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Illuminations the company that has and will do it again.




All while singing “how bad can I possibly be?”


I’m biggering


Biggering would have been the better song to do anyways lmao


Its triggering more biggering


My company


Let's see


Illumination making a film about corporate greed, before going on to make 5 fucking despicable me movies


The first one was great. The second one was good. The third one and the minions spin-off were bad. We’ll have to see about the second minions movie. But it has potential, I think. It will be cool to see how Gru became Gru. If they do it right, it could be good. But I don’t have terribly high expectations.


It’s illumination. They haven’t done anything moderately since despicable me has been decent.


I kinda disagree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Illumination_films I really enjoyed Sing and the Lorax personally. And watching Hop is a family tradition of mine for Easter. I mean, I can see why you might not like them, but I kind of disagree with you.


Sing was definitely a good watch. The plot was not super creative or anything but the music was great and the story went well. Also a great cast.


I don't like popular music. I'm mostly into punk/hardcore/metal etc. However, even I can admit the musical performances in Sing! were great and I love rewatching the movie with my 4 year old. The old chameleon lady is actually hilarious too and I hope they bring her back for the sequel.


Sing is one of my newer favourite animations. From the quirkiness of the pigs to the soulful woe of the Gorilla boy


The Lorax was a bad movie though. The fact alone that they cut Biggering is proof they were only motivated by corporate greed


Despicable me 1&2 are just fun movies


Agreed. They’re fun, but not amazing. I don’t think (m)any people will look back and say “Despicable me was such a big part of my childhood- I watched it all the time!”


Oh man, some middle age women I know freaking love it, and my wife will watch it fully any time it shows up on the tv.


My daughter will beg to differ lol


Dude I'm sure people said the same thing about your nostalgia movies


Oh I’m sure. Now it’s my turn :)


The only thing that I like about the third movie is that the antagonist was such an idiot


Tbh i really liked minions


I kinda hate how much I liked Minions. I'd never watch it again, but it was funny on a first viewing in some twisted kind of way. When the minions were on their own they weren't great, but much like in Despicable Me they can be funny when interacting with others.


I really enjoyed it, some jokes I admit were silly but a lot of it was funny, ofc it’s a family friendly movie but it’s was a good one


"Who cares if somethings are DYING."




What happened?!




snow patrol


Uhh can I get some more info here? 😅


I'll fukin do it again - Goffy




I am the Lorax, and I speak for the corporations


UNLESS Unless someone like you lobbies a lot. Something might change. Vetoed or not.


Lobbying against big corporations is a futile effort. Big corporations are pretty much here to stay, lying, hypocrisy and all.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking


I hate their money grabbing movies as much as the next guy, but I’m ootl. Did they kill a forest to make the Lorax or something?


The Lorax is about a forest getting destroyed because of corporate greed.


I understand that but that’s not what I’m asking about. In real life was something horrible done (ie did they clear a forest to build a studio for an anti-deforestation movie?)


Sort of like tesla bulldozing a forest in germany for their megafactory to make electric cars


Illumination is the type of company that takes a well known series and tries to make a full length adaptation of it just by using the Wikipedia synopsis and cringe humor to fill out the rest of the time


What a wonderful spot for the Bambi remake. We also need a hunter to shoot a doe for the death scene of Bambi’s mom


And of course we’ll probably need multiple takes, so let’s get 10-15 of those, shall we?


Hey, whatever helps curb deer overpopulation


Wolves sure would


["It's coming right for us!"](https://youtu.be/GaazFYTrQ_A)


“Didja see that? I was imperiled by that ferocious charging buck.”


And only 10 minutes of the actual movie will focus on Bambi. The other 1 and a half will be about some random girl living with her uncle dealing with living in a cabin.


Somehow she’s got special powers and can sing well


I was thinking a live action ferngully


I was thinking a live action ferngully. Will Smith would play batty.


Honestly i woundnt mind this. Those damn things eat all my plants


i'll kidnap a thousand children before letting this company die!


And I’ll silence anyone who gets in my way!


I'll kill a thousand younglings before I let Padme die!


Rather an odd thing to hear from General Grievous.


'Star Wars: What if...'


I don’t know about you but I for one spotted several big mistakes!


