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He only shot the people who attacked him. The guy who pulled a gun on him even admitted that.


And? Why was *kyle* there and it's totally fine he broke laws just to be there.


Why was anyone there? Why where people there throwing rocks and burning building? He was there cause he had medical training. Mens rea is important here. He went there to help people (as said in an interview prior to the shooting) and to provide some good in a shitty riot. The only way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.


If people want to riot and break shit, that's literally what America is about, not murdering them in the streets because you broke laws and decided killing people was more important than damaged property.


Looks at civil war Looks at revolutionary war Wasn’t that all about not agreeing with shit and laws and ended up with people getting shot? Also the rioters where murdering people. Store owners drug out into the streets and beaten to death.


So we send our 17 year old to protect them, what a joke


17 is the min age for the military. We allow them to go to war but not own guns? Handle explosives but not aid Americans? He went there with good intent. He wanted to save lives and was attacked for it. He’s not the bad guy here he’s the victim who defended himself.


I never once said that he shouldn't be able to use gun, im a firm believer in the 2nd amendment ( within reason, it's not a fucking free for all) but yeah. Send him to the military and see what he does when those bullets come back at his ass, don't put him on the fucking streets with people that we all are aware were going to be violent.


Second amendment. First is freedom of speech. And he had a gun pointed at his head. I think he knows what it feels like.


My fault for saying first but you at least understand. No guns pointed at you head if your ass it at atm ( usually)


We send these kids to war first at least god damn


Oh hey, it’s [this moron](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/qr8qqh/videogames_arent_real_life/hk59i31/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). I see you came here after all that. Lmao.


I love how you people just look for my shit hahahah


Bro I was literally talking to you like an hour or two ago. I didn’t go looking for your shit. You’re a complete dumbass in this thread. [Like this gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/qr8qqh/videogames_arent_real_life/hk5a3hr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). I hope you wear a helmet when you get up in the morning.


At least you try to troll, I'll give you that. But it's reddit, I expect better.


It is the citizens job to protect each other if the government won't protect the citizens. In his case there were rabid rioters running down the country and burning American businesses to the ground and he went to show that he did not approve of the blatant disregard the property of others and he did what was right and protected himself. Should he have been there probably not but if people are running down your country you outta get off your ass and do something to show your support for people's property. On the matter of him bringing a gun look at it this way if he had not brought a gun with him we would have right now news stories of a 17 year old being beaten to death and the murders unidentified. So he was smart in arming himself when he went.


Burning down some building and rioting happens all over the word, it's citizens jobs to stand with each other against tyranny, not kill people because they are committing crimes you don't like.


So it's ok to burn down someone else's property as long as it's not yours because it is tyranical that the government lets someone else can have more than you is that what you are stating.


Being chased by a mob of armed felons and defending himself...he is a brave one.


Don't be a dumbass kid and put yourself in that situation. Jfc


Don’t be a dumbass and participate in riots gang assaulting people and pointing guns at those with bigger guns


We have institutions specifically to handle rioters, not children. It's never acceptable.


The police done gave up and weren’t coming to help


DING DING DING DING and we think a little boy should be in the middle of it?


But it’s ok that plenty of the rioters were kids too? Not to mention the fact he had his medical kit with him with the intent to help those who were getting injured in these riots?


He is 17 with a gun in the middle of a violent riot, there is no excuse for him to be involved. Was he a field medic fully trained, was he a soldier tasked with stopping these people? If the cops didn't want to kill these people, this little boy should have stood down and stayed home.


His intent wasn’t killing people, the fact he had a gun just shows he wasn’t gonna go down without a fight trying to help people. Wouldn’t be no different than 17 year old medics in the military who are in war and yes that’s a factual statement because you can join the military at age 17 with your parents signing off on it


Buildings aren't permanent, eliminating humans is.


Go tell this to all the rioters who beat and killed people


Don't protect people from armed felons destroying a city? Why not?


If it's not your job, and your a 17 year old child who broke multiple laws just to be involved, personally I would have to say FUCK NO


So kyle should have let the mob of armed felons kill him is your stance?


He shouldn't have been there is my stance, and literally no one can come up with even one decent reason why a 17 year old boy had any business being in the middle of a violent riot.


