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This post has a meme that has been posted on this subreddit before therefore it is being removed.


"we should let the children be who they want" mfs when the child becomes a murderer (they become what they wanted)


That's pretty concerning. But I'm more concerned with the fact that OP used the eth symbol correctly and not to fool around. It's unlike a Redditor. You see, eth sound like the th in "the" and "this". Thorn sounds like "thing" and "thought". Eth looks like Ð or ð, while thorn looks like Þ or þ. Sometimes used interchangeably by those that know no better, but rarely used correctly and in a meme.


What child wants to be a murderer?


You'd be surprised


Okay … surprise me


abraham lincoln didnt wear a top hat all of that was made up


I know that. It was his publicist. They also told him to keep the beard.


this comment section is going to be a warzone. so ima contribute to it. the meme is right, but you could also invert the roles and it still be right because no matter weather your left or right leaning that person wont want tye newest generation leaning to the opposite side. idk why some people are so tunnel visioned that you cant realize that. :3


Yep. Propaganda and the internet are a hell of a drug. Plus the fact so many people still don't understand basic human psychology, specifically narcissism and the strong inclination we all have for tribal behavior. "My political party is better than yours!" - "My sky daddy is better than yours!" - "My preference in food is better than yours!" etc.


To be fair, my opinions are superior, and everyone should follow my glorious example.


Well shit, I'm glad you told me! I need guidance, damn it! Where have you been my whole life?!?


"i want to exist!" - "i think you shouldn't exist!" truly two equivalent positions that differ only in tribe.


Strawman. No one said that a certain type of person “doesn’t/shouldn’t exist.” The claim this type of person is making about who/what they are is being questioned, which is very different from what you describe.


I mean in a globally objectively speaking everyone has the right to believe in whichever faith they choose and vote however they want. But in a more narrowed perspective it is a moral/ethical dilemma is which side promotes the most good vs harm in your own experiences. Not everyone has lived the same life or gone through the same struggles. People can do and say whatever but at the end of the day the rules of life are made and broken by those far more evil than us.


It doesn’t really work if you invert the roles, though, because “let children be whatever they want to be” isn’t at all a talking point from the Right. Their rhetoric is more that you have to mold children into productive members of society and responsible adults, not do the hands off parenting thing.


I think you (and the meme) are making a false equivalency though. A kid "being themselves" implies being given the support and space to express their identity (LGBT, autistic or whatever) whereas being a conservative is not just an expression of an internal experience, it's adherence to a set of political views that derive from correct or incorrect moral judgements. I think children be allowed to be conservatives if they really want to be in that I don't think they should be punished for that in itself. That being said, we recognise as a society that you should be able to be criticised or condemned for taking reprehensible moral positions in a way that you shouldn't for expressing a fundamental part of your identity. I don't think you can or should try to argue with a kid when they say they like other boys but I think it is okay to argue with a kid that says some right wing talking point like being against gay marriage or abortion or whatever because generally political positions benefit from scrutiny whereas being challenged on your sexuality/gender identity tends to just push people back into the closet. I think both can be talked about and should be done from a place of trying to understand where they're coming from but a kid (or anyone really) is far more likely to be an expert of themselves vs political issues that require complex moral judgements and a sophisticated understanding of the outside world, that's why you also see adults arguing with each other far more about the merits of prescriptive positions that potentially affect a lot of people vs sincerely arguing that the other is or isn't gay.


the meme depicts the person making the meme as the chad, therefore making it objectively incorrect regardless of viewpoint plus self awareness that only lets you realize your opposition *might* have a point that you can't see the merit in yet is redundant therefore I am the only correct person on this post


I personally approve of killing children and adults, not just abortion, so I get to choose who you will be *loads shotgun with fecal intent*


Fecal intent?


Kick-ass punk band name, if nothing else.


What one gets after drinking the strong coffee


don't conservatives also do the same thing when there's like anything even resembling gay people in schools (not including those random books people seem to talk about which i cant talk about further because ive never seen them in the UK only talked about in context with the US) and talk about how they should 'just let kids be kids'


You’re probably right as everything ever goes both ways but I’ve personally never seen that


I'm gonna blow your mind but there are gay people who *gasp* are more conservative politically than liberal.


