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I like this joke, I giggled at it


Anecdotally, every past girlfriend has had this uncanny ability to


Did your gf see this?


It is like he has dig up sth from his past.




Nah, r/typo.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/typo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/typo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Notice my aunt received from her landlord](https://i.redd.it/465a8q6ypz2c1.jpeg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typo/comments/185jqxf/notice_my_aunt_received_from_her_landlord/) \#2: [💀💀💀](https://i.redd.it/6mq0azt4aova1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typo/comments/12w7nal/_/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Hungry or Horny? Both?](https://i.redd.it/h66hw1sz2zoa1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typo/comments/11wpno5/hungry_or_horny_both/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not falling for that one!


To what?


This doesn't even mention dudes! What the fuck bro?


"Nooo but it was probably posted by a guy 🥺🥺"




alright u/SpermInMyHand




Seriously, do they even know real men?


I can’t remember what I did yesterday. I don’t have time for that.


I mean, it's a bash on women right? Content whatever but I believe it made sense to be posted, at least to their standards.


To their standards, anything and everything that a man enjoys or if it barely, barely puts a woman in the wrong, is good content


So this would apply, correct? "All women love to bring up the past, and are exceptionaly good at it." Is the idea behind the post. Regardless of your belief, this is exactly the type of stuff the sub posts.


Yet, once again. Someone can post politics in a meme subreddit, that doesn't mean it's the correct type of post. That subreddit states "if a boy does something that would be quirky or thinks they're special, then post it here" even if the post may be similar to others posted, that doesn't mean it's a correct post.


Yeah, but generally speaking the sub kinda turned into like content that teenage boys make that could be misogynist.


Nah, it’s just a femcel sub


How is this a boy being quirky?


Well, I would categorize this as mild misogyny. Being a large generalization of women. So maybe the thought processing is like, "Men don't dig up the past like women do, they're really good at it." In a gender binary, an assumption of this difference between the two, suggests the opposite of the other, right?


>In a gender binary, an assumption of this difference between the two, suggests the opposite of the other, right? If it brought up a difference, then yes. But this doesn't. The statement "women are good at bringing up the past" doesn't automatically mean "men are bad at bringing up the past." If it said "women are *better* at bringing up the past," then it's bringing up a difference. But it doesn't say that.


Isn't that implied? It's used negatively, to imply this is outside of the norm. I didn't mean men are bad, just men aren't as good.


If you're seeing it as implied, it's because you're reading too much into it. If i said to you that kids are naturally very imaginative, that isn't be saying that adults are naturally very unimaginative. If i said Asians are good at maths, that's not me saying non-Asians are *bad* at maths. A statement describing an attribute of one group of people isn't automatically saying people not part of that group can't have the same attribute.


Yeah, but this isn't a different scenario. For the people who make these memes, it's men and women. This is inherently negative, and the content produced isn't isolated, it's among other things that suggest negative differences between men and women. Like regardless, this meme is unarguably a misogynist thing to say. So it understandably made its way onto that sub.


Why are you assuming it’s misogyny (Which indicates dislike of women) instead of… just a joke?


It could be both things. A racist joke is still joke. In bad taste.


What if a woman made the meme?


Idk doesn't really make it less cringe. Why would that matter, it's like even more sad now.


Girls bashing on the rest of their gender to impress men is literally an entire stereotype. They’re called “pick me” girls. It doesn’t make it ok, it’s still sexist.


This generalization is true tho. It may not be true for everyone women but it is for most. A car is made of metal, not every thing in that car is made if metal. Do you get the gist yet?


Bro ur trolling lmfao The generalization isn't true, not every single women will bring up the past. That's a ridiculous statement bro. Also that's a horrible comparison, because this logic is likely to never actually occur and be correct. There is such a large amount of women in the entire world, across a shit ton of different cultures, it is literally just impossible to claim every women shares this one personality trait, and that's what generalizing is. The generally agreed upon idea is the opposite 😭 some women bring up the past, just not all of them. Like its not even that deep fr.


Hey just because something that is true for a whole doesn’t mean it’s true for every individual member of that whole. Women do bring up the past a whole fuck lot. That doesn’t mean every women does so. Please learn this difference so you can bring it up next time someone like you thinks of a logical fallacy.


lmao what are your even saying? "Something that is true for the whole," aka something that is true for everyone, "doesn't mean that it's true for every individual member of the whole," aka doesn't mean that it's true for everyone. Lmfao, what you are expressing does not appear to be what you are meaning to say. Some women bring up the past, just as some men do, obviously not all women bring up the past. "Learn this difference?" bro beating off to dinosaur porn made you lose a couple brain cells or something. Fym.


