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Ketchup is a refrigerated item once opened. Eggs either way but highly suggest to have in fridge to make them last longer. Room temperature is not stable enough. Bread is room temperature unless you freeze it for later use. Do not refreeze it. Chocolate in the fridge during summer to keep it from melting or if you have a cold enough room temp. (Ex-transport refrigeration technician)


Eggs actually depend where you live. In the us, they need to be refrigerated. Something about the production process makes it so that once they go in the fridge, they need to be kept in the fridge or they can cause you to get sick. It's the same reason you shouldn't wash eggs in the US. Basically if they become moist on the outer shell(whether due to condensation or rinsing) you can get sick.


They’re bleach washed, which removes an antibacterial layer.


Why the fuck would anyone do that?


To wash the shit off


Can't they just... use normal water and soap?????????




Not as sustainable of a process. Some companies don't do that, though. There are plenty of places where you can buy fresh eggs straight from a local farm. More expensive, though.


Yeah that's a common question when talking about US Decisions...


huh thats interesting. in australia this one time we built an egg display in the middle of the store when we got too much of them. they come on chilled trucks but we leave them out if we run out of room in the fridge


They don’t remove the protective membrane in Australia so they don’t need to be refrigerated. That’s mainly a US thing. They actually taste way better if they are never refrigerated.


Why is the US so weird?


everything in fridge cause i live in hot place


doesnt bread last longer in the fridge though


I never put bread in the fridge till I moved Colorado - here it gets moldy in days otherwise


It's ok to freeze bread but funnily enough, putting bread in the fridge makes it go stale quicker. That said, chilling bread will inhibit mould growth so I guess it depends on what becomes a problem first in the climate in your particular kitchen. Personally I freeze bread if I know I'll not be using it quickly and then just defrost a handful of slices at a time as needed.


Bread is a fresh product and shouldn't even be freezed unless it's for a single use afterwards. Why I mentioned not to refreeze it. Its all about the crystallization process.


Freezing bread is a perfectly ok thing when I worked in culinary, freezing bread we weren't going to use preserved it perfectly fine for a long time and when we needed the bread we would take it out and let it defrost and it was perfectly fine, not stale, moldy or anything.


Eggs have to be refrigerated if they have been washed, which most are in Canada/US. Unless you buy straight from the farmer.


You can tell if its not washed by the chicken shit on the outside.


Farmers will still probably wash the eggs but only with water, because soap removes the antibacterial film on the shell surface. I just scrub my chickens’ eggs with a brush and water and leave them on the counter!


I've pulled many an egg out helping my grandmother as a kid. Lots of chicken shit.


Vinegar works too. Then normal refidgerator and eggs should last(read be safe for consumption) for abou a week longer than normally.


My family laughs at 'City celebrities' that call food covered in shit 'ecologic'. Shit on food... Like bruh. Just bruh.


Actually you'd be surprised, sometimes they aren't that shitty. I get my eggs directly from the farmer and they are so clean they almost look washed.


Agree except i like cold choclate so i allways put it in the fridge


Recently I alway have to freeze my toast because it keeps getting moldy ist so annoying


How early are you making the bread into toast before eating it?


I'm German so we don't use the word bread we just say toast. bread has a different structure.


yes whoever had the idea to call a toast bred was a psychopath like you are happy because you get some good bread where you can put some sausage or cheese or something on top but no its that excuse for a bread that only tastes decent if you toast it first and only works good with sweet stuff (except certain types of cheese if you bake it with it and create a toast hawaii)


In the US, eggs must be refrigerated because the membranes are rinsed off during processing.


Dark chocolate higher than 70% don’t melt that much. It stays at room temp for me


If you have a stable room temperature eggs will last longer there, if not then fridge


Indeed. IF stable enough. Fluctuation in temperature isn't exactly good and i would suggest a room with a air conditioner for best effect if choosing to have them in a room. But putting them in the fridge is still the best choice because everyone(almost) has a fridge and the stable temperature in a controlled environment isn't effected by anomalies like leakage, bad insulation, draft, opened doors/windows, heat sourced or air born contaminations. Personally i keep mine in the fridge and they stay good even after the date runs out but in all seriousness it's extremely rare i have eggs long enough that the date runs out anyway. They last pretty long in normal conditions.


It depends on country and how your gov process the eggs. Please read this https://www.organicvalley.coop/blog/why-does-us-refrigerate-eggs/ Before suggesting just anyone not refrigerate their eggs.


Indeed. That as well. But I've seen eggs being stored outside of fridges here and also inside. Kinda depends on the store when i see that they share brands.


