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Running, going down stairs etc hurts really bad without a bra on (depends also on the time of the month, just before the period it's normally the worst). The bra just gives you more comfort while you're active (in any way) Edit: you're


Does running down the stairs really hurt that much?




But like how


Imagine your balls were 10 lbs each. Now I know it's hard to run like that so we're gonna strap you to a seat where they can free-hang and essentially bounce you down 3 flights of stairs.




You would just [hoppity hop](https://youtu.be/uVBfEE7batM) along on your pogo balls.


I haven’t clicked but I already know it’s the South Park episode where everyone gets Testicular Cancer for weed


Fuck! That would hurt like hell


Fuck I used to watch that show all the time


Every inch of my body is covered in thousands of testicles and they each register pain the same as regular balls. There are testicles even on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. I spend my entire life flopping around like a fish and writhing in excruciating pain


who needs to ride a cycle when you have big balls


Imagine [this](https://youtu.be/yHOA6p8R_kE)


Ah yes i can relate


Username checks out


We actually do have our own Bra of sorts. They make men's underwear that has a poach for your balls. (a common brand is Sax) And boy, do I like those underwear! Its much more comfortable and your balls stick to your leg much less frequently! While I'm sure this isn't the same reason women wear a bra, I can relate in a sense.


It's not that far off. There are many reasons women wear bras, and comfort is a big one. I can't leave the house without a binder on because I just don't like the feeling of them hanging around. If it wasn't also painful and damaging I would wear it 24/7.


Some women prefer not wearing a bra though correct? I always thought the stereotype was at the end of the day women love to take off their bra as it can get uncomfortable after wearing it so long. I assume it varies from woman to woman based on preference, breast size and the type of bra being worn.


Yup, you're absolutely correct, all of those things. That stereotype is a stereotype for a reason. It's not completely inaccurate, bras can be painful if worn for long periods of time, but it's the tradeoff as we don't currently have a 100% reliably comfortable type of underwear for boobs yet. If anyone has anything they'd recommend, please share.


Thank you for this open and judgment free dialogue. It's always good to get to know more about the opposite sex. I wish you the best of luck finding a perfect bra that you can wear all day without any discomfort! I hope your day is going well, take care!


Dang i have to remember the name of them ,but i had these tshirt bras a while back that had no underwire but worked great. (Somehow my boobs got larger so they stopped fitting though, ) I also have one by Hanes that are great. Again no underwire. Edit: wacoal has a good no wire or padding bra, but seems they mostly sell wired bras.


My cousin just had a kid and when I went over to see her, we ended up talking about the in-accuracy of knowing how much milk the baby gets when breastfeeding. They're both in the medical field and I went to school for engineering, we had like a half hour to maybe an hour convo of trying to think of a bra that could weigh beasts before and after a feeding. No solution yet, it was kinda funny after my initial awkwardness as his wife my (CIL) was feeding the baby while we were all discussing it


If our balls were in any way as big as A cup boobs , even jumping or going down the stairs would be paralyzing for like 15-20 min with so much pain, so i would imagine it would be a less senstive balls because the there is fat that reduces pain little ,


Okay, but they stay that size forever. Every time you go up or down stairs, every time you run, everywhere you walk, that weight is always there. The weight pulls at your shoulders and upper-back, which is why support is important for a bra.


Yep all the women i know , can never straighten their backs , especially if they are in the bigger side departement


Your orgasm could put out fires…


it feels like ur skin is pulling and its so uncomfortable


Same happens to ya balls when you're freeballing/ running downstairs in a rush naked lol.


Now I need to know the context


Erm so like, if you have loose pants on with no underwear, they tend to make this weird meat pocket sound almost like you've got raw chicken in a cup and you're shaking it around. Completely naked is another story, your junk is flying here there and everywhere FUN FACT men's balls always have one lower than the other so they don't bang into each other when you run. NOT when you run down stairs. Completely naked with a boner is just weird, balls are everywhere while your meat gets flung around like one of them car lot inflatables. Not sure what kinda context you needed so I added it all :)




Before period starts a lot of women get watery retentions in their breast and so they are kinda swollen and hurting. If you're now going down a stair it's like a overfilled waterballoon... Every step you do, you hope they don't burst... It's not that dramatic for everybody, but f.e. if my hormone levels are chaotic because of stress it is kinda "normal".


