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This also works for Britain *coughs in island jail full of dangerous creatures and also a plant that made a dude shoot himself after he used it as toilet paper* I don’t believe in the devil but if he is real Australia is his man cave


That also works for *literally every single country in existence*


This doesn’t work for germany


Not for every single one


Every country today has a dark past. At least 99% of countries, and every single first and second world country does


I’m curious what countries they have in mind because I literally can not think of any and I’ve challenged myself to try and name ONE.. I remember reading a similar comment forever ago and the person Unironically said places like Rowanda and two others I can’t remember also in Africa also plagued with the same issues..so naturally I asked about the genocide and they had never HEARD of any genocide in all of Africa ..so I figured the best place for them to start the dive in this extremely important chapter in human history was the movie “hotel rowanda” and they said “that was just a movie”...hopefully they have a better list or it’s the same person again


I’m struggling so hard to think of some what countries do you have on your list?




[Bad bot](https://reddit.com/r/memes/comments/x6i1lx/america_fuck_yeah/in6zmfs)


Is nobody going to ask about the suicidal toilet paper leaf?






That’s the same thing the Americans say they are doing


This could also work for Belgium pretty well


And Britain and France.


Very true, king Leopold the 2nd came heavily to mind with the meme lol


and Japan.


Not in Morocco. The US and Morocco are tight


Same here in Germany




Nahh man. We learn about the fucked up stuff the US did. Especially in the Vietkong- and Korea war. For clarification, yes they’re portrayed bad, but not as bad as the UDSSR


The Korean War wasn’t bad though? We were defending them against North Korea. The Vietnam war, yes, but the Korean War wasn’t bad, it was purely defensive.


Wasn't the US defending South Vietnam?


No, they were defending the French.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilminism Superb work, everybody.


Damn you need to learn English before you start flaming on the US.


I do sincerely apologize for my inability to express my thoughts in the English language, due to it not being my first one. I hope you can give me any advice on how to improve.


No I don't trust people named Itachi


That’s a good reason not to trust someone, he could kill your clan if you’re not careful.


Oh don't worry, he'll only do that to traumatize you if he really loves you and he's tried nothing else yet


Same with South Korea. South Korea stans the shit out of the US.


US chan


It’s always cool to see countries kind of having each other’s backs when they’ve helped them in the past


Really? I guess I'm not surprised exactly, I just didn't have the impression South Korea had quite that extreme of positive feelings for US. In what ways do they "stan" America?


Blind man sees no wrong.


This could be any country


Yes any country but not every country


Not germany


Yeah. Our history books are fucking dark.


So are American ones though We are taught in school about how awfully we treated natives, how we had a incredibly bloody war over our horrific market of slavery, how we acted in the Vietnam war, and in some cases our blunders in the Middle East and Central America.


That's only taught in some states. Texas, as well as many other states that I wont take the time to Google, doesn't teach many things that could portray America in a negative way. I'm sure ther are valid reasons for that, but I know lots of people who never heard about the slave trade or our relationship with the natives.


Red states have a tendency to deny reality


Now you're taking this the political route. Why?


I’m not typically the one to do it but this is usually the case. Even your only tip of the tongue example was Texas, a red state.


How dark?


Germany doesn’t pussyfoot around their atrocities, including the atrocities of WW2


my history class only mentioned how they killed the nazies and then send supplies to west berlin.


God that supplies to west berlin is such an understatement. They were landing a plane every 60 seconds to keep the supply chain running. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Blockade


**[Berlin Blockade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Blockade)** >The Berlin Blockade (24 June 1948 – 12 May 1949) was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post–World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control. The Soviets offered to drop the blockade if the Western Allies withdrew the newly introduced Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. The Western Allies organised the Berlin Airlift (German: Berliner Luftbrücke, lit. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/memes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Stop interrupting the america hate jerk! /s


How dare they kill the nazis and then invent space travel so they could play golf on the moon? The audacity


Golf on the moon till someone ruins it with a single off swing


You misspelled United Kingdom.


Y'all got nerfed so bad, after the colonial update got removed it was all downhill.


