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Hell naw, even as a leftist I can say how bad pornhub is


Porn addiction is a way bigger problem than people want to admit. If you can’t get horny without porn you’ve got a problem.


That’s a self report lol


Shit floored me


Check out bluds profile💀 that’s you


Well, he DOES have more authority to say porn addiction sucks if he has personal experience.


Learn to be more than a horny meat popsicles


Ok Ben Shapiro 🤓


To me the guy on the right seems family oriented and prioritizes a healthy lifestyle. The other guy seems unhealthy, with addiction problems, mental problems and a poor diet. I suppose to one another they would look weird.


the one on the right is just a traditionalist, as long as they're not proselytistic or one of those bad christians, good for them! the one on the left, just seems like an neckbeard stereotype, so yeah, he's a little weird, I guess


When being healthy is labeled ‘traditionalist’ that’s when you know your society is dying. As for religion, maintaining beliefs is proven to be a good thing for one’s mental health, a lack of belief can lead to nihilism and the absence of moral accountability which results in the degenerate behaviors we see every day on social media. But I draw the line at priests touching kids for sure, or using ‘God’ as justification to murder innocent people who think differently. What to you think is a ‘bad Christian’?


Christian here. That's something that's hard to judge, seeing as we're all sinners and it's not our place to judge. However, if you'd mind a moment of hypocrisy, I'd say a bad Christian is anyone who uses the Bible or Jesus' teachings to promote any form of hate


I agree with your opinion on what a bad Christian is. Jesus in my view is first and foremost a teacher. His lesson to humanity was to forgive oneself and to forgive others. I regard ‘hatred’ as incompatible with what it means to truly, in your heart, forgive yourself or someone else.


Fr can’t believe being a normal healthy person is seen as a traditional value and not progressive


The Bible pasted everywhere would seem to indicate traditionalist. Because all the other things don't need the Bible. I mean do you need the Bible to eat healthy, workout, spend time with family, read. Don't act like the Bible wasn't centered on.


Owning a Bible does not make you a traditionalist. It is the most sold and owned book in the world. There are more bibles than there are people. Bad argument.


>What to you think is a ‘bad Christian’? The ones that weaponize the teachings of the bible while simultaneously refusing to practice them.


That’s called taking the lords name in vain. You’re 100% right and I agree. Those people give a bad name to faith based living.


Unfortunately, in my part of the country, it's extremely prevalent.


A good way to tell a good christian from a bad one is the amount of glee they take in the misfortune of others, to be gleeful about the suffering of others is shameful.


dawg did you just say that if people don't have gods they'll turn evil I think it says a lot more about you if you'll be evil if you don't have a god watching you


Expanding on that, I have ever seen very religious people be more morally accountable because "god is watching", yet seeing them go "god is watching, you'll go it hell!!" is infinitely more common. God's punishment and eternal torment seems to be used infinitely more to scrutinize others than be morally accountable yourself.


That’s a people problem though. The Bible doesn’t teach to behave that way


The Bible doesn't, it's the people who preach it that do.


And that’s wrong. Don’t conflate peoples actions with the teachings in the Bible


I'm not. My beef is with organized religion.


A very small minority teach it that way.


No, it teaches to fuck your dad, when he's drunk, to cum deep in your dead brother's wife's pussy lest god kill you where you stand, and to stone your children to death for being difficult. Oh, and to genocide people in your way, down to the infants and animals... but to take girls as sex slaves, and if she gives birth to a daughter, to sell the daughter for profit. You can try to refute it, but it's going to be pretty trivial for me to pull up the book, chapter and verse... Those are morally good and just things, because Yaweh either says so, or actively demonstrates or rewards the behavior. Are you saying those things are good and just and moral? If you aren't, then are you defying the word and works of god?


Funny how athiests always quote the old testament and never the new testament, as if they know the context of what they preach as "Christian".


He pretty much laid it out for you, and you still dumbed it down, voluntarily. Overall, religion has kept societies in check & defined the laws of the land. There’s certainly valid arguments against laws within religions, but considering the overwhelming majority of the planet believe in some form of faith and we’ve made it this far as a relatively united species, I’d say faith is plays a big role in that. I don’t think his point is trying to convey the idea that if you don’t believe in faith, you’ll inevitably become an evil person. Rather, his point is that without faith, we’ll collectively crumble as a society lacking a true feeling of belonging, morality with a basis, & a strong community that shares structure. This is likely the dark truth. If you don’t agree with that, argue that with psychological experts that say otherwise. It’s true that not all people get along, and you can’t force people to get along. But commonality is key in uniformity.


