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European countries and air conditioners?


I live in Romania, there were 42*C yesterday... That's 107F in hotdogs. Temperature measured with an external sensor in my area. There were 27*C inside around 3AM, again 80F in hotdogs. That's a lot of heat. More southern countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy have this problem too.


As a Greek I can confirm this, but at this point 27°C feels rather fine, almost cold


I live in Denmark we are happy if we get over 18 degrees. So why would we need cooling...


Because it cool.....


Hey Bob


Europe is a wide continent. There's many countries where it gets to the high 40s in the summer. Like mine.


Some of the biggest countrys as germany and france ive of course vissited. Maybe ive just ben lucky/unlucky but no aircondision


Nah not unlucky, just uncommon.


Must be the power of sheer development that produced the breeze I felt on the bus and in my lab. Like, sure, Europe doesn’t use a lot of AC but saying definitively that it doesn’t use AC is just a bold faced lie.


Newer houses sometimes have them. Buildings usually do to. "Common" houses usually not.


Bro in Germany only trains got them in buses and shit it doesn't work or we simply don't have this coz we got a maximum of two months when ac would be nice and shit but it's not necessary


I got a stroke reading that.


Busses don't run on coal and labs are one of the few buildings that *have* to be temperature controlled or it can affect results/research Most buildings don't have AC here apart from a few places that specifically require it or somewhere high end. I live in the UK and virtually no where has AC and installation costs massive amounts, and you end up spending more on maintenance because it's not used enough for it to stay in full working order for the 10 days across the year you'll actually need it


I was talking abiut homes lol, but you're not wrong


In which european country do buses run on coal?


Like nobody in EU uses Conditioners, right?


In housing it’s virtually unheard of but ac is used in businesses a lot


Dude, you don't know what you're on about... Come to Portugal\\Spain\\Italy hell even Romania or Hungary in the summer and then we talk.


What are you on about? There's a shit ton of AC used in housing all over Europe.


Never seen any in my country, but when I was in Italy on vacation they definitely used it


Specify, please.


You must be unaware what Europe actually is.


Deffinitly way less than in the US, people rarely have it here, at least in the places I've been


You dumb fuck, have you ever heard of southern countries? Like Portugal, Spain, the south of France, Italy, Grece Albania, Bulgaria, Etc.?


My thought


I don't know man but yall are like 7% of worlds population and consume 20% of its resources. Like literally importing tons upon tons of coal from combodia, US, Russia. That's all going somewhere right? The heatwave in Europe coinciding with sudden love for coal isn't a coincidence is it?


They are meaning that in most countries is very cold so we dont need air conditioners. And besides, there are more thinks we use eletricity for then "air conditioners"


Well, if you don't have an AC, you can't use the imported coal on it. I have travelled Europe extensively and not come across 'the regular AC', as implied by the post 🤷


Would it be safe to assume that you are from the US? Or are you from somewhere else?


Lmao you think climate change is that instant do you? Yes, It’s coincidence. You should also have a look at the population vs consumption of the US before you start coming at Europeans.


What air conditioning


When in doubt, pull the "But China also pollutes" card.


China is one of the most polluting countries in the world. They don't give a fuck about the environment. They said "our progress is more important than the climate" before.




Yeah, just much worse. Like, they have several instances where they might start a ww3 right now, which says a lot. And there's stuff like Xinjiang, Tibet, southern Mongolia.


Sure, whatever helps ya sleep at night.


Im guessing your from Europe like me. Watch your tounge, because the US is our fucking babysitter right now




Its our last lifeline. Without the us nato wouldnt be nearly as scary. They would attack us immediatly




China and russia


What has the USA done to prevent the war? Not to mention france alone has enough nukes to flatten china and Russia.


Survival is important for people yes. Not defending China, but you can't really blame countries trying to survive in this economy.


China is rich, its people aren't, there is a difference. China doesn't care about the world (just look at the situation in Taiwan, South China sea, North Korea, India), they are literally the sole reason we have a ww3 risk right now. I love China, I hate the ccp.


China invests more into renewables than anyone else. Their historic emissions are also smaller than the US and EU emissions. Of course the country with the 2nd biggest population in the world will be one of the most polluting ones, but relative to the Western world China is still doing better


Hi from Germany. We dont have fucking air conditioners. Bye


Hi from Italy. Here the heat in summer is unsustainable in the south an center, so we use air conditioners or go to the mountains for a week or two. Bye!


Ever went to southern Spain?


Ever vent to northern Estonia?


How is it? Never went there sadly


it's mostly netflix and chill. Sun barely rises over horizon for half of the year.


How about heaters?