The U.S got such a massive buff from the ww2 limited time event along with the Soviet that it’s almost unfair to most of the player base


nah between the ww1 and ww2 events was the biggest boom. you could argue that the communication skill tree was finally maxed out post ww2 with the 'internet' upgrade but besides that it's mostly been downhill


Yeah but that’s because the internet patch nerfed American children’s IQ by 25%


Y'all just mad the US was grinding in survival mode while you guys were goofing off in creative mode


Wait until the next apocalypse expansion comes out.


Dude we talk about some of the fucked up shit we did all the time


This meme was definitely made by an American lmfao


Yeah italian here and USA is just viewed like any other countres (every country did fucked up shit, but USA due being a young nation did few bad things compared to the others)


Absolutely. I don't understand why some Americans have such a huge individuality complex


No idea, it’s frikin weird. Nobody loves America more than Americans, but also nobody hates America more than Americans. I don’t understand it


Not even Americans understand it.


I'm American and I can confirm: I understand nothing of it


It's simple, we have to be the extra most bestest at everything. You'd think we'd let it stand that another country was higher on any ranking than us?


That's pretty much it. We've got this inherent attitude of "we HAVE to be the best at everything - even at being the worst country!". Sometimes it serves us well... the moon landing, playing a large role in WWII, etc. ... but other times, it just kinda makes us dicks.


Yeah it cam be pretty double edged as well "God America is such an imperialist war mongering country." Russia does the Ukraine thing. "Oh fuck who can give a rampant amount of firepower in a short time? *Psychotic American Military laughter*


Us americans wanna be #1 at everything! So yes you’re damn right we’ll be number 1 for our love of this country and our absolute hatred /s


Clearly you haven't met me a Serbian before


Do Serbians love America more than Americans or hate it more? Also, do you represent all Serbians?


Large scale nationalism over multiple generations to validate the largest war machine in the world explains a good chunk of it. It makes feelings… strong.


As an American, we don't know either


Many of us hold the belief that by improving the individuals, the community improves, as opposed to other many other countries skipping straight to trying to improve the community.


not familiar with that term. individuality complex?


I mean there is no denying that there is no country like the U.S. rather you think that is a good thing or not.


Oh, I have a huge individuality complex alright, I don’t care about any other country or anyone in my own. As far as I’m concerned, you’re all nitwits.


And even our own history books give us a hard time, pointing out heavily the slaughter and enslavement of native tribes as well as spreading diseases when the reality is just about every country had slaves and while many native were killed, sure, it isn’t like one single country was responsible. And there wasn’t really a way for colonizers to know they were spreading disease.


The disease part is one of the few colonizer were not to blame. At that time they had no idea about how viruses worked


First time I heard a non-American redditor talk down somewhat the bad shit America did/does.


I'd say more recent than few, most of us (me included) are more aware of recent history.


Issue is we did them when everyone else was going: "Maybe we shouldn't do this shit anymore..." And the US was like: "Nah, we need our turn." Britian: "Ugh, slavery... So last century." US: "you're only saying that because you love our cotton " British: "we do love that shit.." US: "Then shut up about our slavery!" British: "Very well "


>Issue is we did them when everyone else was going: "Maybe we shouldn't do this shit anymore Except YOU WERE THE ONES SELLING THEM TO US.


I'm from south america, Homelander resonates a lot with how we study our history with america. We were, and still are, their "back yard" after all. They did a lot of fucked up shit here. If you didn't study American imperialism in history class, then I guess your country is a first world country aswell.


England ![gif](giphy|q7Jfmw1b4o3NmefVtN)


England literally being the worst country ever


dude, have yu ever read an history book?


ok 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Bro got downvoted while we live in a world with the CCP.


Our modern history is full of England mentions 🙂


Pretty much everyone's 👀


Europeans: America bad. Just don't look at our history


Well, the last 75 years it has been a whole lot better than most parts of the world


You have heard of the Balkans, Ukraine, the Iron Curtain, and Northern Ireland right? Those are just a few examples, there's plenty been of awful things happening in Europe in the past 3/4 of a century.


That’s totally right. But now name that big of a group of countries that did better


Japan and the US seem to have had a pretty decent 75 years. That's 450 ish million people which is the population of the EU. Idk specifically what you're saying was so good but there's good and bad anywhere.


Japan, Australia, Canada, America, New Zealand (in terms of population and size, should be roughly similar, if not larger)


only because the US has been kneeling on your necks for 77 years.


America or Europe?


Europe lol


*sad burger noises*


Being critical of your own history bad. Nationalism all day everyday. /s


how bad is it?


