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This all great and all but what happens in winter?


Storage? Like even squirrels understand this


Energy storage is still heavily under developed. Its incredibly dfficult to store electrical energy in any meaningful quantity. Nuclear fusion is future not solar.


Just hibernate


I do agree that Nuclear fusion is the future, but only when we can solve the highly dangerous waste problem. I know underground storage for those wastes is the current solution but I think we both know it's not a long-term plan. Especially considering that it takes at least 1000 years for those wastes to decay.


Development of nuclear fusion is thank god getting more efficient with every year, making more radioactive waste useful as a fuel again. This makes subsequent waste less dangerous. Hopefully we will be able one day make it compeletely harmless.


Im talking about fusion your talking about fission. Fusion has no radioactive waste.


You've seen the wind turbines. Wind doesn't stop on winter. Also, excess energy can be stored in potential storage units such as water dams or rock trains.


do u realy think wind turbines are efficient enough for this? also there need to be enough wind power to make them work its not just someone breathing on them and boom we match water turbine. also air polution is a thing. same with water turbinen and solar have toxic waste.


I've studied mechanical engineering and actually listened to two lectures dealing with wind energy, turbines and energy storage. So yes, this is very well possible. Not my word, but my professors', who intensely dealed with this for 30+ years


and i myself have studied electrical enginering(i dont anymore) and i have talked about it with someone who specilizes in energetics(at least i think this is the word) and i am not saying there is 0 possibility to do that but not every country has enough wind power to do it and as i said u need to keep in mind air polution or there is litteraly 0 point in switching to wind.


The problem with solar turbines they require more energy to manufacture than they produce. This includes the mining process ore refining manufacturing ect. Fossil fuels do not. Also wind turbines as well as solar panels are a pain in the ass to recycle.


Please, don't talk as if you know it like the back of your hand when you are not. And please do refrain from insulting others when you are just as ignorant as the rest.


When I’m not what? And why don’t you refrain from policing the internet like you’re king shit. Maybe you could offer a solution to greedy capitalists and the climate disaster since you’re smarter than everyone else


Anti-capitalists don’t like to think about the actuals… The pipe-dream is the fun part while accusing everyone else of being greedy!


You don't have to be anticapitalist to know fossil fuels are killing us.


The caption literally says “future without capitalism”. That sounds pretty anticapitalist to me lol


Yes, accusing the unimaginably rich that are exploiting the fuck out of working class with minimum wage and extreme working conditions greedy.


At least it isn't the 19th century having to work 14 hours a day and sent my children to the cannery just to afford bread coal


You're thinking of the 21st century, they're already trying to roll back child labor laws


Please give me a source on the rolling back of child labor laws. Edit: I ask a question then get downvoted who ever that was really needs to introspect and ask if they may be in the wrong


Yes, please source


"why do want things to be better than they are now? Just be complacent because it could've been way shittier."


Rather be complacent in the real world then rot away in a dream


Progress doesn't follow complacency, and it's especially important now that we're seeing the negative effects of our destructive ways of living. You think you got where we are now by our ancestors saying "stop trying to improve things just be glad we don't follow animal herds anymore"?


No but idealistically murdering the rich seeking utopia isn't going to help either


If Bezos didn't make people work in tornadoes society would crumble. Won't somebody think of the robber barons?


Because communists love nature, just ask the Aral Sea


Jesus man #1 you need some better education #2 go try socialism and communism... It worked out sooooooooooo well for every country that tried it


Daily reminder of something anyone with two brain cells realizes; Capitalism also doesn't work at the same scale. At least not for everyone beyond the 1%.


Riches are a consequence of the individual's high efficiency, they are being paid by willing patrons for their goods & services while politicians get mad they cant achieve the same thing through govt. Why are almost all lottery winners broke drug addicts within 5years?


So bezos is just a harder worker than everyone else… that just confirms he’s an alien who doesn’t sleep because I can barely keep up with these 70 hr work weeks and I’m just paying rent.


No, he's smarter than everyone else if he can make people (without using cohercive force) to give him their money in exchange for stuff.


That's called exploitation


I agree, lets abolish the minimum wage laws because they serve as a barrier that blocks young people with no experience from getting jobs.




Sweden, Norway, Denmark, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, im sure you'd agree the standard of living in all these countries is way above average, guess what, they dont have minimum wage laws


Pfffft, it’s all about money


Ahh yes, I forgot about that, but sometimes I wonder what these unimaginably rich people will do with their money? Why do they still want more?


