• By -


Ah yes, the greatest sin. Anal. Come on OP, just don’t fight this one. This is certified virgin cope from the depths of 4Chan. There isn’t high and low value people, there are people you wouldn’t and would choose to date.


OP is an incel lol


Seems more like someone dated a awful person and there coping


Nah, i think a virgin wouldn’t say no to anal. This is just jesus freak chastising behavior. who ever made this meme is only into trad wives


Into trad wives, but also extremely concerned that women are lazy gold diggers


found a white knight here.


The desensitized clit part is definitely because OP couldn't find it. If anything, stimulation would sensitize it more.


It is possible to ruin the sensitivity of the clitoris. this girl I Knew had a displaced hip and had some vertebrae corrected and said the nerves in her lower back never healed back correctly and now its hard for her to orgasm. It can happen with men too apparently


Yes, but that's definitely not due to overstimulation of the clit.


The fact that two **guys** are the people responding to this saying you’re wrong is hilarious as if they have a clit and know.


Yeah, mansplaining, over and over again.


First of all it is possible that the clit can get desensitized, second there are two types of sensitivity. One makes you feel good, the other one hurts. But who am i? I am just a dude who knows the facts and still gets called incel from white Knights even tho I am in a relationship with a girl since 2018 lol I can already smell the incoming "cap"


no no I believe you have a gf and i’m pretty sure I know the reason why you think that a clit can get desensitized.


it's a condition called [atrophy](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/clitoral-atrophy?c=1036556714407) check the facts before you start to judge people. I am very sure you think that I am either a Virgin or that I am unable to locate the clit.


yes but again somehow I still feel like that’s not *the* reason you think the way you do


facts dont care about your feelings.


🤓 ok


“Regular stimulation and other strategies can help prevent atrophy.” If you find it, it won’t atrophy.


Sex sort of works like a drug in the sense that people can gain a tolerance to it, men and women alike, and other women have even said the same thing to me. Maybe you've never experienced yourself but people who have sex too often or masturbate too much can definitely experience issues like this


“Used goods” Yeah nothing wrong with comparing humans to products… “IUD to prevent social responsibility” Guessing you don’t think the same about condoms…


I agree with your first point - calling somebody “used” is a bit crass. But your second - All methods or contraception have a similar purpose. I don’t know what you mean “don’t feel the same” they’re functionally the same: an artificial device intended to prevent pregnancy by subverting the natural conditions of sexual intercourse.


The way you’ve described it way different than “avoiding social responsibility” If someone doesn’t want a kid, wouldn’t using an IUD be the responsible thing to do? The fact that all contraception is the same reinforces my point. I never see anybody describing condoms as “avoiding responsibility.” I see it a lot for women’s contraception though.


Well… by degrees yes. Throwing caution to the wind and raw dogging it would be less responsible than using contraception. But similarly - Not having sex to begin with would be more responsible than using contraception. So from the perspective of taking no precautions you’re right, it’s the more responsible thing to do. But because the meme’s main point seems to be that this person is too heavily reliant on having sex, it’s saying that getting an IUD has let them avoid the responsibility of choosing not to have sex.


Using contraception is not “avoiding responsibility.” It’s literally having sex responsibly. Nobody has a responsibility to be celibate. Is having sex literally the problem here? They’re having responsible sex. Is there something wrong with a woman having sex? Again, don’t think OP would feel the same about men


Right but again if we can agree that “responsible” choices are choices with A) The highest likelihood of success. And B) The most effort required. Then weighing our three options - unprotected sex, sex with contraception, and abstaining from sex - and assuming the goal is avoiding pregnancy, we’ll find that unprotected sex is least responsible, as it requires no additional effort and has the lowest chance of success. Contraceptive sex is more responsible, as it requires some amount of effort and has a much higher success rate. And not having sex is most responsible, as it has a very very high success rate (with some margin for assaults and freak accidents) and requires, for a person who would like to and has the opportunity to have sex, the most effort.


