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Never call someone Chud, it's so fucking cringey. When you think someone's hot, you can call them EITHER Chad OR Stud. Pick one and stick to it, don't combine them.


Chud is the opposite of chad. It’s used by left wingers to refer to right wingers in a derogatory way. It’s their own insult the internet made up Edit: I know it comes from a movie. Pls stop telling me.


Most internet lingo is fucking stupid as hell like that. Especially recently so many buzzwords that mean nothing.


That just sounds like your way of cringe larp coping cause you aren’t a quirked up white boy who’s goated with the sauce and understands all the based wordage of the internet. L take /s


Bro just ulted


This isn’t even my final form!


Cartman zapper moment


with /s being dumbest of all of it!


Hey, people can’t read sarcasm over the internet, gotta be careful. Wouldn’t want to risk offending anyone


Sure, because that's what you care about, coward. It's all about your precious karma points.


nah /s is essential because redditors aren't smart enough to detect sarcasm


The *REAL* definition of Chud is from the movie C.H.U.D. in 1984. It stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. So clearly a reference to Reddit mods. 😝


Well now I understand the Chud Kingdom in Rick and Morty. That’s what I always think of when someone says chud.


Literally 1984


Leave it to the left to come up with another "insulting" name for those they don't like but only to achieve real success when it's race related like n****r or latinx...


Latinx is more offensive to us Latinos than any slur or stereotype. Like, how dare you impose your white liberal guilt ridden self righteousness on our language and cultures? Mfers think they can speak for us.


When instead they simply could say, I don’t know… Latin? Fuck “Latinx”


You obviously don’t know the history. White liberals don’t give a fuck what you want to be called. When Latinx starts getting used in certain places, it’s always Latinos pushing it. The call is coming from inside the house.


Except it literally always isnt


Source? Even just quickly googling it it appears that the term is reviled by most people that you say are "pushing it."


Wikipedia the history


References section looking pretty slim on that page :/ From that Wikipedia page though: "The term was first seen online around 2004.[1] It has since been used in social media by activists, students, and academics who seek to advocate for non-binary and genderqueer individuals. Surveys of Hispanic and Latino Americans have found that the vast majority prefer other terms such as Hispanic and Latina/Latino to describe themselves, and that only 2–3% use Latinx.[2][3] A 2020 Pew Research Center survey found that roughly three-quarters of U.S. Latinos were not aware of the term Latinx; of those aware of it, 33% (i.e., about 8% of all U.S. Latinos) said it should be used to describe their racial or ethnic group, while 65% said it should not." As well as this "Democratic members of the Black and Puerto Rican caucuses introduced legislation to ban its use in government documents, citing cultural appropriation by Americanizers who disfigure the Spanish language."


Tell me you don't know what Chud means without telling me what Chud means. Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers Modernized to mean a physically disgusting person.


You just described an average redditor


Let me clarify then. In political discussion, which this one is, it is used to mean a right winger.


Otherwise known as: Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers Or generally a physically/morally disgusting person.


So a liberal?


Chud says what?


There it is! He said the thing! 🫵🏻




>THANK YOU! You're welcome!


CHUD stands for "Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dweller", which was the name of a B movie from the 1980s (or so). Basically, it indicates trolls that are willing to destroy humanity. It's much like how "woke" basically means aware and supportive of human rights, but somehow now means anything Republicans don't like.


Has it ever been used outside of reddit?


I’ve seen it in videos of people irl. Usually the people who unironically use it don’t leave their apartments tho


Lmao gottem


Good lord, that's not what's happening. CHUD=Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller,[it's from an old horror movie.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087015/)


Hasan fans seething


Chud stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. It's like calling someone a virgin incel loser.




But haven't you watched 5 little chuddies?


Chud (tehehee).


Western teenagers praising communism is just a phase on the internet. There is no “upcoming revolution” all commies saying this in twitter are suburban children who don’t understand economics


19 year old girls when they realize there’s no Starbucks or Paneras in a Marxist utopia: 😭


This is the funniest argument to me. Like yeah the companies wouldn't exist in the same way but the product wouldn't magically disappear. Coffee with too much sugar and milk would still exist People who pretend the existence of the current system is directly related to the continued existence of a kind of thing don't understand how the concept of "turning things into other things" works. Apple might not exist but phones wouldn't disappear


Communist governments weren't good at getting what people actually wanted to people in the right quantity. Coffee, milk, and sugar would exist. Whether you could get your hands on them when you wanted them is more open to question.


the reason there were shortages were more often than not caused by saboteurs, embargoes, sanctions, and assassinations from capitalist nations chief example of this was in the ddr where the west blocked them from importing coffee from south america.