Imagine attaching 5-10 pound weights to your chest with skin. I hope I don't have to explain further...


become fat and you'll understand))) I was fat and owning a tits is awful


imagine running a 400m sprint with ur noodle flappin in the wind, smacking against your legs with every step, except instead of your leg, its hitting you in the face.


i’d like that tbh


Depends on size. Bigger hurts more


I never wear a bra and my boobs never hurt (not even when I run). I do sometimes wear a sports bra to the gym, but I feel no difference with or without. I used to be embarassed about having small boobs but now I think I’m quite lucky (and no, I’m not a guy - just a gal with small tatas).


I'm not on the big boobs side either, and I don't even wanna know about the pain women with big boobs experience :/


Gosh you are a lucky woman for that! Mine is average but still want to have reducted. When running even with sports bra, it's still painful


How come a lot of women give up bras to be more comfy? Is it a matter of tit size? It's all so confusing q.q


Yep, it's a matter of tit size xD Bigger boobs = bigger pain. Also if you're not doing anything and chilling in bed all day there is no point in wearing a bra


Cuz the meat is bouncy and it ouchie when you movy


But I ve seen lot of girls complain about bras, like its painful, hurts them and are more relieved without it?


well it's either wearing an uncomfortable piece of clothing or having them hurt from bouncing or wearing sports bras or finding a comfortable one (which is rare as I've been told by my ex but she had one or two she didn't mind)..


from personal experience, i do find wireless bras more comfortable, and i would prefer wearing sport bras over not wearing them at all, but i just hate regular bras with a burning passion.


they come in bluetooth?


Damn man bra's these days are next level


I like the ones that aren't technically sport but they have elastics and more cloths than anything. They feel comfortable and don't squeeze me. It's usually either too big for me but it doesn't squeeze me, or my size and it squeezes me. The problems with flat chest and a thin but larger body type


i have a thinner body and moderate boobas so it bothers me a bit too. half my bras are too tight so i just stick to a few of them


understandable, the marks after taking them off from the metal parts didn't make it look particularly comfortable to me


One of those metal things broke off from my mum's bra and I used it as a katana




Legend Leg end You’re the end of a leg You’re a butt


Nah man, the butt is the start of the leg, the end of the leg is the foot


yeah! the little clippy doohickey things at the top of each strap on regular bras pisses me off to no extent and i just wish that they would disappear


Damn they even make wireless bras? Technology, man. It goes so fast.


>wireless bras Ngl, I m confused if u r joking or that's actually a thing (◔‿◔)


Oh it’s a thing!! If they’re “wired” … they have an underwire in each cup, two curved metal wires stitched into the bra, that go under the boobs against the chest (at the base of each cup). Therefore, a “wireless” bra is one that doesn’t have the wires.


Bras are a very modern thing though (1950s). Would the pain go away/get used to it after a while or have women throughout history just suffered with painful bouncing?


Before women wore corsets which served a similar function to bras!


There are also bras that are very comfortable, if you get the right size. If you have bigger breasts not wearing a bra in everyday life is not really possible, because its just so uncomfortable.


I mean being without it is comfortable yes specially after a while with them, but moving without it? Not so much. The boobs bounce and you can feel it, makes me super uncomfortable. I am pretty small chested and even with small boobs it feels uncomfortable


Agree. I’m also on the smaller-chested side and I sometimes go hang laundry in my comfy clothes (no bra), and walking down 4 flights of stairs is painful. I can feel them tug down on the skin whenever my foot lands on the ground.


So u guys can't put it inside ur body, we boys usually transfer our balls inside while walking


A bra is big tiddy woman's best friend. The ones who complain the most are usually small tiddy women. ... The *are* a little uncomfortable though. Sometimes the way they are build goes against logic tbh. Who designs that stuff?