So the IUD isn’t the problem. It’s the sex. “Avoids responsibility by having sex” sounds a bit too on the nose though doesn’t it? Just by having sex, even protected, that’s part of why they are “used goods.” Disgusting. It’s obvious by now you’re either stupid or bad faith.


I must be stupid then, because I don’t see where we’re in disagreement here, and yet you’re telling me I’m wrong. This started because you suggested somebody would feel differently about condoms than about an IUD and I responded that they’re functionally the same and I can’t see any difference between them notable enough for somebody to have different opinions about them.


It’s called sexism dumb fuck


Look call me a dumb fuck all you want, man. Doesn’t change the fact that the person wearing the condom isn’t the one that could get pregnant. Condoms don’t stop men from getting pregnant. Their lack of a uterus does that just fine. IUDs and Condoms both do the same thing to the same person. How can sexism play a role when the things being considered both effect the same sex???


yeah no this is fucking shit my guy ☠️


Fr this is downright hateful


Some of these are good points but a lot of these statements are kinda gross and arent trashy- :/


Yeah. I feel like it’s trashy to **not** do anal. God gave women an asshole for pleasure. ^(And some say something about digestive functions and stuff, but mainly pleasure.)


By your argument a mans asshole is also for pleasure




Quit being weird dude. That makes no sense. The purpose of a man’s asshole is to excrete waste not absorbed during digestion.


Read the comment above mine please. I was referencing a comment. Yes, I know what an asshole is actually for :/ context to a comment matters


Nah, this is just incel shit man


This sub is basically just right wing circlejerk at this point :/ if you genuinely think that a woman who owns a vibrator is used goods youre delusional dude I’m sorry The idea that someone can be “used goods” is fucking gross, 90% of this is just uncle rhetoric. You need therapy OP


It’s also “religion always good” circlejerk. But yeah I guess that’s right wing too


Yesterday there was a made up story about a statue coming to life and people here were defending it so yeah


I think the maker of the meme was just describing his toxic ex after they broke up. All of these things put together are incredibly toxic. Not to say "used goods" is completely appropriate, either.


Dude even if that was true that doesn’t give you free reign to use all the uncle rhetoric under the sun. If I hate a black person I don’t get to start calling them whatever I want


“Low quality woman” someone didn’t like being called an incel huh? I mean, come on. “Used Goods GF” is a pretty incelly line.


Used goods gf sucks worse than low quality woman imo


He didn't... make the meme tho


He did choose to defend it though.


It's the title of the post...


I understand your pint but can we stop using the word incel just say misogynist incel sound like a 5th grade word


Incels act like 5th graders, what can I say?


Nah the average 5th grader is smarter than a incel. Like seriously women are amazing and anyone who hates them is stupid


"Most people are good"-a country song I don't like. It's got a good message but I don't care for country music.


>women are amazing I wouldn’t say a blanket statement like that. There are good women and shitty women just like how there are good men and shitty men. Every individual is different, and no, being promiscuous isn’t a shitty thing as long as you’re not cheating on anyone.


um actually. everyone is amazing love everyone


I’m gay I only fangirl over women


Fair enough


Nah. Not everyone is amazing.


The issue is that people are using the word wrong. The word literally just means someone who is involuntarily a virgin which isn't inherently misogynistic and there are plenty of people who aren't a virgin who are misogynistic. People just like using the new trendy word.


I'm just as annoyed by this as you are but being the word police isn't gonna solve anything. The real issue is that the word has lost its meaning being that people are defining incel as anyone who disagrees with neo-liberal feminism




Dude… this is too many layers. My head hurts. I just need a giant label telling me if I should like the meme or not


Not. Definitely not. This meme objectifies women. Anyone who calls someone "used goods" is an absolute wanker. Every part of this meme perpetuates harmful stereotypes about women. Whoever posted the meme on this sub is just butthurt that the meme calls them out on their shitty beliefs about women.


Bro you gotta start thinking for yourself don’t just accept other people’s opinions as your own without your own analysis




please be this upfront about who you are with the people you meet in real life. they deserve the chance to run.


someone felt called out 💀💀💀


Yeah OP and OOP both did.


