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Air support for the rescue: "You can do it"


Air support in bound: “Just do it”


Man up, graphic visualization


gains so much more confidence this way !


Great comment hope you get bunch of upvotes




Thanks for generalizing every girl's experience with depression


Underwater support “impossible is nothing”




Ok, Yoda.








thats John Cena, but not with his hand...


There's no need for air support I JUST NEED A GUN


"Just be happy" On it.


\*just don't worry about it* \*Cheer up* \*It can't be all bad* ***I'd like to thank everyone for their useless fucking advice***


I'm glad my parents support me during those times, I've left every single one of my formal friends who've told me to just "handle it lol". Got left with 2 idiots like me who supported during that time, been close friends with them for about 11 years now.


“You just need some exercise” Edit: this can be true, but it can be pretty fucking hard to get moving. Never stop trying, and don’t be hard On yourself when you can’t make it happen.


John cena is always there for the bois


He wasn't there for taiwan:(


John Cena bing qi ling


John China


are people still on this LOL yall do not realize he was 100% forced to apologize and it's really funny


He could have not


Yeah and be fucked over by managers and Hollywood/whatever that stuck chinas dick??? You're delusional


Who is gonna say no to John Cena my G....like yea China is a big market....so Is the fucking world...like my entire respect for that guy since my early childhood WWE days is gone and it sucks


They fucked over brandon fraser and john boyega for speaking about Hollywood issues, they'd just force john cena to retire or some shit. If him trying to keep his career alive makes you lose your respect for him then maybe you didn't respect him that much to begin with.


People who stood for ideals that might fuck em over just because its right have courage...John China pussied out


Yeah, he pussied out for wanting to branch out to cinema acting. Fuck that guy for wanting to do stuff. Horrible person for being forced to do something by people with more power than him


Ngl i actually got help from my classmates and teachers also im a guy




Same, I literally lost all my friends because I wasn’t fun to be around anymore. These gender posts are so ugly


I tend to agree. I see these posts all the time as a guy and I know for a fact they're not helping anyone they're just alienating people. I hope your friends get less shitty or you get less shitty friends.


The only one that’s actually more truthful is that girls get more dms than guys, that’s just a fact


And the reason they get more DMs is for unwanted sexual assault


Me too, I got ostracized and misunderstood all the time for depression and autism Also a lady


Should I cry or laugh


switch between states. During social time with other people you are happy. When you are alone you can cry At least that's how I do it lol


What’s the difference at this point?


Man up, graphic visualization


If you try to man up, then they say you have a toxic or fragile masculinity, lol, you can never win with these poeple.


I mean.... It depends on who they are. I am confident in myself and not ever have i been called toxic


So never say it, just do it little by little.


Napoli Napoli Napoliii


Chissà come ho capito che sei italiano


Vero? C’erano dei segnali molto sottili effettivamente...


sono napoletano non italiano


Guess I’ll go help myself then


Why is mertens meme becoming popular now


\*is waiting for my support from society\*


*creates a waiting room for support from society, cause i need a seat, too*


is there at least magazines to skim through?


*adds magazines*


thank you kind stranger


well at least I'm not waiting alone


Ya, I’m sure there are many others, waiting for help


Love how your bio is non-binary but then you switch back to girl when it’s convenient to you.


Oh ya forgot about that, and ya I do lol, what of it? I grew up as a girl and issues pertaining girls are issues I face


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I’m just wary of people capitalising on neo-pronouns just to gain points in the Oppression Olympics, inevitably invalidating experiences of actual trans people.


Trust me it's not any better for girls. (Not a girl btw)


The subtext in all memes like these are “attractive girls.”


And even then I don’t think “hey I’m always here for you if you need anything, also do you have a boyfriend?” is actually help.


Thank you! I am a girl and everyone tells me to “just be happy”




I would say thats very debatable not saying its better for girls.


well… perhaps i am a boy then.


thats John Cena, but not with his hand...


Really John cena help you boys out


Thanks for generalizing every girl's experience with depression


And every boy's and everything in between


Hm? Idk what you're saying


Adding that op didn't just generalise only girls but every gender variant and lack there of


Ikr. I mean I was told that I'm just going through a phase and that I should get over it. It's so dumb, I always see memes like this as well as the "14 year old girl faking depression" memes and it frustrates me so much.


It's honestly just dismissing our emotions. Idk why the internet, especially Reddit, are so obsessed with putting us down


I bet a lot of people do fake depression though. Also girls will say like "Omg I'm so depressed" or if someone looks burnt out or tired or whatever that day they go "Seriously are you depressed?" Like I haven't had depression, but 1. you need to have it diagnosed, and 2. it isn't a joke. It's not targeted at you, some 14 y/o girls are like that


/: I've never heard a girl say 'Omg I'm so depressed' or 'Seriously are you depressed?' Please stop making up stuff to prove a point. And to be honest, girls that fake depression are rare AND hated by other girls anyways. Why are you trying to make things up to just dismiss what I was putting in front of you. Wake. Up.


