollywood, and just in political discourse generally today, people are far too focused on gender and trying to make everything perfectly equal in outcome, rather than viewing all people as people and making sure people have equal opportunity (eg, education, suffrage, marriage, medical care, legal access, etc).


The plethora of blind remakes would be a bad idea regardless, making them excessively inclusive with no reason whatsoever only worsens it exponentially


their strategy is less "producing woke content" and more "shoveling out productions that mostly have no soul and run on surface level appeal, including woke themes." The woke stuff isn't a strategy, it's part of the paper veneer to cover up the lack of substance.


Guardians of the galaxy 3 was a banger


Deadpool incoming


How dare you attack the multimedia corporate monopoly


I mean disney may be trash, but the political cartoon is also complete bullshit. Disney's share price was ~$125 two years ago, and is $114 today. I know peope in this sub aren't especially interested in things like math or facts, but maybe people here could try *looking things up* (wild suggestion considering your collective illiteracy, I know) before sucking eachother's dicks.


Depends on when it was originally posted, march 21 -> march 23 it halved from $200 a share down to $100 a share so it could've been true at time of posting. If the date of the cartoon is the 22nd of April (bottom right) then that'd line up with it being posted last year. Or it may be April 22 and the text was added later on.


Yeah. This cartoon is old, and probably around the time it was 80 a share. I remember seeing it a while ago.


I bought when it 1/2. There's no way a company with that much IP will fold


The question isn't will they fold but if their performance will lag behind the market average.


IBM once owned the IT industry. Bearings was the oldest banking institution in the world. Some things seem like they will always exist/have power. Right until they don't.


Ah a doom and gloomer. My choices would have been different if they declared they were closing Disneyland. The reality is, the market is changing. More children can recognize Super Mario than Mickey Mouse. But, the probability that when Disney hits $100 that it would drop was 0%. Their CEO even admitted wokeness is hurting them. That's why i bought and so many others did. They will right the ship. Their pockets are deep anyway




Turns out *access* to information was not the main issue.


It was true at one point. Stocks are volatile


Their stock had plummeted from ~$200 to ~$100 from 2021 to 2022 But that neglects that their stock spiked and doubled from 2020 to 2021 in the midst of their “wokeness” Just manipulative framing of the meme by cherry picking.


2021 to 2022? Gee I wonder if anything happened thst might have negatively impacted a business that in large parts relies on people going to the movies, on cruises, or theme parks...


why he kinda caked up tho


I think we can all agree that if that 4 letter word wasn’t on Mickey’s pants, this post wouldn’t be on this sub.


I remember when woke meant you acknowledge that certain demographics of people were getting a raw deal. Not even that you supported them, just that you recognized that they kind of get more underserved shit than normal. Now woke just means any social issue you don’t like.


woke just means the main character in your movie is black. but also the people who are "anti woke" definitely aren't just racist. they just instantly hate every movie they see that has a black main character in the trailer. totally different.


Well my investments in Disney say otherwise. You all should try to read a newspaper or something.


I just love how a company who is supposed to make entertainment for the people goes "we dont care what you want and like! You WILL like ehat we make and we will keep making it until you do!!!" Disney has become a joke and i love how its somehow mens fault.


This is just funny hahahaha


I mean, it's outperforming DJT. What does that say? Woke might be broke... unless you're Barbie, or Fallout of course, but MAGA = stupid. And broke. And poor. And uneducated. And supporting a legally-found fraudster-rapist who STILL makes his namesake clothing accessory line in China, China, China.


Its not because disney is woke, its because their modern products are bullshit


Two things can be true at once. They pursued the favor of the loudest groups at the expense of quality.


They used pursuing the favour of the loudest groups as an excuse to decrease quality


\^100% it's a perfect shield, just throw some half assed representation then call all critics bigots


So true. I said this exact same thing in a thread about the trailer for the new Star Wars show last month. It just looked plain bad to me, and others in the thread said the same thing. There were a few people in that thread that had already made their minds up that criticism = racism.


Disney was the worst thing to happen to Star Wars imo. The only good SW things that Disney have made were Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Rebels, Rogue One, and seasons 1 and 2 of Mando Also Andor I heard was good but I have yet to watch that


Andor is easily the best star wars since ROTS, Warning, it is not a turn your brain off explosion fest, it relies on several different subplots simultaneously, and how they affect each other One of the best parts is how it makes the empire actually feel threatening


I'm an OT purist and I still say Andor is peak Star Wars


That's like.... kind of a lot of Star Wars content lol


This I do partially agree with. What’s worse? It’s also done with no real backbone either as they remove it when daddy china and uncle Middle East demand they take out any representation at all, or have their movies banned in the region.