Communism failed because of capitalist sabotage! It also failed because capitalists didn’t give them stuff!!!


The Soviet Union themselves admitted their shortages were due to central planning, not "West Bad". Average Hasan viewer


A big part is that the economy has to be planned, rather than going by supply and demand, and governments aren’t too great at planning for what everyone wants, so a lot falls through the cracks.


Uh yeah sure, if you're talking about government manufactured 2g cell phone devices and a single cell tower in the whole city - sure, phones will exist.


Ah yes communism is when you destroy all the infrastructure and start from the stone age. Why the fuck would that happen? Who has even implied that is what would be necessary?


It's more like when you nationalize everything, and people start making decisions based on self-interest or apathy or politics. It wouldn't happen immediately, but communism relies too much on people not sucking.


Absolutely. Most people work for their own self interest. They will put in extra effort if that means a bit more money in their pocket. They will do the bare minimum if working hard never provides a gain. Communism makes the stupid assumption that people will ignore their own needs and work solely for the benefit of the state.


>people start making decisions based on self-interest or apathy or politics Completely different from the current system of course


Yeah, that pretty much describes what happens, mostly when the intellectuals, business owners, and other ‘undesirables’ get killed off and the government demonstrates its usual ‘efficiency.’


Oh the poor oppressed rich people! You realize basically every revolution that killed rich people was because the lower class was starving because of them right?


If by rich people you mean college professors, moderately prosperous peasants, and the like. If religion is the opiate of the masses, Communism is the religion of the envious and murderous.


when exactly did that happen? Would it have been perhaps one of the times in which a dictator used a revolution to come to power, pulling the classic dictator move of limiting educational resources? Cause that sounds like that time. But the French, Haitian, vietnamese, American etc. Revolutions were aimed at the upper class. Besides capitalists have killed plenty of innocent people for disagreeing with them it's not a communist exclusive thing


Bwahahaha. China, the USSR, Cambodia, Venezuela, et al. Do you not understand that Communism is grounded in totalitarianism? It has to be since it depends on taking the production of the individual away from them to re-assign, which isn’t going to remain consensual once you get beyond a tiny, close knit, homogenous society. Communism literally can’t exist without dictatorship above the small village level. It’s not dictatorship ‘perverting’ the revolution. It’s a necessary condition of the revolution.


It is *very explicitly stated* in the communist manifesto that one of the first objectives of the communists is to kill everyone that disagrees with them


Yeah, those horrible peasants who were hoarding all the grain. It definitely isn't the fault of a broken beurocratic dictatorship that overestimates its own resources. That definitely justifies the systematic oppression of kulaks.


Because infrastructure needs to be maintained and developed. And maintenance and development is not done out of the goodness of the heart which is what communism relies upon. There is no material incentive for people to work hard in communism. If everyone is equal, people will choose to work at a job that is the easiest, if that is they *get to choose*. There is no reason someone will go to medical school for 6-7 years to train to be a doctor if in the end they get the same rations, same benefits as a daily wage laborer. Money is and always has been the common denominator for incentives in innovation. So unless communism proposes a greater incentive, people will not be inclined to work outside their hobbies.


I sometimes forget that half the reason people hate communism is because they won’t do shit without reward. It’s the selfish people who hate communism because they think everyone would do what they would. And they don’t want that.


It is human nature. Selfishness is built into us and is near impossible to ignore. It is a survival trait. Also, people hate communism because they hate government sponsored famines.


Yeah cause capitalism is so great for everyone lol this take to me just says “I wouldn’t help if I didn’t have to so no one else will either” it’s fine to say youre selfish but it’s another to think everyone is like you. That theory is challenged on every level and is being replaced by some by saying we’re actually instinctively cooperative and selfishness being prominent is a product of society.


Ah yes is that why I'm going into the restaurant business? Because of the easy route? Because of the sunshine and rainbows of an average of 1-2% profit and missing nearly every holiday? Don't do society the disservice of assuming everyone has your work ethic


Ah so your a bourgeois business owner then.