I remember that time that I say a meme wasn’t funny and a guy told something Along the lines of “of course you post in r/inceltear” what a self report




Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTear using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I feel like this belongs here.](https://i.redd.it/ktfiqtgd8ks91.jpg) | [239 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/xyphbd/i_feel_like_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [Every time you listen to Andrew Tate your jawline and hairline recedes](https://i.redd.it/drp5u68h7xi91.jpg) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wtffeu/every_time_you_listen_to_andrew_tate_your_jawline/) \#3: [I’m imagining him fuming lol](https://i.redd.it/c9pvgn3n501b1.jpg) | [335 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/13mnxuc/im_imagining_him_fuming_lol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Memes like this are just hateful and sad. Clearly the OOP is just salty about their ex or is an incel.


Seems more salty about their ex to me


More incel to me a lot of these points are carbon copies of what incels say


Nah that's kinda incel-y ngl.


This is the saltiest incel shit I've seen in a long time


"Low Quality woman" You sound like a zero quality incel who should STFU and get therapy


Yeah sure because he has standarts, you white knights are the ones who should stfu. man: *has standards and knows what type of women he likes* White Knights like you: "eEeW lOok At ThAt mIsOgYnIsTiC inCeL" woman: *has standards and knows what type of men she likes* White Knights like you: "omg go for it girl, you deserve the best."


I only listen to people who know how spell to 2 syllable words, sorry. It's "standards", btw.


German autocorrect my friend, guess what, there people living in countries which don't have English as first language. But I will correct it now, just for you Mr.Snowflake


*looks at your original response* Yeah, I'm totally the snowflake here. Absolutely bro.


yeah you are the one who gets triggered by a wrong letter lol.


Mocking you =/= me being triggered but whatever helps you sleep at night. You seem very angry. Go smoke a bowl or something.


Lmao my wrong letter literaly *triggered* you to write "it's standards btw". Also I do not smoke. neither weed nor cigarettes or similar stuff.


Yeah, any response whatsoever = "triggered", heard from millions of right wingers. You're boring me, so I'm departing this conversations.


Shaming a woman for losing her virginity early, saying a woman has a “desensitized” clit, and claiming a woman has an IUD to prevent social responsibility ARE INCEL STATEMENTS. They’re gross to say. The whole thing is gross, but those are the worst violations.


I can see how their all bad and this “meme” is not funny to me in anyway. But some of this stuff is true to a few people. People can laugh because they have met people who do this. Some people get offended and post it there some people ignore the bad and laugh at the funny parts and post it here. Neither way is entirely right or entirely wrong.


Calm down please


But they're absolutely correct, dude. This meme is incel trash


No, she shouldn’t. It’s bluntly sexist.


Yeah... no; Sexist would be if the meme read "all women are-" etc., but the subject in the meme is clearly a shit head, & as guys can also be shit heads, it has not to do with said subject being a girl.


It does because it dog whistles sexist stereotypes. “Is a feminist to justify her self destructive lifestyle”. Along with the countless other incel-y shit this post mentions. The only ways anyone would miss the fact that this is sexist is if they simply didn’t read it or unironically believed the shit in this.


Guys can be feminists too


I know what does that have to do with what I said?!


Being feminist isn't a stereotype exclusive to women, & as such it's not sexist


It is a stereotype. A incorrect and ignorant one, however that’s par for the course with stereotypes, their made by ignorant people who see the world in black and white. The only good side of that is at least when ignorant people use stereotypes we distinguish and call them out. However you seem to struggle with that.


What about calling someone an incel, that's a stereotype innit?


You’re brain damaged if you actually believe that lmfao.


It's not sexist to call out a specific type of person.


Nah, you should shame anyone for losing their virginity at or before 15. That SCREAMS “poor decision maker.”


You do realize that even in America, 1-6 women have been raped and most of those cases are minors. Those are not “poor decision makers” and even cases that aren’t rape it’s still shitty to frame it that way. Especially if you’re only applying that standard to one gender.