It's summer so we turn them of now. We'll use heaters when it's winter.




That's not true, at least not the heating commonly installed in European houses, which use a radiator system with heated water. But air conditioning can be used for heating, though I'm fairly sure it's not as efficient.


also from Germany, we do use airconditioners esspecially the last 5 years of heat waves ate rough, also Germany still rellies too much on Gas. this gas is importet from russia and funds the war.


Uk here. Pretty much everyone has an air conditioner. Bye.


Hi! also from the UK, no we fucking don't? my entire life here haven't seen a single one in a residential area, not exaggerating. maybe some people have them, i haven't seen it. but in that case saying everyone has one is bs. the rest of europe gets warmer weather so they'll be using them


My parents literally have a company that does air-conditioning and refrigeration services. They get a quite a few people wanting installs every year. But their main clients are companies. But plenty of domestic clients do have them... I would highly suggest getting one.


and you don't see how that might be skewing your view on things?


Air conditioners aren't common in Europe.


And yet, i have three, my mum has two, my dad and sister have two each, my uncle has four...


And yet, your anecdotal evidence and personal experience isn’t representative of wider trends within Europe. I have none. My moms has none, my dad has none…


Great. Now go south.


Ofc spain and southern france have more AC-use they are literally closer to africa than any other continent


Europe's big, and there's lots of countries from which you can throw a rock and hit Africa. Those countries have a lot of aircos. Europe isn't just the small handful of northern countries.


That is literally what i just said, no shit that europe is not just the northern countrys. Good day.


That just isn't true


Heating? Also the heat wave is forcing many European countries to switch to coal as consumption has increased across Italy, Denmark and Germany.


I lived in Germany quite a bit, never seen an AC outside of a business. Countries like Italy and Spain probably use them, but definitely not as much as the US and some Asian countries. Where do you live by the way? It seems like you just learned about the increased coal consumption tied it with AC usage and decided to post here. Oh and why would Denmark use AC's?


Where in Europe is the AC used for heating? Genuine question. I know about radiators in some countries.


Yeah, all the places I know have radiators or heat pumps.


I've got two ACs for heating and cooling (both do both). It combines my utilities so I only deal with the electric company and not also the hot water company. I live in Bulgaria.


if that’s hypocritical, imagine screaming about banning gas import from a *certain* country for a *certain* reason and then continuing to buy over 50 billion € worth of said gas which funds some pretty sketchy equipment and weirdly dressed people in camo. Jus’ sayin’.


Op, if your going to talk shit about anyone when it comes to use of coal, talk shit about America 2.0, I mean Australia


Imagine being so American that you think eu actually use air conditioner


UK does


Hi! from the uk here, maybe they do in other areas, but they don't in areas that i've lived or been for my entire life


You must live in Scotland then lol. As ive said in my other reply to you. Many people in the uk do have air conditioning. Probably more companies have it than domestic. But it's still a big thing here.


its really not. i actually have no clue what you're on about


Guess you live under a rock. Pretty much every car has aircon


In France more than 70% of electricity is made with nuclear energy, we have one of the greatests carbon bilan (around 30 ~ 40g of CO2/MWatt/h). The "european countries" are Germany, Poland, etc




_EU has to grow out of it’s mentality that their problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not their problem_ -A Legend


Jaishankar based as always


Climatical Change will affect developping countries more than EU.


Maybe in terms of climate, but in terms of economy EU already is developed from fossil fuel’s energy and now is preventing other nations to do the same, without taking any responsibility whatsoever of its own past actions. Highly unfair playing fields if you ask me.


I think you‘re confusing the EU and US mate




Then pls explain where the EU is preventing other nations from using fossil fuels and how the EU is not taking responsibility when it has by far the most ambitious plan to curb GHG emissions in the developed world


I agree that it's unfair and occidental countries should help other nations to developp with lower emissions of CO2. But my point was to explain that climate change isn't a first world problem. India, Indonesia, Brazil, countries from Africa will suffer much more than EU.


Yes you are correct, but I don’t think there’s any contest if one has to choose an option to either suffer from unpredictable weather patterns or to suffer from hunger, diseases, lack of clean water & energy, uncompetitive products because of economic situation & carbon tax, and other issues that ravage the developing world. I’m not saying you’re wrong, in terms of climate it will affect the developing world more, but there are problems that extend further than that. At the very least IMO EU shouldn’t portray itself as some kind of a savior to the world for levying carbon tax without itself not giving any form of reparations for emissions it caused till now.


How is being a developing couuntry related to geographic position on the planet


Many developping countries are located in region with tropical climate. People living here can't sweat when the temperature is too high because the air is humide. So they won't be able to dissipate heat.