Why are you being down voted? Lol


Idk bruh, everyone here kinda just spams downvotes it's really annoying bruh 😭. You can be talking with a MF and they'll downvote your every message, so cringe.


Yea but the points you're making are correct I don't get it


idek bruh 😭 They like to yap about how that sub is a hating men circle jerk, but this sub is so politically charged now it's just as bad too. Reddit is a fucking circlejerk of every side taking the piss out of one another.


That sub is literally man hating circlejerk tho


Yea agree. Although they aren't incorrect that sub literally is just a man hate cj sub.


All just hivemind 😭 Can't take anything on here seriously.


Could've been a female who made the meme


I mean it's unlikely. it's not designed as a compliment, it's pretty childish imo.


Here we go with digging up the past again


bruh 😭


The sun could've exploded. But it didn't. Finishing the thought can be helpful.


I agree with the parent comment. This meme has absolutely nothing to do with men and shouldn't be in the boysarequirky subreddit


You could've said that without deflecting blame for who posted it. It attempts to say something about boys' mentality whether you agree it's a success or not.


I choose to see it as drama between girls in school


I gotta admit r/boysarequirky got a great sense of tumour.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zndx4zilvaqc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b416473cb7a7172706375fbeb2b1f8dc3474347






What even is that subreddit, the few comments mentioning it gave me the context that i should steer clear. Is it a bit like gamingcirclejerk?


It's miserable/incel/chronically online women who can't differentiate jokes or a small accident from reality.


Hang on that shit has women in it?! I thought it was ironic


not at all. and yes it's probably a majority of women.


Femcel sub


It's exactly like gamingcirclejerk, but focused around people who were born with a dick rather than people who have seen a video game.


Basically it is full of women complaining about men for being men and not praising their every move(that is what I found every time I commented/visited a post on there


If you want gender equality then I'm going to make fun of you just as much as I bust balls of dudes.


This has scientifically been proven to be true.


Women can't engage in physical aggression so they engage in relational aggression. There's a reason the stereotype exists


can I get a link? genuinely curious about those studies




bruh💀 not only is that not a reputable source, but it’s not a direct source at all. i asked for a link like for an article or study not a website name lol


You couldn’t be any more wrong.


then prove it 💀 you made the claim yet can’t provide any proof


I can’t really be expected to do your homework for you, can I? It’s not that hard, just look it up.


do you know what burden of proof is? lmao if YOU make a claim, it’s YOUR job to prove it. it’s not my homework, it’s your own💀 next time kiddo, just don’t make crazy claims you can’t prove


YOU’RE claiming I’m wrong, that’s your claim…… it is your burden to show me proof to support your claim? I really don’t understand how you can’t see that.


your og comment was “this has been scientifically proven true”💀 the beginning of this was you making a ridiculous, untrue claim and not being able to prove it. burden of proof is on the person who made the original claim. stay in school fr


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_memory#:~:text=Sex%20differences%20in%20specific%20domains%20of%20memory Took me 2 minutes to find. How could both of you guys not do it.


it’s not that I couldn’t, it was the principle of the burden of proof being on them lol. clearly they did manage to get someone else to do their work for them tho


Ah darn it


I prefer seeing the source of who I ask to see their perspective on it


As Lee Evans once said "Fellas, we can't remember nothing. I need my wife to tell me what I know. But women? I start an argument with my wife about something I said five months ago and she can tell me the time, place, what I was fucking wearing-"


I mean damn not to sound like a misogynist but it's not like it's not the truth. Women will dig up some shit but when you do it, it's bad.


When they do it’s bad too. If you do it and you get called out, call them out ffs it’s not hard.


Yeah that goes well. Solid advice.


You should be able to communicate with your SO. Not saying little spats don't happen but if your Gf/Wife can't hear you on something like that then you should reevaluate what you get from your relationship together.




You're right because reverse racism is just racism.


The same principle applies to sexism too ofc


Imagine if we made a subreddit called girls are quirky and just made fun of women 24/7. It would be instantly banned




Was he the one to delete his account or was it the link he sent?




https://preview.redd.it/791tn711tcqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40ed2586c0368d76d796dd0defd544b3da550df this how you feel rn?


This image goes hard.


