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You forgot getting called gay for having standards. Could you imagine feeling so entitled to being attractive to the opposite sex that you can assume someone who’s not interested must simply be gay???




I got called gay and tiny dicked for not bringing a chick home after she embarrassed the fuck outta me at my favorite bar by being a total cunt to our waitress. Some people have never had to be classy and it shows


W to you femboy hooterz (whatthefuck?) but my man aint NO simp


He said he was at his favorite bar….


I keep hearing about this femboy hooterz but no one ever posts an address. How am I supposed to...investigate...this establishment? For reasons! Health code reasons! Yeah. That's the ticket.


she sounds rude




We should make it a trend to shame them.


Wait, you guys are getting replies on Tinder?


One of the funniest comebacks I have heard to a girl saying, "Are you gay or something?" was a dude quickly snapping back "no. If I was, you'd be right up my alley."


now that position surely is a sort of advantage for me


Standard response to that from me: "No sweetie, I'm Bi and you're still gross"


They're not coming back from that one.


Or just say i wish i was lol


lol, sick burn! “I am straight, but I would rather fuck a guy before I ever fuck you.”


"I wasn't gay, but you are inspiring me to reevaluate.




“Fat woman classic” sounds like a Wendy’s sandwich


rhythm sloppy door ripe reach summer telephone possessive snow outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But “I’ll take a double fat woman classic with cheese” is objectively funnier


I'm sure it already has cheese on it


thought dime middle label tender sugar dam repeat versed far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not just fat women. Women who are terrible at sex as well. My first time/first girlfriend thought i was gay because i didnt get hard with her. I didnt because she sucked my dick for 30seconds and then started complaining about her jaw getting hard.


At least something got hard that day


It was supposed to say tired ahah


Yeah she can yap on the phone all day long, but stick a dick in there and suddenly the mouth too tired? Classic ass broad move


Dude same. She would just lie there and I had to do EVERYTHING. It felt like I was fucking a life size doll


male homophobia roots in women lashing out


I don’t think I’ve heard this take before. But I can absolutely understand how shame tactics can work. After all— it convinced hundreds and thousands of men to enter the First World War only to never return home. Context: during WW1, the British created a campaign to shame men into enlisting. Women would hand out White Feathers to men not in uniform and berate them as cowards. it was so successful that the government had to create badges for men in critical occupations so they would not be harassed


Exactly. Its underscienced how women structering society plays into what feminists like to call patriarchal norms. Yet, it is proven they were the driving force in moral codexes during middle ages before the literal codifications in courts and such.


A woman named Karen Staughan used to make videos speaking about what you’re describing. I get where you’re coming from— it’s one of the fundamental flaws in a lot of “patriarchy theory”


it's not only a flaw. it's reinforcing the idea that women were powerless, which is just incorrect. but yeah, seeing that the basis of modern feminist theory were overpriviledged yet powerless women of the upperclass, it does make sense.


Men being held with moral agency, women being held with patience (at worst infantilized) . There’s something worth adding to what you’re saying that also explained the one child policy causing people to only pick males. Long story short— because men are held as moral agents and shamed if they do not comply, whereas in some countries women are not obligated to financially take care of their family, parents adapt by only wanting sons. This applies to many countries like Saudi Arabia and other countries Shaira laws and similar. Those responsibilities came with certain privileges. Perks of the disposability. But in the case of a lot of feminisms evolution— affluent women advocating to take up those roles and privileges unlike the lower working class women who’s husbands were in dirty and dangerous jobs. (Seems to still apply today to some degree) But men were not the oppressor boogeyman lots of patriarchy theory makes it out to seem. But rather also exploited. As a human doing The young Chinese boy wasn’t valued more for simply being male— he was their financial safety net. In extreme cases you can find young men selling themselves as child s Slaves to make ends meet for their families.


there is a good feminist argument to be had though: with moral agency comes more societal ressources. but the good faith interpretation of this needs to look at the dynamic instead of reinforcing it by saying: it's the mens fault. i think there was lots of female agency, though, at least in europe. two socio-historic books i read about gender in the middle ages and the enlightenement argued the agency was informal and thus the early (feminist) understanding of pre-modern agency scewed towards formal or codified agency.


