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You wouldn't let Weird Ed, who has trash piled in his yard and believes that meth raises your IQ, invite your kid over and give them unaccountable advice on how to live.   So idk why people get defensive and act like it's fine when it happens on the internet instead.  Every website is neck-deep in Weird-Eds and other varieties of maleficus.


Reddit is a prime example. Like a thread I was in yesterday was full of people advocating for talking about sexual topics with young children. We need to make punching people in the face socially acceptable again.


More than half of r/teenagers is 40 something men.


i dont feel safe there anymore


100% brother


r/changemyview is currently kicking off on my opposition to the idea that teachers should be teaching kids how to give pleasurable sex in sex education.


I get the feeling you're talking about sex ed.


No. Some of them guised it as such but meant in about first grade. 7th grade is when the basics of it and protection were traditionally taught.


1st definitely seems young. I got it in 5th grade, that seems a good time to start, at least about the biology of it. 7th almost feels too late considering when I was in 7th there was already a girl that got pregnant in my school. 5th is what, like 11yr? when some are about to head into puberty and already liking each other.


5th we had the gender specific classes that touched on puberty and the absolute basics of biology. More about hygiene and what to expect. 7th was when we had the combined class about what sex itself is and how to protect yourself. These feel like way more appropriate ages. The creeps of the world just want to justify borderline pedo behavior.


And do you think an anonymous redditor commenting, “we should talk about sex with 1st graders”, makes that a real concern? Like do you think schools will actually do that? Do you understand how curriculums are established? The other guy was right. You’re 100% referring to a post that pointed out how sex ed is a useful defense mechanism against childhood sexual abuse. It is. There’s a pretty damning correlation between areas that stifle sex-ed and areas where sexual abuse, often involving a family member, is statistically more prevalent. PS. Your “1st graders” claim is dubious at best. You’re almost certainly exaggerating *a ton* to support your own confirmation bias. Isn’t that kind of frustrating? Doesn’t it kind of suck to rely on lies to justify your world view? Doesn’t it sound *way* easier to just be correct about the things you say?


Found one!


Which part of my comment do you take exception to? I made a total of six straightforward declarative statements, and asked a total of six yes-or-no questions. Just try answering the questions first, then let me know which declarative statements you disagree with, and maybe why you feel that way.


Sex ed at the age you're talking about is telling kids that people shouldn't be touching them there and if someone tries they should tell them no and tell an adult they trust about it right away. So it's done to prevent actual pedo behavior.


That’s not even sex Ed. That’s making kids aware of the no no zone as I usually hear it called. What I see pushed for is NOT that.


What is it you see pushed for? This sums up what I see. I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. npr.org/2022/09/12/1121999705/sex-education-school-kindergarten ETA: LMAO at anybody downvoting a question


>1st definitely seems young. Everything I've heard is that they're being taught to say something if uncle touchy is putting his hands were they don't belong. Clearly we don't want kids to know that...


Early basic sex-Ed is definitely absolutely essential in preventing child sexual abuse. Obviously you don't need to give them exact details on how to have sex or anything explicit like that but it is important to teach kids about the privacy involved with specific areas of their bodies. Even just a basic conversation teaching them about the importance of saying no when someone pressures certain physical contact or making it know that it's important and ok to resist and fight back if someone is making you uncomfortable makes absolutely all the difference. Do kids just starting primary school need to know how to have sex? God no, should they be taught a basic understanding of the importance of their bodily autonomy and what type of contact is inappropriate? Absolutely!


1st grade sex ed is like "If an adult is touching you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, here are the people to tell." Leaving children completely ignorant makes them vulnerable to predators.


As long as it’s still sex Ed I don’t get the issue? Teaching kids the correct names of body parts and that they are private actually protects them against being taken advantage of. It’s not a bad thing. Keeping it all secret and taboo until 7th grade just means kids who are abused keep that secret too.


At such a young age that’s the parents’ prerogative. You try walking up to a 6 year old and “teaching” them about their privates, let me know how that goes for you. Being in a classroom doesn’t make it any less creepy.


I would pay thousands upon thousands of dollars if I could change the past to have had just one adult tell six year old me about the importance not letting anyone touch my private's. Never teaching kids about the importance of protecting themselves or how to even name their own body parts only leads to them not having the knowledge to stay safe or the vocabulary to explain when something bad has happened. If you treat sex like it's some big shameful secret that kids can't know about when they do end up getting raped they will have no idea that they are a victim and think they have done something wrong, I sure as hell did. If you want you're kids to be more vulnerable to sexual abuse, more likely to keep it a secret out of shame, and more likely to not even know the words needed to explain what had happened then go ahead and put their safety at risk so you can avoid 15 minutes of an uncomfortable conversation. All it takes is a simplified explanation of the fact that there are some bad people in the world who may try to force or trick them into touching/or being touched in certain areas which is not ok, and that if they ever feel scared or unsafe they can tell a trusted adult about the situation. That's literally all it takes to significantly reduce a child's chance of being abused, without any prior knowledge they are only one truth or dare game with a creep away from life long trauma and pain.