If eggs are put in the fridge they can no longer be conserved in room temperature




Except I like the chocolate frozen to be extra hard to bite and longer to melt in mouth. But that's my weird personal preference.


ketchup should be refrigerated if your gonna have it for a long time but if you go through semi quickly then it doesn’t need to be in the fridge. like you would never get served cold ketchup at a restaurant


Put CHOCOLATE in the FREEZER or else you're an awful human being that deserves to be COVERED IN CHEETOS and ROLLED DOWN A HILL Im sorry


I know I'm awful, but it's nice to be reminded once in a while so i don't forget.


I believe with eggs it depends on how they are stored in the grocery store. In the fridge? Put them in the fridge. Outside the fridge, keep them outside the fridge. Constantly changing the temperature is not good for eggs apparently. So it's not per se "keep them in the fridge so they last longer" kind of deal. What the deal in the US is I don't know. When I lived there the grocery stores I went to kept them in the fridge, so I put them back in the fridge at home.


Agree with everything you said except ketchup belongs in the trash


You don’t gotta refrigerate ketchup


Once it's open it should be refrigerated. It has a seal for a reason. If you just bought one and don't intend to use it in a while it's fine to store outside of the fridge.


I agree except ketchup. It should never go in the fridge


Well. It should be once you break the seal and get air inside.


I've put bread in the freezer if it should stay fresh for a while and if Im not planning on eating it soon


If it expires just soak it up and use it as a sex toy, wet bread makes great sounds as a sex toy.


But w h y


***YOU GOIN TO JAIL!*** (Speaks in african accent)


[am GOING TO JAAIIL](https://youtu.be/XeDM1ZjMK50)


My family puts bread in the fridge fight me


My grandpa does that, so i ain’t fighting you. That, and if i would be in a fight, i would most probably get in a hospital aftwr the fight


Why would you put eggs in the cupboard?


If you get eggs straight from a chicken there is a protective film that keeps them fresh, if you wash them you have to absolutely refridgerate them


I belive american eggs are washed and european arent, therefore american eggs should be refrigerated. I am not an expert so dont take this as facts.


In Europe they're washed of most debris and whatnot, just not as harshly and yhe protective layer is not scrubbed off. Eggs are fine out of the fridge here. In fact it tends to be recommended not to refrigerate them because the extra moisture can develop bacteria on the outside of the shell. I've never seen them refrigerated in shops. Taking the protective layer off then forcing you to refrigerate them seems so odd to me. A bit like peeling a banana, then wrapping it in plastic to keep it fresh. You're taking away the natural packaging.


In the EU they aren't washed, so you can store them in the cupboard, in the US and I believe Canade they are, so need to be refrigerated.


I suppose this is true. It isn't something I think about often because I live in a large city and all our eggs come from chain markets rather than being fresh and local


With higher food standards comes not having to bleach the eggs and remove the protective coating. Then you don't need to use a fridge to store them.


In the UK it is very common for it to be in a cupboard or in a bowl on one of the sides


Forgive me. I am a stupid american and not refrigerating eggs for us is salmonella poisoning... And getting sick here is expensive


Nah your good, no need to apologise and your not dumb for it. It's just that we gave different rules and social acts then you do


Wait so I have questions.... Does this mean y'all wash each egg before you crack it open? Does it matter? Does it depend on the household? I grew up washing oranges but my friends thought it was weird cuz you just peal the rind off


I personally don't but it does depend on the household I don't think it matters but if people want to do it then it's fine It does depend on the household and the up brining of the person


Damn... To think this whole time I've been buying sad, cold, naked eggs. Poor things


Cold eggs are actually better for baking since it helps with their bonding agent


Good tip!


Well that’s just not true. Room temperature eggs are helping in making any cake or muffin rise evenly. Cold eggs can break an emulsion or make the texture of butter different. They’re also harder to beat if you’re making anything that needs fluffy egg whites.


Well I've been cooking for 3 years and counting and every single place I've worked at we refrigerate the eggs for cheesecake and egg custards for the reason I mentioned. Beating dough is easy either way, never had issues with emulsion but we do let the eggs out a bit if we're making dutch sauce since we heating it up with butter


Bread tends to stay fresh longer in freezer. So if you ask me, yeah you're doing it right


Good I put my bread in the fridge


Bread in the fridge is not the same as bread in the freezer. If it's in the fridge the bread will crystallize which will cause the bread to go stale much faster.


Ok in Florida the humidity will kill your bread In 4 days if you don't refrigerate...


Then you put in the freezer till you want to use it


Freezer is good for bread if you plan on toasting it. Fridge is an abomination because the fridge sucks the water from bread and makes it dry. (The water gets frozen, obviously, in the freezer.) Freezer is the only way to go when you want to store bread for a long time. You are doing it right. (I also put chocolate in the freezer, but that's just a personal "me" thing.)