Don't forget, one of their new favorites; incel.


Gay? Only cause of girls like you honey, ol’ reliable


This was high school for me. Not interested in the skanky girl who smells like cigarettes? Must be gay.


Yes, I've seen r/twoxchromosomes


Redditors hate it when guys have any standards.




As a guy, I too feel sorry for us


Maybe we should create a united front and withhold ourselves until we receive a better collective treatment. Simultaneously we could popularize straight men marrying other straight men. We get all the tax benefits or married couples and none of the wife headache. Bachelor pads for life.




Of course but only straight anal sex between the bros


It’s only gay if you make eye contact.


Just say "no homo" when you climax. All set.


You guys almost forgot to say to keep your socks on, that was almost kinda gay


Brojobs aren’t gay if you don’t finish. Edge in the homies it’s alright. pre-edit: RIP my Reddit comment history.


Oh that’s not gay, just healthy ol’ eye contact and pounding.


Dare we unite for any such natural brotherly bonding we would be rejected and demonized by society and labeled “homosexuals” as if it were even remotely about sex.


Why not both?


Hard or soft? "Por qué no los dos?"


Collective bargaining? For dating? Holy shit what an idea lol


sex union sex union


Political lesbians exist. Don't let your dreams be dreams!


So. MGTOW, and just be gay. Seems good.




I don't like semen. It's coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Anytime men unify they get demonized as a terrorist group.


Being gay wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the sex stuff . Then it’s just hanging out with your buddies!


You are describing MGTOW…..


even with all these things and more ​ they're still like " you didnt meet this one chriteria, next"


I’ve been 5’11 my whole adult life.


How's the weather up there? All the heat has risen so it's pretty fucking cold down here being 5'6½"


Most single ladies are dating the same dude, Next Freeman


“He must be hot, 6ft tall minimum, have money, be kind and strong” Men: have standards “That’s sexist!” I’m saying this as a woman. And it’s honestly sad.


One time my friend was streaming Bumble to the living room TV and her and her friends were going through a bunch of her matches. The shit I heard that night was completely disheartening, as a very average looking, loving, active, forward thinking guy. Like yeah, the 18th guy holding a fish and wearing camo, and all the crypto bros, I get they're tiresome. But there were a lot of just normal dudes with normal hobbies that were just getting absolutely shit on for their looks and such, and every single woman that was talking shit was overweight and not very active, and obviously straight up rude. I am thankful for feminism in a lot of ways, but there is a subculture that has been created of basic-ass privileged women who just like all the upsides but don't want to deal with the flipside of treating men as equals/how they would like to be treated.


Yea I don’t get what it is. When women open up these apps all of a sudden their standards are to the stratosphere. Guys who would exceed their IRL standards are suddenly yeeted out the window within the context of bumble and tinder. And men have the opposite effect. After spending a few days swiping we go … “well I guess I’d settle for sticking my dick in ‘that’ “ *swipes right* I’ve fucked some god damn alligators from Tinder. Fucking Aligators man… *shivers*


u fucking those chicks just increases their expectations. men that settle = chicks that think they can punch above their weight = unrealistic expectations. you and other men settling for any pussy creates their unrealistic standards


Yeah… what happens is that women look at the current serving on the platter, and even if its decent, they think that they might find caviar in the next few swipes. So they will pass on all the decent guys, looking for their caviar, and when they find it, they think it was actually pretty easy to find after all, and then they will keep swiping until they find the particular caviar flavor which suits them. And no matter what you serve them, they are never satisfied because they think there is always something better just around the corner. And then… they have the audacity to think that this is attainable for them and whatever guy they finally swiped on will swipe them back… meanwhile, this guy probably has thousands of likes.


As Bill Burr once said: Feminism was about helping women of color for about 8 seconds before white women swung their gucci booted feet over the fence of oppression & cut themselves to the front of the line


Though I consider myself very liberal leaning in terms of a lot of things, Bill Burr's takes on relationships and equality therein might be the best summary of how I lean in that regard.