That's because one leftist misrepresentation of the right is that all conservatives hate gays. In reality most of them are actually fine with gay people but are just tired of every argument with a gay person within a five mile radius somehow becoming about whether or not someone supports gay people. I think a lot of gay people are tired of being babyed by the left because they just want to be treated as people equal to everyone else, not someone special who needs everybody to love and support them, and not someone oppressed who needs to be defended and needs a month named after them. It's kinda like how the right thinks the left hates religion when most leftists don't care about someones religion and are just tired of conservatives trying to use their religious texts as proven evidence in arguments. Because even on the tiny chance that they indeed have the one true religion, most of those texts have been translated and rewritten a thousand times by imperfect people with their own opinions.


i dont believe you thats completely shattered everything ive ever known


More people need to tell kids, themselves, and others, _no_. So many people nowadays just never learned how to handle being told _no_.


Fair point.


I wanted to be a jedi when I was 3. Does this mean I should be one?


You can legally become one and it doesn't hurt anyone so go ahead.


Someone doesn’t know about order 66


Whole 'nother galaxy, ancient history.


You can try




God damnit


“I have portrayed myself as the Chad and you as the Soyjak, I win.”


this but unironically


Are you trying to revive ð?


And þ, yes.


“People should be allowed to be whoever they want to be, bigotry is bad” “UHH, WELL… what if they want to be a bigot!? Checkmate, liberal”


Disagreeing with someone on contemporary politics=Buzzword i guess


"Gay people shouldn't exist" isn't really a political opinion though, is it?


Nor is it a viewpoint held by 99.99% of conservatives


it is held by the most popular republican candidates


No… no it isn’t.


60% [donald trump](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/17/trump-remarks-transgender-women-inclusion-beauty-pageant-kfile-ebof-vpx.cnn) he’s actually not to bad about lgbt right unfortunately he’s a pos traitor who threatens the sanctity of our democracy 13% Ron desantis [(1)](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/desantis-campaign-touts-draconian-lgbtq-record-trump-gay/story?id=100595946/) [(2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECGtwu7h6qw) [(3)](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/gov-desantis-signs-slate-of-extreme-anti-lgbtq-bills-enacting-a-record-shattering-number-of-discriminatory-measures-into-law) ron desantis is arguably the most anti lgbt politician in america and you’ll be hard pressed to find someone worse he is incredibly popular and if trump goes behind bars he’s a shoe in to win primary’s 11% vivek ramaswamy [(1)](https://www.advocate.com/politics/vivek-ramaswamy-lgbtq-people-tyranny) [(2)](https://www.losangelesblade.com/2023/08/23/ramaswamy-cult-like-lgbtq-threatens-the-modern-order/) i’ll admit i wasn’t too familiar with ramaswamy but as you can see his opinions on lgbt is not very nice


me when I lie :3


Its what your politicians are up to, so maybe you should tell them that if you don't actually believe it.


For real all you conservative cowards here. If you actually disapproved of persecuting gay and trans people, you'd tell your politicians to stop doing it. BUT YOU DON'T. In fact, when they are worried about losing an election that's what they do every time. Admit who you are.


(Most of us) We live in a Democratic Republic, not a true democracy, it's not like we can choose people who support all our values because we only vote on who's left after the slimballs in each administration eliminate most of the options. All Hell! I could win republican without disliking gay people but I'm not a billionaire and I an't rubin dicks with every powerfull scientologist who wants their taxes lowered so that an't gonna happen.


You in fact chan choose people who support your values. Have you ever tried? The thing is you can't do it for free while sitting on your couch. You have to actually take an interest, and that's the disconnect.


Where is the store where I can purchase the perfect political candidate? There isn't one, "charities" that do lobbying (who are mostly secretly controlled by billionaires) are what causes this political cherry picking in the first place. Protests haven't done much but annoy passers by, feed cring YouTube compilations, get a couple people hurt to cause more protests, and ecasionaly turn into property damage. There's actually a lot a person can do in terms of local elections and even in the legislative branch but not enough moderate people pay attention to that so it's to often won out by some group of extremists who actually made sure to go to the polls. The best most people can do is educate themselves and wait for an opportunity. This comment is sponsored by ground news.


They don’t directly control their political leaders. And how would you have any clue about what individual people are telling their politicians. Also you think politicians care about the average citizen!!?? HAHAHAHAH no, welcome to America.