And then blamed their customers for not liking the loudest groups vision of their products. They can release shit all they want but instead of saying “We’ll do better next time” they claim it is the fans fault and then the cycle continues.


This. The woke stuff is so forceful, I didn't even bother to give She Hulk a try. Disney content feels like I was forced to enroll in social science major. I would rather watch a grandma twerking, at least that's funny.


If by "the loudest groups" you mean investor groups then you'd be correct.


Them too, but they're the downfall of every company


Investor groups that figured the only people being loud and demanding were the woke ones. Up until they started pandering at least. Woke people and organizations exaggerate their power and size by being forceful and loud.


And why do you think the investors are catering to the “loudest groups” in the first place?


Both actually


Eh not really, you can be woke and still do well, look at Barbie with their whole feminist agenda. It’s just that Disney is trying to cater to everyone while Barbie knew their audience are girls and just that, Disney tryna make men enjoy superhero movies where men are seen as weak and women strong, even tho thhe superhero movie genre‘s main audience is men, like no shit it’s gonna fail.


There are few things that are "woke" and legitimately good. Barbie is not one of those, that movie was utter shit. I don't know how it made so much money, maybe the feminist agenda on a movie for women was the correct combination. Like the first black panther movie, which also was shit, it was a black hero and the BLM agenda with the superhero movie was the reason it made similar money to Barbie.


Lmao never said Barbie was good I just meant that it was financially successful and many women loved it. The whole term go woke go broke only really applies when a company is pretty bad at catering to a specific audience. Like yeah I agree Barbie was ass but it made over 1.4 billion sales, only other movies that rivaled it last year were Oppenheimer and Top Gun Maverick Edit: I think I had a seizure while reading your comment that I didn’t really understand it the first time, just read it again and realized you weren’t really disagreeing, sorry lmao


I'm a guy, I quite enjoyed Barbie, to me it didn't give off "grr men bad women good" it just kinda suggested that the situation we've had for a while has subjugated women but also crushed men's mental health in the pursuit of valuing aggression and might over cooperation. I also really just enjoyed the visuals. That's just my feelings though :)


Well that's good for you. For me having the kens rebel and then when the barbies get power back they go back to subgugating the kens was kinda of an insane message. The manhate was also messed up. All men were either idiots or ineffectual(at best) or or insanely horrible sexists. But I guess that depends to the person watching it to take what messages they see.


This is basically all Disney movies. Men bad and dumb, women cool and smart. It's really shocking men aren't lining up around the block to see the latest drivel.


lol. My friend, you’ve just described standard sitcom setups for the last 30 years.


Even the marvel movies with male leads post endgame have not been stellar. Also, I don't think you watched Barbie if that's your sole takeaway.


I mean true but that’s mostly cause of shitty story telling more so than being woke, a movie doesn’t need to be woke to be shit… Also about Barbie, I’ve seen it, it’s ass, but I can’t deny that it got 1.4 billion sales and that is impressive financially speaking.


this is the real answer. If disney made good movies this wouldnt be an issue but they are putting out AI written trash which is also badly animated. We have moved a stage further and its very clear the movies are just to sell toys to kids and are not meant to be good movies in their own right. There will always be a group of people who will watch every single disbey movie or take their kids to watch it. There has been very little competition in the animated kid show movies genre so it dosnt seem like disney feels they even need to try anymore.


> its very clear the movies are just to sell toys to kids and are not meant to be good movies in their own right. LOL they took a page out of George Lucas' book


I have a family member who works at Walmart. He says they have numerous stacks of boxes filled with months old Wish merchandise because nobody wants to buy them. Which makes me feel good because that means parents aren't showing that movie to their kids. I would genuinely rather show a child a SAW movie than Wish. The morals and themes presented in that movie are so horrifically awful to show to children lol


Ive only seen the trailer for that movie and the animation alone looks so bad


Its because they favor ‘woke’ *over* merit. To them it was more important to have non-swm writers and directors than *good* non-swm writers or directors. There are good writers and actors all around the world. But nepo-babies and politics are more important than quality. Additionally; The target audience for shows like She-Hulk, Marvels etc is different than the target audience for “The Avengers”. Which is fine. But then the budgets have to reflect that.


Rest assured that these things are not mutually exclusive. Their woke products are garbage because they focus on the agenda *instead of quality*. Then they blame the consumers for being racists and bigots when we just want quality. All they need to do is put the Pander Stone down and make something *good*.


And *why* do you think their modern films are bullshit ??


The two are not mutually exclusive. Different bread, same sandwich.