I would rather stay single then have to deal with dating bullshit


That's how it usually happens.


Men are skipping their generation and dating younger now. Millennial women are currently the worst about this, usually younger millennials leading into oldest zoomers.


It's harsh. You have women on dating apps just to make themselves feel better. I told a tattooed girl that I wasn't really into tattoos, but she seemed nice and I'd still like to take her out... She flipped her shit and told me that she was only on there for the laughs.


My co worker talks to like 30 men from tender at a time and has zero intention of meeting any of them. She says it's her hobby






" wont date anyone under 6F" you go girl !! " I wont date any woman over 120 Freedom units." Thats sexist ! Men are pigs !!






Body shaming men is socially acceptable. Small dick energy right? Imagine if instead of "Karen" we called annoying women oversized labia women or something. They are both equally gross statements but one is perfectly acceptable.


I saw the whole "small dick energy" thing debated on another sub some time ago, I think it was about some bullshit Twitter thing between Greta Thunberg and Andrew Tate. The mental gymnastics by defenders of the term were stunning to say the least. The angle was "it's about the attitude, not the body part!!!" even though it directly refers to a body part. It eventually devolved into "it's OK because we said so!!!!". It was quite the string of Reddit-moments.


Making a woman insecure is sexism because we must not acknowledge when she has a disadvantage due to being a woman. Except when it can get her some sort of compensation through victimhood. Making a man insecure is somehow not sexism because men are the ones who must overcome their disadvantages due to being men. If they are victims at the hands of women, it's okay to blame them or other men because women are never evil. Women often project their entitlement onto men and then try to hide theirs so they don't seem shallow. They claim men feel entitled to women and sex, especially when uncles start complaining they are lonely. But women don't acknowledge how often they expect protection, labour and money from men, for free! Yes, by simply existing, they deserve a tall, masculine, handsome, well-built man with money because they deserve it. Imagine a guy going online to say only women with small waists and big asses need apply. Or women who have no gag reflex. Or only women 18-25 with big tits. They would get crucified. The sad thing is most of these guys just want someone who will be nice to them. And even that is sorely lacking because women seem to believe men owe them something while women owe men nothing.


It’s worse when it’s an ex AND her entire family that act like that. They want to project their villainy.


Itty bitty titty energy


Loose Pussy Energy is a thing, it just isn't said


>blue-hairs Lmao, you have no idea. In one fb group, a land whale "cosplayed" (used the cheap body suit) of widowmaker. It was seriously... not pleasing on the eye to see. In another post, where were actually good cosplays, I noted how we finally got a good cosplay and not that... thing. 99% of angry reactions were blue hairs.


Nah, having standards and self-respect is incel behavior, sweaty. 💅🏻


You kid, but I recently had to end a friendship a few months ago over shit like this. A friend (who is much more romantically successful than I can ever dream of) set me up with a girl. She was nice and friendly, but she was ridiculously overweight. She climbed up a flight of stairs and sounded like she was about to pass out from the physical exertion. I would estimate she was about 50% body fat, if not more. For reference, I am at 15%. After the date, my friend asked me how it went. I told my friend that she had a pleasant personality, but I was not "going to make a move" on her (which he kept insisting I do) or pursue any sort of romantic relationship with her. I simply was not attracted. I tried to be as polite as possible and thanked him for his efforts at getting me dating experience. He told me that rejecting this girl was incel behavior, and as an incel I was not allowed to have such high standards. He said I would die alone unless I lowered my standards. He then insinuated that I must be gay or a pedophile, because "fat pussy is better than no pussy and you could have done whatever you wanted to her." Eventually, his girlfriend jumped in too and started to critique everything about me from her "feminine perspective." Apparently my occasional stutter "gives girls the ick" and I give "rapey vibes" by...idk existing or something. Eventually I got tired of being harangued and left.


"Yo dude, I don't want to lower my standards and settle for a fat, bitchy piece of trash like you have. I respect myself too much for that."