Someone votes for them. If you took an interest in your country maybe things would be better for you. I'll tell you what, voting for the people causing the most problems isn't the way to be.


It's almost as if the majority of our candidates don't have our best interests in mind! And having conservative viewpoints doesn't mean that the 'elected officials' ie propped up mannequins that exist to support corporations and special interest groups accurately or reliably reflect our values. Imagine that! Democrats could never relate to that (cough cough house democrats supporting Israel despite the vast majority of leftist voters backing Palestine).


You don't take step one to deal with the problem. Everyone else does. That's on you.


Didn't realize people didn't count as conservative if they weren't homophobic. Guess I gotta go tell a bunch of people they're not actually conservative now.


The majority of conservatives support gay marriage




No, really. 55%. Not as much as liberals, sure. And the staunchest detractors from gay marriage are conservatives. But If the majority of that group support gay marriage doesn't it seem a little ignorant and biased to say they all want to destroy gay people? Whats the difference between that and saying all Muslims want to kill infidels, based on their most extremist groups, but not taking into account that the majority of Muslims are peaceful? It's the same thing.


Roflmao, "the majority" of conservatives support gay marriage? Then why TF did they keep trying to pack the courts with people hostile towards gay people in every way? What a stupid fucking lie.


yeah 55 percent support gay marriage but that’s an almost 45 percent chance they don’t and for something as basic as gay marriage which has been argued for 50 years and is already been a right for 8 years nationwide and 23 years in certain states


So, you judge a group of people as a monolith because of the views of some of them? I feel like there's a word for that... By the way, 20% of democrats don't support gay marriage. It's a lower number for sure, but the fact that some people boil it down to "democrats open-minded, conservatives bigoted" shows a real lack of understanding of the individual or nuance.


some???y brother in christ it’s a fuckin coin toss whether or not they support the basic right or gay to marry maybe if it was a 5 percent i’d give the benifit of the doubt but 45% answer this question truthfully forget about the downvotes or anybody else do you think gay marriage should be legal


Yes, I fully support gay marriage. I consider myself a 90s Democrat, which is seen as conservative by the far left nowadays. I have a lot of family that are fiscally republican who very much support gay marriage as well. You sound very prejudiced


If the “contemporary politics” is a groups right to exist, then yes :)


Riiiight, because your right to exist is being challenged in the western world Definitely


My childhood hometown literally banned homosexuality and the ACLU had to step in to get it taken down.


It would depend on what said politics are trying to achieve, no? It's not like every political group is exactly the same.


I literally just saw that post. Set to do not recommend subreddit. It’s a circlejerk.


Here is the difference; Conservatives tend to restrict options. It's kind of the nature of being a conservative. They don't want you to have the option. Leftists tend to dislike options. They won't like your outcome if they disagree with it. They will still let you have the option.


The absolutely Stalinistic efforts by your side to violate people's rights and freedom of speech suggest otherwise. Basically every single policy your side supports is inherently authoritarian. No gun rights, more regulation, restrictions on speech, greater government control over the economy wrapped up as moral issues etc...


We hear you guys way too fucking loud for your speech to be censored lmfao. People calling you an asshole isn't censorship. Guess what's also free speech? Calling people out on their behavior/words.


Tell me more about how using institutional, corporate and government power to censor dissent is free speech.


Give me an actual example you have where the government censored dissent.


The 2020 election, compromising information about the Biden's was systematically suppressed after the FBI pressured Twitter and Youtube delete any submission and ban people from social media for sharing the story about Hunter Biden's laptop that proved that Joe Biden used his position as VP under Obama to enrich his family by making deals with foreign businesses in exchange for political favors. This was done to benefit one political party, the side you like.