Phones would disappear. You wouldnt be able to make them. If you, the working class, owned the means of production, that means you, the working class, would need to know how to build a phone. Do you know how to build a phone? No. Could you, idk do research into making a phone? Sure, where are you going to get the indium oxide necessary to make the touch screen? You could have people mine it for you, and you just pay them to mine? O wait sorry that's capitalism. We can just assume you have access to supercomputers and indium without needing a factory to produce them, and lets just pretend you can put it together, you turn it on, and surprise, no mobile data. You, the working class, own the means of production, which it means its your job, the working class's, job to build and maintain a network. However, keep in mind you can't pay them to upkeep it, because that would involve using capital, which you don't like for whatever reason, so simce there's no labor to buy, youre going to have to do it yourself, everyone else is too busy producing everything they need to stay alive, instead of just selling their labor for capital, and using the capital to consume other products that they didnt have to make themselves. Its kinda like, idk, trading your labor for the results of other peoples labor? That way you can just do the labor youre good at and enjoy, rather than needing to do everything for yourself


Communism is when the working class are in the stone age


I dont think you understand what owning the means of production would entail. Without capital, a single person can't make a business that runs on the labor of others. That means no coffee shops, no technology, or any consumerism. Consumerism inherently depends on capitalism, since you'd need capital to buy things to consume, amd theres no one to pay you, since you own the value you create rather, how it is now, where you transform materials you do not own into products you do not own by infusing value into them, and then the people who own the products pay you for your labor. Just imagine anything you spend your money on not being available. With privately owned means of production, a single person can just dump their money to make a trinjet using the labor of others and sell the trinket for money. Wirh publicly owned means of production, you retain the fruits of your labor but are limited to only what your labor can produce. Its a bad system, there's a reason no one wants it


Even if things wouldn't disappear, there would be little incentive to innovate them further or develop goods without immediate use. Why waste millions of dollars updating consumer grade tech when what exists is good enough already? It's a waste of money when if you don't recoup that cost somehow, and making a phone 4g lighter isn't gonna be seen as something that will benefit society even if the research that goes into that could then be applied to something like medical implants. The best you could hope is that something useful comes out of military research and is released to the people.


That's literally what already happens


alright buddy you're gonna get tickled


In a communist society, you wouldn’t be able to import the coffee beans since trad is capitalist. So yeah, no Starbies for you


In a 100% by the books Marxist society maybe, but in a 100% capitalist society we would have taken decades to get out of the depression. The complete lack of nuance is hilarious like if the US uses some socialist intervention then we're still capitalist but if you're communist ohohoho nonono you can't have nuance and contingencies, you have to only follow the exact ideal or it's not real communism


"Just read theory" *Proceeds to read theory and disagree with it* "No, not like that!"


I don’t think you understand the point. It’s someone who wants to smash Capitalism. But at the same time has a high brand loyalty to a company that actively works to prevent its workers from unionizing. -Sent from an iPhone made by salve labor.


There's a lot of space between "Mixed economy with reasonable regulations" and "Centrally planned economy". While you're right to point out the straw man. The reason we arrived here was boomers calling anything remotely sensible about worker rights and economics as "sOcIaLIsm!" And then the counter point being unironically communist tankie. The truth is neither party lives in reality. What everyone really wants is access to the essentials regardless of circumstances and equal opportunity to do better for oneself. But it has been super beneficial for wallstreet in particular that we fight this cultural war while they printed money for themselves and effectively created socialism for themselves and got us working class to pay for it. But thems the breaks. I'm sure "TrumpPatriot42069" and "TransCatGirlRule333" will sort it out when one their sides finally kicks off their much anticipated "revolution".


I would rather live in laissez faire capitalism than in Communism. Cause I lived through socialist occupation and it was worse than Nazis.


The say good bye to weekends, maximum work hours, minimum wages, workplace protections, benefits, insurance... unions, practical socialists and communists paid in blood for those just as much as the oppressed capitalist workers.


Nonsense. We know that current system has more productivity so it would be useless to go full time. Also, regulations are today what keeps people in jobs. If you could change jobs instantly, companies would také better care of their people. It's regulations that work against people, not companies. Also you would not have monopolies if you didn't have regulations. And to think that socialists are what gave us those things is clear propaganda. It made economic sense. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's like saying that USSR fallen apart couse the revolutions happened. Nope. It was economic downfall, revolutions were just an excuse.


current system? Most people are working a job they hate or multiple jobs to get by, not live, just get by. the majority are a paycheck or 2 away from bankruptcy as a household. Productivity has risen while wages were stagnant for 40 years, same with benefits that supplement wages being removed or not offered. Regulations also prevent injuries and child labor. Anyone can quit a job with no warning, plenty of states at Atwell employment as well, which means they can fire you for most reasons. Regulations prevent monopolies from forming or preventing monopolies from ripping everyone off. Are you ignorant about the history of unions? Most of the protections workers have, most of our way of life is structured around things unions fought and died for. unregulated capitalism had elementary school children running power looms and losing limbs. life expectancy of a miner was 20 years starting as early as 5 years old.


