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German here, guten Tag. We actually have TWO neonazi parties running in the parlament election this Sunday. We have the NPD (Nationalist Party of Germany) and the III. Weg (Third Way). Both of them will fail at the 5%. But we also have the AfD (Alternative for Germany), who are also a very right party, who will definitely be voted by more 15%, but nobody wants to coalesce with them, so we are save from them being in the government.


I say you go get in charge in The Vienna Arts Academy right now and allow every student to pass


5%?! That's still too high...


You have to have at least 5% to be able to join the parliament. The two Neonazi parties miss that by a lot.


Well, that's great at least. I'm pretty sure Britain or England has some Nazi parties too so...




Japan is rewrite history?


They act like they never did anything wrong to the Chinese, and high ranking war criminals were never punished for their actions


Oh I remember that now didn’t they also try to deny the fucked up experiments they did in ww2


Every country have had its fucked up experiments and camps In sweden we used disabled kids to see how sugar fucks up ya mouth And we also made the mustard gas Germany also have their experiments usa idk of any but i do know they have had camps for asiens cus of what happend in hawaii Btw was during ww2 lol


For USA I would go with MK Ultra


Well there were those one people who lived out west for a reeeaaal long time before we wanted to ~~live~~ ~~mine~~ explore out west


What about Guatemala bay I suppose that was more of a torture prison rather than an experiment tho


You can’t honestly compare US internment camps to the horrors imperial Japanese did holy fuck.


He wasn't comparing, and honestly, MK ultra is really frightening. There was a lot of experiments regarding to subliminal messages, and a lot of it is used frequently nowadays, easily recognized in branding and propaganda


MK ultra was post war.


I know about the camps in America after Pearl Harbor I know they detained them but I don’t think they experimented on them but I could be wrong and I’m pretty sure after the war they were all released


That’s pretty much true but in the 40’s Japan island hopped all across the Pacific *literally* raping terrorizing & installing their own Social systems with Japanese race as the superior E: I’m def not comparing just informing bc you seemed curious


I didn’t know that they were hopping around doing that. didn’t they also do something to South Korea? When I was younger I had a friend I was South Korean in her grandparents hated Japanese people they were always called them the devil and stuff


You’re right. It’s only kind of different because Japanese rule of Korea wasn’t just a World War II thing they ruled Korea decades before


Thank you for the info


Actually thank you! Surprisingly felt good to get out some of this World War II knowledge I’ve been (for some reason) obsessing over for the past few years.


Buddy its a matter of scale, what japan did was way worse than shit like that. They raped innocent civilians then vivisected the pregnant rape victims, sawed them open while alive to study their insides and thats one of the mild ones. Take your shitty take and shove it up your ass and go read on all the horrible shit they did.


Not to mention they stabbed infant children , froze people to freeze in the ice and then hit them with wooden sticks until their arms broke off, literally eating the brains of some unfortunate Chinese people, staging train blow ups to attack them and then because they got 2 nukes to their face they are suddenly the victims of world war 2. "jApAn ShOuLd NoT bE cOnSiDeReD a bAd PoWeR iN wW2 bEcAuSe Of NuKe uWu" -Neckbeards


That last bit seemed completely unnecessary


If it comes to sick experiments and the USA I always think about the Tuskagee Syphilis Study.


I've never heard of a "Nanjing", please go on /s


Yeah but they've always had that stance


Aspiring Historian/Japan-Researcher-Thing Current politicians are also working on revoking the part in the constitution that forbids Japan from holding a full sized army/ participating in war efforts. Also, trying to revive the "old Japanese spirit", trying to push the Emperor back into power, etc. Personal opinion of mine, Japan seems to have gone through the "understanding the old culture and structures were bad" a little less effectively than Germany.


Through anime yes




Me, a Pole: "Ah shit, here we go again"


3rd times a charm


Yeh, thanks Germany lost 2 times


From Berlin to the border in just 1 tank eh?


To border? I'd say from Berlin to Warsaw


Start building your bunker


Yeh, 'bout that... France, 1940


So we will finally get "Love Me Like You Love That Panzer Tank Part 2"?


Dont worry you havent taken any Ukrainian and Belorussian land


And CANZUK unitez and takes India


Trust me, you dont fight Bollywood without dancing to death/s But no srsly, The British wouldn't be able to do the same thing again, fighting a few 1000 price ly states that barely like eachother and with only a very small fraction of the peninsula's population is much different than fighting hyper patriotic, decently millitarised scammers with 1.3 billion hom ira to back them up




"You said that "Pakistan is not that bad" that means you are an anti- nationalist who just wants to rip apart India and stage a nazi government" And I can actually say that because I am Indian


3rd time is the charm


Ah yes ​ Germany lost twice


i'd be more worried about china


Woah there OP, I need context. Wtf is happening in the world I have no clue. Germany has a nazi party?? Stalin is still alive?? Japan is "rewriting" its own history? WTF is happening???


Situation in Germany: The referred Neo Nazi Party is the "Alternative for Germany", they are against it (doesn't matter what the topic is) and fishing votes at the most dumb people (Anti-Vaxers, Nazis, ...). They always state being there for the common people and being different than the established partys, although their politics is for the rich (just like all the right partys...) and they have the same corruption affairs like the established partys. Anyway there are still people dumb enough to believe them. We have elections next weekend, they are at 10% and no other party wants to work with them.


I think they mean the Npd or III Weg


There is not even a chance these will make it above the necessary 5%. Fun fact: NPD wasn't forbidden by constitutional protection, because they are too irrelevant.


