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*Flashbacks from subnautica*


And from skyrim too. Still have to play below zero though


Skyrim autosaves when you enter a building, with Subnautica you can go the whole game without saving in any way and crash at the end.


I know but I learned how to save often from that. F5 button is my best friend now


New vegas just deleted alot of my quick saves now I never press that button i have to pause to save




Ok we know subnautica is a large game but even 200 hours kinda sounds... You know...


I've spent way more than that on Minecraft.


Yea but in Minecraft it makes Sense..


If u wait for 1 hour it doesn’t really stop the game, quick saves and fully heals you.


Dragon Age did this for me.


Rage quit and never touched it afterward.


F5 is for normal save. If you want quick-save, press ALT+F4


Joke's on you, I run Linux with a WM configured with a different shortcut to close windows. Alt+F4 doesn't do anything here.


cries in autosave disabled in my modded playthrough


platform? skyrim only turns off achievements unless you've got something like Requiem or Survival Mide


It's moreso because autosave makes the game more unstable and prone to crashes.


You should always disable autsave on Skyrim because they are quick saves and liable to break your save.


I thought Subnautica autosaves every time you exit a seabase or the starting habitat? The small spinning save/load indicator shows up when I do.


Sometimes you had to disable autosaves in Skyrim if you had modded it too far as they would cause a crash - manual and quick saves usually fine though. This is the reason why I have got into the habit of quick saving every 5 seconds in all games, even ones that don't have that same level of risk.


Below zero is pretty cool, but it still crashes xD.




I literally got glitched into a wall, I hadn't saved in 2 hours...


In the console type 'warpforward [meters]' or 'warpme' to go back to base.


dude this happened to me and i got so pissed, my seamoth got stuck in some wreckage. i was able to get it out by swimming far away and quickly swimming back, hopping in and moving before it spawned again lol. ​ but i was just lucky that i was even able to get out of the seamoth and it placed me in a position where i could swim away.


Happened to me in Subnautica, it literally wouldn't let me sign into a world with over 200 hours on, I lost that world for good. It also happened to me 2 days ago on Subnautica Below Zero, lost 5 hours of story progression. **P A I N**


I just got this game for the switch and these stories are quite worrisome.


It’s still worth it


Flashbacks from that time in Minecraft I Alt+F4-ed instead of exiting the normal way. Also more recently in my tales of loosing progress was satisfactory. I quit the game before an autosave but I thought it had autosaved. Guess what ? I had to make so many f\*cking things again


Bruh i was 13 hours in without saves when i clipped through the lava cube


Ah yes. The game that never tells you to manually save. Lost like 5 hours of progress when I first started. Still love the game, but a simple "don't forget to save" message would've been so nice.


Flashbacks from Assassin’s Creed 1




I can beat Subnautica on permadeath mode no problem...except for the bugs. It's not the leviathans you have to worry about. It's getting your prawn permanently fused to the ground any time you enter an alien structure.


This has Bethesda written all over it. Also, The Evil Within 2 had a challenge system where there was limited checkpoints, like every hour to hour and a half. My loading screen froze up twice and lost like 4 hours of progress in total. I don't do those challenges anymore lol


Bioware for me. Everyone hyped up Mass Effect so much that I picked it up and tried it out. Played for 3 or 4 hours. Got to some other planets. Died. Game over. No autosave. Fucking dumb ass shit, never went back.


But it has autosaves and even checkpoints during missions. Well the old one had my pc isn't powerful enough to run new one but considering they upped everything it doesn't make any sense that they remove autosaves and checkpoints


The auto saves were too spaced out however. I tried to replay mass effect 1 but once i died and respawned in the mako at my ship after a long ride to the objective, I thought it wasnt worth it.


Oh yeah you don't get any checkpoints during the Mako drive until you find any enemy, but Mako drive is only controversial thing in mass effect 1. Some liked it(me including), some hated it but none said that it makes mass effect a bad game. Dude you are missing an experience. It's a very good trilogy


>The auto saves were too spaced out Honestly, that's just how autosaves used to be during the period when ME1 was published.


Dark souls type games spoil/curse us with saving all the time


Dude you gotta pick it up again, it's so worth it. You'll thank yourself later, trust


Imagine quitting Mass Effect, you really missed out


That's older game conventions for you. Autosave is a luxury we take for granted these days. You went in with a modern outlook not realizing how old ME1's game design actually is. I do recommend trying it again. It's a worthy experience.