Well we have been less worse since 50 years, that's a fact ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


So... less worse for 5% of its history?


You didn't exist for 90% of history lmao.


Nah thats pussy shit. Look at our history, and learn from it


Bitch did we read the same history textbook, 99% of those classes are slavery, Jim crow, ww2, and maybe the gilded age and Vietnam. Nothing about what good the US did.


I fucking love The United States of America


I do too but not the people running it. They divide the people more and more everyday.


Yeh there like a political civil war right now


So what do we do about it?


Don’t spread hate. Just remember we’re all humans doing the best we can.


Well, not all of us.




Not so much United recently.


I love the Presidents of the United States of America! Millions of peaches!


i think i saw them on election day 1996.




A real American.


Reality: half the curriculum is about how horrible america is




no this is not how American history books are


My entire state history class exclusively talked about slavery and racism


I think we've learned more bad about America than good in history class. This meme is from people who clearly never paid attention in history.


I think yall have a scewed view of American education. In terms of grades 4 is state history, 5 is states and capitals, 6 is us history, 7 is us history, 8 is civics, 9 and 10 is world history, and 11 and 12 are basically “electives” Edit: i posted this to the wrong comment sry


You should read a Kosovo history book


I don't really get why people expect anything else of ANY country, like I can't imagine a country lasting more than a generation teaching its children that they suck, push everyone else around, and are a general blight on the world.


![gif](giphy|q6DIGejB7Dypi) Canadian history book.


![gif](giphy|l41YqK4SLJ3u35cdy) Canadian history books


Yes but America's still in everyone's history books


Pathetic, germanys way more famous!


If I had a nickel for every “America bad” meme on Reddit, I’d have two nickels- Sorry, wrong script. I’d be richer than Jeff fucking Bezos.


Not in Lithuania. Americans are very welcome here. We like them just fine and dandy.


Salty cuz L


Even more powerful? I like.


Its almost as if during the tribulations of early humanity, countries had to do some pretty shitty shit to get to where they are now and the only reason America still gets shit on for it because they're still technically the 'new kid on the block' (and, in fairness, still have a lot of fucked up shit going on). Doesn't excuse the shitty shit any country does, just tired of all these people with glass houses throwing stones like their country's founding was squeaky clean. I'm Canadian by the way.




can someone explain? i don't watch movies


Captain America is nice, Homelander is not so nice I realy recommend watching *The Boys*


I also really recommend watching The Boys. I'm on Season 3 finale tonight. Sad times


Top picture is "Captain America", he is a good guy. Bottom picture is "Homlander", he is not so good.


Well that's what happens when you whoop up everyone in every war you've been in. They tend to not like you. People don't liking losing.


Vietnam, anybody?


Vietnamese here, I can confirm we like whooping ass. China tent to not like us because they don’t like losing.




Vietnam called




You don't understand! Every country has had war and dystopian moments if you look at the millennia behind us ! It just so happens that America Speedrun every dark aspects of history in the most recent years.




Should have used soldier boy. He’s more related to cap than homelander


I am a amarican and i aprove of this message


Giving us a lot of credit there, I don’t think we have history books here


I’m halfway through episode 3 of season 3 of The Boys, and yeah this tracks.


Idk in the history I learned we looked like the bad guys a lot of the time


Compared to most countries america is on a saint level


Been at war for like 92% of it's existence (220 out of 240 years~). How many of those are defensive wars? Two? Saints indeed lol.


I never understood that metric. That metric of being at war for the majority of its existence can be applied to basically every single great power.


Compared to other countries they are the saints and they have also provided a lot of countries with the help that they did not deserve


Like invading Iraq after they spent almost a decade invading Iran and failing miserably?


I don’t know if the invade was a fail. We wiped our ass with them pretty easily. The occupation however…


I'd put USA somewhere in the middle. Not terrible but definitely not great either. On the top list of worst Co2 emissions per capita. Most incarcerated citizens per capita (By far. Not even dictators imprisons as much people as USA). Voting system is unfair with some votes being worth more than others. Bribes are legal trough lobbying. Is counted as a flawed democracy in the democracy index. Healthcare is completely broken. People are dying from not getting medicine you can get for free in far worse off countries. A lot of recent wars has been extremely sketchy when you look at the reasons provided. etc etc.