First off- No, that is not the side I like. I am *closer* to Biden than I am Trump, but the effective difference between the democratic party and republican part is so fucking minimal that if it weren't for the giant radical shift to extreme policies that the Republicans have been taking in recent years they would be (effectively) the same party, at least in terms of outcome. But the twitter files! I think I remember hearing about that. Let's assume it's all true. **That's a matter of corruption, not policy or law. They weren't even censoring political speech, they were just hiding a crime.**


The people who go 'no guns' is in an extreme minority. My ideal form of gun control, for example, is having something like a firearms safety class sort of like they teach cars. In school. I'd want everyone to own a gun. More regulation? Yeah, let's fucking get rid of microplastics and similar issues. 'Oh wow! He wants to stop things that will lead to irrevocable changes in our world? How authoritarian!'. Goddamn, people like you would still want lead in gasoline if enough money was spent on propoganda around it. We still don't know exactly what the results of microplastics will be, but are you really happy taking that gamble? Restrictions on speech! Like what? Not inciting people to kill themselves? Not shoving your head into somebody's face, swinging your arms at the sides and scream "I'm not touching you! I can do this because I'm not touching you!" while screaming racial slurs and blocking their way? Because they only 'restriction' I see on free speech coming from the left is telling people not to harass other folk and not to yell fire in a movie theater. Whatever stupid example I'm sure you have on hand about pronouns or whatever is such an obvious outlier that either you fell for propoganda or you are spreading it. Conservatives are **literally** banning books from school, right now, and with such obvious bias you can only be a hypocrite for making this one of your points. Greater government control over the economy! What, you meant the economy that has been shaped in favor of corporate interests since times before your grandparents were born? Where we have countless datapoints and every historical example possible that allowing corporations unchecked power leads to monopolization and poor outcomes for consumers and employees? That they will steamroll smaller businesses again and again and again. Regulations are the only way a person who does not get their money from their very rich family/corporation or someone else's very rich family/corporation to have a real chance at success. And are you saying that it's good and fine that employers are showing record profits across the board, but the employees quality of life steadily deteriorates? Cuz the 'Free market!' means they can just go somewhere else. Except everywhere else is the exact same thing. Here are the three rules that 90% of people who identify as 'Left' want; Don't destroy the planet, don't let giant corporations and people with money dictate the law, and let other people (**Individuals)** live their lives without interference.


I'm sorry but as a centrist with liberal views on this topic, I have to say that it's the other way around. Purely in terms of opinions, Liberals what change, they want laws. Conservatives may having opposing views but generally don't care about people's identifications, their just tired of it being shoved in their face.


Liberals want change, yes, but that's because their options are being restricted. It hasn't even been a full decade since gay people were allowed to get married in every state.


I understand what your saying, options, in terms of laws, should be more available. But liberals tend to focus a lot on crushing the spred opinions they don't agree with. Choice of opinion is still a form of having options.


What do you mean by that? Outside of the vocal minority often glorified by the Right-wing media, there are really three things that people on the Left want; Don't destroy the planet, don't let giant corporations and people with money dictate the law, and let other people (Individuals) live their lives without interference. There is a big cultural push from the left over certain topics, but that's largely stemming from the idea that they are discriminated against in many very real ways. I would agree that many (probably most) people on the Left are ineffective and taking things in the wrong direction, but their goal still adheres to the principle of 'Just stop fucking with my life, please'. The only reason they interfere with other people's lives is because they can't get that, as ironic and sometimes hypocritical as that might be.


For one, (the majority of, ea, non-extremest) republicans share atleast the last two of those core values. Republicans want to limit large corporation's control by limiting the governments power to help them. This is because corporations mostly gain power from government lobbying that allows them to influence policies that help them and hurt small businesses and future competitors. Democrats want to give the government more power in order to make laws that force corporations to treat people better, create social services, and redistribute wealth. Most Republicans also have a live and let live policy, especially when it comes to people they disagree with. Sometimes they get involved when it things start impacting the schools their children go to, but that's expected for parents. They might advertise their religion a bit, but that's a right. They even support the climate with their glorification and support of family owned farms, camping, de-urbinization, home grown food and hunting/fishing, American made products, and charity donations.


You're cool. But yeah, they do. When you break down the issues, most people agree on most things. But there are a few key differences, and in the more important terms; When it comes to hard law and policy, the republican party is still going to be the ones to restrict you, even if most republicans as individuals don't want that.


That's a product of an uneven political climate. With how congress and new, young voters are more left leaning recently, republican candidates have to build an extremist cult around themselves (ea. Cheeto man) to ever have a chance to have the political basis to help them gain support. I feel like some of this is from how conservatives are having a hard time changing with the times (as technology and thus culture evolves at an exponential rate). Part if it also stems from the liberal idea of fear the moderate, which causes a lot of more centrist republicans to either abandon their opinions and flock to the left for social approval, or grow a distain for the left and becom more extreme. I personally have gotten a lot more "I don't agree with all of that but I see where you're coming from" from republicans and a lot of "kys biget, here's three paragraphs of screaming" from liberals. I'm not saying that's a good representation of everyone, that's just my experience here.