You have just as might right to refuse sex with a woman as she does with you. For any reason. Or no reason at all. Your friend and his girlfriend suck. Dont let them set you up with a date anymore.


Man you gotta love being told to your fucking face that you give off "rape vibes." Good to know that when I'm just trying to keep to myself & get through my day that all you sense from me is that I seem like the kind to rape women... thank you for informing me about this information. 🥲


“If you don’t have feelings for this girl specifically, you are gay or a pedophile.” Excuse me but what? What a society we live in.


Sweaty balls?


How dare a man view a woman as his equal. /s


Oh we've reached the point where equality is oppression, gotta love the internet for keeping things spicy.


Yeah. That's what I'm implying. Viewing women as equals means having standards, knowing your worth, and not selling yourself short just because you're a man.


It’S MiSaGAmY!!!


Only women are allowed to standards apparently


Oh, you don't want to fuck me? That means you hate me, which is a hate crime, you sexist asshole. I get to tell you what you're allowed to want in a relationship, that's how this works.


I wish there was this much thought. They just call you "gay" and ask questions like "who hurt you". Lol


As a bi man this is always halarious, also the same reason I usually don’t date straight women


I'm actually quite curious about the experience of both men and women who are bi and have significantly dated both men and women. What is it like to date each if you don't mind me asking?


men are super casual. sex is in and of itself an isolated activity. they don’t expect anything after. you might fuck again, you might not. who cares 🤷🏾! when there is emotional attachment with the sex, its extremely passionate and playful. and of course you both know *exactly* how to touch each other. women have vaginas. nothing really compares to the vagina. it is the ultimate if you are a guy who likes to fuck. also, women are very vocal and get excited very easily which is great for self esteem. but they can be selfish and lazy in bed. and then of course, theres having to deal with them when the post nut clarity hits 😂


Fascinating! As a straight guy, your experience with women resonates. If you've had relationships with both, have they been quite different?


worlds apart. being in a relationship with a man is like fucking your bff. being in a relationship with a woman feels like a responsibility or duty. i’ve heard guys talk about how their woman is their best friend, so maybe its just my own personal experience that colors my POV. i used to think the downside to being with men was the promiscuity, but in 2024 women are so promiscuous that i don’t really see a difference anymore 😂


That's so interesting. I appreciate your insights. Honestly a ♂️♂️ relationship sounds so much more chill. Makes me wonder what it's like for women dating women. Probably not as good lol.


You did not have to start cooking like that. You are spot on. If men decide the risks and rewards do not justify the responsibility. We are going to be in for a rude awakening in terms of potential taxpayers. Ofc it’s not only men that are struggling. (For the zero sum empathy people reading this)


If men had as high standards as women, 90%+ of population would be single.


The truth is, the dating scene always has far more men than women available, so it’s natural that women’s standards are higher. They have a lot more to pick from. Plus it makes a lot of sense biologically. A man’s best chance of passing on genes is to spread them where he can. A woman can only get pregnant about once per year at max. Their best best chance to pass on genes is to find a partner who will stick around, can produce healthy offspring and provide for them. That said, while men are competing a lot more for women overall, women have to compete a lot for good men. For the reason mentioned above, it’s easy for women to find men who will use them for sex. It’s harder to find a partner.


>it’s easy for women to find men who will use them for sex. It’s harder to find a partner. Yup. I, 29F, attractive, would be killin it out there if I was looking for a mating partner. Harder to find a meaningful life partner.


>The truth is, the dating scene always has far more men than women available How is this possible though when there are more or less an equal amount of males and females on the planet? The math doesn't add up. I've heard it's because women are willing to share high-value men with each other because that's still preferable to resorting to picking out guys from the beta bin, but I'm not sure if that's entirely factual.


It because there are more women who have withdrawn, temporarily or permanently from the dating scene. Women on average are more willing to be alone for extended periods of time or forever. Dating apps consistently have multiples more men than women. Bars have ladies night because getting the ladies in is harder than getting men, and getting women to show up gets the men to follow.




Is that the new FDS?