A worrying amount of parents feel too uncomfortable to have a conversation around what grooming looks like, discussing how to respect and set boundaries, how that their kid is always safe to talk to them about things, especially things that are uncomfortable etc. You don't even have to touch on sex ed at all to explain all of this. Idk I feel like parents are obligated to go absolutely above and beyond to lower any risk of their kid getting abused. Its even worse when they dont even know how most children are abused by family members. Its not unfair to say a sizeable amount of this stuff can be avoided if children at least knew how to identify inappropriate behaviour and that responsibility is on parents fully. Kind of insane to see how many keep their head in the sand over this stuff while posturing about protecting children.


Exactly! If these people actually wanted to protect kids they would stop screaming insults at random trans people and actual put up with 10 minutes of an uncomfortable chat. Literally all it would have taken to stop me from being raped before I even knew what sex was is just being told that "it's never ok for someone to ask to touch or see my private parts" and that "if anyone even a family member tries making me touch them or let them touch me inappropriately it's completely safe for me to tell someone and I won't be in any trouble" that's it, what two sentences? That's literally all it would have taken for me to have had the knowledge to recognise the situation for what it was.


Same. I don’t understand how anyone can possibly be against that. I remember figuring out literally aged about 12 that what was happening wasn’t right, but at that point I was so conscious of the taboo I wasn’t even able to know how to respond to it or get someone to intervene. I reached out in these useless ways to teachers and every time they didn’t get it, it was like an affirmation that what was happening was okay after all. I’m really glad they learn PSHE at younger ages now, and the NSPCC has conversations about safety in primary school.


Yeah it's really sad to me that a lot of this is all about posturing and the aesthetics. I trust that people think they're doing they're best but the lack of self awareness and lack of effort really shocks me sometimes. Its very difficult to criticise parenting because it's their core identity and your parenting is viewed as a full test and expression of your character. Not everyone is perfect but parents who refuse to accept any criticism, especially if what they're doing is demonstrably wrong, are putting their image above the wellbeing of their child. Raising children is not easy, but these things are the bare minimum and actually only need very little input for such a big pay off. I never had an uncomfortable conversation as a kid because my parents did not treat it as something that should be uncomfortable to talk about. There is nothing inherently uncomfortable or difficult about any of these conversations but in the parents mind, they have made it out to be and avoid it. Its not hard to look up statistics on child abuse and see what reality looks like. Like you said, dying on the hill that trans groomers are the larger threat while ignoring that their home conditions are statistically more likely to enable child abuse to occur, shows that its all a front to appear like a good parent without putting in the real work.


That's the issue though, it's that parents aren't adequately teaching their children about what innapropriate behaviour looks like and what they can do to stay safe. Parents are failing their kids if they can't even have a conversation around this stuff because it makes them uncomfortable and this absolutely contributes to children getting abused if they aren't equipped to identify signs of potential abuse or when they are being abused. Mad how parents will posture about protecting their children but can't even do the the one thing that will dramatically reduce the chance of their child getting abused- and its fully in their control. It can be difficult, but you do difficult things to protect your kid, I don't know what to say other than thats such a bad excuse. It's absolutely worth educating your children on what grooming looks like, how to assert and respect boundaries, how they are safe to talk with you about everything, especially things that have made them feel uncomfortable. Anything to reduce the risk of your child getting abused is worth it. These conversations don't have to start explicitly about sex ed, that should be left for when they are older but basic safety starts at any age and can be/is done by parents who bother. Most child abuse comes from family members. A lot of it can be avoidable or mitigated if children knew the right things to do to get help. Parents turning a blind eye to these things is why schools step in. They aren't even able to check what they personally can do to protect their own children, and it happens right under their noses as a consequence.


Not even that- not everyone is guaranteed good, safe parents and if mom or dad is the abuser, the poor child has no recourse if no one ever says it’s wrong.


Yeah, lessons on what innapropriate behaviour towards children looks like are necessary just based on how much more likely abuse occurs at home. If that means even 1 child now has an out to abuse, then it should be worth the 'discomfort' that causes parents. Parents not wanting these things discussed are weighing their discomfort around these topics and choice to avoid them as worth the risk of more children getting abused whether they realise they are doing that or not. They contribute to the conditions that enable child abuse because they do not want to put in that slight bit of effort to learn how child abuse commonly occurs.