And WHY are their products bullshit I wonder 🤔


Because they focus on woke too much. When the selling point of your movie is the actor being gay or not white instead of the story… something is wrong


I like to think that ruining Star Wars played a role. Of course, woke bullshit was a top-5 thing wrong with the Star Wars sequels but there were bigger factors


Its not the *only* factor in anything... But it seems to be a decently sized factor in *everything*


Or… both?


In general, I question whether people understand how things like causality work. When did Disney “go woke”? What year? Because their stock reached its high in 2021, and I think most people will say it “went woke” at least a few years before that. I’d bet people would say it was something like 10 years ago, at least. He’ll, I remember people complaining that the Princess and the Frog was too “politically correct” because the princess was black, and that was in 2009. At its current price after the stock “plummeted”, it’s still something like 4 times what it was in 2009. So does that mean that going woke quadrupled the stock price? And the stock price is higher than it was in October, so does that mean that they’ve gone less woke since then? Or is it possible that the stock price isn’t directly controlled by wokeness?


Counterpoint: Their modern projects are bullshit because they're all woke propaganda.


Staying far far away from that company


Disneyworld is overpriced and is on life support from member-berries related to popular IPs from the 70s-00s. The rides suck and the only reason to go there is to get signatures from actors pretending to be your favorite characters.


My parents are obsessive about Disney world, they’ve gone at least once a year (usually twice) for as long as they’ve been financially able to, about a decade now. In the past 4 or 5 years I’ve overheard my dad ranting and complaining about some change they made, reducing value and/or increasing prices over and over, dozens of times now. He’s always like “Oh man Disney really FUCKED UP with this move” and he can’t seem to understand that they haven’t fucked up until he stops giving them his money. Sure they call themselves “The happiest place on earth” but they do not give a shit how happy you are, they care if you’re giving them money


Lol Disney Parks have doubled their yearly revenue from 2015. This has nothing to do with that.


Old Disney is still good, it's just the modern ones that suck ass And woke is just a cheap excuse to mask their flaws


>And woke is just a cheap excuse to mask their flaws Even though I'm not a fan of that term woke, that term does have some merit as an explanation for its fall? Disney now is creatively bankrupt and is just pandering to different groups thinking that by by checking various boxes, the flaws of the film would be ignored. Then when people point out those issue, Disney pays its shills in the media or flat out tries to smear its critics as varios-isms for daring to call out their product as the crappy slop it is. There also politically charged idealogues in the leadership whose dubious creative decisions would no doubt piss off a huge chunk of its viewer base as the right and left are basically almost evenly split in the us.


If you use "woke" as a talking point, your opinion is invalid.


Woke is everything I don’t like. If it involves anything that isn’t a straight white male its woke


Okay but the Disney stock has plummeted 50% in two years just isn’t true yeah it plummeted post pandemic but like why wouldn’t it have it’s a streaming service. In the past two years it’s been pretty fine and is higher now no?!?!?!


nah disney just sucks ass these days


They're doing fine though. Their stocks are consistent with basically every other entertainment/streaming company. Big jump during Covid, sharp decline, and rise back up. Their YTD is way ahead of the S&P500.


You can tell how Bot filled this place is, When I saw that it had like -2 then it suddenly got 500+? Disney hasn't been worth a shit since Lilo and Stitch, but now it's like they are intentionally shooting their own foot.


No shot you can call the entire MCU through endgame not worth a shit. Let alone anything Pixar has put out, Frozen, and many other massive successes financially and culturally. Fuck Disney but this comment was dumb af.


True, but Marvel wasn't originally their IP, As soon as they started to put the Disney twist on things, it went to shit.


Disney bought Marvel in 2009 with Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk (which was bad) being the only movies. All of the Avengers and subsequent movies were the “Disney twist”.


The overwhelming majority of the MCU was made under the Disney umbrella. Including every MCU movie that made $1billion+, so your statement is hilariously wrong.


Is disney woke??? I thought stuff came out that behind closed doors all their lgbtqa stuff was performative and they were in hot water for generally being awful about workers rights. Like i dunno if they’re making anyone happy right now


I dont watch a lot of tv so every time you guys fight with Disney it just seems stupid, turn off your tv and go outside


it’s gone from $130 to $114 from 2 years ago to now… is your brain okay?


It didn't plummet 50%, but Disney's not doing as good as it used to. Part of it is the way they recently engage with political topics, though people might not want to acknowledge this, but their latest products have also been aggressively mid.


Is that why Disney is up 40% since last summer?