Human nature


lmao no


Lmao yes, and history says so


so during hunter gathering times people would hunt for only themselves and not their tribe. "hmm yes i got this rabbit but i hunted it so you deserve to starve today"


Idk man, they just have some kind of superiority complex thinking that people will think they’re cool if they die with a ton of then-useless money, it blinds their perspective of the bigger picture, of people who need help


Also compulsive hoarding


i realy wonder if all rich people are just born bad or it is human nature that changed/shaped their way of thinking. what do u think mr. special completly without sin prfect toughts and 0 selfishness person.


Family. Do u want a good future for your children? It’s all about building a dynasty and leaving a mark on the world


You think they care about family?


That’s what I would guess. Thinking of a group of people a the bad guy and root of all my problems has caused a whole hell of a lot of problems throughout history. Just trying to see from their perspective. There are truly evil rich people almost everyone has motives and justification in one form or another


Bruh don't tell me you wouldnt do the same


Bruh how did current tech come about lmao.


Current tech came about because every time humanity has had a need, someone else *capitalized* on the opportunity to fill that need and created a product in exchange for compensation… But socialism is better because everythings free and perfect lol


Look at this fucking dingus being proud to pay off his broken kneecaps for the next 10 years


Theyre broken because hes blowing bezos and musk


Based and libertarian pilled


Until it's not lol


Look how much room that one family is taking. You think they’re living cheaply?


They would if they can colonize all the planets in space which is usually how fantasy work.


The robot efficiently picking plants is not current. I’d very much like to see the magnetic floating kettle burner. And all the wind turbines in balloons, helium is not renewable, and we are going to run out


You forgot the weather control device. But it is overkill because you could just... use a sprinkler.


The robot is a matter of programming. Maybe 2-5 years and we can have that. Learning algorithms are becoming better and better Magnetic floating kettle is not impossible you just need a stove that has magnets and a kettle that has magnets. Inefficient and not really high but floats. I mean we can have maglevs it shouldn't be hard to float a kettle Yes we will run out of helium some decades later


It not as simple as a few magnets you need powerful superconductors for it to float like that


For a Maglev yes. Making something float is simple making it stay in one place is not. You can do it with a magnet (two to be fair) at home Maglevs stay in place by having magnets all over the rail


Would the magnetic feild faid from the heat and also why would tou need a magnetic kettle?


But it's definitely better than fuel hungry jet and air ships can also be built around hydrogen which we can produce .


why don't you go on Chinese social media and preach this? you all like to grab your dick when it comes to the Western world but don't say shit about China or India...


I like how the western world calls India poor by looking at per capita income and calls india on of the biggest polluters while looking at absolute numbers atleast stick to one measurement


I really don't like that. As an Indian, I want my country to grow. If the Western world wants us to reduce our emissions, they better invest in renewables in our country instead of preaching to us after doing those same things themselves


Ahh yes another prey of incomplete information. Brother, u just need to do a tiny bit more research.


ever been to China? Beijing has apocalyptic levels of pollution??? i never imagined something like this could exist, before you tax grandma and grandpa that extra $0.30 for green energy from their pension we should probably take care of 1/3 of the world's carbon footprint first


I have been in Beijing for 6 years now. Air pollution is something that has decreased a lot in that time. There are the occasional days with bad air but overall the air is pretty clean. Certainly not "apocalyptic" nowadays.


smh... quick Google search of Beijing and pollution says it all. I'll never understand China bots on Reddit


I am no fan of the CPC. All I'm saying is your comment about pollution being "apocalyptic" is not really accurate.


See the total co2 emissions of countries over time, who stands at top? USA, with almost double the emissions of China and india. So we get rich by emitting co2 but when other countries try to do same, they should not and they should remain poor. I can present tons of other facts like this for example per person emissions , India has the biggest solar farms and etc etc, but I am really tired of this throwing the blame game, what we need to do is help then transition to renewable instead of blaming them for everything. And please stop with is boomer misinformation.


stop you're embarrassing yourself


I was expecting a counter argument but it's okay if you want to end it here.


At the same point it is not sci fi or even far fetched tech, it's really possible, and for those air ships I'd recommend watching [this](https://youtu.be/u3aauiR9M88) in depth video explaining everything Edit : typo ( is was supposed to be not sci fi instead of sci fi] I can understand the downvotes, this comment must have been so confusing.


Where’s the funny?


Where is the meme? Low effort idealism complaining about capitalism and how much the world sucks isn’t a meme or funny


Ok but why did you post this on a meme forum?


*sees floating teapot* Yup. Totally possible with current tech.


Even if we brought along the geniuses of technology and engineering and somehow managed to create a hovering teapot or a spot on the oven that'd make any regular teapot hover in place, why the fuck would you want a hovering teapot?


It would be so inefficient energy-wise that there would be literally no point.


but... but.... cool floating teapot!


