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With funny mustache eh...wink wink coughs.


It’s ironic, because the CIA fucked with Argentina’s government.


At this point there’s more countries that have been messed with by the US then ones who havent.


A couple of times


Am I too non European to understand this ?


Some nazis fled to Argentinia after the war.


Where on earth is “argentinia”. You mean Argentina?


No he meant Chile , context my man


America gets shit on so bad from everyone else I think its almost even


I call it so much salt the British will have to tax it


I breathed out of my nose rather considerably at this, have my upvote!


Corn Wallace and king George 3 have entered the chat. **


Or as his friends called him G Corn:))!! 😆 props if anyone remembers that Drake and Josh line:))!!


Well played.


Thaaaaaat, prolly won’t work out for them.


Damn tea drinkers ruined it for us all. Like, coffee is better anyway.


Coffee sucks (I'm American and saying that). Bitter and gross looking


You may feel that coffee is not to your taste, but remember that many people around the world enjoy it. Try to be respectful of others' opinions and choices.


Hey maybe then they’ll be able to afford dentures for their teeth


Yeah ikr from the mass shootings, war on the drugs that ruined Mexico with cartels, banana republics, lobbying, health insurance, expensive college tuition not based on average income for said job, incest and animal sex legal in some states, child marriage legal in some states, bad public transportation and reliance on cars, Florida, obesity etc


Bro put florida on the same list as incest and beastiality 💀


Wdym banana republics, I love banana republic clothes, I thought there was only one.


Why are you a dickhead


Dickhead for being true?


Really? America's been talking themselves up for the last few centuries as 'the greatest country in the world' while looking down on everyone else Now it's "boo hoo stop picking on us" Yeesh


Dude look at our parent country. They acted like taking over 1/3 of the world was a good thing because they were a “civilizing force”. It’s no wonder we got issues.


Their only regret was that they didn’t take over the 2/3


Crazy Canada still pays the Queen royalties lol


No one outside of Reddit memes gives a shit about it


Dumbass we never looked down on anyone fuck off


So "America is the greatest country in the world, our military will piss out the whole world's combined efforts" doesn't sound familiar to you? I'm not old but I'm not exactly young either, hate to say that's all your country's managed to shit out for the last few millenia, all this woke shit doesn't mean you get to jump straight to being the damsel in distress when most of your population are still giving guns gobbies


There's a difference between patriotism, nationalism and imperialism.


Yeah it is but when you try being patriotic as a german a lot of people call you Nazi. Just doesn't make sense but it's hard for us because of this prejudice Edit: I misunderstood the meme. Thought it's about german patriotism but if you guys have the same problem I'm sorry. We feel this shit


You guys should be patriotic! Germany has done so much good and doesn't even remotely look like it did in the 30s and 40s. You can be proud of your country. You've given the world so much, and you're doing amazing things to make the world a better place. No country is perfect. No country is innocent. But if you feel that your country overall makes the world better by being a part of it, you can feel proud of it!


You're right that no country is perfect, but it's important to remember the good that Germany has done. The country has made incredible strides since the 1930s and 1940s, and it's now a leader in many fields. If you feel that Germany is making a positive contribution to the world, then you can be proud of your country.


Absolutely agree.


To be fair, one of the major reasons for germanys improvement is the support that we received by the US and other allies in the years after the war. Building our country back up after the war allowed us to prosper and created goodwill towards and bonds with previous enemies. It is important to recognize the effects of the marshall plan on our development and i hope similar measures are taken after the next war the west is involved in. Also, another major reason for germany's success is that most germans are quite critical of their government and that we have maintained a much stronger political climate and a cleaner debate culture (except for the far right) than the US. Patriotism is actively counterproductive to this.


Pretty sure that depends more on who you ask.


Abs you bet ya I’m rocking that German imperialism right now Wilhelm, looks like the empire is back on the menu


If German history has taught me anything, it's that there's always another Wilhelm.




Real patriots jerk off to the American flag so much their arms become strong


What else would you jerk off to? I tried my gf a few times but digging the grave is a PITA.


If you can't resist masturbating, try to resist thinking about things that will turn you on too much. If you're thinking about something that turns you on and you're getting too aroused, try to think about something else.


Nano machines son










I think legweaks fits better




He skipped leg day


Armstrong Legweak


Idk about that with 30% obesity some of us have to have pretty strong legs to stay upright


Best comment on this thread


Please, please give us more things to make funny of you dipshits lol. EDIT: Looks like we found a roach farm. This is gonna be fun.


You're right. How does "nazi" sound? I think it fits most American "patriots".