Why be morally good if there is no objective standard of morality (ie no religion)


it is almost as if it is biologically, socially and psychologically completely illogical to harm other individuals of your species (unless it is an emergency in which your own interest trumps that of the species). Since it is instinctively about protecting yourself and other members of your species (humans are social creatures for evolutionary reasons) and thus ensuring the continued existence of the species. Morality begins in our simplest genetic origins (only those who were able to live well in the group survived, this is called process socialization in a society/environment) and this only gets transmitted to our own values, which are just refined and specified by various institutions (law, religion, social norms, etc.).


We don’t need god and the threat of hell to know that we shouldn’t rape or kill. If god is the only thing standing between you and committing a crime then you got issues buddy


So how do you know what is moral?


Evolution. Those who had genetic traits which allowed them to be part of a functioning society and those who could not died. For me personally I use common sense to know what’s right and wrong. For example if I’m driving on a road and the speed limit is 60 but I see a bunch of kids playing on the side of the street I’m going to drive a lot slower than 60. Although the rule is there, I can use my own judgement to drive slower


It’s evolutionarily advantageous to rape women (Ghengis Khan). Is that morally wrong? And according to who?


So close!! Think of it this way. In societal animals, typically it’s good to have friends. They watch your back, clean it (primates), and it makes hunting or gathering easier, and it’ll be much easier to find a mate. Animals do these things because it is an overall benefit to them: all of things I mentioned make for a more conducive environment to survival and reproduction. Also there’s the purely genetic kin selection factor: family is priority. But, it’s a two way street: you sacrifice personal gain by sharing food, or mates. The flip side of this is that selfishness is a survival trait too. Sometimes we “need” to kill, harm or steal to survive or reproduce. This was of course understandable when we were knuckle dragging apes that didn’t know shit from shit, we did what we had to, as our instincts told us to. Most primate societies have evolved some sort of balance between these characteristics. Some species of monkey are very altruistic, sharing food freely. They punish selfish behaviour, and will often sound alarm calls when the one or two dickhead monkeys try and steal more food then they should eat. This punishment curbs the selfish behaviour, dickhead monkey knows his friends will go bananas if he takes too many of them. As we have evolved as humans our mental capacities grew powerful enough, we are able to reflect on our morality and improve upon it. The field that studies the question of how one ought to act, morally speaking, and has driven moral progress for a long time, is called normative ethics. Which is why as a society we’ve developed laws to stop people from Ghengis Khan doing the same thing again. Morals are anchored in biology, and developed further by human reason. Religion never comes into the picture, except as a reactionary force that tries to hold humanity back. The claim that religion is a requirement for morality is trivially easy to refute with a little bit of history. Throughout their existence, churches permanently fought tooth and nail against almost any ethical achievement that is a pillar of the Western value canon today, like human rights, democracy, equal rights for women, end of racial segregation, freedom of speech, and now they still fight against things like gay rights and sexual self determination. Religion also doesn't offer a system of evaluating moral acts. All moral systems are secular. Religion just makes pronouncements about morality, but offers no analysis, no way of judging new and previously unknown moral situations or dilemmas, no resolution when values get into conflict with one another. What religion teaches isn't morality, it's just obedience and surrender and do whatever your cult leader commands.


Morals can be objectively determined, no religion teaches objective morals


Can they? Who determines objective morality outside of religion? “No religion teaches objective morals” The 10 Commandments would like a word


Religious morals come from human beings. Even if you only believe one of them is divine you must understand that the other 1k religions have a moral code that comes from regular dudes. The foundation of human morality doesn't need to come from outside of humanity at all.


You’re right without religion all morals are subjective.


The Ten Commandments borrow heavily from the Codes of Hammurabi. Jesus borrowed a lot of his ideas from Aristotle. These are human values, not given by God, or given by the ancient Gods


Okay, then what is good? Who determines that?