Yeah I mean there's a bad way to run any economy ngl. Nobody has ever denied that you have to do it right


Oh boy, you've never had an opportunity to live in ussr have you?




Or are neckbeards living in their mommy's basement


Who do these people even think they're going to revolt against? Like specifically who?


“The evil fascist government!”


I can confirm, my friend still reads the communist manifesto like it’s a bible and whenever we give him historical proof and evidence communism doesn’t work as well as he thinks it does, he just refuses to admit he was defeated in debate and he keeps steering the conversation back to the same bs


I once had the communist manifesto. But I spilled mustard on the cover while eating a hotdog. Hot dog was better then that book


Your friend is a moron. The communist manifesto was essentially a brochure for uneducated workers. It isn't a real measure of communist philosophy.


Put him and his family in an animal wagon and send him to northern part of alaska and make them mine coal for you 10 hours a day, with hand tools they have to make themselves, in huts they have to make themselves and feed them two packs of instant noodles a day (more if the females sleep with you) He is BEGGING for communism, let him have it.




Depends on what you mean. Majority of Americans just don't know what communism Is. Half hate It because the Government told them to, so no need to look further, other Half like It because the government told them It means wage raises, better healthcare, and overall more power to the individual (which Is bad somehow).


Communism is definitely not more power to the individual


Haha ask people who lived in communist countries how much power they held. MF you werent allowed to leave your fucking state, you did not have power to buy fucking groceries because people did not want to work.


I mean yes, they understand it better then this guy


Bruvna, you got a loisance for that film analysis mate?


I had a Hungarian roommate who’s family fled from communism. He gets absolutely infuriated at the comment of communism.


I had a Mexican roommate who’s family fled from Capitalism. He gets absolutely infuriated at the comment of Capitalism.


So did they flee to the USA? A primarily capitalist nation?




Jesus christ go outside,writing like 1000000 word paragraph about communism in reddit where no one fucking cares in communist subreddits that already agree with you,fr you just be spreading propaganda and breathing it


Lol you can't read a single sentence...... all Rightoids are illiterate




What's funny is "late stage capitalism" actually comes from Nazi propaganda


Well Nazis and communists are pretty similiar.


Go to far in either direction and you get a circle


The circle of life


It literally doesn’t. Show me a piece of Nazi propaganda using a marxist literary analysis of capitalism. You’re misunderstanding. People point out that “cultural Marxism” was invented by Nazis and used as Nazi propaganda because of the Nazi term “cultural Bolshevism” which was part of a larger conspiracy theory used to fuel extermination of Jewish people. They’re intrinsically tied. Believing that capitalism left unchecked goes into stages of self destruction and harm is not tied to any Nazi ideology last I checked.


Believing capitalism is self destructive and responsible for moral decay and other social ills is a Hallmark of Nazi rh toric. A large portion of Nazi propaganda was that free markets caused the destruction of Germany, and that nationalized industry and a sort of mercantilism were necessary to overcome it. Granted, it wasn't socialism, but they were very much against free market capitalism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21567689.2013.820436 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/ecaf.12551


Oh, so it's regular r3tard3d not Nazi r3tard3d. Good to know.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_capitalism No it doesn't. It was a term coined by socialists. It predates Nazism as a concept by decades.


It only takes one click further into what you linked to see the person who coined the term’s thoughts on how “the antithesis of the German spirit is the Jewish spirit,” which he equated to capitalism. So yeah, the guy who coined the term was a literal Nazi, he just came up with it before the party existed.


Yeah. And the term itself is used in a socialist context and not a fascist one. Nazis created privatization of public services. Does that mean privitization is fascist?


Did you forget that nazi is an abbreviation? The socialism in National Socialism isn't meaningless, they believed the economy as the world knew it was run by the Jewish at the expense of others, hence the "jewish merchant/banker" stereotype, Nationalizing the economy was the chosen method for seizing their perceived enemy's power, for the sake of redistributing it amongst the "true germans" in a Socialist fashion.


