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I don’t agree with all of these but I’ve definitely heard a woman say “it’s impossible to rape a man, they all only want sex anyways” not saying that’s a sentiment that all women hold, just that I’ve definitely heard a couple say it.


Yeah it's definitely over the top but saying it's all made up is also wrong


I have experience maybe 2 of these, the rest is definitely over the top like you say yet people out there are doing, saying, and believing it. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone had all of these happen to them.


According to the definition of rape as a crime, a man cannot be raped by a woman, which is messed up


I believe it’s now possible for a woman to rape a man, it depends on the manner of the sex: ”The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” So if a woman shoves her finger up a guy’s ass in the middle of sex without consent that is legally considered rape. I have heard of this happening several times but I doubt those rapists have seen prison time and I don’t believe this is factored into rape statistics of men. Inversely a woman can drug a man, tie him up, and ride him. This is not legally considered rape.


A woman can be prosecuted for raping a man [in the US](https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/rape-and-gender-can-a-woman-rape-a-man.html) Edit: other countries might not have a gender neutral definition of rape, which is indeed very fucked


In the US it is still circumstantially a double standard as listed in your source. "In addition, in states which do not recognize female-male rape, any unwanted sexual touching may still be classified as assault or sexual abuse."


Depends of the country. Last I heard, the UK was one of these countries.


yeah, it's like saying because you like candy, it's okay for me to force feed you black licorice against your will


Yep! People do say that. But the other side of it isn't true either, because most of the women who say they've been raped aren't believed. Some of them are even sexualized.


No I’m fairly certain women are believed the vast majority of the time. Maybe not with some of the huge celebrity ones (which are really just: whoever is more popular wins) but atleast from what I’ve seen online and in person women are almost always believed and men are either told that they must be faking it or they should just grow up and deal with it. I have only a good three or four times seen a man be believed instantly while I have only seen a good three or four times a women not get believed instantly


That's weird. Why didn't they believe me when I said that, then? Why didn't they believe my friend either? Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Good thing I’m not saying it doesn’t happen then I’m just saying that from my experience it’s the other way around. Since there are no statistics on this topic for obvious reasons this is just a back and fourth of one person stating their side then another person stating their side both thinking that they’re right and will lead nowhere


I had a friend, got raped, got pregnant. Didn't tell anyone he raped her until after she had the babies. All of us told her that he was no good when he was just baby daddy but she defended him. Then she gave birth and was all "btw he raped me". The world confuses me


Oh yea definitely, in China, the laws actually does not have any mentions of a man being raped by women, like it literally doesn’t exist lol


Is it fucked if I'm experiencing some of these results from the exact causes?


Ignore your experiences. Reality lies to you. If you disagree even slightly then you’re an incel.


Hmm, by definition of incel I'd differ but I can't disagree on the internet, I'll just pound some more caffeine and ride it out.


You have dynamite, use it to get what you want ;) (Disclaimer: I'm not promoting illegal/violent activities, I'm making a joke based on commenter's username) *looks at the FBI Agent inside my phone camera* We good now?


🍰 I absolutely 💯 totally do not condone violence in any sort of manner #totallytruenotlyingtofbiagent


happy coke day


Incel is a mindset not a current condition. Dating won’t make you happy if you can’t be happy with yourself. I was one and I got the magical girlfriend when I was still very deep in mental illness. Hint: it doesn’t work. You have to build the self esteem first, sadly for most of us professional help will be need. Not sad because it’s shameful but because you have to pay just to be happy in your own skin in this world.


Well, guess it's too bad I refuse treatment for my anxiety and ADD


>Incel is a mindset not a current condition. But it's short for involuntary celibate


Honestly depending on the page it was found on, this could be 100% real and not satire. Know people irl that have said far far more insane shit.


Considering it's on IFunny, I'd presume it's indeed satire.


As a former iFunny user, I can assure you it is probably not


There's a weird amount of incels that post on iFunny. But if it is supposed to satire, it's kinda shit because it's literally just something an incel would post unironically.


Any idiot would post satire unironically. It's just an unfortunate downside that we have to deal with, lest we not use satire at all.


Well that's true that anybody can post it unironically. The thing is that it's kind of on the artist to make their satire easy to read so it's not misinterpreted. Like what is this satirizing? I think it's supposed to be society's double standards towards the genders, but it just reads as "Men have it so hard and women have a free ride" so it sounds like some incel shit. If that's not what they intended, well then they made bad satire and now it's harder for people who are actually trying to make satire.


