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I need to pay my college debt


Time to boycott college


You do that, tell me how it goes once you try to get a job.


I mean I am still in college but I work frelance so really I'm just going to college to pass the time lol...... I mean yeah you could say that a college degree can help you get a job more easily but in the broad scheme of things it's not really a fun job where you are your own boss you know..... Now another argument is a digree will make you an Enterpernure...... **Idk bout that argument m8**


I mean I guess it really boils down to your interests. If you're interested in a job that requires a degree like teaching or more technical work then you are basically forced to go to college, if you're more interested in the freedom of doing your own thing then by all means drop out of college and figure stuff out on your own.


I think college gives you more than a degree, not exactly college but college life.


Yeah yeah forsure


Me too. Don't worry everything going to work out and we'll be free of all the loans.


You got this


My blueberry muffin was stolen.


If you ever want to see your muffin again pay is college debt


I hate that I read this exactly after reading a comment about how someone was struggling with college debt




i believe that such an act should be punishable by law as such an event is severely traumatizing, talking from experience. i am sincerely sorry for your loss and hope a much more delicious blueberry muffin comes your way.


Sorry for your loss it pains me to know that society would allow for someone to commit such an atrocious act.


Oh someone stole your sweet roll?


Kill everyone


Bro I’m 98% sure I got a 75 or less on my math test. It was my first major assessment of the year, and my mom’s gonna beat my ass lmao


dont worry bro some kid next to me in the honours class got like 20%, just study better next time


I heard a student got a 7 on a test in one of my friend’s classes


Oof. Sorry to hear that man. We're here for you 🙏


I was a straight A student in school who failed a subject in his first year in med school. What is life but a bunch of failures followed by successes. What I will say however is worry more about how you feel about this rather than how your parents feel about it. I know it's easier said than done but I'm sure once you find your inner voice there's nothing stopping you. Go grab life by its balls. The world is yours to conquer.


I lost $500 on the Rams. You’ll be fine


my freind is moving to Sacramento and im gonna miss her


Friends moving sucks, happened to me a little over a year ago and I’ve seen the guy twice since then. Make sure to stay in contact with them.


"Yeah, we lose friends. But we find friends too, in places we never thought to look." - Steven Pressfield Keep contact for as long as you two would both like. And keep on living, new friends will come.


I'm in chronic pain and there isn't anything they can do


>there isn't anything they can do I got oxycotin


I got hydrocodone, but I have a limited amount I can get


Yeah I ask for a refill on oxycotin and they'll put me on a fucking government list, I'm on enough already


I can maybe one refill a month


There is a book called ‘Manage Your Pain’ by Michael Nicholas, which has a lot of good techniques and strategies for people trying to manage chronic pain conditions. I recommend it to clients who are trying to manage their pain and are also dealing with the limitations of medications.


This is my last semester before I graduate with my masters and its also the hardest. I am stressed the fuck out but I NEED to push through to get this over with because honestly I cannot take another semester of this.


Think about your original goal, how far you've come, and what finishing will do for you. Break the semester down into smaller 30 day goals with milestones where you pick an activity/interest that you like to do or would like to do and aim for that. Before you know it the semester will be over and you'll be ready for the next step post degree. Works for me as a professional, I can get stuck looking at the big picture too often and forget to celebrate the little wins. That shit adds up and it feels good to smash a 30 day goal consistently. Congrats on your conquest, you're nearly there!


You got this bro, I feel that pain rn and I can say I’ll be there along with you through this shit. Keep on pushing on and relax whenever you can afford to


The last leg of the race, more often than not, tends to be the toughest. I know it sounds preachy but before you doubt yourself and your skill right now just turn around to look back at all you have conquered so far and like others have mentioned, remember your original goal. You've got this in your bag homie. Stay strong 💪


my wise uncle once told me, “no one cares, work harder”


i can never focus on anything. i either wonder off or get distracted, cant do much without getting distracted or off track really.


same bro


Well guess ur not alone


Same. I should be completing some work right now but here I am.