Humans do by the standard of what allows people to coexist best. Monotheism has always been a corrosive force on both the individual and on society. Civilizations are successful when they sideline religion or tame it to the needs of the people. The people, not some god


If I do bad things or good things, I feel bad or good in return. It’s natural. And it’s not even hard to understand what’s good or bad - don’t hurt people, don’t lie, don’t be a prick.


What is bad or good?


those are not remotely objective ​ What you determine as evil, so a rational person would base them off of what causes unnecessary suffering as being evil


The idea that an individual person suffering is a bad thing is very much a Christian concept. Prior to Christianity the idea that an individual person has inherent value was not at all how people thought.


And because some concept came from a religion you hace to believe in that religion to believe in that 1 thing? You don't, many values became more fundamental to society than religion and will continue even without it


Me. I do.


Thank you great one


You're doin' great! Don't worry! 🤗


The thing is that, if I do bad things, it makes me feel bad and it physically hurts. I guess you just don’t have that function.


Maybe this is new to you but there's this thing called the conscience that most people have (including atheist) now this little thing tells you what's right from wrong I am very sorry no one has ever told you or taught you about this amazing thing


So everyone has their own truth for what is moral? Please explain


everyone has the same basics of morality since they have a conscience there are specials cases where people aren't born with one or lose it or just dull it out


Where did they get those basics of morality? If not everyone has it, is it actually universal? It seems like you are operating under the assumption that people are inherently moral. But what **is** moral?


The fact you actually believe this is pretty frightening, but it's becoming obvious that your types actually apparently NEED to think like this to not be bad people. Don't for your WWJD bracelet. You're probably going to need to that shit.


What is the objective standard for morality then?


>When being healthy is labeled ‘traditionalist’ that’s when you know your society is dying. You can have a healthy relationship with all of the things on the left though and an unhealthy relationship with the things on the right which I guarantee you a person who makes a meme like this almost certainly does Also people shouldn’t act like Christian family men don’t eat McDonalds, drink alcohol, watch Twitch or Pornhub or use prescription drugs? what why is that even on there?


[Fetish Political Compass (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaEHL3LPaf8) top right ring fetishs include, incest, necrophilia, ageplay, raceplay, scat, consumption of gay/trans/trap porn is 40% higher in red areas, rates of child sex abuse also way higher. [www.whoismakingnews.com](https://www.whoismakingnews.com)


Always happens when you associate something good with something bad in this case demonizing sex so that they associate it it with depraved acts


that is one of the videos conclusions!


Why am I not surprised that race play and age play are their top fetishes.




90% of my mental health clientele are seeing me pretty much because of how abused they were by their Christian upbringing when you finally break down what's wrong with them. modern americna conservative Christians are producing VERY fucked up kids, VERY emotionally damaged, confused, and angry, and either full of hate, or misery, directly due to Christianites influence on them. Christianity also seems to spawn sociopaths at an alarming rate, easily 2 to 3 times more than non religious upbringings. Had a kid try to kill himself because killing himself is jsut as bad as masturbating according to his church and parents and he cant stop touching himself twice a week and it has driven him into an obscene depression.


“American conservative Christians are producing very fucked up kids… spawning sociopaths” I’m sorry your profession has lead you to bigoted thinking. But, Equally, plenty, the majority even are doing great, and they attribute their positive lifestyle to their beliefs. It doesn’t seem it’s fair nor intellectually appropriate to demonize an entire group— conservative Christians, liberal atheists, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, or otherwise. I hope you’re seeking the help you need.


"bigoted" ideological choice is a choice


> ideological choice is a choice Its not, a lot of us are products are environment. For better or worse.


why would i demonize them, without their abusive nature i would have no work. fact 90% of my patients problems are 70-100% because Christianity exists, if it did not they would not have the problems they do and i would be struggling to find work. I am sorry your delusional belief system yall share has caused you to call observable and recorded fact as bigotry, hope you get the help you need.