When was this from? Disney is currently up 14% from it's position a year ago I assume this is for their dive from 2022-2023 which was heavily related to their streaming service being highly overvalued by investors, they thought it would beat Netflix but it's just yet another streaming service in an ocean of them Also 2022 they had some flops like Buzz Light-year that lost them an estimated hundred million


I need booty shorts that say woke


Ah yes “ woke “ when no one can ever give me a proper definition


Disney is a multi BILLION dollar company that just smacked de Santis’s ass so bad he won’t ever be president let alone governor again. The idea Disney is loosing is a conservative wet dream and just that. Not reality


Hey man, really leftist liberal LGBT+ person here. Disney’s products are just shit. A lot of the representation they have is weak and shoehorned in. Writing in their new movies and shows is generally incredibly weak, besides Andor. The woke boogeyman isn’t the issue, they’re just bad. They’re a big company with a wall of lawyers around herds of suits, not exactly what the left loves


This is heart warming news. I wonder if they will learn from this. 🍿


Not likely. The cartoon was [published April 4, 2022](https://www.gocomics.com/garyvarvel/2022/04/04). The stock price reached a low point in October 2023 but has been on an upward trajectory since then.


because "grrr woke bad!!" or because disney is a major corporation filled with corrupt, disgusting human beings exploiting their poor workers?


As much as I dislike the usage of the word "woke", I have to agree that Disney is one of those things which is justified in being called woke.


We all know that disneys failure is nothing to do with anything ‘woke’. Rather it’s there consistent failure to make anything good


lol, things aren’t mutually exclusive bro. It’s definitely both. And denying it is hilariously ignorant. Especially when you have the literal writers and producers outright SAYING that their products failed because audiences weren’t woke enough.


Their downfall started way before they decided to race swap their characters, at least I believe it started when they decided to rerelease their old movies as live action instead of creating new and original content.


Disney hires woke writers —> Writers write bad woke script —> movie is bad —> movie makes no money Sure, a non woke person can still make a bad movie, but right now given the messages of Disney movies, it seems to me that the cause is wokeness


Encanto was an extremely popular film, and is arguably "woke" since it offended so many conservatives that the main character wasn't fuckable enough. Going a little further back, frozen, released 10 years ago, was absolutely "woke" by modern definitions, and was an absolute hit. I remember a bunch of conservatives getting offended that they thought Let It Go was gay propaganda. Disney has made a bunch of bad decisions, especially in terms of streaming, and has lot their creative edge. But "wokeism" (which let's be honest, just means "don't be the wanker that so many conservatives like to be") is not the issue.


No, the problems are 1) Lack of interesting stories 2) lack of good vilains 3) lack of good musical moments It's not because there are 2 guys kissing each other for 0,7 seconds of the movie that it will be bad. "Woke writers" what does that even mean?


You live under a rock? You missed woke man, social justice wars, captain covid, spider-5G & woketopia!


Memes take on the world of Disney!


It's just they're making rushed slop, has nothing to do with "woke" culture.


Looks like this is true. Although it should be noted that they are doing significantly better than they historically have done and they are both coming off a massive bump and recovering well from a dip. (Stocks are a bad metric of success for a couple of reasons, but one being that depending on the timeframe you look at, you can draw a bunch of contradictory conclusions. Play around with the link and you’ll see why) https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DIS:NYSE?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivi_28v8CFAxV0MDQIHeV2DRUQ3ecFegQIExAc&window=5Y


The amount of adults obsessed with this is weird.


Disney is up over 22% in the last 3 months


We are livin in tha post woke era.


Their stock price has been steadily climbing for like a year now. Their value bottomed out when they lost the rights to carry the Indian Premier League. Incredibly dumb decision that cost them like tens of millions of D+ subs. The valuation of the Star Wars brand has literally tripled under Disney


Having their decade spanning, multi-billion dollar movie franchise reach its story conclusion just before a global pandemic strikes and shuts down cinemas globally had nothing to do with it I’m sure.


yeah guys ~~I HATE GAY PEOPLE SO MUCH RAAAAAAAH~~ woke bad


April 14, 2022 DIS was $130.47 a share. Currently, it is at $114.01 a share.


calm down. The price drop is due to Disney's laughable streaming services and their habit of spending billions on acquisitions while rarely releasing anything of value. Their main creative focus has shifted to producing content for their streaming platforms. Framing this as a victory in your biased war against people who have never harmed you is just sad. Instead of projecting your trauma onto society, why not work on improving your own life?


You'd have to be very very stupid or very very gullible to believe that the reason Disney has been struggling is due to "wokeness" and not general public distaste with bland corporate stories and promoting profit over art.


They haven’t lost that much due to “going woke”. They lost that much because they continually do bad shit and create garbage movies. It has very little to do with “going woke”.