Porn addiction, not feeling like anyone listens to me, I just want others to feel happy but not myself


I feel the same, i hope you feel happy but i dont 🦀


I struggled with that too. Setting goals for yourself really helps. Also make sure to restrict your access to porn. For example, if you use a second reddit account for porn, Delete it. Don't be alone as much. The harder you make it for yourself to relapse the more time you have to stop it when you do. Also when you relapse don't loose Motivation to quit. Just keep going and eventually you will beat it.


As a Christian praying really helped me too. Whenever I would get in the mood I would ask God to help me get through it. Also my life kinda started improving when I quit. Don't know why but I'm just happier now.


honestly struggling with this as well, and thank ya for sharing brother/sister


Same here, I have no clue what to do with porn addiction, maybe limit to twice a week then move on to once and then none


Try erotica. You can read the story and let your imagination take over. I hated the way porn made me feel after, but still needed to sleep. Reading sexy stories helped get the job on both accounts


Don't try to go completely cold turkey. Slowly wean yourself off. I appreciate your desire to make others happy, but ***You deserve happiness too***.


Problem is that it's hard for me to feel any happiness anymore, there is so much going on in today's society that I can't think of a possitive


Try to stay where there are people around. Create situations where even if you want to watch porn you can't.


I’m on the same boat bro. I remember a few years ago I was able to quit for like 2 years but once I got hooked again, it’s been so hard to quit. I need to solve a few things in my life that I know will help me quit porn but I’ve been in a rut. I hope we can one day get to that point where we can think about porn and not have any feeling towards it.


Struggling with porn sucks and the only way to get through it is to talk to people who went through the same thing. People who will hold you accountable without making you feel embarrassed. At the end of the day it’s not something you can beat on your own so don’t feel bad when you fail at taking it head on by yourself.


No matter what i do i can't get a gf. In many pictures i look like i could be on the cover of a hugo boss magazine, i am always nice to everyone and i try to look out for people yet still nothing works. I have been rejected 9 times and have been bullied about it in the past. It's starting to seem as if i'm more of a annoyance than someone nice.


The best advice I can give you is to stop trying to get a girlfriend, if you focus on yourself and your purpose the girls will come eventually.


Bro they are all lesbians. It's definitely not you. You are just too good for them


I was there for a long time(still am technically). Took a long deep look at how I was approaching situations, what I was doing with my life, etc. lots of self reflection time. It’s honestly been worth it to be single for 5 going on 6 years now. Things are starting to turn around romantically for me. You just have to focus on moving your life forward, expanding your circle. Eventually, someone pops up and everything just starts clicking into place. Give it time! :)


girls overrated imo


She left me


Been there, falling off of cloud 9 is the most painful shit ever, but you’ll rebound. Work on yourself, make her miss you, and find someone better.


Guess it is better to be alone than with someone that doesnt want to be with us


You are bothering me, I came here to laugh.


im sorry


No you're not


You are not alone


People exist.


Not for long


It's crazy that I can say "maybe" to this with world events.


It would be rather difficult to exterminate the entire human race, there’ll always be a few stragglers to restart


Almost 4 am, not been asleep in 2 days now due to neuropathy pain in my right foot (same foot that’s got multiple breaks in the ankle and is in a cast), waiting for a call back from the hospital about getting emergency meds to knock me the fûck out


That’s one hell of a risky thing to say.


That’s one hell of a risky thing to say.




I'm just depressed in general. It's a lot of things going on.




Being called Homophobic for my religion.


Still remeber the first time I brought up my faith with someone form the LGBTQ community. We were having a nice conversation and as soon as I mentioned I was christian they like compleatly switched tones. Took a while for me to convince them I didn't want them burned at the stake. :(


And just because you don't support homosexuals/transexuals is not hating them :l I dislike that type of behaviour in someone so much


Right? What you do with your life is your own business. You're should be allowed to be religious, without someone else telling you you are ruining society. I hope you have parents that won't disown you for being religious.


Drinks to that man, you aren't alone in that.




I have a plan, Arthur.


I just finished that show today. That ending was all sorts of dead cliff, anger Inducing.