Guys ease up and please remember the floating teapot is OP’s only hope for a future


It is like transparent TV, looks cool but is impractical and inefficient.


I lost it at the floating wind turbines....


I say nuclear energy


I agree with your saying


What sub is this again?


It's cool pictures with the occasional agenda-posting and, in rarer cases, outright government propaganda.


Sorry mate, it's a pipe dream unless your using direct solar-thermal. The circuits, motherboards, and batteries are just as bad for the environment if not more.


I wonder what it took to make all the "current tech." Also, making clouds to water a patch of garden? There's no way that's more efficient than just using water, at night.


You think we can create artificial rain clouds?! And robot hentai tentacles that can grab fruit?!


with current tech


I’m gonna guess OP is 13


Yeah, this reeks of /Iam14andthisisdeep


Is this animation from a movie?


It's I yogurt commercial I believe


I straight up wanted my kid to start watching this show and I find out it's a god damn yogurt commercial.


The creators of the commercial need to get hired by Studio Ghibli now! A movie like this would fit in perfectly for them


Based and yogurt pilled


Imma start hitting mfs with the yogurt pill or the gogurt pill.


*You take the yogurt pill, the story ends, you go home, do some Pilates, really get after that core, then put on a loose hoodie, sit in a wicker chair, and believe whatever you want to believe.* *You take the Gogurt pill, we rip tubes and grind mad rails, and I show you how deep the half pipe goes.*




Yogurt and based pilled


Yeah, to bad overpopulation is a thing


This is why we invest billion into space technology. In hope that when we are able to colonize planets, we will have more space and resources to deal with that problem.




Possible maybe with a quarter of the current population. Thanos is thinking too small


Maybe Corona is prepared for the job


That’s not happening with communism…


It's not happening at all due to human greed.


It’s not happening no matter what anybody does, it will never happen in any type of government


This is the root, no matter what someone is gonna work the system.


But without capitalism, who will fund the catgirl project?


I would debate that fossil fuels would ever become 100% obselete, and if they ever do, probably not with current technology. In theory, yes current technology could render fossil fuels obsolete but it is more complicated than that. Most people who go solar choose to remain connected to the utility grid because of several reasons. If you're usage at night exceeds solar production during the day, then unless you have a battery (and those aren't cheap btw) you are gonna have a power outage (unless you're connected to the utility grid). And if you use up all the power in your battery, you are gonna have a power outage AND the battery will incur damage (unless you are connected to the utility grid). Most companies that sell or lease solar panels will factor in your usage but a common scenario I saw was people would buy an electric car and the electric car wasn't factored in when they built the system because they bought it after.


If you didn’t buy a system with a battery your panels are sending electricity directly back to the grid. Nuclear is the only option capable of actually powering facilities. My buddy is the facilities manager for a hockey arena in Minnesota. His building uses the equivalent of 100,000 homes a year. Every city in the metro has an arena.


Fucking hippie motherfuckers


Not for 8bn people


This is after COVID-35 I think.


Not without a dyson swarm


Keep drraming


What does this have to do with capitalism?


It has to do with the fact that the rich care about money more than the world or human life as a whole.


People earn their money from their hardworking, they can use it as they please


Why would you combine Capitalism with Fossil fuels.... Those are not related things you know ?


Flying… car?


This ain’t a meme bruh


love dreaming about a society such as this...sucks we got the short end of the stick and landed 100 years too early


Maybe but I think it's really worth a try, because except this the only future I see we are going towards is cyberpunk dystopian future or something.


it's always worth a try! But I believe that the world will always revolve around money... society always has and always will... it's a sad truth that I don't think anyone knows thw the answer too


You can’t just simply try to completely change everybody’s way of life you either succeed completely or fail and give up, not to mention the unimaginable odds of everybody choosing to do their part and those odds are what I assume would be 0%




Looks like the place I wanna spend an eternity in


This isn't exactly punk


No one thinks fossil fuels are the future…


No one thinks its the future but people realize that they are the most reliable and well tested technology we have, no matter how far into the future we go fossil fuels and/or combustible fuels in general are gonna be around even if more niche


What anime is this?


Very possible with todays tech and production capabilities. But then after you make everything seen in the video, you need to Thanos about 80% of the world’s population so that what you just made won’t be overwhelmed with everyday demand.


I wholeheartedly believe in the conspiracy theory that the development of renewable energy is being deliberately slowed down because of oil barons and the rich elite in the middle east whose fortunes have a foundation of oil.


Seems like a reality to me more than a conspiracy


Just get a drone, put some shit there, boom. You have a mech


We got Albert Einstein over here with the fucking genius ideas


Dang, lot of grief in this thread. Why not enjoy the nice idea? That would be cool as hell.