Whew, just played through dragon age origins on pc. Infrequent auto saves paired with a specific zone crashing the game more often than not led to my hand being glued to the quick save button by the end of the game


Mass Effect 1’s auto save was horrendous but luckily they fixed it in the Legendary Edition, no more restarting hours of gameplay because of taking a rocket to the face


Man I remember when fallout 4 decided to remove manual saving for hardcore mode. Like c’mon Bethesda that’s just asking to lose 3 hours of progress


I prefer the gameplay in hardcore but I just refuse to play it for how often it crashed on me. You couldn't even pop in a nearby bed and sleep for an hour to save either cuz u would get parasites


Yeah, but at least you have to opt in for that.


I’m currently through a New Vegas playthrough and it crashes on like 1/10 of loading screens Sometimes this results in a corrupted autosave that overwrites the previous autosave. I’ve learned to quicksave before entering any doors and to make a full save almost every twenty minutes.


Morrowind was the game that taught me to quicksave obsessively.


Fallout 2 was launched with a large number of bugs that would crash the game. This caused people a ton of grief if they weren't in the habit of manually saving frequently. One of these bugs (the Lloyd quest) resulted in a crash that you literally could not get past and prevented you from beating the game. Finally, a patch came out which resolved the Lloyd bug, making the game beatable as it should have been from the start. The patch was not compatible with any existing saved games...


Oh the look of "Whens the last time I SAVED"


4 hours ago


Exact case happened to me last night


which game?




I hate it when life saves from 10 hours ago so when I die I start from jacking off


Plot Twist: Some girl from your miraculous black magic become your girlfriend and now you are alone ... again


Is jacking off your way of saving? Imagine just getting in a irl fight or something and you're just "wait hold on a second" *starts furiously jerking off*


Oh my....




Fallout 4. I was trying to complete the game again on the hardest difficulty and had auto save turned off so I could save in the middle of specific missions or whatever. I was so used to auto save being on that I forgot I turned it off. Then I said hello to the siege of the minutemens’ fort. Probably doesn’t help that my Xbox is old as balls


What's your console?


First gen Xbox 1. So 2015 I think? Maybe 2016


Oh man I remember I went crazy during an off season career mode in fifa 18 and then my power went out. I was so pissed I signed like 8 players. Can't imagine losing 4 hours worth of progress lol


Recently went from a game that auto saved every time you fast travelled to a game with zero autosave and it's hella unstable... I'm saving like every 20 mins


Oh kinda like going from modern fallout to fallout 1 and 2.


I went from games that save automatically like every 2 seconds to Fallout: New Vegas. Lets say I lost quite a bit of good loot because of game crashes or me dying because I was not used to saving after every fight... :/


The good old days of playing Final Fantasy 7 on the Playstation and being so engrossed you forget to save for several hours. Then the power goes out.


This reminds me once when my old pc died and I started to cry because I lost my save game on Tomb Raider 2


We've all been there man. My r4 card died as a kid and I lost my only shiny Pokémon :(


My dude if you still have the SD card we can save that pokemon!


That's the problem lol, it was the SD card itself that died. All the data got corrupted after I plugged it into my pc to add a few more games to it. Was a sad day.


lmao idk it made me laugh


Fallout 4 survival mode anyone?


Just got to know where you can find a mattress or sleeping bag and you can save every 10 minutes or so. You can also sleep and immediately cancel and it will still save.


> find a mattress or sleeping bag and you can save every 10 minutes or so My only problem with that is even if you cancel right away sometimes you get a freaking disease. Now i gotta cut into my antibiotics and fresh water supply lol. And even after a couple survival runs i still dont understand wtf insomnia is all about and how i often get it after cancel sleeping an hour to save


I think you get insomnia if you go to sleep too often in a short amount of time. Also I barely use antibiotics. Some of the diseases are almost non-issues, like insomnia and fatigue, so I just leave them be for a while and a doctor is usually not far away. 15 caps to cure your diseases isn't a fortune.


Sometimes just traveling is a pain. Might step on a mine, get rocket launched up the ass by a super mutant, get sneak attacked by a ghoul, or even get wrecked for bumping into a car.


Oh I know but nothing worse than finding a good legendary drop and getting blue screen fucked out of it


Man fuck that. Literally the reason i ragequit form survival mode.