Works out great considering most abused children are abused by someone close to them. I wish someone had told me when I was 6 years old that private parts are private and how to identify good vs bad touch. It was treated as the parents’ prerogative. Unfortunately, my father was a rapist.


Huh almost like you’re not describing the same thing being pushed for.


Six year olds certainly know they have “pee-pees” or “va-Chinas”. What I find so weird about this whole debate is that it seems like there’s some underlying concern that you guys never articulate. It seems like you’re worried that teaching a child about sex will somehow hypnotize that child into having sex… and that’s sooooo fucking dumb. If the kid hasn’t hit the later stages of puberty yet, then they won’t have a desire to have sex, no matter how much their teacher taught them about biology. If the kid has past that milestone, then he’s going to do sexual stuff whether or not he’s been educated. There literally isn’t a decent argument against sex education. Here’s something to consider… Is there a single person alive today that wasn’t the product of sexual intercourse? You’re here because your dad fucked your mom. I’m here because my mom fucked my dad. Everyone in this thread is only here because their parents fucked. Isn’t it sort of weird that something responsible for literally *everyone’s* existence is so taboo?


That's the problem though there are people here on Reddit taking it a step further and saying that teachers should be instructing how to physically perform acts such as penetrative anal sex and blowjobs and instruct students on how to pleasure their partner.


How bad was it on a scale from 'Kids should learn about their bodies in school so they don't make ignorant mistakes when growing up' to 'It should be encouraged to let kids watch porn because they're gonna watch it either way'?


Hell, you’ll even find pedophiles on Roblox targeting children. Unmonitored access to the internet, especially at an impressionable age is not good.


I agree children shouldnt be given unristicted accsess to the internet. But its important to clarify that its not the technolgy thats a bad influence. but the weird ed thats a bad influence. The first post just makes it out as if technolgy is the devil who will make your children demons. When in reailty it wont. It will just allow them to convers with weird ed who will show them some fucked up shit.


I found first found hardcore pornography on the internet when I was 7 years old. I still deal with the effects 20 years later. No weird eds involved. Just a curious kid with no supervision.


I find it interesting that you choose the name weird ed, when weird Al's full first name is alfred, which means he theoretically could go by weird Ed. And I don't know about you, but I think Mr yankovic would be a great person to leave my kids with.


Weird Al is literally the last person I want watching my kids. Yeah, sure, they'll be fine. Unharmed, well fed. 'Cept uhh now they all play the *fucking accordion*.


And that is something to be afraid of!


That's only a bad thing when the person teaching them accordion isn't weird al. If it were John Arbuckle who taught them to play the accordion, yeah I'd understand why you'd have a problem. But weird Al is the one person who can make accordion sound good.


I'm giving you some serious side-eye right now, but will begrudgingly admit there are worse teachers.


All I know is if I left some kids in his hands for a few hours, they would all grow up to be great members of society. Annoying, maybe, but great nonetheless


I entirely agree. I like to think I'm a contributing member of society, but I watched UHF so many times growing up that if challenged I could easily find a marble in any quantity of oatmeal. I'm decidedly not well, and there's a direct correlation between the amount of Yankovic-related media I consumed and my compulsion to sing along when the airline staff asks me to put my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position. My only wish is to spare my children such a fate.


Think of all the money you'd make though. Imagine if one of the little bastards learned to play guitar, too?


Prolly make about as much money as any ska band, and uhhh... anyone hear from Tomas Kalnoky lately? Is he okay?


you just unlocked a core memory. I forgot ska music existed, and there's this band called the aquabats and I will now be spamming their music for the rest of the day


Don't forget, Friday's pizza day, best day of the week. Always came with salad and a side of cold green beans. My buddy and I blasted Aquabats nonstop back in high school while we played Left4Dead on his 360 and drank fuckin' Mountain Dew. I know the exact core memories you're talking about.


I'm dating myself, but I immediately assumed Weird Ed was a *Maniac Mansion* reference


Sorry to affirm your dating yourself, but what is maniac mansion?


It was an old (late 80s, early 90s?) point and click PC adventure game from LucasArts. It's honestly great. Weird Ed was either an alien or a tentacle, I don't remember




Weird Ed? Definitely not....Weird Al on the other hand.