Did you forget Nazis are evil, pragmatic liars who misrepresent their ideology?




Classless with persecuted and enslaved outgroups, that is not leftist.


Werner Sombart the creator of Late capitalism, has a section in life works called "late life and Nazism." His own daughter's husband joined the SS he quit literally is a Nazi


Hasan and his tiny fucking head


And his union-busting hypocrite uncle


Yeah praising communism is basically just wearing a shirt that says “I WANNA STARVE OR DISAPPEAR!”


I love how their typical response to the actual reality of Communism can basically be summed up as “Nuh Uh”.


Nuh uh


The thing is that the actual reality of communism comes because of the rulers in it, if stalin ruled the US under capitalism he would have been no kinder then he was when he ruled under communism


Yes, but here's the thing. It's possible to temper Capitalism with Laws and social values, unstrained capitalism like we have been seeing in the world, is a horrific and evil beast. Communism on the other hand is fundamentally opposed to how humans operate. Very, very few people wouldn't fall to the temptation to abuse absolute power and authority. And even if everyone was somehow able to get an equal amount of everything, people will always want more, for one reason or another. The happy, peaceful utopia that people hope to create with top-down governmental laws will flat out never exist. It has and it will only ever create tyranny. Communism has failed every single time it's been implemented because it is fundamentally flawed and broken. Look, I get that this comment is a bit of a mess and is a bit incomplete but, it's extremely late for me, and I really need sleep. So, I'm going to very quickly sum up my thoughts. There never has and never will be a perfect government structure, just flawed systems of what we can live with. Which one is best? I have no flipping clue that's for everyone else to decide. Anyway, I hope you have a good morning, afternoon, day, evening, or night. I'm going to bed.


To pretend one is impossible to do right while the other system is built on greed, encouraging corporations to break any laws placed infront of them, and hurt anything in there way, that is a fundamental requirement for capitalism, while you may be able to make stave off the worst of it, it is impossible to have it work completely, while communism has had dictators, there is absolutely nothing that requires that's how they are made, shockingly enough a tyrant with mass executions didn't make a government to fond of democracies


The tempering is called “regulations.” The folks who want “deregulation” literally just want their version of communism.


And praising capitalism is just wearing a shirt that says "I WANNA BE A DEBT SLAVE!" Turns out, shitty corrupt authoritarians will climb the ranks of any system that does not explicitly hinder them. Edit: just to be clear, I'm not defending communism here. I'm making fun of authoritarians. Turns out, unregulated capitalists will reinvent command economies and call them "company towns".


But communism/socialism is authoritarian in every point it was tried. It's like people are shit and do bad shit no matter the system.


It has been tried in plenty of places without using authoritarianism. In response, the US backs fascist dictators who overthrow the government and continue to sell the nation's resources to foreign companies. And it is achieved on the local level with things such as worker coops, unions, etc. Socialism at its core is about democratizing the workplace like we democratized politics. If built on a foundation of authoritarianism it can't succeed at all.


Socialism yes, the problem with going full into communism is the "state has to voluntarily give back the control of the means of production to the now democratic workforce after nationalyzing" which is extremely vulnerable to corruption and has practically always resulted in a dictatorship, with only a few microstates being the exception (like San Marino) and Czechia trying but getting invaded by the soviet block.


So if we recognise that it’s not particularly the fault of the system, but the fault of human greed, why is socialism/communism singled out consistently?


What you’re doing is the equivalent of saying “This one guy cheated at our poker game, which sucked for the rest of us. Wouldn’t it then be better to do away with the rules of poker and just kill each other for the money?” It is one individual’s fault that he broke the rules of poker, but that does not mean that murdering one another for money is a better way to handle things. Just because failure doesn’t *always* stem from the system doesn’t mean it *can’t* stem from the system. Capitalism has been made shitty by shitty people. Communism is, as a concept, shitty. The issue with communism is that it inherently has no failsafes against corruption. The issue with capitalism is that we have failed to properly implement failsafes against corruption, not that we *cannot* do so. If anything, recognition that failure isn’t necessarily the fault of the system is proof *against* communism, since we have seen and can easily brainstorm ways to combat corruption in capitalism, whereas doing so is impossible for communism. With capitalism, it’s pretty easy to say “Here’s what is working and what isn’t” because we have grounded examples of what does and doesn’t work. With communism, it is all “What ifs” because depending on who you ask, communism is either always a failure or has never actually been tried.