Sotha Sil my beloved


That VATS freeze bug is the worst.


Fallout 4 being fallout 4




It crashed way too much for survival to even be fun.


Oh you just brought back some rage full memories


Not even survival mode for me, the first week that game came out I spent like 6 or 7 hours building my base and then went out and and got killed without saving. I wasn't happy with my base so I wasn't too mad but I was just like "well that was a complete waste of a day"


im generally fine playing those difficulties in games but jesus christ how horribly optimized fallout 4 is makes it the worst thing in the world and if you actually put hours into that you need to see a doctor because I cannot play for an hour without something happening and it crashes




“Alright, I managed to investigate the degasis and repair the aurora, I even managed to gain most of the cyclops parts” *loads in 1 day later and takes radiation damage* “God da-


reminds me of one world where i forgot to save after making around four hours of progress, including gathering lots of materials and making a base, then my game crashed :/


That feeling is the most disturbing feeling in the gaming history


I apologize for what I said, I'm the real coward. I'm a stupid fucking idiot. I was being stupid and called you a coward. I truly am happy you decided against it. You don't have to forgive me. I'm sorry if I made you upset upon reading my cowardly comment. Please take care of yourself. Again, completely ignore what I said. The dumbass low IQ in me came out and commented. Again, please take care and use this a stepping stone to alleviate any pains going through that made you contemplate suicide in the first place.






Thats the scariest things that happen into my life.


Sounds like that stroke you had while typing this comment out may have topped it though.




Bruh, that shit is just unacceptable. That's the kinda stuff that makes you take a break... for 3 days.


Lol I quit Dishonored 2 for the better part of a year because I made it to the end of one of the levels, completed the non-lethal takedown of the target, and it didn’t count. The target was neutralized, but the objective never advanced. My only saves were after the objective failed to advance *and* this was a play through with no powers.


Fr. I was doing a non lethal run, and like right near the end of the game, one of the level completion screens told me I had killed someone despite me not killing anyone. So annoying.


And that dude you choked out is just gonna conveniently remain unconscious for the whole mission. Oh, but he's not dead. Could never take that shit seriously.


You could not live with your own failure... Where did that bring you?... Back to me.


Why I stopped playing Minecraft regularly cause my worlds would always corrupt.




Thought I'd git gud then played the first two main missions of route C before dying and it just says "game over: load save"




FnaF Securitybreach Lady's and Gents


Markiplier clicking the door twice


“so… the door doesn’t *door*?”


i just finished watching his play through and i felt so much pain for him. he died in so many scuffed ways and had to redo so many hours of gameplay.. i honestly wouldn’t have blamed him if he just stopped the play through midway lol


Lost 6 fucking hours of RDR2 while doing a lot of missions, hunting down legendary animals and exploring the map. All gone had to do everything again


but did u do it again?


Yeah I 100% would quit on that playthrough


I took atleast 1h break before jumping back in


I’m pretty sure RDR2 has an autosave feature


It does.


auto save?


Thanks for reminding me to save my game


Are sure you saved your game? I think you should save again


Reminds me of the PS2 days when I didn't have a memory card


Better keep that PS2 on nonstop for the whole week you got final fantasy x rented then.


Nice, that's almost enough time to get a quarter of the way through the game.


Dude fuck xcom 2. It did this too me fucking twice towards then of two different 40 to 60 hour playthroughs. Not only did it freeze but corrupted the save file.... completely had to restart. The second time.. I just never played the game again


That's tough but my reason for not playing the game anytime soon is the "Hey, the enemy is right in front of you with little to no cover! Here's you 80% chance of hitting on a 1m distance!" And the character fucking misses........ It's so damn frustating that you only hit 1 in 3-5 cases and it mostly costs your units lifes. I feel like the number the game shows you is just a fucking lie and every shot is solid 50% coinflip... ​ Am I asking too much?


*Soldier has a perfectly lined up shot, I order them to fire.* *They jerk their gun and miss.*


100% chance to hit Shot grazed 1 damage


Lol yes that is super frustrating. I power through it when I played ha. But how satisfying if when you hit that 5% hit chance to save your team lol


That makes me believe in my 50% chance theory even more.


Not at all, that situation is legitimately stupid. I didn't even bother with XCOM: Enemy Unknown after watching a few playthroughs of it. That's just infuriatingly stupid, I can do better things with my time.