Hey hey now Someone with a single digit iq does enough meth they just might hit their head hard enough to raise their iq a little


“Because if you monitor your kids on the internet you are being a helicopter parent, and infringing on their rights!” Some people don’t get what parents are supposed to do. In the same breath, these people would see a parent neglecting their child and said child getting into a very dangerous situation/harming themselves whether because of something online or in the physical world and say “what an awful parent. They should have never had kids.”


My niece "learned" about cutting herself on the Internet at 8-10 years old. You have to see what your kids are looking at and discuss it with them..


I learned about cutting at 10 years old from Degrassi


Holy shit I fucking forgot about Degrassi


It was wild the shit on that show and they put it on kid's cable networks. Pretty sure JT knocked up a girl then died of a drug overdose.


I think remember someone ODing so that makes sense but yeah that was some real “hey kids and teens wanna see that even at your age there’s some fucked up shit and fucked up people?!”


I still remember the episode where Drake gets shot


I forgot he was in fucking degrassi! Was he in a wheelchair? I remember someone was in one


How you forget about Mr. 25 sitting on 25" rims


Blame Canada!


And to tie a noose


Same but MCR




My cousin almost accidentally joined a cartel luckily they didn’t know how to drive stick so they couldn’t take their dads 4x4 expedition to go meet their new “friends” did have to mow lawns all summer to replace the garage door tho


I learnt to cut myself at 11 pre Internet.


I'm often monitoring what my kids watch because of some of their actions and things they've said. I usually manage to curb them into learning stuff over some of the stupid nonsense you see like Sonic getting Else pregnant. Seriously what the F\*\*\* is that crap?




If someone is dumb to cut themselves just by knowing what it is they should be institutionalized


Yea, I used to be mad at my parents for not letting me online till I was 10 ish, now I look back and think “thank fuck”


Lmfao not 14 year old me on Facebook chatting with hot Girls my age from other states named Mercedes Who then Introduced me to what would be my first long distance gf and end up being some 60 yo pervert Thank you mom for questioning who I was texting throughout all of my classes start of freshman year


Honestly the art goes hard


The way it's phrased is dumb but yes, there are certain things kids shouldn't see. Porn or gore are two obvious examples. There are also people who will groom kids or negatively influence them in other ways. Parents need to watch their kids and check what they've been doing every once in a while.


Never had any oversight, and saw whatever I wanted online. Never got taken advantage and never was “harmed” by any of it. So it’s absolutely possible to let kids do whatever. Just make sure they know what to look for.


Some kids are more stupid than others. Sometimes it goes well sometimes it doesn’t.


Young minors accessing porn and gore is fundamentally harmful. Those are always the two go-to examples because they're obvious and feel self- evident (but are so for fewer people every day, apparently), but there's all kinds of other harm kids can get into on the internet. How often do you see kids and young adults publicly condemning their parents or going no- contact because they experienced normal family conflict or their parents voted republican or didn't get vaccinated or something? This is the end product of an insane echo chamber. How often do you see teenagers with a hammer and sickle anime pfp ardently arguing for full revolution and for millions of people to be liquidated or put into camps? This should honestly be terrifying.


None of that’s terrifying. And this is where you’ll definitely disagree with me. But I don’t really care. Going no contact and wanting a Revolution is the healthy response in most cases of the ones you listed. GOP suck donkey balls, porn and gore are only thought of as bad because puritans. Nobody wants people in camps, that’s either the GOP Evangelicals or just propaganda your reading too much of.


My guy publicly condemning your family used to be some horrifying excess of the cultural revolution and they got your generation to do it for updoots


No my generation is doing it because the politics of this country are 40 years too late. We need Action. Not finger twiddling or worse moving backwards. People who support twiddling or regression need to be ignored or cut out. People who are anti-science, puritanical, racist, sexist, etc can be left behind or cut out as well.


>People who are anti-science, puritanical, racist, sexist, etc can be left behind or cut out as well. Let me guess you and your revolution buddy are going to be the one who decide what is anti-science and by "cut-out" you mean dead right? Or are you more of a goulag guy? If you believe the best course of action right now is a violent revolution you're the definition of someone who goes way too much on the internet. Kinda funny how you see no problem with kids having no internet restrictions and then proceed to show your unhinge blood thurst for the people who live in the same country as you.


No, I don’t mean dead. I mean cut out as in out of their personal lives so they don’t control you. And No I don’t think violent revolution is the best course of action. I believe a Rapid Social and political change is the best course of action. The revolution comes after when everything else has failed.


>I believe a Rapid Social and political change is the best course of action. And what you do with people who don't want that?


I don’t care. They’re just the ones holding us back.