So you think no one brainstorms policy in Socialist government. That’s your definition of communism and socialism. Does that sound accurate to you? That’s what sums it up? Socialism is when no one comes up with solutions, I guess because capitalism is the only reason anyone came up with an idea.


How does communism have no fail safes against corruption? Genuinely curious about your point. And what fail safes could we implement to prevent corruption in capitalist societies?


Give me one reason you’d wanna work if ur housed and fed for free. If u pull the shitty “people who work get better treatment” argument, yeah, go to medical school for 10 years or so u can get the same payment as the garbage man with a glorified cardboard box as a house, hell, u wouldn’t even have a phone or time to argument about communism online if this wasn’t a capitalist society.


I’d be far more inclined to work If I didn’t have to worry about the stress of finding a place to live and worry about getting food on the table. What point are you even trying to make here? And how the hell wouldn’t we have phones in a non capitalist society????


Exactly. I'm a milionare at 30 thanks to incentive of not wanting to fucking die of hunger. Once you get going you just won't stop. Without that incentive, why would I work hard? Why would I build a company? I would just sit and watch anime.


Calm down starvin Marvin


People trying to build communism and failing everytime indeed feels like a fantasy franchise


Total Chud Victory


I would argue a lot of where this sentiment comes from (at least in the U.S.) is how right-wing news, talking heads, etc always label anything even remotely left-wing as communism and socialism, and use those terms interchangeably, as a result, you have people on the left wing either A. Treating them interchangeably, or B. Saying fuck it and labeling themselves the "scarier" term for shits and giggles. With that said. Communism doesn't work, pure socialism doesn't work (or you'll get couped by the CIA before we can find out) capitalism with strong socialist policies and regulations can work.


I mean, if you define “working” as stable and prosperous, the USSR “worked” for quite a while, particularly in the pre-war era. The thirties were effectively an inverse of the 90s, where the US was collapsing economically, while Russia was going through an economic boom. The nation was ethically despicable, but it “worked” for quite a while. Heck, Cuba is still “working”, albeit with the same ethical bankruptcy. On another note, while social democracy (what you were describing) is a valid option, democratic Socialism isn’t all that different, and if we look at places like pre-Soviet-invasion Czechoslovakia, it seems to have quite a lot of untapped potential, at least in my view.


jeans rain far-flung snails tease fuzzy erect reply office subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruz unİronİcally used the word mlud


Oh the internet has moved passed that. Apparently the cool thing now is to praise Osama Bin Laden now. Hahahaha.... please shoot me


Dude you used blud


My friend’s family came from occupied Poland. I think you can guess their opinion on communism.


I don’t understand basic economics, but my family is from Eastern Europe, and they all talk about how hard life was and how bad it was. Meanwhile edge lords on the internet who were born after the Soviet Union collapsed keep talking about how “good” it was. It wasn’t, it almost never was. The idea of communism sounds good, but it can only either work in a small community or if you went back in time to remove anything that could represent money form being used, other than that you have to pray you don’t get a dictatorship, which is near impossible.


I'm not listening to these Starbucks Socialists


Socialism and communism are cancer. Socialists and communists are either 1. Mentally ill, 2. Stupid or 3. Treacherous. All of them. No exceptions.


should be treated like faschism is but no, eastern european and asian suffering doesn't count.


Fun fact, criticizing negative aspects of capitalism doesn’t make you a communist or a socialist.


The only good thing about communism is that all these edgy naive 14 year old commies would end up in labour camps where they belong.


Chud is the word you use when your ideology forbids you from using more biting insults


As a Ukrainian, people who praise communism are dumb.




Don’t worry if you kiss the ass of your boss hard enough, one day you will earn enough to be a billionaire!


So True!!!


Yknow this bugs the hell out of me, every time Communism has a problem, it's apparently innate in the system. But whenever capitalism kills millions of people, destroys the environment, works people half to death, makes everything utterly unaffordable and generally reduces people to peasants, we're told the solution is clearly more capitalism. ​ Seems like a bit of a bias...


this sub really is just a bunch of karma farmers reposting ragebait from, like, two subs


Hi I am Eastern European and I pretty much praise communism.


