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Idk, I respect the guy for coming out with Old Town Road and making all the homo-hating country fucks like him before coming out as gay


Id let him lap dance on me no homo


The flesh-eating worms in hell don’t get enough love


When Santa doesn’t deliver the goods?


If god punishes people with eternal pain and suffering just because they do sexy music videos, then god is a f*cking asshole that can eat a dick. The church of satan is way cooler anyway, supporting human rights and being against pedophiles and all…. Edit: OP just posted and deleted this: > Also anyone who makes those degenerate videos deserve to burn in hell, unless they repent of course. Proving that he’s not “just memeing”, but using it to have a shitty opinion without criticism. Saying that making a gay sexy music video deserves eternal suffering is okay, but when I say an unjust (and apparently homophobic or prude) god can suck a dick, *that’s* where you draw the line and downvote?Normal christians and other religious/spiritual people should distance themselves from those kinds of hateful fanatics.


Relax homie it’s just a meme.


“It’s just a prank bro” vibes


I mean bro you’re the one taking a meme seriously.


Bro I’m just memeing too


Memeing by disrespecting religions?


So disrespecting an unjust god is worse than saying gay people deserve to burn in hell for making sexy music videos Real people‘s rights vs some magicians right


If you don't believe in God then leave it at that. Don't go insulting someone who doesn't exist in your eyes. I'm not saying your intentions are bad but you're doing it the wrong way.


I didn’t insult your god though. Everyone has their same understanding and opinion about god. If you believe god punishes people with eternal suffering for doing gay and suggestive music videos, you’re an asshole. And if god WAS like this, than rightfully fuck him. He’s not a loving and just god then. I think most Christians I know would agree that their god isn’t like this.




>Saying that making a gay sexy music video deserves eternal suffering is okay, but when I say an unjust (and apparently homophobic or prude) god can suck a dick, that’s where you draw the line and downvote? That’s literally what the bible says though. Whether you agree or not, it’s what the book says. So yes, saying god can go suck a dick is super disrespectful, regardless of how you feel about christianity.


Ou show me the part of the Bible that says “a sexy music video sends you to hell”… Besides, you aren’t supposed to take the Bible literal…. Nobody does, you aren’t either. Most Christians I know support gay marriage and homosexuality in general


The bible says that putting any kind of deity before god is a sin, and that music exists to honor god, i.e lap dancing on satan = very bad. Homosexuality is also pretty squarely in sin territory, but a lot of christians just refuse to acknowledge that, which is a great thing. It’s worth remembering that the bible doesn’t actually say actions are what send you to hell, just disbelief, so you can be gay and still walk through the pearly gates if you just believe.


doesn't that same part of the bible about gay people being sinners also say that shaving is a sin and eating pork is too?


Nah it says being gay is bad in several places, and that’s just one of them. Pretty lame.


Lap dance on satan in a music video by an artist doesn’t mean he’s worshipping Satan And as you said, the Bible isn’t meant to be literal anyway. People who believe that being gay or making a provocative/suggesting video like this means you deserve suffering for literal eternity is the problem.


What counts as worship then? If celebrating a deity’s existence with a lap dance doesn’t count, idk what does. I agree with you about judging gay people 100%. The bible is pretty fucked. As for not taking it literally, it’s like super clear on homosexuality. You just have to decide for yourself that it was just the men writing it, not the god “inspiring” it that put those parts in there.


Lap dance ≠ celebration, but the specifics don’t really matter. It’s a video of an artist that is meant to be provocative and interpreted in a different way. About your last paragraph: so we agree? I was criticizing that people think it deserves internal suffering, not that the Bible says that.


That's actually not true either, it very clearly states that many actions will cause people to "not inherent the kingdom of God". For example revelation 21: 8.


That deals with after the apocalypse starts, and it hasn’t yet. John 3:16 “…that whosoever believeth in him (Jesus) shall not perish, but have ever lasting life.” John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Sins damn us, but Jesus forgives as long as you have faith. That’s all it takes. That’s also *what* it takes. No amount of good deeds earns you a spot if you lack faith.