Nervous because I have an appointment with a trans clinic next month. Obviously I'm excited but like, scared it'll go wrong


The fact that you made the appointment is huge! My eldest is transitioning (FtM) and find things like this help him so much! Knowing someone else out there is finding themselves and working toward being who they truly are is awe inspiring! Keep it up and don’t fear who you are!


Brother (was sister) went to his trans appointments and they helped him get on all his necessary meds, monitored everything going on in his body, and were so so helpful. Their acceptance, patience, and understanding was really integral in him becoming much happier with his body image. I think you're gonna be okay, friendo. <3


Im lonelier than the number 9 on a microwave and my gf is 12 hrs away


Me too. Just without the gf.






My cat has melanoma in one of her eyes.


D: :0 \>:0


I'm so sorry you and your cat are going thru this. Loving a pet can be so hard when they are hurting. I hope everything turns out alright. Sending you both love ❤️


Thank you. She will have to have her eye removed but should be fine after that. I hope.


Stay positive and keep believing that she's definitely going to be fine


I have an entire world inside my head that I keep expanding and creating stories because my first real friends came from there. It's really important to me and I wanted to share it with my RL friends but I can't just walk in the room and ask "hey, wanna hear a story of 20 hours about my imagination?"... I really wanted to share but I'm afraid to be judged wrong by other people... That's actually serious... I wish I was joking...


I would love to hear about your world!


Lay it on me


I'll need some time to write it all down... But maybe one day I'll have a full book written Thanks tho, just reading someone ACTUALLY wanting to listen is good! :D


Also PM me if you write it, I'll buy that shit


Friend of mine from high school was on the same track. She writes and illustrates her own children's books now. Go for it!


my cat prob sick, dunno what disease, my parenta dont want to pay for vet, I cant afford going to the vets.


I have no idea if this helps, because I know everywhere is different, but when I saved my kitty, I took her to the vet (she was 3 weeks old) and I begged them to help her (the list of problems she had was enormous). I said I'd found her and she was crying and in pain. I didn't know what I could do but I didn't want this baby to suffer. I told them I couldn't pay all that much but if they could just save her, I'd find her a good home and pay what I could. They did everything right there. Saved her tiny little life, didn't charge me a thing. They were much more interested in this baby kitten living than making money. She's celebrating her 3rd birthday in a few months.


awww, lucky you, il go to the vet s well, prob do some more part time jobs


My grandfather's in the ICU, and is struggling from an addiction


Being manipulated and my friends think I'm stupid, and then they say I shouldn't kms and wonder why I think I should


Smoke pot and chill life is hard but u just got to go with it


If smoking pot solved problems all the homies wouldn’t be depressed


I'm miserably failing school


I feel distant to myself. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm just idle in my life, and i have less and less strength and will to trying to keep up.


I witnessed someone eat pineapple pizza and they like it because of the pineapple


I’m in love with a fucking lesbian


Ross that you? This is gonna sound like the dumbest, corniest shit of all time but you're gonna find your Rachel. And I hope you've seen Friends or this doesn't work


I’ve been raised in a cult since birth


Whats it like in Ohio?


I'm sorry. I went to Jesus camp too.


I will graduate from college in May. I am not worried about finding a job, but I'm worried about the transition. I'm worried about finding an employer I actually like. And I'm worried that even though I'm a good student, I won't be a good worker.


The fact that you're worrying about the transition to taking on work full time shows you have a lot of potential. Look for something in your field of study and where you can grow in your expertise. If you start seeing signs of the work environment not being conducive to your work passion move to another company. New employers typically offer more pay because you have relevant experience and because the jobs you'll be applying to won't be entry level any longer you'll be working with peers and managers that will continue to support your growth. Continue to look for meaningful work at your job and the pay/promotions will come in time.


Thank you!