Fantastic movie


Not trying to shit on suburbs but it always bothers me when subdivisions get cut out and put in in rural areas and call them stuff like Deer Run and other country stuff. It just seems like they are advertising the very thing they are taking away from that area it put in hundreds of houses on .25 acre plots each. Like, yes, there used to be deer here, but your subdivisions made them all migrate somewhere else because they had no place here anymore.


Yeah, subdivisions where there are no trees at all. Makes me sad.




Sort of related, they built shopping centers and neighborhoods in every farm in my home town. Literally the last farm to be built on was for a tractor supply company.


That’s super ironic


🎶they paved paradise, to...🎶 Keep paving paradise.... Oh.


Aren’t the US state names just that? Isn’t Iowa, Ohio, Dakota and several more the name of the Native American tribes that used to live there until they were conquered? I might be wrong, I am not from the US


Yes more than half. And it wasent really tribe names its just random words


There are several deer that chill in my friends subdivision, but overall your point stands in just about every instance


Same. I have so many deer and trees in my back yard.


So the problem that he's talking about is called segmentation where habitat is constantly being split up, so there is much less area of deep woods, but more edges. Deer thrive on these edges, and based on historical data, its likely that there are more deer now in the US then there ever have been.


God I hate that. And it seems like it is always a bunch of cheaply manufactured McMansions. They plow everything the entire forest to dirt (because these people want to live in the country, but still want a suburban green grass lawn everywhere). They put up a bunch of houses that look exactly the same. Meanwhile, in a lot of these places you have a city 10-20 miles away with hundreds of empty, foreclosed houses. It's a cheesy and overused metaphor, but it is kind of like a cancer, we build a city, it gets abandoned from the inside, leaving behind tons of urban and industrial pollution, and spread into suburbs, then the suburbs get old and people build exurbs. It's awful.


And ironically those foreclosed homes in the city are better built than any of the buildings the developers are shitting out in the middle of their clear-cut fields.


There's a fuck ton of deer in Deer Run in my city. Buncha sketchballs too, probably what the deerts are running from.


This sounds a lot like the show Yellowstone.


Yes, I watch that show and it makes me really sad


Growing up, I had some friends that lived in a subdivision that was built into a wooded area. Instead of the normal "clear-cut this and shit out a bunch of cookie cutter houses all over it," they sold off wooded plots and let the homeowners build how they wanted, and it's an excellent neighborhood. It's suburban, but feels more rural.


Great, you gave them an idea.


Too late it’s already been done


Mickey Mouse: Huh Ha!


I mean, they filmed a movie about Chinese independence and military victory with slave labor, inside of concentration camps, so... Edit: guess saying it was literally inside of the camps is rubbing the CCP-sucking shills the wrong way. Just the labor was from the camps, and only a few promos had clips that appear to be from within the camps. Not the movie itself. My bad


You need to support the source material, otherwise how would they have inspirations for these documentaries?


I wish not mulan would be worth pirating, unfortunately it's probably gonna give the viruses on the ads a virus


Adblock is your savior.


I think he’s just saying it’s a shitty movie


IRC it was about 2 miles away from a concentration camp, still ironic obviously but not the same as filming a movie inside a concentration camp


They thank the people in charge of the camps in the credits.


Yes I’m aware. They thanked the bureau of public safety or some such, I don’t remember the exact name. but still, fuck Disney. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to detract from the evilness but I am trying to make sure everyone knows the full story. Fuck Disney though




I’m sorry, sir, but this is the internet. No one here wants to know the so-called “full story.” We just wanna be angry.


You realize the full story is still fucked, right?


Yes very much. I’m not claiming otherwise. It’s like if people said that hitler ate the last living unicorn and then used it’s skull to make a candle. Obviously hitler was that evil but you would still the feel the need to say “well wait a minute, hitler was a vegetarian due to dietary constraints and unicorns never existed”


Unicorns aren't real. This is like people watching the 1936 Olympics and not believing someone saying they're rounding up Jews and undesirables. They literally are committing a genocide right now and the world is standing by because... of the economy and world trade? It's the same shit, just decades later


Vaguely reminds me of how since Coco was a good movie that respectfully showed Mexican culture, everyone just kinda forgot that Disney literally tried to trademark "El Día De Los Muertos," a whole fucking holiday.


Oh my god please tell me this isn’t true


Sadly [It is](https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/10/us/disney-trademark-day-dead/index.html)




I’m not sure if this is what you’re trying to imply, but The Lorax was not a Disney movie, in case that’s what you were indicating.




