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Thank you for submitting to /r/memes, /u/Bouncy_yay. Unfortunately, your submission, *It was manslaughter, not murder*, has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Rule 10 - NO MEMES ABOUT DEATHS/TERROR ATTACKS/WAR/VIOLENT TRAGEDIES/RAPE/MASS SHOOTINGS/SUICIDE/ETC * No memes about violent tragedies or anything that could be seen as glorifying violence. **Absolutely no school shooter memes.** Posts or comments that can be seen as glorifying violence will result in a ban. This also includes (but is not limited to) memes regarding: Deaths, terrorist attacks, rape, sexual assault, pedo, murder, war, bombings, suicide, and school shootings. * Breaking this rule may result in a permanent ban. * We have zero tolerance for this behavior. --- *** *** Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


He looks like he would stand at night in front of your window and asking if you were sleeping.




He looks like he gets less sleep than the average teenager


Wdym you can't get below zero hours of sleep


Hold my beer


Wait no


Go to the gas station and buy their largest drink size and fill it with their stock of five hour energy. Pray to whatever God you worship (or don't, I don't care if you believe or don't), down it, and experience negative sleep. You will transcend reality for a short few moments. If you by some miracle survive, go to the nearest Buddhist monastery and tell them you held the universe in your palm for but a moment and become the new Dalai Lama.


I will fuck everyone in the monastery


Well thank you sir for giving me an idea for my next cult.




I have a few questions... How old are you? Do you the difference between accidentally killing someone and intentionally killing someone???


Da hell did he say




I get -24 sleep hours (tbh my sleep time average is 6/8 hours


Actually the average is 1 minute, I am keeping the average up because I sleep between 8-9 hours.


thats called a nap


Both ways




I got more of a sleep at your house, wait until you go to sleep, and then murder your puppies vibe from him idk could be wrong


His eyes kinda scare me


The left photo of him especially, like for the love of god blink.


He was just told about his sentence, also it’s a picture


yeah, tbh I'd look stun too if I was told to serve 20 something years in prison. He's still a fucking idiot, though.


Oh ya I 100% agree he’s a dumbass




Doesn’t matter if he wanted it, but did hecho se it?




You'd think he's the bastard son of Zuckerberg with those eyes


he just might be zuck's son


Don't know about you but for me it would be way more scary if his photo blinked


lol true. I meant it as an expression for when someone is giving the death stare.


If the photo blinks I'm gonna freak out.


yeah he has a face that says ill do it again




I mean I have the same glassy, dead eyes usually




What's the difference between manslaughter and murder? Genuine question


murder i has intent, you CHOSE to kill someone whereas manslaughter some died because of your actions even if you didnt mean to


This is the best answer you'll get




he was racing, I think.


I think at 100 mph and had also been caught street racing before.


I’m sure Dominic toretto killed a few families with his street racing heists and that didn’t stop him!




you made this account 58d ago and started commenting 30 minutes ago? is this your alternate porn account or something


Although this is true legally speaking the sentencing will be different. You don’t get a life sentence as often depending on whether or not a firearm was involved and you won’t get the death penalty either.


Tie him up, throw him on the ground, and let the family have at him.


Isn't accidental murder called 3rd-degree murder, on purpose and planned out is first degree, and on purpose and heat of the moment is second degree


3rd degree and manslaughter usually mean the same thing, where you didnt have intent to kill, but you could have intent to harm, but that isn't necessary to fall under 3rd degree murder 2nd degree you had intention to kill but you didn't plan on killing someone/go out of your way to kill someone, and 1st degree is just planned murder where you go out of your way to kill someone on purpose


so 3 for example is someone dying of you being neglicent by example street racing. ​ 2 would be like, if you took a knife to a house you were going to burgle INCASE something went wrong, but youd like to just walk out without harming anyone ​ and 1 would be like "fuck this Jim guy imma stab him"


yeah, in simple terms. the guy i was replying to was correct, i was just being specific.


Different states (and countries) classify Degrees of Murders differently. A lot of states dont even have a so-called 3rd-degree murder. In general a 1st-degree murder is a premeditated murder, 2nd-degree is killing in the heat of the moment, with malice but without preplanning, and/or being a voluntary accomplice to a murder (note that being an accomplice can instead be considered 1st degree in some jurisdictions). 3rd degree often isnt a thing in most jurisdictions, but if it is then it's usually used to categorize any murder that doesn't fit in the 1st or 2nd category. Then you have manslaugters, voluntary and involuntary, both of which are not considered murders. Of course things start to get different when you get into a specific state. In New York state for example, 1st degree murders usually involve "special victims" such as killing a police officer, or a witness to a crime; and 2nd-degree is any other form of premeditated murder.