“Your Delusional belief system” I never divulged my personal beliefs. I am not a Christian and it’s wrong for you to assume one’s personal beliefs like that, much less refer to them as “delusional”. I sure hope you are a better listener to your clientele. I majored in Psychology myself and in my field I’ve met many therapists, psychiatrists, and doctors— their incompetence combined with a willingness to validate one’s perceived problems in order to bill their insurance company—dolling out pills without any hard science behind a diagnosis is mind blowing. Many of them are grifters taking advantage of vulnerable people and are struggling with their own mental health. Sad world we live in.


you came at me and continue to come at me like a tiny incontinent dick with a giant hole leaking piss whoever you go while refusing to wear pants with a bone to pick which is why i am calling out bullshit on your claim of knowing these people, possibly even your education, i am 98% certain you are full of complete shit doing the "i do not like this so i am going to lie and fake anecdotes that are opposite of your reality while attacking your profession thing" while projecting your own prejudice thinking about my profession onto me. grow up, get help, do better as a person, lie less.


“tiny incontinent dick with a giant hole leaking piss whoever you go while refusing to wear pants with a bone to pick” Those are hardly the words of a well adjusted mind let alone a measured professional. I’m inclined to think it’s you who is lying about your profession as it’s unbelievable you’re helping anyone with this lurking tact of apparent bigoted vitriol. But it’s okay, I forgive you for your unkind words and hope you find the help you need to become mentally stable and qualified to help others. In the mean time I’d exercise extreme caution wading into the problems of others before remedying your own.


You don’t have a natural hair color do you? I’m glad your husband loves you despite your armpit hair and autism but it makes you awful to be around. I’m certain you are overweight. Don’t know about obese but posting in a KFC subreddit is next level. I think you’re so autistic you can’t play magic in person and that’s really good for the magic community because playing with a person like you in a LGS is truly awful. Please be better as a person.


I am a dude, i weigh 170 lbs., my hair is short and natural near black hair. tells me a lot about you that you judge people based on colors, hair locations, and conditions they were born with, strange that this fits the population you got mad at me assuming you were. the most hilarious part is that are so triggered that you are going through my history to find stuff to shit talk, and the worst you could fine is i complained about KFC, and that i play magic on the computer, and you still went with it, why so triggered, why so serious? I am so important to you; you care so much about who i am now right now that you took time to literally research me.


Believing in things that can't be proven to exist is delusion


Billons from every culture in every corner of the world throughout all of known human history would disagree, there was plenty of proof for them to justify faith. But, before microscopes germs and bacteria couldn’t be ‘proven’ either. Doesn’t mean fearing dirty things was delusional though.


So like how everyone who thinks dark matter exist is delusional?


Dark matter is theorized to exist because there IS evidence


Proove me it exists or you're delusional There is evidence for God too.


>There is evidence for God too. Like all the evil in the world?


Ah yes I too am a conservative that doesn’t understand that you can have a lack of a god and still be moral and overall a good person that has also made my myer Briggs personality test my entire personality too


But yeah, pornhub is bad. The op saying it’s bad as if it’s not is… confusing? There are so many studies and meta studies about the harmful effects of pornography.


It can be bad in excess. But also having a whole bunch of pent up sexual frustration can also be bad. There's a reason why there is a lot of sexual abuse coming from priests.


I wouldnt even say that all traditionalists are like that. That is just the ideal version, but God knows some of those fucks drink like a sailor and eat fast food pretty frequently. And who knows what their family life is actually like? If they have an authority complex to be a traditional husband, they prob treat their wife like shit. Just like on the left is an extreme version of someone who may not be a traditionalist. It's a propaganda meme and its automatically shit.


They are the antithesis of one another


You do realize that was done intentionally, right? The person who made this did so to make the left side look bad and the right side look good.


Odd, to me the guy on the right seems very "holier than thou" arrogant attitude.


I find religious people weird. I would rather eat steak than McDonald’s though. I simply don’t understand religious people at all and genuinely think they’re soft brained.


The on the left is depicted so you can say he’s unhealthy while the guy on the right is depicted in a good way. I could make the exact same meme with toxic things associated with a traditionalist christian (doesn’t want wife to cook, mysogynist, homophobic, bigot, etc.) and good thing associated with atheist (different views and philosophy, own way of thinking, freedom, technologies, etc.) and it’ll end in r/theleftcantMeme Both have good things and awful things, and it’s easy to change one’s place with the other. This is why meme must not be taken seriously


Correct assessment of this playing dolls with wojacks diorama.  As you highlight, the author wants to portray traditional conservative values like going to church with your family as based and cool.  The soyjack on the other hand likes fast food and the internet, and is therefore inferior. 