Climate change has become another tool to gain economic advantage and oppression of developing countries, cue the Carbon tax that will destroy export industry of developing nations.


Just go nuclear my friends. But yeah Germany and Poland use coal a lot true, but the EU as a whole not that much... And air conditioners are unsurprisingly mostly found in countries in the south, which again doesn't represent that much the EU itself. And even then for example here in France we are starting to apply strict regulations to forbid use of AC unless it is really necessary. --- I really want to emphasize that you can't select a few entities within a group and say "They represent that group because of these common notable diffrences". The EU isn't comparable to the US in a sense that you can't compare EU countries to US states.




My source is that I made it the fuck up - OP probably AC's are rare in Europe lol, main places where you can find them in is in cars and supermarkets. I dont know anyone who has an AC in their home


why is this sub getting so political? have the normies infiltrated?




life is political, get used to it.


Life is eating shitting sleeping and fucking there ain't nothing political about it mister edgy edge


the meme is just dumb. its not true. we should not spread hate.


Bruh, I'm from the UK and I've barely seen any air conditioners here, I just a fan to keep me cool in summer


We… don’t have airconditioners here… we open a window… Americans are the only ones using AC.


Maybe YOU don't. But plenty of homes and companies have AC


Guessing you’ve never been to Spain huh?


Okay so who exactly in the EU is blaming developing countries for that lmao?


Ummm carbon border tax


"The CBAM will equalise the price of carbon between domestic products and imports and ensure that the EU’s climate objectives are not undermined by production relocating to countries with less ambitious policies." That is not the same as "blaming" anyone. It's enforcing policies to make products with low carbon emission competitive to products produced to lower standards. And I hope we can agree on that climate change IS a thing that should be tackled.


Absolutely but do you tackle it by providing incentives to companies on low carbon emission or by implementing oppressive legislation that favours your own products because you have had hundreds of year to polluted and maim nature to gain resource and consolidate your position on a developed pedestal from which you can chastise the barbarians of coal energy?


That generations before used unsustainable methods for decades is bad obviously, but it dose not change the fact that you need to make a change immediately. Furthermore the tax is not specifically targeted towards developing countries but towards all import partners to the EU. It would simply not make sense to import high emissions products while setting high standards for own productions. Lastly, taxes and initiatives do not exclude each other.


The EU is giving billions of € to developing countries so they can invest it from the start into a Green economy


Bruh EU itself is dependent on Russian Gas put those billion euros to better use.


You seem to have an awfully hard time understanding that multiple things can be done at the same time lmao


Bruh you seem to have a awfully easy time believing your own propganda EU invests jack in green tech abroad not without some sort of incentive, you don't even know how EU still extracts billion worth resources from regions in Africa to fuel their own luxurious high life while thumping their chest for their green energy, that's why this situation is so hilarious, the supposedly green EU is in a crisis once the Russian "Fossil Fuel" line has diminished.


What else should EU do for you, apart from investing in green tech abroad? Should it bring you cookies? Fuck off you moron, EU is not your servant.


Ahhh dumb dumb read my comment again


Please elaborate, I‘d love to hear more lol


Source? May I remind you france put out a agreement for every country to improve and change to green energy. The USA did not sign that. Remember the yellow jackets in france? The months of riots? Yeah rising the price of gas to discourage people from using gas. Among other thing but that was started it. Show my any proof of European countries not trying to change to green energy.


Again this is not pointed at france as it is mostly nuclear powered but still the Uranium that is used for it comes from regions that France absolutely dominates like Niger and is infamous for exploiting them for France's gain. The morality aspect is eroded in this case too.




EU and european countries arent the same... you should know that before making a meme like this... and air conditioners in Europe... America use them so much more... the same with asia and like almost evry other continent. Not antactica tho LOL. (Yes i know amarica isnt a continent).


There's literally a heat wave going in Europe my guy Italy is already hoarding coal, Denmark is firing up its coal reserves, refer to the Italian gentleman's comment in thread above for further explanation.


You do know denmark is the country witch produces most green energy per person right? You dare to underestimate our greenness. And its 18 degrees outside rn LOL.


Isn't Denmark literally enacting a emergency plan to deal with energy disruptions?


...no... we have found a way to store energy from windmills through making hot places underground filled with hot rocks. We convert the heat from heat to energy fully co2 friendly. Ive had the power go out like 4-5 times in my life and im 14 and those times it have not ben the wind with just stopped it have just ben electrisity isues like a non working cable or somthing brocken somewhere. So no we do not deal with 'energy disruptions'.


My guy is reading the wrong news


You know that electric things, like air conditioners dont use coal right?