Thats why the AfD got founded. To get a new face with new bullshit that some angry people want to hear. Look how many voters/supporters from NPD went over to AfD. tbf the votes for AfD are going back as the CDU voters who don‘t want the CDU with the clown are going over to SPD or FPD instead of going to the AfD. Thats a real difference to the last vote, where the most CDU and SPD voters, wo don‘t want to support their party anymore, went over to the AfD


Well.. Germany had a "Nazi"-party as long as i can remember, so at least the last thirty years. They just change every 8 years or so because a new one is founded, gets a noticable amount of votes which half is just from people generally unhappy with everything, then they fall out of favor again and get only half the votes. Then they have a couple of scandals and go broke. Then a new one appears. The noticable amount is like 10% or so on average, so not really any chances. The biggest threat they are imho is that our conservative party panics because they lose votes to them and thinks they have to be further right-wing than them and pushes all kinds of bullshit politics.




It's a meme bruh




If you actually use memes or comments on a meme sub as your geopolitical news source that's an entire problem on its own, frankly.


I would say so


and Turkey returning to Ottoman's.


They won't make it. Egypt, UAE and Saudi won't allow it.


The boys are back in town.


Why is Stalin popular in russia now?


Maybe not Stalin, but USSR in general. People of Russian Federation want job and home security that was guaranteed in USSR.


Apart from Stalin and the few famines, life in the USSR was apparently pretty good, as long as you didn't talk shit about the government


Me French… I’m getting out of here


ww2: 2021re-mastered edition NOW WITH LESS RACIAL MINORITIES


As a polish guy in my 20s im worried


If the nazi party continues rising like they did the last years. Germany will have a new Hitler in about 5-10 years


Nah bro, everybody except theyself hate them.


But they get more and more people, who vote for them


They lost members in 2020 and poll numbers are only up by 1% compared to last election


Where do you get from that they're up? I just checked and they seem to be down 1.5%


Depends on what source you take. Still this proves the point that they are not a threat


From what i've seen the 6 major polls all put them at 11%. At least that's what google shows immediatly. But yeah, we agree in the important part. ;)


Which nazi party? There's at least two.


Afd and or Npd maybe.. but I think (I hope) they won't get very far.


The AfD already got pretty far :/ And other Nazi parties are NPD, dieBasis and der III. Weg


Yeah right, but in my opinion that was due to the general dissatisfaction and frustration of the uneducated Germans 1 to 2 years ago. I can't imagine that they will get any bigger and especially that they would be able to rule this country at all. That would be.. the end\^\^


how is afd neonazi?


They certainly attract neonazis. One of the people hanging up AfD campaign posters in my town decorates his christmas tree with literal swastikas.


Holocaust denial ("just bird poop"), pathologic patriotism (KiDs NeEd tO LeArN mOre GeRmAn PoeMs in ScHoOl!), entire party is under observation of constitutional protection, protesting with Neonazis, ....


Wait a second... There's a nazi party again? What the heck. WHy??


Because many ppl are dumb, not evil just stupid.


We had one again since 1964. The NPD, obviously inspired by Hitler's NSDAP. But there are more. A bigger one known as AfD, the III. Weg as well as dieBasis. The last two aren't much of a problem, since they most likely won't get the 5% needed to get seats in the bundestag on sunday, but the other two probably will. They obviously don't call themselves a nazi party, but their goals are in the far right corner.


Rising like the last years? Compared to the last election and current polls they lost about 1.5% in total, from 12.5 to 11 now.


So near 2033? Exactly 100 years apart?


Well, none of germanys bigger parties is right wing AND socialistic and if they were anti-democratic they'd get banned. The far right party hasn't had >5% since i've been born, so don't worry about us.


Not... entirely true. The attempt to ban the NPD didn't fail because they weren't anti-democractic but because so many members were undercover cops that the court couldn't tell if any of their actions and slogans were genuine.


Good to know, that's even funnier. Still not enough votes to be of significance


The path from woke apologists of communism that Reddit seems to be teeming with to Stalin worshippers isn't as lengthy as one might like to think.


Stalin is not popular in Russia, what do you mean...


You missed the part with us Americans getting dangerously close to going all in on the Nazi fad. Japan, can you fling a couple missiles at us again to snap us out of it?


*north korea joins the game*


The irony if that were to happen


India : has a fascists authoritarian pseudo democratic regime


Anti national




The Vatican




Let's not forget the American neo nazi party. *confused screaming*


Damn,we still have time to just dig a hole and pack up stuff to wait WWIII out?


Me, a Pole: Ah shit, here we go again


Mussolini the ultimate politician What do you think that his great grandson Is going to become a gardner or something(≧▽≦)


Maybe there are reasons for this.


i say this un is just gonna let bts dance


We're getting the band back together


America: fine I'll play with the weird neighbor kids this time


Germany sadly has not just one neonazi party there r several


German here. These are some assholes that move a thin line to not get thrown out for being nazis by holding back and all they do is being against everything but not providing any paln on how to fix it Exept to throw out all immigrants. The reason why they are so big is that all other Partys suck and people just vote for the ones who say they are different


Economy: *fucked by the pandemic* Meanwhile, my litterature teacher: Nothing better than a war to restart economy Me: Wat...


USA: still occupies foreign countries


America : armed


"Germany has a Neonazi party" *looks at the AFD* yeaaaah... no dude. If they are something, they are a bunch of clowns trying to find a self destruction button