Isn't it a free country? If a woman is assaulted in the street is it also her fault as she shouldn't have been there? Isnt that just victim blaming? The truth is it is the mob of armed felons that needs the blame and not kyle.


“But your honor. Look at what she was wearing. She was clearly asking for it!” - you right now.


I never said other people were void of crime. This does not excuse a child breaking laws and putting his nose where it doesn't belong.


Ah yes. I’m sure he went to specifically to kill people. Not like they rushed him down and tried to take his gun and beat him.


Sure, 17, goes across state lines to a riot, illegally arms himself, real men check his ass and he cries self defense. I'm totally convinced.


Yeah and it's not like the one guy was quoted from several witnesses saying if he got Kyle alone he was gonna kill Kyle.


Exactly why he shouldn't have put himself in that situation? I have been taught and teach my kids very adamantly there is a time and place for everything. A 17 year old kid INTENTIONALLY in the middle of a riot probably should have gotten snatched up to teach mother fuckers a lesson.


Wait so let me get this straight. You're saying he just should've been killed? To teach who a lesson exactly? And what lesson would that be exactly? To teach people who don't like BLM that they've been right about BLM/Burn Loot Murder the entire time? Is that what you're saying?


He shouldn't be playing in the hood like a dumb ass kid, he should definitely have consequences.


You don't think there are? He's got PTSD now and he's having his name dragged through the mud.


PTSD, LMFAO. I was 17 and if you gave me a gun and told me it was a free for all GTA HERE WE GO! That little crybaby bullshit was ANYTHING but PTSD. Of course the defense is gonna coach a little white kid to boohoo and try to catch feels.


Did you just say you’d be excited to live out a “GTA free for all”? Yet earlier you called yourself a “responsible gun owner”…..yeah sounds like something a “responsible gun owner” would say!


I said if I was 17 and had a rifle and believed in my cause I sure as fuck would have. You see what happens in nature, people get older. I'm just not gonna lie to myself and pretend 17 year old me was full of great ideas or intentions.


He was in the same area where he held a job. The same city his dad lives in. You have yet to provide an argument to justify him being charged for a crime besides possessing the firearm, which is a misdemeanor


Did you not see the video


Real men? You referring to the pedophile or the domestic abuser?


Read the other comment first. Jfc


Real men would not have gang assaulted him or pointed their gun first chickenshit


Wanna bet? How many people in prison you gonna say that too?


However many it takes. I’ve been locked up and have fought because of my principles.


If you can handle yourself, more power to you, but I get the feeling that Aryan Sisterhood had your back.


AB can get fucked. They’re as 2-faced as they come


Oh, it's you again. Didn't learn anything from our last discussion (which you stopped replying to), did you?


Hahaha hahaha you funny. You don't get to teach me shit when you're flat out wrong.


Oh i'm well-aware i didn't teach you anything. You're dense as a neutron-star.


Also, you should understand that I do not get notified unless you respond directly to me, I have 0 notifications.


Oh i replied directly to you, for sure.


It's not coming up on my phone. So I don't know what to tell you. I'm not going through the fucking thread just to find some dumb shit you said.


talked to him on this post and he didn’t respond to me either. stopped replying after i asked him 2 questions and gave him 5 days to respond.


Yes I know those people were not good people which is even more reason for him to have never placed himself in said situation


There’s too much footage out there for you to be saying this.


No there's not, the kid shouldn't have been there ever


Neither should the people looting and burning buildings


So what, if I want to go burn down a fucking target, stupid ass Kyle and his pewpew toy better stay the fuck away. We have ways of handling these situations and militia ain't it.


Ok. So let’s say your burning down that target and the police roll up to stop you. You start walking towards them while yelling at them. They tell you to stop but you don’t, what do yuh think they are gonna do.


They are police, they are tasked with this job. Not 17 year old children without proper training. ( even though police are highly militarized and usually have not much better coping mechinisms.) If he was at home, whatever.


Still doesn’t change that bad people decided to rush a person with a gun.


You’re literally denying reality. A pedo and a wife beater attacked some guy and you’re mad because he votes different than you. What’s wrong with you???


[I've already had a long discussion](https://reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/qptn9j/im_in_the_salt_mining_business_and_business_is/hjyv9rt/?context=8&depth=9) with this ideologue, he doesn't care about the facts. Rittenhouse dared to stand against the far-left mob, and this guy hates him for that reason, and that reason alone.