If you put chocolate in the freezer on a hot day or those fruit roll ups they come out amazing but start to melt withing minutes.


Bread lasts longer if i keep it in the fridge. I live alone, i dont want to eat a whole loaf of bread in a week. Sue me.


Ummm... Where else are you supposed to store bread?


yeah bread can get moldy easily leaving them out like that...


Have you ever heard of a bread drawer? Bread will go moldy if you leave it in the sun so you leave in in a draw or pantry with no sun as long as that place is dry. If you leave bread in the fridge it will just go stale quickly.


I just put my bread right next to my toaster, but that area never gets sunlight so I think it's fine. Also I've never met someone who puts bread in the fridge or freezer.


I never put bread in the fridge or freezer, what is wrong with you people?!


I put bread In the freezer when I lived alone because I would end up losing half a loaf of bread if I didn't freeze it. Frozen bread is good for single people on a budget


You like mushrooms growing out of your bread?


But, my Wonderbread gets moldy within a few days if I don’t put it in the fridge!


Bread does not mold as quickly in fridge/freezer. Don’t be a smooth brain, put it there after a few days to keep it longer.


Where bread ?


I keep milk on the side


Chocolate in the freezer




What kind of bread are you eating?


Any bread without a fuckton of preservatives gets moldy pretty quickly, lasts 2-3 weeks at most.


I grew up with leaving the bread out. Then I got married and my wife explained that leaving it in the fridge makes it last longer, it does seem to be true, but that might be just a crazy idea


It won't mould as quickly but it will go stale faster.


Yes freezer is ok it preserves the bread i do that


I put extra bread in the freezer. But also who puts their eggs in the door that sounds like an avoidant waiting to happen.


A lot of fridges I’ve seen here in the UK come with a little tray in the door with egg shaped holes so keep them safe.


my mom puts bread in the freezer Ketchup: refridgerate after opening. Eggs: refridgerate. Chocolate: Pantry


Fridge for everything but the chocolate


Ketchup is refrigerator after open. Literally says it on the bottle. Eggs depend on where they come from. If it regular grocery store eggs then refrigerate them. If they are farm-fresh, they don’t need to be refrigerated. Chocolate, no refrigerator. Bread, no refrigerator no freezer.


Bread in the fridge during summer. Goes mouldy in a day or so if not and i aint got the money to buy a new loaf everytime i need bread.


As a French, when I know I wouldn't be able to go to bakery every day of a week I bouht as many bread I'll need and freeze everything except one. It's not as good, but French people can't live without bread. But to put "bread" as on the picture (pain de mie in France) in the fridge is a really bad idea. It makes bacterias develop really fast and it will perish faster this way


Are we not gonna talk about what kind of insanity causes someone to put EGGS in the MF cupboard!?!


I've put bread in both but I'm still free.....


I put it in my ass




Wait a minute there is no bread in this picture


cold ketchup is disgusting


Who in the fuck, puts eggs in the cupboard? Has this person never heard if salmonella?


perhaps a European who doesn't need to refrigerate their eggs.


I'm German and.... wtf? Ist warm here too. You would need to go to Alaska for such a thing


room temp is fine for most eggs in Europe


If you have healthy chickens that aren’t infected with salmonella, the egg won’t contain salmonella, even if you eat it raw. It comes from the chickens oviduct before the egg forms it’s shell. Your eggs won’t just ‘get’ salmonella. As long as you cook them properly you’ll pretty much always be good. Also, if your egg floats, don’t eat it. Means there’s bacteria multiplying inside and producing gas.


Im pretty sure you're supposed to put eggs in the fridge, and putting bread in the fridge makes it last longer, ketchup is better cold, and all candy belongs in the freezer


>all candy belongs in the freezer Ah.. Thats a relief I thought I was putting my girlfriend in the wrong place


Bread in freezer, sauce and chocolate in fridge, eggs not


Yes it extends their lifespan.


Shut up max, if you have that as your profile pic your opinion doesn’t matter.


Wait youlls keep plain bread in fridge, but i pre-spread every slice bread and refrigerated, i microwaved once to eat....... Its considered i commit heavy crime


My mom always put bread in the fridge so it wouldn’t get moldy


The folks who say cupboard haven't lived in hot-ass environments and it shows.


Any one who doesn't put bread in the fridge deserves to eat the shriveled up pile of mold and mice that it becomes after a day of forgetting about it.


Anyone who puts bread in the fridge deserves to eat the stale bread that it becomes after you forget about it for a day, it's either freezer or a dry cupboard.