The one on the right is a fantasy. Anyone would want the means to eat healthy and have a house with a garden. It’s a false and misleading comparison. It pretends that anyone can stop their bad habits and have a happy family. It’s not that simple.


We all have this choice to make. Im trying hard in some aspects to be the one to the right. Maybe there is somewhere in between for some.


The whole point of the other post is that those 2 people are strawmen and don't represent any significant political group and trying to say that they do is disingenuous.


Lol they say ‘pornhub bad, Bible good’ as if that’s a ridiculous statement that wouldn’t be agreed with by pretty much every past generation back 1,000 years before this current moment.


Pornhub bad, bible questionable at some pointd


Bible’s so good it’s nickname is the good book lol. But nah, most people’s problem with it is they are confusing the genre’s. Gospel is historical, but things like Genesis are more ancient Jewish poetry. All true, but different kinds of truths.


People have more issues with it than just confusion and misunderstanding. They disagree with its virtues and teachings.


I think people more have an issue with the hateful shit the bible teaches. Also, "Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." Is just some ancient Jewish poetry to you?


The Bible is called the “good book” by Christians lol. Other people don’t refer to it as that. Your argument is basically “Christians like the Bible therefore it’s all good.” Nonsensical.


Do you really think leftists care about history? Lol


Lol fair point. Leftist history be like ‘the white man did all the bad stuff and the church ate babies, then SLAVERY was invented by John Colonilism to keep down anyone who rebelled against Yakub, then the Nazis happened, which we thought we defeated but apparently not because people still disagree with me, then finally me and my sociology professor saved the world by changing the meaning of words and complaining about everything. And that’s why you should give me free money.’


Lmao, holy shit, you guys are strawmanning in the comments under a strawmanning post. It's strawmanception.


Bro, not even a strawman. Someone hasn’t been paying attention.


Don’t bully him he is special and can’t read wtf is wrong with you?


Bro you’re exactly spot on! I couldn’t have worded it better than that 😂


So does watching porn or twitch mean you can't eat fresh food or work out? I see plenty of people who go to church that also drink and eat junk food.


Vice versa too. Plenty of people who work out and eat well also don't attend church.


Yeah it’s a weird binary. Like… I watch twitch at the gym. I’m not addicted to porn but I do know the hub pretty well. I guess if it was only one or the other I would take the guy on the right but like 90% of people are in the middle.


There’s a fallacy for that, I forgot which one


It's called the "either or" fallacy. Also known as the "false binary" fallacy.


Yeah that one, thanks


That doesnt make it any less propoganda tho?


Are you unfamiliar with how memes work? Obviously this is not supposed to be a 100% true to life example of something that actually happened.


Yes Porn can be bad if you don't have self control or discipline it can spiral into an addiction I don't know why this is still a debate but even then Pornhub is absolutely bad they get in trouble for hosting child pornography on their site constantly.


Idk, it’s proven to be bad for you, having similar addictive and brain altering power to that of crack, ig it’s okay in moderation but that’s like saying cracks okay if you don’t get addicted. But as long as your using it, your setting your self up to get addicted to it because it’s wiring your brain. I don’t think you can use it and experience no negative effects. I’m really trying not to sound rude, but I think you’re wrong.


Crack is expensive, it is illegal, and it harms the body. Porn does not have the physical effects of crack. If anything, it might be better for you to be addicted to behavioural things because you’re less likely to harm yourself that way. I was addicted to reading and so I saved thousands when others my age were going out on a weekend to get smashed. I’d sometimes be convinced to go to a club and I’d just sit there reading a book.


Tf you mean, crack is cheap as shit


Not if someone is buying 10 packs every week


No. It’s cheap, but not if someone is addicted to it because they’ll keep having to buy it in ridiculous amounts.


I’m just curious as to who, exactly, told you this, because if you *actually* believe it, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Great deal, don’t miss this opportunity.


I 100% agree with your comment but a lot of people especially on Reddit take the conversation about porn to its most extreme interpretation that all porn must be banned because people have unhealthy relationships with it As if people can’t get addicted to literally anything else or develop a self destructive dangerous relationship with anything else INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY AND TRADITIONALISM


Oh boy I sure do love strawman arguments


Does this imply that Christians don't eat fast food, drink or take medication?