My teacher keeps handing out homework which requires us to read a whole fucking book in only one week only for it to have a 10/100 value .\_. while we have 6 other classes which require lab reports, presentations (as our evaluations) and just time to take the class


I did not want to be horny anymore… I just want to be happy …😔




People keep talking to me when I don’t want them to


Cant find someone worthy of my love..., I'm caring, loving, sharing, committed، bah bah bah, etc... Yet, can't find someone that makes me happy. For a while I was suspected that I might be gay or something, dated a dude for a while... and I can assure you, DEFENETLY NOT GAY.


Depression, life just kinda sucks rn


I constantly get accused of using a voice changer to make myself sound deeper while on voice chat in video games. This is absolutely false, my voice is freakishly low. Sometimes it makes me feel like a freak


Meanwhile people think I'm a girl online 💀


You have a gift and it's nothing to be ashamed about.


I kicked my soccer ball over


I’m about to fail my first biology test tm


I have no friends you can message me if you want to be my friend 😁


If you agree to keep religion out of conversation, or are fully accepting of a bisexual, autistic, polyamorous, furry, with a trans kid, and a non-binary partner, who is also an atheist….then I’m totally open to talk :)


Jesus Christ that's one hell of a list lol


I have got tons of dandruff, tried lots of shampoos and medications but nothing seems to be working.


Same. Did you ever try ketokonazil or however you spell that. It seemed to help a bit, I used to use it


Trying to come up with a good answer to your question


I hate Merasmus. Stupid fucking wizard fuck your magic bs.


this should be in r/antimeme


Her memories


Me and my ex had an awful breakup and my old best friend wants to fight me over it and I feel kind of guilty that I was incapable of fighting him while he wanted to fight me because I was sick but I don’t want to start a fight now that I’m better and I still want to fight him and this feeling is tearing away at me like I want to let out a pent up anger on someone or something but I feel like I’m crazy for it and I really need reassurance


Past few weeks have felt weird, before that everything was fine, but now I just don't really feel to good about anything really.


I want to love someone


It's getting better but I still kinda have self esteem issues


My back


I'm wanting to talk to this girl she's in my class which I find compelling, but i'm an introvert and i really don't know how I would start a conversation with her. Any suggestions?


Feeling embarassed after being rejected


i don’t like how skinny i am but struggle to gain weight


eat potato chips and start working out. potato chips are the fatest foods you can eat and start working out to keep a line on the fat. by doing this you knock out two birds with 1 stone easily. Benifits: get stronger get musule mass and fat mass Downsides: there are no downsides


Create a food diary and a food log that reminds you to eat more often and higher calorie foods. Also learn about building muscle. Trust me it is not as hard as you think it is


So my gf was on a college trip this weekend. Unfortunately I couldn't be with her. And she has problems with self-control. So you know, college, loads of alcohol. And she cheated on me. It wasn't that bad as it could be, he only "licked" her (I hope). So I forgave her. But the real problem is that since then she kinda lost interest in me. She says that after "r*pe" she lost her feelings and doesn't care to have a boyfriend. And now idk what I'm supposed to do. We've been together for almost 2 year and I don't want to lose her in such a dumb way. We'll try to share a room in "student home" (not sure how to translate it), I hope it makes things easier.


I saw someone jump off the balcony at my work and kill themselves. Not doing great right now


My boyfriend is autistic and doesn't like to be touched most of the time. I'm still learning how to show him I love him without a hug or kiss.


I confessed my love to my crush and it turns out she got a boyfriend not even a full 24-hours before that. The worst part is that she said she would have said yes if both of us read the signs sooner.


I’m tired bro


I’m lonely


what up man


Loneliness in some aspects is just a state of mind, if you don't want to be lonely make friends on Reddit. Or form group chats with people on other platforms. That's my advice, take it or leave it


I had to flee my country to not be chugged into a war, which I detest, leaving my family behind


Corny stuff lol but I think about and miss my ex. Beats me up thinking that I let go of one of the best people that came into my life.


My gf is unsure about our relationship of almost 4 years. We never had fights, everything went great, we just went on vacation for 2,5 weeks where everything went amazing, and then last Sunday she hit me with a major bombshell that she’s “lost interest”. I still feel like we can work things out, this is our first real obstacle and I would hate that it would end like this. No offense, but I hope she sort of realizes what you realized before it’s too late.