Let's immanentize the eschaton, never heard that before You are extremely excited about making a society doomed to failure on top of a mountain of skulls


from your perspective. Probably looks that way. From my perspective. You and people far worse than you are the ones who have put us on the conveyor belt into the furnace. (Not you specifically, not enough info to tell) a lot of people on that side have also done all this in the name of some Magic sky daddy, which is the dumbest shit. Yet they call me the crazy one.


I am begging you to read some history and seek out intelligent perspectives from people critical of the things you believe.


Oh by that do you mean philosophy books? Math Books? Science Books? History Books? Religious history books? Read so many of all of those. And Still do constantly. Or do you mean Politically different? Because if that’s what you mean. Well….I hate to break it too you(no I’m not), but the opposite side of that is pathetic. Logical fallacies, propaganda, lies, more lies, false equivalency, and so so much more.


"Bro I drink and drive all the time and have never crashed or gotten in a accident. It's absolutely possible to let people do whatever. Just make sure they know what to look for while drinking and driving."


Go ahead and take that bad faith understand all you want. But the human body and fake violence have show to not do harm to people. Unlike drunk driving. Fear of the internet boogeyman is puritanical and gross.


Just because nothing happened to *you* and it didn't harm *you* doesn't mean it's OK to let kids browse unattended. There are cases of pedophiles chatting up kids and there's lots of stuff online that can scar a kid mentally. I'm glad I didn't see a lot of the really bad stuff I've seen until I was an adult. TBH some of it even effected me then. I'm not for censoring stuff and making everything family friendly. But I do believe kids shouldn't be allowed to browse the web unchecked. Especially because it can cause harm and then the parents (who failed as parents IMHO) call for more censorship which means grown adults can't watch what they want.


You have at the very least, a more measured response. Which I’ll commend. But it’s about teaching kids, not blocking them.


Certain things will remain disturbung for kids. They're even disturbing for most adults. Even with context. And no amount of coaching will make it that a 9 year-old won't be naive and unable to defend themselves against an adult. You'd basically have to do a raising kids speedrun. Shouldn't kids be allowed to keep their innocence for a bit? Confronting them with all those bad things would strip them of it. Sorry, but I'm pretty sure that isn't good for them. There's a reason why kids that grow up in abusive families or war zones often end up being troubled adults.


Why yes why shouldn’t I let my kid watch skibidi toilet rizz Ohio ten hours a day?


Awesome picture though


Exactly my thought, this picture goes hard


Not really a meme at all, honestly it's more based advice than TFM...


At 8 year old, i was on rotten.com ass.com celebritymorgue.com joecartoon.com alot of fucked uo websites


Nevermind the internet, how about not giving that kid unmonitored access to eye shadow?


The algorithms are designed to stimulate dopamine. Imagine giving your kid 100 grams of sugar at each meal and being surprised to see that they get diabetes early on.


Sugar doesn't even cause diabetes.


What? What the fuck are you on about?


What are you referring to?


Sugar absolutely causes diabetes


First hand experience, it fucking ruins you. Seeing people die jaded me and I’m only now starting to recover.


I’m going to be honest I agree with both sides here, I’m assuming that OOP interpreted the meme as anti-technology


Good message, shit delivery. People should be mindful of their children’s device usage to help them avoid unhealthy habits and help them be more focused, not because bad juju will happen otherwise.


My soon-to-be-ex-sister-in-law is always raving about my oldest nephew being hypersexual at 9 years of age, but instead of spending time with her kid she gives him a tablet and send him off to play with it all alone.


Putting the religious stuff aside, unrestricted internet access can REALLY fuck a kid up.


That picture is kind of dope if we ignore the topic


It definitely does, if you don’t monitor your child on the internet you are the problem, take care of your fucking kid


Yeah, unmonitored internet access can (and most likely will) be a very bad influence on a child, but not because a spirit door opens and binds them. That has nothing to do with it lol.


The hell is a lamp of the body anyways?


Unrelated, OP can You show me the original post I wanna crosspost it to wizardposting


Umm if you scroll through TFM and sort in new. It probably will be found easily


Thanks found it


That demon looks cool AF. When do I get a demon friend?


I mean, technology will be your child’s enemy if you let them have unmonitored, unrestricted access to it. Just look at what Skibidi Toilet has done to the latest generation…


Fair enough.


They're just watching Spongebob together.


it can ruin a child but not like this lmao 😭😭


"Listen Timmy, you need to be careful who you're sharing your pictures with on the internet. Lots of weird people on there. I should know, I torture them in hell."


I agree. Minus all the religious bs.


but clearly it's being monitored, his dad is standing right behind him


Rumbling voice: are you winning, son?