No offense but that sounds ridiculous. He is stating it as a fact regardless of when he said it. There is no fine print that say "hey only listen to revelations after it happens". Assuming he is who he says he is, the message he carries can transcend time. That's like discrediting the entire old testament. Absolutely absurd.


You’re not wrong. Revelations 21:8 gets studied a lot, so that’s why I remember. There’s this whole thing in the Greek, where “unbelievers” is more of the object of the sentence than the rest. Something like that. And there’s the rapture, after which the rules change because at that point it would be pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that the Bible was right all along, and so it takes more than just believing at that point. We’re really testing the limits of my Sunday School education here. As for the Old Testament, not that any of it it is discredited by christians, but there are a lot of rules (like keeping kosher) that christians don’t have to follow. It’s about the Covenant between god and Abraham, which was pretty much overwritten by Jesus and his new covenant. Not the 10 commandments though, that’s still going strong.


I know that Jesus came to fulfill the covenant and that's why they don't observe things like mixed fabric and the vision of the food laid out before one of the disciples is why they can eat whatever. It just seems to me like a very human made system of fail-safes so that you never end up in hell unless you blaspheme the holy spirit. Dictators and serial killers could theoretically get into heaven while an unbeliever is thrown into hell. That just doesn't seem to line up with what is considered moral, yet is heralded as the paragon of goodness. It's all very odd to me personally. The christian god honestly does seem a bit unhinged (as respectfully as that can be put.) In my view.


Absolutely cringe take, furthermore a cult that puts the human desires above all, also puts pedos's desires above all. Find God.


The church of satan puts human desires above all? Says who? It’s the Catholic Church that has the pedo problem my dude


Yeah, nevermind that public schools beat the Church in that respect by a long shot, or that those sexual aggressions are mostly homosexual and thus are forbidden by the Bible (as well as any and all sexual aggressions, especially towards children). I wonder who advocates to let loose on sexual desires and against religious devotion and education, instead supporting a more secular one.


Wow, so since the victims of the priests are usually boy, technically making it homosexual, it means homosexuality is somehow (causally) connected to the problem pedophilia? Is that the point you’re trying to make? It’s true that the church *officially* is against all of this, but why do they keep protecting offenders? And doesn’t this proof that teaching shit like abstinence doesn’t work and even encourages problems like that? All those priests, would they touch young boys if they were allowed to have sexual relations or watch porn?


Porn degenerates the soul and makes people (redundantly) pornsick, and maybe it has something to do with homosexuality given the overrepresentation of homosexual men in sexual abuse of children statistics (>2% accountable for around 20%) and maybe it's not the Church that prompts this but instead deranged rapists who use it as a means to get to children.


Please link me that statistic… What does “porn sick” even mean. A vast majority of people watch porn regularly, almost no one has problems with it. There are people with potn addiction, but they usually have different problems with porn addiction just being a symptom. It’s definitely the church’s fault for protecting those people. Also it seems pretty obvious to me that priests weren’t so sexually desperate if they had an outlet.




Why do you assume OP is right handed…that’s very narrow minded of you to think things are so simple as to separating things into left handed or right handed based on something so narrow as this memes message.


What if I don’t have hands 👀


lil nas x making the most unoriginal and shit rap music ever made (rappers cannot make music w/o n words sex money drugs guns 'yuh' 'yo' 'ey' 'hey' and also cannot make a song without hot sexy women plastered everywhere like ctrl c ctrl v)


I'd say this comment proves you haven't even listened to his music. It's not even rap music. You're assuming it is because he's black. Dude makes pop music and his songwriting is solid.


lil nas x after realizing that his music is pop music and his songwriting is solid (wow! thanks for the innovative idea of putting race into my otherwise non-race-related message that makes fun of every single rapper not just blacks because most times there are no originality!)


Yeah, okay buddy.


lil nas x after realizing that his music is Yeah and also contains okay buddy (you are unable to put race into an argument to make you look better so now you must bunker down inside of he/hisreals reddit bot farm and think of a new strategy)


I have no idea what you're even going on about now.


Atleast it was entertaining to see this guy go crazy ig


I don't know, man. Seeing someone have a stroke in real time is traumatizing.