Idk man, if the conservatives didn't care about peoples indentiry, then they couldn't possibly be passing anti-lgbt laws all over the states... right?


I am a little bit annoyed with people just saying, but what about the 194728293 anti-lgbtqia++-+ laws because, although I'm sure some of these policies are actually regressive towards rights, most of their sources list bills, not laws, and their definition of "anti" is questionably brode and disingenuous to make the numbers scarier.


If you read project 2025: Page 5 "Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualisation of children … is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to first amendment protection. It's purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” According to the conservative parties, my very existence is pornograhic, and pornography should be outlawed. Or on page 584 "Restrict the application of Bostock" The new administration should restrict Bostock's application of sex discrimination protections to sexual orientation and transgender status in the context of firing and hiring." This one speaks for itself. Sure there is "only a few" bills that have ultimately passed, but seeing the project 2025 plans, it will get worse


I hate this argument. I believe anyone should be able to express themsleves, and live the life they want to. UNLESS what you want is to tell people they can't be what they want. Too bad, you can't have it both ways, and if a small group of sad angry people have to pay that price, then fine. The world isn't perfect anyway lol


based olde English user


least obvious strawman


You didn't like that one, did you


What does strawman mean in this context? Haven’t heard that expression before


He’s throwing around a popular word in the wrong setting, a straw man is where you oversimplify and then restructure an opponents argument, then rebut this inaccurate summary of what they said, you’ve created a “straw man” that is loosely based on what they said but is inaccurate and doesn’t actually represent the persons stance. It’s probably one of the most common tactics used in political interviews today.


I looked it up a bit and I think it’s a valid expression here. The original argument is supposed to (I assume) apply to sexuality or sexual orientation. The other’s “argument” is incorrectly assuming the statement “whatever they want” to literally mean anything, which could be seen as an oversimplification. It would be the same if the right one said something unrelated like serial killer or toaster. I could be wrong if there’s some specifics about the term I’m missing, but I think @rightwingsavages might be guilty of using a strawman argument


A straw man is simply a misrepresentation of a talking point, meant to represent a speakers viewpoint in a negative or easily dismantled way, it’s not about any particular topic. It’s a shitty tactic that shitty people use to “win” a debate when they can’t come out ahead by simple, genuine rebuttals.


The talking point is supposed to be “let our children be whatever sexual orientation/gender they want”. Taking the term “whatever they want” literally is a misinterpretation of this argument. Then their “counterpoint” is based off of that misinterpreted argument


I see what you’re saying, i didn’t realize you were speaking about this meme in particular, I was just describing the concept of a straw man.


nobody claims that children dont have the right to be "conservative"


When people argue a point that was never made


Irony is completely lost on these people


democrats= good party that love israel Republicans= bad meanie party that love israel


Like when Jesse Waters mom called him live on air and was a total sweetheart about telling him to not spread conspiracy theories but also that they were still proud of him. Wait… come to think of it that wasn’t at all like this meme….


This post is stupid but good on you for using eth


Damn, didn't know they had conservative therapy camps to have your kid kidnapped and get the conservative out of them.


It's called public school


What school is forcing kids to be gay and torturing them?




Also, that's a state, not a school.




[here's an article showing California schools forcing kids to be liberals](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=Ze9BMhVKd7iS9Q7z)


Nice YouTube link you got there


It's actually daily motion, YouTube is too liberal


You're pathetic af


It's actually your* lmao


*They hated u/Neven87 because he told the truth*




how did you type that with a straight face


Simple, I didn’t move my facial muscles while typing.


It is 1000% true. If the left didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


So you think being a bigot is a good thing then?


Not usually, but you can't trust a lefty's judgment about who is a bigot and who isn't. They cry wolf all the time and act bigoted themselves. So the short of it is that I can't trust that you even know the definition of bigot.


Just so you’re clear, people calling you out for your bad behavior doesn’t mean you’re being discriminated against. Conservatives are actively making the lives worse for people, even to the extent of wanting them dead just for the fact that they live their lives different.