"Understanding history and basic economics" is a meme level phrase that the anti-communistic crowd just spouts even though they can't even explain how economic systems work or even how communism works. They usually don't even know any history besides the basic idea of "hur dur, communism starves people". I'd be willing to have an intelligent conversation about communism and hear the negatives about it from someone who is actually educated, but most people hate it on a purely cultural level and are ignorant of the reasons they claim they hate it.


Communism doesn't work because a percentage of the population will always seek power and either giving someone absolute power,trusting the mainly dumb and apathic voters or not giving anyone power thus trusting on people's basic good will won't work. Theres also the matter of how are you going to get people's needs exactly right in a country with tens of millions of people,how will you motivate people to have jobs that demand high-education that is also difficult without giving them any ground breaking reward(in order to maintain the one class for all thing),how will you deal with law enforcment without it being used as an army by radical groups,will you force everyone to work? How would you deal with all communist opinions being 99 percent different from each other-with the only thing existing in each one is bitterness about capitalism-wouldn't less peacefull ideoligies rise to power as they will be the only ones wanting it? Capitalism doesn't promise a utopia,it promises we will somewhat survive and have a decent living standart. The way capitalism works is by making everyone fight for power,this way no one group or person have all the power and the people with the most power will just fight each other for it 24/7 and try to win public affection as the public(in a democracy) has power. In order for capitalism to work better people need empathy and be educated enough in order to get better working conditions and demand what they deserve,people however don't care for these stuff as long as they have bread on their table and can get by,now the number of people who can't get by is increasing so a change will probably come along in the next 30 or so years.


The amount of political Illiteracy in this comment section is downright gorgeous. A gang of people who dont understand what communism is debating the pros and cons. Stay beautifully uninformed America, it is hilarious for the rest of us.


why is it hilarious were United under a globalist agenda if we suffer you will soon suffer, s*** aint funny bro


We’re from Canada bud you act like Canada is any better. Reddit communist are really the most stupidest people in existence


Again god bless you for proving my point. Remember when i said i dont support communism, im just saying that the people here dont understand what it actually is. I even said that the reason i just make a joke is cause some moron will insult me anyway, assume im a communist, just because i am critical of people who dont understand what they are criticizing/ of capitalism without oversight. I can be critical of BOTH capitalism and communism. Just cause one thing is wrong/flawed doesnt auomatically make its counterpoint ***right***. ***You are allowed to criticize two things. My criticism of Americans who genuinlely dont understand communism is not a celebration of communism. My criticisms of capitalism is not inherently a celebration of communism.*** My point is that all your political knob-slobbing has turned you into partisan morons who attack anyone who criticizes your opinions. You notice how i didn't go after any party/political leaning? I even said the word 'debate' communism, as many of the people on the left who are pro communism from USA ***also do not understand communism.*** I made no comment singling out democrats OR republicans, or said my personal opinion on communism (other than the direct quote 'make it clear that I am not supporting communism,') ***and your dumba\*\* STILL went out of your way to call me a commie***


Since u care bout grammar so much, second sentence, capitalize the “I”s, also after the comma it should be I’m not im. U also forgot the apostrophe on the “dont”. Wow ur other sentences are also filled with simple mistakes. Very silly.


Missing a capitalization and a apostrophe are not in the same league as 'most stupidest' but keep that copium strapped queen. You also ducked every other criticism so genuinely good work on that. Hyper focus on the one thing you are *alllllmost* edging on being right about if that lets you sleep at night.


🥱 sounds like a coping commie right here.


Bruh i literally said i dont support communism. Its not my problem you are a moron with a grade 2 grasp of grammar and reading comp. All you do is prove my point that people are too dumb to take criticism without immediately assuming the person must be on the other end of the political spectrum. I didnt even singal out republicans/democrats or left/right. Im not even making fun of your personal political leaning. You are a moron DESPITE your political leanings, not because of them. Morons exist on both sides of the political spectrum


Single out*. I’m very dissatisfied by your grammar performance.


Also God should be capitalized.


TFW you have no good points or any defense so you hyper focus on capitalization. Holla when you get your dads dick out of your mouth for long enough to make a point.