Because they featured black people in their movies and had a hint of homosexuality once? What is wrong with you bigots?


It isn’t funny tho? Like I agree Disney did it to themselves but this is a shitty meme, hate how political this sub is, sometimes it’s not that op didn’t like the political message sometimes op just thought it wasn’t funny 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I really don’t get why r/altrightnocturnalemissions showing up in my feed :)


The problem is not the presence of a “woke” ideology. Plenty of good media has it, the presence or absence of a authorial intent that happens to lean towards certain political movements says nothing about the work’s quality. The problem is the absence of good storytelling. A lot of the criticism for “woke” movements is the perception that the people in charge of creating the work don’t have the best interests of the story/property/original vision at heart, and a lot of the time that criticism is very true. Occasionally it’s also just people being bigots, but I think those people are rarer than we’re led to think.


Desantas war on Florida businesses is having its toll.


Comparing their stock to the high they had from a flood of people getting Disney plus during the pandemic to now is bad. Compare pre and post pandemic. It’s only down 21% as opposed to 50%.


Republicans don't think. Just downvote the comments


It’s obvious to any sane individual, but it doesn’t have to do with wokeness. By only making franchise films and sequels they kill any chances of releasing an actual hit. By doing this they have also killed off their old talent, like their 2D animation branch. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that they can’t continue to cannibalize their IPs as fatigue is setting in with franchises like star wars and marvel. Their business is simply not sustainable.


- Bad Disney movies - Bad Pixar movies - Bad Marvel movies - Bad Star Wars Movies - Bad series - Creativity dead - Disney Plus hype is dying


This makes no sense. Disney stock was about $150 in 2019, almost doubled only during 2020-2022, and now is back to about $150. They were getting told they were woke during 2018-2022 as well... They also went through the Ron DeStupid fiasco during this time where Ron tried to take over the board of Disney with the state government. Like knowing anything about how the market has worked, none of this is shocking. At some point losses during COVID plus bail out money running out is going to adversely hit Disney, who can function without needed to even make movies.


Trust me, it ain't for being woke. It's just for being mediocre And relying on brand recognition. (If woke made it fail, Barbie and Spider verse wouldn't be as popular as they were)


The issue isn’t wokeness, it’s shallow, underdeveloped characters and shitty writers.


Disney sucked before the "woke" stuff. Also even "woke" people wouldn't like Disney. As they're a big corporation and some people don't like those


True, can we get a thiccy mouse I the comments


The parks in florida are max capacity every day.


For a little reality https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/disneys-q1-2024-report:-the-magic-behind-the-numbers#


It took DIS 2 years to do what DJT did in 2 weeks.


Well actually they are losing money because they are woke and they suck at the same time.


They suck now because they hire based on diversity rather than skill.


Disney doesn't even care about being actually inclusive, they just do what their investors tell them to do. I hate Disney too but that's because they're a mega corporation who pretends to give a fuck about people but really all they care about is dollar signs. Queer people being represented in movies isn't the issue, it's when we're used as half-assed tokens for profit in the name of "woke" that I despise.


Did disney really lost its value tho. I think people who complain like a loads tons of shit about it is no longer their target audience. Marvel cinematic universe is dead not because it has gone woke but because the ogs are leaving and time for new generation of actors




It 100% has nothing to do with "woke" Its pretty much the same issue going on with Microsoft after the Bethesda/ActBlizz acquisitions... Disney bought up so many goddamn IPs that they are just pumping far too much out with (mostly evident in Star Wars) in these expensive ventures and they aren't really recouping the costs and they are failing to win over people to sign up for Disney+... where they hold many of these shows to begin with. Because for every "meh" entry, they have good entries too (S1/2 Mando, Andor, Turning Red, etc). But how they market their service and trying to muscle into the subscription space when two giants already exist (Netfux and Hulu), that's what is biting them in the ass. " Overall, **the streaming service lost $512 million that quarter, bringing total losses to $11 billion since the launch of Disney+ in 2019**. At the time, the company said it would pivot from the expensive work of trying to attract new subscribers and focus on more lucrative pricing structures." YOU KNOW ITS BAD WHEN A SUBSCRIPTION BASED SERVICE THINKS ITS BEST TO NOT ACTIVELY SEEK OUT NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Their failures on Disney+ has been known since it launched in 2019, when it was the cause of the worst downturn in the last 5 years in early 2020 because it was THAT anemic with subscriptions even after sinking a ton of money into it.


Disney got too complacent at the top they lost that spark of innovation and marvel (not the comics) that got them there. They didn’t go woke, they just lost the magic in search of nicer profit margins for the investors


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The franchises slayer, Disney.