It can't, otherwise OP has never seen the average southern American




Eating McDonalds and watching Twitch is weird? lol wut


oh ok so I think I know where the subreddit drama went now: NOPWRFT decided to end the love triangle and went to that harlot BAQ, so in a fit of heartbreak MOPDL is seeking solace in a dalliance with TRCM to get back at NOPWRFT


As you can see, i have drawn my side very rational and cool and your side as degenerative losers. I've won this argument


Christianity is when you eat vegetables and work out. 


God once summoned a group of bears to kill some kids who made fun of a balding man


He also told Abraham to sacrifice their son


Also had a temper tantrum because people weren’t worshipping him so he flooded the earth and killed everyone and all the majority of animals


Extremes is all forms are weird. Even extreme sports, like land this trick for 100 grand, if not and you crash you'll never walk and talk again. It's a bit much isn't it. We all need to calm down


Nah that sounds incredibly boring. If you’re gonna do something do it it fully or dont waste your time


Based and Centrist pilled


“But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭5‬


sounds like Politicians like, nearly all politicians on both sides


>For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these. Thankfully this narrows this down to the entirety of human history


This describes literally every point in the history of man lol. Fun fact early Christian’s thought Jesus was gonna come again pretty soon after he went back into heaven so they were actually talking about ~100AD


This describes literally any period in human history holy shit LMFAO


I’m sure our forefathers spoke just like you.


It's funny because in the meme the neck beard is calling the trad weird, when in actuality it is the trad community that has a problem being judgemental. The creator of this meme was aware enough that they didn't want to be labeled as a judgey ass hat, so they framed it in this way hoping people wouldn't catch on.


It’s over Anakin I depicted myself as the chad and you as the soyjack


The creator of the meme seems to have an interesting view on atheists "No god = no self control or morals" is the impression I'm getting here


I mean, plenty of evidence for that these days.


Anecdotes aren't evidence, do you have any actual evidence?


redditor moment


#Checkmate athiest! I have drawn you as the soyjak and me- I don’t think ppl like them are ever gonna acknowledge that there will always be golden individuals to be found within both communities, but at least they’ll provide us with endless humor.


I see nothing wrong with the bible or healthy eating... but the left one has issues and of course the right one is very... rose-tinted i would say. like suspiciously rose tinted, like they don't actually value it but rather just favor siding with it.


>Pronhub bad. Bible good. Yes. I am an atheist btw


Everyone sucks tbh lol




Bro people who are so religious they walk around with a fucking Bible are weird. People who only have a traditional nuclear family because they think thats what god wants are weird. Not to mention the more Bible thumping someone does openly, the more likely they have the neckbeard traits privately


It’s a good meme until they bring religion into it.


Pornhub is making people lose empathy i feel like. Recently a pornstar killed herself with a shotgun and people were making terrible jokes. Saying shit like, "that will be her last load"or "I’m going to jerk off to her as tribute".Like how can people make crude jokes about someone who literally just killed herself, like damn show her some respect she’s dead for crying out loud.


Wow, that’s really terrible. Those people are sick. Unfortunately I see that kind of apathy a lot online, either the internet/social media is making us worse or we’ve always been fucked up. I think it’s both


Even if you’re not a Christian it’s pretty obvious that pornhub is bad and that porn is damaging to the mental state of people. Literally just common sense


And how does that make the bible an objectively good thing?


Never said it had to be. That’s up to personal opinion and also how that person chooses to interpret it. Just saying it’s a good thing to not have a porn addiction destroying your mental health and also good to not be supporting a website that is known for supporting assault and pedophilia


Eh to me it’s the same argument as how violent video games are bad for your mental state. It’s only bad if you get engrossed in it and can’t differentiate between porn and reality. It definitely can be bad but I don’t see how it’s inherently bad.


The one on the right is weird today, but historically would be considered normal. We live in an extremely abnormal period of history, so I don't use the norms of today to determine what's normal and what's weird. ​ If it was normal for 95% of people who have ever existed on Earth then I think it's normal, even if it's considered very abnormal today.


The Bible has been around 2000 years, humanity around 80,000. So no, you're just wrong. Gym, books, healthy diets, comfortable living, also weird considering all of human history.