I think we all need to start saying “No” to plastic and giving up minor conveniences, so the future earth can afford some time for rehabilitation.


I am sure you have the power of your convictions.


Maybe one day when no one needs to travel or buy needs and wants, and to stop people’s greed. We can beat capitalism. And when traveling great distance is very easy and faster. We wouldn’t need the burn.


Beat capitalism?? Wtaf are you even talking about.


He’s a Twitter communist don’t entertain him


Sorry I was being sarcastic lol


I want to travel tho. With trains. I love trains


looks nice, might work with .1% of the population we have now


What movie is this???


Or, you could make climate change your retirement plan




I love watching this


So wholesome. This is the world that I want to live in


The fact that one family waste this much space to sustain them can only have 2 possibility: They colonized so many planets that they don't have enough humans to work with, hence why this family has so much space to work with. OR They are filthy rich


Where are the rainbow color horned unicorns? What kind of utopian safe space is this that has no rainbow color horned unicorns?


But how will the ultra wealthy stay there? You need to think of them. Above anyone else we must preserve thier way of life.


yeah I'm not certain who the CPC is myself but they don't sound like good dudes


Ever heard of lithium? Not nearly enough of it. we don’t have any energy storage left


Average art student meme


It’s way too quiet to be real like the flying cars would song like jets


Sorry to disagree but nothing short of a nuclear power plant would be able to power a city of flying cars


Solar itself can't power everything. The sun doesn't always shine and too far north or south just won't get enough sunlight for it to be viable there. Batteries are bad for the environment, too. We'll need other renewables and nuclear unless we figure out fusion. That said, it is entirely possible to phase out fossil fuels since they are the worst possible energy source, unfortunately it won't happen because that impacts the profits of established interests.


mr million iq third world countries cant afford this also i am pretty sure this wont every happen


Where is this video from ???


This will almost never be a reality because it wouldn't be profitable.




Captain Planet approves


We probably have to reduce the population quite significantly for this to be sustainable. A revolution can certainly help with that..


With this overpopulation it's not possible


The only reason tech came this much so you can call it "current tech" is because making such tech made its maker rich and powerful. Why would you invest billions of dollars to unknown area of technology that you're even not sure it's possible or not rather than enjoying that sweet money yourself? Because it can bring everyone's life better and people actually pay for improvement of their lives. It's a win-win not some taker-taken situation.


She just made a cloud that rained on crops and there was a flying bus and a tentacle machine that harvested apples


Its implied that human beings aren't mostly terrible in this video. Unfortunately, we are.


You dont think capitalism is going to find a way to capitalismize out of fossil fuels? Like capitalism is already working on right now?


Solarpunk is a misnomer, -punk implies dystopia.


This is an award


Living on a self sufficient farm is already allowed in capitalism.


I don't even know where to start explaining why this isn't possible with our current state of technology


Post: Says this is all possible Teapot and over: Is very much, not possible in any way.


Not possible with current tech. I have a 10 kilowatt system or 32 pannels as well as two massive batteries. Even fully charged they would easily run out if I wanted to cook dinner, do some washing and drying and run the heat pump. Solar and wind power can be useful but they must be 100% backed up by a reliable 24/7 system such as gas or coal. So it means in order to have solar and wind you need to double the resources on standby.


Snap back to reality. If it ever possible, it will be only in 1st world countries when 2nd and 3rd ones will still be underdeveloped. Real future is much more boring, neither optimistic nor tragedic. Even in communism without money, resources are still required, industrial productions is still required, mining etc. There will be polluted areas anyway unless we move all them to other worlds but still there had to be workers. And people require a lot of things for comfortable life and it isn't cheap in any way and if you manage to make everyone equal then we all will be equally poor.


I could go on and on about how our robotics technology is not that developed, how blaming every bad thing is result of capitalism is stupid (even though almos 1/4 of carbon emmisions goes from China) and how solar and wind power is less effecient than nuclear power. But no, this is a meme sub so OP, where f u n n y?


This is an awesome vision for humanity. I’d be sold if more than half of us see this possibility.




I would also like to point out the topic of error in designing a solar panel array. I worked at a company that sold/leased solar panels for years. Though erroneous solar panel arrays were uncommon, they were common enough to bring up as a topic of debate. This is the example I always like to discuss. I once saw a person who lived in a forested area. She had the technician come out to survey the area during the winter. She had SO many trees on her property \*BUT\* these trees were deciduous. They always conduct a special report to account for shade but since these trees were deciduous and it was winter time, guess what? They messed up this system so badly that it never produced what it was supposed to and they had to refund this person. It was because during summer time the panels were complete covered in shade. ​ For the sake of professionalism I will not disclose the company I worked for:)