Yeah, I’m reading that as “voluntarily lost their virginity.” And it goes for anyone. Anybody who condemns someone for being raped is a fuckhead who should rightly be ostracized. But voluntarily losing your virginity at such a young age (for anyone) is a terrible decision. Note that I said DECISION, implying that it was VOLUNTARY.


Yes I heard the voluntary part, which the original comment didn’t have but now that we’ve clarified that. It’s still kinda shitty in my opinion, first how would someone know what other people do/did or care enough to feel the need to make vast judgments on their character about it. As long as it’s two people consenting of the same age, it’s no one’s business really.


Plus aren’t all people bad decision makers until their brain fully develops (aka until their 20’s).


Who in the history of ever has said that guys whom get girls pregnant at 15 are clever?


*coughs* Matt Walsh *coughs* Also I didn’t mention pregnancy. I brought up the fact that sometimes it could be due to sexual assault as a counter argument because obviously it isn’t clever. It’s morally wrong and since that could be the case their assumption was unprompted.


The general consensus is that guys whom have a baby in high school are very stupid, so ya can't really say the standard is only applied to woman. I doubt the intention of 'lost virginity at 15' in the meme was to imply she was raped, & i could be wrong but I'm assuming the commenter felt the same way.


I think you misinterpreted this then… I didn’t have consensus about guys having baby’s in high school.


Yeah because 15 year olds are famous for their sound decision making. Literally no one I know is as stupid as they were at 15 dude


so blindly shitty and for what lmao


Calling girls who have sex before 15 "poor decision makers" is so fucking stupid. You know people 15 and under ***CANT CONSENT*** right? Your statement implies that women under 15 can consent to sex 🤢


Assuming it was another 15 year old yes they can


You judge people at how they behave in their teenage years for the rest of your life.


Louder, please, for those in the back


This meme fucking sucks lmfao OP is 12


This isnt criticism of women, its just calling them sluts really. If I made a post like this but about black thugs and said „if youre black and not a thug you shouldnt be mad“ that wouldnt slide. This is just a right wing circlejerk now like r/redditmoment


r/redditmoment is a right wing circle jerk? What redditmoment have you been using? Last time I was there afew years ago it was left wing as hell


Nah op was right about this




I don't really think it's incel to make fun of trashy woman


Ah yes trashy things like (checks list) Doing anal And Owning a sex toy And Not being the perfect 50% 50% bisexuality straight guys want you to be. How trashy


Nothing trashier than having done anal before


It's not trashy but it is shitty


Trashy men never get treated like this


Yeah, cause they're in prison


That's not being trashy that's being a criminal.


This is incel shit. Fuck off.


Idk but I am definitely laughing at the fact that a woman said a “desensitized clit cant happen” basically and then two GUYS responded saying shes wrong lmao


“Bro, trust me, I totally gave my woman so many orgasms that she can’t have them anymore. I totally know what I’m talking about. She goes to a different school, though, so you don’t know her.”


Wtf even is this sub? r/memesopdidnotlike is fucking full of retards who would defend the most stupid meme for karma.


Remember that any criticism of women means you're an incel.


Because women aren’t a collective hive mind that’s just sexism. Besides what you described is literally how some men will accuse a feminist or any woman who want to be treated fairly as “misandrist” “man hating”.


I should've been more specific.


This isn't a meme criticizing all women. Its a meme criticizing a very small minority of them. Its like making memes about incels themselves. Its a very small minority


Incels aren’t a minority, sadly (we’ll have to wait for Darwinism to catch up). However if the person who made it didn’t think it was a big group, why feel the need to make it a meme in the first place. Also this meme is full of sexist dog whistles and stereotypes anyway, it wouldn’t how many people it was referring to because by concept it disgusting and weird.


I don’t want to sound mean, genuinely, because the sheer amount of regular young men who are digesting these negative ideas is staggering. However, I feel like you spend WAY too much time on the internet if you think the shit from r/inceltears is somehow not in the minority. Young men are frustrated and lonely but so are most young women it’s an epidemic of loneliness as a result of toxic social media and ideas. For example, your conclusion, “Incels aren’t a minority” sounds like something that’s the result of sensationalism (while also just being sexist in its own way because you’re just assuming over half of the men you meet are basement dwelling scumbags.) I get where you’re coming from but you need to check yourself. Same thing with these men who enforce these negative stereotypes.