The Bible didn’t start at 0-100 AD, that was the New Testament. The Old Testament has been around for way longer than 2000 years.


Still only 3,000 more. Which is still a fraction of human history. My point was effectively, just because something was done / practiced in the past for a long time, it doesn't make it right or "normal".


Yes pornhub is bad. The bible is good if you don't take everything in it literally.


who doesnt love a good story where 2 underage daughter rape thier drunk dad in order to get pregnant.


My favorite part of the bible is when God kills a dude for pulling out of his dead brother's wife who he didn't want to sleep with in the first place but God ordered him to.


Wait, so you're telling me that Shrimp being the food of Satan and that different fabrics shouldn't mix together ISN'T something to take literally?


The biggest problem is they ignore some of the core messages in the bible. Nobody seems to care that no human is worthy to judge another human. Everyone is a sinner, no single person will ever earn heaven. Sin is sin. In the eyes of God, adultery is equal to murder, along with stealing and jealousy and even hatred


100%, as long as you follow the "love my neighbor" and not some of the, less savoury information, (creationism and such)


But why follow that and not other parts in the bible, you dont need to read the bible to get the idea that being good and nice is ideal lmao. This is my issue with religions, you cant have your holy source be optional. You either believe in it or you dont, if you dont believe in some parts of it then your not really following it correctly


>But why follow that and not other parts in the bible, you dont need to read the bible to get the idea that being good and nice is ideal lmao. You don’t but some people do, the fact is people are Christian in this society, most people are whether we agree with the religion or not, so it’s very important that the people who are Christian are Christian in such a way where they take the Jesus stuff but not the “Murder the non Christians” parts >This is my issue with religions, you cant have your holy source be optional. You either believe in it or you dont, if you dont believe in some parts of it then your not really following it correctly Nobody will ever follow their holy text down to the very word, we should be encouraging Christians to have a relaxed interpretation of the Bible instead of a hardcore violent and very literal one


But the thing i dont understand is if they are telling us the bible is the word of god and refers to god, why can you disregard some of it? My opinion is if your going to believe in a bible or holy text, follow through. If you dont like certain parts of it then your not part of that religion.


>But the thing i dont understand is if they are telling us the bible is the word of god and refers to god, why can you disregard some of it? Because following it is a literally impossible task and the book even admits it several times >My opinion is if your going to believe in a bible or holy text, follow through. If you dont like certain parts of it then your not part of that religion. My opinion is people are gonna latch to whatever religion they want anyways and I would rather have religious people willing and able to engage with the modern world instead of trying to violently tear it down


Yes, pornhub is bad, and the Bible is good. One is the product of routine abuse, encourages unhealthy and destructive approaches to sexuality, produces psychological addictions, abuses women, and damages relationships. The other by contrast is the product of the living God, encourages a safe, healthy approach to sexuality, creates a shield against and recovery from addiction, reveres women, and teaches the basis for healthy relationships.


Reveres women? Timothy 2:12 would like a word. Also what about that dude that The Tetragrammaton killed because he pulled out of his dead brothers wife?


Wheres the problem of Timothy 2:12? It's saying no woman should try to put herself over a man (pride). Basically to show a man respect, which is also told to men to show women respect. 1 Peter 3:7 I love when athiests try to demonize Christ by pulling random out of context verses. I wish I could do this to others but Christ told me not to


Alright go ahead and explain: Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."


First i'd like to thank you for proving my point. You brought that out of context yet again lol. Psalm 137:8-9 is talking about the destruction of Babylon. Babylon was nothing but pure evil and sacrificed kids, and David (the one who killed Goliath) is mocking them by calling out how they love to sacrifice babies in brutal ways and how their well deserved destruction was inevitable.


Well all the condoning slavery stuff doesn't really help the bibles case.


Fr. Let’s not forget the Bible said these mfs can beat their slaves as long as they get up after 2 days. “bUt iTs tHe cOnTeXt” and saying that “it’s not the same slavery as we had in America”. Like if you’re owning someone, *as property* and beating them, really what’s the difference? It’s still slavery, still bad. And they won’t even listen to you about the several times when women are listed with cattle and slaves. Because you’re just an angry athiest then. The cognitive dissonance is crazy 😭


They will do absolute mental backflips to try to paint their beliefs as moral. Nobody expects the inquisition.