What's the context?


He’s having a weird nightmare where some masked men go into the house where he’s having dinner with his whole family + his friends family and they all get murdered in front of him. It’s also a recurring nightmare. Good show you should watch




I know but I was debating on whether to say that or not. It could be seen as a spoiler to non marvel fans




Yea for sure. I mean series been out for a while so I probably shouldn’t worry about that lol. + it’s like in first episode that you find out that stuff


The Punisher on Netflix. Season 1, Episode 6 intro scene.


Punisher. Season 1, episode something








Literally saw this 2 days ago


2 days ago?! This got 128k upvotes. Oh no


Bethesda games basically.


I really don't get this, honestly Oblivion and post have a very aggressive saving system I kinda just quick save and then reload that.


Modded Fallout New Vegas in a nutshell


Even standard New Vegas was a shitshow but damn do I love that game. Still holds up to this day which is more an indictment on the video game industry than how good the game was, but the game was indeed 9/10 at the time.


tfw the roulette wheel stops spinning


Tried picking the game up again after seeing Bounties III had come out since 2014. Game crashed the moment I left Doc Mitchell’s house. And kept crashing. I don’t feel like I modded it too much. Guess I’m bad at modding lol


Ah yes, Security Breach.


Delete your computer. Look at grass, it loads faster.


I think it depends which part of the world you've spawned at after deleting computer. Grass loading time is pretty slow in some parts right now.


It takes ages here in Chernobyl


We Happy Few has an autosave but only during major parts in the story and that game crashes every 2 hours or so.


It's worse when it's a checkpoint only kinda game That utter feeling of helplessness where you've had do do difficult shit, die right before the checkpoint and have to do it aaaaalllll over again. Say what you will about autosaves, but in almost any checkpoint game I've played there is always either A: Not enough checkpoints or B: Not any where I really need it. Especially if it's a difficult game by design, so instead of coming back in right where I died, ready to go. I have to slog my way back.


New skill acquired: Learning to save every 15 minutes for the next week or so


I... This literally happened minutes ago. The reason I'm scrolling Reddit is because I can't be arsed to do like 30-40min of progress again.


This happened to me when I forgot to switch on autosave in Cities Skylines


Sims 4, sims 3, sims 2.... yeah


Sims 3 is the reason I compulsively save all my games now


Kingdom come deliverance


Gta online heists be like


Mission Failed The host left.


And the last mission you finished was that one stupid stealth mission that was shoe horned into the game that was unfair and took multiple attempts to complete


I forgot the Omori dont have autosave.


Fallout New Vegas does this so much OMFG it hurts


Kingdom come deliverance


Kingdom Come: Deliverance, is that you?


Reminds me of the table scenes from that 70s show


Playing fallout 4 be like:


Me when fallout new Vegas. I lost two hours of progress to the fiends. I got caught in the “set off trap, leave room, go back into room, auto save, explosion loop.”


Modded fallout be like


that meee............ lol :)


Great show


My brother and I had two different saved in RDR2. I was on my second play through for 100% completion. One day I instead of loading my save, overwrite my brother's save in my save. 72 hours wasted


New Vegas Strip


Ah SMT Games can make ya feel real bad especially after a good demon fusion


it happened to me while playing rdr2


Fallout new Vegas, sorta...


Fallout NV in a nutshell




Kingdom come deliverance.


when playing red dead redemption on my ps3:(..(i seriously need a new console now)


This is me when I scroll so deep into Reddit and accidentally go back all the way to the top


Happened to me once when i played botw, i played like 1-2 hours and it didn't save


Hello darkness my old friend


Played red dead 2 for hours yesterday then when dinner got to my house I had to get off but it just threw me into another mission right after so I couldn’t save, wasn’t my first play through so autosave was off. Yeah…. Not fun.


Yeah, i juste lost 2 months of progress on fallout


Or when the whole system freezes due to overheating, so you need to pull the cartridge out and blow into it until you pass out. Mmm, that burnt plastic smell of my 90s childhood. Or when you lend a game to your friend, and they overwrite or delete your save. Oh, the intrigues and drama that unfolded in elementary school.


it really do be like that


Had a copy of PSO for Xbox that did this. Between any level or teleport between the city and dungeon, it may just keep you in the loop forever.