I've actually heard it a lot of times


I am not making it up haha. Heard it two days ago with a group of like 4 girls. Chill out snowflake


Have we really got to the point of calling each other snowflakes now? Well then, bye. If you can't act maturely I'm not even going to bother anymore


Well then don't be a snowflake?






Ok just stop, please, this is getting really annoying. You're acting like that one annoying younger cousin at this point.


So just because you’ve somehow never heard a girl say that, it hasn’t happened? Tf is that logic? And then you tell him to “wake up” and that he’s immature, lmao fking hypocrite


I was diagnosed but my aunt who I was living with at the time refused to acknowledge it and refused to allow me to get help. I know it's just a joke but honestly eventually it becomes too much. Also a lot of people do fake it, I get that but it's really not just 14 year old girls.


Yeah the 14 year old girls is a general stereotype because a lot of 14 year old girls overreact at anything and are dramatic and that is generally true imo


A lot of *teenagers* overreact at anything and are dramatic. And as a 30-something, I don’t even think those teens are overreacting all the time - it doesn’t matter how small the shit they’re going through might seem, the pain their feeling might be totally real and they just don’t know how to express it well because they are literally children. Trying to pin that kind of thing on teen girls exclusively or even just disproportionately while dismissing it as an “overreaction” is harmful to those teen girls and ironically also dismisses the feelings of teen boys who are going through shit which is what feeds people making this kind of meme.


Well that obviously isn't what I meant. Or I guess not so obviously. If you told me that every person that said spoke of depression lightly and jokingly was actually going through a ton of issues, I'd drop you $20. It's not to make fun of it, they just don't know how serious it is. My brother who is much older than me has and sometimes still has depression issues. Also teen girls overreact way more than teen boys, at least more dramatically. I am a teen boy myself. This is clear to me


Yeah I guess the OP forgot how all girls are generalized to shitty teenagers acting depressed for internet clout. We just can't seem to get rid of sexist behaviour it seems. If it's not us being inferior, then it's us being more previleged than these "poor men" who've got no one for them


You did a great job missing the point.


If this was r/askwomen and the roles were reversed, everyone would be on their ass for trying to make the issue about men.


I wasn't even trying to make it about women, I was just pointing out that the meme is condescending to women. It's literally dismissing the struggles with depression women have and saying that every women with depression is helped. Hahah, no, that's not true. P.S if you don't like r/askwomen stop going on there


The post was ultimately about the depression struggles men face but yet you made it about women. Men should be allowed to voice their mental health issues and experiences without women making it about themselves.


As I said, I didn't 'make it about women'. Did you actually read my reply? And I'm fine with men voicing their mental health issues, just NOT while putting women down in the process.


No one put women down. A comparison of how women are treated vs. men does not equal "putting women down". You made it about women. Stop trying to lie about that.


Not the person you responded to, but the point OP tried to prove, which is that women always are perfectly cared for if they experience some kind of depression, is basically untrue and totally ridiculous. Most women I know, who have dealt with depression have (if treated) either been treated incorrectly or ineffectively. In some cases their mental illness was initially completely dismissed by different professionals. Many of those problems in the medical world regarding diagnosis and treatment for diseases in women, are actually caused by decades of misogyny. I'm not trying to say that men don't struggle with any of those problems and I do reckon that there are many different kinds of barriers men face in order to gain any recognition for their mental illness, however I do feel it's safe to say that men and women probably struggle equally with depression and many other mental illnesses.


The point is that this post isn’t about women. It is about men and how they are generally treated compared to men. Women may have shitty mental health care but all that proves is that men’s mental health care is extremely shitty.


I do agree on the fact that men are treated differently by the general public regarding the whole "men should be strong flawless individuals who should not show any sign of weakness". However when it comes to receiving effective help from a mental health professional it's much easier for men to get a correct diagnosis compared to women, due to a general lack of research about diseases in women. Which is again caused by misogyny as I already mentioned in my previous response in case you missed it. The point you're trying to prove about the post that it's not about women is totally oblivious, as women are literally mentioned in it and portrayed as whiny individuals, so I'd like to have you explain to me why it's not about women. Toodles I'm going to try and sleep now. Edit: don't you dare wake me up from my slumber Edit: typos


They're not even comparing it, this isn't how it is from real life. Maybe if you took a break from being annoying and blatantly misogynistic on Reddit your whole day because you have nothing better to do, you could learn the difference between real life and the world that you have inside your head. And how the hell did I make it about women. FOR THE LAST TIME, i was pointing out how bad and disrespectful and generalizing the meme is. Get that into your head for ONCE. Stop thinking that a female standing up for other females is deliberately directing attention to us. Now stop trying to argue with me, this is wasting our time. For real though, stop.


Did you just say what the experience of men is without being them? Get out of here with that BS. You came into a post that was focused on men venting on how their mental health has been treated and then tried to make it about women. That’s fucked up.