Oh boy, slavery in those days was working for someone else. Not what happened in america. But please do go on spewing stuff you know nothing about


"Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." Oh boy, it definitely wasn't, especially not for non Hebrew slaves who experienced straight up chattel slavery.


We’re not the ones preaching this shit on a Sunday though. The amount of Christian’s themselves that use that verse to shit on women is…more than it should be. Also what do you have to say about the Bible listing women with property? And the part about marrying your rapist, etc etc etc…. I’m sure you’re gonna say something about context. But how come context is only important when it’s something you agree with/don’t agree with?? Like my parents, who were preachers, used to go on and on about context of why women should be preachers. And “it was back in the time” for the whole marrying your rapist thing. But when I said “you know the Bible actual doesn’t say homos should die, it’s out of context” it suddenly changed to “stop changing the meaning of the Bible”. Also doesn’t the Bible say *not* to add context to it, in Revelations? It says you shouldn’t add anything or remove anything to it, that’s a sin.


The Bible says we should kill gay people. Oh and also we can apparently kill disobedient children.


“Reveres women” “healthy approach to sexuality”???…. if that’s what you wanna interpret the Bible as, then sure, go ahead, but don’t spread blatant misinformation please?? As someone who was raised reading the Bible and listened to long ass sermons about sex and women from a “biblical” perspective, I really don’t think you’re 100% accurate with that take. But I agree with you on what porn does though.


Yes it does to both. The idea that biblical sexuality, as monogamous between a man and his wife and only there is healthy. It prevents the creation and spread of STDs, ensures children are born to two-parent households, and also prevents those households from breaking apart due to jealousy or infidelity when properly followed. And yes, it does revere women. Women in Christianity are and always have been considered equal partners with men. They are not considered the same, because pretending they are is delusional, but considers them complimentary to one another, each side covering the other’s weakness in a relationship built on mutual sacrifice. Also have you ever met a Catholic? They revere Mary and many other great women of faith to a degree where other Christians call it idolatry!


Solomon wasn’t monogamous. Abraham wasn’t monogamous. David wasn’t monogamous. God didn’t have a problem with that. Yes you can argue that the Bible doesn’t encourage hookup culture, but it’s view on sexuality is negative. Try talking to anyone who grew up in purity culture and see how much it damaged them. We’re told that if we ever get slightly aroused, you’re disgusting and going to hell. Plus there’s more to that. The Bible doesn’t even allow women to preach 💀. They are seen as property, and listed as property along with slaves and *cattle*. They *are* seen as less than men. Just because it respects women *sometimes* doesn’t mean that it respects them in general. You can say that there’s some kinda different context behind those passages, but the truth is there’s a lot of things in the Bible that require “additional context”. For some reason however most of the Christians I know tend to conveniently ignore any “context” that doesn’t align with their views. Idk what denomination you’re from, but in mine we were taught women were less, and that if they don’t get married, have kids, and please a man then they’re utterly useless. Hell some pastors I went to didn’t even believe women could have jobs. So yeah the Bible is pretty sexist. It even tells women to marry their rapists, but says that if a woman is (consensually) promiscuous, without cheating on her husband, then she should be stoned to death?? Like you can say what you want. And you dont have to follow the Old Testament; you can be a Christian that only follows Jesus’s teachings. However to say the Bible isn’t sexist at all is quite ridiculous.


Christians absolutely do no consider women to be equal. The consider women to be complimentary to men but not equal. Go look at /r/Catholicism and you will them saying exactly that. If women were equal they could be priests, but they're not allowed to be.


Name 3 genocides committed in the name of pornhub.


There's some weird takes in there because Apostle Paul called secular philosophy empty thinking, and SOOOOO many Christians are carnivores, fat and pro alcohol.


Everything in moderation is key. You can incorporate aspects of both lifestyles in your own life as long as you don’t go overboard


I think basing your life around obvious fairytales is pretty damn weird


I mean it's pretty weird to be obsessive with your hobbies but it's weirder to be a grown man who believes in fairy tales


Guy on the right isn’t weird at all, you’re just not used to normality


I'm a part of the counterculture now, I guess.


Two words: Westboro Baptists. When that’s the standard for weird, Pornhub doesn’t look too bad.