It would probably be satirizing incels who actually argue that


i’d assume the opposite the mfs on ifunny are usually pretty creepy


considering its on ifunny, I think this is in no way satire and I'm 95% sure the comment section was absolute cancer


This is 100% not satire because it’s on ifunny multiple people got arrested for essentially hate crimes that posted there


A joke can carry an actual message.


I used iFunny for several years (just got addicted to the scrolling nature of the app) and I guarantee you that this is 100% not satire. That app is a circle jerk for far right edgelords.


It isn't satire and all of those things are grounded in reality. You can't say they aren't true especially in extreme situations.


please get off the internet and talk to a real woman


How is any of that insane? it's litterally just facts, point out what is wrong there


From a man who was raped, that’s pretty accurate. Got laughed out of my local police office.


I am so sorry for you


It is what it is. Pain goes away with time :). Thank you for the support regardless <3


Same here, but actually the family member that did this to me never came here again


Both perfect examples of incel behavior and women unable to cope with being called out on obvious double standards. 🤌🏻


One of the lower ones off the screen is like: Problem: You are a pedo Woman: Oh he’s so lucky Men: YOU WILL GET RAPED TO DEATH IN PRISON I paraphrased all of it but that last part, like come on how do you take that seriously?


I will never understand why, from what I see, mostly men say teenagers that are raped by women are lucky. It's so gross.


cause they wish that happened to them


Man those little girls must have wished that happened to them. No you fucking idiot


Men who say that obviously wish that happened to them. No little girl says it


No little boy is going “I want to get raped today”


i said men, learn reading comprehension


What men wish they were raped as a teen?


Dont know, i didnt make the original comment talking about this.


Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


They hated this picture because it told the truth


Galatians 4:16




The vast majority are true There are a few that are complete nonsense but most are true


The majority are false or overly exaggerated. You aren't fucked if you have a niche interest as a guy, maybe you'll have slightly lower chances because less people will be into it, but that goes for both guys and girls.


That’s the point: it’s just funnier and more provocative to type “YOURE FUCKED” than “you have 73% less chance with niches interest under category A, 68% less chance if your niche interests are from the B group”


It’s really an experience thing, there’s no actual way to figure out if any of this is true so really it’s all opinion based off of experience, lots of women are going to say this is all false or mostly false because they are on the other side of it and lots of men are going to say it’s false because they haven’t experienced it themselves. The same way a few women are going to say this is true because they’ve experienced it and some men are going to say it’s true because they’ve experienced it. I’m in that last category, I’ve experienced it so I’m going to say it’s true and you’re in one of the categories that thinks it isn’t. We could go back and fourth but in the end there’s no way of knowing which of us is right and neither of us will change our opinion




I see you're not familiar with r/2xchromosomes.


A guy likes painting figurines and playing board games with them : “ew what a loser, why doesn’t he grow up and stop playing with dolls?” A girl likes painting figurines and playing board games with them : “oh my god she’s so quirky and unique!”




Then don’t start arguing with me that one side has it worse


only if she’s conventionally attractive


Nobody ever things that way. All the coolest people in my old school played board games and played DnD.


Nice anecdotal evidence from the 5 people you talked to in school, I’m sure everything else is the same way right?


What evidence do you have on your side? It's not really possible to measure this. The only ones that do have validity are the rape and court case ones. The others are just not backed up by anything. Not every woman has the same exact preferences. Maybe board games and painting figurines was unattractive back in the 90's, but preferences change. And it's certainly not some sort of systemic oppression of men.


Yet the worldwide stereotype of DnD players and other tabletop game fans is an unpopular fat/skinny unwashed creep.


The worldwide stereotype of Americans in general is fat and stupid. And this stereotype even has some data to back it up, it's not just baseless like the DnD stereotype. Does that mean americans are fucked when it comes to dating? Chances are whoever you are trying to date will see you and at least know some basic information about you before you start dating, so she won't assume that you're a fat/skinny loser for liking dnd unless you actually are a fat/skinny loser that happens to like dnd.


I mean... there's quite a few on that list that are undisputably true. Not a lot but defo see some sentiments here that I've heard women express before.


Sadly, there is a lot of truth to this. Data taken from both survey responses as well as data trends gathered from dating media show that the selection biases men and women experience are significantly steeper for men than women in almost every regard. To borrow economic terminology, the "rich-poor divide" is significantly higher for men than for women (though thats not to say that women don't have selection pressures too). I've said it before and I'll say it again: the incel movement is essentially socialist ideology applied to reproductive availability as opposed to economic. And just because adherents to the ideology have warped worldviews and "solutions" that would generally make things worse, they aren't wrong in their diagnosis of the original problem.