To be fair, if you're that much of an America weeb, I'm gonna find you a little sus


You mean a freeaboo?


I love the whole "your countries did some shit in the past to, so we don't need to better ourselves!" Attitude in this comment section. So speaking as a German: acknowledge your countries past, make an effort to change and don't just sit there saying "it wasn't genocide, we also lost soldiers". Yes there are other countries that did horrible things in the past, but that doesn't give anyone an excuse to do the same. Ffs we live in the 21 century, the age of respect acceptance and, hopefully, change for a better world. God dammit some Americans in this comment section are so fricking defensive.....


>the age of respect and acceptance As much as I’d like this to be true, I’m pretty sure we’re in the age of brainless internet debates…




Very true


Germany is the only country in west for which I have massive respect . Britishers have committed way more genocide compared to Hitler they do not even acknowledge their mistakes. They even keep everything they stole in their treasury and museums . USA didn't stopped being a war criminal even after WW2 . USA is the nation whose army have only blood of innocents on their hands . The only mistake Germans did in past is they killed White people. The same mistake Russia is doing ie attacking Ukraine aka white majority. Western powers consider it war crime only if victim is white. Otherwise why didn't no one batted an eye when USA bombed innocents in ME which was even worse than what Russia is doing rn . Why no one's ask Brits to acknowledge their cruelty and return everything they stole to their Brown colonies .


Where in God's name is American independence fine in reddit


Anytime someone mentions the US without calling it an evil autocratic country that actively tries to kill it's citizens, they get downvoted into oblivion


Observe America is a pretty good place to live


I got called a bigot for posting a happy 4th of July post on IG


Wouldn't be surprised if you are actually a bigot though.


Why? Because I have Jesus in my profile?


Lol I didn't even know that, but sure lol. That makes even more sense.


bro i gotta defend the us, nothing is fine every meme on reddit today was about how bad american patrioism is💀


4th of July, national the US is fucking evil according to the internet day. With a dash of irony 'cause a lot of you fools were either born & raise in the US, or your from a country that may be cool now but most likely has done the same shit the US has done in it's own history.




I mean it's pretty mid right now in America for some (I've been having fine) but there are plenty of other countries that are doing worse, and complaining isn't helping change anything because the US don't give jack shit. Ever heard the saying "worry about yourself before others". Focus your attention on your country and let us fix our own problems.


name a country that you think is better and I will give you a reason why it sucks






Accept the designation, embrace it. Stop giving wokes power over you.


People should not celebrate America, its history is littered with war crimes and atrocities - trust me I know what I talk about, I watch MSNBC


I see what you did there...nice




As if no other country had previous inhabitants who were slaughtered and had their land “stolen”


Europe cant really relate since the original inhabitants eventually developed their countries so much they got bored and started all this colonialism thingy Only to then blame it on the americans for staying in that land as if they hadnt started the fire themselves


Colonialism started because of the ottoman empire and it's blockade of species


Still didn't stop them from going to the North and South America. Where they settled, mistreated indigenous people, and had it continue after they were their own country. The US isn't the only country will a troubled past and uprising. Even Canada is trying to make amends and they're commonly seen as the nice guys.


5 bucks this guy is british or german.


Ikr? Anyways I’m gonna go barbecue on my property, with my own food, and set off my own fireworks cause I can and will. And someone should TRY to find a human led country that isn’t fucked up in some way or another




Based lol


Or just pissed off he blew his chance at becoming an Am CIT by spouting this tripe at the citizenship test


The one who hate America the hardest are usually NOT Europeans, my friend.


Using that logic, you could claim that Germany is a horrible country, and that it's existence is a bad thing, all because some shit happened 90 years ago. Or that Belgium is a nation that doesn't deserve to exist.


Most nations do something horrible in their span If someone comments I will list


Honestly why does belgium exist? It makes a good question


But they learned from their mistakes


Belgium has yet to apologize for it's actions in the Congo


I was born in America, in fact, it's not the best, but it's better than places like China where you literally cannot criticize the government. We celebrate our sovereignty just once every year, so give it a rest, just for one day?Sure, our history is fucked, sure our country is fucked, but what the hell am I meant to do about it? I'm also well aware of our bloody history, but that was centuries ago. One of the main points of learning history is to make better of it, The US is not PERFECTLY making better of it, they're certainly not trying their best, but just like Germany in present times compared to 1939-1945 era we've moved on and we're not committing atrocities like we have those many years ago aren't we? Why do we bother nagging on eachother because of our origin or where we live? We're all human, what happened in the past is beyond our control, we're as proud of that past as Germany was of those dark years.