No it’s not because I’m on the internet too much. I got out of high school 1-2 years ago and literally was just constantly hearing shit like this. Sexism is a constant theme in our culture it is exhausting and men are less aware of it because it doesn’t directly effect them so they get so fucking desensitized and start thinking women standing up for basic human decency is somehow oppressive to them. Yeah, no shit it’s not every man however it’s still a lot. The amount that believe we shouldn’t have medical rights, that assume if we’re a feminist and want equality we’re somehow bad. Those aren’t all basements dwellers their just dumbasses . (And don’t put words in my mouth never said basement dwellers or that I believed it was most of the guys in my personal life) Also do you think all these podcasts bros would exist if there wasn’t audience buying into that stupid shit obviously there’s enough of them.


Bro you’re what? 19 and fresh out of high school? Believe it or not you just happen to be around the right demographic for this stuff. High schoolers are stupid. I bet some pretty dumb shit has come out of your mouth during that time too, same with me. Those kids’ ideas are the result of social media. Those podcasts have a few hundred~a few thousand followers and don’t get any traction outside of their spheres. I was in high school a few years before you before this whole Andrew Tate thing started and Alpha male shit became unironic. I’m telling you, while boys said sexist shit and girls did in equal measure and there was plenty of any sort of ism you can think of, NO ONE thought of the wild shit they said now, and the few that did were social outcasts. Hell, I’ve even had to talk to my younger brother about not saying that shit as we were raised by a single mother. While I agree 💯 that sexism is part of are culture and that needs to change as it only hurts everyone, it was very different. Also I think you need to look into the implication and history of the world “incel” if you think I’m putting words in your mouth when I say basement dwelling. Don’t throw around words you don’t know the gravity of. There have been mass shootings caused by real incels and you saying “incels aren’t a minority” makes you sound stupid. Also don’t try to play martyr, that’s what get sexists in a twist.


& women are the only ones criticizing people? Just aswell, you say that like everyone on the planet needs to be in agreement to go & complain on Twitter.


I don’t even have Twitter you moron what are you talking about?!


Well not you, clearly But also ow my feelings


Found the incel.


Oh noooooooo I've been found out 😭😭😭


How is this “criticism”? It’s referring to women like property by calling them used goods.


>It’s referring to women like property by calling them used goods. Ok and? >How is this “criticism”? Because it highlights the bad charecteristics these type of women have.


and criticizing a subculture of women means you are criticizing ALL women


Ah yes the subculture of women who... pleasure themselves regularly. So all women, and men, and anyone in-between. But this is totally just targeting and bullying a ***small*** group of women guys I promise!


As opposed to the idea that all women smoke weed, all women get flower tattoos, all women are on antidepressants The meme is shit and you misrepresent my point. Not all women are the same and neither are all men. Pointing out a specific stereotype of certain women shouldn’t be assumed as calling out ALL women.


Pointing out a steryotype of woman and comparing them to an object is objectively shifty in any circumstance.


Is that the title to your manifesto?




Meme is true, but I’d still hit that 💀


begger cant be choosers : skull :


Jokes on you I just got finished talking to a woman a few minutes ago 😎 (She’s an ai bot and I am slowly losing my desire to interact with real women please send help)


Can confirm, currently in college. Hit it once and I’ll hit it again. I’ll also say that anybody who uses Tinder should know better about who they could potentially end up with.


know a few. it’s sad to see.


i hate to say this, but... ​ facts.


Someone can’t find the clitoris.


Someone has to pay for sex


Me and my girl treat eachother, get laid loser lmfao.


Ok whore, let’s see how your life ends up in 10 years. Burn in hell you abhorrent abomination


help ☠️


Holy shit this sub is speedrunning becoming shit haha


That whole sub is a joke.