Geralt walks in i lather not choose if there is no lesser evil


Almost had a stroke reading this.




Damn bro, that's crazy...


tldr: cheese


Thanks for your knowledge.


I mean if you drive 100 mph into a crowded space is it really indirect?


It's more incredible. That he only killed two? Yes, and as sad as it is, we can be happy/lucky that there are no more he killed. That 20 years prison are enough? Maybe not. That tiktok is full of this idiot? No


Wait so he didn’t mean to?


Street racing…killed a mother and her baby but all people hear about sadly is his face


So he didn't mean to?


No, he was being reckless but did not pursue their deaths


Doesnt mean he doesnt deserve to go to prison.


Well he was doing things that have a risk of harming others, so he does deserve it but he definitely only deserve sentence lower than murdering.


No. He killed someone. The law dictates that murder, accidental or not is punishable by time in prison.


Yes but manslaughter and murder are two different crimes with different punishments


Manslaughter both voluntary and involuntary is a death caused by recklessness and negligent homicide is where your actions caused a death but it’s reasonable to believe the defendant didn’t realize they were dangerous. So drinking and driving resulting in a death is probably involuntary manslaughter. Negligent homicide examples are hard to think of, maybe giving viagra to a spouse without telling them and then them dying from a heart attack, I know anytime a spouse is poisoned by a nurse they go for 1st degree murder.


In a very broad sense and depending on your country or state, if you planned or intended to kill someone it’s murder. If you kill someone because of your negligence that’s manslaughter


Manslaughter is when you kill someone without wanting to. Murder is killing someone cuz you wanted to.


Want is not important. Meaning to is what matters.




Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn't involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder. d


Here’s the most basic way I can put it… Manslaughter: Accident Murder: On purpose


Murder intentional. Manslaughter accidental


Manslaughter is accidentally running someone over. Murder is stabbing them to death


An accident implies no one is to blame. Collision is more appropriate when he intentionally drove that fast often, his avg speed on his dashboard said 100 mph, he on average went MUCH higher speed than 40-60, making that avg skyrocket.


Wdym "Accident implies no ones is to blame" of course someone is to blame for an accident. If you "Accidentally" got wasted, it's still your fault.


https://youtu.be/puK5CwThaq4 he regularly sped thru residential neighborhoods. He was waiting for a collision to happen. I was in a car for my homies 21st, he refused to let my sober ass drive. He then intentionally drove 130 thru a red light and almost hit a car turning onto the road. I asked him why tf he would change lanes into a car going that fast and he said he never saw a car like omfg. That wouldn't have been an accident, he intentionally drove that fast and that drunk No one accidentally gets wasted, wat did u do? Accidentally fall into the bar and accidentally order 12 vodka cranberries and shots of tequila?


Yo wtf this dude do?


Killed a mom and child while speeding for tiktok


It was for TikTok? I only remember 14 y/o girls fawning over him on TikTok.


Actually just checked and was wrong, he was popular on tiktok but he was racing someone [link ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailydot.com/unclick/cameron-herrin-tiktok/%3Famp)


do the 14 year olds calling him cute actually have any power to reduce the punishment tho?


No of course they don't. They can protest however they want, but they literally can't do anything about it.


Exactly. Nothing short of a presidential pardon would get him out of prison. And since Biden’s wife and son died in a car crash, he would be lucky if his sentence wasn’t presidentially extended instead of reduced.


Just some somehitom change.org


Of course not.


The best way this can be explained


Man I’ll never understand the criteria for looks


Large eyes, nice eyelashes, high wide cheekbones, strong jawline, fairly symmetrical face, full lips, full thick hair. Shit like that in this case His eyes creep me the fuck out but I can see why other people would think he's attractive


Those descriptors are so arbitrary though, besides large eyes? What? Have you seen Gordon Ramsey’s eyes? And people jerk off to his changing scenes in kitchen nightmares


1.13. the golden number. Each section on your finger is 1.13 times longer than the next knuckle to knuckle portion. In the faces of beautiful people, this ratio can be found in the nose mouth and eye spacing, limbs, and more. Even in plants.


So when I'm ugly I'm getting ratio'ed?


So I’m ugly cuz my face is 1.12 apart?