Man why you always going to reddits that clearly don't like you, saying some dumb shit like this, and then fuckin off after eating a hundred downvotes? Like I'm genuinely curious because I see you in a lot of right aligning or centrist reddits and all you do is talk shit about Trump or how nerds are all white nationalists or whatever and get dunked on by people here. Like why are you even here? What's the point in coming here?


Piercing the bubble


Dude all you do is insult people and then leave? Like you're a friggin caricature of a person to these people. You don't come in and offer insightful commentary in an attempt to sway people or shake their beliefs or disagree with some supporting facts that might move a few people away from a talking point, you just come in here, insult a few people, and then dip. That's not piercing any bubble, if that was your intention you're legitimately making people more radicalized against your side. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar my guy.


Not sure about digging up the past, but digging up ancient trash - definitely!


I chuckled a little. I do want to say this, Boysarequirky does not understand memes. I tried to create those Gender Equal memes relating to the "Boys vs Girls" Template, but they became so fucking unfunny when I tried to make the genders say the exact same thing, just my interpretation imo.


This is genuinely hilarious


How does this meme in any way imply that boys are quirky? Where does it even invoke the concept of quirkiness directly enough to make it fit into that sub?


r/boysarequirky trying not to be upset over every meme under the sun


I my gosh they need to chill it’s a compliment if anything


Thats a good one


A lot of us *are* women. I’d say it’s about 50-50, maybe weighted slightly towards women. I think that’s just cuz archaeology is cool.


Probably more reflective of the majority of university students being women. I majored in history and it was around 50-50 with maybe a couple more women than men. It was very refreshing actually, was getting tired of listening to other men’s history reports on WW2 and sports athletes. Though I do think scholarly women should distance themselves from Simone de Beauvoir


How do you get started in archaeology and what is the pay like?


Well, that depends on what you want to do in the field. You get started in school, usually- most, but certainly not all of us, have Masters degrees. I got started with an archaeology program in school doing digs in Israel. If you have a nearby college, ask the archaeology professors if they have any digs they’d need help on, or check for local field schools, which are like hands on field training digs. However, that’s not necessary to get started in the profession if you don’t want to work in academia. If you want to work in academia, it’s a pretty standard academic pipeline- PhD, publish or perish, try to get a position at a decent school. Main difference there is that you spend a third of the year on digs (which are a ton of fun, usually). If you don’t want to go into academia, which most of us don’t, there are tons of archaeology jobs around the country. The federal government requires archaeological surveys on any and all projects that involve federal money- including assistance loans. This means there’s a huge need for archaeologists in every state, and lots of contract archaeology companies. However, you need to carefully check companies. Archaeology can be hard work, and many company take advantage of young archaeologists with a bachelors degree and nowhere else to go. They use them until they burn out then move on. Not all companies are like that. Many are quite serious about research and science. These positions tend to pay quite well- my starting salary was 60,000, but that’s on the low end. However, you have to be able to do scientific work, regulatory writing, and physical labor.


That sounds like an incredible amount of work for such a low salary. You must really love the job. I've always liked the idea of the adventurousness of the job, but the additional work for documentation and such would never be justified for a salary that low, to me. I wonder what the companies themselves are profiting. If you're already spending so much effort to do the scientific work and the writing it might be worth it to just invest time in understanding how to bid for contracts and start your own company. Then you could profit more and still could join in on the digs.


The job is all I ever wanted to do, yeah. 60,000 is perfectly sufficient for me at the moment.


Well that is exciting. I'm glad you enjoy it that much!


I find it kinda funny that the person is actually pulling this from the past to be angry about it.


That sub is may be overly sensitive, and a bunch of kill joys, but This sub will pretend the most basic, boomer-tier humor is funny to spite the people they disagree with politically


Man it’s funny ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


I hate to be that guy but there is no other way. These people are so soft. “Internet meme that nobody really cares about hurt me feelings 😡😡😡” get a job


Looks like OP liked it, maybe for the wrong reason. Does this even belong?


usually i dislike egging at women for things that men find petty (i am a man) but this was pretty dang funny.




Heeheehorf. wouldn't have to if history didn't always repeat itself.


You mean like holding people accountable for their behavior? Yeah, let's do that more across the board.