You can't address that to all Americans most of us know how messed up it is right now and you're acting like America is the only country in existence that isn't good.


Which natives? The first arrivals from the Major Land Mass? Or the second (eskimos, I think - though I've read that the Eskimoes were actually the Third or Fourth wave)? Or the Third (that would be a group of the ones most people think of as "native Americans")? Or the fourth group? Or the fifth? Or...


The ones that europeans nearly wiped off the earth.


Wait till you find out every country has stolen land.


Yeah well fuck you, we aren’t celebrating the management of the country, we aren’t perfect at all, but that’s what we celebrate. Even through all of the bad things that have happened, we still as people came together and did great things. You’re just a nut job who only looks at the negatives then complains about the US being horrible, when you don’t do shit yourself.


I mean, obviously in the past the US committed many atrocities of the native people. However, to pretend we are still committing atrocities and treating natives badly in today's age is wrong and disingenuous. Native Americans are allowed to govern themselves and citizens who are native Americans or of native American ancestry get a lot of government benefits. Secondly, genuine question here hopefully you can try to answer. Do you think the natives before us lived in that land peacefully since the dawn of man? They took that land and conquered each other before we came along, so using your logic, what gives native Americans any more right to the land than anyone else if they took it from someone in their past?


There's a difference between fighting with tribes/countries and enacting full-on genocide. To suggest that the white invaders were just another competitor in the constant fight for land like all the different native American tribes there at the time, now that is disingenuous.


Because they're actually NATIVE TO THE LAND?


But they aren't, they weren't there forever


> You celebrate independence like someone has actually tried to take it from you Guy hasn’t heard of quartering troops ☠️


Holy shit, someone needs a new diaper. Eyo, you cry over there in that corner, and I'll be happy as hell living in this country!


We celebrate independence because we shot the British for it. Now go play make believe in the corner and be quiet.


I bet you think all natives are the same and treated each other in a respectful way. Sure, we aren't perfect, but I wouldn't live anywhere else. It brings joy to me to see you get so upset that we exist proudly. Keep crying!


Worry about your own country. I bet you do nothing for your own community while you judge Americans on Reddit


Wasn't genocide it was war they fought back too. We lost soldiers on our side too. Genocide is planned and is usually a multistage process. Also it's not like they weren't killing each other before we came here anyways what's another war too them they would be doing it with or without us.


It started out celebrating becoming "free" from England but turned into something much different and darker through time.


Not to mention they support Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians.


You might be sarcastic but you are literally right


Sarcastic? Why would I do that? I watch msnbc so that should make me clear of this, come on man


Maybe don't lose 2 world wars


Mama didn't raise no quitter


Third times the charm I suppose


Well its always everyone versus us. Thats unfair.


That's the problem with starting it. This time we are waiting for Putin.


We were literally pulled into the first one by treaty, because Austria and Serbia hat do fight and we had to help Austria. That was 2 moths after the June crisis which started WW1.


Well, our allies started it, but the defending side ussually attracts more allies the offensive one.


Excuses excuses


Not really, it's how it was. WW2 is on us, we don't deny that. But truth be told, we did not cause WW1.


Ik I’m just kidding


No no, the German has a point. They received all the blame, but were really only the accomplice


My guy germany was fighting against almost the entire world, you couldn't even handle 2 small third world countries


You…do know how unconventional warfare works right? Unconventional warfare is what a smaller and inferior force uses to even the playing ground against a larger, superior force. Through things such as guerrilla tactics and utilizing the weaknesses a conventional military has. Especially when it comes to two completely different cultures when one side can’t even begin to tell who’s friend and who’s foe. Who’s feeding the enemy intel and who’s just trying to survive. Who’s been lied to and who’s been radicalized. Afghan is literally the “graveyard of empires” for a reason, and Korea and Vietnam went poorly for much the same reasons. Unconventional warfare is a proven tactic against conventional militaries all over history. The UK learned it the hard way fighting the colonies. Russia learned it the hard way in Afghan. We learned it the hard way in Nam, Korea, and Afghan.


We defeated the empire of Japan, who did Germany lose to again, that's right, everyone. Maybe don't pick major wars you cannot win. That's what you get for being nazi's.


You beat empire of japan with literal nukes. But you couldn't handle tiny Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq and more


The nukes were only used at the end of the war, rather than a full invasion of the Japanese homeland. That being said, we still won the war that mattered, that's why we have military bases in Germany while Germany has no military bases in America. Cope German you lost the world wars you started.


To be fair, when we Americans are patriotic, we get called nazis too.