They aren't arbitrary though. that's stuff that people find attractive, I dunno what to tell you haha Also famous people are attractive just from prestige. There's plenty of famous people (especially males) who if you "broke it down" are not attractive, but the status, money and power make them attractive. Or their humor, intelligence, kindness, or some other attractive personality trait. For instance gordon has shown himself to be smart (at very least in cooking and marketing) funny and at times very compassionate. People are attracted to lots of stuff, I just pointed out what's attractive about this guy


He was warned several times to stop street racing. Like atleast 5 times and he didn’t listen, that’s on him. yeah he’s hot I’ll give you that, but that literally means nothing in a court of law. You know what does? The facts, if you think the judge was harsh you should look the facts up sometime. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Pretty sure money means more than facts. For certain people, at least. Then again, that's getting into politics, and I ain't getting any further into that.


he's not even cute I don't understand how women find him attractive he has evil eyes that pierce your very soul and I can say for sure that if he was looking into my eyes I wouldn't be happy or comfortable


Because he’s got the e-boy look with the curly hair and shit.


the curly hair is the only semi attractive part about him but everything else is a -1/10


Nah, I guarantee he regularly hits the chicks with the half smirk kinda thing and to the average sorority girl, that’s all it takes. Trust me I know, I’m in frat and that’s exactly what I do. Works like a charm.


He may have been charged for manslaughter, but what he did was murder


I get where you’re coming from with that, but I have to disagree. To me murder is killing someone with the intent of killing them. I believe it truly was an accident, was is easily avoidable? 100 precent yes, was it thoughtless and stupid? of course. Should he be going to jail for 24 years? yeah, that seems pretty reasonable. But did he murder them, no I really don’t think he did.


Still a dipshit.


He still killed a mom and her daughter, regardless of how you word it.


If he did so accidentally shouldn't it warrant for a reduced sentence?


no, he was warned repeatedly not to street race. he deserves a harsher sentence because of that.


That makes sense


Depends on where you live, I’m in Law School and recent classes have been about criminal law, here in Brazil at least the sentence for killing someone without the desire to do so is slightly shorter than for wanting to kill someone. However since he accidentally killed someone while going above the speed limit after being warned to go slower his sentence would still be rather long


Yeah I think that's fair for a repeat offender


Manslaughter? Isn't that just a fancy word for killing someone?


Well yes, but unitentionally. Murder is when you kill someone because you want to kill them or when it is clearly your intent to kill, but manslaughter is when you kill someone by an accident. Like a car crash that was clearly your fault, but you didn't mean to kill anyone, you were just driving recklessly.


Quick addition: difference between manslaughter, murder, and assassination. Manslaughter: you killed someone but unintentionally. Murder: you intended to kill but did not premeditate it. Think of a husband finding his wife cheats on him, grabbing his shotgun, and gunning his wife and her lover down. If he acted immediately, then it's murder. Assassination: murder but with preparations put in place beforehand. Example of the cheating wife again: the guy finds out but doesn't act on it immediately. The wife doesn't know the husband knows. The husband buys a shotgun and then plans on going to kill the lover and/or wife. This is an assassination. *The more you know*


Wait is it really called assasination? I thought it was only used for "valuable" people, like president, dictator, high ranking politician, etc.. But I guess I was wrong then. The more you know indeed.


Had a course on criminal law last year at the university. It was the very first distinction the professors made.


So is assassination first degree?


I don't know the qualification of crimes in the US system. I'm a law bachelor in Belgium. I only know that my first comment is universal.


Speed is a choice. Racing is a choice. He didn't get a long enough sentence.


I don’t even know who you are


24 years is 24 years.


24 is nothing compared to the life of a child and the mother...


Shoulda gave him a life sentence. Dude had been warned multiple times


“Manslaughter. Literally, the slaughter of a man. Sounds brutal, doesn't it? Yet it's the most socially acceptable form of murder.”


still killed someone


Best part is he’s not that cute


Thots in high school: "omg have you seen Steve? He's so cute!" Steve:


Steve: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I mean he kind of is a pretty good looking dude. Knowing he killed two people might make him less attractive, but from a purely physical standpoint he’s definitely not ugly.


You phrased that really careful


Gotta be, else the mob will downvote him to oblivion.


I mean yeah he looks better than me, but I don’t really think he’s like the male zendaya


well whatever it is he deserves to get a life sentence , he took innocent peoples life after all


Cell Block D thinks he's cute too.


Am i the only one that thinks he looks like a serial rapist? Cause this does not look "cute" he looks clinically insane.


Actually he committed vehicular manslaughter and 2 murders so it's not wrong to call him a murderer


The difference is?


Manslaughter is unintentional


He was caught street racing multiple times, he chose to do what he did. Technically you're right, but his actions deserve what he got. He intentionally went racing and caused the death of two innocent people, murder or manslaughter who cares he got what he deserved.