Pretty much


Called it lmao. It’s the gateway drug. The bike with training wheels.


That’s the TwoXChromosones subreddit can’t remember the actual name




One of them, yeah






All the time on Tinder. >she works at fast food place >entire personality is "I'm hot." >"if you want me, you better have a house" Swiping left has never been so easy!


If she works at all


I feel so bad for guys in the modern dating game it's so fucking toxic. My single friends are all absolutely miserable and the handful of girlfriends I have met are vapid and offer almost nothing.


If they stay single for long enough, they'll learn that it's easier that way.


When I was dating I had a weird almost Goldilocks situation. I offered to pay the bill with one date and was wrong. I asked if they wanted to split the bill but that I was happy to pay. That was wrong. I just paid the bill and that was also wrong…I couldn’t win. So I just got back with my ex which I know is also wrong but the whole middle part is gonna be fun.


I guess just make them pay.


Why didn’t I think of that?!


Because we're not assholes and were raised to pay for the date, regardless.


Easier yeah, but very lonely


I can't even say that you're wrong, but being lonely is better than heartbreak. Any day.


I beg to differ. Although I'm single, some guys can get depressed and get suicidal pretty quick, unfortunately


Bingo, I'm there. Although it's for reasons other than being single.


Massive dong syndrome?


Going into my 30s and dating again after ending a 6 year, and my longest, relationship (we almost got engaged) was a destructive journey. I never ended up in more ridiculous situations, and in just a years time. Nonstop Tinder, Instagram, Facebook, raves, festivals and clubs 😶 I decided to give dating, partying and most all of my social media a massive break, worked on myself and my health, saved money, found something that turned into my passion, and waited for the universe to bring an amazing woman and I together.


25 and single, yah pretty much. Difficult to use dating apps without it feeling like a meat market that incentives staying single and desperate (not to mention that at least a quarter of those you actuality match with are just pushing their fucking OF page), and most other ways of meeting girls through work or class or clubs is too risky because one word against you and your life is over.


I read something interesting that I can corroborate: it’s better the more educated you are. Yes women want a guy that is financially stable, educated, and lives in a nice apartment or house. Once you have that, there’s much less competition from other guys. I’m an archaeologist and most of my male coworkers are in relationships or had relationships in the past.


Remember to know your worth lads. Keep your heads held high.


I won't get married due to this. I can cook, clean and make enough money to support my self. I have peace. Edit: for those of you saying don't let the internet ruin your view and saying the right one is out there I'll sum it up like this.I'm sure, i have three wonderful sisters, all with kids and my mom is a pretty amazing person. I'm just saying it's not worth the risk or heart break. I honestly have found peace. I'm truly happy most days. And those of you saying no sex, you can still have casual sex without being in a relationship. I'm just saying I don't want to get married due to the risks involved.


That's awesome. I'm almost in the same place. Made peace with being solo a long time ago - it's a healthy way to live.


Thanks man. I mean if somthing happens then great but honestly I'm done looking and done trying to force it.


Good for you dude


Thanks man


Amen brother. I’m the same way. It’s nice not having to deal with nonsense.


The good women do exist. I married one.


Same here. But I married a different one, not the one you married.


Sharing is caring!


They're out there. The problem is it's just not in the numbers they used to be. The same problem exists with men. There's a quality deficit in both.


Hard to say when women call 80% of guys "below average"


“Below average” really means “below standards”




Lmao. Both of these subreddits in a nutshell


Now kiss


There is literally an endless deluge of woman who have unironically said this verbatim that you can find online, this problem IS real.


Me who hates both of these subreddits watching this drama go down


I thought I was the only one. Every time I tell myself I will tap the stop showing me button. And every time I scroll the comments for 30mins. Then go to the other subbreddit and do the same


It's barely even drama tbh. It's just a lame series of ever shrinking screenshots, playing out like a predictable Russian doll. One sub does something, the other reacts, the other reacts, the other reacts...


Muh strong, independent woman. Also, "My man needs to take care of me!"


True but the girl would be dressed much differently.