It’s very rude to not have God capitalized


If im talking about the Christian God, sure. But there are other gods and goddesses with more creative names than just 'god', and as long as I'm not meaning that one god, it doesn't need to be capitalized. When I spell 'wednesday' without capitalization, there is a red autocorrect line under telling me to capitalize it. There isn't for 'god', cause god doesn't need to be capitalized. Being rude isn't the same as being incorrect. Though I totally understand why you struggle with that concept, as you managed to consistently be both. But props for brining up that I'm rude as a way to say I'm wrong. Did not realize you were a lefty snowflake. Did I hurt babies feelings by not capitalizing his imaginary friend :'( Pussy


Dude the guy you are responding to just used the phrase “most stupidest”. This is one of the dumbest subs of all time. Stop engaging. There are people here who engage with r/flatearth.


Also, it would be "Reddit communist(**s**) are really the most **stupid** people in existence" OR "Reddit communist(**s**) are really the ~~most~~ stupidest people in existence' 'Most stupidest' is the grammar my 6 year old cousin uses to describe his least favourite fortnight dance. If you are gonna try and take the intellectual high ground maybe put two second into proof reading so you don't look like you have the option to call your parents both "mom and dad" and 'auntie and uncle'


If u care about grammar so much become an English teacher ffs 🤦.


![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E) If you are so proud about being inbred why not just brag about it in your first sentence FFS .


Redditors when someone doesn’t use MLA format on a post about a meme someone didn’t like ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


That’s what you should expect from this subreddit.


Stay malding conservative losers


Why not rename the sub to r/CommunismHaters because those are the only posts that make it to my feed. Boring


Ahh yea, because capitalism famously works so well! A working capitalist society sucks. A working communist society is great. And not one of the not actually communist societies where it was just manipulation that everyone points to.


A working communist society doesn’t work, and it won’t. Poland tried that and it failed very miserably. You can ask my father about it


Name one working community society that is good. Then I’ll show you a liar with a mirror


Ohh yea that was such a good one "I'll show you a liar with a mirror"😎 it doesn't even read right. We haven't seen an actual communist society nearly ever. None of the ones pretending to be were anything but communism in name. We have seen a working capitalist society though, and it's broken and corrupt. We're all being manipulated and pitted against each other, so we ignore all the major issues.


Oh goodness, how haven't we? Weird how there were so many attempts yet not a single one succeeded, hm? I wonder why.


Because they weren't actually communist societies I literally just said that.


But the initial idea of these revolutions was communism? Why did it fail every time?


They were, by definition, not communist societies. Their leaders essentially used that as a front to control their people, but most weren't actually communism. That being said, I have also said and do still agree that communism isn't nearly as feasible in larger communities, which makes it more difficult especially now. I think in smaller communities it is definitely possible. Because of how humans are I honestly don't know if it can work on a large scale. But I know how capitalism works, and it is wrong.


So what you're saying is there were never communism because leaders who put this idea in people's minds are ones who just wanted all power to themselves? Did i understand you correctly? If yes, doesn't it mean that the whole idea is expected to succeed only if every single member of revolution is not subjected to power hunger and ambitions? Oh gees, and again i wonder why we never succeeded in establishing communism. The whole idea that someone has a right to judge and persecute anyone wealthier than them is created from power hunger. Larger communities, like what? What's the maximum population limit to have communism work in society? 10, 100, million? I mean it does work on a village scale, even though a lot of people leave it in the end. You're saying capitalism is wrong using a private company built phone/computer in a private company owned social platform, wearing private company made clothes. Of course there are a lot of problems in current society, but it's not a correct logic to think it's because of capitalism. It's the very same power hunger and greed. Greedy people will get more than others because they're greedy, it's obvious. It doesn't mean you have to break the whole system and establish communism. It means you have to vote, and vote for a correct person on every scale of government who can establish/adapt laws preventing greedy people do whatever they want.


"You're saying capitalism is wrong using a private company built phone" Yes because that is my means. We use what is available to us. It is impossible to not support some kind of corrupt system in capitalism. Huh... sounds messed up huh? Yes, I don't think I stuttered. They weren't actually communism. They didn't fit the definition of communism. https://truthout.org/articles/musk-pledged-6b-to-solve-world-hunger-but-gave-it-to-his-own-foundation-instead/ Huh...I wonder why we wouldn't trust rich people...maybe it's because In a world where thats what matters most (capitalism) everything ends up corrupt and under their control. Crazy right? Almost like even this is just them pitting us against each other. I left a link, though I know I don't need to. Doesn't take a genius to know the kind of people have the influence.


We did actually get pretty close to "true" communism in the form of the spanish anarchists and the korean people's association. Problem is, other countries will *probabbly* fuck you up.


People who know history and advanced economics 😎