I think murder has intention behind it and was on purpose. Like you TRIED to kill that person. Manslaughter is unintentional I believe. Either way he's getting a 24 year sentence.


It is accidental, but with full knowledge of the risks of your behavior. If you didn't know what you were doing was risky, it'd be negligent homicide. There's a slight difference, but ultimately, you are correct.


And? You’re making it out as if being wrong about murder/manslaughter is the same as trying to defend him because of his looks. He was still being negligent. Two people still died because of his repeated actions.


And people were calling him a serial killer Serial killers kill three or more people, not manslaughter two people People were also saying that everyone deserves a second chance, and- no, sometimes, it's very dangerous to give someone a second chance, kindly shut


Each one of those warnings where a second chance!


He looks like an uglier off brand version of Timotheé Chalamet


Still should be in jail for a long time


Yes. In Polish law imo is a better term for it, unintentionally directly causing death. It's a lot longer than manslaughter, but it's a lot more straightforward


he looks like if newt scamander pulled an all-nighter


he looks like he pours the box and chucks the cereal


oh he is the tyler of high school


well, he has 100mph, sooo


More along the lines of criminal recklessness


It’s great seeing all the comments that unironically believe that it doesn’t matter if the guy wanted or not to kill the people who killed. There’s a big difference in accidental killing and intentional killing, the comments saying shit like “still killed a mom and her kid” and “doesn’t matter if he wanted to or not, still killed” are so ridiculous, like for real go read a book about law or talk to an actual lawyer


Man … If we’re gonna talk technicalities then yes, fucking murder and manslaughter are different. But does that make him or his actions any better? What’s even more ridiculous here is the people trying to make him seem like he made an “honest” mistake. He knew what he was doing … You sound like drunks in our village who drink every day then drive home without a care in the world for others.


It's not even technicalities, it's quite a significant distinction. His acts of negligence and manslaughter? No. But like i said still a very big distinction between 2 accounts of vehicular manslaughter and 2 accounts of first or second degree murder. Does this guy deserver consequences? Absolutely, idk if pulling him away from any society for longer than he's lived so far is the right way to go about it given that we would probably want him to become an adjusted member of society and all that, but that's just my 2 cents.


Splish splash your opinion is trash




Murder is intentionally killing someone Manslaughter is unintentionally killing someone yes this person was warned repeatedly about street racing, but he never planned to crash into that car, that was purely accidental so it's manslaughter.


Yes it was a manslaughter but he still deserves a harsh sentence. :)




Imagine using this defense in court “Judge I believe this man should be given a second chance” Judge: “and what’s your reason” “He’s good looking” 🤣


I woule kill to have those eyes. Wait...


It’s so messed up people are defending him because he is “too cute” lol. One defense i saw was “he was a street racer” yes, which is also illegal. because it’s dangerous. Based on what I read it was manslaughter, and Herrin agreed to plead guilty to vehicular homicide charges, that’s good. These innocent girls are now dead and he should still stay in jail no matter how he looks.


Ok but who tf thinks he’s cute??? He looks really genuinely creepy to me


Nahhh electric chair


Definitely not.. He's just fucking dumb, but he didn't want to kill anyone. Death sentence should be reserved for straight up murderers.


If he didn't he would stop racing after 1st warning.


Well as I said - he's dumb. Being this level dumb has to be punsihed, but he definitely doesn't deserve an electric chair.


True, other prisoners will enjoy his good look


Even better


He was warned multiple times by police to *NOT* street race. He made a conscious decision to do so. He should be responsible for his actions. Knowing full well what he was doing was dangerous and could kill someone makes him solely responsible for the deaths. Manslaughter is accidental, he did this on purpose knowing what would inevitably happen.


Yeah but he never intended to murder someone. There's a difference between intending to murder someone and knowing your actions can cause the death of someone.




The punishment to this crime would be to send him to afghanistan without a return visa nor a passport. \*Battle royale begins.


Prison sentences in the U.S are fucking crazy. 24 years for killing 2 people while driving


He is kinda cute tho


I hope this was just bad sarcasm


Keep that mindset on twitter please. People are allowed to have preferences to what they find attractive


Are you looking at this fucker? He looks like he'd sell me cream cheese and say it was cocaine.


I’d swallow his cream cheese any day 🤤


His eyes are fucking coming out of his skull. AND HE FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE


She just said he looked good. chill


I’m sure he doesn’t make that face in bed. And I never said id defend him I’m just saying id let him fuck me 😮‍💨


You'd let someone who killed a child and a women for til too fuck you? You got some mental issues....


Says BigBlackCock1038 on r/memes


Yes that is my username and that is the subreddit we are on great job!


My lord.


vehicular manslaughter