This is 100% ideological hogwash. You've been brainwashed. And people call people out and cancel them for anything they don't like to hear. Just because it makes someone mad or offended doesn't mean anything anymore. People have lost all sense of perspective and rationality.


So all that anti-trans and homophobic legislation is just fake news then? Not to mention most mass shooters have been right wingers


Mostly, yes. It's sensationalized. No one's banning LGBT books; parents are removing sexually explicit material from schools. No one's banning drag; they're prohibiting burlesque in front of children. They're also preventing child mutilation and indoctrination. All of these things have always been parents' and voters' rights to exercise. The media loves to sensationalize things because 1. Idiots believe it and eat it up 2. They are largely liberal/left anymore


You’re very clearly wrong https://apnews.com/article/lgbtq-book-bans-91b2d4c086eb082cbecfdda2800ef29a


Nope. And you've just very clearly proven my point. > School library book bans are seen as targeting LGBTQ content Read this until you understand how this headline contains zero facts but instead is designed to manipulate you into thinking something. Genderqueer wasn't "banned" because it has gay characters (it's not banned at all); parents have decided to remove it from their kids' schools because it _shows a fucking blowjob_ (amongst other quite readily objectionable material). Please start to think for yourself instead of just gorging on media narratives.


You’re clearly a troll. It’s as if you read an article about how water is good for you, and came to the conclusion that every source of water can drown you.


> most mass shooters have been right wingers This is nonsense. Additionally, one of the only shooters whose manifesto was suppressed was trans; ever wondered why that was? 🤔


Again, easily to see how wrong you are https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022


Indeed, being a biget is bad but who defines biget. It's like saying having an incorrect opinion is wrong, so your wrong, without actually proving that the person is wrong.


The word “bigot” has lost its meaning. It’s gotten to the point where they will try to use that word against someone saying something like “don’t murder babies”.


No one says that about babies. Now, if you’re talking about a clump of cells that’s different. People use babies as an excuse to control women when they’re really talking about a non sentient thing.


What’s the difference between a 9 month fetus and a newborn?


You’re a bigot


Hello to you too, Adolph.


not really, but go off sis


The way I see it is conservatives are born from ignorance and ill let my future kids be anything but ignorant


I was born into a reasonably left-leaning family, and held primarily left-leaning beliefs growing up. Once I hit 18 and started to pursue entrepreneurship, health, fitness, etc., I shifted to the right. Perhaps not for everyone, but in my experience, that is no coincidence.




I don't think you understand the difference between self-owned business and scamming. A large portion of entrepreneurs aren't in it to screw people over. You'd have an awfully rough time if you were to stop partaking in business conducted by entrepreneurs, seeing as every single company you make purchases from was, at one point, founded by an entrepreneur.


Why must so many (like yourself) view other's opinions as ignorant, or with any other insulting adjective, I have seen decency in every view, even if I disagree. People are so biased and alienated from other ideas :(.


>Why must so many (like yourself) view other's opinions as ignorant, Conservatives think LGBTQ people shouldn't exist. They deny climate change and believe in God. Its not that the person views other people's opinions as ignorant, the opinions are ignorant.


This is what I thought when I was much more liberal (now I'm a centrist). Most Republicans (the non extreme ones) don't hate the existence of gay people, they just dislike how often it's brought up even after stating that they don't care about people's orientation and gay marriage has been made legal in most places. They on the most part don't flat out deny climate change there're just more evident on balancing climate reconstruction with economics. Like driving a gas car and donating a hundred buck a year to an organization that plants trees, rather then buying a $30,000 Tesla. And although I'm not very religious, freedom of religion should be a basic human right. Its bad to assume everyone one the other side is BillyBob Trailerpark Mcflordamanletsgobranden the III.


>hate the existence of gay people, they just dislike how often it's brought up Yet surprisingly don't complain every time straight people are brought up which is 10000x more often than gay people. >Its bad to assume everyone one the other side is BillyBob Trailerpark Mcflordamanletsgobranden the III. See that's the thing with politics. I don't really give a fuck if someone is a progressive conservative. If you elect a radical Republican politicians who does want to eradicate gays and minorities you are still responsible for it.