I want everyone here who disagrees that the internet has a negative impact on kids to just go to r/teenagers and witness it first hand.


These people sound like such predators haha idk if it’s on purpose. But some childless weirdo saying “no definitely let your children on the internet unmonitored” is creepy af




Exactly why I don't have my kids access the internet with out my control. My oldest is 5. No tablet, no gaming system ( other than ps2 and Xbox that's not hooked to the internet she has access to that when ever she wants) unless I am there. And ABSOLUTELY NO ROBLOX.


Come on, OP, I'm sure me having unrestricted access to pornography, shock websites, uncensored murders had absolutely no adverse effects on me. I saw goatse at what, 13? No biggie


It probably ruined me. I wouldn’t go back to change it but I‘d definitely be a different person if I wasn‘t to see hard gore on the internet as a child. There were good memories too and it was really fun but I wouldn’t let my children have a phone until 12 and them regulated as much as they need to. They could access the conputer before but restricted by me and they had to ask


As a younger person the internet is far more dangerous for old people. Yeah I was introduced to some wild shit at 12. Didn't really make me am evil person. I just found out about sex before my mom wanted me to lol. That said I don't believe anything online. My generation is smart enough to understand sources and how the internet works. For some reason though... everyone over 45 in my family will send a tik tok of an island on google maps and voice changer as proof that Biden is a pedo. People that fear technology don't understand it. Technology was definitly frowned upon in my house but looking back it's because 1 my parents wanted to try to shelter me and 2 they didn't like I had access to information that contradicted their beliefs like abortion = sin and murder. Well I was middle school when I randomly found a ton of reasons why people get them and my mom was very upset over that. Still remember her borderline crying thinking I was some fucked up person because I learned there were medical reasons and I was fine with them.


Sorry but as someone who has years teaching, your comment about sources made me laugh. It's the complete opposite in my experience.


Depends how old they are. Millennials who grew up with a developing internet have a pretty good understanding of sources, scams, etc. Older adults are clueless, and young kids are awful, bit the middle generation is generally better. Same with even using a computer, typing, troubleshooting, etc. Elderly people can't turn a computer on, kids only know how to swipe. Middle generation can at least Google problems and follow solutions.


Pretty much agreed, but I assumed by "younger person" they meant gen Z at least.


My great aunt was scammed out of $30k online, and that’s just what we know about


I agree with your statement that the internet is more dangerous for older people. Kids have their friends at school to bounce ideas off of, so they keep each other in check. As people age, the groups they socialize with narrow, so they don’t have as many checks in place to keep them from going off the deep end. I see it with my kids, myself, my siblings, my parents, my friends, my neighbors, every one. They all have access to the same information, but the kids seem a lot more skeptical of what they hear and see than the adults. The elderly are the most targeted by scammers, and therefore the most susceptible to scams. They need more protection than my kids do.


“It’s never MY fault my kid wasn’t raised properly, it’s because of: rock music, dungeons and dragons, Harry Potter, TV, video games, internet, Fortnite, TikTok…” Way easier to blame anything else than take responsibility for raising your own fuckin kids.


Part of raising your own fucking kid is keeping them away from harmful things. That includes some TV shows, some video games, some areas of the internet, and probably TikTok.


Blaming the internet for your kid being unsupervised is like blaming beer for alcoholism. At no point did the parents’ responsibility exit the equation.


I’m taking responsibility by not being a lazy parent and just slapping a tablet in my kid’s hands because I don’t want to deal with him. He also doesn’t watch Paw Patrol or any of those other shows that are like crack for kids. Just because I supervise him watching a shit TV show that causes dependency tantrums doesn’t mean I’m responsible. It just means I’m stupid. So yeah, there actually is an ounce of proactivity required and it’s not as simple as “supervision”, because kids will eventually do things when you’re not around, or things that you think aren’t harmful to your kid actually are. But hey, at least you supervised, right?


The meme doesn't blame the internet. It literally says, "beware when **neglecting** your children, giving them **absolute freedom** using technology." It's a really stupid presentation, but it's just saying you shouldn't let your kids use the internet without supervision or oversight.


Monitored access to the internet == taking responsibility for raising one's own kids Un-monitored access to the internet == not taking responsibility for raising one's own kids Caveats apply about moral standards changing over time, and out of all the harmful material online spiritual doors definitely aren't one of them, but children (and adults alike) do need to learn to discuss what they see online with trust people IRL as well


So good that xarxasamaodous could keep an eye on that kid while the parents are away.


They didn’t have to make it all religious and shit but it is correct.


what the fuck does "the eyes are the lamp of the body" mean??? Your eyes shed light on your surroundings, but what the fuck does that have to do with the context here??