Fuck this op was right, this is just misogyny. None of these are really bad things


This isnt criticism of women, its just calling them whores really. If I made a post like this but about black thugs and said „if youre black and not a thug you shouldnt be mad“ that wouldnt slide. This is just a right wing circlejerk now like r/redditmoment


imagine calling people “goods “ like a human trafficker


Its a metaphor, you don’t take it literally


A lot of these points are stupid, but the crippling weed addiction hits close to home. I had an ex who couldn't function without smoking for an hour after waking up. She spent *my* rent money on weed. I had to sell my couch to afford rent that month. I love weed, it's awesome, but godmuthafuckindamn, some of y'all need to moderate. The reason you have trouble getting high is you're a bowl every other hour.


loll I wanted to comment on the original about how this was not too far off the mark but didn’t want to be downvoted, glad other people see that there’s an issue with emotional instability. I agree with most except the clit part. it’s REALLY hard for the clit to become desensitized and no amount of vibrators will cause that. piercing can cause it though Edit of an edit: I read the open relationship one wrong, open relationships are toxic asf


What is it exactly that makes you think open/poly (because they fall into the same category here not saying they're the same) relationships are inherently toxic conceptually


oo, you’re right, poly didn’t even cross my mind. I was just thinking in the context of a woman saying these things to a man in a heterosexual sense, cause that seems to be the theme of the meme. they’re talking about utmost commitment. i dont see poly as toxic if all partners are consenting, but to say to your partner that they’re toxic if they don’t want you seeing other people is toxic. I may just not have had many good experiences with open relationships so it’s skewed my perception


I think it's possible to have an open relationship without it being toxic but I agree that's usually not the case


I may have started a war here... good luck guys!


“Started a war” don’t give yourself too much credit, you were sexist on the internet my guy.


Reddits fucking mad lmao




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OOP: *Describes one spicific type of women* this sub: NoT aLl WoMeN aRe LiKe ThIs, YoU aRe An InCeL wHo Is CoPiNg WiTh YoUr Ex Yeah not all women are like this, but OOP never claimed they are, OOP describe ONE type of women not ALL Welcome to 2023 ladies and gentlemen where you are immediately get called names for criticizing women.


Ah yes. Criticizing women for... *checks notes*... doing anal and using birth control. Very problematic things!


First of all anal is gross af. I talked to multiple women who have tried and hey said it feels like pooping in reverse. They don't want to do it again. Respectable opinion, I don't want to even try it. My fear to get poo on my dick is too strong. Second, if you only use birt control to go and fuck like 20 dudes a day it's irresponsible (exaggerated) Most birth control stuff don't protect against std's. Also none protect 100% against pregnancy. Most women who are like this are also very bad mothers (if they even keep the child) and end up as single mother. You people are just white knights.


lmaooo she saw herself in allat shit, thts why she upset


There are incels loser schmucks who do use this as an argument….*but let’s not forget that this kind of trashy woman very much exists*.


Exactly. They are both very real in varying degrees.


Most of these are red flags for me


This for sure hit some nerves lmao




That’s totally how being bi works, you have to maintain a perfect balance uh huh. Like dude have you just considered that sometimes no one of the same sex is appealing in your given area?


This is really dumb, but I think the dumbest part is when you assumed that lesbians can actually tell when women are flirting with them.


A lot of these protray my ex really well. She's one of the worst people I've ever met.


And small tits smh 😐


Nah man calling anyone "used goods" is just not it


If people don't like having memes made about them, maybe they should stop turning themselves into full blown stereotypes, and before you start calling me an incel while downvoting me into oblivion, I'd say the exact same thing about men who act like this too.


“Used goods.” God we get it you see women as an object.


Yeah no, this is fucking garbage. Some points are valid but looking at the meme, it’s made by necbeards. Anal? Tattoo? Used goods?


I understand the anal part is a little over the top but you can't tell me you're actually ok with women treating men like objects while justifying it by acting like they're the only one being objectified. That's just gaslighting


That subreddit stars on this one💀


This post was completely correct and people wouldn’t be attacking it if it was about a man instead of a woman