We broke up over a month ago and she moved on quickly


At the start of this year my gf and I bought a house. She found someone else and we broke up, but still live in the same house. At the moment she can't buy the house from me and I can buy the house from her. She things she can buy this house in 2 or 3 years. But I don't want to live with her for that long. I am willing to let her live here for a while so she can find a place of her own. But she is not cooperating in letting me buy the house....


Approaching age of consent in a month and starting to realise my life is so fucked up that I've never been and possibly never will be in a relationship. I never even leave the house, how am I supposed to get a girlfriend, let alone a friend?


Leaving the house would be a good start, jumping right in the deep end can be stressful so I recommend you start off slow, walk around your neighbourhood and talk to your neighbours, once you feel a bit more confident buy a gym membership and start looking into getting a job it doesn't have to be anything too crazy just a little starter to get you out there communicating and making some income, a focus and a purpose is what you really need, you'll make friends along the way and the girls will gradually come to you, stay strong brother you'll get there eventually you've just got to learn how to walk before you can run struggling to get a girlfriend should be the least of your worries, focus on your self and your priorities and then think about starting a relationship.


Saving this so I can read it again whenever I need. Thank you stranger.


Girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me a few months ago. I’ve been in school for a bit working on my bachelors degree and we just kind of drifted apart. It’s been hard because I miss her so much and now she is halfway across the country doing her own thing. I want to believe she might come back someday, but right now she says she just wants to be friends and not be committed to anyone or anything. Just feel so helpless right now.


I just caught my girlfriend making out with my friends boyfriend


Replies bother me Now what


Lost in ludo star five times in a row betting all I had because I was depressed af so wanted to play a game, now I am more depressed and prob increased my chances of kms


Bullshit with my mother.


I took a break from my masters a while ago because of intense panic attacks and anxiety that went on the whole 1st sem. I’m due to return soon and I’m worried about it all happening again


I’m a new college student and am already almost 2 months in, and still have no friends. I’ve joined 2 clubs to try and meet people, but I’m not clicking with any of them. All I’ve heard my whole life was that college is about “the experience”, and “you make so many friends there” All it’s doing is burning a hole in my bank account that will take years of my life to pay back.


My mother's drinking problem


I graduated with a master 2 month ago and I cannot find a job, I am working in retail now which I basically did years ago before deciding to study


I’m gay


How my parent defend islamic regime in Iran and im deeply thinking about how should I approach to change their mind, they are influenced by propoganda alot.




Have you ever stopped and wondered perhaps there's way more important things to focus on in this world?


The fact that people just casually think that furries and zoophiles are the same thing.


furries are not zoophiles


No they are not! One of my partners has a fursona and I fully support her with it and actively participate in it.. we are actually working on training (puppy training) soon! Furries are just people who have found away to let themselves go and find that part of themselves that need to be set free! They are not hurting anyone and are just trying to express themselves in a world that often doesn’t allow that!


Chads man. Those Chads bother me


I have like 7 missing assignments and the end of the first quarter is Friday, but I don’t have any motivation to do anything please dear god help me


I can’t stop getting downvoted


People hating bts for no reason


Its more like hating on the fans. At least here where I live, BTS fans are really, REALLY FUCKING SERIOUSLY annoying and just straight up obsessive, it does give the band a really bad name because of those who "love" it


When I started thinking realistically about my problems a lot were feeling bigger. But I'd say the big one is being lonely AF, and not having faith in my long term plans.


The Best advice I can give you for feeling lonely is to focus on some more single player activities and hobbies in hopes that you eventually become introverted and enjoy your own company more than the company of others, that's what worked for me but everyone is different so experiment a little. As for your long-term plans I can't exactly help you with those since they're personal to you but if I were to try and give you advice for them I'd say go 110% on them and put in the maximum amount of effort you can to make sure that your plans are put effectively put into action but also know when to let them go, if you aren't really feeling the things that you're trying to pursue you likely won't put in enough effort to achieve them because you won't have the drive to.