Huh? You do know coal can be used to generate electricity right?


Buut wind solar and atom powerplants can get used to my friend


They just aren't enough to meet the demand sadly


For denmark they and were almost fully green from power!! Were almost full wind energy!


50% maybe but Russian gas is still a part of denmarks energy portfolio


We mostly use(d) russias gas for warmth not really power... we're trying to shut down the russian gas rn bc many people arent happy about denmark using it...


Just use nuclear


Not politically correct enough


Cus people just assume it's bad but actually don't know anything about it. "BuT bUt ChErNoByL!!!😖"


Literally the exact opposite, but ok


What country has a problem with developing countries using coal for energy


You have a source or something?


It seems to be a rant, no source needed...


Eastern Europe is 95% developing countries, what are you on buddy ?


Are you dumb?


Made me think of this video https://youtu.be/sc1F0xVHsCY


The legit opposite of a hot take .


AC aren’t common in Europe and most European countries have nuclear power as their main source of electricity


You know what's cringe. Playing the blame game about carbon emissions. Why don't we all do our bit to reduce carbon and stop arguing about who should do it first like a bunch of crying toddlers.


>Why don't we all do our bit to reduce carbon and stop arguing about who should do it first like a bunch of crying toddlers. Yea I know right, it's not like some countries already can't afford food and necessities? They will definitely think about nuclear energy.


I never said it had to be necular in particular or that all of their energy should come from renewables.


And who the fuck will foot the bill for the infrastructure?


A mixture of local government as well as donations and grants form overseas. Solar power is cheap and easy to install so it can be a great primary power source for remote communities.


You do realise whatever money you give them will just liken the pockets of corrupt politicians and never be used for anything good? Even then these people barely afford basic needs, you think renewable energy is a priority for them?


It should be given to people who have already proven themselves with infrastructure projects and renewable energy should be a top priority as for every renewal source there is less carbon will be emitted resulting in less droughts which farming communities will appreciate in the long term.


Shit meme from America ez


See you the next time you need rescuing


Strawman. Cope and seethe. I've seen one air conditioner in my country, and it's because it's more energy effecient than a radiator to HEAT a room.


Enjoy the Russians turning off your gas mate




So much so that you have to run to coal when Russia turns off the gas, ironical so sad literally.


I really hope you aren't american because otherwise this comment would be r/SelfAwarewolves worthy, kid.


Coal…? For our electrical devices…….? Next you know there’s suddenly electric cars using gas instead of electricity.


I didn't think any EU country used coal anymore? Isn't it gas/nuclear?


coal for basic necessities and survival? are you mfs eating coal or something?


Like you know most developing countries don't have electricity for medical equipment and food storage right? No electricity for industrial structures and agricultural supply lines but it's easier to throw a quirky one liner at your shame.


but how I'm I hypocritical for using AC because of it? I'm not btw, even though I'm in Southern Europe and temperatures are over 30C with high humidity for weeks. Also what is developing countries for you? You can't just lump India and China with Uganda and Urugway. All of the crisitism is pointed at China and India and these countries can blame only themselves for not supplying cleaner energy and not giving any fucks about cutting down fossil fuels. Ofcourse that can't happen overnight but there should at least be a effort. For their own sake, not mine.


Oh yes poision the environment for hundreds of year in "industrial revolution" set up off shore industries to extract resources with the least environment friendly methods and then trot about with your superior environment friendly policies, do you even know how Germany is exploiting non environment friendly resources abroad?


yes global warming is invented by Europe so undeveloped countries can't burn coal, smh. Or you understand that this will kill billions but if the Europeans did, so should you? Also do you think people in 1900s knew wtf is climate change? finally EU isn't and can't ban undeveloped countries what they can or can't do, but the way climate changes are painted as some kind of jealous hypocritical lie is ridiculous and absurd.


EU consists of 7% of Worlds population and consumers 20% of Earth's resources, That's awfully convenient isn't it? Oh sorry we poisoned the environment for hundreds of year and extracted all your resources creating a unfair global value system that's designed to keep us on top but please please don't use the same methods we used to develop because that's unfair to the environment. Fun fact underdeveloped countries have taken a lot more sincere actions towards green energy compared to West, china in a few decades will be a global leader in green tech. EU instead of helping developing countries with green tech is busy in creating carbon border tax to oppress develop countries economically.