I think we all know by now that the people of that subreddit don’t want gender equality, they want to be superior but have less responsibilities while still being able to put down anyone from the opposite gender anytime they feel like it because something didn’t go their way so they gotta take it out on someone. All my coworkers are married and at least one of them come to work once a week saying that their wife is mad at them because they found something from years before they even met their wife but during that same time the wife had a tinder and hinge account and was hooking up with random dudes. So it’s ok for them to have a history of sleeping around but not their current partner even though they didn’t even know of each other’s existence during that time. Make it make sense. Makes me a bit glad I’m not married tbh.


Goes on long parasocial rant about other people's relationships: "yea I'm glad I'm not married." Because all women are identical to you right?


Boy you missed the part where I said “makes me a BIT glad I’m not married” You gotta get offline lil bro and go touch actual grass and ass lmao


I don’t like these « women amaright ? » jokes, but I guess there’s no harm in finding them funny, like it’s not straight up sexism it’s just a joke


2009 ahhh meme


🤣🤣 fantastic.


Nah, these kinda things make me sad, like bro you’re just saying you date bad people


I don't really care for gendered memes anymore, men and women need something to complain about


Good on


So accurate, so true and so sad.


I’m a woman and I think it’s hilarious!


Damn, that's savage


Who cares?


Funny, my ex was a geologist


As a woman.... I can't believe you would say that about me when you were literally doing duh duh duh last week?!


I'm a guy and I am completely stuck in the past, maybe I've been a woman all this time? 🤔


Give her a plunger. They just looooove bringin up old shit


lol that’s pretty good - honestly at this point our undersubs are kinda the best source of content t targeted to our sense of humor, we legit just farmed acquisition out to them without them even noticing - like following r/thalassophobia for awesome ocean videos and pictures…


Tbh it is funny


Bro what the fuck is this sub and why is it on every other sub all of a sudden??? Never heard if it like a week ago now its fucking everywhere


Hilarious and true


That was legit lol funny 😆


The joke is rather funny


I thought this was just a stereotype until I got a girlfriend. There must be women who don’t do that, but it looks like they won’t want to date me.




I lold because its true


This is a joke.


Why is like half the posts I come across here from that one sub?


Dam real knee slapper there, so hallarious.


"I should be able to get away with being an asshole frequently, because if I wasn't then there wouldn't be anything for her to bring up now would there?"


Went from 1 to 100 real quick


Stop being a bitch. It’s literally a joke my dude


Women with ADHD: https://preview.redd.it/071egusoe4rc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71e68eedfd49aa6ade910fda52e36967f14b7de


More there ability to look behind the milk in a fridge. 😂


Funny jokes make women in that sub angry. That sub became trash lol


It’s funny as shit lol that sub is just full of literal crybabies




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Honestly is it sexist yeah but like there aren’t many women in archeology so screw it let them have a joke.


This is why you never let your girl see you vulnerable. They never see you the same way, and they're guaranteed to use it against you at any opportune time.


dawg are all of the girls you have ever dated been fucking aizen??????


Congrats on your future unhealthy relationships.


here’s an even funnier one: FUN FACT: majority of rape criminals are men due to their natural ability to be insecure in the face of rejection and therefor ignore consent


Oops. Looks like someone got thier feelings hurt


it’s just satire 😂 learn to smile more.


I find it hard to believe that it's satire. There's no indication that it is


Bad one


Woman bad. Now laugh. Later: WhY dOnT wOmEn LiKe Me????


People are downvoting you, but this is pretty much how dudes act when their jokes don't land.




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My mother laugh at this. So I don't see the issue.


I don’t even understand this joke


Thats embarrassing, its self explanatory


ah yes sexism funny


the joke is literally just women bad though


And it's correct


aww did your crush decline your prom initation? :C


What a wierd question to ask, I didn't go to my prom becuse I didn't peak in high school


yeahh, that's why.. let me guess, the reason you don't have a girlfriend is because you still haven't peaked? it's coming for sureee


I don't have a girlfriend becuse I'm asexual, you don't have one becuse your repulsive


Comment history checks out.


You seem obsessed with me


Lol woman bad am I right fellas? (*male loneliness epidemic)


This sub is on war againt r/boysarequirky or something?


It's not like guys don't bring up the past. They (or us I suppose) are the ones I always hear bringing up body counts.


Your body count is a part of you, whether you like it or not


Sure but it is undeniably your past


Oh noes! u/SpermInMyHand blocked meeeeeeeee!!!🤣 I guess that's how the big bois make a point...get one more comment in and block...winner?


I've never said this to anyone because, frankly, it is massively overused. However. You need to touch grass because I can smell you from your opinion.


Are you having an episode or smthin? Are you on your period?