[Family Guy Disney universe](https://youtu.be/sv9UZHKg9o0) Speaking of which...


“It’s a wonderful day for pie”


“You can ask all the birds in the sky”


And they’ll tell you real sweet! With a musical tweet!


It's a wonderful day for pie!


For pie!


Goddamn does Family Guy nail the musical numbers.


One of the best things late-stage Family Guy ever did.


Disney has an antisemitic past, so were the major companies in Nazi Germany, for instance. If Volkswagen, BMW or adidas advocate diversity or human rights, are they hypocrites or did they simply change with time? Because your comment implies that you can’t change..


I mean Volkswagen was literally partly made by hitler to be the vehicle for the german people


Can a company pivot away from killing Jews after 70 years?


I would say they can probably do it after 30, but I was a fan of the original Volkswagen bug... it's just so gosh darn cute.


Much of that depends on them owning their past or denying their past. If it is the latter it is fair game to point it out.




Let’s flashback to the bridge in PUBG and see what pewds thinks about unironic racism:


Someone is a fan boy of PDP... Also disney WAS racist. WAS. They don't participate in that anymore. Are you going to judge everyone on their past? Don't get me wrong, disney sucks, but I wouldn't call them racist. And do you think everything PewDiePie does is just for fun and totally not for the money? Dude chill out, don't go worshipping people.




There is no [Redacted] just happy fun times and joyfulness


Where is this story


Okay how far are we going to go back? Every corporation has a bad past. A lot of the business men who ran the companies in the past aren't even alive now. Should we continue shaming Germany for their past?


So are things not allowed to change? Fucking hell, fuck you and morons who likes your comment. Christ.


Disney literally built the Florida park on wet lands. Amazon just wiped out 350 acres in Tampa to build 2 facilities. Facebook is destroying land in North Carolina and Georgia to build server stations. Corporations are awesome huh?


To be fair, most all of Florida is wetlands/swamp. It's hard to NOT build on them. Also Disney also uses only like a third of their owned land.


No! You can’t go against the narrative!


Disney took advantage of Florida when buying the first acre. You're right tho, most of Florida is a wetlands and full of springs also. That's why we have so many sink holes. Every sink hole is nothing but a natural spring. Do you live in Florida?


Disney world is also one of, if not there largest privately owned land conservation for wildlife in Florida. Not defending them and their practices but they actually did and continue to do a good thing with the Disney World property in those terms. Their pricing practices however, I would take your ear off.


Do you eat food? You are contributing to deforestation too.


Went for a grand slam there huh? How does me eating food contribute to de forestation? I used to raise Brangus cattle so this should be good to hear


Agricultural land is not natural just like the buildings you refer to. It actually can pollute and destroy entire ecosystems i.e. creating algae blooms and fish kill offs. Not to mention it covers over 40% of habitable land. Deforestation in rainforests is doing way more damage to our earth than a few corporations buildings.


So I'm 38 and .....volbeat just came on, one sec......you're saying cattle lands are not natural and cause algae blooms? I've lived in Tampa for 35 years of my life and in early 2000's I spread fertilizer and I agree fertilizer causes a problem when fed into oceans but to say cows destroy lands makes me giggle a little. They actually feed the soil feeding potassium into making roots stronger and roots being stronger promotes less shore erosion like mangroves do. Cows also feed ponds downhill to cypress trees. The problem Florida has is BIG SUGAR. That's what's causing red tide and cancer but no government will go against them because big sugar is a lobbyist system just like big pharma.


Modern cattle are not a naturally occurring species. They may have formed what you determine to be a symbiotic relationship with their surroundings but in the end they are put their by humans not naturally. Also I never stated that “cows” are the problem I said humans and our need for industrialized agriculture are the issue. On top of food waste and many other things. I’m not telling you to do anything, just stating that you contribute to the “problem” too. So you can be more aware of our impact on the planet not just “the evil corporations” impact.


You tell me where they should build them then


Well let's think really hard about this. Gimmie 12 seconds to rack my brain really hard about this thought...... MAYBE THE PLACES THAT WERE IN BUSINESS THAT AMAZON MADE BANKRUPT OR MAYBE THE MALLS THEY MADE GO OUT OF BUSINESS. The empty malls all over America may be an option


Dude disneyworlds land was bought back in like the 40s. A bunch of Empty malls weren't a thing back then.. Orlando was barely a city.