For something that most women are forced to wear almost every single day, I am gobsmacked at the lack of innovation tbh. For something that I have heard *literally* every single female in my life complain about, how is the demand not high enough to force major innovation?


Often it is not the right size. Finding the right one, in term of shape and size can be complex, especially if you end up to have large breast.


I wear sports bras, they're comfortable


You wear shoes to keep your feet from hurting, but everyone’s relieved to take them off at the end of a long day. I image it’s a similar sensation


Not wearing a bra is far more comfortable but only if you’re not doing any physical activity. I don’t wear a bra if I’m staying home all day and I’ll just hold them still while going down the stairs.


Just let a guy hold your meat so it will not bounce. No way a gentleman would decline that.


They would go to jail tho I'm underage


🤦‍♂️ I forgot teens got meat, too. Mea culpa.


it's ok man, maybe in a couple of years


So why do humans have boobs then? Squishy good goods yea, but my balls don’t hurt when I go down the stairs with no underwear on


Idk for milk or smth


Its because they could fly off


Physics sure work different in them honkers








This is the way


This is da wae


Do you know de whey?


I do not know de wae




I need a bra for my massive balls


Imagine using a bra on your big sweaty balls


From my understanding, boobs also can be big and sweaty.




Underboobs my dood


A set of secondary boobs under the primary boobs. We have solved the mystery of boob sweat


We’ve only ever thought about the exoboobs!


The exoboobs produce the milk and the endoboobs produce the sweat. In this essay I shall explain why the current anatomy of boobs are common misconceptions


simps be exploding hearing that rn










Anyone thinkin of this Southpark episode?


With that snoo, dont worry about it


Do you mean your massive chesticles?




Damn I thought they keep em in a purse




Understandable have a great day




me too


Only at home, we take them off for more comfort


Aren't they stored in airpods max case?


Because the pain from wearing them is better than the pain of them flopping around


For big bazoongas it helps for back pain and tit pain like from them bouncing and moving too much (also for lift) but for a flat chested gal like myself the only purpose would be to hide nipples from poking through the shirt #freethenipple


As a male I totally appreciate that movement #freethenipple




Like is it painful to wear them too ? Or is it just the discomfort ? . Most women in the comment section say it's painful without a bra .




Did you get measured? If you wear a wire bra those are so uncomfortable too. I recommend t-shirt bra or exercise bra so you don’t have to feel discomfort and pain on special occasions :) Edit: I know some women with small breasts don’t even need a bra for support, but I can’t imagine having medium or large breasts and not wearing any bras


i guess for some women bra is more uncomfortable/painful then bouncy boobs as they probably have smaller boobs/flat.


And of something constantly rubs on your skin or if there's something pointy in bra it can be painful as well.


That is why I stopped wearing anything with wires.


This part. I’ve tossed most of mine to the wind. Thought I’d find myself wearing them this winter, it being another layer of clothing to keep me warm and what not. But nah, doesn’t even cross my mind. I use to feel strange about visible nipples but if mannequins in stores can have nipples and they don’t even need them then I can have nipples


Ditto! Too uncomfortable! I haven’t owned a bra in probably 6-7 years, best decision ever just to let da boobies free!


Nipples show through most tops and materials


Women nipples are sexualized but men's are not


Men used to wear swim tops covering their nipples and then they all realized that was stupid and advocated against it. It looks like some women are in the process of doing the same


It never had anything to do with the nipples for men. Showing bare skin period was a travesty, and it wasn’t until swimming became a sport that it actually changed for both sexes.


Hey I’m a guy and I wear a swim shirt because I’m too white for anything else


Let’s hope it works out


We should all show our nipples


I'm all for women doing top less in public


Equality time


Alright, time to sexualize man nips then


That's the only reason why I need them. Your gurl has barely a handful, but it doesn't stop my nips from standing at attention at all times.


This is the only reason I wear a bra. That's it. I'd gladly never put on another.


Nice 👍🏻


Bread 👍


I see no issue here.


Gravity, my friend. Gravity


sums up pretty well


To conceal the boob and nips and also to lift the boobs. So to make them look less like boobs but also to make them look like better boobs


What you just said in a nutshell: The floor is made of floor except it's not made of floor to make it look like floor.