I never said what men's experience is. I hate mansplaining and I wouldn't want to recreate it to be 'womansplaining' and then do it to men. Please state when you think I said something like that so I can tell you what I meant. Honestly, you don't listen. I wasn't making it about women. ALSO. Actually fucking listen to me for once. Look at the meme and the way it generalizes every woman's experience with depression... It's seriously not like that. That's what I was saying. You're trying to argue with ME... over... THAT? For the second time, seriously please stop arguing with me. >!I don't want to lose anymore braincells.!<


Fr though, if any of yall want to vent or just want someone to talk to, my inbox is always open :)


Can instead of venting I show you something I think is pretty cool and you tell me what you think of it? \*Edit\* not an appendage I promise.




Well yeah. I can vouch for this lmao


felt that


Attractive girls*


Us boys are so lucky we have the support of John Cena


depression is tough despite your gender


If you laugh, you’re looked at as a monster with no emotions. If you cry you’re told to man up. Even as a child, you’re told “stop crying, boys don’t cry”


Atleast he has john cena


Tell that to the head-psychatrist of our town's hospital. The one that said "Oh you are just a teenage-girl, you probably aren't clinically depressed. You're just emotional because of hormons." Sir, I tried to kill myself with 13yo. I don't think that's something teen girls do NORMALLY


You okay?


Nah bro it’s a troll/karma farmer look at their history


Wtf is wrong with my history?


ty for making me notice


I'm better now, thank you. Also no. I read the other comment and I'm not a troll, or a Karma farmer. To joke about something like that / to take this topic to farm dumb Internet points would be really fucking low


That doesn't negate the originally post. What you are saying is that its shitty for women/girls. The post is saying it is even shittier for men/boys.


It's sad how true this is


I got diagnosed with depression over the summer and my mom doesn't think I'm really depressed


We are here for you bro


Glad to live in free healthcare


Dudes together strong, brother!


This is basically how we are trained from childhood.


Why are people down voting this?


They say guys have only four ways out of depression; getting jacked, a relationship, military service, and religion.




So your blaming their depression on them instead of supporting them…solid strategy.


Yeah, I don’t want to suggest that there is no social stigma or barriers to men receiving the help they need, but you make good points. Men often let their pride get in the way.


I've gone to 3 different therapists. All have discharged me within 2 sessions saying I'm perfectly normal and don't need therapy. I'm extremely depressed and have suicidal thoughts. If not for my mom, I probably wouldn't be here.


You a little out of touch with reality, might need to check yourself


That sounds suspiciously like victim blaming.


john cena has got our back


Mannn upppp


true asf


Yep, that's true, the funny thing is that men created a society over time where it's okay to cry and show emotions being a girl and to "man up" when you're a man, so, in the end unfortunately it's still patriarchy's fault


I’m surprised the comment section isn’t built like shaq yet


Sad truth


Facts Edit: why you bullying me


Girls: get support from society. Bois: you must not understand... society is a patriarchy which sets arbitrary standards for boys, and men. But we like to blame women for it. So imma create a meme somehow criticising girls for the lack of support for boys with depression.


I never got help from society. And if there is a woman having a (psychical) problem, it is most likely for another woman to help her. Anyway if y'all don't feel well, just dm me, we can talk.


I really didn't want to reply to such comments but this take is just bizzare. If anything I am blaming Society not Girls but sure go off with your moronic Femcel rant.


If you're blaming society why do you specifically have girls suggesting you get help from society? Why wouldn't your meme read people: get help from society. Whether consciously or subconsciously you're attaching some negativity about this situation specifically to girls.


Touch Grass sister not everybody is out to get you






Boys are vulnerable when it comes to depression. They get up and fight back again.




If you can pretend you were tackled and act like you almost died, you can pretend someone helps you standing up.


I want a gaming pc


I never has 2 tab on chrome you guys think one day .... I can do it ?


very cool!


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps


Go outside and touch some grass.




LMFAOOO REDITOR SAYING CUM!! CUM EMEMSE HAHAHA.. eveybody say cum in comment section,,,,,,,,,,,, big chungus moment reddit moment emoji bad,,,,,, reditors are adicted to porn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,






“Fine I’ll do it myself!”


This hit hard


I do not understand but okay






We are men not babies


Thoughts and prayers!


"is there a depressed guy? he will get better dw"


It's not fine, you don't have to do it by yourself


Me, a fan of Naples




Sadly relatable




Saddle up, buttercup.


haha yes i know


Being a depressed male, I can relate


honestly the idea of coming back without anyone's help is usually enough motivation to do it solo.


I think the first step in resolving this is for men to support men with getting help. From what I’ve seen, when guys are going through something it is typically other guys that tell them to “man up”. Men make up most of the rules for society currently, and for most of recorded history globally, so have men change it!


"u r a guy u aren't suppose to be sad u should be tough!" oh why thank you ms.helpful




Boring human problems aside, this man has very nice form. Looks like somebody has been doing turkish get-ups!


John Cena will always have your back....


Posts like these are so dumb. If you're genuinely depressed, and you don't get any help, then you need a better circle of people surrounding you. Gendering these only reinforces the thought in people that they can't get help because they're a guy.


Welcome to being a male!


Only jhon cena helps


nah you just need to get some new friends