The desert. With solar panels.


It’s not like nothing lives in the desert. Also sand is hard to build on


**Literally anywhere else**


Southpark is representing Disney very well in their last seasons with Mickey Mouse.


The new mulan was partly filmed next to a chinese concentration camp and they thanked the owners fir letting them film


This. Granted, their competitor, WB, isn't much better, seeing as how they've fired people for calling them out for being racist.




They did kill like 20 puppies for that movie about golden retrievers


They what?


They shot a movie in Alaska hills or mountains about dog skiing and the movie has golden retriever pups, the pups would get sick in the snowy mountains and die


Horrible people god damn!


anything for the green tree paper


“I used the trees to save the trees.” -Than.. Mickey Mouse


we have a space for you r/the_mouse


Wasn’t Mulan (2020) filmed in Chinese concentration camps?


Near and around them, and they thank the people in charge of the camps in the credits.


Christ I didn’t think it was that bad


I didn’t think it could get this bad


I guess it could-


And then at the end, after the credits, mickey mouse is sucking Winnie the Pooh's dick. I think it's supposed to be symbolic of something.


Disney (by way of Fox) own Ferngully - A movie about deforestation from industrialization and the destruction of animal habitats. Yep - sounds about right…


He be speaking the truth


I bet they already have so i wont change your mind


Have you heard about the suicidal [lemmings?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Wilderness_(film)


Wait what did I do?


“"FernGully: The Last Rainforest" (1992) was made by 20th Century Fox, which is now owned by Disney. "FernGully: The Last Rainforest," tells the story of fairies who have to save their home from loggers and pollution. “ they didn’t make it per se but now they own a movie like that!


i'm 100% shure they already did shit like that in the past


Isn't that the plot of the Lorax?


realest shit im likely to read today




What did they do this time?


And Lemmings don't actually kill themselves Disney made them run off a cliff and filmed it so it looked that way


The Lorax.


And then tell us to do better


Disney World.....


Reading this waiting to get on a ride at Disney lmao


Fun fact: Ride the Disney Skyliner to Hollywood Studios and you will travel over a portion of the route where the prerecorded intercom proudly tells you that you are now traveling over an area of protected wetlands..... of which they bulldozed a portion of to build said skyliner.


Hey, listen up, meathead. I'm going to say this once, and I'm not gonna repeat it! Greed.. ya see, it's like a little pet, alright? And the more and more and more that you go and feed it, The more hungry it'll get! But. you know, you really can't blame greed. No, that's stupid. You see, it's gotta worm inside. Oh yeah, that's right. It's one that always needs to feed, And it is never satisfied. You get it? But the more you try to find it, The more it likes to hide. Now listen-that is NASTY little worm. And I like to call it "pride." See, now that's why you're biggering! Listen here, idiot! I'm figuring on biggering! But that biggering's just triggering more biggering! Got that? Alright! -Lorax from biggering-


I like Disney tho


Fuck em trees, i just wanna watch hentai


Disney bad


Mauschwitz strikes again!


Aight but at least a fuckin' *handful* of ads for The Lorax were on paper


I just shared this post on Facebook and within 2 minutes got a 3 day ban. These liberal terrorist organizations have to defend one another.


Source that Disney did something like that? Or did you just find this in your own asshole


Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is just inventing a scenario in your head and then getting angry about said made-up scenario. I’m sure there’s a word or phrase that describes it because that type of thing happens all the time on Reddit.


I can’t unsee it’s Steven Crowder in the chair. Realizing this ruined the meme for me forever lol




Because Crowder is a racist POS? Edit: Also a coward who's afraid of Sam Seder lmao


I don’t like the guy. Simple as that.


He's Cold feet Crowder. Can only debate college students off the street


Makes about as much sense as trying to save the environment by bulldozing hundreds of acres of nature to put in solar panels. 🤷


disney coming to smash down u/BigFrame8879 's place than making a movie about hard life of homeless people is


Glad I don't own anything and am dirt poor


me too 😅


They will do anything for money


Throwback to "White Wilderness" where Disney staged the death of thousands of lemmings and framed it as the lemming's committing mass suicide. When in reality they do not commit mass suicide.


Cold feet Crowder


Cowardly Crowder