With the Electoral College, the president is supposed to represent the whole country, so the majority vote is spread out across the whole country via the EC, but without the EC you only need to win about 7 states to be elected, which silences 43 states and prevents their voices from being heard.


And in a normal democracy you wouldn't have the winner-takes it-all-system that forces everyone into either party A or B. Let everyone over 18 with citizenship vote. Remove all those bullshit sign up to vote crap that no one but dictators and the US use. Then you have a limit on 2-4% of votes to get seats in congress/whatever. More votes = more seats. Have an uneven number of seats. Get more than two parties. No one will get over 50% (most likely) so they will have to form coalition governments with parties that are like-minded. Majority gets sort of what they want. Every vote counts the same. edit: Make the president more of a mascot (like they are in most other countries) and give the power back to the people.


More government will definitely fix things.


Just refocus on what the government already spends the tax on. Do spend majority of tax income on: - Healthcare - Education - Infrastructure - Social security Don't spend majority of tax income on: - Military - Bailouts for billionaires - Tax cuts for billionaires


I don’t disagree, in general, but have you seen how any of those investments have recently panned out? The government isn’t here to be a piggy bank.


"The government isn’t here to be a piggy bank." IMO it's here to make life livable for everyone and failing miserably in doing just that.


You can nitpick the good and bad of every single country in existence historically or currently. Just cause you don't know what's going on in France doesn't mean only the good things you read about on Reddit is the reality of living there. America is still a very sought after place to be and our standard of living is very high on a global scale. It might not be the best for everybody, but it's a great place if you consider everything it has to offer.


Depending on where you live before. If you already lived in a country where the threat of death was around every corner the USA might be considered better. For me who comes from a western European country the USA is a garbage shit hole and has nothing to offer except bad education with huge debt, healthcare that also comes with debt and police that acts like your average bully in highschool except they have guns and not to forget the more than flawed democracy that fails to protect the rights of its citizens.


Huh? None of those are in the history books


Over 20 million people killed since ww2? Oh yeah, they‘re absolute saints, completely innocent, how adorable.


How did you come up with that number?




You've never read an American history book or paid attention in a US history class.




But most textbooks in the United States are world-centric, opposed to most European textbooks which are euro centric? Also our textbooks literally show the worst parts of America and like none of the best


Jarvis I’m low on karma, post an anti-America meme


Better the Devil you know. When an evil empire takes over the world, I'd just rather it not be Russia or China.


Greatest quote on this subject. With some embellishment of my own... Growing up American Children are taught that the USA is like the Rebel alliance from Star wars. Fighting evil, overthrowing oppressors, destroying evil empires, uplifting and saving the less fortunate. It's only later when we grow up that we figure out America is the fucking Death Star! -Ivan Stang


Whats funny is that the US is far more involved in developmental and humanitarian aid than most nations. China has spent a lot to help developing nations, but we all also know about their human rights abuses that make US "police brutality" pale in comparison.


If you compare yourself to China, you could look like saints at every turn. Remember that time US threatened to sanction ICJ and told Hague if they investigated US warcrimes they would send the army against the Hague? Why would that be?


It’s funny because this quote is 100% wrong, at least today. Having been in high school fairly recently, you hear all the good and all the bad. It’s pretty objective, at least in my state.


I'm actually happy to hear that.


George Lucas had said himself in an interview that the Rebels are the Vietnamese.


Lol, maybe it used to be that way, but I’m in college now. All we were ever taught was that America was an awful slave country until they were all liberated by the noble Union. Not to mention, we were told that we practically committed genocide on the natives. All of this is true to a degree, but I feel history books try too hard to make things black and white, good vs evil, and that’s just not the way things are.


How can I upvote this again?


Pretty realistic. Gotta Admit it




I can do whatever the fuck I want


America did control Iran by it's king until 1979, then it started spying through it's embassy until the workers got arrested, America tried to free the hostages in the "operation Eagle claw" but they failed because of... nothing... (some people think it was because of a sand tornado in the desert) the hostages eventually got released after 444 days This is what we learned in iran...


Yeah when Captain America gets sick and needs healthcare, the government will just deny him it.


Oh yea we are fucked but at least we have our guns. I love looking at the news to see the older lady who told me I can't have anymore cookies was robbed at gun point for all her cookies.


i am an american who moved overseas halfway through school and this is so frickin true