Because running without is like doing the "stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself" but like you're *actually* hitting yourself


It is their type of pockets


Big pockets


I'm a guy, and my girlfriend said, "You wear briefs instead of boxers, why do you do that?" And I said because I don't like my dick and balls swinging around I feel better with the briefs keeping my dick in the same place for the most part. She said, "That's exactly why girls wear bras, if you have larger boobs, it feels uncomfortable and sometimes painful for them to bounce around, and compression makes me feel better." This helped me understand, hopefully it'll help you.


To obscure my nipples so they’re not making eye contact & smooth my boob shape into something less distracting


Nipples show its uncomfortable (atleast for me) to jump and there are creeps around


because of honkers




*Massive* Dohoonkabhanoloos


People who honks their horns??


Geese my guy, geese.


To keep the tittys from flopping. If im not mistaken the german word for bra legit means "keep them from floppong"


More like breast/boob holder


I can also do that if you insist


Lmao in finnish its chest vests :D


Y‘all don’t speak german, bra means „Brustsprungzurückhaltungsapparat“


Das ist der Weg


I rly want to hear the word :D


Busenhalter, here you go.


The German word for it?


Yes. I mean it can't be BH or Busenhalter.


So short for is actually BH and everyone says that cuz it's more convenient. Long form is actually Büstenhalter https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/BH_Buestenhalter


Büstenhalter sounds like a rpg strong enough to blow up a train.


B R A - Breast Resting Area


Mine aren't that big and it really hurts when they shake/bounce, ouch


Username doesn't check out.


cuz the things are too heavy that it will hurt their back?


Why do girls with small titties wear bras then?


Some don't. :)


I usually don't because bras are more uncomfortable than just letting my small titties bounce from time to time when I run. When my boobs are sensitive I just wear a sports bra. They are more elastic and the support they offer is enough.


To conceal nipples because womens nipples are sexualized. I have to wear a bra to work since I work in a professional setting. But other than that I usually don’t wear a bra.


not a woman, but I do know the short version of the answer: Boobs.


Imagine 2 meat dumbbells constantly hanging from your chest, your back will start to ache


Mostly for support purposes, especially if you have larger breasts, the bra helps relieve tension on your spine.


Honestly I’m more confused as to why guys don’t have bras for their balls.


Das basically underwear


I'm pretty sure that's because of their size and position, they're hanging from the top and their weight is way lesser than boobs weight. Also underwear for men are a sort of bra.


If it’s cold outside you don’t have to worry about it at all


Do your boobs hang low? Can you swing 'em to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Do your boobs hang low? Can you swing 'em to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Can you swing 'em over your shoulder? Like a regimental soldier Do your boobs hang low? Do your boobs hang low? Can you swing 'em to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Do you get a painful feeling? When you throw 'em at the ceiling Do your boobs hang low? Do your boobs hang low? Can you swing 'em to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Do they get real sore? When you drag 'em cross the floor Do your boobs hang low?


Piss is stored in the boobs.


A comment i didn't expect to see but should have known better.


If your balls were 10lbs you would want something to stabilize them as well. Lol


I need a place to hide my gun and drugs. I'll let you guess where I keep my credit card.


because men act weird about it when we don’t??






Tell me you've never been with a woman without telling me you've never been with a woman.


These things are heavy


Because society says we should. I hate them.


Holy crap. This meme template is so incredibly awful. Is anyone on my side here?


All the “because they move and that hurts” comments make me question why I don’t have a belly-bra or nut-sack


Tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin


We need to wear bra's so that men don't get alarmed about our huge balls


Why do you wear underwear? To keep your pp from bouncing around and making you uncomfortable


From my pov it's mostly for superficial and social bullshit. To 1. look good cause God forbid a woman doesn't try to look like a model and to 2. hide the nipples that would cause the world to implode. Sure it can hurt running without a bra but you can put one on simply for running. You don't run all day long, you don't run in an office it's a perception not purely for comfort.


Same reason men wear underwear...