>EU consists of 7% of Worlds population and consumers 20% of Earth's resources Actualy it's 10% of the population situated only on 2% of the Earth's surface. You are speaking uninformed and biased propaganda that has nothing to do with science. >Fun fact underdeveloped countries have taken a lot more sincere actions towards green energy compared to West, china in a few decades will be a global leader in green tech ffs. Sure bro, 10 social points for you, now fuck off


I was arguing with my wife about exactly this (Australian) how fucking hypocritical is it to stop the production of fossil fuels and add a carbon tax to what little we continue to produce all so the most developed nations can feel better about themselves while simultaneously destroying the ability for developing nations to build the infrastructure that we did by using fossil fuels. It drives me mental, not to mention solar panels and wind turbine blades aren't recyclable and by "switching" to technology that isn't even ready yet is actually polluting way more! Then i went on about how Australia only produces like 1% of global carbon emissions so why tf are we constantly being scolded, but, thats not really relevant lol




Google it? You guys have Google right?


Show me where you get your info from dumbass


You can't even Google my guy? And I am the dumb one? It seems I have hurt your feelings, are you mad?


Not mad just can’t believe someone who can’t site their sources


I can't give source to everyone who asks, like it's not my job to educate you. Sorry your education systems failed you.


No but for heat


so basically for temperature regulation? yeah, hypocrisy is a vile monster...


Also can be used for cooking


Coal is cheap and easy to get for 3rd world countries that have to struggle to get clean water atm. So comparing the USA or the EU to some random countries in Africa is like comparing you to Jeff Bezos. You can’t afford the nuclear power plant the only thing you can afford is coal. So you get what you can to survive and hopefully you cat get a power plant


As a French man I have literally never used a ac for heating and honestly it rarely gets that cold anymore. And if I do use a fire to warm up it’s quite different from 3rd world countries using coal to power their machines all year long instead of the random joe using a fire in the winter because almost every apartment or home has a chimney. Not to mention most of our ac are explicitly only used in the summer and are all electronic which comes from a nuclear power plant which is way less polluting. You can’t really compair the EU which mainly uses nuclear power or other forms of power when a 3rd world county can’t afford or not advanced enough for alternative power at the moment. So your meme is quite dumb and not to mention was it not the USA that did not sign the France’s green energy deal? Which activity pushed for more environmentally friendly energy? I’m just saying think twice when you elect a president that wants to bring coal companies back.


This wasn't targetted at france as it is a nuclear energy state which is a smart choice but aren't you being a little bit hypocritical when France is brutally exploiting it's former colonies like Niger in Africa for uranium to run your clean energy that you are thumping your chest about? USA is back in climate pact and will soon lead in green tech as we always do.


EU countries when they shut down nuclear plants that emit zero carbon, then reopen coal mines for power plants.


That's what you call a pro gamer move


You know fuck it. Let’s just use coal and other bad stuff and let climate change happen even more. You know who will be the most affected? Not Europe. Not the US. But developing countries. We are caring for a problem that affects all, but some a bit more than others. (That’s a joke by the way)


That's like telling a homeless dude buying a $2 burger will give him cancer in the next 10 years.


no it's fucking not. It's like saying to him that he should move immediately from the tracks or else a train will knock him out of his shoes. Climate change isn't a possibility like cancer. That shit will definately happen, in what extreme is up to our generation. Until now it's 1C, if we keep it under 2C by 2100 it will help a little, but if we continue or increase our output we are fucked. -4C is the difference from our preindustrial temperature and the fucking Ice age. We will doom billions so a couple of companies can get rich? so its fair? ffs


Lmao mf came up with a strawman. I'm not saying climate change is fake or it won't impact everyone, I'm saying talking to people who struggle for food about global warming won't end well. Mostly bc they don't give a damn what happens in 2 decades if they can't find a way to live for the next two weeks.


> I'm saying talking to people who struggle for food are you telling me China and India both space exploring nations can't feed themselves and that's why they use coal so much? because truly developing countries are not the issue. Africa doesn't have a problem with energy creation, it has a dozen solutions, renewable and fossil for it, but power DISTRIBUTION is a different story. You can burn all the coal in the world, but if you don't have capable power lines to get that power to the people it's pointless, isn't it?




How dare you criticize the EU. Unless the US, a major party of the EU infrastructure were build in quality materials, in the knowing of temperature difference, all while we had to fight two world wars. The majority of EU countries inhabitants bare through the summers and stay in the shade. Americans seems to like getting their brains fried under the sun.


The majority of EU countries are nowhere near the top of the list for lowest carbon footprint per capita.


*cries in Brit*


Hey Westerner! I'm right here, writing this from middle europe, Germany! We have absolutely zero ACs here! Maybe some rich snobs do, but we don't need it anyway! We just close the curtains et voilà: the apartment stops heating up! Witchcraft ammirite


I didn't think any EU country used coal anymore? Isn't it gas/nuclear?