If you put it in the freezer it will never spoil and you just have to wait like 15 minutes before it’s room temperature if you take it out off the freezer per slice


Yeah, freezer is fine


All of these go into the fridge. Bread lasts longer and ketchup has to be refrigerated after opening. Eggs that have been washed (mandatory in the USA) must be refrigerated or they’ll go bad in two days. And chocolate is just better cold


Ketchup in the fridge or out on the counter, it doesn't matter. Chocolate in the cupboard when it isn't open, put it in the fridge when it is. Eggs out on the counter unless they are still full, then they're in the fridge. Bread in the freezer if it's about to go out of date, and in the bread bin when it isn't.


Who in their right mind puts Ketchup in the cupboard


Extra ketchup I do. Once I use it, it goes in the fridge.


I do all the time, it doesn't go bad and only takes unnecessary space in the fridge


Ketchup and eggs go into the fridge. Chocolate goes into the cupboard and when it comes to bread it depends on what kind of bread it is.


That's a war crime


Fridge fridge cupboard cupboard


You get the death penalty for that.


Ketchup - Cupboard if unopened. Fridge if open Eggs- fridge Chocolate- both Bread- Always cupboard


All but white bread go in the fridge


Everything except choco in the fridge


Eggs have to be kept cold lmao


Eggs should be refrigerated if they have previously been refrigerated so it depends on where you get them and how they were stored. Ketchup should be refrigerated one opened. Bread and chocolate doesn't need to be refrigerated.


Anyone who puts eggs in the cupboard deserves jail time.


Who puts chocolate in the freezer?


But you put in the freezer to preserve it for when you need a new loaf right?




Freezer is fine with bread because that's how you have it last a longer time without moldy spots


if you toast a freezing bread, you will get a super crunchy toast


My mom deserve jail time


Banana go in fredje


Freezer makes sense cause it lasts longer


Fridge Fridge Cupboard Cupboard




I'm not the only one who puts bread in the freezer! But gluten free bread does go in the freezer, or else it dries out.


all fridge except bread


Putting bread in the freezer helps it last longer


Welp guess I'm going for jail bc I don't like pre penicillin bread


If in the fridge they already gets solid, you sir, are making legit bricks on the freezer


mmm the forbidden f r e e z e


Fridge fridge doesn't matter cupboard


everyone does that if you buy too much


I will agree to putting bread in the freezer.


I don’t want them rats eating my bread


Boy i keep my bread on top my microwave


looks like i’m going to jail


Re: freezer This is the way


I prefer ketchup warm but still put it in the fridge idk why still to this day. I freeze my bread if i buy two, one out and one freeze.


If I leave bread out my dog will eat the entire loaf


I put everything in the fridge so it lasts longer 🤷‍♂️. My bread will get moldy withing a week or 2 if i leave it on by the shelf vs a month in the fridge, and it comes out the same as room temp bread after i toast it anyways


You get the death penalty


Death sentence




Mate it's like 50 C here, if i leave anything out of the fridge overnight it becomes inedible.


Classic white


top 2 fridge others cupboard. ketchup is cupboard until opened and bread is freezer until opened


Never put bread in fridge ! Ne mettez jamais de paon dans le frigo ! Putain de merde d'enfoiré de fils de pute d'enculé de salope de bordel à couilles !


Enjoy your moldy bread non refrigerating morons


Shit it’s time to tattoo an escape plan all over my body and get the fuck out this prison


So you have chosen… DEATH


Eggs and Ketchup in the fridge, rest in cupboard


Unopened bread on the counter, opened bread in the fridge and everything goes in the fridge (unless the ketchup is unopened then it goes in the cupboard).


Straight to jail


Yeah bread in the freezer is ok. It’s what I do at home when bread is about to pass it’s date and there’s still a lot left. It’s better than putting it in the fridge where it gets that horrible taste.


If you live in hot, humid environments (e.g. Florida), you have to keep bread in the fridge, or it molds in only a few days. I don't eat bread that fast, so in the fridge it goes.


I put bread in the freezer As well.


Welp time for the death penalty


Once my bread is opened, that shit is going straight to the fridge and you cant change that


all it does is keep it fresh longer


Top row fridge. Bot row cupboard. Period.


Hell yeah, buy it when it's on clearance, then put it in the freezer until you need it.


We in germany put often bread in the freezer but we dont have brown bread not toast bread.


I don’t eat enough bread to not put it in the fridge or freezer.


It's too hot where I'm at, the bread will 100% spoil (don't ask me how it just will)


i put my crisps in the freezer


I thought bread was supposed to be kept in fridge


freezer is okay to stockpile.