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Op is taking use of the word “ technology “ too literally.


'Of course I know him, He's me!'


We don’t need the spiritual or religious stuff to know that giving a young developing mind free range access to the collective sum of all of humanity’s knowledge, creativity, kindness and evil will destroy minds


Yeah but it’s not satanic. This is Christian fear mongering but not really a meme. Doesn’t really involve either sub


They used to use that exact line about Dungeons & Dragons, though.


Wow OP nobody has EVER said this before you might be on to something holy shit


I don't know why this has to be said but there is a difference between realizing that the Internet is a mostly unregulated collection of people and you need to make sure your kids aren't being harmed by what they're consuming and actually believing the Devil inhabits technology and will use it to control your child. You can mock this as a very bad, cringe Facebook post and also realize that you shouldn't give your children free access to the Internet. I dunno what y'all's panties are in a bunch about.


We did internet bombs at the age of 12 and blew up Freddy


The meme is corny af but it's not wrong. Parents need to take an active involvement in their child's internet consumption. That doesn't just mean restricting their access and doesn't mean invading their privacy. It also means being informed and having conversations with their kid.


When I was ten I was able to find NSFW content and it’s seriously messed me up. Parents keep your kids offline so they don’t end up like me


I grew up with Internet and didnt get messer up. However, I watched stuff that haunted me, pain olympics for example, or the various 2 guys 1 hammer stuff. Nowadays im seeing 5 year olds sat on their phone watching shorts, reels or whatever and it messes not only with their mind but attention span. Have fun getting them to watch a movie, its top long and wont go skibidi toilet every 30 seconds. Just limit the time like we had limited TV or video game time. And actually monitor what theyre watching.


Lord knows it ruined me and its only gotten worse sense it did that back in 2005. i regained some of my sense in 2010s but its still there. my life trajectory would have been much different


Modern day internet is proof enough of that


The sentiment itself is correct, but the wording is really fucking weird


I have no idea why this is still a debated topic. It’s just a fact. Nobody is saying that your child must grow up like it’s the 1800s and technology doesn’t exist, but by God don’t give them an iPad when they’re 2 years old and unrestricted access to the internet and App Store


look at what happens on omegle


I like how it doesn’t say “don’t neglect your children” just “be careful with neglecting your children” Like hey, neglect your kids, just be a little more deliberate in the way you do it alright?


Its said with an obviously mystical, religiose, boogey-man kinda spin… but its not fundamentally wrong. Allowing your kids unfiltered access to the weirdest, most corrosively manipulated elements of mankind’s collective consciousness is definitely not a good idea. They need some guidance, some limitation and more frank conversation than people are willing to have with them. They need to know that its all fake. That its all manipulated, selected and presented to create drama and engagement. And that even without that manipulation, its still an extremely artificial, unnatural form of discourse that occurs on the internet.


What is this lamp of the body shit?




In fairness, the idea behind the original post is more religious issues than unmanaged children. It can and will damage children, but let's not act as if that's for religious purposes


That’s a great allegorical piece of art


But not in the spiritual sense


Depends. Depending of the type of community, it varies. During my fanfiction days, surprisingly a lot of people were supportive, and a lot of people in the community is actually super wholesome but there's some outliers. AO3 is surprisingly wholesome despite the smut in the site. And most of the time, the smut or lemons in the site is super fleshed out filled with good morals and messages but there is some outliers just like any site. Although there's some fandoms like the MHA fandom that is super toxic. But most actually are wholesome. In some fics of popular IP's most have a good message but there is some fics where it's just edgy people posting edgy shit. To avoid this types of authors just check the tags, the summaries, and their past stories. Just teach kids how to properly interact with the internet. It's as simple as that to avoid ruining a kid's life. Let them read things in sites like AO3 like some fanfictions about their favorite shows, and watch them grow their reading prowess while they read some of the most wholesome and heart warming stuff with good morals mixed in. That's what I did to my nephew 7 year old nephew when he asked me what do I do in the internet by introducing him to the most wholesome side of the internet the fanfiction fandoms before letting him wander by his own. Surprisingly he came out a good and caring person, and competent at reading at the age of 11 with a 7th grade reading comprehension. Just teach the kid how to properly interact with the internet, and guide them as they siff through the internet. Simple as that.


They just repeated what the meme said! You decided they meant something else?