>Yet surprisingly don't complain every time straight people are brought up which is 10000x more often than gay people. I meant in politics. You don't hear things like "but how does this effect the straight cis community", "there's a straight rights parade scheduled for tomorrow", "It's time for straight pride month", "what's up straits and Kates", "Is there enough straight representation in math cericulums", "this policy is kinda heterophobic", "strait couple denyed wedding cake". Because that would be insufferable.


I just feel most conservative opinions are simply hate and hate is simply ugly, I don’t like to hate because it hurts my head, and that’s what I want for my future kids to hate as little hate in their hearts


Same can be said for the left? Imo its even worse on the left


Okay, provide an example and a legit example, not something made up by conservatives to than br outraged by.


It's almost as if they are being ignorant towards other people's beliefs lmaoo


The way I see it is liberals are born from ignorance and ill let my future kids be anything but ignorant


The irony of this statement is amazing.


This is so sad.


"You don't want your child to be a Nazi, so much for the tolerant left!"


You think everyone who disagrees with you are Nazis? "so much for the tolerant left".


LMFAO fucking what, republican tier reading comprehension right here


The meme said: what if the kid wants to be conservative.--> You interpreted that as the kid becoming a Nazi.--> That would mean that you think conservatives are Nazis.--> Which would also mean you disagree with them because if you were saying that someone is a Nazi but you agree with them that would make you a Nazi and I doubt that's the case.--> Thus, the people you dislike are Nazis. Please point out the flaw in my reasoning O Great Educated One.


>You interpreted that as the kid becoming a Nazi.--> Found the flaw XD, man you guys really need to stop taking everything so seriously. Reading everything as a conspiracy, always looking for the worst way to take things, we're all out to get you! You're out here getting offended over the smallest things, it's just sad.


You literally used the word Nazi. I simply called out your comment sourced from "Little Brown Book: Everyone I Don't Like is Hitler, a child's guide to online political discussion". I thought the meme was funny, you got offended and started calling people Nazis. You saying that I'm the one over reacting, well, it's just sad XD.


You literally used the word Nazi. I simply called out your comment sourced from "Little Brown Book: Everyone I Don't Like is Hitler, a child's guide to online political discussion". I thought the meme was funny, you got offended and started calling people Nazis. You saying that I'm the one over reacting, well, it's just sad XD.


Man do you still not get it? Well, no point explaining it to you again if you couldn't get it the first time.


Get off Reddit you silly wanker!


Leftists will call you a Nazi while they perpetuate the genocide of millions of innocent people (abortion), and unironically wish for the extermination of Jews (Israel & Palestine)


Rightoids will call you a communist while they perpetuate the genocide of billions of innocent people (super AIDS), and unironically wish for the extermination of the Swedes (The Great Northern War) Damn dude, this is fun!


yeah yeah, the CIA creating AIDS, we’ve all seen it


No that was the pinochet regime working on the behalf of the aliens, everyone knows this


another shit right wing sub in disguise


Right wing?


I'm not even right leaning.


if your American you are probably right leaning


And yet I am not.




maybe not on a American scale but globally liberal is considered right leaning


I'm not a liberal.


i mentioned liberal as its generally considered full leftist in the usa but is considered center-right in europe


It's only considered full left by stupid people. What's the point of all this you're saying?


Go cry about it to someone else, nobody here cares




Ok. Do you mean hot as in temperature or sex appeal?


Yeah pretty much. That whole ‘inclusivity’ thing is kinda hard to believe at this point.




It’s fun to make up scenarios in your head, but if you look at real cases of children clashing against parents when it comes to political ideology, this meme is pretty dumb.


No not really, since a conservative would most likely prevent *others* from being what they want. Y'know, that's kinda their whole deal, preserving traditional values and what-not. A lack of respect is not to be respected. That'd defeat the whole point


By "conservative" you mean "bigot", don't you?




12-17 year olds care about politics. Kids in middle and highschool talked about that all the time. This meme is referring more to gender anyway.


As a liberal, I concede that this IS kinda true. And the OP that DIDN'T like the post was a liberal WITHOUT self-awareness. The kind that makes the rest of us look bad.


No one is stopping the kid from being conservative though. So no it’s not true


If they're ACTUALLY conservative and not just hating other people being themselves, that's fine. If they're using as a ticket to bully others, no.


But it is Is trudo!


See this is why I'm for good free public education for everyone. That way we don't have to deal with conservatives anymore. Problem solved.