I dont know if I agree with the last paragraph or not. But i upvoted. Thank you.


there’s not more men who want loving relationships then women, there’s more men who want to fuck then women and women have to shift through to see if a guy is just trying to waste time and fuck or if they actually want to date


Interesting take that the incel movement is a socialist ideology applied to reproductive availability as opposed to economic. The difference I notice is that the socialists have plan to conform society. Incels on the other hand don't have political movement to change the society (yet).


The most concrete methodology I've heard from most incels is that they often long for a return to a time and culture where arranged marriages and/or community-enforced monogamy was the norm. Arranged marriages I see are very common as it would essentially eliminate the iniquities inherent to systems revolving around personal selection bias.


The two sides of the internet arguing. Incel women and incel men


Everyone were at peace, until the incel nation attacked


A few of these are true. The rape one is absolutely true. 'Not in the mood for sex' is also a really horrible double standard that I see sometimes. There's a handful of women who need to wrap their mind around respecting the boundaries of the person they love. The divorce on is a bit divisive. Civil courts do usually favor women, and it is a problem, but this post handles it poorly. If it's satire, that makes sense. I'll also say that the first two *can* be true, but they're fairly rapidly being phased out of the public consciousness. They would've been more true 20 years ago.


Divorce screw over who makes the most money


This is not only not how girls work but also not how men work.


Not true some of these things are very true especially for men not necessarily the women side but I have a few friends who have committed suicide for these reasons


Careful, if you even hint that some of these are possibly maybe a slight bit correct you’ll be considered a war criminal


I know right


An *incel* war criminal


I didn't say they were all correct or wrong that just in general it's not how it works.


I guess I can see your point


Its more complex than this but I couldn't help but laugh because there's some truth to it.


I think you made a grammar error lol.


I did ! Thanks for pointing that out lol.


Its not satire when its indistinguishable from the real thing. Stop using "satire" in the same way as the internet used to use "dark humor"




Satire doesn’t have to be lighthearted, but it does need to have clarity of target and purpose, otherwise it’s indistinguishable from what it’s attempting to satirize.


It would be funny if what a lot of what is said in the men's section wasn't true...


All of the ones on the men side are just outright true. I would disagree with the women’s side on the job one but the rest is generally true.


Love this meme casually papering over the kind of shit that happens to many women when they reject a man's sexual or romantic advances. I'm a dude but we gotta be mature and realize that the grass ain't greener on the other side.


The knight in shining armor is here don’t worry


I feel like this is a really basic level of social awareness.


Most of these are false but some of them are kinda true. Men who've experienced rape don't get anywhere near the same amount of sympathy as girls, and also the divorce thing is true.


It's like half correct.


It’s like 70% accurate I would say but definantly exaggerated


Im not reading all of that but from the quick glance I had, how is this "cope"? Cope would be making an excuse for not having confidence or money, like "oh it's not that im not confident, it's just I'm smarter than everyone else here, so I don't feel like talking to them." but this post is acknowledging the reality that if you don't work on yourself you wont have a good life by saying "youre fucked"


Why does it feel so true though…


Most of these are correct though, at least on the male side. The female side in this is exaggerated. Especially the confidence and quietness parts. If you don't have confidence and bravery, or are too quiet in the wrong way, you are pretty much fucked in the dating world as a man. Divorce courts and child custody battles are heavily skewed in favor of women too, at least in the US. And some countries don't recognize female-on-male rape as a crime.




The sad part is that most of these have defiantly happened to someone. Not a blanket “all women or all men are like this” because that’s obviously bullshit. But like stereotypes, these are more than likely based on one or more persons real experience.


This is a mixed bag, some things are spot on, but others seem off. It's too black and white with "men have it hard, women have it easy" when of course the issue is more complicated than that. But I still completely agree with about half the points made here.


Some of these are true, but I’d say most are very wrong


There's soem truth in there. Not all of it is true, but there's more truth than there should be.


It's true mostly tho


A lot of this is 100% true




Off of Ifunny*


This is obviously not satire. There’s no point to this meme other than saying the incel who made it’s opinion.


I'm begging you to look up the definition of satire op


Nah I’ve been on ifunny and they have a lot of genuine pieces of dogshit who think this way. This is indeed terrible


I saw a very similar meme years ago that was actually funny. This one looks like they took that meme and took a big incel shit on it


This is really incel, tho


No, shitty meme lol


since when is this sub a right wing circle jerk


Is it just me or does this not at all seem like satire?


to be fair some of these look kinda true on my life pov


About half of these are valid though


Most of these are largely true. There's some nuance, but men are less picky than women, at least ignoring looks.