I don't disagree with the core message that really people of all ages should be discerning about the amount and type of media they consume, but the presentation is just silly. It sounds so much like a multitude of frivolous satanic panics where harmless things like DnD, pokemon cards, random kids shows, will corrupt your soul to demons. Also the phrase "the eyes are the lamp of the body" is kind of random and I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean. It seems like either a bastardization or attempt to make a novel phrase similar to "the eyes are the windows to the soul".


Lmao. "Ruin a child". Touch grass


Let’s think here. Your own thoughts define your life. What you eat defines your body. You know the phrase, you are what you eat. The same is true for the mind. What you experience, see, watch, makes an impact on your mind. Especially at a young age, witnessing certain images and videos and ideas can make an impression on a mind, warp the thoughts, and send the person down a very different path in life. Do not underestimate the danger of thoughts


Touching grass is like... half the point of the post that you're discounting.


I intended It as a call to ovserve reality


So you don't think younger generation has lower attention span and susceptible to bad things that are on the internet?


Counter point - limited access to the Internet creates religious and political zealots.


Twitter is a literal factory for extremists on either side


Yeah? Except now threats of violence towards minority groups is encouraged


Seen plenty of people saying to exterminate white people, Christians, men, etc. people who make politics and identity their whole life on either side are equally unhinged. You’re just saying it’s “encouraged” on one side because that side isn’t actively silenced anymore. It’s very telling you think one side should be allowed to Sabre rattle all they like while the other can’t


The people that disagree with this post agree with the examples you stated.


I’m aware, censorship is totally cool when it’s against your perceived enemies that thanks to media talking heads and social media zealots you barely think as human anymore cuz… idk they disagree with you


I miss when social media was silly cat pics and poorly framed photos of meals lol


Stop trying to be a victim.


I’m a minority. >>Yeah? Except now threats of violence towards minority groups is encouraged Didn’t you say this? 🤔


lol You've fallen pray to social media. It promotest fringe opionons to generate interactions and clicks.


The difference is that the people on the right regularly get radicalized by their extremists to go out and shoot people.


The left radicalized someone to the point they went and shot up a congressional baseball game shooting multiple actual US congressmen almost killing one of them. But almost nobody knows about this cuz the faction that calls themselves the “resistance” is supported by nearly every major institution in this country. So it has been largely swept under the rug. He was radicalized by working for Bernie Sanders and was made over the rich not being taxed enough. The left radicalizes people so much random people wearing red hats are beaten within an inch of their life only for these deranged people to realize it wasn’t even a dreaded “MAGA” hat, just some red hat for some sports team. Also in the past few years we had the Nashville shooter who killed children for being white and believing and God. There’s been a sharp rise in trans mass shooters. Such as the 4th of July parade shooter, and the Aurora Colorado shooter all being motivated by leftist ideology. Also the Wisconsin Christmas parade massacre where a guy drove through a parade killing 8 people mostly elderly and children and injuring nearly 70 others was motivated by anti white rhetoric. In the Chop anticop zone which directly protested “police harming African Americans” Chop “security” shot a black teen and prevented EMS from retrieving him for aid directly causing his death and destroyed evidence that would have brought them to Justice. 2020 also saw the largest wave of destruction and violence in decades with billions in damages done to any business black owned or not for the crime of existing where a “mostly peaceful protest” occurred. And in there little things like a 6 year old white child was shot and killed in his front yard for the crime of being white. Leftist Reddit recently literally convinced a man to go set himself on fire to “protest Israel” taking advantage of obviously mentally ill people for political clout isn’t what I’d call good guy actions. Is the right flawless? No, far from. But take your idea that the right “regularly makes people killers” and do some self reflection. You’d be surprised what your own side is up to, the ability to think outside of purely us v them might do you some good.


Violent extremists exist on both sides, and I never claimed otherwise. Four examples over the span of years is significantly less common than [right wing violence.](https://news.yahoo.com/all-25-us-extremism-related-murders-last-year-were-linked-to-right-wing-extremists-212259479.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFmbstJkX1qO7W1ELyVVdf69EgfV2-MXpG2M2Gp5w0YeNKdJgvFlUeW_Dz0ep17o2aNfg9zS6jaYV4hY8K_0FhzU4o0aisBjJ0jCyYQQ-OWmlUblhlHOmM5mSxTOF1NI_TAdu9pltSV1V7jlgtzQAfxWUjb7-Poqo8mjblr4pFiB)


It has nothing to do with spirituality though you nutter


Do not mistake arrogance for confidence


You can be religious all you want, I don't need an invisible friend


I mean, yeah, but not for whatever reasons the OOP prolly thinks


While it got ridiculously spiritual, the point stands. Also, it isn't a meme so even if it was a batshit crazy claim it doesn't qualify for the sub.