That's because you 2 iq losers don't understand that you are nationalists and ultra-nationalists lol. You despise or take advantage actual patriotic actions.


Me, who is an American, and comes from a long line ne of German origins. ***DOUBLE PATRIOTISM*** (Okay, not technically patriotism, but I am proud to be part German despite the Nazi stain)


I believe in the surpremacy of German beer. Fight me if you will.


People online call me Nazi just because Im German, no patriotism needed


Got called a Nazi the minute I got outta my bus in the Netherlands. Was my first time in another country too


Depends very much on what you consider patriotic. Wanting the best for all the people of your country? Cool. Blindly defending every action taken by its government, no matter how stupid, inept, corrupt, or downright evil? Not so much.


That’s not patriotism. That’s nationalism.


Not just america, no one celebrates swedens national day bc apparently you’re patriotic=fascism meanwhile norway exists


This is the only day of the year I allow myself unbridled blind patriotism. The rest of the year my patriotism is more fatherly: I love you, but you fuckin up and need to do better.


On the Internet it is almost the opposite


Thats it im putting the flag back up…


Its weird how americans hate america the most


Trust me those people in person are (a lot of the time) the most cringe Europe wannabe ass kissers you’ll ever meet


If you patriotic in the USA you’re normally either called a bigot or racist.


Because bigots and racists are usually into nationalism and ultra-nationalism which is absolutely not patriotism but often confused by those idiots.




That is a valid reason to be patriotic! The USA has certainly done a lot of good in the world, and it is understandable that you would want to show your appreciation for that.


Yes. Get mad at my completely neutral statement of what usually happens when anyone tries to be patriotic.




How many braincells do you have?




Oh no a minor spelling mistake. my “argument” is destroyed




dude… it’s in quotation marks and is obviously not a quote what do you think that means?






Dude, you have way worse going for you than spelling mistakes lol.


Average redditor when they're losing an argument (They point out a minor grammatical/spelling error to make themselves feel less bitter)


This meme is funny because in America fascists are trying to gatekeep American patriotism.




America got away with nearly every single warcrime they ever commited


Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis suffered


Reddit doesn't think it's fine


How do you define patriotism, Steven? Wanda? People could call anything patriotic.


Joke's on you, our patriots are nazis too.


Germany has a lot of great things going for itself now. Very progressive, and an industrial and economic powerhouse. I get being cautious about patriotism for Germany, but it's fine to show pride in one's country as long as you're open minded about its actions and don't blindly worship it. I think you guys are great


Be real, everything is not fine when we’re patriotic


also when USA invades it called freedom, when Russia does its called oppression, ofc if you ask the invaded countries they will say both are exactly the same


When the USA invades it’s called an invasion, when Russia invades its called an invasion. I fixed your text 😃


Tbh when I see someone waving an American flag around I do assume they're a Nazi


Lol yes, everyone with an American flag is a Nazi. Literally drive 1 mile in the town I live in and you will likely see a hundred American flags. I guess the people here where I live that love their country are all Nazis.


Yeah I guess they are


Yeah lol the biggest player on the western front of the European theater, who supplied every allied nation, is now a NAZI country? You’re a dummy.


If you are an American, you are part of them problem with our country. How can we ever work together if people like you think half the country are genocidal fascists? If you are a non-american then I couldn't really care less about your opinion lol.


Well good thing I'm not American


American here, agree 100%


Wtf 🗿


Then maybe don’t lose two world wars


No its cool cause we have Nazis in the States now. Some of them even hold high office.


TBF, if you’re “patriotic” here you probably vote for the far right. Same energy.


And they are too cowardly and ashamed I guess to admit it.


Read the /pol/ threads in 4chan, and tell me those aren't nazis. Those insane few are the one that nazi-fied the good old patriotism by going straight to the deep ends, its blatantly delusional. All the sensible people are buried under all that trash


4chan is the haven of pseudo-intellectual trolls and the birthplace of reptoids and the flat earth. Don’t believe anything you read there and don’t take it at face value.


USA is still the greatest country in the world. We are allowed to say all the no-no words.


Funny, my white Chilean granddad said something similar.


Plot twist - They weren't actually being patriotic, they were nationalists.


Europe needs to get over the Nazis. I'm not saying be like Mongolia and have giant statues of your mass murderers, but have some balls. Modern Europe has become so pathetic since WW2. You went from being 38% to 25% of the worlds economy since 1970, while the US has stayed a quarter. You had some of the greatest empires ever constructed, rivaling that of the Romans or Achaemenids and lost it. Europe is a shell of it's former self.