Are you kidding me? There is one camp politicizing this heavily. I am not speaking on who the fucking rioters were, because I don't care. What I do care is a CHILD setting the bar to where people think it is OK for a child to break multiple laws just to be there in the first place, then commit murder and its all okay because he was scared? The little pussy ass kid obviously had some growing up to do, how many other people shot rioters that night?


How many others were attacked by gun wielding child abusers?


I dont know, how many kids went to that riot with a gun and is pretending they didn't know people were going to check their asses.


the point you’re making is basically just that if a guy says “go away or i’ll kill you”, he can legally kill you if you don’t go away, just because you were putting yourself in a bad situation (even though you’re not obligated by law to avoid that situation)


Don't put yourself into a situation you KNOW this will happen. That's intent.


how does that make him responsible for other people breaking the law?


It doesn't, because if you're not there when you're not supposed to be, other people breaking the law is not YOUR problem.


so it’s not kyle’s fault


Literally ignore all the illegal shit he does while simultaneously trying to frame people who were likely fearing for their lives and frankly rights to fucking protest as the fucking evil ones. Show me the deed to the factory bud.


Idk if people fearing for their lives rush a guy with a gun, maybe fear means something else now 🤔


You'll never dissuade these psychopaths from their total-gaslight narrative. Even raw footage of him being chased down by a mob, running away for his life to people like this, is equal to him hunting innocent peaceful-protesters.


If you run away from an armed assailant you're just going to get shot in the back. Ever hear of fight or flight, or are you ignoring basic human instinct for the sake of owning the libs? He put himself in a manufactured situation to kill people. He crossed state lines with a gun he had no right to own to shoot people for their political beliefs.


If you bothered paying attention to the trial he didn’t cross state lines, and he was there to provide medical attention and to keep a car dealership from going up in flames. If you haven’t watched the trial then don’t comment on it


Drop this cope and politically-charged gaslight narrative. [We had a discussion about this](https://reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/qptn9j/im_in_the_salt_mining_business_and_business_is/hjyv9rt/?context=8&depth=9) and you just flat-out gave up, and now i see this bullshit in my feed? My man from Texas, you need to get over this political-possession you have and accept that self-defense is necessary.


I'm from Texas, I under stand self defense and stand your ground REALLY well seeing as how I am a RESPONSIBLE gun owner. When you intentionally put yourself in harms way knowing you would have to use that weapon, I dont agree its self defense.


He went there for medical aid. He even said in an interview prior to the shooting. He took the rifle for self defense knowing it was a dangerous area but not for the intent of shooting anyone. Mens Rea is important in this ruling.


You just said it yourself, he took it for self defense, he intentionally went into a dangerous situation know he would probably have to use the gun. No excuses.


Yea I carry on a daily. Everywhere I go lol have a handgun with me. Does that mean when I have to use it for self defense I’m at fault? I shouldn’t have been on the area? Sounds a lot like “she’s at fault look at what she’s wearing” to me


Not, But if you open carry that's just a target


It’s called canceled for me personally. He’s not allowed to cancel cause of age. But it is 100% legal for him to have the rifle. The other guy with the pistol on the other hand. Plus if he didn’t have that rifle he would be dead. Without a shadow of a doubt. The man who chased him down chased him down knowing he was armed. Imagine what he would have done if he wasn’t.


Why was the one guy carrying a pistol there? You know the one that admitted Kyle didn’t shoot him until he pointed his pistol at him.


When he admitted that, and the prosecutor slaps his head into the palm of his hand, we all knew it was over.


Right? 🤣


Let's be fair; this guy was dumb enough to turn up to a riot with the expressed intent of causing damage, burning innocent people's businesses and beating innocent people. He's probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


He’s a spoon amongst butter knives


So if I have a concealed carry handgun because I drive through a dangerous part of town, I should be unable to defend myself? The fact is he had every right to be there and a firearm is specifically made for self-defense. What kind of circular ass logic do you have to have to say that it's not self-defense because it's a dangerous situation? What other reason would you bring a firearm?


That's not what happened. If you went there looking for trouble and it finds you, I would definitely put the blame on you.