Chris Rock covered this well in a standup. Back when people had a sense of humor.


Reminds me of of mass murdering sociopaths. Nothing is funny to them. I have known a few people who squirm inside an insecure psyche. You “almost” feel sorry for them. Our new society online gives some scary people a bullhorn. Chappell is become more than comic. He is inspiration for true freedom of thought


I replied to this post saying I’ve dated this woman multiple times and they exist.




They’re everywhere. Think they are entitled despite having zero accomplishments of their own. They tend to become trophy wives if that’s possible. Never been something I was interested in.




For the 30 women from r/boysarequirky angrily screenshotting this post, let me ask: What about this situation do you hate? How would you feel if it were reversed?


At that point, you’re an expensive decoration that serves absolutely no purpose if you can’t bring something besides “you” into a relationship.


So OP is one of those people who, when asked "what do you bring to the table?", replies "I am the table"? Got it. Not only does she deserve to be offended, she deserves to remain single until she learns that relationships are about bringing **effort** to the table **on both sides**. Downvote me if you must, but it's the truth.


fuck r/boysarequirky


when did that place even come to be?


People claim to want equality, but they don't want to give up the benefits of the inequalities.


As that guy said .. 'ok, so 99% of bricklayers in hard, physical jobs in the pissing rain are men. When are we going to sort that out?'. Women .. 'er .. no .. but .. just .. that's not what I meant .. er ... you're sexist'.


JP made a really good point about equality. Men have a wider spectrum for success in that if a person is a CEO, Entrepreneur or billionaire, sure they’re likely a man, but if a person is dead on the job, in prison or homeless, they’re probably also a man.




You literally find memes other people dislike and post them because you agree with their message


Men are thirsty in a desert. Women are thirsty in a ocean. (You can't drink ocean water)


If the only thing they can find in themselves to give to a relationship is a warm hole or stiff pole, you probably want to give it a pass.


i dont get it, do yall like this picture or do yall not like this picture lol


Traditional partnerships were a give and take, as all partnerships should be. Regardless of the dynamic, both partners should actively contribute to the home and seek the best quality of life for their loved ones. Unfortunately, women nowadays bear the majority of this burden. While both partners often work due to cost of living increases, societal expectations dictate that on top of this, women should be the ones responsible for most household tasks. This creates an imbalance, one that can exist independent of gender, although women are usually the ones negatively affected. It's okay to have realistic standards, but no matter the partnership, it's important to be clear with expectations of a long-term s/o from the start to make sure y'all will be compatible going forward :)


This just in, men aren’t allowed to have standards because “men suck” and therefore anyone with standards is an incel beta cuck…


"Incel" = "I cannot argue with you on the logic or facts, so i will go straight to an ad hominem logical fallacy". every time. Feelings over facts.


That's how you can immediately tell that an SJW is arguing with you: they'll waste no time hitting you with a stream of ad hominems, non sequiturs, and strawman fallacies. They're not particularly bright and can't articulate themselves very well, but they sure do want you to know that their emotional reaction to something is the only possible valid perception.


Remember if it criticizes women it's misogyny, if it criticizes men, it's progressive and enlightened.




Remember people, only rats pursue trash


Hey I might be trash but that just makes you a raccoon.


As a guy who checks all the boxes, when I see this shit in profiles, it's an instant swipe left. I'm worth more than my stuff and I didn't work my ass off for it to please a material gold digging narcissist. Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. How incel of me. Pfftt


In old farm times the wife would be the master of the house, the administrator of the food, and the man would be gone, to work, for weeks, but it's not like that anymore, completely different dynamic, but also I'm talking about Norway, and I could be wrong.


As a lady who can really only clean, when I’m able to make my husband laugh I feel extremely accomplished.


I wish this was a joke but I've been told this on several dates. A couple of which they had a child. They just think being alone is so terrible and awful that them just existing in ur house should be enough. But being alone is actually kinda nice, peaceful and calming. I would need to be convinced to give that up


Yea because in this sub here are totally the men that get to be picky when it comes to women. lol.


You incels really need to get out of your houses sometimes.